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Aachen 95Abendland 78, 83, 85, 189Achtenvijftig 180–2Action Committee for the United

States of Europe 166, 177Adorno, Theodor 187, 237, 241Africa 2, 60, 127, 131, 187–9, 193,

195–6Agamben, Giorgio 14, 212–20Aix la Chapelle 95Aksoy, Zeki 28Alger républicain 124–5Algeria 56, 124–31Alps, the 146Alsace-Lorraine 190Amendola, Giorgio 143America see under United States of

AmericaAmerican Committee for a Free and

United Europe 45American Office of War Information

94Amersfoort 162, 169Amsterdam 159, 228Annales School 83Antelme, Robert 14Arendt, Hannah 187, 218–19Argentia 61Aristotle 240Armand, Louis 181Aron, Raymond 130, 133Asia Minor 24Athens 235Atlantic Charter 62, 63Atlantropa 177Atomium 179–81Atoms for Peace 12, 179–81Auschwitz 69, 211, 235–6, 241–2Australia 198Austria 28, 58–9, 97–8, 106, 128

Austro-Hungary 146

Baker, Sir Ernest 88Balfour Declaration 226Balibar, Étienne 24, 221Barcelona 188Barraclough, Geoffrey 82, 86–7Bartók, Béla 244Basso, Lelio 143Bastid, Paul 191Battle of Britain 92Bauer, Riccardo 147Bauman, Zygmunt 237Baur, Erwin 197Beck, Ulrich 17, 22, 25, 27, 208–10,

220–1Becquerel, Henri 179Beethoven, Ludwig van 236Belgium 61, 64, 131, 163, 186–7,

190, 193Belize 199Beloff, Max 82–3, 86–8Belsen 95–6, 104Benda, Julien 78–9Benelux 166, 180Benes, Edouard 44, 60Benjamin, Walter 77Bergamo 146Berlin 58, 104–6, 229Bernanos, Georges 78Bernard, Jacqueline 127Bevin, Ernest 40, 47Bidault, Georges 191Bilderberg conferences 169Birkenau 236Bjørnvig, Thorkild 120Bloom, Claire 106Blum, Léon 125Bocchini, Arturo 141Bohemia 66


Certain ubiquitous names (Europe, Asia, Nazis, World War II, etc.) have been omitted.

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266 Index

Bohr, Niels 178Boulogne 107Bourdet, Claude 130Bowie, Robert 167Bracken, Bernard 95Bretton Woods 40Briand, Aristide 126, 133Britain 4, 9, 47, 60–3, 66–7, 70,

92–108, 132, 166–7, 171–2, 176, 188; see also United Kingdom

British Broadcasting Corporation 95–6, 102, 105, 106

British Commonwealth 43, 60, 95, 163, 186, 189, 199

British Empire 43Broch, Hermann 235Bruges 43Brugmans, Henri 43, 194Brussels 12, 178–80Brussels Pact (1947) 39, 44, 180Brussels World Fair (1955–58) 180Buchenwald 94, 95, 104, 216, 220Buckmaster network 216Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 172

Caffa, Andrea 147Cahiers Politiques, Les 193Calamandrei, Piero 146Cali, Francesco 34Cambridge Modern History 82Camp Amersfoort 164Camus, Albert 10, 11, 17, 21,

124–34, 153Canada 31Canton 143Caribbean 199Carr, E.H. 163–5, 169Cassin, René 8, 17, 56–71Cassin, Samuel 68Cassin, Yvonne 68Cattaneo, Carlo 147Caucasus, the 31Celan, Paul 14, 215, 236, 241–4Cesarani, David 99Charles the Bald 190Charter-77 56Chattanooga 161Chatterley, Catherine 237China 5, 132

Christianity 38, 39, 85, 197Churchill, Winston 9, 40, 42–5, 47,

61, 63, 66, 80–1, 93, 95, 103–4, 108, 131

Cilento, Sir Raphael 198Civitavecchia 144Claus, Luc 180Cold War 4, 8–9, 11, 15, 39, 48–9,

51, 55, 71, 92–108, 117, 120, 124, 131–2, 134, 165, 169, 173, 206

Colditz Story, The 197Collège de France 83College of Europe 43Columbia University 168Combat 10, 11, 124–34Combat et Révolution 126Cominform 40Comité Français de la Libération

