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Real-Time Hydraulic and Hydrodynamic Model ofthe St. Clair River, Lake St. Clair, Detroit River System

Eric J. Anderson1; David J. Schwab2; and Gregory A. Lang3

Abstract: The Huron-Erie Corridor serves as a major waterway in the Great Lakes and is the connecting channel between Lake Huronand Lake Erie. The system consists of the St. Clair River, Lake St. Clair, and the Detroit River, and serves as a recreational waterway,source of drinking water for Detroit and surrounding cities, as well as the only shipping channel to Lakes Huron, Michigan, and Superior.This paper describes a three-dimensional unsteady model of the combined system and its application to real-time predictions of physicalconditions over the corridor. The hydrodynamic model produces nowcasts eight times per day and 48 h forecasts twice a day. Comparisonsbetween model simulations and observed values show average differences of 3 cm for water levels and 12 cm/s for along-channel currentsin the St. Clair River �compared to mean current values of 1.7 m/s� for the period of September 2007 to August 2008. Simulations reveala spatially and temporally variable circulation in Lake St. Clair as well as significant changes in flow rate and distribution through the St.Clair Delta not accounted for in previous models.

DOI: 10.1061/�ASCE�HY.1943-7900.0000203

CE Database subject headings: Hydrodynamics; Hydraulic models; River systems; Great lakes; Forecasting.

Author keywords: Hydrodynamics; Hydraulic models; River systems; Great lakes; Forecasting.


River Models

Several models have been developed to characterize the dischargeand flow distribution in the St. Clair and Detroit Rivers for avariety of scenarios. Initially, one-dimensional transient models�Quinn and Wylie 1972; Quinn and Hagman 1977; Derecki andKelley 1981; Derecki 1982� aimed to replace the empirical stage-fall discharge equations employed to estimate flow in the Huron-Erie Corridor �HEC�. These models used daily, weekly, andmonthly forecasted water levels, and eventually implementedwind stress forcing �Quinn 1980� to provide flow magnitude pre-dictions for each river. These models gave reasonably accurateestimates of discharge for both rivers, but were not able to de-scribe details of the hydrodynamics in the system. A steady two-dimensional hydrodynamic model �RMA2� was developed topredict the spatial distribution of currents in the St. Clair and

1Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, National Oceanicand Atmospheric Administration, 4840 S. State Rd., Ann Arbor, MI48108.

2Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, National Oceanicand Atmospheric Administration, 4840 S. State Rd., Ann Arbor, MI48108.

3Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, National Oceanicand Atmospheric Administration, 4840 S. State Rd., Ann Arbor, MI48108.

Note. This manuscript was submitted on January 7, 2009; approvedon January 7, 2010; published online on January 9, 2010. Discussionperiod open until January 1, 2011; separate discussions must be submittedfor individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of HydraulicEngineering, Vol. 136, No. 8, August 1, 2010. ©ASCE, ISSN 0733-



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Detroit Rivers by Tsanis et al. �1996� for constant inflow anddownstream water level boundary condition. Results were com-pared to drifter buoy experiments. However, unlike the one-dimensional models, which used varying Manning’s n roughnesscoefficients between water level gauges, the two-dimensionalmodel implemented a constant Manning’s n coefficient in eachriver. The main limitations of this model were the steady-stateconditions and nonvariable roughness parameter. Using the dis-charge predictions and steady-state distributions from these stud-ies, other subsequent studies were able to investigate flowreversal in the Detroit River �Quinn 1988�, the effects of weedgrowth on flow magnitude �Sellinger and Quinn 2001�, flow dis-tribution in branches of the Detroit and St. Clair Rivers�Holtschlag and Koschik 2002b�, and flow paths as a function ofdepth in the St. Clair River �Holtschlag and Koschik 2005�. In allcases, variation of flow or velocity with depth was not described.

Lake St. Clair Models

In contrast to the discharge focus of the river model, hydrody-namic models of Lake St. Clair have primarily focused on theeffects of wind on lake circulation and water levels. The firstnumerical model �Schwab et al. 1981� used a two-dimensional,unsteady finite-difference scheme to describe the hydrodynamicsfor a constant inflow/outflow and temporally varying wind. How-ever, in order to describe both circulation and changes in eleva-tion, a rigid lid circulation model and a free surface model wereemployed. The rigid lid model was applied to Lake St. Clair tostudy the effect of wind on lake circulation �Schwab et al. 1989�using wind data from 1985 and constant flow conditions. Theseresults were compared with current meter observations and drifterbuoy tracks for the selected time period. Two-dimensional models

were also used to investigate wave-current interactions within the


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lake in order to validate field measurements �Tsanis and Wu 1990;Brissette et al. 1993�. The first three-dimensional �3D� model ofLake St. Clair �Ibrahim and McCorquodale 1985� used finite ele-ments to predict the current patterns for a variety of steady-stateflow and uniform wind conditions. In addition, they also investi-gated the effects of ice on lake currents by reducing wind stress asa function of ice coverage. However, the steady-state model couldonly provide general circulation patterns in the lake. Variabilitydue to hydraulic flow and wind stress was not included. In addi-tion to circulation in Lake St. Clair, water-level setup was alsomodeled as a function of wind stress �Simons and Schertzer 1989�using an unsteady, two-dimensional model, validated with waterlevel gauges at the shoreline. This study also compared hydrody-namic model results to those of an empirical model of the lake,pointing out that although the results were similar, the hydrody-namic model was able to calculate water level for any locationwithout the extensive history necessary for empirical models.Thus far, hydrodynamic models of Lake St. Clair have describedcurrent patterns in the lake using either an �1� unsteady, two-dimensional or �2� steady, 3D model, but in all cases uniformwind and constant inflow/outflow conditions have been applied,thus failing to take into account the temporal variation of hydrau-lic flow through the lake in combination with variable winds.

