

A Hadith reads,“Verily, Almighty Allah releases

one million persons from Hellfire at the last of

each day in Ramadhan and, more specifically, at

the hour of breaking the fasting. At the last night

and on the last day of Ramadhan, He releases from

Hellfire as same as the number of all those whom

He has released all over the month of Ramadhan.

Imam Ja`far al-Sadiq (a.s) has said:

“When you begin your day observing fasting, you

should make sure that your hearing, your sight, your

hair, your sink, and all your organs are also

observing fasting, that is abstaining from not only

the forbidden acts but also the discommended ones.”

Imam al-Sadiq (a.s) has also said, “Do not allow the

day on which you observe fasting to be like your

other days.”

Ramadhan Amaal 2

(Note: Please download and open this PDF in Adobe Acrobat Reader so

that the linked duas work properly.)

Amaal at the time of Suhoor (Starting

the Fast)

Dua Baha

Dua Abu Hamza Thumali

Dua Idris

Dua Ya Uddati

Dua Ya Mafzai

Tasbih for the time of Sahr

Amaal at the time of Iftaar

(Breaking the Fast)

Short Duas at the time of Iftaar

Dua Nur

Ramadhan Amaal 3

Duas to be recited after every Obligatory


Dua اللهم ارزقني حج بيتك الحرام

Dua يا علي يا عظيم

Dua للهم أدخل على أهل القبور السرور

Dua Hajj (to be recited after Maghrib Prayer)

Daily Amaal in the Holy Month

Short Duas to be recited daily in the Month of


Dua of Imam Muhammad Taqi ( يا ذا الذي كان

To be recited as many times as – ( قبل كل شيء


Ramadhan Amaal 4

Another Short Dua to be recited daily – ( اللهم

( رب شهر رمضان

Long Duas to be recited daily in the Month of


Dua اللهم هذا شهر رمضان

Dua اللهم إني أسألك من فضلك

Dua اللهم إني أدعوك كما أمرتني

Daily Salwaat

Daily Tasbeeh

Nightly Amaal in the Holy Month

2 Raka’ Salaah for every night

Ramadhan Amaal 5

Duas to be recited every night in the Holy Month

of Ramadhan

Dua اللهم رب شهر رمضان

Dua Iftitah

Dua اللهم برحمتك في الصالحين

Imam Sadiqs Dua - اللهم إني أسألك أن تجعل

Dua أعوذ بجالل وجهك

Dua إلهي وقف السائلون

Ramadhan Amaal 6

Amaal at the time of Suhoor

(Starting the Fast)

in the Holy Month of Ramadhan

Dua Baha

Dua Abu Hamza Thumali

Dua Idris

Dua Ya Uddati

Dua Ya Mafzai

Tasbih for the time of Sahr

It is highly advisably not to neglect having the

daybreak meal (suhur) even if a single date or a

drink of water are had. The best food in the daybreak

meal is fine flour and dates. A hadith reads that

Almighty Allah and His angels bless those who seek

forgiveness at the last hours of night and have the

daybreak meal.”

It is recommended to recite Surah of al-Qadr at

early dawn (sahar), for a hadith reads that any

Ramadhan Amaal 7

believer who recites the Surah of al-Qadr at the

daybreak meal and the meal of breaking the fast will

be decided as sacrificing his blood for the sake of

Almighty Allah between these two periods.

It is also highly recommended not to neglect the

famous Salat al-Layl (Night Prayer) and not to

neglect the night worship.

Ramadhan Amaal 8

Dua Baha

The highly considerable Du`a' al-Baha' is reported

from Imam `Ali ibn Musa al-Ridha (a.s) who said,

“This is the supplication that Imam al-Baqir (a.s)

used to say at the last hours of Ramadhan nights.” It

is as follows:

ههاأبإني أسألك من بهائك ب اللهم

O Allah I ask You to give me from Your brilliance that


،بهائك بهي وكلand all Your glories are radiantly brilliant,

.هي أسألك ببهائك كلإن اللهمO Allah I beseech You in the name of all Your glories.

لهجمأي أسألك من جمالك بإن اللهم

O Allah I ask You to give me from Your refined good that

makes more handsome,

جمالك جميل، وكل

Ramadhan Amaal 9

and all Your refinements are gracefully beautiful;

.هي أسألك بجمالك كلإن اللهمO Allah I beseech You in the name of all Your beauties.