Nationale 69Comité Français pour la Fédération

Européenne 129Comité Général d’Études 192Commission Internationale Europe

Outre-Mer 197, 199Committee on Publicity for the

Education of Popular Opinion on Foreign Workers 98

Commonwealth, British see under British Commonwealth

Communism 43, 81, 113–14, 116, 118–20, 125, 130, 144–5, 206, 226, 229

Communist Party, Algeria 125, 130Communist Party, Germany 144Communist Party, Italy 144Communist Party, Soviet 113, 116Congo 179Congress of Europe 7, 38–41, 45, 48,

50, 194Conseil National de la Résistance

191–2Conseil pour l’Europe Unie 40Continental Café 107Continuation War 111Convention for the Protection of

Human Rights 30–1, 39, 47Convention on Genocide 66Copenhagen 199Corriere della Sera 147

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Index 267

Cotten, Joseph 99Coudenhove-Kalergi, Richard 37, 40,

45, 189Council of Europe 5, 17, 23–4, 26,

30–2, 37–40, 42–3, 46, 48–50, 86, 88, 180, 194, 196–7

Courtin, René 192–3Critica Sociale 147Croce, Benedetto 78, 82, 145Croix de Feu 56Czechoslovakia 55, 60–1, 64, 100,

125, 128

Daily Express, The 104Daily Mail, The 95, 96Daily Mirror, The 94, 99, 101Dalmatia 146Dawes Plan 58Dawson, Cristopher 82Day to Remember, A 107De Gaulle, Charles 56, 59–60, 62, 65,

130–2Declaration of Human Rights 8, 40,

47–8, 59, 66Defeated Nation, A 100Dehio, Ludwig 84Demachy, J.C. 199Denmark 10, 46, 111–22Derrida, Jacques 240Desboeuf, Germain 199Dimbleby, Richard 96Diner, Dan 224Don Quijote 217Dostoevski, Fyodor 21Dounreay 179Drancy 68–9Dreyfus, Alfred 56Drieu la Rochelle, Pierre 126Druillenec, Harold de 95Dubnow, Simon 231Dulles, John Foster 167–8Dumbarton Oaks 44Dunkirk 92

East Indies 4Edda 118Eden, Sir Anthony 62, 64Einaudi, Luigi 147–9Einstein, Albert 172

Eisenhower, Dwight 159, 167–8, 173–4, 181–2

Encyclopaedia Judaica 225England 8, 59, 61; see also United

KingdomEnlightenment 7, 15, 22, 38, 82, 199,

206Esprit 130Esprit Européen, L’ 78Ette, Ottmar 14, 212, 218, 220Etzel, Franz 181EU Charter on Fundamental Human

Rights 28, 30Eurafrica 187–8, 190–2, 195Euratom 5, 168–9, 177–9, 181, 183Europa-Archiv 195Europe after the Rain 171European Coal and Steel

Community 5, 11–12, 28, 38, 159–60, 166–7, 169, 179, 194–7

European Commission 2, 6, 26, 32European Communities 23, 27, 34,

71, 188, 198European Convention on Human

Rights 26, 30, 38, 49, 71European Court of Human Rights 7,

23, 27–8, 30–1, 34, 38–40, 46, 47, 50, 71

European Court of Justice 7, 23–34European Defence Community 166European Defence Council 102European Economic Community

5, 28–9, 108, 169, 179–80, 187, 199–200

European Free Trade Association 5European Inheritance 86, 88European Jewish Year Book 14, 226European Movement 40, 177, 180, 183European Parliament 116, 180European Parliamentary Union 40European Political Community

196–9European Recovery Programme 45,

187European Union 2, 7, 22–4, 26–9,

31–2, 34, 39, 43, 60, 120, 181European Union of Federalists 80European Volunteer Workers 98–9,


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268 Index

Eurovision Song Contest 27Expo-58 178–81, 183

Fabre-Luce, Alfred 126Fasci di combattimento 146Fascism 3, 78, 105, 120, 142, 145–6,

