Page 1: REFLECTIONS OF SOUL · An ECK book discussion is a fun way to share insights and experiences and learn more about Eckankar. Join the discussion on this book by Linda Anderson. Jul





ECK Worship Serv iceECK Worship Serv iceECK Worship Serv iceECK Worship Serv ice

Mark, my husband, enjoys listening to people on shortwave HAM radio. He’s been doing this as a hobby for a while. Recently he passed an exam and received a license with a call sign.

Sometimes after coming home from work, I would sit down next to him and listen in. If someone spoke with a noticeable accent, we’d try to identify where he was from before he announced his location and call sign. Certain styles of speech were easier to hear and interpret than others. Regardless of the speaker’s pace or intonation, they had a message to share with the public and it was usually to inform. Sometimes, the speaker would just want to chat about their day. This was usually the

(See SOUND page 3)

T he public is warmly invited to attend ECK worship services on the second Sunday of

every month in Salt Lake City. Each service focuses

on an aspect of Eckankar’s teachings. Services

often feature a reading from ECK works, singing HU

(an ancient love song to God), talks, music, and a

group discussion of spiritual principles at work in

daily life. Worship service lasts about an hour.

Fellowship and a potluck lunch follow.

J oin others seeking to bring more insight and divine love into their lives at this special celebration of the Light and Sound of God.

“True worship is listening to God.”“True worship is listening to God.”“True worship is listening to God.”“True worship is listening to God.” Sri Harold Klemp, The Spiritual Leader of ECKANKAR

By Kathlynn Knight

July 14 July 14 July 14 July 14 ---- 10:30 a.m.10:30 a.m.10:30 a.m.10:30 a.m. “Spiritual Unfoldment Never Stops”

August 11 August 11 August 11 August 11 ---- 10:30 a.m.10:30 a.m.10:30 a.m.10:30 a.m. “Accepting the Blessings of Life”

September 8 September 8 September 8 September 8 ---- 10:30 a.m.10:30 a.m.10:30 a.m.10:30 a.m. “Dream Your Way Home to God”

Note: Services are held the second Sunday of the month.

Where to go:Where to go:Where to go:Where to go: Utah ECKANKAR Center

8105 S. 700 E. Sandy, Utah Or call:

(801) 542-8070

Children’s and Youth Services (located in the ECK Center lower level):Children’s and Youth Services (located in the ECK Center lower level):Children’s and Youth Services (located in the ECK Center lower level):Children’s and Youth Services (located in the ECK Center lower level): Children's and youth Satsang (ages 5+), 10:00 a.m. (prior to worship service)

Children's and youth Worship Service and activities, 10:30 - 11:30 (during worship service)

Page 2: REFLECTIONS OF SOUL · An ECK book discussion is a fun way to share insights and experiences and learn more about Eckankar. Join the discussion on this book by Linda Anderson. Jul


Center Hours:Center Hours:Center Hours:Center Hours:


ECK Clergy Services

ECK Members and the public

are welcome to contact a

qualified ECK cleric about the

following services:

The Four ECK Celebrations of Life. These are

the ECK Consecration Ceremony (for young

children), the ECK Rite of Passage (for boys and

girls of about age thirteen), the ECK Wedding

Ceremony, and the ECK Memorial Service.

ESA Sessions. An ECK Spiritual Aide session,

though not counseling, can help you find your

own answers in challenging situations through

the personal guidance of Divine Spirit. The ESA

session is conducted by an ECK Spiritual Aide,

a specially appointed and trained ECK cleric.

There are no fees for the above services, but

ECK clerics accept donations to Eckankar.

Contact the local ECK center for more info.


____________________________ (Name)

____________________________ (Address)

____________________________ (City, State, Zip Code)

____________________________ (Date)

� Community HU ChantsCommunity HU ChantsCommunity HU ChantsCommunity HU Chants Learn how to sing HU, a Love Song to God: a Free, Loving, Nondenominational, Spiritually Uplifting, Meditation/Prayer/Spiritual Exercise. Held the first, third, and fifth Sunday mornings and fourth Friday evenings of each month.

