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00 Who Am I, The Mental Power Hour Host? I had always been a very creative person, full of ideas and inspiration, brimming with grand plans and ambitions. I would make exciting starts, yet that excitement would quickly fizzle out into boredom, to be replaced with ever new excitements over some inspirational scheme or another. The act of actually sitting down to do detailed, monotonous, laborious work (even when that work served to make a dream come true) was an excruciatingly painful experience. I moved in circles under the delusion that I was getting somewhere.

That is how life was for me until one day in 2001 when I sat contemplating the strangeness of so few results from such good intent. I proceeded to open and go through the file drawers to the tall cabinet which I kept in my office and realized that I had over 100 grand ambitions all detailed and sketched out with notes and plans to execute, yet none had ever so much as left the drawer itself. The moment spoke inarguably that for me, mentally, something was not operating as it should.

I set out to find the answer and resolve the matter.

Thus, 2001 is when I actually found out I had the Adult version of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder - commonly known as ADHD - and as a result of that diagnosis, I made the development of Mental Concentration the central preoccupation of my life, for the express purpose of making a consistent, high-level success of the career I had at the time.

Months of solitary training followed, and within a year I no longer met the requirements for an ADHD diagnosis in accordance with the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition, and I began to realize a basic but profound level of control over my Attention, Thoughts, Emotions, and State Of Mind.

Importantly for my personal progress, I began to move - and desire ONLY to move - in a straight line toward whatever objective I set.

Of course, I didn't KNOW at the time that when you expand your Power of Concentration, you also become clearly aware of your stunning potential in a very real, very TRANSFORMATIONAL way.

So it came to be that the central preoccupation of my life became the ONLY preoccupation of my life.

In 2004 I decided to develop my own mental training system and find a way to immerse myself totally in the mental fitness lifestyle, to make mental power my chief aim. I knew that would involve stepping out of the Corporate Sector and establishing my own business, therefore in accordance with my plans I removed myself and plunged into the Sales Sector that I should acquire such skills in commerce, and with only the rudimentary Mental Concentration talents I had built up until that point, made a series of rapid successes and promotions through the ranks into management - ALWAYS, of course, with the end goal in Mind - that I would eventually do only that which I love most.

As my research continued and my talent at Mental Concentration grew, so too did my knowledge and talents at Mental Focus and Power Of will. The mental training system which I had determined to construct assembled itself in my Mind with clarity and logic, and my first publications on Concentration, Focus, and Willpower were presented to the public in 2006, reorganized into the Neuro-Sculpting! Mental Fitness & Brain Training System later that year, culminating into the launching of The Neuro-Sculpting! Training Studio , and since 2006 my company has been of service in one respect or another to tens of thousands of people all over the planet.

My fondest wish is that I may also be of service to you in the training and mastery of your own Mind.

01 The Mental Power Hour - IMPROVING MENTAL CONCENTRATION!MENTAL CONCENTRATION: What It Is & How To Improve It! We'll talk about: - The nature of Mental Concentration - Signs of WEAK Mental Concentration - What happens when your Concentration gets STRONGER - The nature of Attention and how it connects with Mental Concentration - How to apply Mental Concentration to your goals - Training to improve your Mental Concentration - Helpful training suggestions - Three powerful techniques to get you started on the road to better Mental Concentration!

02 The Mental Power Hour This week, learn one of the essential mental skills necessary to build Improved Mental Concentration, Better Mental Focus, and Stronger Willpower! Master this mental fitness power tool, and you'll be well on your way to not only getting more mental strength, endurance, and flexibility, but you'll also open the door to gaining mastery over your thoughts, emotions, and cognitive habits. We'll also be taking calls and questions from great people just like you who are interested in greater peace of mind, higher productivity, profound creativity, deeper intelligence, expanded material success, and a richer life experience!

