
Receive Me Falling, 2009, 280 pages, Erika Robuck, 0982229801, 9780982229804,Elysian Fields Press, 2009


Every slave story is a ghost story. The haunting words of an historian and former cane worker onthe Caribbean island of Nevis launch Meghan Owen on her quest to unlock the secrets of anabandoned sugar plantation and its ghosts. After Meg's parents die in a car accident on the nightof her engagement party, she calls off her wedding, takes leave of her job in Annapolis, andtravels to land she's inherited on Nevis. A series of discoveries in an old plantation house on theproperty, Eden, set her on a search for the truth surrounding the shameful past of her ancestors,their slaves, and the tragedy that resulted in the fall of the plantation and its inhabitants. Througha crushing phone call with her lawyer, Meg learns that her father's estate was built on stolenmoney, and is being sued by multiple sources. She is faced with having to sell the land andplantation home, and deal with the betrayal she feels from her deceased father. In alternatingchapters, the historical drama of the Dall family unfolds. Upon the arrival of British abolitionists tothe hedonistic 19th century plantation society, Catherine Dall is forced to choose between herlifestyle and the scandal of deserting her family. An angry confrontation with Catherine's slave,Leah, results in the girl's death, but was it murder or suicide? Hidden texts, scandalous diaries,antique paintings, and confessional letters help Meghan Owen uncover the secrets of Eden and putthe ghosts to rest.


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