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6 Steps To Diagnosing and Ending Panic Attacksand Anxiety, Without Medication



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Page 2: Recognizing and Overcoming Panic Attack Symptoms




Recognizing and Overcoming

Panic Attack Symptoms

6 Steps To Diagnosing and Ending Panic

Attacks and Anxiety, Without Medication


Inside this report, you will learn:

1. How to Recognize the Symptoms of a

Panic Attack: Anyone who has suffered

the symptoms of anxiety attack knows

that the experience is far from

pleasant. If you have any question

whether or not you have had an attack

it is best that you speak with your

physician. Following are quick facts

about the symptoms of anxiety attack

that you may want to consider.

2. 5 Strategies for Coping With Anxiety:

Looking for a job - a tough feat in any

field - can be even harder when the

economy is down. Good marketing can

set you apart from other candidates if

you know how to properly promote


3. Fighting Anxiety Without Medication: If

you're one of the millions who

struggle with anxiety, the good news is

that you can feel better, even without

medication. No matter how long you've

had anxiety, you can do something

about it. When you apply both mental

and physical techniques to getting

better, you'll soon find that you - not

your anxiety - are the one in control!

4. Discovering Your Self-Worth Despite

Challenging Circumstances: Does life

seem to be a struggle for you? Do you

feel overwhelmed and frustrated

much of the time? Do you wish you

could experience something better?

Fortunately, you


enjoy the

exciting life you deserve.

5. Four Tips to Avoid Depression During the

Winter Months: When the weather is

cold and the skies are dark and

cloudy, it's easier to feel down and

despondent. If you struggle with

gloomy feelings during the winter, it's

good to know that there's help and

hope available to you without a

prescription depression drug.

6. Learning Deep Breathing Strategies to

Control Anxiety: Do you struggle with

feelings of anxiety? If so, it's good to


Page 3: Recognizing and Overcoming Panic Attack Symptoms

know that there are ways to relieve

your suffering. You can learn

strategies to take charge of your

nervousness and experience the

serenity you deserve. You can learn to

control your anxiety with these simple

deep breathing techniques.


We are not medically qualified. Always consult a

suitably qualified medical practitioner.

The reader by reading on any further shall be deemed

to have read and accepted the following terms.

Terms of Use: No Liability: This book is supplied “as

is” and without liability. All warranties, express or

implied, are hereby disclaimed. The information

provided is for general entertainment purposes and

does not constitute advice of any kind.

© 2012 by IPPTS Associates.

How to Recognize the

Symptoms of a Panic


Anyone who has suffered the symptoms

of a panic /anxiety attack knows that the

experience is far from pleasant. If you

have any question whether or not you

have had an attack it is best that you

speak with your physician. Following are

quick facts about the symptoms of

anxiety attack that you may want to


I'm going to start off with a description

from someone who has suffered from

panic attacks for several years now. This

woman works in social services focusing

on the elderly population. The stress of

her job is compounded by the symptoms

of panic attack and she has a very

detailed account of her experience that

she has shared with me.


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During the onset of her panic attack

symptoms, she begins to feel warm and

flushed. This feeling is often

accompanied with perspiration and mild

shaking. Following the heat and sweat is

a wave of emotion that is overwhelming

and gripping. The symptoms of panic

attack may include a feeling of great

dread and fear.

Sometimes the fear is so looming that

she is unable to complete the task at

hand. If she is driving, she has to pull

over to a safe place to park her car. The

feelings of gloom and doom are mixed

with fear that is so real and intense that

it becomes difficult to think about

anything else.

The symptoms of panic attack come in

waves that build on one another in her

estimation. She feels as if she is going

to die and her heart begins to beat

uncontrollably. At times, she

experiences heart palpitations that are

so pronounced that she thinks she is

having a heart attack.

After a few minutes, the waves begin to

crest and curl over her. Right before she

thinks she is going to drown, the

symptoms of panic attack begin to

shrink back further and further until she

is brought back to her normal state, or

as close as she can come to it at the


Of course, her account of the symptoms

of panic attack is unique. People

experience the condition a little

differently. No matter what, the disorder

will interfere with the individual's ability

to function normally on a regular basis.