149–53, 243Fausto Nitti, Francesco 141Febvre, Lucien 8, 82–3, 85–7Felman, Shoshana 210Fernandez, Ramon 126Figaro, Le 129, 130Finland 111, 163First World War see under World War IFischer, Eugen 197Fischer, Herbert 81Flaubert, Gustave 21Flora, Francesco 79Foa, Vittorio 147Fonda, Henry 28Foucault, Michel 221, 238Franc Tireur, Le 129France 4, 10, 23, 59, 62–3, 65, 67–70,

93, 102, 124–38, 146, 160, 163, 166–7, 171–2, 176, 179, 181, 186–7, 190–3, 216, 219, 229

France Libre 8, 60, 68, 70Frankfurt 215, 217Frankfurt School 237Free French National Committee 64Frenay, Henri 130, 191French Popular Front 125French Resistance 10, 60, 124, 126,

192, 216French Revolution 85Freyer, Hans 84Friedländer, Saul 224Frisch, Hartvig 82Front National 56Fulbright, James William 45, 50

Gaeta 143Gans, Eduard 229General Agreement on Tariffs and

Trade 40Geneva 57, 58, 60, 62, 70, 78, 80,

173, 179Geneva Conference (1944) 129Geneva Convention 67, 96–7

German Law Journal 23Germany 8–9, 41, 57, 62, 64, 68–70,

77–8, 83, 92–103, 105–8, 120, 125–6, 128, 130, 133–4, 160, 164–6, 169, 181, 186, 188, 209, 229, 238

Gestapo 69Gideon, Clarence 28Giordani, Francesco 181Giustiza e Libertà 146Glaser, Stephan 68Glendon, Mary Ann 22Goebbels, Joseph 127Goethe, Johan Wolfgang 205, 220Goetz, Walter 82Goldhaber, Michael D. 27, 32Gollancz, Victor 99, 194Gollwitzer, Heinz 83Graetz, Heinrich 231Gramsci, Antonio 141Grande, Edgar 25, 27Great Britain see under BritainGreece 43, 60, 64, 96, 131, 134Greenland 100Grese, Irma 95Groeben, Hans von der 199Grundtvig, N.F.S. 118Gruppe 47 77Guéhenno, Jean 79Guiton, Raymond-Jean 195

Haaren 162Haber, Heinz 174Habermas, Jürgen 207, 212Hague, The 9, 38–41, 44, 64, 67, 81, 194Hague Congress, The (1948) 9, 81, 194Halecki, Oscar 83, 85–7Halifax, Lord Edward 62Hallstein, Walter 199Halphen, Louis 82Hamilton, Alexander 147Hammar, Tomas 219Hansen, Martin A. 10, 111, 114,

117–20, 142Harryvan, A.J. 165Harst, J. van der 165Hartnell, William 97Hazard, Paul 82Hegel, Wilhelm Friedrich 145, 229, 230

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Index 269

Heidegger, Martin 237–8, 240Heine, Heinrich 230Helsinki 48, 56Heretica 10, 112–13, 119–20Herodotus 196Hess, Moses 231Heydrich, Reinhard 66Heylen, Jean 180Hiroshima 171–2Hirschfeld, E.H. 165, 169Historikerstreit 213Hitler, Adolf 40–1, 57, 62, 66, 70, 93,

104, 125, 144, 162Hobsbawm, Eric 75Hofmannsthal, Hugo von 235Holborn, Hajo 84–6Hölderlin, Friedrich 215, 237, 241Holland see under Netherlands, TheHolocaust 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 13–15, 17, 66,

205–21, 224, 231, 236–7, 240–2Homer 237Hopkins, Harry 66Horkheimer, Max 187, 237Hours, Joseph 193Howorth, Muriel 174–6Hume, David 239Humphreys, John 70Hungary 55, 67, 224–5Hurst, Cecil 67Husserl, Edmund 239Huxley, Aldous 173Huxley, Julian 172

Iceland 111Indochina 131Ingrand, Max 37Innocents in Paris 106–7Institut Colonial Belge 198Institute of Atomic Information for

the Layman 174Inter-allied Commission on War

Crimes 66–7Inter-allied Veterans Federation

(FIDAC) 59Inter-American Court of Human

Rights 31International Bank for

Reconstruction and Development 40

International Declaration on Human Rights 34

International Labour Organization 57International Monetary Fund 40Ireland 24, 47, 94, 116Iron Curtain 93, 104–6, 175Islam 25, 230Israel 14, 209, 224–5, 227–9Italia libera, L’ 146, 193Italy 57, 88–9, 128, 131, 141–7, 155,

