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RECRUIT OverviewNovember 29, 2005

Academic Personnel Systems


Academic Personnel Systems: RECRUIT

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‘Recruit’ OverviewNovember 29, 2005

Section Contents:


Academic Personnel Systems (APS)

Network & Academic Computer Services (NACS)

Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences

McDonnell Douglas Engineering Auditorium

November 29, 2005

1:00pm - 3:00pm

Academic Personnel Systems (APS)Academic Personnel Systems (APS)


Academic Personnel Systems

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‘Recruit’ OverviewNovember 29, 2005

Section Contents:


ContentsContentsSection 1: Introduction

Section 2: Staff Administrator’s Perspective

Section 3: Applicant’s Perspective

Section 4: Reviewer’s Perspective

Next Steps


Academic Personnel Systems

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‘Recruit’ OverviewNovember 29, 2005

Section Contents:


Section 1: IntroductionSection 1: Introduction

What is RECRUIT?

What will RECRUIT do for me?

Why should I use RECRUIT?

RECRUIT Allows Staff Administrators to…

RECRUIT Allows Applicants to…

RECRUIT Allows Faculty to…

Section Contents:

Academic Personnel Systems

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RECRUIT OverviewNovember 29, 2005

Academic Personnel Systems


What is RECRUIT?What is RECRUIT?

RECRUIT is a program for managing the faculty recruitment

process that allows candidates to apply electronically and

enables reviewers to see candidate files online

Section 1: Introduction

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RECRUIT OverviewNovember 29, 2005

Academic Personnel Systems


What will RECRUIT do for me? Why should I use it?What will RECRUIT do for me? Why should I use it?

RECRUIT greatly reduces time spent coordinating the faculty

recruitment process

RECRUIT links applicants directly to the FAST OEOD survey

and significantly increases survey response rates

RECRUIT incorporates other helpful features, such as printable

colloquia announcements and visit schedules

RECRUIT allows you to print an applicant list for the search


RECRUIT saves a lot of paper and reduces the need to retain

paper files

Section 1: Introduction

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RECRUIT OverviewNovember 29, 2005

Academic Personnel Systems


RECRUIT allows Staff Administrators to…

RECRUIT allows Staff Administrators to…

Create recruitment positions and assign users and access levels

Set and extend deadlines for accepting applications and modifying file information

Easily view candidate files and documents Easily upload candidate materials to the file when not

uploaded directly by the candidate or reference Designate candidate short list or decision status Cut and paste candidate biographies and colloquia abstracts

into a viewable and printable format Input visit day schedules into a viewable and printable format Print file documents for the appointment dossier Download data for reports and mail merges Archive applicant files electronically

Section 1: Introduction

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RECRUIT OverviewNovember 29, 2005

Academic Personnel Systems


RECRUIT allows Applicants to…RECRUIT allows Applicants to…

Apply electronically, using a direct link from your posted web


Upload and revise application materials

Be linked directly to the FAST OEOD survey

Check on the status of their application and the receipt of

letters of recommendation

Request help via an email link from the program

Section 1: Introduction

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RECRUIT OverviewNovember 29, 2005

Academic Personnel Systems


RECRUIT allows Faculty Reviewers to…RECRUIT allows Faculty Reviewers to…

Review electronic candidate files online 24/7

Print their own candidate documents (if necessary)

Post their comments to the file

Conduct fewer search committee meetings

View colloquia information and visit schedules online

Section 1: Introduction

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‘Recruit’ OverviewNovember 29, 2005

Section Contents:


Section 2: Staff Administrator’s PerspectiveSection 2: Staff Administrator’s Perspective


RECRUIT Administrator’s Homepage

Create/Edit Position Screen

Access Control for a Position

Review Position Members Screen

Position page and Field Customization box

Applicant File

Applicant Documents

Manage Applicant Files

Status Screen with Menu

Visit/Seminar Information and Create Visit/Colloquium Information Screens


Section Contents:

Academic Personnel Systems

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RECRUIT OverviewNovember 29, 2005

Academic Personnel Systems


LoginLogin Use UCI network ID & password to login

Section 2: Administrator’s Perspective

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RECRUIT OverviewNovember 29, 2005

