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Real Social Media Recruitment ROI From UPS

Recruiting Innovation Summit #RIS11 Facebook Campus, Menlo Park, California

October 24 2011October 24, 2011

Matt Lavery, Director Talent Acquisition, UPS

Mike Vangel, Vice President Client Strategy, TMP Worldwide

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Social Media Road Map 2009 2011Social Media Road Map 2009 - 2011• Making the Business Case

• Setting Objectives

Real Social Media Recruitment ROI g j

• Defining KPIs for Success

• Benchmarking & Setting Goals

Recruitment ROI From UPS

• Implementation & Results

• Forecasting & Next Steps

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Job Seeker Behavior About Job Search Has Changed: UPS Adapted

Only 10-30% of Potential Candidates Are Actively Looking For Jobs:

We Want toWe Want to Reach that 70% - 90% too!

Social Media Provides Us Access toAccess to Them.

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In the beginning: 2007

We launched in October 2007 integrating videos of actual UPSers

• Package Car Driver

• Tractor Trailer Driver

• Driver Helper

• Four Part-time Package Handlers

The videos were authentic and unscripted. Jobseekers could apply for UPS jobs right from th id th l W t k d ti it th h G l A l ti & UPS A t t dthe videos themselves. We tracked activity through Google Analytics & UPS Automated

Employment Systems. People loved viewing them! And they converted hires!!4

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In 2008: Full UPSer Video Cross-Media Integration

In 2008 we added 4 Biz Dev videos and integrated all the videos among all media possible:

• Job Boards

• Search Engine Marketing (Yahoo!, Google, MSN)

• Search Engine Aggregators (Simply Hired, Indeed)

• YouTube

• Text messaging

• Simply Hired, Indeed, and some of the Job Boards also cross-posted these text links to Facebook My Space as well as to other Social Media sites & blogs We also purchased 2Facebook, My Space, as well as to other Social Media sites & blogs. We also purchased 2 Corporate Recruiter licenses on LinkedIn.


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In 2009: Without Paid Media Our UPSer Videos Went Viral

In 2009 we cut back on all of our recruitment media during Q1 & Q2 but we were still getting plenty of applicant flow. Many were coming from the UPSjobs videos that people were sharing “socially”.


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What We Learned In 2009: The Videos Drove Applicant Flow

Over 1.5 million views of UPSjobs recruitment videos in 2009 with no paid media support


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We Made The Business Case To Recruit Via Social Media

Witnessing first hand the power of Social Media to recruit:

• We launched @UPSjobs Twitter page April 2009

• We launched UPSjobs Facebook page October 2009

• Enhanced our Text Messaging integrating it into all print & radio

• Actively deployed a cross-media integration strategy among all of themy p y g gy g

• Put in place a 3 year-plan to track activity, influence & applicant flow (as best we could)


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UPSjobs Social Media Review: 3 Year Plan 2009 - 2011

Our objective was to create UPSjobs Talent Communities beyond major online job boards

Year OneDevelop talent communities on Twitter & Facebook of at least 1 000 people eachDevelop talent communities on Twitter & Facebook of at least 1,000 people each

Year TwoContinue to scale size of Twitter & Facebook talent communitiesDrive Non-professional (drivers & hourly) Hires through Social MediaUse LinkedIn to source Professional (salaried) candidates

Year ThreeYear ThreeContinue to scale size of Twitter & Facebook talent communitiesSegment once we have reached 5,000 followers on Twitter & 15,000 fans on FacebookProactively build presence on LinkedInDrive Professional & Non-Professional hires through Social Media

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UPSjobs Social Media Recruitment Goals

Three main goals:

I. Build UPSjobs Communities on Facebook & Twitter Without Paid Media Or Reciprocal Followingp g

II. Engage/Inform Employees & Non-Employees On A g g p y p yDeeper, More Personal Level About Working At UPS

III. Measure Influence, Engagement and Applicant Flow

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Social Media For Recruitment Is Not Free & Needs Structure

Effective recruitment through Social Mediathrough Social Media requires time, technology, resources, planning and


We need to be strategic in our planning and thoroughour planning and thorough in our measurement to ensure our time is well spentspent.

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UPSjobs Social Media Recruitment Learnings: It’s Different!

Social Media

for Recruitment

Is a Marathon,

Not a Sprint.

It’s a Long-Term


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UPSjobs Social Media Recruitment Learnings: Integration

Social Media

for Recruitment

Is Part of an


Integrated Strategy.

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UPSjobs Social Media Recruitment Insight: It’s Data Driven!

( h l d ld b d f h l d(This slide would be used for content heavy slides, 

case studies, creative samples.)

“The information about a package is becoming as important as theimportant as the package itself”

O N l- Oz Nelson, retired UPS CEO

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UPSjobs Social Media Recruitment ROI

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Social Media For Recruitment Requires Monitoring

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UPSjobs Social Media Recruitment: KPIs for ROI

What Are we measuring?

