  • 8/14/2019 Real Life March 2009


    March 2009


    March 2009

  • 8/14/2019 Real Life March 2009


  • 8/14/2019 Real Life March 2009


    Real Life is published monthly by First Baptist Church of Springdale and The Church at Pinnacle Hills.

    To unsubscribe to Real Life, or for any other inquiries, please call 479-751-4523.

    March 2009

    ATTITUDE: a feeling or disposition you have

    towards something or someone else. This

    is the ormal denition or the word attitude.

    We hear a lot today about various crises that

    are occurring in our nation and world. Our eelings towards these

    situations are our attitudes.

    Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% your response to

    it,says Leadership author, John Maxwell. I agree with him.

    Our response shows our attitude.

    We cannot control what happens to

    us, but we can control our attitudes

    about what is happening in lie. No, a

    positive attitude cannot change the

    circumstances, but it can change you

    and your perspective.

    Your attitude can be the thermostat

    in various situations. As so many are

    pronouncing doom and gloom or

    years to come, our response is critical. As a born-again ollower o

    Jesus Christ, it is imperative we are set apart by our attitudes. Our

    attitude needs to be:

    Biblically based: This means it needs to come from thereality of biblical truth. Our response and attitude towards

    everything needs to be grounded upon the Word o God.

    Spiritually sound: This means that our attitude needs tobe one of a spiritual nature, based on Gods Word. This does

    not mean we shouldnt ace reality, but it means we remember

    principles that aect our outlook, such as the ruit o the Spirit

    and so many more.

    Positively prone: This means that we set the toneby being positively prone on our responses to various

    matters. Dont worry about whether the negative side is being

    represented. It will be. In act, the masses tilt to the negative.

    However, this is the moment our message should stand up and

    be dierent. The message o Christ is a distinct message, one

    that meets lie at its most critical moments.

    Thereore, as you walk through lie, walk and talk with a

    biblically-based, spiritually-sound, and positively-prone

    attitude. When you do so, you will be so dierent than the

    loud noises occurring in the world that you will grab the attentiono people. When this occurs, be aithul to share the message

    o Jesus with them and the hope o His salvation.

    Folks, we have the answer. Count on this today: God is in control,

    Jesus is Lord, and the Holy Spirit is with us through all we will

    ace in lie. Now that is something worth being more than

    positive about.

    Its time to adjust our attitudes as Christ-ollowers.

    A message from Dr. Ronnie Floyd, Senior Pastor


    March 2009

    We cannot controlwhat happens to us,

    but we can controlour attitudes aboutwhat is happening

    in life.

    Read Pastor Floyds Blog:www.R on n ie F

    is now available to view online at or

  • 8/14/2019 Real Life March 2009


    a f t e r t h eby T i f fany Stegal l

    Disaster Relief volunteers work together

    to move debris at a home in Springdale.


  • 8/14/2019 Real Life March 2009



    5March 2009

    hen Patricia Purdon heard the

    sound of a pine tree fall on herroof and shattering glass of

    windows being broken on the

    evening of Tuesday, January 27,

    she knew that she wouldnt be

    sleeping that night.

    Patricia, 71, and her sister live in a mobile home, and ater the

    devastation o the ice storm that hit Northwest Arkansas, she

    wondered how she would ever get things cleaned up. Several

    days later, she opened her paper and saw that the Southern Baptist

    Disaster Relie teams were available or chainsaw recovery and knew

    she needed to call First Baptist Church o Springdale. I picked up

    my purse and things and came right down, she recalls.

    Southern Baptist Disaster Relie teams began streaming into

    Springdale immediately ollowing the storm. Within the ollowing

    two weeks, 450 applications or assistance with debris, limbs, and

    chainsaw work came pouring in. Over one

    hundred trained Disaster Relie workers

    rom around the country came to minister

    to those aected by this catastrophic storm.

    Men and women rom Louisiana, Oklahoma,

    and all over the state o Arkansas tirelessly

    gave o themselves to meet the needs o

    those who didnt know where to turn. Using First Baptist Church o

    Springdale as their home base, teams went out daily with chainsaws,

    Bobcats, pole saws, and ladders to assess damage and begin cleanup.

    Patricia wept as she described what happened when the group came

    to work at her home. Their generosity, their testimonies, the act

    that they prayed with me they just went above and beyond whatI had imagined.