� Book Discussion Book Discussion Book Discussion Book Discussion ———— “35 Golden Keys to Who You Are and Why You’re Here”“35 Golden Keys to Who You Are and Why You’re Here”“35 Golden Keys to Who You Are and Why You’re Here”“35 Golden Keys to Who You Are and Why You’re Here” An ECK book discussion is a fun way to share insights and experiences and learn more about Eckankar. Join the discussion on this book by Linda Anderson.

Jul 28, Aug 25, & Sep 22 at 10:30 a.m. at the Utah ECK Center

� Book Discussion (En Español) Book Discussion (En Español) Book Discussion (En Español) Book Discussion (En Español) ———— “Bienvenido al maravilloso mundo de ECK! “Bienvenido al maravilloso mundo de ECK! “Bienvenido al maravilloso mundo de ECK! “Bienvenido al maravilloso mundo de ECK! / Welcome to the Wonderful World of ECK “/ Welcome to the Wonderful World of ECK “/ Welcome to the Wonderful World of ECK “/ Welcome to the Wonderful World of ECK “ Join the discussion in Spanish on this book by Harold Klemp.

Jul 7, Aug 4 & Sep 1 at 11:30 a.m. at the Utah ECK Center

� Spiritual TopicsSpiritual TopicsSpiritual TopicsSpiritual Topics Open Discussion Open Discussion Open Discussion Open Discussion Have a question you want answered? Please join us for an informal fellowship. Enjoy listening or sharing your spiritual experiences, insights, and questions. Light refreshments. Jul 21, Aug 18, & Sep 15 at 11:15 a.m. at the Utah ECK Center. Visitors are also welcome to come discuss their spiritual questions during the Thursday center


� Eckankar Booth at the Avenues Street FairEckankar Booth at the Avenues Street FairEckankar Booth at the Avenues Street FairEckankar Booth at the Avenues Street Fair Come share your experiences and ask questions.

September 7, The Avenues in Salt Lake City

Utah Contact:Utah Contact:Utah Contact:Utah Contact:

Thursdays: 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Sundays: 10:30 a.m. to Noon

Phone: (801)542-8070

Jim Shaw

Regional ECK Spiritual Aide

[email protected]


The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the writers and not necessarily those of ECKANKAR or the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master, Sri Harold Klemp.

Copyright © 2013 by ECKANKAR. All rights reserved. The terms ECKANKAR, ECK, EK, MAHANTA, SOUL TRAVEL,

and VAIRAGI, among others, are trademarks of ECKANKAR, P.O. Box 27300, Minneapolis, MN 55427 U.S.A.

Published by the Utah Satsang Society, Inc. A Chartered Affiliate of ECKANKAR.

8105 South 700 East Sandy, Utah

As you grow in

spirituality, your whole

life must improve.

—Harold Klemp The Language of Soul

Please make checks payable to: Utah Satsang Society, Inc. Reflections of Soul

8105 S. 700 E. Sandy, UT 84070

Send one year subscription, suggested donation $15

Send one free trial issue

Current member?

Yes � No �

Salt Lake County

July 7 & 21, Aug 4 & 18, Sep 1, 15 & 29 | 10:30 a.m. Friday night HU held on Jul 26, Aug 23, Sep 27 at 8 p.m. at the Utah ECK Center.

Washington County

Jul 21, Aug 18, Sep 15 | 10:30 a.m. at Best Western Abbey Inn, Windsor Board Room, 1129 South Bluff Street, St. George, Utah

Page 3: REFLECTIONS OF SOUL · An ECK book discussion is a fun way to share insights and experiences and learn more about Eckankar. Join the discussion on this book by Linda Anderson. Jul


moment when I’d lose interest and return to whatever I was doing. I could always find more of that on Twitter!

Since making the choice to step onto the path of ECK, I have wondered when and how I would be able to hear the sound. I’d experienced many things visually in my dreams since but still had uncertainty when it came to recognizing sounds of various kinds. The easiest to identify were voices of people speaking during a dream. I could tell if the speaker was male, female, older or younger, but, of the ECK….??