You may wonder if the panic attack

symptoms are harmful after reading

about her experience but they are not.

While they don't pose immediate health

risks, it is still quite important to seek

help from a professional if you feel that

you are suffering from the symptoms of

anxiety attack.

5 Strategies for Coping With


Do you feel anxious when the pressure's

on? Do you struggle to calm your nerves

in the midst of stressful situations?

These are very normal feelings.

Sometimes, however, these worries can

become overwhelming even in your

day-to-day routines.


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Extreme anxiety can inhibit your everyday

life. Anxiety about a particular situation

can cause you to feel worried about

everything else. Anxiety can run your life

if you let it, but you can take control and

learn to thrive in situations that

challenge your resolve.

Learning to deal effectively with anxiety

is a powerful skill that will benefit you in

many ways. Your relationships with

others will be impacted in a positive

way. You'll go after your dreams instead

of giving up easily. And your

self-confidence will grow as you develop

the habit of effectively responding to

situations despite the fears inside of


If you begin to use these five strategies

today, you'll notice the difference

immediately. These ideas are simple, but

they have the power to revolutionize your


These techniques can help you cope with

your anxious feelings:

1. Practice deep breathing. One of the

most effective ways to cope with

anxiety is deep breathing. Deep

breaths get much-needed oxygen to

your brain and throughout your body,

relaxing your muscles. The increased

air to your body and mind helps you

calm downin times when you would

normally become stressed out.

When you notice that you're

beginning to get nervous, pay

attention to your breathing. For a

few days, practice deep breathing

in a relaxed, private, comfortable

environment where you're not

rushed. Put your hand on your

belly, and make your hand rise and

fall with each breath. Be sure to

take in a slow, full breath. Exhale


If you practice this deep breathing

exercise before the moment of

truth, you'll be equipped to control

your breathing when a stressful

situation occurs. When the

pressure is on, and you notice your

heartbeat beginning to rise, simply

pay attention to your breating and

do what you've practiced.

2. Face your fears. If you worry

constantly, you may not be leaving

your comfort zone often enough. Seek

opportunities to stretch your mental


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boundaries in ways that aren't extremely

stressful. As your mind and body

become used to taking on challenges

in dealing with your nerves, give

yourself greater challenges to increase

your ability to handle them.

If you're in the habit of shying away

from things that stress you out,

purposefully put yourself into

situations that you aren't sure

about. This will help you build

confidence. The more steps you

take outside of your comfort zone,

the better equipped you'll be when

the real challenges of life cause

you to feel anxious.

3. Eat nutritiously. An often-overlooked

way to beat anxiety is to make sure

that your body is properly fueled for

the challenges it must face. Drink

plenty of water. Eat a balanced

breakfast. Eat small meals, and eat

more often. Keep track of what you're

eating in a daily log so that you can

begin to notice patterns that sabotage

your health.

When your body is fueled properly,

the daily anxieties you experience

will be less overwhelming.

4. Exercise. Your body is made to move.

If you sit at a desk all day, you'll likely

face greater challenges with worry and

stress than someone who's always on

the move. Exercise provides

tremendous stress relief, an outlet for

frustration and a boost to your overall

self-confidence. All of these

contribute to a peaceful feeling and

less anxiety on a daily basis.

5. Seek professional help. Sometimes,

the issues you face with anxiety may

require you to seek counseling to

overcome them. If you've tried many

things without success, a mental

health professional that is trained to

help you overcome these challenges

may be your best bet.

It's normal to feel nervous when stressful

situations occur. But without strategies

to overcome those nerves, you can feel

paralyzed and sabotage your chances of

experiencing the success you deserve.

Instead, start using these five strategies

today to effectively cope with your

feelings of anxiety and emerge

triumphant over them.

Fighting Anxiety Without

Medication: 10 Tips to Help

You Feel Calm

When anxiety hits you, it can be

terrifying. The panic and frightening

thoughts coupled with physical

symptoms may lead you to believe that

you're having a heart attack or suffering

from a terrible disease, when in reality,

you're perfectly healthy!


