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Towards a People's Internet

1) 'Is another internet possible?'- Sally Burch 21/05/15

The article explores key issues namely the growing centralization of the internet, the legal battles against violation of fundamental rights on the internet and the growth of the Internet Social Forum that calls for a people's internet, one that is more just, equitable and democratic.

2) 'So open, so closed' (The importance of intellectual property malleability)- Pedro Cagigal 21/05/15

The articles highlights the need to protect intellectual property rights as they pertain to people's personal data and if they are being sold, the kind of benefit the user deserves. It concludes by reiterating the need to redefine 'property' and its rights.

3) Security versus privacy, the right to resistance- Montserrat Boix 21/05/15

The article explores how in this day and age, privacy is being compromised in the name of security and also delves into the mechanisms through which we can salvage some privacy.

4) The democratic challenge of Internet - Norbert Bollow 21/15/15

The article explores the challenges of keeping the internet truly democratic, also explaining what it essentially means to keep it so.

5)Visibility to secure recognition and rights (women on internet)- Dafne Sabanes Plou 21/05/15

The article explores the need to enhance participation for women, by improving access and also by making the internet a safe, secure place for them to voice their opinions and to enrich their lives.

6) - Net Neutrality for an egalitarian Internet- Parminder Jeet Singh 21/05/15

The author dissects net neutrality and explains what it is and more imortantly what it is not, also delving into the politics of the same and how it has the potential to shape the future of the internet.

7) Toward freer lands on the Internet- Mara del Pilar Senz 21/05/15

It explains the zero rating and the services that violate the net neutrality principle and describes the response to the same in various countries.

8)Make Cyberpeace not Cyberwar!- Prabir Purkayastha 21/05/15

The article delves into how the internet has now become a warzone akin to the proliferation of the nuclear weapons in the real world and how the time has come to make stringent laws, most notably a ban on cyber weapons so as to ensure peace in the world at large.

9)Technical and political challenges for a secure Internet ALAI 21/05/15

The author ponders over the current centralization of the internet and the growing 'Balkanisation' in response to it, in some countries. The article explores the problems associated with making the internet more secure in the future and offers some solutions in general and for individual users in the current scenario.

JNC Forum Articles

1)Speech on future of the internet 'The End of the Internet Dream'


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