    In times o uncertainty and trouble, where do you turn? For many,

    there is great comort in knowing that the church is there in both

    good times and bad. Many o the applications or chainsaw

    assistance came rom those who did not attend our church. They

    came in rom every stage and walk o lie, and yet the cry was the

    same with each: What do I do?The Lord used a seemingly

    destructive situation to mobilize His children or going out and

    serving others, and at the same time, praying and sharing the

    Gospel with them. What an incredible platorm or sharing His love!

    Dr. Debbie Hardwick-Smith, principal at Parson Hills Elementary in

    Springdale, was able to experience that love rsthand. On a sunny,

    cold, Wednesday aternoon, 12 Shiloh Christian School ootball

    players went to get their hands dirty in a dierent kind o way than

    they normally did. Working alongside Disaster Relie workers, the

    students were able to clear limbs and debris that Dr. Hardwick-Smith

    credits as the reason her elementary students were able to get back

    out onto the playground or the rst time

    since the storm.

    There is deep value that comes rom serving

    others. Jesus shared this in Matthew 20:28:

    just as the Son of Man did not come to be

    served, but to serve, and to give His life as a

    ransom for many. We have the opportunity as a church to do that on

    a daily basis, not just during the disasters o lie. On two Saturdays

    during the month o February, people rom First Baptist Church o

    Springdale and The Church at Pinnacle Hillsmany o whom hadnt

    even cleaned their own yardstook part in getting out into the

    community or cleanup. A total o 5,614 volunteer man hours weregiven in the two and a hal weeks ollowing the disaster, and 798

    volunteers helped with the eort. While there are still 31 homes that

    are let to be completed, as a church, we were able to help 419

    amilies with assistance. We praise God or that. What it all comes

    down to is this get out into your neighborhoods and look or

    opportunities to serve. Ask God to show you how to be a blessing

    to those around, then go or it. Youll be blessed, and God will be

    honored. There is no better way to be like Jesus than to serve!

    they just went

    above and beyond

    what I had imagined.

  • 8/14/2019 Real Life March 2009


    a b o u t

    T h u r s d a y n i g h t s a t 6 : 3 0 p . m .

    A Christian-centered support group to help amily and riends

    o children, spouses, and amily members involved in the

    homosexual liestyle. about H.O.P.E. provides ministry in a

    totally condential setting.

    Facilitators: Ted and Jan Schneider

    Call 479-751-4523 or more inormation.

    H E A L O U R P A I N E L S H A D D A I

    R o m a n s 1 2 : 9 1 2 N I V

    H.O.P.E.Did you know?

    That over 98% o Shiloh graduates go to college.

    Two recent graduates are currently enrolled in Ivy League Schools.

    Shiloh oers 29 hours o college credit on our campus in high school.

    That each year Shiloh sends students around the worldon Global Mission Experiences.

    To learn more, visit www.shilohsaints.orgor call 479-756-1140.

    Now accepting applications forthe 20092010 school year

  • 8/14/2019 Real Life March 2009

    7/12 7

    Cancer:Strength for the Battle

    March 2009


    Beginning Sunday, March 29, and continuing on April 5, 11, and 12, Pastor Floyd and our Worship & Arts Ministry will present

    Three Days a powerully creative worship experience involving music, preaching, drama, and video celebrating the lie

    o Christ. Our desire is to portray, in these three weekends o the Easter season, pivotal events in the lie o Christ that have

    changed our lives orever. We will take you rom Jesus miracles to His passionate prayer or us in the Garden o Gethsemane

    to Christs sacricial death on the cross, and nally, to His glorious resurrection. How can you get involved? Begin now by

    asking God to show you who to invite to Three Days. Pray that many will commit their lives to Christ this Easter season.It is going to be an amazing Easter season dont miss one week!

    THREE Days: Easter 2009

    Kim Noblitt, Associate Pastor of Worship Ministries - Springdale Campus &

    Josh Stanbery, Associate Pastor of Worship Ministries - Pinnacle Hills Campus

    Jeana Floyd was recently invited to be a guest on the daily Focus on the Familybroadcast. She was interviewed by

    Dr. James Dobson regarding her journey through cancer several years ago. This segment, Cancer: Strength or the

    Battle IIII, will air March 911. This broadcast will reach more than 2.5 million listeners. In act, the broadcast is

    heard on over 2,000 outlets daily across North America and in 55 countries, with some stations airing individual

    programs two and three t imes a day. Thank you, Jeana, or your willingness to give o yoursel in order to

    encourage others.

