  • reachVOLUME 6 | ISSUE 2


    MissionArizona A NEW PERSPECTIVE

    PAGE 8

  • JAMES 1:27 WEEKEND Operation Love; Orphan Care Sunday & Johnny Carr Bio pages 4 & 5REACHING THE SURFING COMMUNITY FOR JESUS with Jeremy Hebets page 6 MISSION ARIZONA: A NEW PERSPECTIVE with Jackson McKay page 8A DAY AT THE FAIR with Chris Couchman page 9FIVE QUESTIONS with Alyssa Burgess, YoungLifes Newest Staff Member page 10ALPHA COURSE & PRODIGAL CHURCH LAUNCH page 11

    REACH GLOBAL WEEKEND Christmas in October, Guest Speaker Andy Spradley pages 14 & 15 REACH EUROPE Ireland, Germany, Mexico, Albania, Macedonia, Moldova pages 16 & 17UNDERSTANDING WORLD RELIGIONS CLASSES & Focus on Islam pages 18 & 19LETTERS TO CALVARY Restoring Access, Sister Church Albania, Clean Water pages 20, 21 & 22LETTER FROM FARSHID and what you can do to help page 23

    ON THE COVER: 7th grader Charlotte Snyder shares from the Bible and answers questions during the Jr. High Mission Arizona Short Term trip, page 8.

    11 WAYS TO REACH ORANGE COUNTY pages 12 & 13


    global REACH

    pagepage page


  • These past months have been times that have challenged us as Christians. Multiple sources flood us with information on all fronts television, radio, social media, newspapers, magazines. Ugly, evil things that attack our senses and make us want to run away.

    But God asks us to hold fast, not to be afraid and pray. It becomes easy to be discouraged by current events, but instead of feeling overwhelmed, we can respond by offering prayer and hope. One way is to write to the prisoners in Iran who are serving there because of their belief in Christ. You may also want to consider coming to the new classes being offered this fall/winter on Understanding World Religions. These classes not only will help you to begin to understand what is happening around the world, but will also help you engage in conversations with people of different beliefs.

    For those of you who have friends asking questions about God, or are looking for a safe place to begin that dialogue, we encourage you to consider inviting them to come with you to our fall Alpha course launch, beginning in October. Learn more about it on page 11, or online at

    We have so many stories of people reaching out both to their local community and around the world. Weve included a few in this issue of Reach, but we want to hear from YOU!

    Are you involved in a LifeGroup that is reaching its local neighborhood? Do you have photos of your friends or family on a short term trip? Maybe you have a story about meeting someone and simply sharing the love of Christ with them. We would love to hear about it! Send your Reach Local and Global pictures and stories to Jill Nielson in the Reach office at at [email protected] If you are looking for ways to reach, you will find a list of 11 ways you can reach locally on pages 12 & 13, as well as a list of upcoming summer short term trips, with a focus on Reaching Europe for Christ on pages 16 & 17. We hope that you will pray about these opportunities to reach Orange County and the world for Jesus Christ.

    Enjoy the read! Until all have heard! Matt Doan, Liz Gold and the Reach team!

    Quick reach highlight

    Saturday, September 18, Calvary partnered with several churches to host the inaugural Love Santa Ana event.

    This community fair and neighborhood cleanup event included free food, backpack giveaways, raffles and games.

    Julie Glover shared some great photos of the event on Calvarys Facebook page, and we wanted to share them with you!

    Thank you Julie, and thanks to everyone who participated in this event to reach locally!

    reach _ VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 2 3

  • LOCA

    L The second weekend of November is being set aside for our church family to live out the calling as Christians. We have been called to care for the widow and the orphan as Operation Love and Orphan Care Sunday events are hosted by Calvarys Mens Ministry and Reach: Orphan Care Ministry respectively.

    operation love + orphan care sunday

    operation love

    saturday, november 8

    8:00 am - 1:00 pm

    orphan care sunday

    sunday, november 9

    8:45 am & 10:45 am services

    james 1:27 pure & undefiled

    to visit orphans &widows in their distress,

    religion in the sight of our

    and to keep oneself unstained

    by the world. james 1:27

    God and Father is this:weekend

    Operation Love, hosted by Mens Ministry, is an opportunity for men to live out the great call of James 1:27. After a light breakfast (suggested $5 donation) in Fellowship Hall, 10 volunteer teams will be sent out to do yard work and maintenance on the homes of elderly widows in Orange County.

    On Sunday, November 9, Johnny Carr, the author of Orphan Justice will be our special guest speaker in both Celebration and Elevation, speaking biblically on the theme, How to Care for Orphans Beyond Adoption. You will be challenged and inspired by Johnnys own story and will inherit his passion to see our church involved in helping orphans both here in Orange County and throughout the world.

    The Worship Center lobby will host the Orphan Care ministry fair that morning, and will include partners like Olive Crest, Safe Families for Children, Child SHARE, Nightlight Christian Adoption, Bethany Christian Adoption, Orange County Human Trafficking and Orange County Social Services.

    WHO IS THIS FOR: Men of all ages who desire to serve othersWHAT TO BRING/WEAR: work clothes, hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, bottled water, work gloves and gardening tools if able (clippers, trimmers, loppers, shears, pruners, pruning saw, long-handled pruner, bamboo rake, dust pan)QUESTIONS: Contact Pastor Tim Nellis at 714.550.2391 or visit to learn more.


  • orphan justice

    book club

    october 5 - november 2

    8:45 am in room b202

    johnny carr

    orphan care sunday speaker

    pure & undefiled

    to visit orphans &widows in their distress,

    religion in the sight of our

    and to keep oneself unstained

    by the world. james 1:27

    God and Father is this:

    Join our Reach Orphan Ministry team for a 5 week interactive study of the book, Orphan Justice by our November 9 speaker, Johnny Carr. We will be meeting together on Sunday mornings from 8:45 am to 10:00 am in room B202. Please contact Erin at [email protected] with any questions or for more information.

    Orphan Justice is available for purchase at the Corner, Calvarys Bookstore and Cafe.

    When pastor Johnny Carr took the position as Pastor of Ministry and Leadership Development at one of the fastest growing churches in the Florida panhandle in 2004, he never dreamed that God would change his heart so drastically for the orphan. Carr led Hillcrest Baptist Church in establishing its first orphan care and adoption ministry. In 2007, Carr left the full time church ministry to become the first National Director of Church Partnerships at Bethany Christian Services, the nations largest adoption and orphan care agency.

    In 2013 he left the position with Bethany to be a full time writer and speaker. He firmly believes that the church must take the lead in the worlds orphan crisis. Carrs book, Orphan Justice: How to Care for Orphans Beyond Adopting (with Laura Captari), is based on his own personal journey toward pure religion, explaining that his goal is to inspire the church to truly understand and obey James 1:27. In Orphan Justice, Carr moves his readers from talking about global orphan care to actually doing something about the problem. He encourages readers to not just theologize related issues and relegate the responsibility to governments, but to take action in ways even beyond adoption.

    Carr fleshes out the why, what, and how of global orphan care, and offers practical steps to

    getting involved and making a difference.

    Carr is an orphan care leader and advocate within denominations, national religious associations and conferences. He has spoken at Saddleback Church conferences, Catalyst Conference, and many others, and has been featured in the Washington Post and on several national blogs. When not speaking or writing, Carr spends his time watching sports with his boys, talking about life with his girls and taking his wife out on dates. He and his wife, Beth, have been married for 20 years. The couple has five children: Heather, Jared, James, Xiaoli, and JJ. James and Xiaoli were both adopted from China and are deaf. Through the foster system, the Carrs adopted JJ also deaf and a medically complex child.

    reach _ VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 2 5

  • Jeremy Hebets began surfing at the age of 11 in San Diego, just steps away from where he received Christ. Now he is bringing together his passion for surfing with his passion for the

    gospel, and reaching out to a community that needs the Lord.


    for jesus surfers


  • Jeremy Hebets began surfing at the age of 11, spending his summers at a family beach house in San Diego. It was just steps from the beach house where he first heard about the good news of Jesus, when a stranger approached Jeremy and a friend and told them about Gods love for them. Jeremy remembers praying right then and there to believe in Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior.

