  • Title01WelcomeWelcome to the public exhibition for Great Portland Estates plc (GPE) planning proposal for the existing West End Delivery Office located between Rathbone Place and Newman Street, north of Oxford Street.

    GPE will shortly be submitting a planning application to Westminster City Council for the redevelopment of this site.

    We invite you to view the boards on display which outline our proposals for the scheme. Members of the development team are on hand to answer any questions you may have.

    At the end of the exhibition we would be grateful if you could complete a feedback form to let us know your views on the scheme.

    The site represents a unique opportunity to realise significant, tangible improvements to this part of Fitzrovia.

    The benefits of the scheme are:

    Creating new east-west pedestrian routes to improve cross-site permeability.

    Providing exceptional new publicly-accessible open space.

    Reinstating street frontages to Newman Street and Rathbone Place, removing the blight of the Royal Mail building and car park.

    Creating a new retail environment which supplements the public realm.

    Creating new housing and office space.

  • GPE and Make in Westminster 01


    Make is a studio of highly creative and talented architects and designers who have acquired considerable professional experience designing advanced, complex and iconic buildings.

    The practice was founded by Ken Shuttleworth in 2004 and has established itself as one of the UKs foremost architectural firms, with studios based in London, Birmingham, Beijing and Hong Kong. Make is engaged in a broad selection of projects worldwide, ranging from large-scale urban masterplans to residential schemes.


    01 02



    05 06


    GPE is a FTSE 250 property investment and development company which owns over 2.2 billion of real estate, with a proven track record of delivering high-quality schemes across central London, particularly in Westminster. GPE actively manages its property portfolio and owns buildings that it can improve, using specialist skills to create spaces in which people want to work, shop and live.

    01 60 Great Portland Street, Westminster (GPE) 02 95 Wigmore Street, Westminster (GPE)03 Marcol House, Regent Street, Westminster (GPE)04 Rathbone meeting, Make studio05 10 Weymouth Street, Westminster (Make)06 7-10 Hanover Square, Westminster (Make) 07 55 Baker Street, Westminster (Make)

  • 02 The site

    Before the Second World War, the site was occupied by a continuation of the residential terraces on Rathbone Place and Newman Street, with a goods yard in the centre of the site. The area was extensively bomb-damaged during the war.

    In the late 1950s the current building was built by the Post Office, who intended to build a telephone exchange on the Newman Street car park, however this was never constructed. The existing building sorts mail for delivery to Londons W1 and WC1 postcodes, however this function is moving to Mount Pleasant later in 2013. The West End Delivery Office will then become vacant. The existing basements include a connection to the Mail Rail network.

    In the wider area, Oxford Street to the south is undergoing considerable change, with more due as Crossrail nears completion. The western ticket hall of the Tottenham Court Road Crossrail station will be located on Dean Street, opposite the southern end of Newman Street.

    The Rathbone Place site is specifically allocated within Westminster City Councils Core Strategy as a strategic development site for a residential-led, mixed-use scheme.

    It is also identified as a key development site within the London Plan and Westminster City Councils Tottenham Court Road Opportunity Area.

    The character of Fitzrovia

    The proposals draw inspiration from the following observations on the architectural character of Fitzrovia:

    Building types in the vicinity are of varied character and include terraced properties with narrow plot widths, larger Victorian and Edwardian mansion blocks, warehouses and more modern 20th century buildings which combine multiple plots.

    The architectural expression is diverse and includes a range of styles, materials, heights and plot sizes.

    There is a predominantly vertical architectural emphasis, most noticeable in the projecting bays of the Victorian and Edwardian mansion blocks. A secondary architectural emphasis is evident in the form of cornice lines, parapets, fascias and building bases.

    A range of materials is evident in the area, including masonry in the form of brick and stone; metal, most noticeable as a roof material and a decorative feature on the balcony balustrades; and timber, commonly used for doors, retail fascias and window frames.

    The buildings are clearly defined with a top, middle and bottom, which are often expressed through changes in material and architectural detail.

    The building facades tend to have a high level of solidity, punctuated with simple framed windows. Glazing tends to be controlled, with a limited number of buildings composed of floor-to-ceiling windows.

