Page 1: Real estate myths you should be ignoring

Real Estate Myths You Should be Ignoring

Everybody likes to talk like an expert when it comes to making an investment decision. Try to discuss things

related to the real estate market in your friend circle and the chances are high that you will be cut short by people

who think they are the ‘experts’ in this field.

Page 2: Real estate myths you should be ignoring

Some will even try to make you buy the theory that it is a good idea to make an

investment in real estate without getting an authorized real estate agent involved

in the process. The idea may sound tempting given the fact that finalizing a

property deal without a real estate agent means saving a few bucks but the

consequence of that decision can be disastrous.

Page 3: Real estate myths you should be ignoring
Page 4: Real estate myths you should be ignoring

The thing is, buying or selling a house is not something that we do on everyday basis.

But most of us have a fair degree of knowledge of how the real estate industry

works thanks to our friends and family members who have probably an untold

number of stories of how they have successfully sealed a tough real estate deal.

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Page 5: Real estate myths you should be ignoring
Page 6: Real estate myths you should be ignoring

The problem is most of these stories don’t give us an accurate picture of how the real

estate industry actually works. Which is why there is so much conflicting information out

there and can be very confusing to understood? Moreover, there are hundreds

of such myths going around and it is making it all the more difficult for people who want to invest in the real estate industry. In this

article, we are going to bust some myths to help you make a better decision:

Page 7: Real estate myths you should be ignoring

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Page 8: Real estate myths you should be ignoring

Don’t Use A Real Estate Agent – This is a common myth and everybody around seems to be perfectly

happy to accept this on face value. If you’re a buyer, you need to make sure that there is a

qualified real estate agency involved in the buying process because you have nothing to gain

otherwise. What usually happens when the buyer does not involve an agent is that the seller will

receive the amount that the agent was supposed to receive in the process. So, you are not going to get

any benefit once the process is complete. Also, chances are quite high that the seller will inflate the

property price. The seller is for the benefit of the selling party, not in the best interest of the buyer.

Page 9: Real estate myths you should be ignoring

Renovation Will Help You Increase the Property Value–This is another common misconception. Spending large amount of

money on unrealistic additions is certainly not going to help you increase the value of the

property. Buyers simply can’t afford to increase their budget just because you have bought

some expensive curtain. The sooner you realize this, the better. Some real estate agents believe that renovating the front of a home can help to impress the potential buyers. So, changing the

door or cleaning the facade might help you increase the price of the property. Always speak

with your agent prior to any upgrades.

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Page 11: Real estate myths you should be ignoring

Open House is the Best Option to Sell Your Property – This is another popular

myth probably perpetuated by some unscrupulous real estate agents. It has been observed time and again that open houses

rarely help in the buying or selling of a property. It may be helpful for the real

estate agents to get to know people who might be looking to buy or sell property but people rarely decide to buy a property after

attending an open house.

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Page 13: Real estate myths you should be ignoring

My Agent Takes Special Care of My Property – No, he is not supposed to do that. A real estate

agent should act professionally but that does not mean that he can’t give you some personal advices.

Not at all. But you should not have undue expectations from him.

Listing Your Home at a Higher Price Is A Good Idea - People are not so gullible and therefore, there

is no way you will be able to get extra money by listing your property at higher prices than the area

permits. At best what will happen is that the prospective buyers and real estate agents will ignore your proposal and eventually you will have to make compromise on the price. Do an evaluation of your

property before getting your property listed.

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Page 15: Real estate myths you should be ignoring

The Market Will Go Up and Therefore, I Should Hold This Property for Awhile - This is another popular myth. Real Estate market is not like the share market where

volatility rules. Here changes happen rather slowly and that means, if you are looking for

dramatic correction in price, you will be disappointed.

These are some of the real estate myths that we all need to remain aware of.

Page 16: Real estate myths you should be ignoring

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Address : Rodeo Realty, 202 N. Canon Drive Beverly Hills, CA 90210

Phone: (310) 600-1553

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Email: [email protected]

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