Page 1: Regional HR Regional HR Committee Spring Meeting 2019 was held on 1 April 2019 at Regal Airport Hotel, Hong Kong, with

I s s u e 1 7 , J u l y 2 0 1 9

I n t h i s i s s u e , w e s h a r e …

Regional HR Committee Committee Spring Meeting 2019 Held in

Hong Kong Digitization of Human Resources:

Challenges and Opportunities

Capacity Building DNA Seminar on Management of Airport

Security Delivered in Hong Kong DNA Seminar on Aerodrome Certification

Delivered in Haikou, China

Airports’ Corner Bahrain Airport Company Partners with

Major Global Aviation Body for Tahleeq Programme

Changi Airport Group is Singapore’s Most Attractive Employer: Randstad

Global Training Calendar

Page 2: Regional HR Regional HR Committee Spring Meeting 2019 was held on 1 April 2019 at Regal Airport Hotel, Hong Kong, with


Regional HR Committee Spring Meeting 2019 Held in Hong Kong

The Regional HR Committee Spring Meeting 2019 was held on 1 April 2019 at Regal Airport Hotel, Hong Kong, with the kind support of the host, Airport Authority Hong Kong. It was held in conjunction with the 2019 ACI Asia-Pacific/ World

Annual General Assembly, Conference & Exhibition (WAGA 2019), which also took place the same week. The Committee

previously agreed that “HR Digitalization” would be the overarching theme for 2019 and the theme for the meeting in Hong

Kong was “Creating better employee experience through Digitalization of HR Tools”. The meeting was well-attended by

around 40 participants representing 15 airport members.

Throughout the day, participants benefitted from the presentations

by Airports Authority of India and Hamad International Airport, in

addition to consultant’s presentation and group discussion


Commencing the meeting, the consultant Mr. Oliver Williams

conducted the group exercise called “What is your Colour?”.

Participants were divided into 4 colours – blue, gold, green and orange – according to their personal traits and preferred working

Page 3: Regional HR Regional HR Committee Spring Meeting 2019 was held on 1 April 2019 at Regal Airport Hotel, Hong Kong, with


styles. He then explained to the participants the strengths and weaknesses of each working styles, and points to note when

cooperating with respective colleagues of other colours.

Two speakers were invited by Airport Authority Hong Kong to share on the trend of digitalization beyond the airport industry,

and its transformational benefits to employees as reflected in case studies.

Ms. Hyuna Choi gave a presentation on the mega trends of HR digitalization. After showing a video envisioning a typical

working day in 2025 of an HR Professional, Ms. Choi demonstrated how digitalization can enhance the efficiency and

effectiveness for HR professionals performing key functions, such as recruitment, learning and development and performance

management. Despite potential benefits, there might be reasons holding organizations back from full digitalization, such as

company culture, lack of management support and resource allocation.

She recommended participants to start introducing

digitalization-driven changes in their organizations soon so as

to avoid falling too far behind in the next decade, bearing in

mind the level of acceptance among users throughout the

course of implementation. Her last foods for thought were:

• Follow HR Digitalization trends closely

• Make sure to hire at least some digitalization experts

• Focus on the business needs

• Adopt a digital mindset including design thinking and

experience mapping

Dr. Sara Cheung gave a presentation on innovations and possibilities of digitalization which can impact staff’s productivity

at work. Dr. Cheung explained key digitalization concepts such as Internet of Things, Big Data Analytics and Artificial

Intelligence and possible areas of application in work setting. She also illustrated with case studies on how these concepts

assist organizations on areas such as recruitment, training, health and safety, workplace management and workforce

optimization. She further shared her views by showing a video on sentiment analysis, where analyzing the changes in a

candidate’s facial expression and choices of words used to engage with customers can be a useful tool to effectively identify suitable candidates interviewing for a sales’ position.

Other examples demonstrating how digitalization can enhance efficiency in workspace operation included facial

recognition system at the office’s entrance, sensors monitoring the occupancy rate of meeting rooms, etc. In closing, she also

shared her experience helping clients justify investment costs, and reminded participants to prioritize user-experience in the decision-making process.