Combined-System Models

As Lake St. Clair and the St. Clair and Detroit Rivers are hydrau-lically linked, variations in water level and flow are interdepen-dent between sections, and thus for accurate hydraulic andhydrodynamic predictions, a single model is essential. Further-more, due to the population density near the HEC, and the citiesserved by the waterway, a combined-system model is also neces-sary to predict transport of pollutants, sediment, toxins, etc.throughout the waterway. Based on prototype models of the entireHEC by the United States Army Corps of Engineers and Environ-ment Canada, a steady-state two-dimensional, finite-elementmodel of the HEC was developed by Holtschlag and Koschik�2002a�, as part of the Michigan Dept. of Environmental Qualitysource water assessment program. Their model used the RMA-2hydrodynamic model to predict velocity and water level through-out the corridor based on an upstream flow condition at the St.Clair River and downstream water level in the Detroit River nearBar Point, Ontario, as well as constant flows at seven tributariesalong the system. Steady-state scenarios were used to calibratethe model for elevation and flow with nonuniform Manning’s ncoefficients, in order to provide flow paths for a given steady-statephysical scenario. However, wind forcing was not included in themodel, and thus currents and circulations in the HEC are purelyhydraulically driven. As such, velocities at specific points withinthe model were not validated with observations.

Overall, neither the combined-system model nor a combina-tion of sectional models provide a complete, unsteady 3D descrip-tion of the HEC, which is necessary for producing real-timenowcasts and forecasts of the hydrodynamics. The purpose of thisstudy is to provide such a combined-system model, in which thehydrodynamic processes of the combined St. Clair River, Lake St.Clair, and the Detroit River can be predicted in an operationalsetting and support search and rescue operations, toxic spill re-sponse, drinking water quality, invasive species investigations,

commercial shipping, and beach closure forecasting.


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In order to produce hydrodynamic forecasts for the HEC, a widegeometric range of length scales in the combined system must beresolved. Unlike the open Great Lakes and the models of theGreat Lakes coastal forecasting system �GLCFS� �Schwab andBedford 1994�, the HEC consists of a variety of lake, river, andtributary length scales that are critical to the system dynamics.Thus, to resolve the geometry without great computational ex-pense, an unstructured grid is employed to simulate the fluid dy-namics in the HEC using the finite volume coastal ocean model�FVCOM� �Chen et al. 2003; Chen et al. 2006�.

FVCOM Background

FVCOM is a 3D hydrostatic free surface circulation model thatsolves continuity �Eq. �1��, momentum �Eq. �2��, and temperatureequations �Eq. �3�� with second order accuracy on a horizontallyunstructured grid of triangular elements and a sigma coordinatesystem in the vertical direction





�z= 0 �1�


Dt− fv = −







�z� + Fu


− fu = −1





�v�z� + Fv �2�


�z= − �g





�z� + FT �3�

where x, y, and z=Cartesian coordinates; u, v, and w=velocitycomponents; T=temperature; �=density; �0=reference density;P=pressure; f =Coriolis parameter; g=gravitational acceleration;Km=vertical eddy viscosity coefficient; Kh=thermal vertical eddydiffusion coefficient; Fu and Fv=horizontal momentum diffusionterms; and FT=horizontal thermal diffusion term.

Unlike finite-difference and finite-element schemes, FVCOMsolves the integral forms of the governing equations to bettersatisfy the conservation laws. In addition, the unstructured griduses triangular volumes to resolve complex geometry, and thus isable to accurately portray the hydrodynamics near complex areaswith a reduced number of grid cells as compared to structuredgrids. In previous studies, FVCOM has demonstrated better res-olution of both geometry and hydrodynamics �velocity, tempera-ture, circulations� than finite-difference schemes, and has beenvalidated through analytical, numerical, and experimental means�Chen et al. 2003; Chen et al. 2007; Chen et al. 2008; Huang et al.2008�. In particular, FVCOM has been validated with success inthe cases of the wind-driven circular basin �Chen et al. 2007;Huang et al. 2008� and coastal rivers/creeks �Chen et al. 2003�,both of which exhibit similar hydrodynamics to Lake St. Clair

and the St. Clair and Detroit Rivers, respectively.

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HEC Specifics

The HEC stretches over 90 mi �150 km� from Lake Huron toLake Erie, and has a surface area of 480 mi2 �1250 km2� �Fig.1�. To resolve this geometry, an unstructured grid is created forthe hydrodynamic model consisting of 25,050 triangular elementsand 14,659 nodes �Fig. 2�. Grid resolution varies within the modelfrom an average grid resolution of 100 m in the rivers to 300 m inLake St. Clair, and 50 m in the tributaries. Provision for wetting/drying of volumes is included in the model. The model contains 7uniformly distributed sigma layers in the vertical direction. A 3Dmodel is chosen to capture the vertical velocity profile in order tosupport toxic spill response and drinking water intake predictions.As this operational model has been developed as a predictive toolfor use in spill response, in addition to other user communities,there is a need to understand the vertical diffusion of contaminantreleases that can occur from a variety of scenarios �e.g., surfacerelease, bottom release, water quality at intake level or surfacebeach areas�. Therefore, the model has been implemented as 3Dto resolve the horizontal and vertical velocities and enable lateraland vertical tracking. The number of sigma layers chosen in thismodel �7� was the result of balancing the need for an efficientsimulation time for operations and the need to adequately predictthe vertical distribution of velocity. It was determined from sev-eral iterations of sigma layers that seven layers was able to cap-ture vertical velocity profiles seen in models with more layers andfrom the limited observations without a drastic increase in com-putation time. This model does not incorporate temperature strati-fication since the entire system is shallow enough to bepredominantly well-mixed in the vertical direction. Additionally,eddies and other characteristics that are smaller than the resolvedlateral and vertical scales will not be captured by the resultantmodel grid.

