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By Creigh Niebuhr

I hate that day

That I saw a button

Across the hay

I saw it closely

And saw it so that

It said “do not touch”

I thought it closely

And thought it closely

And thought there was not

A single harm in sight

I went over the hay

And pressed the button

What harm can be done

By a single red button

That’s what I thought

And that is what I regret

Pressing the red button across the hay

After the pressing of the cursed button

I stepped back

To see what would happen

I got hit by a car

And landed on a wolf

He bit me in the leg

And I barely escaped

I hobbled back onto the road

And to my dismay

The sunny day disappeared

And a heavy down pour began

I slipped on some mud

And fell into a ditch

Full of roses and petunias

I was allergic to petunias

And I swelled up to enormous size

I also got spiked by the roses

In the dark rain I lost my way

And then I found a fence

I decided to climb over the fence so that I could

find shelter

But the fence turned out to be

A 100 volt electric fence

I was shocked and fell over the fence

I stayed there till morning to ease the pain

When I woke up

I was in a cell at Alcatraz prison camp

It turned out

that over the fence was Disney world

so I was sentenced to 6 years at Alcatraz

I regret that day when I crossed the hay

And pressed the cursed button

When I get out I would obliterate that button

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