Page 4: Regional HR Regional HR Committee Spring Meeting 2019 was held on 1 April 2019 at Regal Airport Hotel, Hong Kong, with


Mr. Sebastian Wojtun, Senior Manager HR, Hamad

International Airport (HIA) gave a presentation about HIA, their

people strategy, drivers for changes, digitalization road map

and the challenges encountered along the way. Mr. Wojtun

highlighted the importance of prioritizing changing colleagues’

mindsets over that of HR systems, and recommended HR

colleagues to speak the business language of their colleagues to

enhance interdepartmental communication within their airports.

Mr. Sanjay Jain, Executive Director HR, Airports Authority of

India (AAI) gave a presentation about their need to adopt

digitalized HR tools, as well as those functions in which

digitalized HR systems were already in place. Despite the

challenges in bringing digitalization across the 100-strong

airports run by AAI, Mr. Jain emphasized how significant time

was saved from their electronic recruitment system and how two-

way communication between managers and employees was

enhanced after the introduction of Performance Management


In the final group exercise, participants were divided into 5 groups to discuss questions summarizing the day’s topics.

Regarding plans of action to implement digitalization in their airports, participants suggested essential steps such as

understanding customers’ needs, conducting gap analyses, identifying potential partners and anticipating obstacles. While

key challenges such as resources constraint, data security issues, lack of management support and staff’s resistance to

changes can be foreseen, the key learning participants took with them was that it is crucial to justify the investment cost for

management buy-in, seek reliable partnership, and incentivize staff to adapt to changes. As for strategies to secure

management support, participants suggested demonstrating the Return on Investment, creating some pilot programs and

benchmarking with other organizations. Last but not least, participants also suggested several discussion themes for

upcoming HR Committee Meetings, such as “HR Internal Branding”, “Workplace Experience” and “Succession Planning”.

The next committee meeting will be held on 12 – 14 November 2019 in New Delhi, India on the theme of “HR Readiness

for Future Airports”. Stay tuned for registration and meeting details which will be available in due course.

Page 5: Regional HR Regional HR Committee Spring Meeting 2019 was held on 1 April 2019 at Regal Airport Hotel, Hong Kong, with


Digitization of Human Resources: Challenges and Opportunities

Source: ACI Insights Blog By John Webster, Senior Manager, Global Training, ACI World

The 2019 ACI World Human Resource Forum in Hong Kong, China, had as its main theme this year the Digitization of

Human Resources: Challenges and opportunities.

The central goal of the Human Resource (HR) Forum is for committee members from the ACI membership to provide guidance

information and best practices to address the latest key issues airport HR leaders are facing, such as:

• Advice on strategic, policy and technical issues, and help formulate industry positions on leading HR practices;

• Monitor industry Human Resource developments and trends and their implications on airports;

• Help define industry best practice and standards in human resources and training;

• Assist in the production of HR guidance material, training content and other publications;

• Advise on the need and assist in the development of industry benchmark surveys, analysis and reports; and

• Advise on the training and development needs of airports.

Given the importance and implications of managing people and associated data, in many airports, HR is becoming the

central unit that coordinates and orchestrates digital transformation. As a result, the role of the HR professionals is expanded

beyond talent acquisition and management, to evolve into a more strategic approach to the employee experience span

from information architecture to employee well-being.

Page 6: Regional HR Regional HR Committee Spring Meeting 2019 was held on 1 April 2019 at Regal Airport Hotel, Hong Kong, with


During this session, we had a panel discussion that provided regional perspectives and insights on the role of digitization and

its impact on current HR trends in the airport industry for North America, Africa, Europe and Asia. These perspectives were

moderated by Kevin Caron, Director, Capacity Building Programmes, ACI World, with a very distinguished panel of experts

who represented these regions:

Rosa Beckett, Chief Administrative Officer, Jacksonville Aviation Authority, Chair, ACI-NA Human Resources Committee;

Pieter du Plessis, Group Executive Human Resources at Airports Company South Africa and Chair, ACI Africa Human

Resources Working Group;

Georgia Stergiopoulou, Human Resources Director at Athens International Airport S.A., Chair ACI EUROPE Leadership

and Human Resources Forum; and

Justina Tan, Managing Director, People, Changi Airport Group, and Chair, ACI Asia-Pacific HR Committee