In order to smooth the transition at the boundaries, the grid isartificially extended at both the inlet and outlet of the model and

Fig. 1. �Color� Location map of the HEC, containing the NOS waterlevel gauges �red dots� along the HEC and the CMAN wind station atthe Lake St. Clair Lighthouse �blue rectangle�. The gauge at DunnPaper, Mich. is used as the boundary condition for inlet of the model,and the Gibraltar and Fermi Power Plant, Mich. gauges are used forthe outlet of the model. The remaining gauges are used in modelcalibration as well as in validation during real-time runs. The light-house is the location of the C-MAN station that provides hourly winddata to the model.

reduced to a single element at the northern and southern bound-


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aries. An iterative process was used to design the inlet and outletboundary so that a single element could be used to represent aboundary condition that provides stability and the correct flow inthe realistic geometry. The shoreline and bathymetry applied tothe grid are realistic �from Dunn Paper, Michigan to Bar Point,Ont.� for the entire model except for the boundary extensions�reductions in elements�, where artificial shorelines and bathym-etry were created by extruding the conditions at Dunn Paper andBar Point. These extensions are implemented to stabilize themodel for the use of water level boundary conditions �in contrastto flow/water-level conditions� and eliminate flow anomalies thatcan occur near the open-boundaries of unstructured grids, butthey are not expected to affect the results in the realistic gridgeometry. Hence, results are reported for the model grid fromDunn Paper, Mich. �inlet� to Bar Point, Ont. �outlet�. The time-step is four seconds �internal and external� for all simulations.

The driving forces behind the hydrodynamics in the HEC dif-fer from those of the Great Lakes �Schwab and Bedford 1994� asthe rivers form a major component of the system, necessitatingthe use of open-boundaries at the mouths of the St. Clair and theDetroit Rivers to allow for the inflow and outflow of the system.The dynamics in the HEC are both hydraulically driven by thewater levels at Lake Huron and Lake Erie, as well as driven bythe wind stress on Lake St. Clair. In addition, the inflow fromtributaries connected to the system can have a noticeable effect ondownstream water levels and consequently the hydrodynamics.The set of boundary conditions applied to the model consists of:�1� the water levels near Lake Huron and Lake Erie; �2� the windstress over the entire model provided by a station on Lake St.Clair; and �3� the tributary inflows along the system.


Using the stated boundary conditions, the model is initializedwith a steady-state water level profile and constant flow. In con-trast to the flat water-surface initial condition applied to hydrody-namic models of the Great Lakes, the drop in water elevationalong the entire span of the HEC varies between 1.5 and 2.0 mfrom Lake Huron to Lake Erie, producing an average flow of5 ,200 m3 /s �Holtschlag and Koschik 2002a�. In order to obtainthis water-level profile as an initial condition, the model is firstgiven a flat water-surface elevation for the entire system equiva-lent to the water level at Lake Huron, near the mouth of the St.Clair River. Then the water is allowed to ‘drain’ through the outletat the bottom of the Detroit River by incrementally decreasing thewater level at the outlet �maintaining the water level at the inlet�until it matches the level at Lake Erie. The resulting steady-stateflow, interior velocities, and water levels become the initial con-ditions for the model. In addition to the initial hydrodynamic andhydraulic conditions, the bottom roughness �z0� for various sec-tions of the model is specified. This parameter is critical to hy-drodynamics in the rivers, and since it cannot be measuredphysically, roughness is determined through calibration to waterlevel and flows. Therefore, as an initial condition, the entiremodel is given a uniform bottom roughness, and then a separatevalue of roughness is determined for individual reaches of themodel by calibration between water-level gauges.

Model calibration is carried out through seven steady-statescenarios adopted from the work of Holtschlag and Koschik�2002a,b�. Each scenario consists of three-day averages of flow atseveral cross sections of the model as well as water level at tenwater level gauges maintained by the National Oceanic and At-

mospheric Administration �NOAA� National Ocean Service


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�NOS�. The scenarios were chosen based on availability of flowmeasurements by reach throughout the system �Fig. 1; reachesdefined between each water level gauge�, as carried out in field-work for the years 1996–1999. The average drop in elevationbetween the model inlet and outlet is on the order of 2 m, with upto 1 m variation in the water levels at the inlet and outlet for theseven scenarios. In addition, the inflows to the system for eachscenario range from 4,905 to 6 ,302 m3 /s. To begin the calibra-tion, a value of the uniform z0 is first determined that yields aflow through the inlet equivalent to the scenario measurement.The model is run using the boundary conditions for Scenario 1,where the steady-state inlet flow is compared to observed flowswhile the uniform z0 is adjusted in order to match the desired

