
Re-racialisation of whiteness and class

ESRC Seminar: The White Working Class as ‘Flawed Consumers’: Representations and Policy Responses16 September 2014, [email protected]

Class, whiteness

Class: contested, nebulous, slippery

Whiteness, working class

Socially constructed; different meanings


Representations of whiteness

Cultural meanings

‘Rivers of Blood’, 1968

Whiteness as resistant to change

Retreating multiculturalism and remaking whiteness

Lived experiences

Nuanced, complex

Inclusive identity

“British, it doesn't mean that you’re white at all… you’re in this country and you’re meant to be here, you don’t need to be white to be British.”Roxy, white female, 20s

“I grew up around Birmingham; I have coloured black friends and I’ve got a bit of Indian in me but I don’t know much about that culture.” Dave, white male, 30s

Whiteness, identity

British, it doesn't mean that you’re white at all… you’re in this country and you’re meant to be here, you don’t need to be white to be British.

‘Roxy’, white female, 20s (Open Society Project)

Going forward…

Complexity and nuance



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