166, 181, 186, 188, 193

Jagland, Thorbjørn 49James, Henry 240Japan 5, 31, 63, 132, 172Jaspers, Karl 78–9Jaurès, Jean 56Jay, John 147Jennings, Humphrey 100Jerusalem 235Jews 14–16, 34, 62, 66, 68–9, 95, 98,

103, 187, 212, 218–20, 224–33, 243Joerges, Christian 34Joyce, James 239Judt, Tony 38, 187, 205, 207–8Junius letters 148

Kafka, Franz 235, 244Kant, Immanuel 145Kautsky, Karl Johann 145Keiner kommt davon 171Kelsen, Hans 44Kerstens, Pieter Adriaan 41–2Kertesz, Imre 224Keynes, John Maynard 163–4Kharkov 67Kirk, Hans 113Knipping, Franz 38Kohnstamm, Max 11–12, 17, 159–69Kramer, Josef 95Kraus, Karl 235Kumm, Mattias 23, 33–4Kundera, Milan 243–4

Lacoue-Labarthe, Philippe 241Lafay, Bernard 195Lampedusa 141–2Lange, Halvard 46, 47Lanzmann, Claude 224

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270 Index

Lasalle, Ferdinand 144Lauterpacht, Hersch 60Laval, Pierre 131Le Pen, Jean-Marie 56League of Nations 16, 41, 44, 57–9,

62–3, 65, 147, 151, 159, 164Lean, David 107Lebanon 60Lecroix, Maurice 126Lemkin, Rafael 69Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich 144–5Lenz, Fritz 187Leonard, Mark 26Leverkühn, Adrian 238Levi, Primo 14, 211, 213–15, 241Levy, Daniel 208–9, 212Lévy, Paul 37Lewis, Anthony 28Leynaud, René 127Libération 129Libérer et Fédérer 191Lidice 66Lie, Trygvie 61Ligue Indépendente de Coopération

Europeénne 40Linden, Fred van der 198Linnaeus, Carl 196Lipari 141Lipgens, Walter 127, 190–1Lisbon Treaty 28–30London 55, 59, 60, 63, 66–8, 70, 107,

161, 194Longo, Luigi 143Lost People, The 97–8Lothair 190Louis the German 190Low Countries 193Lucca 144Lukacs, Georg 78Lussu, Emillio 141, 147Luxembourg 23, 31, 61, 64, 180, 193Lyotard, Jean-François 211

Maastricht Treaty 26, 28MacBride, Sean 47Madagascar 188Madariaga, Salvador de 78Madison, James 147Maisky, Ivan 62

Malik, Charles 70Mallarmé, Stéphane 239–40Malraux, André 78Man Between, The 166Man from Belsen, The 95Manchester Guardian 95Mann, Thomas 217, 238–9, 244Marshall, George 45, 145Marshall Plan 12, 48, 165, 181Marsling, Jeppe 34Marx, Karl 144, 145Masaryk, Jan 61Matteotti, Giacomo 146Mauriac, François 131Mazower, Mark 70Mazzini, Giuseppe 145, 148McClean, P.J. 28McCloy, John 167Mediterranean Sea 177, 191Meinecke, Friedrich 8, 77, 78, 83Melman, Billie 104Melville, Herman 21, 22Messina Conference (1955) 195Mexico 31Michman, Dan 224Middle Ages 117, 161, 165, 196Middle East 168Mila, Massimo 147Milan 144Milton, George Fort 161Mirgeler, Albert 88Monde, Le 129Monnet, Jean 11, 81, 134, 159, 166–8,

181Monnet Plan 167Montaigne, Michel de 239Montpellier 192Montreux 80Moravia 66Morgan, Kenneth 92Morocco 188Moscow 116, 130Moser, Thomas 187Mouvement National Belge 190Movimento Federalista Europeo 154Munich 66Musselmänner 212–20Mussolini, Benito 11, 57, 141–3,


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Index 271

Nagasaki 171, 172Naples 11, 143Nasser, Gamal Abdel 168Netherlands, The 61, 64, 96, 159–63,