    Retail frontages in the area tend to be narrow, even within the larger buildings. These are often characterised by fine architectural details such as stall risers, awnings and public benches, giving the streets a strong rhythm and sense of place.

    Architectural decoration is commonly seen in the area, giving the streets a feeling of quality, care and custodianship.


    man Street

    Oxford Street

    Rathbone Place01


    02 03

    01 Aerial view of existing site looking north02 Horwoods map of London, 179203 Ordnance Survey map of London, 191404 View of existing site from Newman Street 05 View of existing site from Rathbone Place06 Site and local developments map07 Fitzrovia character study photographs

    Emerging local developments

    Soho Street

    Rathbone Place


    man Street

    Gresse Street


    tle Stree


    Oxford St


    Berners Street

    Soho S


    Dean Street

    Wardour Street

    Tottenham Court Road

    St Giles



    Cross R



    mer S


    Charlotte StreetCleveland Street


    13 Tottenha


    Court R


    tube and



    01 70-82 Oxford Street02 51-68 Oxford Street03 44-48 Oxford Street04 16-28 Oxford Street05 103 New Oxford Street06 101 New Oxford Street07 61-67 Oxford Street08 68-89 Oxford Street09 40-42 Oxford Street10 103-125 Oxford Street11 141-159 Oxford Street

    12 163-167 Oxford Street13 70 Berners Street14 Fitzroy Place, Mortimer Street










    The siteCrossrail developments

    Development sitesWestminster boundary



  • Berwick Street

    Poland Street

    Rathbone Place

    Soho Street

    Dean Street

    Wardour Street

    Berwick Street

    Poland Street

    Great Chapel St

    Rathbone Street

    Percy S


    Newman Street

    Newman Street

    Berners Street

    Berners Street

    Wells Street

    Adam & Eve Court

    Berners Place

    Berners Mew




    Oxford Street

    New Oxford Street

    Soho Squ


    Hollen S




    Gresse Street

    Stephen Street

    The proposal03

    We propose the comprehensive redevelopment of the site to provide new retail, residential and office space with a publicly-accessible garden and pedestrian routes across this currently impermeable plot. The scheme will provide the following:

    Central garden The new central garden will provide a green space within the courtyard and a local public amenity. The space will be accessible to all, planted with trees and soft and hard landscaping including public seating, a drinking fountain, water features and public art. The character of this garden will be reflected in its high-quality materials, planting, seasonality and lighting, as well as a management and maintenance strategy.

    Covered routes These routes will provide a clear east-west pedestrian connection between Newman Street and Rathbone Place. The new entranceways have been carefully designed and will include Westminster street signage, lighting, artwork and hard landscaping, to ensure integration with the local pedestrian route network and a clear public entrance to the new public garden within.

    Retail Retail space will be located at ground level, arranged around the central public garden and fronting Newman Street and Rathbone Place, with some supplementary space at basement level 1.

    The units will be open plan and capable of accommodating a range of retailers through subdivision to create large and smaller units.

    A range of uses is proposed, including shops and a restaurant.

    Office The office accommodation is located to the south and east of the site and is arranged over floors 1-6, with additional floorspace at basement level 1.

    It is accessed off Rathbone Place and Newman Street via the central garden.

    The upper floors are set back to increase daylight penetration to the public garden and provide terraces.

    The composition of the building carefully responds to the character of the surrounding streets and townscape.

    The office floorplates are designed to be subdivided, to provide a range of sizes to suit market requirements.

    There are 238 cycle spaces for office tenants located at basement level 2 accessed off Newman Street via a cycle lift.

    Residential The residential building is located to the north and west of the site. Apartments are arranged over floors 1-8, with additional residential amenity facilities located in basement level 1.

    There are 142 private apartments and 20 affordable apartments. Additional affordable apartments are provided off-site - see board 7.

    The unit mix is broad, encompassing 1, 2, 3 and 4-bed apartments arranged both laterally and as duplexes.

    A residential garden is located at the north of the site. 79 car parking spaces are provided through an automated parking system accessed off Newman Street.

