
Recruiters are Runners , They … Count calories (Quality Resumes)… Count miles (Everlasting relationship with candidates and clients)… And Count … How often they hit the pavement (No. of closures)… Story Begins ….

Focus on how far

you’ve come Not

how far you have to go.


You feel Strong

and invincible

after you run.



Racing track is the best companion,

I want to talk with!


It’s the possibilities

of winning that keep

runner going.


I may not be there yet,

but I’m closer

Than I was yesterday.


You can’t appreciate

the good days Without

the bad ones.


Never give up

till you get to where

you want to go.


If Running

is difficult,

run more!


There is no greater feeling

than winning a race.


The finish line is just the beginning

of a whole new Race.

I ran today! I recruited today!


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