Page 1: Reduce risk and increase flexibility

Reduce risk and increase flexibilitySchneider Electric Engineering Workbench

Page 2: Reduce risk and increase flexibility

More aggressive ROI demands. Shorter project schedules.

Frequent, rapid changes in the marketplace and

more aggressive ROI demands are resulting in

shorter and shorter project execution schedules.

Automation is always on the critical path, being a

prerequisite for plant start-up and operation, yet

relying on the output of other disciplines.

To help mitigate the variety of issues that arise in

trying to obtain needed data while maintaining

project schedules, Schneider Electric has

developed the Engineering Workbench™ (EW).

Part of the Flexible, Lean Execution (FLEX) program,

EW is an integrated toolset which automates and

tracks many of the tasks performed by engineers

on a project, including as-built reporting.

The Schneider Electric Engineering Workbench

employs our knowledge, standards and

processes, and integrates them with data

coming from plant engineering environments,

such as Intergraph® SmartPlant® and others

databases or spreadsheets. This integration

streamlines the project engineering effort

and helps ensure its reliability and final


Project teams achieve:

Better quality

Cross check between

multiple sources of data

and almost automatic

creation of critical

documents like instrument

loop drawings and other

reports. Errors are found

early in the engineering



To automatically generate

plant/processes models.

Validate and verify a

customer’s control and

safety design early in the

project lifecycle, reducing

rework considerably.

Late design

Late changes are easily

accommodated in

existing rules, templates

and documentation.

Pre-engineered cubicle

s and marshalling (if

required) are redefined

with acceptable effort.

Accommodating late

freezing of data results

in increased project

execution flexibility. Using

Intelligent Marshalling

technology hardware is

made independent from



Working in a common,

formal and virtualized

environment enables

distributed teams to

adopt common best

practices and guidelines.

Thus, minimizing human

influences and reducing

overall project risk. Local

teams can be trained more

efficiently and effectively.

Page 3: Reduce risk and increase flexibility

One target in mind: to give you more time.

The Engineering Workbench enables maximum

schedule flexibility by giving more time to the

EPCs and Package Suppliers to freeze their data.

By allowing more time to deliver data, Schneider

Electric can deliver automatic and consistent high

quality automation detailed design and reduce

overall project risk.

Plant design tools Schneider Electric product configurators

01 02 03

Intelligent Engineering tools

Page 4: Reduce risk and increase flexibility

FeaturesThe features included within Engineering Workbench are:n Defines users

workspace to restrict

write access to

templates, rules, client

data and sections of

the plant

n Provides versioning for

each change

n Captures company site

data such as number

of locations, networks

and distances between


n Imports field wiring

data (instrument

index, including plant

breakdown structure)

from SmartPlant

Instrumentation (SPI),

Excel or Access

n Imports piping and


diagrams from

SmartPlant P&ID for

simulation models

n Imports a bill of

materials from the

materials ordering


n Generates and assists

the design of the control

and safety system at

three levels, fostering

re-use for templates and


• Operator workstations,

servers and control


• Controllers and I/O


• Pre-engineered

cabinets adopting

universal IO modules

n Supports the generation

of quality and detailed

checks during the

system testing phase.

This is accomplished

by leveraging tie-back

simulation rules for

DYNSIM or a medium-

fidelity plant model

n Produces a hierarchy

of system architecture


n Assigns control

database compounds

to controllers, following

wiring constraints

n Loads controllers and

I/O modules in system


n Lands field cables

on terminal blocks in

marshalling or in pre-

engineered cabinets

n Identifies the

appropriate wiring

typical for each field tag

n Mounts termination

assemblies in

marshalling cabinets

n Creates signal cross-

wiring for each loop

n Generates


data for cabinet

production, such as

wiring schedules and

drawings using cabinet

profile templates

n Generates heat and

power data for HVAC

and UPS sizing

n Creates Schneider

Electric hardware and

signal wiring in the

EPC’s SPI database

Page 5: Reduce risk and increase flexibility

WorkflowThe workflow is the

primary automation

function of the EW.