    Those initial seeds as a boy grew to fruition when Jeremy was 17 and attended a Walking on Water surf camp. Getting ready to graduate from High School, Jeremy was finding himself with the wrong crowd, getting involved in the party scene and some of the darker aspects of it.

    I was chasing after these things because of the void in my heart from the loss of my earthly father at a young age and a hard life after that. While at camp, my counselor shared with me his story of having a broken relationship with his earthly father and how God was able to change that and be his real Father. At that moment things started to really click for me. For the first time, I realized that the things I was chasing after were just doing damage and not bringing me any healing or freedom. I needed God in my life.

    Jeremy completely surrendered his life to Christ and began to grow in his relationship with God, pursuing a B.A. in Religion at Vanguard University, then graduating from Talbot School of Theology. While

    5 ways to pray






    Pray for the 4 brand new Christian Surfer ministry chapters beginning soon in

    South San Diego (Ocean Beach, Pacific Beach, Imperial Beach, Seaside Beach)

    Pray for open doors as Jeremy serves as a chaplain at local Orange

    County surf contests

    Pray for good follow-up connections for Jeremy from Septembers large camp

    outreach at San Onofre State Beach

    Pray for Jeremys connection to God in the midst of a busy travel and

    ministry schedule

    Pray for open doors to start new Christian Surfer chapters in Malibu and

    San Clemente

    at Talbot, Jeremy met fellow students who went to Calvary Church. He began attending and became a member in 2011, and has been leading a Young Adult LifeGroup for the last couple of years.

    In 2013, God would take Jeremys ministry training and his love for surfing and call him to a unique ministry, as he was invited to become a full-time chaplain with Christian Surfers. This is a faith based non-profit ministry that uses the common love of surfing as a connection point to share the good news of Jesus and disciple surfers both here in California and around the world. Jeremy is involved in relational evangelism and discipleship, both with professional surfers on the Associated Pro Tour and in local surf communities here in Southern California.

    Calvary Church is honored to partner with Jeremy and Christian Surfers as they reach the surf community with the love and good news of Jesus Christ!

    reach _ VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 2 7



    by Jackson McKay

    In July 2014, the Jr. High team, along with fourteen of our seventh and eighth grade students, traveled to Maricopa, Arizona. We coordinated with a developing new church called Waypoint Church, to run a Vacation Bible School. It was incredible to see how the Holy Spirit worked in and through our wonderful Jr. High students. The students were responsible for every aspect involved in preparing for VBS, including lessons, games, snacks, crafts, skits, scripture memorization and gathering all of the necessary resources. They were put into leadership positions to help kids (ages 3-11) learn more about Jesus. The way they worked together as a team and cared for the young students of Waypoint Church showed a level of maturity that is hard to come by among a group of seventh and eighth grade kids.

    During the time that wasnt occupied with VBS, the students participated in an array of service projects around the Phoenix area to help the community. One project in particular that stood out to me was with an organization called Feed My Starving Children. This is an organization that provides meals for starving children and families around the world who would not get the nourishment they need to survive without the meals that they provide them. Each meal is carefully packed with vital nutrients that restore

    starving people to natural health. It will also help to sustain their health so that they can be more capable of performing the daily tasks necessary for their personal survival and the survival of their family. Feed My Starving Children has several warehouses and mobile sites around the country where volunteers can come and help prepare and send out these meals. Our Jr. High group of students and staff volunteered for two hours packing, bagging, and boxing these meals to be sent out to countries and communities in need. During those two hours, our group was able to prepare enough food to feed 23,424 people!

    This experience meant so much to our Jr. Highers and to me. Before we started preparing the meals, the group watched a short video about global poverty and starvation. Some were exposed for the first time to the harsh realities of poverty around the world and were so determined to help prepare as many meals as they could. Our students were able to see the results of what their hard work and service can do. We were blown away at the difference their efforts can make in the lives of others. Through the process of seeing the need through the video, then preparing the 23,424 meals, and praying over the boxes of meals, the students all had a unique experience that brought them a new perspective of what service is all about.

    Brett Christian8th Grade, packaging meals Jr High Mission Arizona Team 2014



    OC FAIRby chris couchman

    For several years now, Matt Doan has designated the opening day of the Orange County Fair to be Calvarys day to volunteer in the Noahs Ark booth sponsored by Child Evangelism Fellowship. Greeters invite children to come into the ark to hear a Bible story. The story tellers make a clear presentation of Gods plan of salvation and give the children the opportunity to receive Christ. This year, on Friday, July 11, 160 children heard the Wordless Book story and 40 of them prayed to receive Christ as their Savior!

    One of these was an eight year old boy. After seeing the sign on the ark, he asked who Noah was, and sat down inside with his brother while his father listened at the window. The boy said that he didnt know any Bible stories because he didnt go to church. After hearing the plan of salvation he prayed, Jesus, I really need you because I have done lots of bad things. I sure want you to cover my sin so I can go to Heaven. I sure hope you do this for me. It was such a heartfelt prayer! The father took the information on childrens Bible studies and said he was sure his son would enjoy them.

    From 8 to 11 pm, volunteer Steve Crawford greeted and his eleven year old son, Matthew, told the Bible story. Matthew was standing alongside his father when two young men, who appeared to be 20 years old, came up and exclaimed, Tell us the story!

    Matthew did not hesitate. He quickly replied, Well, come on into the ark! They followed him in and as he told the story, his father, being a little apprehensive, stood at the window to listen. When the story was over they came out and told Steve they were believers, were excited to see that the Gospel was being shared at the fair and asked how they could get involved.

    Many adults walk by the ark and say, I accepted Christ in there when I was little! and many children walk by and say, Who is Noah?

    Wilma Taylor volunteers every year and says it is such an exciting time. She comes away awed at what God has done and encourages everyone to participate in this local outreach. So many children have never heard Gods plan of salvation. They are thrilled to hear the truth of His love for them.

    reach _ VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 2 9


  • IsthereMORE


    than this


    What will you nd at Alpha?

    + +. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    If God did exist, what would you ask Him?

    Q1: What is your connection to Calvary Church and

    how have you been impacted by Calvary?

    I went to school at Calvary, so in junior high I quickly got plugged into the youth group. I attended Calvary for many years, was very involved with the junior high and high school youth groups and then became a high school small group leader when I began college. Calvary has impacted me throughout the years because it has always been a place where I felt a sense of community. I love the fact that I cared about the people in this church, and that I knew they genuinely cared about me as well. Many people at Calvary have poured so much into my life, so I am thrilled to be pouring back into that same community that helped shape who I am today.

    Q2: How did you get involved with Young Life?

    I first got involved with Young Life down in San Diego when I was at college at Point Loma. I was only a leader for about a semester, but I was hooked! When I graduated and moved home, the Area Director at the time, Kristy Fox, recruited me to start leading in Tustin where I have now been leading for over 6 years.

    Q3: What was the process/journey of you joining

    Young Life Staff?

    If I have learned anything from this entire process, it is that God's timing in absolutely perfect. At the start of this year, I consistently prayed a very intentional prayer that asked God to align my desires for my life with what He wanted and had planned for my life. I had a great job that I excelled at and loved, but I slowly heard Him calling me away from that job and into ministry, specifically Young Life in Tustin. God allowed for me to have such intentional and affirming conversations with my Area Director, Jonathan Guerra, that we decided to move forward with the process of coming onto full-time staff. After many, many hours of prayer and just a couple weeks of interviewing with the committee members of Young Life in Tustin, I was hired with a start date of August 1st. God is good!