    L O C A L R A D I O O U T L E T S :

    KAPG Bentonville - 88.1 FM | 33:30 a.m. & 77:30 p.m.

    KAYH Fayetteville - 89.3 FM | 33:30 a.m. & 77:30 p.m.

    KBNV Fayetteville - 90.1 FM | 33:30 a.m. & 77:30 p.m.

    KLRC Siloam Springs - 101.1 FM | 77:30 p.m.

    KOFC Fayetteville - 1250 AM | 12 noon

    Pastor Floyds latest message series, How Your Family CanHave Success, is now available to purchase on CD or $30

    and DVD or $55 at the Reach for life. bookstore.We will include an 8 x 10 ramed print

    with every series purchase.

    Your family CAN be successful, even in these unique and

    challenging days. Learn practical lessons you can

    apply to your family whether you are single or

    married, a student or an adult.

    Now Available

    March 29: Day o compassion - April 5: Day o sacrifce - EASTER: Day o triumph

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  • 8/14/2019 Real Life March 2009


    Sunday, March 15 at 6 p.m. in the Kidz Theatre

    For new members and guests who would like to knowmore about our church. Childcare is available or birth

    through 5th grade. RSVP to Debbie at 751-4523 or [email protected] by Monday, March 9.

  • 8/14/2019 Real Life March 2009


    Sunday Morning Worship9:15 & 10:55 a.m. in the Worship Center

    Sunday Live Internet StreamSundays at 9:15 a.m. -

    Sunday Preschool & Kids Worship9:15 & 10:55 a.m.

    Birth4 years - Creation StationK2nd grade - Clubhouse

    3rd5th grade - Surge

    Weekly Schedule for Students Life Connect Groups - Grades 612

    Sundays at 9:15 a.m. in the Student Building

    Not only will you be able to study GodsWord, but you will be able to meet and ormrelationships with other students withinyour grade.

    REFUGE - Grades 67Sundays at 5 p.m. in the Student Building

    An exciting service to worship andellowship with students your age and grade.

    REFUGE - Grades 812

    Sundays at 7 p.m. in the Student BuildingAn in-depth study that will enrich your walkwith God.

    FUEL - Grades 612Wednesdays at 7 p.m. in the Student Building

    Enjoy a un-lled evening o worshipand praise!

    Choir RehearsalWednesdays at 6:30 p.m. in the Worship Center

    ALTARed PrayerSaturday, March 7 from 89 a.m.

    in the Worship Center

    Ladies, meet us at the ALTAR o the WorshipCenter on the rst Saturday o every monthor an incredible time o prayer and ministry.For more inormation, contact Kim [email protected] or 271-7799.

    Ronnie Floyd: Winners

    Television & Radio BroadcastSee the schedule on the back cover.

    Discover PinnacleSunday, March 1 from 9:1511:45 a.m.

    in the Administrative Conference Room

    The class is designed to equip new and potentialmembers or a productive and satisyingmembership at The Church at Pinnacle Hills.A light breakast will be served. A voucher ora complimentary CD o the 10:55 a.m. worshipservice will be provided to each amily unitwho attends.

    F.N.O. - Friday Night OutFridays beginning March 13 from 69:30 p.m.

    A new opportunity or amilies. Participate in aConnection Group during the week and earn avoucher or ree childcare or a Friday Night Out.

    Mens Ministry Mens Link- Devotion and Prayer

    Saturdays at 7 a.m. at the East Mezzanine

    Sharpen - Revelation Bible studyTuesdays at 6:15 a.m. in the E. Connection Room

    Kid KonnectKid Konnect is our Connection Group opportunity

    or kids. This is a t ime where kids grow spiritually,build great relationships, pray or each other, anddiscover how to study and apply Gods Word totheir lives in smaller groups.

    Kid Konnect Sunday Nights 57 p.m.

    Kid Konnect Wednesday Nights 6:308 p.m.

    Guys Camping TripSave the date!

    April 1718 - More details to come.