03 OLDER COLLEGE STUDENT WANTS BETTER MENTAL FOCUS 04 How will Mental Concentration affect my PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES05 Mental Concentration In Law Of Attraction - How Will I know I'm Making Progress06 The Mental Power Hour - CONCENTRATION vs. FOCUS The requests are common: "I want improved Concentration." "I want better Focus." Not a problem. We can help. But let's clarify. Do you want to be more FOCUSED, or do you want to CONCENTRATE better? Did you know they are NOT one and the same? No, I wouldn't kid you! Trust me - I used to work for the government! In this week's broadcast of The Mental Power Hour, we discuss the DIFFERENCE between Mental Concentration and Mental Focus, some of the details that separate the two Mental Functions, and go over some things YOU can do to gain strength in BOTH areas!

07 The Mental Power Hour OVERCOMING MENTAL WEAKNESS! How to train your Mind through Mental Concentration to gain the natural, pleasant, deep mental strength, power, and focus you need to live life on your own delightful terms. We discuss what it takes to overcome very common mental weaknesses such as attention deficits, restlessness, distractibility, habitually wandering attention, chaotic thoughts, painfully untamed emotions, excessive or unproductive daydreaming, consistent negativity, and self-sabotage in the company (in reaction to) other people.

08 Concentration & Focus For Setting And Achieving Goals

09 The Mental Power Hour REAL-LIFE MEDITATION - How the things you learn in meditative practices can be applied to every aspect of your daily life to elevate your experience and help you perform in a superior way. Mental Concentration, Mental Focus, and Willpower can be strengthened. Many people who have been exposed to one or another meditation practice find that their level of personal happiness drops the moment they have to get up and go out into the world to deal with others and earn a living. It often seems that meditation becomes an escape from the world rather than a way to gain practical wisdom that can be accessed in every situation so that escapism is no longer needed. There are basic, powerful principles that you can learn through stillness of body and mind - or by way of 'moving meditation forms' - that can be used to totally transform the way you live. Whether you want to achieve your dreams or simply enjoy the daily grind, you can do so with greater ease, far less stress, more efficiency, and faster results. Call in to ask your questions and receive advice!

10 The Mental Power Hour - MASTERING FEAR! Nothing you do in reaction or obedience to fear removes the fear that drives you, restricts you, and enslaves you. Mastering fear is the mental process of transforming your RELATIONSHIP to fear; that is, to alter the nature of its presence in your mind and remove its effects from your life. We will discuss what you need to know about fear as it relates to your thoughts, impulses, and emotional reactions so that you can operate from a position of AUTHORITY rather than as a victim of painful, self-inflicted limitations. You'll learn to make fear RESPECT YOU by looking it right in the eye, interpret its meaning, and take action in direct defiance so that you develop the habit of living fearlessly! Call in to ask your questions and receive advice!

11 The Mental Power Hour - OVERCOMING PROCRASTINATION! Overcoming Procrastination - What are the REAL causes of Procrastination? Six guaranteed secrets to beat Procrastination and erase it from your life! The time has come to put an end to putting it off! Nothing steals your time, your money, and your potential like the thief we call PROCRASTINATION. Yet, the truth of the matter is that Procrastination is all in your mind - a devastatingly simple mental trick of imagination that sets your mind against itself in stressful conflict through the experience of wrestling with yourself over whether to do or not do a particular task. In this broadcast of The Mental Power Hour, we'll discuss the psychology of Procrastination and how nature endows your brain with the power to break out of its grip at will. Also, we'll discuss the symptoms & signs, and the wonderful brain training principles and techniques that can close the door on the thought-based mental conflict that makes up procrastination!

12 The Mental Power Hour - BRAIN FITNESS CONDITIONING! Whether you want to make drastic changes to turn your life around or just kick-start a wave of momentum toward a specific goal you have in mind, you should start by going directly to the source of ALL your talent and ability: YOUR BRAIN! By strategically training your brain to improve your mental concentration and mental focus, you can more easily bring about the positive changes you wish and move more rapidly toward achieving your dreams. Your first step in effectively strengthening your mental power should be to resolve the PHYSICAL WEAKNESSES in your brain brought on by years of impractical mental habits. If you neglect to do this, the current physical condition of your brain will degrade further over time, most likely keeping you locked into the very patterns that you want to overcome. This first phase of neurological resculpting is all about BRAIN FITNESS CONDITIONING: PUTTING YOUR BRAIN INTO BETTER PHYSICAL SHAPE! Follow the advice in this broadcast and you'll have greater mental strength, endurance, and flexibility!