    Q4: Tell us about the ministry of YoungLife? What

    does Young Life look like in Tustin?

    Young Life is an outreach ministry to middle school and high school aged youth. To me, Young Life is a unique ministry in that we don't wait for kids to clean up, grow up, or show up. We go to them. We cross barriers to build bridges of authentic friendship in order to "earn the right to be heard" so that we can share with them the good news of Jesus Christ. We enter their world with no expectation of who kids should be, but with every hope for who they can become. Young Life in Tustin is at such an exciting stage right now because we have some very healthy clubs occurring at Beckman and Foothill High Schools, as well as Currie, Hewes, and Pioneer Middle Schools. Our main goal with Young Life is to reach EVERY kid in Tustin. We know we are not doing that as this point, but are excited for the possibility of new clubs starting up this year at Columbus Tustin Middle School, Orchard Hills Middle School, and Tustin High School.

    Q5: How can we pray for and support you as you take

    on this new role with Young Life?

    Please be praying for me as I am raising support to come on staff. I am committed to a two year staff position where I will be raising 50% of my salary. God has already provided abundantly, and has continued to bless every conversation I have with others about Young Life. Also, we are in need of leaders who are committed and consistent so that we fulfill our mission to reach every kid in Tustin. God is moving in some big ways in this community and I feel so lucky to be a part of it. Thank you all for your support, and I look forward to how we will partner in the future!

    5 Queions with alyssa burgess

    Young Lifes Newest Staff Member

    Alyssa (right. 2nd to end) with other members of youngLife


  • IsthereMORE


    than this


    What will you nd at Alpha?

    + +. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    If God did exist, what would you ask Him?

    Calvary Church is working with Brent + Patti Dedmon and Erin + Matt Hemphill to launch Prodigal Church, a new church in Irvine. Prodigals mission is loving everyday people into an authentic relationship of grace and freedom with the God who loves them. Calvary is excited to be able to play a part in Prodigals story, and to see how God will use this church to reach Orange County with His love.

    Alpha is a way to begin conversations about lifes big questions. Its a relaxed time of dinner, learning, and group discussion.

    Alpha is an easy way to reach your friends, family, neighbors, coworkers or anyone you know who would be interested in exploring an open dialogue about life and God. Pray about who you will invite to Alpha on Wednesday evenings beginning in October, from 6 - 8:30 pm.

    Free childcare available.

    reach _ VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 2 11


  • Retirement Home Ministry October 11 & 25, November 8 & 22, December 13; 10-11:30 AM

    Visit and serve seniors with memory loss at Cranbrook Senior Living Home in Tustin. Contact Bob Browning at [email protected] Ministry October 11, November 8, December 13, 10 - 11:30 am

    Meet at DaVinci Motel (2222 1st St., Santa Ana) to help distribute groceries and resources to low income motel residents. Contact Ben Stripe at [email protected]

    2marys kitchenNovember 22; 8-11:30 AM OR 10 AM - 1 PM

    Help host and prepare a meal for homeless men, women and children. Calvary has currently served over 1000 meals! Contact Sheri Goodrich at [email protected]

    3thanksgiving outreach November 26; 4 - 8 pm

    Help deliver freshly cooked gourmet turkey dinners to low-income Orange County families in need the evening before Thanksgiving. Contact Matt Doan at [email protected]


    operation love (part of James 1:27 weekend) November 8; 8 am - 1 pm, meet in Fellowship hall

    Men of Calvary, we are taking a Saturday morning to serve widows through home maintenance and yard work projects. Contact Tim Nellis at [email protected]


    orphan care Sunday (part of James 1:27 weekend) nOVEMBER 9 AT 8:45 & 10:45 AM

    Come hear stories of how God is using people at Calvary to care for orphans both here in Orange County and the World. There will be an Orphan Care resource fair in the Worship Center lobby after each service.


    reach orphan care ministry book club & discussionsOctober 5, 12, 19, 26 & November ; 8:45 - 10 AM (rOOM b-202)

    Join others at Calvary with a heart for Orphan care by reading and discussing the book, Orphan Justice by our November 9 speaker, Johnny Carr. Contact Erin at [email protected] for more info.


    Christmas in OctoberOctober 11; 10:30 am

    Ladies, meet in Fellowship Hall to hear Calvary Missionaries share about Christmas in other countries, followed by writing Christmas cards and wrapping gifts for our missionary families serving around the world. Check out page 14 to learn more.

    8operation christmas child: dropoffNovember 18 - 25

    A ministry of Samaritans Purse, these Christmas shoeboxes are distributed all over the world. For a list of items to include and for Orange County drop-off locations, visit and check out Operation Christmas Child under the What We Do link.

    9angel tree outreachNovember 2, 9, 16 & 23 in the worship center lobby (8:45 & 10:45 am)

    Select a gift tag from our Angel Tree Christmas Tree for a child who has a parent who is incarcerated over the Christmas holidays. Gifts are distributed by volunteers at the Angel Tree party. Contact Marlene at [email protected]

    10angel tree christmas partyDecember 13, 11:30 am - 2:30 pm

    Help distribute Angel Tree gifts to kids who have a parent in prison over the Christmas holidays. Volunteers needed for set-up, table hosts, game coordinators, lunch servers and gift distributors. Contact Barb at [email protected]


    11 waysOrange County

    to reach


  • Retirement Home Ministry October 11 & 25, November 8 & 22, December 13; 10-11:30 AM

    Visit and serve seniors with memory loss at Cranbrook Senior Living Home in Tustin. Contact Bob Browning at [email protected] Ministry October 11, November 8, December 13, 10 - 11:30 am

    Meet at DaVinci Motel (2222 1st St., Santa Ana) to help distribute groceries and resources to low income motel residents. Contact Ben Stripe at [email protected]

    2marys kitchenNovember 22; 8-11:30 AM OR 10 AM - 1 PM

    Help host and prepare a meal for homeless men, women and children. Calvary has currently served over 1000 meals! Contact Sheri Goodrich at [email protected]

    3thanksgiving outreach November 26; 4 - 8 pm

    Help deliver freshly cooked gourmet turkey dinners to low-income Orange County families in need the evening before Thanksgiving. Contact Matt Doan at [email protected]


    operation love (part of James 1:27 weekend) November 8; 8 am - 1 pm, meet in Fellowship hall

    Men of Calvary, we are taking a Saturday morning to serve widows through home maintenance and yard work projects. Contact Tim Nellis at [email protected]


    orphan care Sunday (part of James 1:27 weekend) nOVEMBER 9 AT 8:45 & 10:45 AM

    Come hear stories of how God is using people at Calvary to care for orphans both here in Orange County and the World. There will be an Orphan Care resource fair in the Worship Center lobby after each service.


    reach orphan care ministry book club & discussionsOctober 5, 12, 19, 26 & November ; 8:45 - 10 AM (rOOM b-202)

    Join others at Calvary with a heart for Orphan care by reading and discussing the book, Orphan Justice by our November 9 speaker, Johnny Carr. Contact Erin at [email protected] for more info.


    Christmas in OctoberOctober 11; 10:30 am

    Ladies, meet in Fellowship Hall to hear Calvary Missionaries share about Christmas in other countries, followed by writing Christmas cards and wrapping gifts for our missionary families serving around the world. Check out page 14 to learn more.

    8operation christmas child: dropoffNovember 18 - 25

    A ministry of Samaritans Purse, these Christmas shoeboxes are distributed all over the world. For a list of items to include and for Orange County drop-off locations, visit and check out Operation Christmas Child under the What We Do link.

