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Project 1.1 MS Word Applications

Daniel Ramirez Proj 1.1A August 27, 2011 

EGN 1002: Intro to Engineerring

Introduction To Engineering, EGN 1002, is a formal course in engineering that isrequired by all engineering degrees in all state accredited colleges offering engineering degreesin a state of Florida. At PBCC, EGN 1002 is taught to introduce engineering students to the

fundamental principles of the primary engineering disciplines. PBCC is located in West PalmBeach at the corner of Congress Ave and Lake Worth Road. The course offers a variety of 

typical fundamental engineering problems for students to solve that are basic to CivilEngineering, Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering. These basic problems impose

students to the various enginering disciplines, terminollogy and problem resolving techniques.The only course pre-reqisite is college algebra but students are also expected to have some

knowledge of trigernometry at the high school level. The primary objectives of this course are:: 1. To prepare students for future engineering courses.

2. To provide experience with the use of MS Windows and MS Excel as tools for solvingengineering problems.

3. To explore various engineering disciplines identify three

Comment [d1]: Spell out and correct spellin

Comment [d2]: Delete - redundant

Comment [d3]: Spell out the correct name.

Comment [d4]:

Delete this sentence. It is superfluous.

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Comment [d5]: Numerous spelling errors. Fix.




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Identify three of the course objectives here.

Page 2: Ramirez Project 1.1

8/4/2019 Ramirez Project 1.1 2/3

Project 1.1 MS Word Applications

Daniel Ramirez Proj 1.1A August 27, 2011 

September 2011

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

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4 Church 5Labor Day

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11 12 13 14 Soccerpractice 

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18 Church 19 20 21 22 23 24




26 27 28 Soccer 


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Page 3: Ramirez Project 1.1

8/4/2019 Ramirez Project 1.1 3/3

Project 1.1 MS Word Applications

Daniel Ramirez Proj 1.1A August 27, 2011 

Daniel R amirez Student Bio

My name is Daniel Ramirez and I am twenty one years old. I live in Boca Raton,

Florida, but I was born in Peru. I attended the Peruvian high school ³Abraham

Lincoln´ and finished my last years in ³Olympic Heights´ of Boca Raton. I

graduated two years ago and had been studying in Palm Beach State College ever 

since. I took every single elective class and I just need Calculus III to complete the

General Education courses. I always liked Mathematics it comes easier for me than

reading books since I prefer numbers over letters.

My father is an Electronic Engineer and has been helping me decide which

 branch of Engineering suits me the best, I know it¶s now an easy decision, my

whole future depends on the decisions I make today, but so far I think I¶m going to

follow my Dad and study Electronic Engineering too. He occasionally takes me to

his job where I can see how he works, the environment and the whole process of 

working in that branch.

Right now I¶m not working, and decided instead to focus solely on my

studies. Of course I help my uncle clean a restaurant from time to time to earn

some extra money but it¶s not very frequent. I hope I get my degree on FAU,

which I¶m planning to transfer next semester if everything goes according to plan

and I pass the courses I¶m taking currently.

I am choosing for the ³Famous Engineer´ presentation Alexander Graham

Bell, since I admire all his work and had read a lot about him. 

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