    Basement uses There are 4 basement floors. Office, retail and residential space at basement level 1. The majority of the buildings plant is at basement floors 2 and 3. The Royal Mails Mail Rail station is at basement level 4.


    04 05

    01 Plan of proposed garden, public routes and ground floor uses02 View of covered route from Newman Street03 View of central garden04 View of covered public route from Rathbone Place05 View of public route from Newman Street







    Office entrance


    Dual use


    Market residential entrance

    Market residential garden

    Affordable residential entrance

    Car stacker

    Loading bay

    Public routes

    View locations

    Berners Place

    Newman Street

    Rathbone Place

    Gresse Street

  • Building Design04

    The building design principles adopted by the proposed development include:

    Re-establishing a building frontage on both Rathbone Place and Newman Street and repairing the street facade.

    Establishing a high-quality public garden at the centre of the development.

    Providing public pedestrian routes into and across the site.

    Providing a mix of uses across the site, including office, residential (market and affordable) and retail.

    Providing a private residential garden and childrens play facilities.

    Developing a proposal which will not infringe on the London View Management Framework, but maximise the sites potential.

    Re-using elements of the existing West End Delivery Office basement.

    Concealing all vehicle car parking and loading bays within the basement and building, to free the street level for pedestrian use.

    Maximising the opportunity for roof terraces and gardens.

    The design of the buildings facing Newman Street and Rathbone Place has been informed by the immediate context and the concept of the mansion block as a design precedent. The facades proposed will have a strong vertical rhythm, responding to existing patterns on the street. The facades will be textured with partially inset balconies.The predominant material on the street-facing facades will be brick, with a lighter colour used on the garden-facing facades. Patinated metalwork will be used on the upper floor facades as a unifying element at high level.

    The internal layouts and requirements are an integral part of the facade design. The internal uses directly affect the rhythm and expression of each elevation, dictating the position of cladding elements such as windows, balconies and terraces. The structural grid, specific to each use, influences the bay widths and floor heights.

    The facades allow the buildings to clearly communicate their intended uses. Office, residential and retail are clearly identified through the design and choice of materials, which respond to their use, aspect and context.

    As the facade design has evolved, the team has investigated opportunities to collaborate with an artist to design elements of the facade.





    01 View of residential facade - Newman Street02 View of office facade - Newman Street03 View of residential facade - garden-facing facade04 View of residential and office facade - garden-facing facade

  • 05 Central garden

    Central garden

    A new publicly-accessible garden space is fundamental to the vision for the site. Landscape architects, Gustafson Porter, have been appointed to develop a garden design of exceptional quality which allows views in from Rathbone Place and Newman Street.

    The central garden will provide a valuable amenity and a place of quiet relaxation, separate and distinct from the activity of Oxford Street. Seating will be available for everyone to enjoy and the garden, including its grassed areas, will be fully-accessible for all age groups, with play opportunities and careful garden maintenance and management.

    The design carefully separates commercial activity from the garden to ensure it has a public character. A separate, private, residents garden will be provided to the north of the residential building.


    It is vital to ensure that the garden is an attractive place to spend time, both for occupiers of the new buildings and the existing community. To ensure maximum sunlight penetration into the space throughout the year, the building mass has been carefully designed. In the summer months, almost every part of the garden will receive direct sunlight.

    Operation and management

    The garden will be accessible to the public without restriction during the day. At night, it will be closed to allow maintenance and discourage potential anti-social behaviour.

    Materials and planting

    A mix of hard and soft landscaping. Water features. A large, gently inclined grass bank, perfect for sitting out in the sun.

    Landscaped seating areas made up of distinct spaces defined by raised planters.

    Areas of semi-mature trees. An integrated lightwell is concealed amongst the planting, to allow light to penetrate the office space at basement level 1.