13 The Mental Power Hour - STRONGER MENTAL FOCUS! MENTAL FOCUS: What It Is & How To Strengthen It! We'll talk about: - The nature of Mental Focus - Signs of WEAK Mental Focus - What happens when your Mental Focus gets STRONGER - The nature of THOUGHT and how it connects with Mental Focus - How to apply Mental Focus to your goals - Training to improve your Mental Focus - Helpful training suggestions - Three powerful techniques to get you started on the road to better Mental Focus!

14 The Mental Power Hour - STRONGER WILLPOWER! WILLPOWER: What It Is & How To Build And Strengthen It!

15 The Mental Power Hour - CONTROLLING YOUR THOUGHTS! THOUGHT CONTROL: The tools, techniques, and benefits of giving power BACK to the Thinker BEHIND the thoughts! What could you do - what could you HAVE - and for that matter, BECOME - if you had masterful control over the THOUGHTS, EMOTIONS, and IMPULSES that move you to ACTION in your daily life? How much more MONEY could you earn? What kind of a difference could you make in your BUSINESS and CAREER if only you could break through every single limit you only IMAGINE holds you back from your greatest potential? How would power over Thought and Feelings improve your RELATIONSHIPS? What if you had natural, EASY, UNSINKABLE COURAGE - what would THAT do for your life? That's what this episode is about. If you just want to be entertained, don't bother listening, because this episode is for those who want to run with the BIG DOGS and LIVE LIFE MORE ABUNDANTLY! We're going to get to the CORE of what's happening in your MIND - dig all the way down to the ROOTS OF YOUR DESTINY! When you're done listening to this broadcast, you'll know: - The Practical vs. Impractical uses of Thought as well as the HIGHEST PRODUCTIVE PURPOSE of Thought! - The NATURE of Thought and how it SYNTHESIZES REALITY, how it steals your Attention and HYPNOTIZES you; and how to ESCAPE 'Mental Slumber'! - Processes for CONTROLLING Thought in REAL-TIME! - Tactics used in TRANSFORMING Thought Habits! - What you CAN and CANNOT control about Thought; with the good news being that what you CAN control is INFINITELY more beneficial and powerful than what you cannot! - Plus, we'll discuss Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Levels of Thought & Impulse Management!

16 The Mental Power Hour - MINDFULNESS (Part 1) MINDFULNESS - The Powerful Way Of Living Life In REAL TIME! Sure, you've heard the terms and cliches: "Letting Go", "The Present Moment," "The Power Of Now," "Being Here, Now", "Being Present," "Awakening," "Enlightenment," - and The Psychological Present. ***THIS EPISODE HAS LOW SOUND VOLUME, SO MAKE SURE YOU ADJUST YOUR AUDIO SPEAKERS TO HEAR IT CLEARLY*** We're going to discuss the rare, amazing practice of detaching your mind from racing thoughts - of disconnecting your Attention from the hypnosis of worrying over the past and future - thus daring to exist in the space between two thoughts; a 'PLACE' and 'WAY OF BEING' that can utterly transform WHO YOU ARE and HOW YOU EXPERIENCE LIFE AND THE WORLD! Through MINDFULNESS practices, you can know and live life through a continual state of abiding STRENGTH, PEACE, and PROFOUND INTELLIGENCE which helps you navigate with genius-level excellence around the obstacles of life. This is deep stuff, so we'll try not to get to airy and esoteric by keeping it practical so that you can apply some of what you learn.

17 The Mental Power Hour - MINDFULNESS (Part 2) The Power Of MINDFULNESS - Continuing the discussion on Minfulness: Living in the Present Moment existing between two thoughts! Are you walking through life MENTALLY ASLEEP? 10 Warning Signs! 10 Powerful Benefits of Mindful Living! Multiple Scientific Studies support the effectiveness of Mindfulness practice - we'll discuss the powerful results of Mindfulness training as expressed in everyday life. Mindfulness improves your career, your business performance, your financial life, your social interaction, your relationships and love life, and can help you drastically change the mental and behavioral patterns keeping you from your fullest potential. We'll talk about books and movies that concern a Mindful lifestyle, and suggest techniques for practicing Mindfulness to enrich your life.