    9angel tree outreachNovember 2, 9, 16 & 23 in the worship center lobby (8:45 & 10:45 am)

    Select a gift tag from our Angel Tree Christmas Tree for a child who has a parent who is incarcerated over the Christmas holidays. Gifts are distributed by volunteers at the Angel Tree party. Contact Marlene at [email protected]

    10angel tree christmas partyDecember 13, 11:30 am - 2:30 pm

    Help distribute Angel Tree gifts to kids who have a parent in prison over the Christmas holidays. Volunteers needed for set-up, table hosts, game coordinators, lunch servers and gift distributors. Contact Barb at [email protected]


    11 waysOrange County

    to reach

    reach _ VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 2 13

  • you are the salt

    matthew 5:13, 14 & 16

    you are the light

    of the earth

    of the world.



    saturday october 11 + sunday, october 12

    saturday, october 11 10:30 am in fellowship hall

    sunday, october 12 8:45 am & 10:45 am services

    reach global


    Ladies, we would love for you to come and have a festive time of tea and cookies with us. We will hear from Calvary Missionary ladies Nadine Spradley (Macedonia), Heidi Coombs (Peru), Macey Geis (Russia), and Kathy Dunne (Ireland), as they share about what its like to spend Christmas in another country. Afterwards, we will write Christmas cards and wrap gifts for our missionary families serving around the world. There is no charge for the event, but we will take a special offering for our speakers and there will be gifts for purchase so you can do some early Christmas shopping!

    On Sunday morning, we will hear from Andy Spradley, Calvary Church missionary with SEND International to Macedonia. On this special REACH Global weekend, we will have a number of our missionaries here sharing in the adult Sunday morning LifeGroups as well. As we recall our March theme of Salt & Light, we hope that you join us in looking towards Europe this summer. We are hoping to send teams to be salt and light from Calvary to Macedonia, Germany, Moldova, Albania, and Ireland. More information about these teams will be available that morning. Read more about them on pages 16 & 17.

    let your light shine before men in

    such a way that they may see

    your good works, and glorify

    your father who is in heaven.

    . . .

    The second weekend of October is being set aside for our Calvary family to focus on Reaching the world globally. We have been called to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world.

    What way will you be

    salt & light to the world?

    Reach GlobalWeekendReach GlobalWeekend




    Andy and Nadine Spradley have served in Macedonia since 1995 as church planters and have two growing churches now, as well as a house church. Andy grew up in a Christian home and went to church every week. Although he became a born again believer at the age of 10, he never had much of an interest in missions growing up. That changed in his college years when he became involved with a weekly prayer group of young men from his church. Many of their prayers were for unsaved friends, and they had the joy of seeing a few of them come to know Christ through their prayers and witness. God used that time to change his priorities in life.

    Andys favorite passage became Matthew 6:19-20, where Jesus exhorts us to store up treasure in heaven. He then realized that lost souls were far more precious than the earthly treasures he had focused on up to that point. As he decided to make his life more available to God, he began reading missionary biographies and spent time talking with a missionary who was on furlough. Eventually he became convinced that God wanted to use him on the mission field.

    When he moved to Orange County, Andy got involved in Calvarys missionary candidate program. He met and married Nadine and they went to a bible college together. Later, Andy served as an elder at a Calvary Church plant in Corona. The Spradleys left for Macedonia in September 1995. Andy and Nadine have three daughters, Whitney, Heather, and Katelyn. They are on home assignment in Orange County through September 2015.

    reach _ VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 2 15

    REACH global

  • short term

    opportunities summer 2015

    Once the catalyst for spreading the Good News by sending out the first Western Missionaries, statistics now show that there are fewer active Christian churches in Europe than anywhere in the word today.

    With this spiritual vacancy, the void is being filled with other religions, mainly Islam and Hinduism. The largest Islamic population in Europe is in Paris, France and the largest numbers of Hindu peoples are in Leister, England. This is not just due to migration of people from other countries, but also English and French born young people looking to fill spiritual voids turning to other spiritual sources.

    With this in mind, Calvary is focusing on Europe in the summer of 2015 and we are looking for people who want to come along with us to share Christ on Short Term trips. You will be connecting with Calvary missionaries and partners as they work among people searching for spiritual fulfillment. Come join us as we REACH EUROPE this summer!

    Contact REACH Global Missions for more information at 714.550.2341.


    Birthplace of Alexander the Great and Mother Teresa; the Macedonian call; a country that is still seeking its identity. Missionaries Andy and Nadine Spradley have served for over 20 years in Macedonia and during that time have planted two churches. The beginnings of both were born out of small house Bible studies and yearly opportunities for learning English, taught by short term mission teams teaching ESL classes during the summers. The Spradleys are home on a yearlong furlough here in Orange County. Andy is open to training and leading a new short term team on a two week trip to teach ESL classes in 2015. The focus will be a possible new church plant in a city close to the airport. If you can speak English and enjoy people, then this may be the opportunity you are looking for this year!


    Considered one of the poorest countries in Eastern Europe, Moldovas largest commodity is heartbreakingly its youth. More children are being sold or stolen and enslaved in other countries by sex-trafficking and slavery than anywhere else in Europe. Our missionaries, Oleg and Marina Reutki, are setting up homes for children coming out of orphanages and left on their own at age twelve on the streets. These homes allow them the opportunity for training in life that they have never received and an opportunity of a new life in Christ. In addition to the homes, the Reutkis also have camps for children and half way homes for older youth. Our College Ministry is looking for college aged individuals who would be interested in going to help Oleg with the Youth Camps. If you fit this age group and are interested, contact our College Pastor, Jon Eshleman, or Associate Director, Kristin Gackle for more information. Debbie Rowley, Calvarys Lower Elementary Coordinator, will also be leading a team with Kidz@Heart. If you have skills as a Sunday school teacher for elementary aged children this might be the trip for you. The team will be training adults to teach and produce curriculum for teaching children. Spots are limited.


    Our sister church partnership with The Way of Peace Church in Lushnje continues as we send short term teams. In addition to some of our Elders and High School teams, we are also forming a team that will be going to do evangelism alongside the church members. Eric Nielsen, who has a real heart for evangelism, will be leading the team. Working with Pastor Berti they will be going to homes near the church and also in nearby villages and sharing Christ. If you have a heart for our Albania work and you are willing to be trained to share Christ without fear, then this could be the trip for you!



    In the Black Forest of the country with a view of the Swiss Alps, Kandern is a place right out of a fairytale storybook. Kandern is a city that can boast in being one of the most missionary populated cities in Germany, with both GEM and SIL mission agencies having offices in the city. So why go to Kandern? Because our missionaries, Chris and Susan Tweedy, who serve with GEM, have asked us to help their agency with a great building need. They have housing to be finished for some staff and short term teams. This is a great opportunity for our young adults and others who are healthy and have good carpentry skills. If you are interested in strapping on your work belt and using a hammer this summer, 2015, this might be the trip for you.

    Yes this is not in Europe. And it is not for summer. However, there may be some spots still left for those of you who are interested in building houses in Tijuana this January 2015 with YWAM. There are two possible weekends this year to be a part of, January 16-18 or 23-25. Contact Shameeron Paur at [email protected]

    IrelandLand of the greenest grass and long days of summer. You will be trained to share Christ door to door among the people of County Mayo, Ireland. Larry and Kathy Dunne are in Orange County for a year furlough. They serve as Calvary Missionaries in Ireland, where Larry was born and came to faith through a street evangelist. Now, he and Kathy have a church plant and are working with other Irish Christians to share Christ among the Catholic cultured Irish of his homeland. Join Larry on a two week trip to County Mayo. Evangelism training is required prior to the trip, as this will be a major focus of the trip.

    tijuana, mexico



  • short term

    opportunities summer 2015

    Once the catalyst for spreading the Good News by sending out the first Western Missionaries, statistics now show that there are fewer active Christian churches in Europe than anywhere in the word today.