At the end of this session, there were many key takeaways from the panel discussion on the use of digitized HR platforms:

Airports need to become experts in providing an engaging Employee User Experience to attract and retain staff;

Airports need to have the capability to re-skill its workforce and adapt to the quickly changing aviation environment and

in required competencies;

Airports need to adopt a system of identifying Employee Personas to better map the right people for the right job; Airports need to adopt more self-service options for their employees to have control over their professional development

and career-path; and

Airport HR professionals need to become “Cultural Architects” in helping to build and promote those values that will help

the organization evolve during the digital transformation process and in so doing, HR becomes a business enabler to

achieve its objectives.

Page 7: Regional HR Regional HR Committee Spring Meeting 2019 was held on 1 April 2019 at Regal Airport Hotel, Hong Kong, with


In quoting Justina Tan, in summation, digitalization for airport HR professionals have to make “business sense” and provide

real value for the organization. Digitalization should not be undertaken for digitalization sake. It should meet at least three

minimum criteria:

1. Digitalization must demonstrate a “clear” return on investment in terms of acquired efficiencies and productivity;

2. It must be made clear to all stakeholders on the type of value that digitalization will provide to the organization in order

to manage expectations; and

3. Finally, in implementing digital transformation, the design of any HR digital platform must factor in the importance of User

Experience and embrace a User Centric Design to ensure a greater level of success and integration within the


Using IT to develop and measure competencies

In the following session, Ali Al Eisri, Learning & Development Senior Manager, Oman Airports, also delivered an insightful

presentation on how their Airport HR professional used an online competency-based framework designed on a digital

platform that allows them to directly link each job within Oman Airports to the competencies required for that position.

This very interactive session allowed the audience to see a live version of the online competency framework designed

specifically by and for Oman Airports and the interface between the employee and manager to build an Individual

Development Plan (IDP) for each employee within the organization. This system provides the organization with data driven

metrics that can be used by the manager to make the right decisions to address any identified performance gaps and have

a positive impact on performance management, professional development, succession planning and career development.

As per Ali Al Eisri, he stated that Oman Airports invested heavily in creating competency profiles as it will assist in employee

retention, develop employees for succession plan and create a learning organization through many learning interventions,

such as e-learning, coaching and work place projects just to name a few.

Digitization and the recruitment of new airport professionals

Gale LaRoche also provided a presentation on one of the main issues affecting all airports, which is the need to attract and recruit qualified, talented professionals in the digital era. As digitalization permeates all aspects of our lives on a daily basis, airports need to adapt to use new recruiting tools and platforms to aid them in selecting the next generation of airport professionals as well as embrace this new approach that can lead to a whole new world of possibilities for organizational success.

At the end of the session, the audience were invited to participate in a group exercise led by Danielle Michel, Director, Membership Services for ACI Europe. In this exercise, the audience were broken into four different working groups that would each look at the challenges that digitalization may bring for the new recruitment of airport professionals.

Each group at the end of the session delivered a presentation which made for a rich learning experience. I want to thank all the contributors for making this HR Forum such a great success and provide such great insight and information for our members.

Page 8: Regional HR Regional HR Committee Spring Meeting 2019 was held on 1 April 2019 at Regal Airport Hotel, Hong Kong, with


Capacity Building - Two DNA Seminars Delivered in the Asia-Pacific Region in April & June

In collaboration with ACI World and respective host airports, 2018 saw the successful delivery of five ACI Developing

Nations Assistance (DNA) seminars in Asia-Pacific and achieved overwhelming participation from over 100 colleagues

representing over 25 airport members. In 2019, the Regional Office has further raised the bar by scheduling six DNA

seminars covering crucial topics for our airport members.

DNA Seminar on Management of Airport Security Delivered in Hong Kong

The first ACI DNA seminar of 2019 was on 5 - 6 April in Hong Kong, held in conjunction with the 2019 ACI Asia-Pacific/

World Annual General Assembly, Conference & Exhibition (WAGA 2019) on 2-4 April 2019. Kindly hosted by the Airport Authority Hong Kong, 13 airport representatives from Cabo Verde, Cambodia, India, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, the Philippines,

Tonga, and Uganda attended the 2-day seminar.