Fig. 2. �Color� �a� Unstructured grid of the HEC; �b� St. Clair RiveSt. Clair. The red point represents the location of the ADCP gauge neHEC geometry and the artificial extensions. Seven tributaries are incluRiver; �4� Sydenham River; �5� Clinton River; �6� Thames River; an

inflow. Following this adjustment, the seven scenarios are run


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with the appropriate boundary conditions for each case, using theuniform z0 as found previously. In each scenario, the interiorwater levels and flows �through branching cross sections� arecompared to the respective observed values. Beginning with themodel outlet at the mouth of the Detroit River the bottom rough-ness is adjusted by reach, where reaches are determined by zonesthat lie between the gauge locations �zones adapted from the workof Holtschlag and Koschik �2002a��. The mean differences be-tween the observed and model water levels at the gauge upstreamof the zone are found for the seven scenarios, and the z0 is ad-justed accordingly. This procedure is repeated until the mean dif-ferences between observed and modeled elevation are minimizedacross the scenarios, yielding an optimal calibration for the given

etroit River; �d� the model inlet at the St. Clair River; and �e� LakeBlue Water Bridge and the red lines represent the border between thethe model �shown in blue�: �1� Black River; �2� Pine River; �3� Belleiver Rouge.

r; �c� Dar theded ind �7� R

scenarios. After the bottom roughness �z0� is determined for a

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specific reach, the next upstream reach is investigated and theprocess is repeated to find the appropriate roughness until thewater levels are satisfied for the entire model. Finally, calibrationis completed by again comparing model and observed flows forthe scenarios, as adjustments to the zonal roughness could shiftthe inflow. The mean difference between observed and modeledflow across all scenarios is used to adjust roughness equally forall zones within the model, in which the calibrated water levelswill be maintained while the flow is satisfied. After calibration,the z0 for each zone in the model yields the best set of waterlevels and flows for the seven steady-state scenarios.

Nowcast Boundary Conditions

Simulations of the hydrodynamics in the HEC require real-timeboundary conditions in order to provide an operational nowcast ofthe system. As stated previously, the model inputs consist ofwater level at the inlet and outlet, the wind velocity, and tributaryinflows.

Water levels supplied at the inlet and outlet of the model areprovided by NOAA/NOS gauges, and are located near DunnPaper, Mich. for the St. Clair River, and near Gibraltar and theFermi Power Plant, Mich. for the Detroit River �Fig. 1�. Real-timelevels are obtained every six minutes and become the drivingforce for the model nowcast. As the model grid extends above theDunn Paper gauge, an adjustment must be made to the gaugewater level �used as a boundary condition at the inlet� in order toprovide accurate flow and water levels within the model. Thisadjustment is found by calibration, and thus water level suppliedat the model inlet is the 6-min level from Dunn Paper plus theadjustment. Similarly, the model outlet extends beyond theGibraltar gauge, and thus an adjustment must be made to providethe correct downstream boundary condition as well. In this case,in order to properly provide the water level and flow at the mouthof the Detroit River, both the Gibraltar �upstream of the outlet�and Fermi Power Plant �downstream of the outlet� gauges areused to calculate the necessary outlet boundary condition �foundby calibration�. In the event that a water level gauge fails toprovide data in real-time �nonoperational or erroneous data�, thenext closest gauge is used to provide the inlet/outlet boundaryconditions, where the necessary adjustments are again found bycalibration. In this case, the model is still able to produce real-time nowcasts.

Wind forcing on the HEC is also a critical boundary condition,particularly for determining circulation in Lake St. Clair. For thewind condition, data are obtained hourly by a NOAA coastal-marine automated network �C-MAN� station at the Lake St. Clairlighthouse �Fig. 1�, and is applied uniformly over the entiremodel. For wind conditions between the hours, values are esti-mated by interpolation.

Finally, tributary flows are included for seven tributaries alongthe HEC �Fig. 2�. All rivers are given “real-time” daily averagesfor flow as calculated by the large basin runoff model �LBRM�for the Great Lakes �Croley 2002�, in which river-mouth flow isdetermined as a function of daily precipitation, temperature, insu-lation, snow pack, snow melt, and evaporation. The LBRM hasbeen extensively calibrated against the USGS tributary flow datafor tributaries across the entire Great Lakes basin. Nowcast modelruns are performed every 3 h.

Forecast Boundary Conditions

Forecasts of flows and levels for the HEC are also performed for

conditions out to 48 h into the future, starting at the end of the


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nowcast. In this case, model forecasts require the same input con-ditions as the nowcast model runs, namely wind, water level, andtributary flow. Forecasted winds are obtained from the NationalWeather Service national digital forecast database �NDFD� forevery third hour in the forecast simulation �Glahn and Ruth2003�. Again, wind speed and direction are applied uniformlyover the entire model, with the NDFD values taken from thelocation of the St. Clair lighthouse. Forecasted water levels forthe inlet and outlet are acquired hourly from the GLCFS modeloutput for Lake Huron and Lake Erie. GLCFS forecasted waterlevels near the Dunn Paper gauge on Lake Huron and levels fromthe Gibraltar and Fermi gauges on Lake Erie are used. For boththe wind and water level boundary conditions, interpolation isused to estimate values between forecast hours. Finally, tributaryflows are applied as constants based on the last LBRM output.Hence, the last flow for a particular tributary in the latest nowcastsimulation is applied for the 48 h forecasted period. Forecastmodel runs are performed every 12 h, providing a new 48 hforecast for the HEC. The initial conditions for each forecast runare taken from the end-point of the most recent nowcast run.Forecasts are, thus, independent of previous forecasts.