هلأجي أسألك من جاللك بإن اللهم

O Allah I ask You to give me from Your majesty that

gives grandeur,

جاللك جليل، وكلand all Your majestic powers are strongly sublime;

.هي أسألك بجاللك كلإن اللهمO Allah I beseech You in the name of all Your powers.

مهاعظأبي أسألك من عظمتك إن اللهم

O Allah I ask You to give me from Your greatness that

makes great,

عظمتك عظيمة، وكلand all Your powers are extensively important;

ا.هي أسألك بعظمتك كلإن اللهمO Allah I beseech You in the name of all Your influences.

Ramadhan Amaal 10

هورني أسألك من نورك بأإن اللهم

O Allah I beseech You to give me from Your light that


ر،نورك ني وكلand all Your enlightenments are luminously bright;

.هي أسألك بنورك كلإن اللهمO Allah I beseech You in the name of all Your lights.

عهاوسأبن رحمتك ي أسألك مإن اللهم

O Allah I ask You to give me from Your mercy that gives


رحمتك واسعة، وكلand all Your kind leniencies are plenteously many,

ا.هي أسألك برحمتك كلإن اللهمO Allah I beseech You in the name of all Your


هامأتب ي أسألك من كلماتكإن اللهم

O Allah I ask You to give me from Your Words that

Ramadhan Amaal 11

elaborate and conclude;

ة،كلماتك تام وكلand all Your words are complete and perfect;

ها.لبكلماتك ك ي أسألكإن اللهمO Allah I beseech You in the name of all Your Words.

لهكمأي أسألك من كمالك بإن اللهم

O Allah I ask You to give me from Your perfection that

brings to fullness,

كمالك كامل، وكلand all Your perfections are total and whole,

.هي أسألك بكمالك كلإن اللهمO Allah I beseech You in the name of all Your


برهاأكب ي أسألك من أسمائكإن اللهم

O Allah I ask You to give me from Your Names that

make great,

أسمائك كبيرة، لوك

Ramadhan Amaal 12

and all Your Names are important;

ها.لي أسألك بأسمائك كإن اللهمO Allah I beseech You in the name of all Your Names:

هاعزأتك بي أسألك من عزإن همالل

O Allah I beseech You to give me from Your authority

that surpasses in honor and power,

تك عزيزة،عز وكلand all Your authorities are rare and supreme,

ا.هتك كلي أسألك بعزإن اللهمO Allah I beseech You in the name of all Your


ضاهاأم ب ألك من مشيئتكي أس إن اللهم

O Allah I ask You to give me from Your Will that

(simultaneously) takes effect,

مشيئتك ماضية، وكلand all Your wills are (at once) executed;

ها.لي أسألك بمشيئتك كإن اللهم

Ramadhan Amaal 13

O Allah I beseech You in the name of all Your wills.

تي لرة اقدالبي أسألك من قدرتك إن اللهم

شيء استطلت بها على كل

O Allah I ask You to give me from Your that

omnipotence which controls everything,

،قدرتك مستطيلة وكلand at all events Your omnipotence dominates.

ا.هي أسألك بقدرتك كلإن اللهمO Allah I beseech You in the name of Your all-embracing


ه فذأني أسألك من علمك بإن اللهم

O Allah I ask You to give me from Your Wisdom that

pierces through and enforces,

علمك نافذ، وكلand Your Wisdom is altogether effective,

.هي أسألك بعلمك كلإن اللهمO Allah I beseech You in the name of Your Wisdom.

Ramadhan Amaal 14

هضارأي أسألك من قولك بإن اللهم

O Allah I ask You to give me from Your promise which

always is fulfilled,

،قولك رضي وكلand all Your promises are kept and fulfilled,

.هي أسألك بقولك كلإن اللهمO Allah I beseech You in the name of all Your promises.

ليكإها بأحب ي أسألك من مسائلكإن اللهم

O Allah I ask You to give me from Your Channels which

are most dear to You,

مسائلك إليك حبيبة، وكلand all that which is dear to You is most desirable,

ها،للك بمسائلك كي أسأإن اللهمO Allah I beseech You in the name of all Your Channels.