18 The Mental Power Hour - MENTAL CONCENTRATION For Business & Career Success! Applying MENTAL CONCENTRATION For Business & Career Success! We'll talk about: Some Warning Signs that YOU or someone you work with or someone who works for you has a problem with Mental Concentration * BENEFITS of Applying The Power Of Mental Concentration To Your Career or Business * ENCOURAGING Mental Concentration In YOURSELF, Your Team, Partners, or Employees!

19 The Mental Power Hour - MENTAL FOCUS for Career & Business Success! This week we're discussing MENTAL FOCUS for Career & Business Success! Some Warning Signs that YOU or someone you work with or someone who works for you has a problem with Mental Focus * BENEFITS of Applying The Power Of Mental Focus To Your Career or Business * ENCOURAGING Mental Focus In YOURSELF, Your Team, Partners, or Employees!

20 The Mental Power Hour - MENTAL FOCUS AND THE POWER OF HABIT! Mental Focus And The Power Of Habit - Wouldn't it be great to reach your goals AUTOMATICALLY without having to constantly force yourself to take action - without constantly having to battle yourself and your environment? Wouldn't it be wonderful to daily move forward toward your dream as easily as you can move across a room? It's time for you to direct your Mental Focus using this KEY TACTIC: MAKE YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS MIND YOUR ALLY! HABITS - Your ability to FORGE them and your ability to REPLACE them, THAT is what you want to focus your attention on! When you move across a room, is each step a moment-to-moment war with yourself,or do just somehow reach your destination? You can have the same automatic power through your power to CONSCIOUSLY DESIGN SUBCONSCIOUS HABIT! Your moment to moment Mental Focus what youre doing with your attention, what youre clinging to in your thoughts, what youre feeling as a result of both those, and what you habitually express to others are writing and solidifying your destiny even as you read this, and Im going to tell you why you need to take advantage and control of the process - and I'm going to make some helpful suggestions as to HOW you can do it! Remember that you want to: * Achieve what you most rightly desire * Achieve it on a STRAIGHT, UNWAVERING LINE of progression * Achieve it in the FASTEST POSSIBLE TIME * Achieve it as EASILY as possible (meaning, with the least amount of unnecessary STRUGGLE) APPLYING The mental discipline means customizing certain psychological principles to YOUR individual scenario, and THAT is a great reason YOU might want to CALL IN during the show to get some good suggestions for any areas of concern

21 The Mental Power Hour - MENTAL FOCUS - Moving Straight To Your Target! Tired of veering right or left of a straight course? Tired of losing sight of your objectives under the assault of the day's demands? Across the landscape of the fertile fields of your mind, the easiest thing in the world is for a dream to die on the vine. Every single one of us has had the misfortune of having a great idea - a worthy aim that would reshape who we are and put us on a whole new level of life - fade from all sight and notice until it can't even be called a memory. The problem is a lack of well-developed Mental Focus; that is, the mental discipline of intentionally designing and aligning your habitual thoughts, emotions, impulses, and resulting actions with an objective held relentlessly in your mind; and, MAINTAINING the integrity of that alignment against every form of distraction, the most insidious of all being THOUGHT WARPAGE! Unless watered by continual Mental Focus, the seed of your intent will be trampled underfoot by the demands of other people; then blown away by persistent wind gusts of distracting concerns. Training yourself for well-developed Mental Focus prevents you from becoming just another victim of the all-too-common problem of THOUGHT WARPAGE wherein your mind shifts states from moment to moment, causing you to lose both intellectual and emotional contact with your highest purposes for your life. We'll discuss what it takes to develop the powerful habit of knowing what you want, remembering what you want, holding onto it no matter what, and pressing yourself to have it. Time for you to make a stand, defy the winds blowing around you, and become the Conscious Farmer who brings in the bountiful harvest. Doubtless, this show will be of great value for you. I'LL BE DOING THIS EPISODE LIVE AT THE EVERETT, WASHINGTON MAIN PUBLIC LIBRARY on Hoyt Avenue. I'll be in the Espresso Americano if anybody wants to show up and get some personal advice after the show.

