Page 1: Recent Advances in Rete di Spettrometria di Massa ......del CNR, pAvellino 15.00 1st SESSION The role of SID* ion activation technique in biological mass spectrometry Arpad Somogyi

Workshop on

Recent Advances inBiological

and ProteomicMass Spectrometry

1 marzo 2004

Aula Bottazzi

Istituto di Scienze dell’AlimentazioneConsiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche

Via Roma 52 a/c - Avellino


Centro di Spettrometria di Massa Proteomica eBiomolecolare (CeSMa-ProBio)

Istituto di Scienze dell’Alimentazione (ISA)C. N. R. – Avellino

Istituto per il Sistema Produzione Animalein Ambiente Mediterraneo (ISPAAM)

C. N. R. – Napoli

Istituto di Chimica Biomolecolare (ICB)C. N. R. – Pozzuoli, Napoli

Centro di Ricerche in Oncologia Pediatrica (CROP)Istituto Nazionale Tumori “Pascale”

Mercogliano (AV)

Dipartimento di Scienze della VitaSeconda Università degli Studi di Napoli - Caserta

Dipartimento di Scienza degli AlimentiUniversità degli Studi di Napoli Federico II - Portici


Francesco Addeo Lorenza OpertiVirginia Carbone Augusto ParenteGiuseppe Castello Gabriella PocsfalviGuido Cimino Andrea ScaloniAntonio Malorni Rosa Siciliano


Giusy Cacace Fiorella MazzeoSalvatore De Caro Clemente MeccarielloBeatrice De Giulio Antonio OttombrinoClementina Faruolo Paola SaggeseLivia Malorni Alida Sorrentino

Cesma-ProBio/ISA-CNR,e-mail: [email protected]: 0825/299581 fax: 0825/299103

Comitato Organizzatore Convegno CBA

REGISTRATION IS REQUIREDthe registration form is available at Luigi Cipriano

organized by

Istituto di Scienze dell’Alimentazionedel CNR

eRete di Spettrometria di Massa

del CNR(FERS N° ARINCO N°94.IT.16.028)

with the patronage of

Divisione di Spettrometria di MassaSocietà Chimica Italiana

corporate sponsor

Bruker Daltonics è uno dei principali produttori dispettrometri di massa e accessori per la ricerca inambito chimico, biochimico e farmaceutico.La linea di prodotti include FT-MS, MALDI-TOF eMALDI-TOF/TOF, LC/ESI-Trappola ionica, ESI-TOF e ESI-Q-q-TOF, sistemi automatizzati per lapreparazione del campione e software dedicati al-l’analisi nelle Scienze della Vita.

Page 2: Recent Advances in Rete di Spettrometria di Massa ......del CNR, pAvellino 15.00 1st SESSION The role of SID* ion activation technique in biological mass spectrometry Arpad Somogyi



Arturo LeoneDirettore - Istituto di Scienze dell’Alimentazione (ISA)del CNR, Avellino

15.00 1st SESSION

The role of SID* ion activation technique in biologicalmass spectrometryArpad SomogyiMass Spectrometry Facility, Department of Chemistry,University of Arizona, Tucson, USA


FTMS as a most flexible, high-performance MS/MStechnique: a comparison of Q-CID, ECD and IRMPDArnd IngendohBruker Daltonik GmbH, Bremen, Germany


17.15 2nd SESSION

MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry: a technology platformfor classical proteomics, proteomic profiling andbiomarker discoveryGiovanna TripepiBruker Daltonics S.r.l., Milano, Italia

Recent advances in caasein phosphoproteomeLuca Picariello ISA/C.N.R., Avellino

Molecular profiling by mass spectrometry: an overiewAntonio Malorni CESMA-ProBio/ISA/C.N.R., Avellino

19.00 Visit to CeSMa-ProBio labs


Affiliation and official address: Director of the MassSpectrometry Facility, Department of Chemistry, Univer-sity of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721Education: (degrees, dates, universities) M.S., 1981,Chemistry, Lajos Kossuth, University, Debrecen,Hungary; Ph. D., 1984, Chemistry, Lajos Kossuth Uni-versity, Debrecen, HungaryCareer/Employment: (employers, positions and dates) 1981-1983, Research Fellow of the Hungarian Academy ofSciences, Department of Chemistry, Lajos Kossuth Uni-versity, Debrecen, Hungary; 1983-1987, AssistantLecturer, Department of Chemistry, Lajos Kossuth Uni-versity, Debrecen, Hungary; 1987-1991, ResearchScientist, Mass Spectrometry Group, Central ResearchInstitute for Chemistry of the Hungarian Academy ofSciences, Budapest, Hungary; 1992-1995, Post DoctoralAssociate, Department of Chemistry, Virginia Common-wealth University, Richmond, VA; 1993-1995, AdjunctFaculty Member, Department of Chemistry, VirginiaCommonwealth University, Richmond, VA; 1996, PostDoctoral Associate, Department of Chemistry, Universi-ty of Arizona, Tucson, AZ; 1997- ,Director of MassSpectrometry Facility, Department of Chemistry, Univer-sity of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.Current research interest: fragmentation mechanisms ofprotonated peptides in the gas phase by tandem massspectrometry and theoretical methods; low energy ion-surface reactions between organic projectile ions and self-assembled monolayer surfaces by tandem mass spectro-metry and theoretical methods; modelling organicenvironment and chemical reactions on Saturn’s largestmoon, Titan; gas-phase H/D exchange and chemicalreactions some uranyl complexes; MALDI-TOF studiesof non-soluble polyaromatic polymersPublications: 56 papers in refereed journals; 67 commu-nications to scientific meetings; 2 books.

* With the development of soft ionization techniques,such as electrospray ionization (ESI) and matrixassisted laser desorption/ionization, biologicalsamples, including proteins, peptides, oligosac-charides and DNAs, are now routinely investigatedby mass spectrometry in many laboratories all overthe world. To obtain structural information, such asprotein and DNA sequences, fragmentation of smallerunits of bigger biomolecules (that are usuallygenerated by enzymatic digestion) is crucial and ofprimary importance. Because the ESI and MALDIionization techniques do not provide enough internalenergy to the ionic species, so-called ion activationmethods are necessary to initiate and/or enhancefragmentation. The technique that is used to getstructural information via fragmentation of a selectedion is called tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS). InMS/MS, an ion of particular interest is selected etherin space or time in a mass spectrometer, the ion thanis activated in a different region or subsequent time,and finally the fragments are analyzed by a subse-quent mass measurement. The resulted MS/MSspectra are strongly dependent on the way the selectedion is activated. Ion activation is provided by differentcollisions of the selected ion and an “activating” targetthat can be either small gas molecules [He, Ar, Xe; highand low energy collision induced dissociation (CID)],photons [infrared multiphoton dissociation (IRMPD)or blackbody infrared radiative dissociation (BIRD)],electron [electron capture dissociation (ED)], and asurface [surface-induced dissociation (SID)].Although in most of the commercially availableinstruments, high or low energy CID is used as ionactivation method, in certain cases, CID does notprovide enough energy to efficiently fragment aselected ion. SID, however, can provide higherenergies that lead to more fragments with a morecontrollable fashion. Obviously, the success of proteinidentification strongly depends on the number offragments in the tandem MS/MS mass spectra:fragment rich spectra make sequencing more reliable.The present talk will focus on SID, which is a relativelyunique but powerful ion activation method. Followinga discussion on some general features of SID,examples will be shown to demonstrate and justifythe usefulness of SID in biological mass spectrometry.

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