“The sound of the ECK is the audible life current which helps Soul connect with the heart of God. True Prayer is the art of listening to God. Just open your heart and learn to listen. One way to do this is by singing HU.” Sri Harold Klemp, The Drumbeat of Time, Mahanta Transcripts, Book 10, p.94

Recently I experienced a waking dream. Waking dreams are unusual coincidences or symbols that crop up in your daily life to help answer spiritual questions. It occurred while I was cleaning up the kitchen. I saw a small radio sitting on top of the island counter. I stopped to look at it, and that’s when it occurred to me that tuning into the sounds of the ECK was like being able to adjust the signal on a radio to receive a message from a particular frequency. Since the ECK sends messages from a higher source, doing the spiritual exercises daily for about 30 minutes helps Soul “retune” into those higher frequencies from where they are transmitted. Just like listening to HAM radio, the enjoyment comes from being able to both hear and interpret the messages. If a chela, a student on the path of ECK, is able to familiarize himself with the source of the sound, he can also determine its source. Because languages have many dialects, and the ECK has many different forms of sound, it can take a while for the chela to understand the content of the message. The strength of the sound can also help the chela determine how close he is to the source. This can also provide a way for the chela to determine his spiritual progress.

“God, ITSELF, does not speak with a human voice. God makes

ITSELF known to mankind through the Sound Current. It may be

heard as the single note of a flute or some other musical instrument,

or as the sound of water — an ocean, a waterfall, falling rain, or

even a dripping faucet.” Sri Harold Klemp, We Come As Eagles,

Mahanta Transcripts, Book 9, p. 74

(SOUND continued from page 1)



















Sundays 10:30-11:00 a.m.

Utah ECKANKAR Center

8105 S. 700 E., Sandy

HUHU Open Your HeartOpen Your HeartOpen Your HeartOpen Your Heart

A Sacred Sound for All Who Love God

Sundays 10:30-11:30 a.m.


8105 S 700 E in Sandy

You’re Invited !

The Utah ECK Community will again be participating in the Avenues Street Fair this year on Saturday, September

7. We will be staffing a booth where seekers can share their experiences and ask questions. We look forward to

your participation and enjoying the event together.

Page 4: REFLECTIONS OF SOUL · An ECK book discussion is a fun way to share insights and experiences and learn more about Eckankar. Join the discussion on this book by Linda Anderson. Jul

ECKANKAR: Religion of the

Light and Sound of God

Eckankar teaches that there is an

audible life current known as the

ECK, or Holy Spirit, that

connects each of us with the

heart of God. We can

experience the ECK as Light and

Sound. Through study and

practice of the Spiritual

Exercises of ECK, we learn to

recognize the Light and Sound

of God as It touches our lives

and brings increased divine love.

The spiritual leader of

Eckankar is the Mahanta, the

Living ECK Master, Sri Harold

Klemp. The Mahanta is the

inner, or spiritual form of the

Living ECK Master. The

Mahanta gives inner guidance

through dreams, Soul Travel,

and the Spiritual Exercises of

ECK. Harold Klemp’s inspiring

talks and writings, and his

practical approach to spirituality,

help thousands of people

worldwide find greater freedom,

wisdom and love. His teachings

uplift and help people recognize

their own experiences with the

Light and Sound of God.

Harold Klemp The Spiritual Leader of



Reflections of Soul Utah Satsang Society, Inc.

8105 S. 700 E. Sandy, UT 84070

[email protected]

Membership in ECKANKAR

Eckankar, Religion of the Light and

Sound of God, can help you find answers to

your deepest spiritual questions. Through

ECK Worship Services, books and book

discussion classes, workshops and

seminars, you will find new ways to unfold


Membership in Eckankar is available

for those who wish to take their spiritual

studies further. Members receive printed

monthly lessons from the spiritual leader of

Eckankar, Sri Harold Klemp, the Mahanta,

the Living ECK Master. These lessons can

be studied privately at home or with others

in spiritual study (Satsang) classes. For

more information visit Eckankar’s Web site

at, call 1-800-LOVE

GOD, or write:


Attn: Information, Dept. F23

PO Box 27300

Minneapolis, MN 55427 USA

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