    01 Central garden landscaping plan02 Precedent, Treasury Courtyard - landscaped seating areas03 Precedent, Treasury Courtyard - planting 04 Precedent, Treasury Courtyard - seating 05 Lighting precedent06 View of public central garden

    02 03

    04 05




    12 06








    Reflective water table

    Water feature

    Sculpted lawn

    Landscaped seating area

    Main path of travel

    Dense vegetation

    Entrance garden / square

    Secondary pathway

    Ceramics passage


    Garden cafe terrace

    Basement opening

    Drinking fountain








  • 06

  • Floor plans06

    01 Basement level 102 Ground floor plan03 Typical floor plan04 Roof plan05 North-south section


    Rathbone Place


    man Street

    01 02

    Market residential The market residential building provides 142 flats arranged over floors 1-8 fronting Newman Street, Rathbone Place and the private residential garden to the north-west.

    These floors are served by two cores accessed from a communal lobby, with the primary entrance on Rathbone Place.

    Each apartment has a balcony to provide private amenity space. Some upper-floor apartments have access to private roof terraces.

    Waste disposal is via refuse shoots located in each core and waste will be removed from the basement via the loading bay.

    An amenity facility provides a 24-hour concierge service, residents lounge, screening room, gym/spa and swimming pool.

    Affordable residential 20 intermediate tenure flats are arranged over floors 1-4 fronting Newman Street and the communal residential garden to the north-west.

    These floors are served by a single core accessed off Newman Street.

    Each apartment has a balcony to provide private amenity space.

    Cycle parking A central facility at basement floor 1 provides 197 cycle spaces for the residential occupants, accessed via a gully stair and a lift off Rathbone Place.

    Retail occupiers will have access to 34 cycle spaces located at basement floor 1.

    Office tenants have a generous cycling facility at basement level 2. 238 cycle parking spaces, changing facilities, showers, locker rooms and drying facilities are accessed off Newman Street via a cycle lift.

    Residential car parking 79 car parking spaces and 1 car club parking space will be provided. The automated system has 2 lifts and makes efficient use of the below-ground space.

    16 disabled car parking spaces will be provided.

    Retail configuration Shop (A1) units are located to the north of the site beneath the residential.

    The restaurant (A3/A4) unit is located to the south of the site beneath the office.

    Most units have frontage to the public garden. All units are serviced below ground from the loading bay, located at the southern end of Newman Street.

    Office configuration The office floors are accessed from a central reception area with two cores, each with 4 lifts.

    Entrances to the reception are off Rathbone Place and the public garden.

    The floorplates are capable of up to 3 subdivisions to accommodate a range of requirements.

    The offices at floors 4, 5, 6 and 7 benefit from external terraces.

    Roof Roof areas not in use for plant are covered by a living green roof. Extensive coverage of photovoltaic cells contributes to the buildings sustainability credentials.

    Louvered plant enclosures mask the lift overruns from view. A Building Maintenance Unit (cradle) for facade cleaning and maintenance is housed out of sight when not in use.




    Residential - market

    Residential - affordable



    Brown roof

    Accessible terraces

    Photovoltaic cells

    Key Plan

  • Affordable housing07

    Affordable residential is provided on-site, and at off-site locations on Mortimer Street and Great Portland Street

    The scheme viability supports a low level of on-site affordable housing provision. To maximise the affordable housing offer, GPE has identified other properties within its Estate for social rented affordable housing.

    The proposal therefore includes a combination of:

    20 intermediate homes on site (1-bed units to meet Westminster City Councils affordability criteria).

    Approximately 18 social rented affordable units at 46, 48-50 and 51-55 Mortimer Street and 88 Great Portland Street. These sites are within the vicinity of the proposed development site.

    Planning applications for the off-site affordable housing are being worked up in discussions with Westminster City Council and will be submitted simultaneously with the Rathbone Place application for the proposed development. The opportunity exists for early off-site affordable housing delivery.

    The combination of on and off-site affordable housing can deliver more affordable housing than if it were entirely on-site.


    46 Mortimer Street48-50 Mortimer Street

    35-50 Rathbone Place350m


    88 Great Portland Street



    02 03

    01 Affordable off-site provision in proximity to the site at 35-50 Rathbone Place02 46-50 Mortimer Street off-site affordable housing03 88 Great Portland Street off-site affordable housing04 51 Mortimer Street (Cavendish House) off-site affordable housing05 Intermediate affordable element at 35-50 Rathbone Place (red outline) 04 05

    Cavendish House51-55 Mortimer Street


  • Sustainability08

    GPE believe that sustainable design is also good, efficient design.By driving efficiency in all that we do, we reduce both materialconsumption and long-term costs, making our assets moreattractive to investors, purchasers and tenants and consequentlyenhancing value to our business.