The HEC hydrodynamic model is calibrated with seven steady-state scenarios, where the roughness lengths �z0� for reaches be-tween water level gauges are adjusted to provide the best set offlows and water levels within the model �z0 range from 0.0001 to0.01 m�. For seven scenarios and 10 water level gauges �70 datapoints total�, the maximum difference in water level between themodel and observed values is 4 cm �Fig. 3�a��. The majority ofthe computed water levels are less than 2 cm from the observedlevel �data points on the diagonal line represent a perfect matchbetween the computed and observed level�. Comparisons are alsoreported by water level gauge and scenario �Fig. 4�, in whichlevels in the Detroit River, and in particular at Gibraltar, yield thelargest variance. Similarly, computed volumetric flows at variouscross sections throughout the system are compared to observa-tions �Fig. 3�b�, Table 1�, where inlet flows at the head of the St.Clair River are within 5% of the measured average flow the sce-nario time period. This result is representative of other flow com-parisons made throughout the system �outlet, other branches,etc.�, and thus only results for the inlet are reported. Differencesin both water levels and flows are comparable to those describedin Holtschlag and Koschik �2002a,b�, where such differences arenot surprising as the scenarios represent averaged measured flowand water level data instead of actual steady-state conditions.


Following calibration, nowcast simulations are carried out to pre-dict water levels and currents for the period of September 2007through August 2008 using observed boundary conditions forwater level, wind, and tributary flow. A time series of the waterlevels, computed and observed, display the model performancefor the periods of September–December 2007 and January–August 2008 �Fig. 5�. As the model does not include ice condi-tions, performance during the period of ice-cover �January–March2008� is worse than in nonice months. The ice period is shown

only to provide an indication of system sensitivity to the ice con-


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ditions. Results during this time are not included in the analysis.As seen in the time series, the model is able to predict both thesmall- and large-scale fluctuations in water levels for the observedperiod, including during high-wind events, with accuracy withinthe ranges defined by the calibration. The months of Novemberand December yield the highest daily fluctuations in water levels,in which December shows the largest differences between mod-eled and observed water levels �outside of the ice months�. Sta-tistical analysis for the entire year shows the mean water level foreach gauge to be within 3 cm, where the average root meansquare difference �RMSD� between the observed and model levelis under 4 cm �Table 2�. These differences in water level can yieldconsequent changes in flow magnitude through the rivers, wherethe exact magnitude is dependent on the specific water levels and

Fig. 3. �Color� Comparison of model and observed: �a� water levelsfor each gauge; �b� flows at various cross sections throughout thesystem for the seven steady-state calibration scenarios. The line ofagreement �plotted diagonally� represents a perfect match betweenmodel and observed values.

reach. For the RMSD values in Table 2, the river flow can vary


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between 5 and 12%, depending on the conditions and reach. Thelargest RMSD occurs at the mouth of the Detroit River near theGibraltar gauge, where it reaches over 6 cm. An increased valuehere is most likely due to the high-frequency fluctuations in LakeErie levels as well as the method of using both the Gibraltar andFermi Power Plant gauges to derive the outlet boundary condi-tion. However, even at this increased RMSD for water level, theeffect on flow at Gibraltar is only 5–6%. Sensitivity of the systemto ice conditions is apparent during the first 70 days of 2008,where water level differences between the model and observa-tions can approach 20 cm �primarily near-uniform decreases inmodeled water level with respect to observations�, with the largestdifferences found in the St. Clair River. Although the observedwater levels are not always correct during ice conditions, noted by

Fig. 4. Difference between simulated and observed water levels for:�a� each gauge; �b� each steady-state scenario

Table 1. Locations of Flow Transects Used in Model Calibration

Section Transect Latitude Longitude

St. Clair River St. Clair Inlet 43°0�12�N 82°25�14�W

St. Clair River Delta North Channel 42°37�19�N 82°36�60�W

Middle Channel 42°35�36�N 82°37�34�W

South Channel 42°32�50�N 82°39�9�W

St. Clair Cut 42°32�30�N 82°36�51�W

Bassett Channel 42°32�36�N 82°35�3�W

Detroit River N. Belle Isle 42°21�10�N 82°57�41�W

S. Belle Isle 42°19�58�N 82°58�45�W

W. Grass Island 42°13�24�N 83°8�25�W

E. Fighting Channel 42°14�10�N 83°6�29�W

W. Grosse Ile 42°11�27�N 83°8�58�W

W. Stony Island 42°7�37�N 83°8�18�W

Livingstone Channel 42°7�36�N 83°7�28�W

Amherstburg Channel 42°7�46�N 83°7�4�W

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the gaps in observed data where erroneous levels were removed,the comparison with the model demonstrates the possible effecton flow in the HEC due to ice formation in the rivers. Comparingthe modeled and observed levels, the decrease in flow as a resultof ice in early 2008 is as great as 31%.

Results for a single month, December 2007, with particularlytransient periods are also displayed �Fig. 6�. Here, hourly aver-ages of water level show sub-24 h fluctuations not shown in thedaily-averages plot. In some wind events the model overpredictsthe change �increase or decrease� in water level, however, allsignificant water level fluctuations are captured by the model. For

Fig. 5. �Color� Nowcast water level for select gauges along the HECfor �top� September–December 2007, and �bottom� January–August2008. Results are shown for daily averages of water level at eachgauge. Observed water levels are shown in black, modeled waterlevels in red, and blue lines indicate the water level boundary condi-tions applied at the inlet and outlet. In the 2008 plot �bottom�, thedashed vertical line marks the transfer from ice-cover to ice-freemonths.

Table 2. Nowcast Water Level Statistical Comparisons for the Nonice-Cover Months �September 2007–August 2008�

Station Observed Model Difference RMSD

1 175.857 175.848 0.008 0.039

2 175.805 175.795 0.010 0.041

3 175.676 175.675 0.001 0.034

4 175.379 175.388 �0.009 0.032

5 175.037 175.043 �0.006 0.037

6 174.872 174.878 �0.006 0.032

7 174.782 174.794 �0.012 0.037

8 174.630 174.656 �0.025 0.042

9 174.534 174.542 �0.008 0.036

10 174.228 174.246 �0.017 0.064

Note: Stations numbered from inlet �Dunn Paper, Mich.� to outlet

�Gibraltar, Mich.�, and results reported in meters.