22 The Mental Power Hour - CONTROLLING YOUR THOUGHTS! Thought Control Skills For Greater Personal Success and A Higher Life Experience! Friends, are you in truly in control of yourself and your life, or are you wishing you had more personal power to get yourself to do and be your very best? Are your thoughts and feelings truly moving you forward in the direction you REALLY want to go and are they moving you ahead at the best possible speed? Do you feel as though you could move farther and faster in life if you could only overcome the obstacles that constantly seem to get in your way? Do you hesitate or procrastinate, assaulted by unpleasant ideas that cause you to stall when you could be soaring like an eagle? Is there a dream you secretly hold in your heart but you haven't set out on that grand adventure? Are you anxious or afraid? Well, I've got GREAT NEWS for you! With just a few simple adjustments to thought habits you can fearlessly, efficiently, and joyfully succeed at everything you do with increasing ease. You CAN manage, control, and change your dominant thoughts as well as your dominant thought PATTERNS - both in the immediate moment and over the long term. You can purposefully tailor your thoughts, your thinking, your emotions, your impulses, and thus, your ACTIONS; and thereby make achieving your goals easier and your life a more pleasant experience. If that sounds good to you, then you definitely want to listen to this episode of The Mental Power Hour!

23 The Mental Power Hour - Frequently Asked Questions!.mp3Brain Fitness & Mental Discipline Training - Frequently Asked Questions! "How does brain training for mental fitness make my brain stronger? * "How can I be naturally more creative and innovative?" * "How can I be more comfortable in my own skin in social situations?" * "How can I stop making stupid mistakes and perform better on tests (how do I perform under pressure)?" * "In goalsetting, what do I do about weak visualization skills?" * "How do I get the people on my sports team to focus better even when there's no big event coming up?" * "Will meditation help?" * "How long do I need to train my mind to get the results I'm looking for?" * "How much focus do I need to perform at the highest level in my field?" * "How can training improve my overall self-esteem?" * "How do I train to overcome anxiety and stress?" * "How do I train to overcome bad habits?" * "What about telekinesis, mindreading, levitation, out-of-body-experiences, etc." * "Does this help with Law of Attraction?" Your chance to call in and ask any questions you want about training your brain to get better performance from yourself! We'll be reviewing and answering the most frequently asked questions that have been submitted by hundreds of people over the past year about Brain Fitness and Mental Discipline Training. CALL IN DURING THE SHOW to ask questions and get advice: (347) 884-9397

24 The Mental Power Hour - REAL Brain Fitness - Thought Control Training!.mp3REAL Brain Fitness - Thought Control Training! We're going to discuss how to make sure your thoughts are not lethal to your Will. Listening to this episode could make the difference between your suffering through a life of subdued desperation vs. your daring to taking a leap of faith into a grand adventure that will truly fulfill you! There is only one force on Earth that can subjugate your Will, and that is an IDEA that passes itself off as your own voice, IMITATING your Will, but which is really just another mechanical bit of chatter that arises in your imagination at the very prospect of your daring to be more adventurous than your brain would like. COGNITIVE HOMEOSTASIS is your enemy. The obstacles in your mind are just conditioned noise, handed to you by someone else who didnt know any better. There's no reason for you to remain as mentally oppressed by it as the cognitive slave who recruited you to share the chain that has enslaved others down through the centuries. You have the advantage. You have this show to reveal to you how to break free. This is a DIFFERENT Idea a key to unlock bonds that currently dominate your life but which, in actuality, dont really exist. You do realize, dont you, that the restraints holding you down - holding you back from the full expression of your potential - dont actually exist...dont you? If not, well fix that in this episode of The Mental Power Hour! CALL IN DURING THE SHOW to ask questions and get advice: (347) 884-9397