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Anxiety can often cause you to have an

exaggerated nervous system reaction to

common stressors that others are able to


If you're one of the millions who struggle

with anxiety, the good news is that you

can feel better, even without medication.

You can take positive action on your own

to get a handle on your anxiety and feel

more in control. Of course, especially if

your symptoms are debilitating, please

consult your doctor or other health

professional for their advice.

Both your mind and body are involved in

anxiety. It's a vicious circle: the constant

worrying and negative thoughts can

produce physical symptoms, which can

cause more anxious thoughts. It

becomes a pattern that can be

challenging to break free of.

But when you're able to overcome this

challenge, it's well worth the effort!

Tackle your anxiety on both the physical

and mental levels today by practicing

these 10 strategies.

Physical Ways to Lower Anxiety

Try these tips to physically lower your

anxiety levels:

1. Breathe. If you're breathing from the

top of your chest and not from your

abdomen, you might be making

yourself more nervous. Breathe from

your diaphragm and take full, deep,

slow breaths.

2. Get moving. Use up that extra energy

and adrenaline that your body

produces. If you don't, it can build up

and make you more nervous. By

getting frequent exercise, you'll prevent

your body from storing excess


3. Sit still. It's important to exercise, but

sometimes it's more effective to be

still. If you usually run from a panic

attack or anxiety episode, force

yourself to stay where you are and

focus on your relaxation techniques,

like deep breathing, to help prevent

your impending anxiety.

The anxiety might get worse for a

moment, but you'll be calmer after

a few minutes and you'll be more

prepared the next time you face


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4. Distract yourself. It's hard to think

about feeling nervous when you're

actively engaged in other activities.

Help others, play a game, or do

something else that requires your total

concentration as soon as you start to

feel anxious.

5. Get in shape. Being physically fit can

help you feel better about your health

and reduce anxiety. It's not a quick

fix, but more of a long-term goal that

you can actively pursue. Staying in

good physical condition goes a long

way in preventing anxiety.

Discovering Your Self-Worth

Despite Challenging


Does life seem to be a struggle for you?

Do you feel overwhelmed and frustrated

much of the time? Do you wish you

could experience something better?

Fortunately, you


enjoy the exciting

life you deserve.

Success is available to you despite

challenging circumstances. It's

important to remember, also, that your

self-worth is


defined by your


What holds you back? Take some time

today to question the beliefs you hold

that limit your potential. If you look at a

challenging circumstance as a wall that's

impossible to climb, you need a fresh


Within you is everything you need to thrive

and excel. The more you question the

validity of your limiting beliefs, the more

success you'll experience in your life.

Think of a circumstance in your life that

you believe is preventing you from

something you want. Write it down, then

get ready to challenge that limiting

belief. If you do, you'll begin to move

toward the success you deserve.

Use these strategies to maintain a positive

self-worth, regardless of your


1. Find the cause. What is the cause of

the circumstance in your life?

Sometimes, limiting beliefs can serve


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as warning signs that help you avoid

danger. What can you learn from this

so you avoid triggering a similar

situation in the future?

If the cause of your situation is

unclear, ask friends and family for

their input. Others see your life

from a different perspective, and

their input can be valuable in

determining the root of your


2. Get past the blame game. You can

often be your own worst critic.

Fortunately, negative self-talk often

has very little basis in reality. Choose

to replace the doubts of your inner critic

with more productive thinking.

Once a negative thought has taught

you its intended lesson, it has

served its purpose. If you choose to

hold onto those negative thoughts,

they will begin to form a negative

self-image in your mind. This

unbalanced view of your talents

and strengths holds you back.

Instead of dwelling on negative

thoughts about your circumstances,

learn the lesson and resolve to move

on. Find out what you can do

differently to avoid a repeat of your

present situation. Then, when

negative thoughts enter your mind,

choose to replace your self-talk

with productive thoughts instead.