    With this spiritual vacancy, the void is being filled with other religions, mainly Islam and Hinduism. The largest Islamic population in Europe is in Paris, France and the largest numbers of Hindu peoples are in Leister, England. This is not just due to migration of people from other countries, but also English and French born young people looking to fill spiritual voids turning to other spiritual sources.

    With this in mind, Calvary is focusing on Europe in the summer of 2015 and we are looking for people who want to come along with us to share Christ on Short Term trips. You will be connecting with Calvary missionaries and partners as they work among people searching for spiritual fulfillment. Come join us as we REACH EUROPE this summer!

    Contact REACH Global Missions for more information at 714.550.2341.


    Birthplace of Alexander the Great and Mother Teresa; the Macedonian call; a country that is still seeking its identity. Missionaries Andy and Nadine Spradley have served for over 20 years in Macedonia and during that time have planted two churches. The beginnings of both were born out of small house Bible studies and yearly opportunities for learning English, taught by short term mission teams teaching ESL classes during the summers. The Spradleys are home on a yearlong furlough here in Orange County. Andy is open to training and leading a new short term team on a two week trip to teach ESL classes in 2015. The focus will be a possible new church plant in a city close to the airport. If you can speak English and enjoy people, then this may be the opportunity you are looking for this year!


    Considered one of the poorest countries in Eastern Europe, Moldovas largest commodity is heartbreakingly its youth. More children are being sold or stolen and enslaved in other countries by sex-trafficking and slavery than anywhere else in Europe. Our missionaries, Oleg and Marina Reutki, are setting up homes for children coming out of orphanages and left on their own at age twelve on the streets. These homes allow them the opportunity for training in life that they have never received and an opportunity of a new life in Christ. In addition to the homes, the Reutkis also have camps for children and half way homes for older youth. Our College Ministry is looking for college aged individuals who would be interested in going to help Oleg with the Youth Camps. If you fit this age group and are interested, contact our College Pastor, Jon Eshleman, or Associate Director, Kristin Gackle for more information. Debbie Rowley, Calvarys Lower Elementary Coordinator, will also be leading a team with Kidz@Heart. If you have skills as a Sunday school teacher for elementary aged children this might be the trip for you. The team will be training adults to teach and produce curriculum for teaching children. Spots are limited.


    Our sister church partnership with The Way of Peace Church in Lushnje continues as we send short term teams. In addition to some of our Elders and High School teams, we are also forming a team that will be going to do evangelism alongside the church members. Eric Nielsen, who has a real heart for evangelism, will be leading the team. Working with Pastor Berti they will be going to homes near the church and also in nearby villages and sharing Christ. If you have a heart for our Albania work and you are willing to be trained to share Christ without fear, then this could be the trip for you!



    In the Black Forest of the country with a view of the Swiss Alps, Kandern is a place right out of a fairytale storybook. Kandern is a city that can boast in being one of the most missionary populated cities in Germany, with both GEM and SIL mission agencies having offices in the city. So why go to Kandern? Because our missionaries, Chris and Susan Tweedy, who serve with GEM, have asked us to help their agency with a great building need. They have housing to be finished for some staff and short term teams. This is a great opportunity for our young adults and others who are healthy and have good carpentry skills. If you are interested in strapping on your work belt and using a hammer this summer, 2015, this might be the trip for you.

    Yes this is not in Europe. And it is not for summer. However, there may be some spots still left for those of you who are interested in building houses in Tijuana this January 2015 with YWAM. There are two possible weekends this year to be a part of, January 16-18 or 23-25. Contact Shameeron Paur at [email protected]

    IrelandLand of the greenest grass and long days of summer. You will be trained to share Christ door to door among the people of County Mayo, Ireland. Larry and Kathy Dunne are in Orange County for a year furlough. They serve as Calvary Missionaries in Ireland, where Larry was born and came to faith through a street evangelist. Now, he and Kathy have a church plant and are working with other Irish Christians to share Christ among the Catholic cultured Irish of his homeland. Join Larry on a two week trip to County Mayo. Evangelism training is required prior to the trip, as this will be a major focus of the trip.

    tijuana, mexico


    reach _ VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 2 17


    World Religions

    Why are these classes important?


    world-viewOctober 19 & 26, 2014

    Lloyd & Nancy Peckham


    islamnovember 2, 9, 16 & 23

    david Slottje


    As we grow as disciples of Jesus, we will have opportunities to witness to others about what we believe. It is important that we are not only prepared to share our faith, but to also understand something about what others may already believe. Depending on where you are coming from and where you live, your very culture effects how you see the world. Understanding multiple worldviews can help you be more prepared when sharing your faith with other people.

    Calvary Missionary Larry Dunne will teach How to Share Your Faith on January 4, 11, & 18, 2015 and is open to anyone wanted to increase their evangelism skills.

    These important first two classes will be a basis for helping us as we study the major world religions in classes that follow.

    Calvary Missionaries Lloyd and Nancy have served with Wycliffe Bible Translators for over 25 years in Indonesia and PNG, translating and training others to translate scripture.

    This four week Islam course will cover a variety of topics, including the Muslim Worldview, Islamic Religious Practices, the Qu'ran, Hadith, and Sharia; the Prophet Muhammad, the growth of Islam, and our response to Islam in regards to common apologetics and sharing the Good News.

    ISIS has been in the news over the last few months, sparking new questions about Islam. While the Understanding Islam class will cover these topics in greater detail, we thought that we should include a few details about Islam.

    the Qu'ran* & hadith***The Qu'ran is Islams greatest, most revered text, believed to be Gods revelation to Muhammad.

    **The Hadith is a collection of the teachings and practices of Muhammad. They address the ways of life dealing with family, friends, and government.

    The Tawrat (revealed to Moses), the Zabur (revealed to Moses), the Injil (revealed to Jesus) are also valued texts in Islam.

    Islam & CURRENT Events understanding

    hinduismDecember 7

    david Slottje


    animism & chinese

    folk religionDecember 14, 2014




    jANUARY 25, fEBRUARY 1 & 8, 2015

    steve & kathi weemes

    This one Sunday class on Hidusim will cover its origins, practices, beliefs and witnessing to Hindus.

    David and wife, Maureen, have served as missionaries in India, and are trained teachers for Perspectives on the World Christian Movement course in the religions of Islam and Hinduism.

    This three week class will present all the different major faces of Buddhism.

    Steve and Kathi Weemes have served with OMF Japan for over 25 years.

    Jimmy has served as a Calvary missionary with OMF for several years in East Asia, worked with churches in Korea and has made multiple trips to other counties. He has degrees from BIOLA, Fuller Seminary, Harvard and Cambridge.



    Believe the Prophet Mohammads successor should be someone of his own lineage. Follow the Qu'ran*, have a different Hadith** than the Sunni.

    These two sects consider one another infidels (not true believers). This is why

    we see Muslims fighting Muslims.


    10%SHIITE(OR sHIA)


    A fanatical branch of Sunni Islam, intolerant of all other Islamic sects (including other Sunni sects), Christians,

    Jews, Hindus, etc. Al-Qaeda was borne of Wahhabism and it is the sect of the ISIS group currently

    in the media that has invaded northern Iraq.

    SUFISM A branch of Sunni gaining

    popularity in the West because of its mystical expression of, and approach to, God. Part of that

    popularity may be due to the poet Rumi (1207-1273 AD) whose sayings

    include, You were born with wings, why do you prefer to

    crawl through life?