Academic Personnel Systems


RECRUIT Administrator’s HomepageRECRUIT Administrator’s Homepage Staff administrators can perform a variety of functions by

clicking on the underlined listings on the homepage

Section 2: Administrator’s Perspective

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RECRUIT OverviewNovember 29, 2005

Academic Personnel Systems


Create/Edit Position ScreenCreate/Edit Position Screen Staff Administrators create positions and enter information to

manage the recruitments

Section 2: Administrator’s Perspective

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RECRUIT OverviewNovember 29, 2005

Academic Personnel Systems


Access Control for a PositionAccess Control for a Position Chairs and Editors have departmental access and can perform

limited functions Reviewers have view-only access, but can also post

comments to the file

Section 2: Administrator’s Perspective

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RECRUIT OverviewNovember 29, 2005

Academic Personnel Systems


Review Position Members ScreenReview Position Members Screen It is easy to check user access for each position

Section 2: Administrator’s Perspective

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RECRUIT OverviewNovember 29, 2005

Academic Personnel Systems


Position page and Field Customization boxPosition page and Field Customization box All Applicants are listed on the position page Users can customize the page to show only those fields that

are relevant to them Users can sort the Applicant list by field Staff Administrators can hide certain files from view or move

Applicants from one position to another

Section 2: Administrator’s Perspective

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RECRUIT OverviewNovember 29, 2005

Academic Personnel Systems


Applicant FileApplicant File Each Applicant file shows basic information and supporting

documents Applicant can include URL pointer to a web site for additional

publications or supplemental materials

Section 2: Administrator’s Perspective

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RECRUIT OverviewNovember 29, 2005

Academic Personnel Systems


Applicant DocumentsApplicant Documents Selecting a document allows you to view the document

without leaving the RECRUIT system

Section 2: Administrator’s Perspective

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RECRUIT OverviewNovember 29, 2005

Academic Personnel Systems


Manage Applicant FilesManage Applicant Files Staff Administrators can easily upload electronic documents

Section 2: Administrator’s Perspective

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RECRUIT OverviewNovember 29, 2005

Academic Personnel Systems


Status Screen with MenuStatus Screen with Menu Candidate status can be designated by the Administrator,

Chair, or Editor

Section 2: Administrator’s Perspective

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RECRUIT OverviewNovember 29, 2005

Academic Personnel Systems


Visit/Seminar Information and Create Visit/Colloquium Information ScreensVisit/Seminar Information and Create Visit/Colloquium Information Screens

Staff Administrators or Editors can input the visit date

Candidate abstracts and biographies can be cut and pasted into the program

Staff Administrators or Editors can create and edit a candidate visit schedule

Both the visit schedule and colloquium flyer can be viewed online or as a formatted, printable page

Section 2: Administrator’s Perspective

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RECRUIT OverviewNovember 29, 2005

Academic Personnel Systems


CommentsComments Comments can be added regarding the candidate’s file status

Section 4: Reviewer’s Perspective

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‘Recruit’ OverviewNovember 29, 2005

Section Contents:


Section 3: Applicant’s PerspectiveSection 3: Applicant’s Perspective

Applicant Login

Applicant Information

Applicant Status/Main Menu

Application File Management

Applicant References

Application Completion & Assistance

Requesting Letters of Reference

Adding References

Application Complete


Section Contents:

Academic Personnel Systems

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RECRUIT OverviewNovember 29, 2005

Academic Personnel Systems


Applicant LoginApplicant Login Applicant views faculty position on the department website Clicks “Apply now” Applicant creates own “Username” & “Password,” then

selects position to apply for

Section 3: Applicant’s Perspective

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RECRUIT OverviewNovember 29, 2005

Academic Personnel Systems


Applicant InformationApplicant Information Applicant completes basic required


Section 3: Applicant’s Perspective

Contact Information

Current Affiliation

Current Job Title

Degree Information

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RECRUIT OverviewNovember 29, 2005

Academic Personnel Systems


Applicant Status/Main MenuApplicant Status/Main Menu Menu displays current status of application Provides access to edit or obtain help Application status is current as data is added or deleted