J. Hydraul. Eng., 2010,

example, the large changes in water level at the Gibraltar gaugeapproach a meter over a period of a few hours, in which themodel remains stable and maintains prediction accuracy. Simi-larly, fluctuations also occur near the inlet �Dunn Paper gauge� onsub-24 h scales. However, in contrast to Gibraltar, these changesoccur over a much smaller time-scale and with less variability. Inthis case, as found previously, the model is able to simulate theevent and remain stable.

In addition to water level nowcasts, the 3D currents through-out the HEC are simulated in a real-time operational setting. InLake St. Clair, hydraulically driven and wind-induced currents arepresent, where the dominating forcing mechanism is found tovary with time and space, for instance in the presence of a storm.The annual mean currents �Fig. 7�a�� show the velocity in the St.Clair River and St. Clair Delta to decrease from the order of 1 to0.05 m/s in the center of Lake St. Clair. This drop in the currentspeed tends to occur within 2 or 3 km of the mouths of the St.Clair Delta channels as they enter the lake. Similarly, the currentsincrease again as they come within 6 km of the head of the De-troit River. It is interesting to note that once the water is carriedaway from the delta channels there is no discernable difference inthe current speeds between the navigational channel and the othersections of the lake, at least for the annual mean currents. Asimilar current distribution is found for the bottom currents �Fig.7�b��, where currents drop off quickly from the channel mouthswith little difference in current speeds across the lake regions.Differences between the surface and bottom annual mean currentsare apparent throughout most of the lake, however, in the easternportion of Lake St. Clair, there is a noticeable area where themean surface currents approach zero and appear to even dropbelow the mean bottom current speed. This phenomenon in theeastern portion of the lake has not been found in the past withvertically averaged lake currents and poses an interesting meancirculation pattern for the lake. Additionally, it also suggests thatthe eastern region of low annual mean currents may have a wind-induced dominance with only a small component of the currentdue to hydraulic forcing. This is in contrast to the central andwestern regions where annual means currents, and possibly hy-draulically driven currents, are larger.

Further, the peak currents �maximum speeds during the entireperiod� in Lake St. Clair are found to be highest near the deltachannels, with speeds up to 2 m/s �Fig. 7�c��. However, at the

Fig. 6. �Color� Nowcast water level tracking for transient period inDecember 2007. Results are plotted as hourly averages for eachgauge. Observed water levels are shown in black, modeled waterlevels in red, and blue lines indicate the water level boundary condi-tions applied at the inlet and outlet.

convergence zone near the head of the Detroit River, the peak


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currents are only about half as strong as at the channel mouths,contrasting with the similarities between the two zones in theannual mean surface currents. Again, much of the central area ofthe lake experiences similar peak current speeds �0.2–0.4 m/s�,with the highest values found in peripheral areas. For the bottompeak current speeds �Fig. 7�d��, the majority of the lake, evenperipheral areas, experiences peak current speeds between 0.1 and0.5 m/s. However, there is an obvious difference between thepeak bottom current in the navigational channel �0.3–0.5 m/s� andthe surrounding lake regions �0.1–0.3 m/s�. In addition, higherbottom peak currents are found near Anchor Bay in the north-western part of the lake and in the eastern region. As these in-creased current speeds are not found in the annual means, itsuggests that peak bottom currents in the channel and easternzones, which may be important to resuspension and distributionof particles, occur during high-wind events. This further supportsthe notion that currents in the eastern region might be dominatedby wind stress as opposed to hydraulically forcing from the St.Clair River. It should be noted that the frequency of high currents�i.e., the number of hours over the course of the year in whichcurrents exceeded a specific speed�, which can be a marker ofzones that feel a greater effect from storm events, are not shown.However, we have found that the peak currents at the surface and

Fig. 7. �Color� Current speeds in Lake St. Clair for: �a� annual meanand �d� peak bottom currents for the simulated period. Currents grea

bottom layers are a proxy for frequency of high currents, or in


J. Hydraul. Eng., 2010,

other words the areas which experience higher peak currents alsoexperience a greater frequency of higher currents than other re-gions of the lake.

The hydraulic flow through the St. Clair Delta Channels,which seems to be the primary mechanism for mean annual flowin Lake St. Clair, is found to vary with time �Fig. 8�. In pastmodels, the inflows for each of the 5 channels �North, Middle,South, St. Clair Cut, and Bassett� were given as constants. Usingthe real-time nowcast model of the combined system, in whichflows are determined as a function of water levels and windstress, the daily averaged flow in each channel changes slightlyduring the period. However, the distribution of flow from the St.Clair River through the channels is not constant �mean distribu-tion: North=31%, Middle=20%, South=18%, St. Clair Cut=28%, and Bassett=3%�. The North Channel, which normallyexperiences the greatest flow, exchanges places as greatest flowinput to the lake with the St. Clair Cutoff Channel. Furthermore,in storm periods �noted by sharp drops in the flow� the NorthChannel even drops below the Middle and South Channels involumetric discharge into the lake. Although the mean dischargeand distribution is similar to previous studies �North=35%,Middle=20%, South=20%, St. Clair Cut=20%, Bassett=5%;Schwab et al. �1989��, this variation in flow input to Lake St.

currents; �b� annual mean bottom currents; �c� peak surface currents;n the scale bar limits are colored red.

surfaceter tha

Clair could potentially have a significant impact on the lake hy-

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drodynamics and consequent processes in the lake. In addition,these storm events may even yield storm surges and floodingconditions in the delta that need further investigation.

