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Werner Ramaekers Jan Sabbe

Cocoaheads BE 12/03/2014

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ReactiveCocoa (RAC) is an Objective-C framework for

Functional Reactive Programming.

It provides APIs for composing and transforming streams of


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Whut ?

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Take inputs Produce outputs

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Imperative programming•int x; int y = 1; int z = 2;

•x = y + z; //x == 3; y == 1; z == 2; !


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Imperative programming•int x; int y = 1; int z = 2;

•x = y + z; //x == 3; y == 1; z == 2; !


•y = 2;

•NSLog(@“%i”, x); //-> ‘3’ !

# Input changed but output did NOT because it was declared earlier….

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Imperative programming•int x; int y = 1; int z = 2;

•x = y + z; //x == 3; y == 1; z == 2; !


STATE •y = 2;

•NSLog(@“%i”, x); //-> ‘3’ !

# Input changed but output did NOT because it was declared earlier….

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Declaractive programming

•The developer describes the problem domain in a declarative way, !

•The focus is NOT on state !

•Focus is on : •data flow

•propagation of change

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Functional Programming

•is one way of declarative programming. !

•Functional programming..

•deemphasizes state & mutable data •emphasizes functions that produce

outputs based on inputs : z = f(x, y)


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Reactive Programming

•also is a way of declarative programming !

•Reactive Programming .. •dynamically links the program’s behaviour

to its continuously updating data stream


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Reactive Programming

•also is a way of declarative programming !

•Reactive Programming .. •dynamically links the program’s behaviour

to its continuously updating data stream


•E.g. : a spreadsheet application where

•cell A1 (= B1 + C1)

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Functional Reactive Programming

•.. combines the FUNCTIONAL and REACTIVE programming styles. !

•.. links functions that observe continuous and dynamic streams of data (inputs) to the program’s behaviour (outputs) in real time.

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ReactiveCocoa (RAC) is an Objective-C framework for

Functional Reactive Programming.

It provides APIs for composing and transforming streams of


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RAC : ReActiveCocoa

Stream Subscriber

RACStream produces a Stream existing of …

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RAC : ReActiveCocoa


Next Event


RACStream produces a Stream existing of …

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RAC : ReActiveCocoa


Next Event

Complete Event


RACStream produces a Stream existing of …

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RAC : ReActiveCocoa


Next Event

Complete Event


Error Event

RACStream produces a Stream existing of …

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RAC : ReActiveCocoa

Stream Subscriber

[ 1, 2, 3]


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RAC : ReActiveCocoa

Stream Subscriber

[ 1, 2, 3]



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RAC : ReActiveCocoa

Stream Subscriber


Client Server

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RAC : ReActiveCocoa

Stream Subscriber…



Client Server

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RAC : ReActiveCocoa

Stream Subscriber…




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RAC : ReActiveCocoa


RACSignal RACSequence

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ReactiveCocoa •RACStream

•abstract class

•represents some sequential flow of data

•RACSignal (cold)

•push-driven data stream of future values

•cfr Network call

•must be subscribed to in order to access data


•pull-driven data stream

•similar to Cocoa collection classes (NSArray, ..)

•but values are evaluated lazily - only when needed

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Details please

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[self.textField.rac_textSignal subscribeNext:^(id x) {

NSLog(@“New value : %@“, x);

} error:^(NSError *error){

NSLog(@“Error : %@“, error);

} completed:^{

NSLog(@“That’s all folks !”);


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[self.textField.rac_textSignal subscribeNext:^(id x) {

NSLog(@“New value : %@“, x);






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RACSignal : combineLatest



( )=,

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RACStream operators•Simplifies transformations of streams into

new streams

•map, filter, fold/reduce


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RACStream : map


( ) =

RACSequence *stream = [@[@(1), @(2), @(3)] rac_sequence];

[stream map:^id(id value) {

return @(pow([value integerValue], 2));


NSLog(@“%@“, [stream array]);

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RACStream : flatten map


( ) =

Function result = stream

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RACStream : filter

RACSequence *stream = [@[@(1), @(2), @(3)]; rac_sequence];


[[[array rac_sequence] filter:^BOOL(id value){

return [value integerValue] % 2 == 0;

}] array]


Filter =

( ) = True?

