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Red Wine and

Human HealthWINESCI 705

Prasad Patil


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FRENCH PARADOX Lippi G., F. M., Favalor E. T., Targher G.,

O French Paradox was coined by Dr. Serge Renaud in 1992 a scientist from

Bordeaux University in France.

O This Paradox described the low incidence of cardiovascular disease in

French population despite of having a high intake of saturated fats.

O The French population had lower incidence of atherosclerosis related deaths

than population from other countries due to moderate consumption of red

wine .

O Red wine produces beneficial effects that targets all phases of  


O Inhibits lipoproteins oxidation, macrophage cholesterol accumulation by the

help of resveratrol and polyphenols.

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O Found in skin of the grapes that are used in the

fermentation of red wine.

O Found in plants as a defence system against disease.

Fig.: Resveratrol

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Resveratrol content in wines

O Beverage Total resveratrol (mg/L)

O Muscadine Wines 14.1 - 40

O Red Wines (Global) 1.98 - 7.13

O Red Wines (Spanish) 1.92 - 12.59

O Red grape juice (Spanish) 1.14 - 8.69

O Rose Wines (Spanish) 0.43 - 3.52

O Pinot Noir 0.40 - 2.0



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Health Benefits

O Atherosclerosis

O Diabetes

O Cancer

O Bones

O Dementia and Mental Function

O Vision

O Weight Management

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O Atherosclerosis is a condition in which fatty materials collect along 

the arteries.

O The fatty material gets deposited and forms calcium deposits and

even block the arteries.O Formed by the multiple plaques in the arteries.

O Plaques makes the arteries narrower and less flexible and makes

harder to blood flow.

O This causes less blood flow towards the heart and may even lead

to stop the heartbeats.

O Symptoms due to atherosclerosis are chest pain, short breath andheart attack.


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Developmental process of atherosclerosis

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Effect of wine resveratrol in minimizingatherosclerosis

Das D., Ray D. 2010

O Inhibits platelet aggression.

O Platelets set into motion the process of vascular occlusion through

the activation process of thrombus formation and its aggregation.

O It is was observed that 0.15 and 0.25 micromole/l resveratrolinhibited collagen-induced platelet activation followed by Ca+2

immobilization, thromboxane A2 formation phosphoinositide

 breakdown and protein kinase C (PKC) activation.

O Another study from the European Journal of Pharmacology showed

that the researchers used cell culture consisting human umbilical cells

from the inner lining of a vein.

O In this study it was shown that resveratrol kept LDL cholesterol under 

control and inflammated and oxidized (LDL cells) free.


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O A study presented to the American Diabetes Association in 2005

suggested that moderate consumption of red wine may lower the

risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.


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O In 2009 the medical journal of Gastroenterology suggested that

moderate wine consumption may reduce the risk of certain forms

of esophageal cancers such as esophageal adenocarcinoma and

the precancerous condition Barrett·s esophagus.O A study conducted by Kaiser Permanente in California, reported

drinking 1 glass of wine a day had 56% decrease in the risk for

developing Barret·s esophageal. These studies suggested that

antioxidants present in red wine may offer some benefits when

consumed in moderate amount.

O A research done at the University of Nebraska suggested that

resveratrol found in grapes had preventive benefits against breastcancer. In this study human breast cells were exposed to low doses

of resveratrol about a conc. Of 10 micromoles/l. A glass of red

wine has conc. In between 9-29 micromoles/l.


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O A study from St. Thomas Hospital in London and the medical group

in France suggested that moderate wine consumption lead to

positive benefits to elderly women in retaining bone density and

reducing the risk of developing osteoporosis.O Consumption of more than three glasses of red wine a day showed

a result in reducing bone density.

O Another study showed that women who drank moderately 1 to 3

glasses of wine a day increases in bone density over two year study


O It was observed that moderate wine drinkers were more likely to

live active lifestyles that included physical work that also benefited

bone density.


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Dementia and Mental Function

O Studies have shown that moderate alcohol consumption lowers the

risk of developing Alzheimer·s and dementia.

O A research carried out by Wake Forest University School of Medicine in 2009 suggested that moderate alcohol drinking 

helped healthy adults ward off the risks of developing dementia

but can accelerate declining memory for those already suffering 

from cognitive impairment.


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O A study published in the American Journal of Pathology has found

that the compound found in red wine resveratrol shows positive

benefit in slowing the effects of macular degeneration which

causes vision to decline as people age increases.


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 Weight Management

O Wine consumed with food offers some positive benefit for weight


O Increases appetite

O Slower the stomach·s emptying time and decrease the amount of food consumed at the meal.

O As compared with other beverages red wine has moderate amount

of calories. 148ml of red wine contains approximately 106 calories

and 2.51g of carbohydrates.


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Fig.: The diagram shows the relationship between wine drinking and risk for

death. ( A glass of red wine contains approximately 10g of alcohol.)


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O Moderation is the key.

O Most healthy people who drink wine regularly and

moderately live longer.


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1. Lippi G., F. M., Favalor E. T., Targher G., Moderate red wine consumption and Cardiovascular diseaserisk : Beyond the French Paradox . 2006, 36(1), 59-70

2.  Atherosclerosis; Hardening of the arteries; Plaque buildup-arteries 2010.

3. Day, K. Red wine to the Rescue? More Health Benefits Discovered 2011. -red wine, healthy heart and longevity.15 2010,467-477.

4. Robinson, J., The Oxford Companion to Wine 3rd ed.; 1194; p4335. Boyles, S. Research Shows Moderate Wine Drinkers May Have Less Risk of Barretts Esophagus

March2, 2009.

6. DeNoon, D. J. Resveratrol May Prevent Breast Cancer July 7, 2008.

7. Gaffney, J. Moderate Drinkng May Keep Womens Bones Stronger, Study Finds 2004 Women-Study-Finds-_20648

8. Gaffney, J. Wine May Increase Bone Mass in Elderly Women, Study Finds 2000 Women-Study-Finds-_20648

9. Laino, C. Study Shows Alcohol Has Potential Benefits in Preventing Dementia 2009. Cooper, S. Red wine may protect vision 2010.


11. . Calories and wine 2004. .


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