    Independent of Shiite & Sunni sects, Quranism (Qu'ran

    Alone) accepts only the Qu'ran as its authority. Quranists identify themselves as simply Muslims. They reject the religious authority

    of Hadith and consider its teachings/precepts to be inconsistent with the



    Believe the Prophet Mohammads successor should be the person most capable of leadership. Revere the Qu'ran* and follow the precepts of Hadith**.



    Sunday Mornings 8:45 am - Fireside Room



    World Religions

    Why are these classes important?


    world-viewOctober 19 & 26, 2014

    Lloyd & Nancy Peckham


    islamnovember 2, 9, 16 & 23

    david Slottje


    As we grow as disciples of Jesus, we will have opportunities to witness to others about what we believe. It is important that we are not only prepared to share our faith, but to also understand something about what others may already believe. Depending on where you are coming from and where you live, your very culture effects how you see the world. Understanding multiple worldviews can help you be more prepared when sharing your faith with other people.

    Calvary Missionary Larry Dunne will teach How to Share Your Faith on January 4, 11, & 18, 2015 and is open to anyone wanted to increase their evangelism skills.

    These important first two classes will be a basis for helping us as we study the major world religions in classes that follow.

    Calvary Missionaries Lloyd and Nancy have served with Wycliffe Bible Translators for over 25 years in Indonesia and PNG, translating and training others to translate scripture.

    This four week Islam course will cover a variety of topics, including the Muslim Worldview, Islamic Religious Practices, the Qu'ran, Hadith, and Sharia; the Prophet Muhammad, the growth of Islam, and our response to Islam in regards to common apologetics and sharing the Good News.

    ISIS has been in the news over the last few months, sparking new questions about Islam. While the Understanding Islam class will cover these topics in greater detail, we thought that we should include a few details about Islam.

    the Qu'ran* & hadith***The Qu'ran is Islams greatest, most revered text, believed to be Gods revelation to Muhammad.

    **The Hadith is a collection of the teachings and practices of Muhammad. They address the ways of life dealing with family, friends, and government.

    The Tawrat (revealed to Moses), the Zabur (revealed to Moses), the Injil (revealed to Jesus) are also valued texts in Islam.

    Islam & CURRENT Events understanding

    hinduismDecember 7

    david Slottje


    animism & chinese

    folk religionDecember 14, 2014




    jANUARY 25, fEBRUARY 1 & 8, 2015

    steve & kathi weemes

    This one Sunday class on Hidusim will cover its origins, practices, beliefs and witnessing to Hindus.

    David and wife, Maureen, have served as missionaries in India, and are trained teachers for Perspectives on the World Christian Movement course in the religions of Islam and Hinduism.

    This three week class will present all the different major faces of Buddhism.

    Steve and Kathi Weemes have served with OMF Japan for over 25 years.

    Jimmy has served as a Calvary missionary with OMF for several years in East Asia, worked with churches in Korea and has made multiple trips to other counties. He has degrees from BIOLA, Fuller Seminary, Harvard and Cambridge.



    Believe the Prophet Mohammads successor should be someone of his own lineage. Follow the Qu'ran*, have a different Hadith** than the Sunni.

    These two sects consider one another infidels (not true believers). This is why

    we see Muslims fighting Muslims.


    10%SHIITE(OR sHIA)


    A fanatical branch of Sunni Islam, intolerant of all other Islamic sects (including other Sunni sects), Christians,

    Jews, Hindus, etc. Al-Qaeda was borne of Wahhabism and it is the sect of the ISIS group currently

    in the media that has invaded northern Iraq.

    SUFISM A branch of Sunni gaining

    popularity in the West because of its mystical expression of, and approach to, God. Part of that

    popularity may be due to the poet Rumi (1207-1273 AD) whose sayings

    include, You were born with wings, why do you prefer to

    crawl through life?

    Independent of Shiite & Sunni sects, Quranism (Qu'ran

    Alone) accepts only the Qu'ran as its authority. Quranists identify themselves as simply Muslims. They reject the religious authority

    of Hadith and consider its teachings/precepts to be inconsistent with the



    Believe the Prophet Mohammads successor should be the person most capable of leadership. Revere the Qu'ran* and follow the precepts of Hadith**.



    Sunday Mornings 8:45 am - Fireside Room

    reach _ VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 2 19

  • On August 6th our road access to town was cut off. A tanker truck loaded with fuel attempted to cross the old bridge connecting us to town. The bridge collapsed under the stress of the tanker. No one was injured but we were left without a vital link.

    We've been dependent on this bridge. Without it, we were left without access to many goods and services. Fuel, groceries and overland travel to other parts of the country were all cut off. I began to feel imprisoned in this small Aiyura valley we call home here in Paupa New Guinea (PNG).

    As I considered why I felt this way, I realized it all came down to access. Most of the things I needed, as well as the freedom to come and go as I pleased, were all dependent on the access the bridge provided. Without that one very important link, I had no access.

    Then I got to thinking about God. I know a little about God by observing the world around me. But I understand Him much better through the Scriptures. In the Bible, I have learned how to have access to Gods very presence through faith in the work of Jesus Christ. Thats access restored!

    Many people in PNG live without access. For most living in rural settings, roads are non-existent. Over 300 languages here are still without access to Gods Word. For these groups, their knowledge of God is limited to what they have experienced. They are unaware of Gods plan of salvation for them as they have no access to His written Word.

    Thats why Tracy and I are here - to help restore bridges that allow access - access to the God who saves. We appreciate your partnership through your prayers and dollars which enable us.

    As I write, a new bridge is being erected across the river. We anticipate using it in about a weeks time. Bible translation work is also ongoing. New work is beginning among people who dont have any Scripture. Access is being restored!

    Grateful for access,Steve

    Calvary ChurchLetters to

    Collapsed bridge

    High School Albania Team Ron and Pastor Dosti

    New bridge

    Restoring AccessFrom Missionaries Steve & Tracy Geis

    On behalf of the Way of Peace Church in Lushnje Albania and my name as a pastor I sincerely want to thank you for the excellent job that Ron Rogalski and the high school team did in our church during these last two months. We praise God for Ron Rogalskis professional work. With his talent, skills and commitment, Ron created a genuine worship group working hard with instrumentalists as well as singers. Ron also contributed to the improvement of our Sunday School worship group and youth group. He gave many practical ideas to improve the worship service in our church, working for hours to reach the goal that he had set by himself.

    Very special thanks to the high school students and their leaders from Calvary Church who joined our church. Although young and probably inexperienced, they became devoted teachers at Victory School by helping our students to practice the English language and gain more confidence in speaking skills through a friendly and encouraging atmosphere inside and outside the classrooms.

    We really appreciate the hard work of your team at the VBS with the children by bringing worship songs, bible lessons, games and lots of love to the children. Despite the hot weather and the fatigue, all the teams were involved in our ministries such as church planting in four villages, prayer meetings, Bible studies, fellowship with the mens, womens and teenagers group, Sunday services and baptisms.

    sISTER CHURCH VISION ALBANAA letter of thanks from Pastor Berti Dosti

    Calvary receives many letters from missionaries, partners and friends around the world. Here are just a few that we are sharing with you in this REACH Magazine. You can read more information g;eamed from letters by picking up an FYI at the Reach table in the Worship Center lobby.

    In all of these services they were an active part by giving some testimonies of their own life and sharing something from the Bible. We really thank God that three girls from your team decided to publicly proclaim their faith in Jesus through the baptism. They also received a baptism certificate as a good memory from the visit in our church.

    The American team set a good example to our youth team through their devotion, love and willingness to serve to God. As a result they have established a great friendship which will last in the future.