    Sunday Connection Groups9:15 & 10:55 a.m.

    Joe Atchison - Administrative Oces

    Bob Bale - Administrative OcesScott Kauman - SurgeBob McCaslin - Worship Oces

    10:55 a.m.

    Mike Daniels & Kathy Ferguson - Admin. OcesFinancial Peace University - Student Building

    First Impressions MinistryBe one o our many volunteers that greet ourpeople as they come into the parking lot orWorship Center. I you like to meet new peopleand care or their needs, this is the place or you.Contact Carol at 271-7799 or [email protected].

    Prayer LinkI you would like to request prayer or would like

    the opportunity to pray or others requests,e-mail us at [email protected].

    24/7 Student MinistryJoin our MOTION or Drama team and use yourtalent to the glory o our Lord! Call KristiChapman at 271-7799 i you are interested.

    10 R E A L life


    Pinnacle Hills CampusTHE CH URCH at PINNACLE HILLS | 479-271-7799 |

    RIDERS forCHRIST Our next riwill be Saturday, March 7. We will meet at Den

    on Sunset and then ride to White Rock.

    A community o single adults navigating lie

    together. I 30-something single is your seaso

    o lie, join us on Monday nights at 6:45 p.m.upstairs in the Liestyle Room.

    For 40+ singles - A diverse

    community o believers grow

    in Christ, reaching others, and

    building healthy relationships

    Join our journey on Sunday

    nights at 5 p.m. in the East Connection Room.

  • 8/14/2019 Real Life March 2009

    11/12 1March 2009

    Tuesday, March 10 at 6:30 p.m. in the Gatheria

    Childcare is available or birth11 years.Reservation deadline is Sunday, March 8.

    Register online or call Pamela at 271-7799 ore-mail [email protected].

    Friday, April 17 from 610 p.m. &

    Saturday, April 18 from 8 a.m.noon

    This is highly recommended or engaged couples seeking astrong Biblical oundation or a healthy and lie-long marriage.

    Cost is $50 per couple and includes materials,a light dinner, and continental breakast.

    Register and pay online at

    For more inormation, contact Michelle Holden at 271-7799.

    P r e - M a r i t a lC o n f e r e n c e

  • 8/14/2019 Real Life March 2009


    1709 Johnson RoadSpringdale, Arkansas 72762

    2448 Pinnacle Hills ParkwayRogers, Arkansas 72758

    1707 Johnson RoadSpringdale, Arkansas 72762

    Non-Proit Org.

    U.S. Postage


    Fayetteville, AR

    Permit #849


    International Television Daystar Sunday 4:30 p.m. (Ch. 6)

    Local Television KHOG Sunday 9:30 a.m. (Ch. 7)

    Family 45 Sunday 5:00 p.m. (Ch. 21)Tuesday 7:30 p.m.

    Thursday 9:00 p.m.

    Live Radio (Northwest Arkansas)FamilyFM Sunday 9:30 a.m. (89.3 FM)

    B o o k s t o r e H o u r s :

    Springdale CampusSunday: 8 a.m.12:30 p.m.

    Tuesday & Thursday: 9 a.m.12 p.m.Wednesday: 58 p.m.

    Pinnacle Hills CampusSunday: 8 a.m.12:45 p.m.

    Tuesday & Thursday: 8 a.m.2 p.m.Wednesday: 4:308:30 p.m.

    Inclement Weather PolicyOur Sunday morning Worship Services are

    NEVER cancelled due to inclement weather.With regard to Wednesday activities or

    The Summit, we will use television and radiooutlets to announce cancellations and you

    can always check our website at www.bcs.netor

    David RothPresident

    WorkMatters, Inc.

    March 5

    W I N T E R / S P R I N G 2 0 0 9

    SpringForwardTurn your clocks orward one hour on Saturday night, March 7.

    Daylight Saving Time

    T h u r s d a y s 11:50 a.m.12:50 p.m.

    The Church at Pinnacle Hi l ls Ga ther ia

    Dan HendrixPresident & CEO

    Arkansas World Trade Center

    March 12

    Meal catered by MarketPlace Grill. Tickets are $9 and can be purchasedtwo weeks prior to each Summit date. For more inormation, call 479-271-7799.

    O u r M i s s i o n a l V i s i o n :


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