For the currents, real-time observations in the system are lim-ited to one acoustic Doppler current profiler �ADCP� located nearthe Blue Water Bridge in the St. Clair River �Fig. 2�. Comparisonsare made between the observed and computed currents for themonths of May–August 2008, the only period in which the cur-rent meter was operational during the model run times. TheADCP is maintained by NOAA’s Center for Operational Oceano-graphic Products and Services, where near-surface currents arereported for a location in the river 64 m from the western shore.For the observation period, the along-channel and cross-channelcurrents are compared between the current meter and model out-put, with a representative period shown for 10 days in August

Fig. 8. �Color� Predicted daily average flow in the five major chan-nels of the St. Clair River Delta for September 2007–August 2008

Fig. 9. �Color� Nowcast surface current �hourly averages� compari-sons between model output �red� and ADCP observations �black� inthe St. Clair River �43°00�45.01�N, 82°25�44.83�W� for a represen-tative 10-day period from August 2008

Table 3. Nowcast Current Statistical Comparison between Model VelociRiver, for the Period May–August 2008


Along-channel current

Mean �observed� Mean �model� Difference in means Mea

May 1.532 1.494 0.038

June 1.707 1.540 0.167

July 1.712 1.626 0.087

August 1.795 1.629 0.166

Total 1.695 1.575 0.121

Note: Velocities are reported in along- and cross-channel magnitudes in uwestern shore for the along- and cross-channel currents, respectively. No

computed currents.


J. Hydraul. Eng., 2010,

2008 �Fig. 9�. The model is able to successfully predict the meanvelocity as well as most fluctuations in the along-channel veloc-ity. Statistical analysis shows that the model tends to underpredictalong-channel currents for the entire period, though the mean dif-ference is less than 10% �Table 3�. Fourier norms are used toanalyze model performance, where the Fourier norm of a timeseries for observed currents vo and computed currents vc is de-fined as �Beletsky and Schwab 2001�

�vo,vc� = �1



�vo − vc�2�1/2


Fn =�vo,vc��vo,0�


As in the work of Beletsky and Schwab �2001�, normalized Fou-rier norms �Eq. �5�� are employed, where Fn represents the uncer-tainty in the computed currents relative to the variance in theobserved currents. If model predictions match the observed cur-rents, then Fn=0, where as values between 0 and 1 indicate im-provement over the no-prediction case �greater than 1 indicates noimprovement�. In the along-channel currents, the model performswell with a mean Fn=0.116, which can be equated to 11.6%uncertainty in along-channel predictions, or computed velocitiesare able to explain up to 88% of the variance of the observedcurrents. However, river current predictions are likely to be moresuccessful than those in the open lakes simply because there ismuch less uncertainty in boundary conditions provided by hy-draulic water level data in river models compared to boundaryconditions provided by overlake wind conditions in lake models.For example, Beletsky and Schwab �2001� found computed cur-rents in Lake Michigan yielded 0.75�Fn�1.01. Similarly, incross-channel current predictions the model performs success-fully, although the uncertainty is increased in cross-channel pre-dictions. Computed velocities tend to overpredict currents in thiscase, where flow is directed toward the western shore. The abso-lute difference in means between the observed and computed cur-rents is smaller in this case, but the mean difference is close to30% as opposed to the 10% the along-channel comparisons. Con-sequently, for the cross-channel current predictions Fn=0.365 �3times the along-channel uncertainty�. Yet, even with an increaseduncertainty, the cross-channel magnitudes are less than 10% ofthe along-channel velocities, and hence make only a small con-tribution to the overall channel flow.

Measured ADCP Velocities near the Blue Water Bridge in the St. Clair

Cross-channel current

Fn �along� Fn �cross�erved� Mean �model� Difference in means

2 �0.164 0.052 0.105 0.498

1 �0.170 0.029 0.130 0.273

0 �0.181 0.041 0.096 0.349

6 �0.181 0.045 0.123 0.374

3 �0.174 0.041 0.116 0.365

meters per second, where positive values are downstream and toward theed Fourier norms represent the relative percentage of uncertainty in the

ties and

n �obs






nits ofrmaliz


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Similar to the nowcast simulations, forecasts in the HEC are com-pletely dependent on the accuracy of the applied boundary con-ditions. As such, if the supplied forecasted winds, water levels,and tributary flows are an accurate representation of the condi-tions in the next 48 h, then model forecasts are as successful asthe nowcasts, and results are identical to those reported above. Inorder to evaluate the performance of the forecast simulations, oneonly needs to investigate how well forecasted boundary condi-tions compare with those actually observed.

For both water level and wind, the observed and forecasted

Fig. 10. �Color� Forecasted �top� NDFD wind for Lake St. Clair, and�bottom� GLCFS water levels for Lake Huron �Dunn Paper� and LakeErie �Gibraltar and Fermi�. Plots show previous and the most recent48 h forecast.

values are compared in real-time �Fig. 10�. Overall, the reliability


J. Hydraul. Eng., 2010,

of the forecasted wind speed and direction decreases with increas-ing time from the current conditions. However, for a 48 h forecastperiod, the predicted winds are able to follow trends in speed anddirection. Real-time plots of the previous forecasted winds andthe actual observations from the previous 48 h, become a dynamicvalidation of the forecast accuracy. For example, if the windswere underestimated in the previous 48 h forecast, one may as-sume that the future 48 h forecast would also follow this trend.Similarly, water level forecasts show a decreasing reliability withincreasing time from current conditions, however, in generalwater levels tend to be more accurate than the wind forecasts inany given time period. Again, comparisons from the previous 48h are used to estimate the reliability of the future forecasted waterlevels, and hence the accuracy of the forecast model simulations.