هرفأشي أسألك من شرفك بإن اللهم

O Allah I ask You to give me from Your distinctions that

vie in glory,

Ramadhan Amaal 15

شرفك شريف، وكلand all Your distinctions are noble;

.هي أسألك بشرفك كلإن اللهمO Allah I beseech You in the name of all Your


ومهأد ب ي أسألك من سلطانكإن اللهم

O Allah I ask You to give me from Your sovereignty

which lasts and continues forever,

سلطانك دائم، وكلand for all times Your sovereignty is everlasting;

ه.لي أسألك بسلطانك كإن اللهمO Allah I beseech You in the name of Your absolute


هخرأفي أسألك من ملكك بإن اللهم

O Allah I ask You to give me from Your kingdom that

surpasses in glory and nobility,

ملكك فاخر، وكل

Ramadhan Amaal 16

and in reality Your kingdom alone is the most celebrated

and magnificent;

.هي أسألك بملكك كلإن اللهمO Allah I beseech You in the name of Your unlimited


عالهك بالك من علوساي اللهم إن

O Allah, I ask You to give me from Your highest height

that exalts,

ك عال علو وكل

and Your eminence is altogether sublime.

هك كلبعلو لكساي االلهم إن

O Allah, I beseech You in the name of Your highest


قدمهك بالك من من ساي االلهم إن

O Allah, I ask You to give me from Your bounties which

always move ahead, come in advance,

ك قديممن وكل

and all Your bounties are eternal.

Ramadhan Amaal 17

هك كللك بمنساي االلهم إن

O Allah, I beseech You in the name of all Your bounties.

كرمهاالك من آياتك بساي االلهم إن

O Allah, I ask You to give me from Your signs which

gives out freely,

آياتك كريمة وكل

and all Your signs are generous.

اهلك بآياتك كلساي االلهم إن

O Allah, I beseech You in the name of all Your signs.

ن الش ٱه من نت فيلك بما اساي االلهم إن

لجبروت ٱو

O Allah, I ask You to give me whereby You exercises

absolute authority and power,

وت وحدهان وحده وجبراش لك بكلساوا

I beseech You in the name of (Your) total exclusive

omnipotence, and singular absolute authority.

Ramadhan Amaal 18

لك ساي به حين الك بما تجيبنساي االلهم إن

جبني يا اللهفا

O Allah, I ask You to give me whereby You gives answer

to my supplication whenever I turn to You; therefore,

hear my prayers, O Allah!

Ramadhan Amaal 19

Dua Abu Hamza Thumali

In ‘Misbah al-Mutahajjid’, it has been narrated on

the authority of Abu-hamzah al-Thamaliy that

Imam `Ali ibn al-husayn Zayn al-`Abidin (a.s)

used to offer prayers the whole nights of

Ramadhan. At the last hour of Ramadhan nights,

he used to say the following supplication:

بني بعقوبتك تؤدإلهي ال

O Allah: Do not discipline me by means of Your


وال تمكر بي في حيلتك

And do not subject me to Your planned strategy

ال منإد وجوال ي من أين لي الخير يا رب


How can I attain welfare, O Lord, while it is not found

anywhere save with You

بك؟إال اعجاة وال تستطومن أين لي الن

And how can I find redemption while it cannot be

Ramadhan Amaal 20

attained save through You,

متكرح وذي أحسن استغنى عن عونكال ال

Neither he who has done righteous deeds can dispense

with Your aid and mercy

خرج رضكم يلذي أساء واجترأ عليك ووال ال

عن قدرتكNor can he who did evildoings, dare to challenge you

and did not arrive at Your pleasure find an exit out of

Your power

Repeat this phrase as many times as possible in

one breath:

… يا رب

O Lord…

بك عرفتك

Through You have I known You.

نت دللتني عليكوا

You showed me the way to You

Ramadhan Amaal 21

ودعوتني إليكand invited me to come towards You.

نت در ما انت لم اولوال ا

Had it been not for You, I would have never known who

You are.

نيدعوه فيجيبذي ال ٱالحمد لله

All praise be to Allah alone Who gives answer to me

whenever I pray Him

يدعونيوإن كنت بطيئا حين

although I am slow whenever He invites me.