25 The Mental Power Hour - Brain Training For Achieving The Flow State & Getting In The Zone.mp3Brain Training For Achieving "The Flow State" & "Getting In The Zone" on this week's episode of THE MENTAL POWER HOUR! Whether you're wanting superior play in Sports, major productivity in Business, extraordinary output in Corporate America, or just need to improve your test scores in school, all of these can be accomplished using the same types of SIMPLE mental ATTENTION CONTROL SKILL DRILLS employed by top professional athletes who are required to demonstrate outstanding abilities when the game is on the line. When incorporating "The Flow State" or Getting In The Zone skills into your toolkit of cognitive abilities for maximum mental and personal performance, there are three aspects of strategic brain training to consider, and they are the Mental Concentration, the Mental Focus Aspect, and the Physiological Aspect. We'll talk about what you need to know about: * The Nature Of "The Zone" and "Flow State" * The Power Of Attention Control, Mental Concentration, and The Psychological Present (or 'Now' or 'Present Moment' or 'Mindfulness') and how they connect to "The Zone" and "Flow State" * Applying "The Zone" and "Flow State" to such areas as Sports, Business, Career, and Social Situations to be at your best!

26 The Mental Power Hour - Daydreaming vs. VISUALIZATION.mp3Daydreaming vs. VISUALIZATION - How To Transform Unproductive Imagination Into Valuable Visioneering! Is habitual daydreaming getting in the way of your personal growth? Are You Living In La-La Land WAAAAAY too much? Are you running daintily through the fertile fields of your imagination EXCESSIVELY, wasting precious time and creative ability on unproductive fantasies to escape what seems like a dull, humdrum life? Don't you realize how much that habit might be COSTING you when it comes to carving out a life of meaning that you could actually be ENJOYING? Did you know that DAYDREAMING affects the way you feel about your REAL life - often in a NEGATIVE way? I'm going to tell you how to USE your daydreaming & fantasy habit to get some REAL LIFE ADVENTURE for yourself! We're gonna talk about how to turn your DAYDREAMING into a POWERFUL TOOL that will actually help you ACHIEVE your TRUE dreams and make life much more interesting for you!

27 The Mental Power Hour - A Better Attention Span To Move Straight To Your Goals!.mp3Want A Longer Attention Span? What would improving your Attention Span mean for you? How To Stay PLEASANTLY On Task For Extended Periods Of Time So You Can Stay On Course And Achieve Your Goals Faster! This episode may be worth tens of thousands of dollars to you - or it may make the difference between having no chance and being totally certain that you'll achieve the objectives you've set for yourself. I'm laying it all on the line; I'm not holding any information back. Learn what brain training for better mental fitness can do to boost your Attention Span, make you more productive, more creative, and set you apart from the crowd!

28 The Mental Power Hour - Brain Training To Stop A Wandering Mind!.mp3YOUR WANDERING MIND - IT'S WORSE THAN YOU "THINK"! Brain Training to drop the mental wandering habit! Right on the heels of a recently released Harvard University research study showing most people spend half their waking day in a daze! And that's NORMAL people, let alone people who've been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). That means even when you are engaged in activities that demand all your attention, you're STILL going off into La-La Land! Let's talk about the characteristics of a wandering mind, the symptoms that result, and what to do about it so that you can realize more of your potential

29 The Mental Power Hour - Brain Training For Self-Discipline!.mp3Brain Training For Self-Discipline - the Power to OWN Yourself! How to turn a LACK of Self-Discipline into your ally for BETTER Self-Discipline!

30 The Mental Power Hour - Brain Training Using The Power Of ConcentrationThe Power Of Concentration is a classic manual for perfecting your strength, endurance, and skill at Mental Concentration for success in all areas of your life. Released in 1918 by The Advanced Thought Publishing Company in Chicago, Illinois, and written by author Theron Q. Dumont, The Power Of Concentration has grown particularly famous over time to become what is perhaps the most widely circulated and recognized book on mental concentration in the world. We'll discuss the overall topics from this great work such as Mental Concentration For Self-Mastery & Self-Direction, How To Gain What You Want Through Mental Concentration, Better Business Results with Mental Concentration, Training Your Willpower By Mental Concentration, Concentrated Mental Demand, Overcoming Bad Habits Through Mental Concentration, Mental Concentration For Courage, Concentrating On Wealth, Better Memory By Effort Of Mental Concentration, Fulfilling Your Desires Through Mental Concentration, and we'll go over the various MENTAL EXERCISES FOR DEVELOPING MENTAL CONCENTRATION contained in the publication. As part of the complimentary non-subscriber brain training and mental fitness platform provided at the Neuro-Sculpting! Online Mental Fitness Training Studio, The Power Of Concentration has been made available to thousands of people all over the world.