172, 186, 193, 226–8, 235Neues Abendland 78New Deal 12, 159, 161, 169New Order, Nazi 3New York 160, 227New York Times 28Newfoundland 61Nexus Institute 235Nietzsche, Friedrich 237, 240Nixon, Richard 174Nora, Pierre 208North Atlantic Treaty Organization

38, 48, 116Norway 46, 49, 61, 64, 111, 163Nouvelles Equipes Internationales 40Nuremberg Laws 219Nuremberg Trials 25, 97, 209–10Nussbaum, Martha 240Nutting, Lady Helen 175

October Revolution 186Ollivier, Albert 130Organisation de l’Armée Secrète 56Organization for European Economic

Cooperation 38, 40, 48, 160, 165, 169, 180–1

Oswald, John 128Our Friend the Atom 174, 181, 183

Pagden, Anthony 26Palestine 226, 228Pallanza 146Panamerica 189Pan-Europe 37, 40, 43, 48–9, 189Paris 8, 11, 44, 58, 70–1, 126, 129,

133, 161, 195, 216Paris, Jacques Camille 37Paris, Treaty of (1951) 28Paris-Soir 126Partito d’Azione 193Passionate Friends, The 107Pearl Harbor 62–3Pell, Herbert 67–8Persians 196Personalists 130

Pertini, Alessandro 143Pétain, Philippe 130–1Peuples et civilisations 82Pia, Pascal 125, 130Piacenza 146Picture Post 92, 97, 100–1Picturegoer 106Pike, D.W. 219Pirenne, Henri 82Placentia Bay 61Poitiers 192Poland 55–6, 60–1, 64, 85, 100–1,

125, 131, 225Political War Executive 94Politis, Nikolas 60Polizeiliches Durchgangslager 162Ponza 141–2, 144Popolo d’Italia 146Popular Movement against the EU

116Portrait from Life 98Portugal 67, 186Powell, Dilys 106Prague Spring 55Pressac, Jean-Claude 211Price, Dennis 97Prodi, Romano 32Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph 148Prussia 95

Queensland 198

Ramadier, Paul 44–5Rasmussen, Gustav 46–7Rassemblement du Peuple Français

130Redcar 92Reed, Carol 99, 106Reichsbund 58Résistence 126Reynolds, David 92Rhineland 188Rhodesia 199Richter, Hans Werner 77–8Ricoeur, Paul 75–6Rietbergen, Peter 206Rifkin, Jeremy 32, 33Rights of Man, The 192Rilke, Rainer Maria 136, 242

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272 Index

Rimbaud, Arthur 239Risorgimento 147Ritter, Gerhard 83Robbins, Lionel 148–9Rolfe, Guy 98Roma 95Romans 26Rome 30, 47, 87, 96, 144, 147, 194Rome, Treaty of (1957) 12, 28–9, 34,

38–9, 49, 51, 187Roosevelt, Eleanor 70Roosevelt, Franklin 61, 63, 66–7, 159,

161, 169Roselli, Carlo 141, 147Rossi, Ernesto 11, 129, 143–55Rossi, Mario 146Rougemont, Denis de 13, 78–80, 119,

120Ruf, Der 78Rumania 225Russell, Bertrand 78Russell of Liverpool, Lord 102–3Russia 31, 85, 87, 132, 161, 186Russian Federation 30, 32Rutherford, Ernest 174Ruttley, Philip 26, 27

Sagnac, Philippe 82Salvemini, Gaetano 146–7San Francisco 70, 132San Francisco Conference (1945) 132Sandys, Duncan 40Save Europe Now Campaign 99–100Scandinavia 10, 111–20Scandinavian Council of Ministers

114–15Scholem, Gershom 231Schopenhauer, Arthur 244Schubert, Franz 236Schumacher, Kurt 78Schuman, Robert 46–9, 81, 134, 160,