This function enables

the engineering team

to standardize and

automate parts of the


process. In the EW,

the workflow requires

the following external

data inputs to generate

control strategies and

safety logic:

n Instrument Index and

Field Wiring Index

data (from the Client

or EPC) divided in

WorkSpaces assigned

to a specific project


n Schneider Electric

Project Information

Database (aka. PIDB,

Buy Automation


n Templates (newly

created in Foxboro

Evo™ Control Editor

or from Schneider

Electric Knowledge

Base or previous

phases for the


There are separate

workflows for control

and safety. Each

workflow contains

a fixed set of

Workgroups made

up by Worklets. To

perform the required

actions, each Worklet

has the corresponding

sets of rules to be

applied to Instruments

Index data according

to the relevant

template. These

rules govern the flow

of execution for the

Worklet and generate

the required data for

the final output file or

report. These rules can

be modified to address


requirements as

defined by the client.

Rules are responsible

for the automation in

the EW. They automate

tasks traditionally

performed by an

engineer. They are

adaptable to meet

client specification.

Rules in the EW are

required to generate:

n Safety logic for a

TriStation controller

n Taglist for Foxboro

Evo Engineering



Workbench is

centred around data


The proper use of

quality information

provides the

flexibility to freeze

data later in the

project. Versioning

and compare

eliminate the risk

of inconsistences,

rework and project

overrun. Extensive

use of templates and

rules enables reuse

and consistency.

P&IDs, instrument index, specification, meeting reports, process description in natural language are used to setup project standard based on ex-isting templates, rules, typical and graphic symbols. Project team goal is to define an instance of all device types. Control module templates, safety mod-ule templates, cabinet/ marshalling templates and design rules are taken from Schneider Electric libraries. These libraries may be

made project specific at the cost of an initial validation by the client. It is expected that a minimum of such changes will be required. The advan-tage here is that we are able to do the bulk of the design very early in the project lifecycle with a moderate amount of data. The early data phase is critical to the successful execution of the project as all of the standards, automa-tion rules and proce-dures are defined and agreed to.

Early data


Define ProjectTemplates

Schneider ElectricClient


EarlyDatabase —


SPI ILDsymbols &


SE Templates

SE Rules

Define ProjectRule Set






Safety ModuleTemplates

ILD SymbolTypicals


Control andSafety ModuleBuilding Rules



SPI ReturnRules and


Page 6: Reduce risk and increase flexibility

Further into the project

later data will be made

available containing all

the devices but not all

the necessary informa-

tion (descriptions,

trip sets).

The quality of the data

at this point will be

sufficient for prelimi-

nary configuration of

the control and safety

systems, but it should

contain all of the field

devices and so can be

used for:

n Automatic validation

of the standards

defined using the

early data

n Checks to improve

the quality of instru-

ment data

n Automatic configu-

ration of preliminary

control and safety

module databases

n Semi-automatic

design of system and

marshalling cabinets

enabled through

guided workflows

n The basis for control

complex logic appli-

cation (more com-

plex than cascade

control) development

The use of later data

allows to provide feed-

back to the client

to help improve the

quality of the instru-

ment and field wiring

data, to begin the cab-

inet and marshalling

design, and to estab-

lish a platform for

application develop-

ment, knowing inevi-

table rework iterations

will be automated

hence fast, consistent

and error free.

Later data

Auto build Control& Safety Modules

Auto Validate I/OTag Data

Auto ValidateWiring Data

Schneider ElectricClient

Later SPIDatabase

Semi-auto CabinetEngineering


PreliminaryControl &

Safety Modules




Auto build DispaySymbols

Page 7: Reduce risk and increase flexibility

Early data is used to

confirm/define tem-

plates for control and

safety module and wir-

ing typicals, along with

rules to apply the project

naming conventions, all

within the Engineering

Workbench. later data

is then used to validate

those templates, typi-

cals and rules by using

the workbench to build

a preliminary design for

the project.