Page 9: Regional HR Regional HR Committee Spring Meeting 2019 was held on 1 April 2019 at Regal Airport Hotel, Hong Kong, with


The seminar was taught by Mr. Clive Howard, Senior Manager, Efficiency Unit & Operations Support of Aviation Security

Company Limited. Discussion centered around topics including ICAO Annex 17, use of aviation security equipment and their

maintenance, as well as the selection, training and certification of personnel.

DNA Seminar on Aerodrome Certification Delivered in Haikou, China

The second ACI DNA seminar of 2019 on Aerodrome Certification was held in Haikou, China on 10-12 June. Kindly hosted

by the HNA Airport Group Co., Ltd, 13 airport representatives from the region attended the 3-day seminar. The seminar was

conducted by Mr. Owen Ryan, an experienced ACI instructor specializing in airside operations and wildlife control


Discussion centered around topics including Safety Management Systems, Wildlife Hazard Management and Emergency

Planning. The airside visit at the Haikou Meilan International Airport facilitated better understanding of the Physical

Characteristics and Visual Aids in aerodromes for our participants as they prepare for certifications.

Page 10: Regional HR Regional HR Committee Spring Meeting 2019 was held on 1 April 2019 at Regal Airport Hotel, Hong Kong, with


Airports’ Corner – Bahrain Airport Company and Changi Airport Group

Bahrain Airport Company partners with major global aviation body for Tahleeq Programme

Bahrain Airport Company (BAC) is partnering with Airports Council International (ACI), a globally reputed aviation body that promotes professional excellence in airport management and operations, and is offering training courses to BAC as part of the Tahleeq Programme, a training and development initiative aimed at shaping the future leaders of Bahrain’s aviation industry. The announcement came during the ACI Asia-Pacific / World Annual General Assembly Conference and Exhibition, which took place recently in Hong Kong.

In line with the agreement, ACI will provide knowledge and competency-based training to Tahleeq 3 participants through a diverse range of programmes which cover all aspects of the airport business, including terminal, landside and airside operations. This will support the existing Tahleeq framework, which, through both theoretical and practical training, equips participants with advanced skillsets required for the ongoing Airport Modernisation Programme (AMP). A team of ACI professionals will arrive in Bahrain this summer to begin the comprehensive two-year training, which also aims to develop participants’ general aviation industry knowledge. Mohamed Yousif Al Binfalah, Chief Executive Officer of BAC said: “We are pleased to partner with ACI World to further align the Tahleeq programme with international airport standards and best practices. The Tahleeq programme runs in parallel with the AMP, one of the most important national projects in the Kingdom’s history. Working alongside the AMP international consultants, Tahleeq participants are developing specialised skills that will support the continued development of the aviation sector. They will also benefit from the expertise and insight from one of the world’s leading aviation organisations.” Mr Al Binfalah added: “The Tahleeq programme’s participants have played an active role in the various stages of the AMP, particularly the first batch who are now full- time BAC team members. Developing the skills of young Bahrainis is the driving force behind Tahleeq and we look forward to working with ACI to achieve this strategic objective.”

Page 11: Regional HR Regional HR Committee Spring Meeting 2019 was held on 1 April 2019 at Regal Airport Hotel, Hong Kong, with


Over the past five years, the Tahleeq programme has grown from strength to strength, as reflected by the rising number of applicants. Tahleeq 3 is the biggest in the series to date, with 40 participants in the current batch. Even after the completion of the AMP, Tahleeq will continue to contribute to the development of Bahrain International Airport by widening its talent pool. ACI represents the world’s airports and their collective interests. It works closely with prominent aviation organisations, such as the International Civil Aviation Organisation and the International Air Transport Association, to develop standards, policies, and recommended practices (source: Bahrain Airport Company)