194Schuman Plan 49, 165–6Schwanzer, Karl 180Scourge of the Swastika, The 102–4,

107Secchia, Pietro 143Seeligman, Sigmund 228Sellafield 179

Semprún, Jorge 14, 205–21Senegal 188Shakespeare, William 239Shoah 7, 15, 227–8, 236–7, 241–3Shute, Nevil 171Sikorski, Władysław Eugeniusz 61, 64Sint-Michielsgestel 162, 169Slavs 95, 172Smith, Anthony 75, 76Smith, Gerard 167Smith, Malcolm 93Soddy, Frederick 174Soir républicain, Le 124–6Solidarity 56Sorbonne 195South America 55, 189Soviet Union 5, 11, 13, 45, 56, 61–3,

65, 67, 70, 83, 85, 93, 104–5, 111, 132, 154, 186, 188–9, 199

Spaak, Paul-Henri 47, 61, 194Spain 125, 216, 219Spanish Civil War 125Spender, Stephen 78, 79Spengler, Oswald 114Spinelli, Altiero 11, 129, 143–5,

148–55, 193St James Conferences 60–4, 66–8Stalin, Jozef 131–2, 144Stauning, Thorvald 115Steiner, George 7, 15, 235–44Stern 177Stern, Alfred 82Stikker, Dirk U. 165Stockholm Forum (2000) 208Strasbourg 23, 30, 31, 37–8, 50, 71,

180, 196Strasbourg Convention 30Stråth, Bo 76Streit, Clarence 163, 165Suchenwirt, Richard 83Suez Crisis 168, 177Sunday Chronicle, The 101Swallow, Norman 105–6Swatland, Donald 167Sweden 111, 163Switzerland 106, 163, 193Syria 65Szabó, István 224Sznaider, Natan 208–9, 212

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Index 273

Tanker i en Skorsten see under Thoughts in a Chimney

Teitgen, Pierre-Henri 191Tel Aviv 228Témoignagne Chrétien 193Terracini, Umberto 143Tesi Federaliste 154Third Man, The 124Thomas, Ralph 134Thoughts in a Chimney 10, 114,

116–20Times, The 93, 96, 97, 101, 106Toíbín, Colm 24, 25Toulouse 191Toynbee, Arnold 82, 87Treaty of Rome see under Rome, Treaty

of (1957)Tremiti Islands 141–2Tribunale Speciale 141, 146Trotsky, Leon 144Truman, Harry S. 45Turkey 31, 87

Unden, Oesten 47UNESCO 197Union Européenne des Fédéralistes 40,

194–5, 197, 199Union Fédérale L’ 57Union Française 198Union of European Federalists 43Union of Soviet Socialist Republics see

under Soviet UnionUnited Europe Movement 40United Kingdom 32, 116, 186, 189;

see also Britain, England, Great Britain

United Nations 4, 8, 40, 42–4, 46–7, 63, 66–8, 70–1, 132, 173, 180

United Nations Security Council 132United States of America 5, 12, 21, 25,

31, 43, 45, 61–4, 70, 82–3, 85, 108, 132, 154, 159, 163, 165, 167, 173, 181, 183, 188–9, 209

Universal Declaration of Human Rights 8, 47, 59, 66

USSR see under Soviet UnionUstica 141

V for Victory campaign 93Valéry, Paul 78Valsecchi, Franco 82, 87Vatican 130Ventotene 11, 141–2Ventotene Manifesto 11, 16, 129,

141–55Verdun 190Versailles 16Versailles Treaty 125, 133, 188Vertriebenenverbände 187Vichy regime 68, 130–1Vienna 58, 99Vietnam 55, 188Villey, Daniel 192Viterbo 144Voix des Belges, La 190

Wallonie Libre, La 190–1War in the Air 103Warsaw 58Washington 66Washington Post 182Weber, Alfred 77–8Weimar 220Weisberg, Richard 21–2, 34Welles, Orson 99Wells, H.G. 172Western Union 196White Man’s Burden 3, 13Wilson, Woodrow 16, 151, 159Winand, Pascaline 167Wissenschaft des Judentums 229, 231Wittgenstein, Ludwig 213, 235, 239Wolff, Larry 105World Bank 40World Jewish Congress (1956) 227World War I 3, 5, 16, 41, 44, 56, 62,

82–3, 95, 126, 145, 147, 150, 164, 186, 189, 205, 238

Yalta Conference 132Yugoslavia 64

Zeeland, Paul van 46Zetterling, Mia 97–8Zionism 14–15, 224, 228

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