  • 7/24/2019 Read the mind and A birthday memorable


    1)If I could read the minds of people around me:I would like to know what they think about me.I could stay away from people who want to hurt me.I could know where hide my parents Christmas gifts.I could know the topics and solving of all tests at school.I'd respect the privacy of others.Finally I do not want to read the minds of others.

    Dac a putea citi gandurile oamenilor din jurul meu:A vrea s tiu ce cred acestea despre mine.

    A putea sta departe de oameni care doresc s-mi fac ru.A putea ti unde ascunde prinilor mei cadouri de Crciun.Am putea ti subiectele i rezolvarea tuturor testelor de la coal.A respecta intimitatea altora.n cele din urm eu nu vreau s citesc gndurile altora.

    2)A birthday memorable was when I turned 18 age.Since I woke up I knew it would be a special day.Parents surprised me with a chocolate cake, fireworks, confetti and champagne.There were more people with me that day.Most of the day I was with my girlfriend.It was a memorable day because we spent with the important people in my life.

    O zi de natere de neuitat a fost atunci cnd am mplinit 18 ani.Din moment ce m-am trezit am tiut c va fi o zi special.Prinii m-au surprins cu un tort de ciocolata, focuri de artificii, confetti i ampane.Au fost mai multe persoane cu mine n acea zi.Cea mai mare parte a zilei am fost cu prietena mea.A fost o zi de neuitat pentru c am petrecut cu persoanele importante din viaa mea.

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