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UPSjobs Social Media Review: 2009 Twitter Results

T iTwitter

$7,500 investment

Goal:1,000 followers on Twitter/ 250 tweets/ 200 leads/ 100 created apps/ 50 lists/ 25 completed app/ 10 hires

UPSjobs Twitter page launched in April 2009 had 1,300 followers by end of 2009

ROI (P i d B fit/V l R i d)ROI (Perceived Benefit/Value Received)

1,313 Followers X $7.50 = $9,847.50574 Tweets X $30 = $17,220481 Twitter Leads X $37 50 = $18 037 50481 Twitter Leads X $37.50 = $18,037.50142 Twitter Created Applications X $75 = $10,65040 Completed Applications X $300 = $12,0007 Hires X $750 = $5,25060 Twitter Lists X $150 = $9 00060 Twitter Lists X $150 = $9,000

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UPSjobs Social Media Review: 2009 Facebook Results


$7,500 investment

Goal: 1,000 Fans/ 100 posts/ 250 comments/ 50 likes/ 200 leads/ 100 created apps/ 25 completed apps/ 10 hires

Results:UPSjobs Facebook page launched in October 2009 had 1,858 followers by end of 2009

ROI (Perceived Benefit/Value Received)

1,858 FB = $13,935113 FB likes = $16,950

$5 PQ = $12,50031.0 FB Post Quality Ratings = $23,2501,274 FB Leads = $47,775175 FB Created Applications = $13,12550 C l t d A li ti $15 00050 Completed Applications = $15,00012 FB Hires = $9,000

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How UPSjobs Expanded Its Social Media Footprint in 2010

In 2010 we worked hard to grow the UPSjobs Social Media followers without any paid media.

• Linked to Facebook & Twitter pages from

• Linked to Facebook & Twitter pages from major Job Board postings

• Launched a mobile-friendly site in August 2010

• Actively deployed a cross-media integration strategy among them

• Increased LinkedIn presence from 2 recruiters to 6

• Tracked activity, influence & applicant flow (as best we could)


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UPSjobs Social Media Communities: Facebook• UPSjobs on Facebook http://www facebook com/pages/UPSjobs/93397977942• UPSjobs on Facebook• 13,648 fans as of December 16, 2010 launched October 2009.

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UPSjobs Social Media Communities: Facebook Analytics• UPSjobs on Facebook http://www facebook com/pages/UPSjobs/93397977942• UPSjobs on Facebook• Launched in October 2009 by end of 2009 had 1,800+ fans without any paid media. By end of 2010

had 13,700+ fans. 55% Male, 42% Female. 76% 18 – 44..

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UPSjobs Social Media Communities: Twitter

• UPSjobs Twitter page launched in April 2009 had 1,300 followers by end of 2009.

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UPSjobs Social Media Communities: TwitterUPSjobs T itter pageUPSjobs Twitter page had 4,400 followers by December 15, 2010.

That’s especially notableThat s especially notable growth within two years of launch as UPS Social Media policy did not allow reciprocal auto-following.

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UPSjobs Social Media Communities: 2010 Integrated Mobile & Social

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UPSjobs Social Media Communities: 955 Hires In 2010 Mobile & Social

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UPSjobs Social Media Communities: 2010 Integrated Mobile & Social

In 2011 even during UPS’s slower hiring periods of Q1 & Q2 mobile traffic to remains strong with 500,000 page views.

From mid-August 2010 to May 31, 2011 there were 900 000 page views2011 there were 900,000 page views to & 325,000 visits with an average time spent on the mobile site of 1 minute and 27 seconds.

We expect to drive significant flow from it during Peak 2011 that will convert into hires.convert into hires.

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UPSjobs Social Media Communities: Twitter Community as of 10/23/11

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UPSjobs Social Media Communities: Twitter Community as of 10/23/11

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UPSjobs Social Media Communities: Klout Score as of 10/23/11

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UPSjobs Social Media Communities: Klout Score as of 10/23/11

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UPSjobs Social Media Communities: Facebook Analytics as of 10/23/11

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UPSjobs Social Media Communities: Facebook Analytics as of 10/23/11

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UPSjobs Social Media Communities: Facebook Analytics as of 10/23/11

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UPSjobs Social Media Communities: UPSjobs LinkedIn Career Page

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UPSjobs Social Media Communities: New Website

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UPSjobs Social Media Communities: New Website

F ThiFrom This To This!

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UPSjobs Social Media Communities: Video & Social Media Integration

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UPSjobs Social Media Communities: Year over Year Growth 2009/2010

UPSj b S i l M di R it t





UPSjobs Social Media Recruitment




681 1256 226 454000







1300175 142 50 40 23 16 12 7

681 1256226 307 86 226 45



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UPSjobs Social Media Communities: Projections in January 2011










2512452 614 172 452 905000



2011 (projected)

3816681 1256 226 307 86 226 45

452 614 172 452 90


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UPSjobs Social Media App: UPSjobs Road Trip Launched 10/10/2011

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UPSjobs Social Media Sweepstakes: Double Size of Facebook Community

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UPSjobs Social Media Sweepstakes: Week # 2 Winner Announced Live

Congratulations to UPSjobs Road Trip Challenge Week # 2 Winner

Gale Gartling of Perkasie, PA

Winner of a $100 Zappos gift cardWinner of a $100 Zappos gift card and bragging rights to say your name was announced live and t d li f ll th ld tstreamed live for all the world to

hear from Facebook’s HQ!

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Thank youThank you

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