3. Cut yourself some slack. Recognize

that you're human. Everyone makes

mistakes, but your attitude

determines your altitude in life. You


valuable regardless of your present

predicament. You


worthwhile even

when you slip up or falter. Your

circumstances simply provide

feedback and an opportunity to learn

and grow

4. Make the most of it. When you

recognize that you're valuable despite

your circumstances, you'll begin to

make the most of every opportunity.

Stumbling blocks you face can become

stepping stones to the success you

deserve, simply by changing what you

focus on


Instead of feeling helpless, ask

yourself: "What's great about this?"

Every situation provides something

of value if you look for it.

5. Ask for help. Loved ones and friends

often see strengths in you that go

without notice. Ask them what they

believe your strengths are. This is

where your self-worth is found.

Everyone has something of value to


Once you recognize your unique

talents, gifts, and abilities, you'll see

life in a whole new way. You'll seek

opportunities to use your talents to

bless others. You'll gain confidence

that comes from conquering

challenges that once made you


Instead of allowing your

circumstances to dictate who you

are, you'll make the rules!

6. Live one day at a time. Despite your

best efforts, some days simply provide

one frustration after another. When


Page 10: Recognizing and Overcoming Panic Attack Symptoms

this happens, you have a choice. You

can let your circumstances defeat

you, or you can choose a more

positive perspective.

Resolve today to find your strengths,

learn from your difficult circumstances,

and experience the joy you were created

to experience. Instead of tying your

self-worth to your circumstances, choose

to see things as they really are. You were

created with unique talents and gifts.

When you find those gifts within yourself

and put them to use, you'll know how

valuable you truly are.

Four Tips to Avoid

Depression During the

Winter Months

When the weather is cold and the skies

are dark and cloudy, it's easier to feel

down and despondent. If you struggle

with gloomy feelings during the winter,

it's good to know that there's help and

hope available to you without a

prescription depression drug. Of course,

you'll want to check with your physician

before making any changes to your

health regimen.

Spring is Around the Corner

Some people start feeling down just as

soon as the first cold, cloudy day rolls in.

Don't let this happen to you! To stay

happy and peaceful during the winter,

focus your time and energy on things that

bring you joy.

See the beauty that the winter months

have to offer. If you're really struggling to

see any beauty at all in the gloom of

winter, all you need are a few simple

ideas to jump-start your thinking in a

positive direction.

Consider these tips to help you gain a more

positive mindset during winter:

1. Buy a sun lamp. A sun lamp gives you

the light you need even when it's

gloomy outside and works much

better to help your mood than just

turning on all the lights in your house.

2. Take a vacation. Travel to somewhere

sunny and warmer each winter, even

if only for a couple of days. Looking

forward to your annual getaway will

lift your spirits during the time before

you go, too.

3. Get outside. When the sun does come

out, even if it's otherwise cold, take

advantage of it. When your body is

deprived of sunlight, it has a harder

time making vitamin D. If you can get

some sun, though, you'll feel better

and you'll be better able to make it

through until spring arrives with its

longer, sunnier days.


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4. Find activities that bring you joy. Read

that book you've always wanted to

read or engross yourself in a new TV

sitcom that comes on in winter.

Perhaps learning to ski or snowboard

can bring you the mental and physical

benefits of exercising while also

finding a way to enjoy the winter


Depression is Treatable - Even if it's Only


It's important to treat depression. If your

feelings of depression run deep, you may

want to talk to your doctor about the

kinds of treatment options that would be

best for you. If you're only getting

bummed out and unhappy during the

winter, though, focusing on strategies that

work during the winter is the best way to

shake those winter blues.

You can choose to be joyful. Focus on the

things that matter to you and make you

happy. Winter is only a season, and

you'll have spring, summer, and fall to

do all kinds of great things outside in

the sunshine. Remember, anything you

can do when it's dark outside, you can

do on a gloomy winter day.

If you have hobbies that lend themselves

to indoor activity, you'll have more to

keep your mind occupied as you move

through the winter. The cold days will

pass more quickly if you have something

to do to occupy your time, and spring

will arrive before you know it.