Released for con-

struction (RFC) data (a

complete SPI database

for each unit) is used

to for:

n Automatic validation

checks on the instru-

ment index and field

wiring data from SPI

n Automatic configura-

tion/update of control

and safety modules

n Semi-automatic

engineering of sys-

tem and marshalling

cabinets in each

location through

guided workflows

n Automatic generation

of single loop for


n Automatic configura-

tion of display symbol

for operator process


n Finally, the data

within the Engineering

Workbench is used

to provide the data to

return cabinet infor-

mation back into SPI

n The data here will

contain complete

information for all the

device instances

The use of the rules-

based Engineering

Workbench reduces

human error, provides

repeatability and

allows the requirement

for RFC data to be left

until later in the project


Complex applications

such as start-up and

shutdown sequences

that were developed

using the preliminary

system configuration

during the ‘later’ phase

are then adjusted to

bring them into line

with any changes in

the revised RFC-based


Release for construction data

Auto build Control& Safety Modules

Auto Validate I/OTag Data

Auto ValidateWiring Data

Schneider ElectricClient

RFC SPIDatabase

Semi-auto CabinetEngineering

Validation &ChangeReports

Control &Safety




As-built SPIReports


Auto build DispaySymbols

Page 8: Reduce risk and increase flexibility

Automating many of the manual steps that an

engineer makes during a project results in

improved quality and a reduction of the risks

associated with project implementation. Every

engineering company uses process maps to

describe the standard flow for project execution.

These process maps are good. Every activity

needs to be done, but makes assumptions about

the availability of data and information; and it is well

known that those assumptions are rarely met.

Instruments data from the client is specified at three

points; but the data supplied at these milestones

by clients, particularly adopting a new process, are

usually subject to considerable change, shortening

time for testing and resulting in project delays.

Good engineering practices mandate segmenting a

project into units. Two examples include: reusing engi-

neering in an LNG train or dividing the plant in smaller

‘trunks’ which are easier to be engineered. This is also

common when a project is spread across different

locations or takes advantage of the contribution from

multiple EPCs. Using EW on a project partitioned in

units secures consistency and minimizes re-work

not only on copy/paste like applications, but when a

project evolves in steps spanning over a period of

time. Integration phase is reduced to a minimum and

misalignments are avoided even if developments are

geographically distributed.

Engineering Workbench uses early data to start

building application modules, architecture and

cabinet mechanicals. Thanks to the workflow ,

versioning and compare features embedded in

EW, as soon as data are made available they

are used to refine the project. The client and the

EPCs are given much more time to mature data.

A single global database and check-out mecha-

nisms are applied such that even distributed team

are confident they are working on trustable data.

The result is no risk of inconsistencies during the

testing phase. Project knowledge is embedded in

rules and templates and is readily available to the

project team and client, not buried in the bottom

drawer of a project engineer.


Design system architecture(based on integrationwith systems at site

if applicable)

Lead Engineer

Define module allocationbased upon I/O


01 02 03

04 05 06

Generate architecturedrawings

Application Engineer Application Engineer

Define servers,workstations, networks andother ancillary equipment

Application Engineer

3rd party hardwarereview

Calculate system loading,power and heat


Application Engineer Lead Engineer; Safety Authority

Page 9: Reduce risk and increase flexibility

TASK Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73

Original ScheduleProject StartupDraft FDSReview FDSFinal FDSClient Review and approve FDSHardware freeze �Purchase/build/wire/test/stage cabinetsSoftware minor freeze �90% Configuration Data �Software freeze �Database generationHuman InterfaceDatabase modification for final dataPre-testFAT

Intelligent Engineering ScheduleProject StartupDefine project standards

Draft FDSReview FDSFinal FDSClient Review and approve FDSDevelop device templates from libraryDevelop wiring loop typicals from libraryReceive sample instrument data from client �FAT device templatesDeliver sample cabinet wiring data to client �Hardware freeze for cabinet mechanicals �

Build Unit A: LNG REGASIFICATIONReceive preliminary instrument data from client �Validate instrument dataBuild control and safety device logicBuild device tie-backDefine system and marshalling cabinetsLoad system cabinets & wire marshalling cabinetsBuild process interloc logicsBuild safety interlock logicBuild displaysBuild start-up/shutdown sequencesInternal tests for unitReceive final instrument data from client �Validate instrument dataRebuild device logic and tie-backModify and test applicationsModify and test cabinetsFAT unit cabinets and applications

Build Unit B: DEHYDRATATIONReceive preliminary instrument data from client �Build and test unit (as per Unit A)Receive final instrument data from client �Modify and test unit (as per Unit A)FAT unit cabinets and applications

Build Unit C: SULPHUR RECOVERYReceive preliminary instrument data from client �Build and test unit (as per Unit A)Receive final instrument data from client �Modify and test unit (as per Unit A)FAT unit cabinets and applications

Integration tests and FAT


90% Config. SW

Example Instrument

Cabinet Mechanical Freeze

Unit A Preliminary Instrument

Unit B Preliminary Instrument

Unit A Final Instrument

Unit C Final Instr.