As tributary flows are held constant for the forecasted period,error is inherently introduced if the flows deviate from the latestnowcast, for example in the event of a storm. However, as a newforecast is provided every 12 h, the error due to tributary flows isonly introduced during the first forecast simulation that overlapswith the storm event. In subsequent forecasts, when the tributaryflow is updated to represent storm flow, the model essentially“catches up” as each forecast is based on the latest nowcast,which always receives the latest tributary flow conditions. Over-all, the net effect of the tributary inflows is much less than theprimary flow of the system and the effect of wind forcing, andthus errors in the forecast simulations introduced through constanttributary inflows are considered negligible outside of the extremestorm events.

Summary and Conclusions

In order to provide operational nowcast and forecast simulationsfor water levels and flows in Lake St. Clair, the St. Clair River,and the Detroit River, a 3D combined-system model of the HEChas been created. The unstructured grid model of the HEC allowsthe rivers, tributaries, and open lake to be represented with highresolution for the first time as a combined system. Simulations forthe period September 2007–August 2008 show the mean differ-ence between observed and simulated water level to be under 3cm, and the RMSD is less than 4 cm, which corresponds to pos-sible differences in flow between 5 and 12%.

In addition to water levels, 3D currents are also simulated forthe corridor. Current comparisons made in the St. Clair Rivershow the average uncertainty in simulated currents is 11% in thealong-channel velocity and 37% in the cross-channel velocity. InLake St. Clair, the annual mean current in the shipping channeltends to be similar to shallower parts of the lake for both thesurface and bottom layers. However, peak bottom currents expe-rienced along the channel can possibly be more than 3 times thespeed of the surrounding area. Furthermore, the currents in LakeSt. Clair show that there may be significant differences betweensections of the lake in regard to whether currents are hydraulicallydriven or wind-induced. There are noticeable differences in theannual mean currents between the western and eastern regions ofthe lake, where the eastern portion has a near zero velocity forboth the surface and bottom layers. In contrast, the peak currentsexperienced in the eastern region are of similar magnitude to thewestern region, suggesting that during wind events as in the caseof a storm, the currents in eastern Lake St. Clair can be as great asthe their hydraulically driven counterparts in the west, making theeastern section into much more of an episodic, if not a dynamic,


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An important aspect of this combined hydrodynamic system,is the interface between the rivers and the lake, where the flowthrough the delta channels and into the Detroit River are drivenby a more natural method, that is, the elevation drop from LakeHuron to Lake Erie, in addition to the wind stress. In this pursuit,results show that long-term changes in flow rate through the deltachannels are relatively small �up to 30%�; however, there tends tobe frequent episodes where very quick and drastic changes �50 to80%� in the channel flows occur, though not always uniformly.Therefore, the use of static flow rates and distribution in the chan-nels is not appropriate, particularly during storm events, wherechannel flow and redistribution may significantly alter the hydro-dynamics in the lake.

One of the main limitations of the model is the assumption ofuniform bottom roughness zones between the water level gaugelocations. Although we were able to successfully calibrate themodel against observed water levels by adjusting the z0 values inthese zones, we do not have sufficient information to further de-scribe the spatial variability of z0 within a zone. The bottomroughness depends not only on the physical characteristics of thebottom but also on any seasonal vegetation. So there may bechanges in bottom roughness within a zone, or changes in timethat are not included in our model. This could affect the details ofcurrent patterns within a region, but should not have a significanteffect on the overall results. Another limitation of the model is theassumption of a spatially uniform wind condition. However, windhas a much lower effect in the rivers than in Lake St. Clair andthus, the error introduced through supplying Lake St. Clair windsin the St. Clair and Detroit Rivers is small.

Although ice is not included in the model, and thus no attemptis made to support the model results during the ice-cover months�January–March 2008�, comparison of the modeled and observedwater levels can still provide insight into the system. During iceconditions, the observed water levels are considerably differentthan the model-predicted nonice equivalents. These differencescan point to the reduction in flow through the HEC due to iceformation in the rivers, where comparisons with modeled nonicelevels show flow can be reduced by up to 31% of its nonicemagnitude. This significance of the ice-cover on the hydraulicsbeckons further investigation into ice formation in the HEC, andhighlights the need for an ice model in the winter months in orderto maintain accuracy of the model predictions.

Overall, the Huron-Erie connecting waterways forecasting sys-tem provides an essential missing link in the operational modelsof the Great Lakes. Nowcasts are provided every 3 and 48 hforecasts every 12 h. It also presents the first application ofFVCOM to the Great Lakes in an operational setting, and addi-tionally as part of an open river flow system. These results showthe validity of the HEC operational system as well as the capa-bility of FVCOM in river models and the Great Lakes, and pro-vide the basis for future coupled physical-ecological-chemicalmodels and a means for contaminant tracking, beach closure fore-casting, spill response, and search and rescue efforts in the HEC.


The writers would like to thank David Holtschlag of the USGSMichigan Water Science Center for his significant contributions tothe model presented in this paper. His development of a two-dimensional, steady-state model of the Huron-Erie Corridorserved as the building block for the operational model calibration

and development. Furthermore, the writers would like to thank


J. Hydraul. Eng., 2010,

Changsheng Chen and the FVCOM team at the University ofMassachusetts for their help with model setup. This research wasperformed while Eric J. Anderson held a National ResearchCouncil Research Associateship Award at the National Oceanicand Atmospheric Administration. This is GLERL PublicationNumber 1542.


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