Learning Deep Breathing

Strategies to Control Anxiety

Do you struggle with feelings of anxiety?

If so, it's good to know that there are

ways to relieve your suffering. You can

learn strategies to take charge of your

nervousness and experience the serenity

you deserve. You can learn to control your

anxiety with simple deep breathing


When you breathe deeply and fully, your

body stays calm. You may still be a bit

tense, but your relaxed breathing can

protect you from an anxiety attack. In an

anxiety attack, you may have a tendency

to hyperventilate, which increases the

level of panic you experience. However,

deep breathing keeps you in control.

When you hyperventilate, you take short,

quick breaths in the top part of your

lungs. Your chest expands, but you

aren't getting the full amount of air that

you need to remain calm. The quick

overload of oxygen you receive from

shallow breathing makes your

apprehension and panic even worse. It

becomes a cycle that can be hard to

break without practice

The Most Beneficial Way To Breathe

Any time you can concentrate on

breathing fully - all the way down to your

abdomen - you'll improve your relaxation

response to stressful situations. If your

chest is rising with each breath, you're

not expanding your lungs to full


Page 12: Recognizing and Overcoming Panic Attack Symptoms

capacity. Your body lacks the oxygen it

needs to thrive under the pressure of the


Place a hand just above your belly button

and breathe. If you're breathing deeply,

your hand will rise and fall with each


Practice breathing slowly by taking full,

deep breaths. You might feel a bit

strange at first because you're not used

to it. You may even feel a bit giddy, but

that's normal. It'll pass with practice.

You're getting plenty of air, even if you

don't feel like you are. Your lungs can

expand without your upper chest rising.

Only your upper belly needs to rise and

fall. At first, you probably won't breathe

this way unless you're thinking about it

because you're so conditioned to breathe

from your chest. Keep practicing often,

and you'll soon be breathing properly all

the time.

How Breathing Affects Anxiety

Anxiety may be caused by a chemical

imbalance in the brain. It may simply be

the product of over-active nerves that

react too strongly to stimuli. However,

regardless of what causes you to feel

anxious, the most important thing is to

alleviate it and reduce the degree to

which it affects your life. Anxiety doesn't

have to stop you from living the life you


By lowering your anxiety, you may be

able to:

Change careers or get promoted

Speak in front of others without fear

Travel to places you've always wanted

to see

Embark on a new relationship or

business venture

Reduce your dependency on

medication or therapy

If you're contemplating reducing any

medication or therapy you're currently

using, consult your physician before

making any changes to your established

regimen. But you can still start deep

breathing right away. There are no side

effects, as this type of breathing is

natural and healthy. And it's something

that everyone can learn and benefit


If you struggle with worry, you



more relaxed and in control by simply

controlling your breathing. Begin

practicing deep breathing strategies

today and experience peace in the midst


Page 13: Recognizing and Overcoming Panic Attack Symptoms

of the storms of your life!

Wrapping up...

In this report, we've shown you:

1. How to Cope With Panic Attacks

2. 5 Strategies for Coping With Anxiety

3. Fighting Anxiety Without Medication: 10

Tips to Help You Feel Calm

4. Discovering Your Self-Worth Despite

Challenging Circumstances

5. Four Tips to Avoid Depression During the

Winter Months

6. Learning Deep Breathing Strategies to

Control Anxiety

However, if you'd like a more specific

solution, with advanced techniques for

eliminating anxiety, then you may be

interested in this special news report



Is It Really Possible To Stop

Panic Attacks and Anxiety,

Without The Use Of


According to Barry McDonagh, a

medical doctor and mental health

expert, and owner of the popular Panic

Away! website, the answer is yes!

"I know when you are in the middle of a

panic attack it feels like this terrifying

experience is so intense, it might just

kill you! You feel an array of unusual

bodily sensation from dizziness, rapid

heartbeat to tingles (paresthesias) right

through your body. You fear you may have

a heart attack or that the anxiety will

push you over the edge mentally," Barry

tells us.