31 The Mental Power Hour - Building Mental Focus For Your Business And CareerBrain training for better Mental Focus is becoming much more popular, but many people are going about it all wrong. Everybody can enjoy practical, profitable benefits from developing stronger Mental Focus, but most people aren't trained on how to actually APPLY the increased Mental Focus skills they acquire (if any) to their career or business. Why spend hours making the effort to be more focused if you either train the wrong way or aren't trained how to transfer that ability to daily life in order to be more, do more, and have more? We'll talk about adjusting your brain training approach so that you improve Mental Focus itself and not merely attention, processing speed, or reaction times. We'll talk about HOW TO KNOW IF YOUR MENTAL FOCUS IS GETTING BETTER. Finally, we'll talk about how to apply your Mental Focus skills to career and business so that you can reap the rewards.

32 The Mental Power Hour - Improving Mental Focus With Your Team, Group, or OrganizationHow to solidify Mental Focus across the board for your Team, Group, or Organization. Need improved PERFORMANCE, increased PRODUCTIVITY, higher SALES, better CUSTOMER SERVICE, or improved CUSTOMER SATISFACTION with your Business, in your Group, on your Team, or from your Organization? Then EVERYBODY involved must have the same TARGET and profitable destination in mind. Additionally, each person must KNOW their part in the VISION (and it especially helps if they have a part in crafting it); too, they have to realize their importance in the MISSION, and they must clearly understand the VALUE of the REWARDS that come from sacrificing the hours of their life in the cause. It's as simple as that - MENTAL FOCUS FOR TEAMS, GROUPS, AND ORGANIZATIONS means consistent, singular attention to an IDEA. Giving orders to the people in your organization to "GET FOCUSED" or "STAY FOCUSED" is about as effective as showing somebody a photograph of the sun and telling them they should feel warm. If you're an Owner, a Leader, a Manager, or a Motivator, stop wasting time demanding "MORE FOCUS". Instead, learn how to INSTRUCT OTHERS ON THE MECHANICS OF MENTAL FOCUS! When you can EXPLAIN Mental Focus and SHOW others tips and ideas on improving Mental Focus - when you can MANAGE THE WORK ENVIRONMENT TO MAKE IT CONDUCIVE TO MENTAL FOCUS - then you'll spend less time in frustration and more time enjoying the fruits of working on an efficient, productive team that doesn't need babysitting. We'll discuss CONSTRUCTING AND COMMUNICATING A CLEAR VALUE, IDEA, OBJECTIVE, VISION, or PLAN OF ACTION. We'll discuss GETTING BUY-IN, REQUIRING COMMITMENT, and MANAGING CONSISTENCY. Every piece on the board needs to move in harmonious synchrony so that the Team, Group, or Organization itself is moving in a straight line to the target.

33 The Mental Power Hour - Better Mental Focus For Sales Professionals

34 The Mental Power Hour - Better Mental Focus In Sports & Other Competitive Arenas

35 The Mental Power Hour - Better Mental Focus For STUDENTS!

36 The Mental Power Hour - The Power of ATTENTION Control!

37 The Mental Power Hour - Mental Focus For Setting & Achieving Goals!

38 The Mental Power Hour - Benefits Of PRACTICAL, REAL-WORLD Meditation

39 The Mental Power Hour - Willpower - How To Manage Your Impulses & Urges For Ultimate Self-Discipline

40 The Mental Power Hour - Attention Control Training For Achieving Goals!

41 The Mental Power Hour - Mental Focus Vs. Aimless Desires

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