    As the pastor of our church I am very grateful to God for this great collaboration and twinning that started between our churches. We really feel a big support and encouragement from Calvary Church in our service, so we praise the Lord who provided this twinning which will help to strengthen the body of Christ and HIS work in Albania.

    In Christ,Pastor Albert Dosti

    This year's Thanksgiving Offering Global portion will go to The Way of Peace Church, Albania for the purchase of a van or bus that they can use for transporting their members to church as well as short term teams. The Local portion will go to helping with the start up expenses for the Prodigal Church.


  • On August 6th our road access to town was cut off. A tanker truck loaded with fuel attempted to cross the old bridge connecting us to town. The bridge collapsed under the stress of the tanker. No one was injured but we were left without a vital link.

    We've been dependent on this bridge. Without it, we were left without access to many goods and services. Fuel, groceries and overland travel to other parts of the country were all cut off. I began to feel imprisoned in this small Aiyura valley we call home here in Paupa New Guinea (PNG).

    As I considered why I felt this way, I realized it all came down to access. Most of the things I needed, as well as the freedom to come and go as I pleased, were all dependent on the access the bridge provided. Without that one very important link, I had no access.

    Then I got to thinking about God. I know a little about God by observing the world around me. But I understand Him much better through the Scriptures. In the Bible, I have learned how to have access to Gods very presence through faith in the work of Jesus Christ. Thats access restored!

    Many people in PNG live without access. For most living in rural settings, roads are non-existent. Over 300 languages here are still without access to Gods Word. For these groups, their knowledge of God is limited to what they have experienced. They are unaware of Gods plan of salvation for them as they have no access to His written Word.

    Thats why Tracy and I are here - to help restore bridges that allow access - access to the God who saves. We appreciate your partnership through your prayers and dollars which enable us.

    As I write, a new bridge is being erected across the river. We anticipate using it in about a weeks time. Bible translation work is also ongoing. New work is beginning among people who dont have any Scripture. Access is being restored!

    Grateful for access,Steve

    Calvary ChurchLetters to

    Collapsed bridge

    High School Albania Team Ron and Pastor Dosti

    New bridge

    Restoring AccessFrom Missionaries Steve & Tracy Geis

    On behalf of the Way of Peace Church in Lushnje Albania and my name as a pastor I sincerely want to thank you for the excellent job that Ron Rogalski and the high school team did in our church during these last two months. We praise God for Ron Rogalskis professional work. With his talent, skills and commitment, Ron created a genuine worship group working hard with instrumentalists as well as singers. Ron also contributed to the improvement of our Sunday School worship group and youth group. He gave many practical ideas to improve the worship service in our church, working for hours to reach the goal that he had set by himself.

    Very special thanks to the high school students and their leaders from Calvary Church who joined our church. Although young and probably inexperienced, they became devoted teachers at Victory School by helping our students to practice the English language and gain more confidence in speaking skills through a friendly and encouraging atmosphere inside and outside the classrooms.

    We really appreciate the hard work of your team at the VBS with the children by bringing worship songs, bible lessons, games and lots of love to the children. Despite the hot weather and the fatigue, all the teams were involved in our ministries such as church planting in four villages, prayer meetings, Bible studies, fellowship with the mens, womens and teenagers group, Sunday services and baptisms.

    sISTER CHURCH VISION ALBANAA letter of thanks from Pastor Berti Dosti

    Calvary receives many letters from missionaries, partners and friends around the world. Here are just a few that we are sharing with you in this REACH Magazine. You can read more information g;eamed from letters by picking up an FYI at the Reach table in the Worship Center lobby.

    In all of these services they were an active part by giving some testimonies of their own life and sharing something from the Bible. We really thank God that three girls from your team decided to publicly proclaim their faith in Jesus through the baptism. They also received a baptism certificate as a good memory from the visit in our church.

    The American team set a good example to our youth team through their devotion, love and willingness to serve to God. As a result they have established a great friendship which will last in the future.

    As the pastor of our church I am very grateful to God for this great collaboration and twinning that started between our churches. We really feel a big support and encouragement from Calvary Church in our service, so we praise the Lord who provided this twinning which will help to strengthen the body of Christ and HIS work in Albania.

    In Christ,Pastor Albert Dosti

    This year's Thanksgiving Offering Global portion will go to The Way of Peace Church, Albania for the purchase of a van or bus that they can use for transporting their members to church as well as short term teams. The Local portion will go to helping with the start up expenses for the Prodigal Church.

    reach _ VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 2 21

  • Thank you for your continued support. I will be heading to Cameroon in August to assess the work that has been done over the past six years. You and Calvary Church have been a tremendous partner and it will be great to meet with our Cameroonian brothers and sisters who have ministered to their language communities through clean water projects...

    On February 6th of this year the drill team began their work, drilling over 1,000 feet! The local administration team felt led to drill one more test well in a specific location, and Gods leading caused the water to flow! The new well will provide half of the long term water needs of the training facility, and will save significant money that was being spent on water hauling services. We request your ongoing prayers for wisdom and insight in meeting the other half of the long term water supply need on the campus. Please pray for Gods specific guidance in one or more of these three options:

    1. Drill another deep well.

    2. Wait for a government water system to be completed and pay for a connection to it (along with ongoing monthly water payments that would be required).

    3. Adapt their buildings on campus to allow for rainwater harvesting, and use a previous hand dug well that is 20 feet wide and 200 feet deep to store water.

    clean water projectFrom Bart Maley, Wycliffe, to The Corner, Calvary Bookstore & Cafe

    In each of our lives, there are nights: nights of loneliness, nights of nightmare, nights of fever and pain, endless nights of prison, nights of missing, nights of hard-breathing and some scary, unexplainable nights in our lives... For those who are living in this world, going through these dark nights is inevitable, even for those who are walking closely with Christ.

    When a child has a bad night, his father or his mother lies beside him during the night, tenderly stroking his forehead, kissing his cheeks over and over, calling his name in the most lovely voice and they keep looking at the childs face until that bad night passes over. Then the child opens his eyes and thinks his father has just come to him! He was not able to sense his fathers breath while he was battling with his nightmares. So too, when the bad nights of our life end, we may open our eyes and think our Heavenly Father has come to us just now. But in reality, He was not only there in the morning, but He was with us all through the dark nights of our life... So I am absolutely sure that finally the sun of justice will rise with healing in its wings.

    Farshid Fathi

    The above letter came to us from our Reach Global partners, Open Doors and Elam Ministries. To learn more about Farshid and to follow his story, visit or

    Each of these options has challenges. Locating one water well was difficult and there is no guarantee that another deep well can be located. Government water systems are often overtaxed and leave users with a lack of available water. Rainwater harvesting is dependent on the monsoon rains which have not been as productive in recent years.

    Cameroonian men and women are volunteering their time for community health and clean water initiatives. This has not been a cultural value in the past and we have heard reports of people being drawn closer to the church as a result of seeing the spirit of service that has been demonstrated by our Cameroonian brothers and sisters!

    God bless you for your partnership in this work!

    Fahida Letter fromFarshid Fathi was arrested on Dec. 26, 2010 in a wave of arrests of believers in Tehran and other areas. Farshid, a Christian convert from Islam, was charged with acting against national security through membership of a Christian organization, collection of funds, propaganda against the Islamic Regime by helping spread Christianity in the country, and sentenced to six years of imprisonment on March 5, 2012.

    Separated from his wife, Leila, and their two children, Rosana and Bardia, Farshid has been a light for Christ even in the darkness of prison. We are asking for prayer for Farshid, as well as other Christian martyrs all over the world.

    PRAY for Farshid, and those like him. Stop what youre doing right now, and PRAY for:

    Farshid to continue to be strengthened by God

    His witness to fellow prisoners, and that they would be strengthened and encouraged

    His family to be both strong and to be safe

    WRITE Farshid a letter to encourage him as he is in prison. It will cost about $1.15 in postage, and a little time and effort on your part. Please carefully read over the DOs and DONTs before sending a letter to prisoners in Iran.