Final Integration Tests and FAT completed 3 weeks in advance even if Unit C Final Instrument Data received 12

Unit C Preliminary Instrument

Unit B Final Instrument

Page 10: Reduce risk and increase flexibility

Helping clients across the globe succeed

The CLOV Floating Production Storage and

Offloading (FPSO) project scope includes the

implementation of safety systems within tight

project schedules as well as overall project

completion within a stipulated time frame.

The client was in search of an innovative solution to

reduce project risk, cut implementation costs, lever-

age critical plant information and meet project dead-

lines. The Intelligent Engineering approach utilizes

innovative technology, engineering experience and

the Intelligent Engineering execution methodology

to bridge the gap between plant design and control

& safety system implementation. Accordingly, EW

proved to be the engine of choice in meeting client’s

objectives while improving scheduling integrity,

reducing human errors and ensuring consistency in

software development.

The CLOV FPSO Project was managed by the

Schneider Electric Singapore office with the

engineering carried out in Singapore and Cairo,

Egypt. The project, which included a total of 8

systems, was split into two phases:

1. HULLSide — Frame or body of a ship, exclusive

of engines. More than 3500 I/O.

2. TOPSide — Surface of a ship’s hull above the

water line. Close to 4000 I/O.

Focused on the total cost of ownership and

promoting overall project delivery excellence,

FLEX and its EW component helped the client by

reducing risks, improving global collaboration and

strengthening its ability to respond to changes in a

timely manner during the life of the project.

Skikda is a city in the north eastern Algeria. Natural

gas, oil refining, and petrochemical industries were

developed in the 1970s and pipelines have been

built for their transportation.

A Client, the largest oil and gas company in Algeria

and Africa, awarded Schneider Electric for a

project to be executed in three phases.

It was a natural choice to adopt EW to ensure that

configuration done for the first step can be easily

reused in the following ones.

All of the design and development work was done

in Cairo, Egypt. The project was managed from the

business unit in Singapore.

The primary benefit that the project team obtained

by using Engineering Workbench has been the

re-use of the work done on subsequent phases

and the quality and the consistency of the output

produced. Additionally, the ability to respond to

client changes by modifying the rules has been

very useful. EW being a FLEX component was well

supported by the technical members within Global

Engineering Management (GEM). This is evidenced

by how well the Engineering Workbench evolved

through the three phases on the project.

The project team commented: “We were very

impressed by how the EW improved and evolved

over the three phases on our project. To start off we

have a lot of challenges, however, by the time we

got to the second and third phase of the project,

we were making significant savings on engineering

hours. We have had a good experience using the

tool and intend to use it on future projects.”

CLOV Skikda

Page 11: Reduce risk and increase flexibility

Schneider Electric is proud to be among the few

process automation companies able to deliver

complex control and safety systems for oil and

gas, upstream, and power. What does it mean to

execute a large project often spanning over years?

The secret is to apply a rigorous process consist-

ing of many steps to be followed. This process sets

out the steps to successfully interact with the client

to obtain the necessary data and develop the

required solution.

Instruments data, templates, rules, networks,

cubicles, junction boxes, cubicles, operator sta-

tions, reports, mimics, documentation, backup and

versioning are some of the items required to be

developed as if an orchestra is executing an

opera. The project director has to be sure that proj-

ect data is made available in a timely manner and

here is where Flexible, Lean Execution comes into

play. An example is Algiers Refinery Rehabilitation

and Adaptation project awarded by the end user

to the client EPC. Schneider Electric was chosen

as the vendor for all the ESD, FGS and DCS sys-

tems. Our scope covers up to 200+ Cabinets and

10000+ IO points. The project is ongoing but both

the client and Schneider Electric are in agreement

that Engineering Workbench is a unique tool with

terrific potential because:

• Errors are discovered in the early stages

• No errors are present during data transfer

• Allows for fully detailed data which is required

later in the process

• Versioning helps traceability and rollback

as required


• Later Data • Reduced Risk

• Con




ledge • Managem

ent • Execution






End Users


Page 12: Reduce risk and increase flexibility

Schneider Electric

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September 2016

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