Why most people struggle

According to Barry, there's a reason why

so many people struggle with panic and

anxiety despite so much help being

offered to them today...

"There is one key factor that makes the

difference between those who fully

eliminate panic attacks from their lives

and those who do not. The key

ingredient is not medication, lifestyle

changes, or relaxation exercises. It is

when the individual no longer fears the

thought of having a panic attack."

How Barry conquered his panic and anxiety

attacks with a unique approach

"I tried all the exercises I did the

relaxation and breathing techniques but

nothing was shifting this deep fear of my

next dreaded panic attack. It was very

frustrating for quite some time.


Page 14: Recognizing and Overcoming Panic Attack Symptoms

I have extensive experience working

through my own anxiety and then that of

countless others through private

coaching. While going through my own

anxiety episode I studied the best

psychologists working in the field.

I learned a huge amount from them but

not enough to get me panic free. Almost

by accident I stumbled on a technique

that brought it all together and got me

immediately anxiety free. Over the years

working with people I developed the

technique, honed it down, and made it

more understandable so that everyone,

regardless of their situation, could apply

it. This is years of experience I want to

share with you.

I was in my second year of debilitating

panic attacks when I discovered this

powerful technique that stopped panic

attacks in their tracks. I had been

studying the cognitive behavior approach

for dealing with panic attacks from some

of the top psychologists when I

discovered this technique.

The real breakthrough came when I

made some startling observations about

how a panic attack fuels and generates

itself. I developed the technique on the

principle that if you extinguish the fuel

that powers the panic attack, you

eliminate its reoccurrence.

I began teaching small groups of people

my discovery and started getting

immediate results. This surprised me as

I was initially unsure if I could replicate

the same results. People were reporting

instant panic elimination and further

research confirmed that the technique I

taught was not only instantly effective

but also a permanent solution to panic

and anxiety disorders," Barry tells us.

Barry focuses on the unique approach of


21-7 Technique™

to help thousands

of people, in over 30 countries, to

eliminate panic and anxiety from their

lives, for good, without medication.

Was it worth it?

"Cutting the fuel of the panic attacks

had some great knock on bonuses; the

obsessive worries and unwanted thoughts

disappeared as well. It was like a dense

fog lifted. Once I had moved clear of this

fog of anxiety it became clear what

mistakes I was making and how a simple

change in thinking was all that was

needed to advance my recovery. "

And Barry is not alone. There are many


Page 15: Recognizing and Overcoming Panic Attack Symptoms

success stories that you can read on his

website, Panic Away! that should, at

the very least, inspire you to give it a try


To learn more about Barry's solution, and

his story, along with dozens of other

stories from people who have also tried

this solution, visit: Panic Away!.

What others are saying…

"Panic-Away is a useful, innovative and

insightful technique to take charge and

eliminate panic. Its clever and

empowering shorthanded phrases enable

a person to detach from their anxiety

and challenge it full force. Indeed–this

can be the “First-Aid” kit for anxiety. I

would definitely recommend it to my

patients”. – Dr Dahlia Keen

– Click here to read to the full review


You express a lot of the current ideas

very clearly and I like your approach to

finding what works for individuals. I also

like your style of writing, which I think

has the potential to encourage and

empower clients to tackle the situations

for themselves.” – Dr. Alasdair


– Click here to read to the full review

“Finally, a clear and concise explanation

of panic in it’s many forms, with

practical advise and exercises for

symptom reduction and elimination. If

you suffer with panic of any type, it’s

well worth the investment to get this

compassionate, jargon-free program" –

Dr. Glenn Livingston

– Click here to read to the full review

Special Bonus

If you buy through my link – that is by

clicking on one of the links on this page

- I will send you a FREE copy of the

ebook below:

Emergency Panic Attack remedies has

further methods for stopping those

attacks in their tracks!

All you need to do once you have bought

Panic Away! , is to send me your

clickbank receipt number to the email


Page 16: Recognizing and Overcoming Panic Attack Symptoms

address on the cover of this ebook.

I will then send you a link to this

amazing bonus by return.

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