    The integrated design of the proposed development incorporates best practice environmental measures, including low energy building design, low emissions, water recycling and increased local biodiversity. The provisions made will encourage waste separation and recycling, deliver sustainable homes, places of work and public amenity that exceed the environmental expectations of a contemporary and future-proof city development.

    Facade design Shading from deep window reveals and balconies reduces solar gain and glare.

    The facade balances the amount of solid and glass, providing the building with a suitable level of insulation while ensuring good levels of daylight.

    Openable windows for natural ventilation of the residential units. Double-glazing and insulation to the office. Triple-glazing to the residential.

    Central energy system Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plant and efficient chillers shared between the whole development, to improve efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions.

    Space allocation to enable connection to future local energy networks on either side of the development.

    Photovoltaic panels on the roof.

    Energy management Smart meters and energy monitors. High levels of daylighting in the residential. Solar-control glass.

    Ecology, biodiversity and ecology - gardens and green roofs Improved on the site through green and brown roofs. Green roof terraces create high-quality private amenity spaces. Planting in gardens, terraces and on roofs will improve biodiversity.

    Water management Rainwater harvesting for irrigation. Greywater harvesting in the residential. Water attenuation from the green/brown roofs, terraces and the central garden.

    AAA-rated low-use fittings to reduce water consumption to the residential. Low-flow fittings also specified in the office, as well as water use monitoring and leak detection.

    Waste Full separation of commercial waste and tri-separation of residential waste.

    Use of off-site prefabrication and modular design to minimise construction waste.

    Use of Building Information Modelling (BIM) in the design process to minimise construction waste.

    Diversion of resources from landfill during construction.

    Construction materials Use of A-rated building elements in the Green Guide for Specification, where possible.

    Local and responsible sourcing of materials where appropriate. Use of reclaimed or recycled materials where possible.

    Transportation Cycling initiative with secure cycle storage for office, retail

    and residential. Excellent connections to public transport via Tottenham Court Road Underground and Crossrail stations.

    Environmental certification BREEAM Excellent minimum for the office. Code For Sustainable Homes level 4 minimum for the residential.

    0101 View from Eastcastle Street looking east

  • Site logistics and construction management09

    During construction it is inevitable that there will be some disruption to the local area. GPE has extensive experience of managing this process and will work closely with its contractors to ensure disruption is kept to a minimum.

    A Construction Management Plan will be agreed with Westminster City Council and the scheme will be registered with the Considerate Constructors Scheme.

    The core working hours of demolition and construction are anticipated to be: 0800-1800 on weekdays. 0800-1300 on Saturdays.

    All work outside these hours will be subject to prior agreement and/or reasonable notice to Westminster City Council.

    Construction routes and highway capacity

    Construction vehicles will access the site from both Newman Street and Rathbone Place during the demolition and construction phases. Although there will be slight changes in the level of use, in general both Newman Street and Rathbone Place will be used equally as entry/egress routes.

    The majority of construction traffic is expected to approach the site from the east and north. Activity associated with the development will be carefully managed to mitigate impact on the local road network and coordinated with surrounding developments.

    The management plan for construction will include measures to deal with contractors vehicles, especially to avoid construction vehicles parking or waiting on the public highway. Construction routes will be clearly designated and contractors instructed to use these routes.

    Pedestrian routes will be maintained during the construction process.


    Submission of planning application May 2013

    Anticipated planning committee dateSeptember 2013

    Vacant possession of the West End Delivery OfficeSeptember 2013

    Demolition February 2014

    Completion of worksJuly 2016



    Rathbone Place

    Newman Street

    Oxford Street

    Gresse Street

    Berners Place



    Newman Street

    Oxford Street






    Traffic flow

    Maintained pedestrian route

    Controlled access/egress

    Tower crane position

    Borough boundary

    Building outline





    01 Site logistics plan02 Central garden view 02


  • Thank youThank you for attending our public exhibition. We hope you have found this information useful.