Section 3: Applicant’s Perspective

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RECRUIT OverviewNovember 29, 2005

Academic Personnel Systems


Applicant File ManagementApplicant File Management Applicant uploads:

CV Cover Letter Statements of Research & Teaching Optional publications or supplemental materials

Section 3: Applicant’s Perspective

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RECRUIT OverviewNovember 29, 2005

Academic Personnel Systems


Applicant ReferencesApplicant References Applicant provides names of references Applicant can look to see when letters have been received

Section 3: Applicant’s Perspective

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RECRUIT OverviewNovember 29, 2005

Academic Personnel Systems


Application Completion & AssistanceApplication Completion & Assistance Once all required materials are submitted, application status

is complete Simple web format for requesting assistance

Section 3: Applicant’s Perspective

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RECRUIT OverviewNovember 29, 2005

Academic Personnel Systems


Requesting Letters of ReferenceRequesting Letters of Reference Applicant must request letters

of reference

Instructions, URL, & “Token”


Section 3: Applicant’s Perspective

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RECRUIT OverviewNovember 29, 2005

Academic Personnel Systems


Adding ReferencesAdding References To provide a letter of recommendation, the Applicant’s

Reference logs in Uploads letter from instructions Applicant sent via email Confirmation is provided once letter is uploaded

Section 3: Applicant’s Perspective

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RECRUIT OverviewNovember 29, 2005

Academic Personnel Systems


Application CompleteApplication CompleteSection 3: Applicant’s Perspective

Applicant receives instructions to click on URL for FAST OEOD survey once application is complete.

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RECRUIT OverviewNovember 29, 2005

Academic Personnel Systems


FAST SurveyFAST Survey

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‘Recruit’ OverviewNovember 29, 2005

Section Contents:


Section 4: Reviewer’s PerspectiveSection 4: Reviewer’s Perspective

Main Menu

Position Details

Applicant Information

Application Documents

Application References

Application Status & Visit Details

Viewing Comments

Section Contents:

Academic Personnel Systems

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RECRUIT OverviewNovember 29, 2005

Academic Personnel Systems


Main MenuMain Menu Listing of open

positions is displayed

Clicks on position to

view Applicants

Section 4: Reviewer’s Perspective

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RECRUIT OverviewNovember 29, 2005

Academic Personnel Systems


Position DetailsPosition Details Basic applicant information is displayed

Section 4: Reviewer’s Perspective

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RECRUIT OverviewNovember 29, 2005

Academic Personnel Systems


Applicant InformationApplicant Information Select an applicant

Background information appears first

Section 4: Reviewer’s Perspective

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RECRUIT OverviewNovember 29, 2005

Academic Personnel Systems


Applicant DocumentsApplicant Documents Applicant documents are displayed on the Applicant info page

Click on “Filename” to view a particular document

Section 4: Reviewer’s Perspective

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RECRUIT OverviewNovember 29, 2005

Academic Personnel Systems


Applicant ReferencesApplicant References Letters of reference displayed

Click on “Filename” to view

Section 4: Reviewer’s Perspective

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RECRUIT OverviewNovember 29, 2005

Academic Personnel Systems


Applicant Status & Visit DetailsApplicant Status & Visit Details Reviewers can see Applicant’s status

Visit date & details are available

Section 4: Reviewer’s Perspective

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RECRUIT OverviewNovember 29, 2005

Academic Personnel Systems


Viewing CommentsViewing Comments Reviewers can add comments

Comments from other reviewers are viewable

Section 4: Reviewer’s Perspective

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‘Recruit’ OverviewNovember 29, 2005

Section Contents:


Next StepsNext Steps

Timeline for next steps:



Attaching FAST OEOD Survey & Search Activities Statement

Phase II

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Linda Halsey Arias - Coby Bassett - Bill Cohen - Peggy Munhall

John Clark - Deborah Heck - Gabor Mester - Thuy Thirawankanok

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‘Recruit’ OverviewNovember 29, 2005

Section Contents:


Thank you!Thank you!

Thank you for attending this presentation.

Stay tuned for more information in Winter 2006!

Academic Personnel Systems

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