  • 8/12/2019 Registration Policy Final 27-09-2009


    I, Mr/Miss/Mrs__________________________________ERP No: ____________ (S/O) / (D/O) /(W/O) ______________________________________________________Assistant Manager NSRC__________________

    I, Mr/Miss/Mrs__________________________________ERP No: ____________ (S/O) / (D/O) /(W/O) ______________________________________________________System Engineer NSRC__________________

    Do solemnly affirm that I will not demand any document /information from the applicant which is not relevant or required for processing his/her CNIC except the following:-



    a. Applicants, having noprevious registrationdocumentORApplicants having previousregistration documentsApplying for CNIC/NICOP

    a. Blood relatives(Father, Mother, Wife,Husband, Brother, Sister,Son, Daughter) havingCNICs

    b. Holding MNIC /Form-B [Previous 11 digitRegistration number]

    a. Original CNIC of any of the bloodrelatives (Father & Mother), anddocuments stated in remarks column

    b. Original MNIC/Form-Bc. Nikka Nama/Marriage certificate incase of female married applicantapplying for the first time. OriginalHusband/Father & Mother CNICs arerequired.d. Valid Passport Pakistani/Foreignfor processing of NICOP(for NSRCAbroad only )e. Forms can be attested by the Headof family (Father/Mother) if he/she isGazetted Officer

    Birth Certificate Or Matric/ School LeavingCertificate Or Citizenship Certificate/NaturalizationCertificate from MOI& Original CNICs of Father/Mother

    Notes:1. Birth Certificate to be asked from an illiterate

    person who is applying for CNIC for first time.2. All applicants belongs to FATA/PATA will only be

    processed from the designated NSRCs, moreoverGovt. employees (Blood/Immediate relatives also)

    belonging to FATA/PATA region can apply from thecenters where they are currently posted. NOC forrespective office is required for such applicants &form may also be attested by gazette officer.AM/SE to see the original MNIC & endorse theremarks on the application form, Seen originaldocument & sign.

    Note: Incase applicant is not in possession of originalMNIC/B Form, Original CNIC of Father/Mother orany blood relative is required.

    b. CRC to CNIC/NICOP Applicants who attain the ageof 18 years & having CRC

    a. Original / Photocopy of CRC &CNIC of Father/Mother

    AM/SE to see the original/Photocopy of CRC &endorse the remarks on the application form, Seenoriginal/ photocopy of CRC & sign.

    c. Modification inCNIC/NICOP(Surrender Original CNIC)

    a. Age Change For less than 3Years

    For More than 3Years

    Birth Certificate Matric CertificateOr MatricCertificate

    Or Service Book

    Or Service book Or Court DecreeOr School leavingCertificateOr Court DecreeValid Passport(Only for NICOPcases)

    AM/SE to see the original document & endorse theremarks on the application form, Seen Originaldocument & sign.Note : Birth certificate to be asked from an illiterate

    person who is applying for modification in CNIC(less than 3 Years).Note: One year age change relaxation for second timeage change in CNIC/NICOP has been granted, on

    provision of any of Matric/ Service Book or Courtdecree (as mentioned in Documents/Information).Only Court Decree is required for change of date of

    birth (2 nd time) exceeding one year, irrespective oflevel of education.

    b. Name Changei. Partial Change No document required Like Khan, Malik, Chaudhry etc

    ii. Complete Change

    a. Affidavit attested by 1st classmagistrate

    b. Advertisement in any two NationalDaily news papers.c. Literate person can change their name

    on the basis of Matric Certificated. For NICOP & POC Holders, NameChange deed duly verified by theConcerned Consulate General isrequired(for NSRC Abroad only)e. Once name changed applicant will not

    be allowed to retain his old name.

    AM/SE to see the original documents, & endorse theremarks on the application form, Seen originaldocuments & sign.

    Notes:I. In case applicants qualification is Matric or above,

    name as appears on Matric certificate will bewritten.II. If head of family (father/husband) changes his

    name, all family members will be required tomodify their CNICs/NICOPs/CRCs.

    III. Words Like Mr., Mrs., Marhoom and Designationetc shell not be written with the name, but if it is

    part of the name it should be incorporated in CNIConly if the name field permits. Like Capt. ColSher Khan, Major Hassan, where Col Sher Khan& Major Hassan are the actual names of theIndividuals.

    Alias & Almaroof can be written with the name, only ifthe name field permits.

    iii. Due to Religion a. Affidavit attested by 1st ClassMagistrate


    Advertisement in Three NationalDaily News papersc. Certificate issued by Registered

    Religious Institution/Mufti.d. In case of Office Mistake Forms

    Image/Spot verification will bemandatory

    Note:Change of religion from Islam to any other religion will

    not be entertained.

  • 8/12/2019 Registration Policy Final 27-09-2009


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