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The Legazpi City Chronicles (A Reaction/Narrative Paper on the February 27, 2012 Educational Tour)

By: Quennie N. Quiobe BSED 2A

Dhio Endeka Revisited

No other emotion cripples my soul during the trip to Dhio Endeka but pure

anticipation, as I saw the familiar road to the resort I felt the excitement in me growing

along with the beat of my heart. And as I stepped foot again on the place, I uttered the

words “it’s exactly the way I remember it-- just beautiful.” Anyway, the resort offers its

visitors the delight of water adventure and exploring, as it houses three large swimming

pools. The landscape of the resort adds to its unexpected twist. Hidden within is a large

replica of a ship, I, along with my picture-taking fanatic classmates had a blast doing

crazy poses which we reasoned for the purpose of documentation. But I also felt a sting

of nostalgia, there’s a playback of memories in me.

A Paradise named Kawakawa

I was a bit sceptical with my spelling of the place, but anyhow I played it over

and over in my mind and I’m sure there wasn’t any dash in between the name.

No words can describe what the feeling is like once you stepped foot at a

paradise like the Kawakawa hill. Walking across the tall trees that give shade as if

transporting you to into a dimension of pure bliss and serenity, it was what I

described-- a sanctuary of the soul. It’s amazing how such place existed into a land

almost unknown.

There I felt the closeness to God, the aura was divine, and as I passed

through the life-sized Stations of the Cross, it gave me a feeling of fulfilment and it

was as if my fatigue from the long-high hill hike was just washed away. It was an

enchanting experience, a mixture of peace and thrill collides. It really is an ideal

place for relaxation and meditation.

However, what gave me thrill was actually the angry gush of winds, it makes

me just want to held up my hands high and try to fly, which I immediately deleted

from my mind since I know I’ll just fall off the cliff.

This place was my favorite destination during the trip.

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The Rainy Greeting at Cagsawa Ruins

I was a bit disappointed when we finally reached Cagsawa, although during the

long trip I kind of expected that we won’t see the magnificent view of the Mt. Mayon I

was praying for some miracle that the sun would suddenly rose, nevertheless I guess

going there was actually worth it, I got appreciate once again that Bicol was truly blessed

by an amazing landscape. But most of all what makes it even fun is the activity that I and

my class mates are always on the go, we got to do funny and tricky snapshots in front of

the belfry remains. As the story goes we started a fun photoshoot! No KJ allowed!

I also would like to mention that the souvenir shops and stalls at the entrance

gates were fun to look-into; it boosted the native products and handicrafts of the natives.

I also find the swimming pool in the park pretty interesting, too bad we didn’t

have much time to dip into the water.

Plants and flower lovers would also be delighted with the displays of exotic and

unique flowers and orchids on sale, but of course one has to be good at

“pakikipagtawaran” to get a good buy.

A Quest at Lignon Hill

Just when I thought we finally had enough of the whole walking up the hill thing,

I’ve just find out that it will be another round of walkathon. Although we didn’t get the

chance to actually explore the secrets of the hill because it was to be dangerous at that

time, still I was able to appreciate the view, it was exhilarating, you could actually see the

vast ocean from up there and also the other unexplored places of Albay. We took

countless pictures again up there and waited for the signal to go down and then moved on

to our next destination.

The Expedition at Wildlife

I was curious of what animals are in here so I eagerly joined my classmates to

explore the place; I was amazed to see the place was organized, although I noticed we

were the only visitors that day. I thought it was a great place for children; they would be

very thrilled of the animals there.

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During the short-stop there, we hurriedly explored what was found in wildlife, I

discovered that they still lack exhibitions there though it was really spacious so adding

more facilities won’t make the place crowded. I wish they would add more animals when

I visit next time, and also contain the smell.

Preparing to Go Home Window Shopping at Pacific Mall Legazpi

There’s no other way to end our fun-filled trip but to go to a mall and what place

can be more fitting than the Pacific mall Legazpi, there I made sure I bought my

pasalubong to my siblings. I also got to window shop, how I wish I had more cash with

me, but it was a lot of fun anyway, especially with the entire picture taking on those stuff-

toys and on NBS where I bought my personal gift to myself which I would like to keep a


The tour was a great experience it was both recreational and educational, I look

forward to another one, but with a different itinerary of course!

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