    The proposal will regenerate an area that has suffered from the blight of the existing West End Delivery Office by providing a mixed-use development that:

    Creates new east-west pedestrian routes to improve cross-site permeability.

    Provides exceptional new publicly-accessible open space.

    Reinstates street frontages to Newman Street and Rathbone Place, removing the blight of the Royal Mail building and car park.

    Creates a new retail environment which supplements the public realm.

    Creates new housing and office space.

    Next steps

    GPE will shortly be submitting a planning application to Westminster City Council for the redevelopment of the site.

    To ensure that we understand the views of the local community, we would be grateful if you could fill in a questionnaire to let us know your thoughts which can be left with staff or sent to us later using the FREEPOST address.

    If you have further feedback, this can be given via the exhibitions website:

    If you have any questions or would like further information, please contact Matthew Richards:

    [email protected] 020 3023 9932

    Westminster City Council will consult residents, businesses and the local community. Westminsters officers will collate all feedback from interested parties to form part of its report to the planning committee. Any feedback given here will be passed to Westminster City Council as part of the application.

  • Previous RMG schemeRathbone Place


    man Street

    01 RMG ground floor plan02 Proposed ground floor plan03 RMG typical floor plan04 Proposed typical floor plan 05 RMG render of scheme from Gresse Street06 View of proposed public realm07 RMG render of public realm08 View of proposed public realm

    Berwick Street

    Poland Street

    Rathbone Place

    Soho Street

    Dean Street

    Wardour Street

    Berwick Street

    Poland Street

    Great Chapel StRathbone Street

    Percy S


    Newman Street

    Newman Street

    Berners Street

    Berners Street

    Wells Street

    Adam & Eve Court

    Berners Place

    Berners Mew




    Oxford Street

    New Oxford Street

    Soho Squ


    Hollen S




    Gresse Street

    Stephen Street


    The residential accommodation offering a mix of market and affordable units is planned in a terrace which is set to the north of Newman Place and the cross-route. The terrace completes the urban block to the north of the site which is presently abruptly truncated by the service yard. The terrace frames a new lushly planted garden space which includes a dedicated playspace for the children of future occupants.

    The elevations of the residential wing draw on the traditions of Fitzrovia with clear order defining a robust base, a masonry main body to the faade and a recessed roof. The carefully detailed brick faade is enlivened by external shutters that shade the residential interiors against the sun. This energy efficient buiding faade contributes to the residential achieving a Code for Sustainable Homes level 4 accreditation.

    Above: The residential reception looks into a garden spaceBelow: The Residential TerraceView from Gresse Street looking west.

    Residential gardenPrecedent: Gilbert Street, MayfairThe terrace is set around a space that provides play space for children and a variety of wildlife habitats.

    The residential facade to Newman PlaceExternal shutters protect the interiors against the sun.

    The residential facade to the gardenBalconies are set around the garden.


    The office building provides bright, open and flexible workspace sought by occupiers in industries characteristic of the local area.

    The reception faces the cross-route providing oversight to the route late at night. A central atrium provides excellent daylighting to the office space which achieves a BREEAM excellent sustainability rating.

    Different elevational treatments to the office respond to the changing character of its context and provide interest and variety in local views. To the new square and on Rathbone Place the elevations employ a traditional masonry construction graded from a robust scale at the base to a finer level of detail on the recessed upper roof storeys. At the centre of the faade facing the cross-route the elevation is detailed with filigree metal and glass to provide an element of colour at the very heart of the scheme. The core is set on the south elevation which has a lower proportion of glazing protecting the interior from unwanted solar gain. Both the office and residential buildings incorporate photovoltaic cells into their roofspace.

    The cross-route: View to the office reception

    Office building facade to Newman PlaceThe palette of natural materials and elevational order reflect the best traditions of the area.

    Office building facade to the cross-routeA delicate elevation of glass fins provides an accent of colour and light at the heart of the cross-route.

    The entrance lobby and atrium



    05 06

    07 08



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