    Farshid FathiKaraj CityAlbourz StateIran

    What can I do NOW?

    wHAT else CAN i DO?



    DO use greeting cards, artwork by children, and postcards (landscapes,

    gardens and scenes of the countryside are much beloved.) No animals as the main image. DO write in simple English, while keeping your message brief and printing clearly.DO be encouraged and include 1 or 2 Bible verses.DO send your card (even postcard) in an envelope.

    DO NOT dwell on the recipients plight, or criticize the countrys

    religion or religious extremists, government, judicial system or political leaders.DO NOT mention religious ministries in your letters, or on the envelope.DO NOT mention other imprisoned Christians by name in your card.DO NOT mention Islam.DO NOT refer to Israel, even in scripture, or use images, flags or maps of Israel or Hebrew signs, as this could cause more trouble for the prisoners since they are in Iran.DO NOT refer to the USA or places within the USA. Also, do not use images representing our countries (e.g. the statue of liberty, the flag, the white house).DO NOT send money or make proposals to help.DO NOT provide your full address and dont include pictures of yourself.

    Millions of people around the world, children and adults alike, dont have clean water to drink, let alone for bathing or cooking. In many areas, its impossible for Bible translators to work because water is so unavailable. No one can live without fresh, clean water. Where translators are able to work at all, their work is slowed down by the ceaseless quest, the desperate need, for clean water. Operation Clean Water is a simple way to make a huge difference.

    When you purchase the Calvary Corner Book of the Week, all of the proceeds will go towards supplying the funds for Wycliffe Associates Operation Clean Water partnerships.

    This little act has helped in a big way, as you can see, to bring both physical and Living Water to the people of Cameroon. To learn move visit


  • Thank you for your continued support. I will be heading to Cameroon in August to assess the work that has been done over the past six years. You and Calvary Church have been a tremendous partner and it will be great to meet with our Cameroonian brothers and sisters who have ministered to their language communities through clean water projects...

    On February 6th of this year the drill team began their work, drilling over 1,000 feet! The local administration team felt led to drill one more test well in a specific location, and Gods leading caused the water to flow! The new well will provide half of the long term water needs of the training facility, and will save significant money that was being spent on water hauling services. We request your ongoing prayers for wisdom and insight in meeting the other half of the long term water supply need on the campus. Please pray for Gods specific guidance in one or more of these three options:

    1. Drill another deep well.

    2. Wait for a government water system to be completed and pay for a connection to it (along with ongoing monthly water payments that would be required).

    3. Adapt their buildings on campus to allow for rainwater harvesting, and use a previous hand dug well that is 20 feet wide and 200 feet deep to store water.

    clean water projectFrom Bart Maley, Wycliffe, to The Corner, Calvary Bookstore & Cafe

    In each of our lives, there are nights: nights of loneliness, nights of nightmare, nights of fever and pain, endless nights of prison, nights of missing, nights of hard-breathing and some scary, unexplainable nights in our lives... For those who are living in this world, going through these dark nights is inevitable, even for those who are walking closely with Christ.

    When a child has a bad night, his father or his mother lies beside him during the night, tenderly stroking his forehead, kissing his cheeks over and over, calling his name in the most lovely voice and they keep looking at the childs face until that bad night passes over. Then the child opens his eyes and thinks his father has just come to him! He was not able to sense his fathers breath while he was battling with his nightmares. So too, when the bad nights of our life end, we may open our eyes and think our Heavenly Father has come to us just now. But in reality, He was not only there in the morning, but He was with us all through the dark nights of our life... So I am absolutely sure that finally the sun of justice will rise with healing in its wings.

    Farshid Fathi

    The above letter came to us from our Reach Global partners, Open Doors and Elam Ministries. To learn more about Farshid and to follow his story, visit or

    Each of these options has challenges. Locating one water well was difficult and there is no guarantee that another deep well can be located. Government water systems are often overtaxed and leave users with a lack of available water. Rainwater harvesting is dependent on the monsoon rains which have not been as productive in recent years.

    Cameroonian men and women are volunteering their time for community health and clean water initiatives. This has not been a cultural value in the past and we have heard reports of people being drawn closer to the church as a result of seeing the spirit of service that has been demonstrated by our Cameroonian brothers and sisters!

    God bless you for your partnership in this work!

    Fahida Letter fromFarshid Fathi was arrested on Dec. 26, 2010 in a wave of arrests of believers in Tehran and other areas. Farshid, a Christian convert from Islam, was charged with acting against national security through membership of a Christian organization, collection of funds, propaganda against the Islamic Regime by helping spread Christianity in the country, and sentenced to six years of imprisonment on March 5, 2012.

    Separated from his wife, Leila, and their two children, Rosana and Bardia, Farshid has been a light for Christ even in the darkness of prison. We are asking for prayer for Farshid, as well as other Christian martyrs all over the world.

    PRAY for Farshid, and those like him. Stop what youre doing right now, and PRAY for:

    Farshid to continue to be strengthened by God

    His witness to fellow prisoners, and that they would be strengthened and encouraged

    His family to be both strong and to be safe

    WRITE Farshid a letter to encourage him as he is in prison. It will cost about $1.15 in postage, and a little time and effort on your part. Please carefully read over the DOs and DONTs before sending a letter to prisoners in Iran.

    Farshid FathiKaraj CityAlbourz StateIran

    What can I do NOW?

    wHAT else CAN i DO?



    DO use greeting cards, artwork by children, and postcards (landscapes,

    gardens and scenes of the countryside are much beloved.) No animals as the main image. DO write in simple English, while keeping your message brief and printing clearly.DO be encouraged and include 1 or 2 Bible verses.DO send your card (even postcard) in an envelope.

    DO NOT dwell on the recipients plight, or criticize the countrys

    religion or religious extremists, government, judicial system or political leaders.DO NOT mention religious ministries in your letters, or on the envelope.DO NOT mention other imprisoned Christians by name in your card.DO NOT mention Islam.DO NOT refer to Israel, even in scripture, or use images, flags or maps of Israel or Hebrew signs, as this could cause more trouble for the prisoners since they are in Iran.DO NOT refer to the USA or places within the USA. Also, do not use images representing our countries (e.g. the statue of liberty, the flag, the white house).DO NOT send money or make proposals to help.DO NOT provide your full address and dont include pictures of yourself.

    Millions of people around the world, children and adults alike, dont have clean water to drink, let alone for bathing or cooking. In many areas, its impossible for Bible translators to work because water is so unavailable. No one can live without fresh, clean water. Where translators are able to work at all, their work is slowed down by the ceaseless quest, the desperate need, for clean water. Operation Clean Water is a simple way to make a huge difference.

    When you purchase the Calvary Corner Book of the Week, all of the proceeds will go towards supplying the funds for Wycliffe Associates Operation Clean Water partnerships.

    This little act has helped in a big way, as you can see, to bring both physical and Living Water to the people of Cameroon. To learn move visit

    reach _ VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 2 23

  • Project

    join the vision for student ministries

    We have many active Jr High, High School and College students who have a passion for Christ, but no place to truly call their own. The Generation Project would relocate these ministries from weekly setups in Fellowship Hall and the Gym, to a dedicated space in the lower level of the C building.

    Not only will this increase the capacity for after school ministries of discipling, mentoring, counseling, and creative connection with students throughout the week, it will also remind our students that they are important, they are cared about and they have a place of their own. Join us in this vision to invest in the next Generaion.

    1010 N Tustin Avenue, Santa Ana, CA 92705 // 714.973.4800 //

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