Download - Raul Stanic 5946

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simple game designed by Thomas T. Goldsmith Jr. and Estle Ray Mann game was designed for playing on a Cathode Ray Tube (CRT). The game was probably designed earlier in 1946 but since we do not know this for a fact,  we will rely on the filing date of 1947.

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8 vacuum tubes (four 6Q5 triodes and four 6V6 tetrodes) and

simulated missile being fired at a target.

Inspired by radar displays used during World War II.

Several knobs allowed adjusting the curve and speed of the moving point representing the missile.

Because graphics could not be drawn electronically at the time, small  targets drawn on a simple overlay were placed on the CRT by the builder of this game.

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It did not generate video signals such as an ordinary TV set or monitor, So technically it was not a video game.

However, it is believed to be the earliest system specifically designed for game play on a CRT screen.

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In 1952, another person named A.S.Douglas was passing his PhD degree at the University of Cambridge (United Kindgom).

At that time, the university had an EDSAC vaccuum-tube computer, which used a cathode ray tube to display the contents of one of the 32 mercury delay lines (which stored the programs and data).

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The display was organized as a matrix of 35 by 16 dots, hence a 35x16 pixels display. A.S. Douglas wrote his thesis on the Human-Computer interraction, and illustrated it with a graphic Tic-Tac-Toe game displayed on a cathode ray tube.

This is the earliest graphical computer game known to exist. The game was played against the machine, which used special algorithms to win whenever possible.

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The video game history started in a strange and complicated way and it is important to avoid confusions with what happened in the 1950s and 1960s. The real video game

history started with Ralph Baer as early as 1951. One very important thing to remember is how the video game has been defined in the 1960s before modern technologies allowed video games to be played on computers.

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One very important thing to remember is how the video game has been defined in the 1960s before modern technologies allowed video games to be played on computers.

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If you don’t enjoy games now, you will

The entertainment industry has no plans to leave your living room anytime soon. The market for electronic games is expanding. Today’s games yield more realism than ever, which yields more fun, which yields more sales. But, what about tomorrow’s? What might an electronic game look like in the future after gaming has become a mainstream form of entertainment? What will the platform be like? What moral challenges will it present

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Many have written about the future of gaming predicting which current hardware platform will prevail in the near term or perhaps theorizing how gamers will frolic in a virtual playground in the far out future.

Let’s speculate about the gaming world a few decades from today, a time before most of us have undergone the real life respawning process known as death.

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In movie chronology we are somewhere between Lawnmower Man and A.I. If Moore’s Law of processor power doubling every 18 months is still in effect, we will be gaming on systems with speeds well over 10,000 Ghz.

Of course, by this time Silicon Valley may have been renamed Bio Valley or Molecular Valley because processors will likely be based on some form of nanotechnology. Don’t worry, we’re not going to get bogged down in the details of specific technologies. We’ll take a general view and have some fun speculating.

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What characteristics will the game platform of the future have?

1. It will be socialOutside of solitaire and single player pc and console titles, most games have historically required human interaction. The need for an opponent or team-mate will always exist because no gamer is an island.

The emergence of clans that compete in ladders and leagues are just a foretaste of what will happen when gaming becomes mainstream. Professional electronic gaming league games will one day entertain millions of fans.

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2.It will be affordable

One of the factors that allowed pc sales to explode in the 80’s was the low cost. If we accept that computers and gaming consoles are affordable today, then tomorrow’s gaming platform will likely sell in a reasonable price range. Some advertising slogans could be “Keep your little ones off dangerous streets and out of a filthy environment. Try our safe and clean 3d gaming environment” or “Teach your children family values in a our Father/Son Classic Capture the Flag Tournament.”

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3.It will be customizable

User maps, skins, models, will likely be traded throughout Internet user communities just like they are today. Of course a 3d holography file will be a lot bigger and more detailed than the current Quake variety. Hopefully, 56k modems will be found only in museums by that time.

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4.It will be educational

If we want to instill knowledge into our future children, we will have to do it through this future gaming platform. Every child will demand one on the pain of mutiny. When the educational support is integrated with this powerful vehicle for entertainment, the didactic power of games will be realized.

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When does gaming become dangerous?

The future of gaming has potential to become beneficial or destructive to society, just as any other technology.

The future gaming system will be so realistic and interactive that the representation of nudity and violence may begin to become a concern even to those outside the censorship crowd.

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When does gaming become dangerous?

Marketing a Holodeck-style gaming system would bring about much controversy and many moral questions.

Would you want your child to go over to the Jones’s for games if he were going to compete in gladiatorial combat in which opponents were indistinguishable from real people? Would you want to kill something that looked, sounded, and smelled real as in the Flesh Fair scene of A.I.?

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