Changi Airport Group is Singapore’s Most Attractive Employer: Randstad Career Progression and interesting job content among top reasons it stood out Changi Airport Group (CAG) was recently recognised as Singapore's Most Attractive Employer by Randstad, a global leader in the HR services industry, for the second time. The annual award ceremony singles out the country's most attractive employers, measuring 75 of the largest companies by workforce size. This year, CAG beat other top favourites such as Singapore Airlines and Exxonmobil to clinch the prestigious prize. “We are immensely humbled to receive this top people development award. A huge part of what makes CAG what it is lies in our people, and we make it a priority to treat employees with the same level of care and passion as we would the hundreds of thousands of travellers who pass through Changi Airport daily,” said Ms Justina Tan, CAG’s Managing Director, People. Nurturing Changi’s Talent Pool Work should never be boring and at Changi Airport, there is never a dull moment. The benefit of working in such a large and dynamic environment is that CAG employees are able to specialise and pick up a range of unique skills and aviation industry knowledge that will ultimately give them an edge in their careers in the long run. To facilitate this, CAG introduced different career development initiatives including the More Opportunities, Valuable Experiences (M.O.V.E) programme, a job rotation initiative that empowers employees to expand their skillsets by trying other roles within the organisation. The flagship learning and development programme, the Learning Festival, is also held annually. The week-long event is packed with workshops and talks by high-profile speakers from different industries who share their wealth of experience and insights with staff.

Page 12: Regional HR Regional HR Committee Spring Meeting 2019 was held on 1 April 2019 at Regal Airport Hotel, Hong Kong, with


Work-life Integration Changi Airport is a mini metropolis in itself with close to 200,000 passengers passing through its terminals at all hours of the day. As such, work-life balance is different for each individual. In response, the airport has adopted a ‘work-life integration’ approach so that employees’ welfare is never neglected. Introducing Terminal 'H', short for 'Heartware' - a core CAG initiative where time and resources are invested in staff to motivate them for their hard work and make them feel a part of the CAG community. The annual Core Values Awards within the initiative recognises staff who have put in the extra mile in their work and in supporting their colleagues, with the ‘heroes’ commended through peer nominations. To take care of staff wellbeing, on-site medical facilities are available for regular health check-ups. Health workshops are also regularly held to raise their awareness of common illnesses and how to keep them at bay. The office itself was recently redesigned to create a ‘Home Away from Home’ feeling with a well-stocked pantry, abundant greenery and natural daylight. Staff enjoy with a cosy and comfortable workplace where they are proud to call a second home. Employees can also unwind after a day’s work at one of Changi Airport’s many recreational facilities including a karaoke room, gym and badminton court. In addition, the In.Touch mobile app was introduced exclusively to CAG staff for them to share and discuss news and ideas with one another. Designed like an internal Facebook platform, it promotes an interactive and open organisational culture between divisions, as well as across the different staff levels. Employees are also able to hear directly from CAG’s senior management who are encouraged to post news about the organisation or their views of topics of interest on the app. Equally popular are shout-outs of staff discounts curated by CAG’s Commercial Division from the retail and F&B outlets operating at Changi Airport. A One-Of-A-Kind Workplace One of the most essential aspects of employee engagement and happiness is that the job content itself is engaging and interesting, especially for people truly passionate about aviation. Employees are provided with plenty of learning opportunities and room for growth in their jobs, and the excitement of working in the World’s Best Airport is an added plus. Ms Neo Wei Shan, a Manager in the Air Hub Cluster, shared about what is important to her. “The culture at CAG is a young and vibrant one. CAG is a 9-year old company, so our culture is still shaping up. To me, the most important aspect that the CAG management is cultivating is one of listening to the employees.” To Mr Calvin Kuah, an Assistant Manager for Development Operations, what he loves about his job is the ability to touch lives. “Kinetic Rain in Terminal 1 has a therapeutic effect. One feedback that we got from a Japanese passenger is that (watching Kinetic Rain) relieved his insomnia. He had sat down and stared at Kinetic Rain. It relaxed him and he was able to sleep at night after that.” Check out the video to hear from some of our staff and what they like about working at CAG. (source: Changi Airport Group)

Page 13: Regional HR Regional HR Committee Spring Meeting 2019 was held on 1 April 2019 at Regal Airport Hotel, Hong Kong, with


ACI Global Training Course Calendar

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