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Validating input the “old” way

#pragma mark - UITextFieldDelegate !- (BOOL) textField:(UITextField *)textField shouldChangeCharactersInRange:(NSRange)range replacementString:(NSString *)string { self.createButton.enabled = [self isFormValid]; ! return YES; }

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Validating input the “old” way

#pragma mark - UITextFieldDelegate !- (BOOL) textField:(UITextField *)textField shouldChangeCharactersInRange:(NSRange)range replacementString:(NSString *)string { self.createButton.enabled = [self isFormValid]; ! return YES; }

- (BOOL)isFormValid { return [self.usernameField.text length] > 0 && [self.emailField.text length] > 0 && [self.passwordField.text length] > 0 && [self.passwordField.text isEqual:self.passwordVerificationField.text]; } … …… …

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Validating input the “RAC” wayRAC(self.createButton, enabled) = ! [RACSignal combineLatest:@[ self.usernameTF.rac_textSignal, self.emailFieldTF.rac_textSignal, self.passwordFieldTF.rac_textSignal, self.passwordVerificationFieldTF.rac_textSignal ] reduce:^(NSString *username, NSString *email, NSString *password, NSString *passwordVerification) { return @([username length] > 0 && [email length] > 0 && [password length] > 8 && [password isEqual:passwordVerification]); }];

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Validating input the “RAC” wayRAC(self.createButton, enabled) = ! [RACSignal combineLatest:@[ self.usernameTF.rac_textSignal, self.emailFieldTF.rac_textSignal, self.passwordFieldTF.rac_textSignal, self.passwordVerificationFieldTF.rac_textSignal ] reduce:^(NSString *username, NSString *email, NSString *password, NSString *passwordVerification) { return @([username length] > 0 && [email length] > 0 && [password length] > 8 && [password isEqual:passwordVerification]); }];

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“not so fast cowboy .. “•RAC(object, key path) is a macro

•creates a one-way binding

•ex. bind “enabled” property of a UIButton to a signal

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Now, show me a real app

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Station locator app

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Station locator app

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Station locator app

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Station locator app

Core Data

Stations GPS coord Services Prices

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Station locator app

Core Data

Stations GPS coord Services Prices

Driving distance

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Station locator app


Core Data

Stations GPS coord Services Prices

Driving distance

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Station locator app

Stations.xml Prices.xml

Core Data

Stations GPS coord Services Prices

Driving distance

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Easier asynchronous code

Driving distance



3 Core Data lookup in Background

current location

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RAC( ) = (51.2, 5.46)

station (id=4)

flattenMap searchClosest(51.2,5.46)

flattenMap getDrivingDistance(4)


map JSON -> km

"4.5 km"

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Sort stations by driving distance

station (id=1)

station (id=3)

station (id=2)


combineLatest sort [3,1,2]

fetching driving distances concurrentlywhen all available, sort

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Scott, how do we test UIViewControllers

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ViewModel patternViewController sets up bindinganimations

ViewModel (BOOL) shop (BOOL) bread (RACCommand) search

SearchService (RACSignal) searchWithCriteria

validates + delegate to service

do actual search

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ViewModel patternViewController sets up bindinganimations

ViewModel (BOOL) shop (BOOL) bread (RACCommand) search

SearchService (RACSignal) searchWithCriteria

mock out the real search service

do search against in memory DB

easily testable

harder to test

hard to test but trivial

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ViewModel patternViewController sets up bindinganimations

ViewModel (BOOL) shop (BOOL) bread (RACCommand) search

SearchService (RACSignal) searchWithCriteria

validates + delegate to service

do actual search

what is this?

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while getting current location, searching stations, sort by driving distance,... show activity indicator

[[RACCommand alloc] initWithSignalBlock:^RACSignal *(id sender) { return [self createSearchSignal]; }];


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while getting current location, searching stations, sort by driving distance,... show activity indicator

[[RACCommand alloc] initWithSignalBlock:^RACSignal *(id sender) { return [self createSearchSignal]; }];


ViewControllerself.searchButton.rac_command = self.viewModel.searchCommand; RAC(self, spinner.hidden) = [self.viewModel.searchCommand.executing not];

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ReactiveCocoa …•keeps the app focused on representing data

& UX

•can reduce complexity bc you don’t need to worry about ‘state’ so much

•keeps related code close together (via blocks)

•helps to make your code more testable (via MVVM)

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but ReactiveCocoa …•introduces another way of thinking.

•adds another learning curve on top of Cocoa !

•is a framework by GitHub and not Apple !

•will Apple "sherlock" ReactiveCocoa ?

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One last thing

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Thank you

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