ينيله فيعطساذي الٱوالحمد لله

All praise be to Allah alone Who gives me whenever I ask


يوإن كنت بخيال حين يستقرضن

although I become close-fisted when He asks me.

يا شئت لحاجتمناديه كلاذي لٱوالحمد لله All praise be to Allah alone Whom I call whenever I need

Ramadhan Amaal 22


فيع شي بغيرخلو به حيث شئت لسروا

and Whom I secretly converse whenever I want without

need for an intercessor;

فيقضي لي حاجتي

He thus grants my need.

هدعو غيرا الذي ل ٱالحمد لله All praise be to Allah alone other than Whom I never


ئيعاي دولو دعوت غيره لم يستجب ل

and even if I pray anyone else, he shall never be able to

respond to my prayer.

هرجو غيرا الذي لٱوالحمد لله All praise be to Allah alone for other than Whom I do

not hope,

خلف رجائيالولو رجوت غيره

and even if I hope for anyone else, he shall certainly

disappoint me.

Ramadhan Amaal 23

كرمنيافه ذي وكلني إليلٱوالحمد لله All praise be to Allah alone Who has accepted me to

depend upon Him and, thus, bestowed favors upon me.

نيلناس فيهينوٱولم يكلني إلى

He has not left me to people who will thus definitely

humiliate me.

ب إليذي تحبلٱوالحمد لله

All praise be to Allah alone Who has sought my


يعن وهو غنيwhile He can dispense with me.

يذي يحلم عنلٱوالحمد لله

All praise be to Allah alone Who showed Himself gentle

and considerate towards me

ذنب لي الي نحتى كاas if I have not sinned.

حمد شيء عنديي افرب

Ramadhan Amaal 24

Accordingly, my Lord is the only One Whom I should


بحمدي حقواand He is the worthiest of being thanked by me.

عةإليك مشر لمطالبٱجد سبل ي االلهم إن

O Allah, I find the courses to asking from You wide


جاء لديك مترعةلر ٱومناهل

the springs to hoping for You overflowing,

لك مباحةمبفضلك لمن ا ستعانةالٱو

seeking the help of Your favors reachable for them who

have hopefully looked forward to You,

حةتون مفعاء إليك للصارخيلدٱبواب وا

and the doors of praying You vulnerable for them who

cry to You.

ابة ك للراجين بموضع إجنعلم اوا

I know for sure that You give favorable reply to the


Ramadhan Amaal 25

وللملهوفين بمرصد إغاثة

and relentlessly succor the aggrieved;

هف إلى جودكللٱفي نوا

and to long for Your beneficence

ضا بقضائكلرٱوand to accept Your will and judgment

لباخلينٱعوضا من منع are well compensations for that which the close-fisted

misers deny

ثرين المستٱيدي ومندوحة عما في ا

and alternative to that which is possessed by the stingy.

فة لمساٱل إليك قريب ـلراحٱ نوا

He who travels towards You will easily reach his


تحتجب عن خلقك الك نوا

You do not conceal Yourself against Your creatures

Ramadhan Amaal 26

عمال دونك الٱن تحجبهم إال اunless their evildoings stand between them and You.

وقد قصدت إليك بطلبتي

I am thus turning to You carrying my appeals

هت إليك بحاجتيوتوج

and directing towards You carrying my needs.

يستغاثتٱوجعلت بك

I have sought the help of You alone

ليوبدعائك توس

and begging You through my prayer

ينستماعك مالستحقاق ٱمن غير although I do not deserve to be observed by You

يستيجاب لعفوك عنٱوال or to be pardoned by You.

بل لثقتي بكرمك

Rather, I have full confidence in Your generosity,

Ramadhan Amaal 27

وسكوني إلى صدق وعدك

I have relied upon the truthfulness of Your promise,

مان بتوحيدكـيإلٱولجائي إلى

I have sought shelter with my faith in Your Oneness

يويقيني بمعرفتك منand my certitude in the fact -which you know-

لي غيرك رب الن اthat I have no Lord other than You

نتوال إله إال اand there is no god save You

شريك لك الوحدك

alone, without having any partner.

لقائل وقولك حقٱنت اللهم ا

O Allah, It is You Who have said, and Your sayings are

always true

ووعدك صدق:

Ramadhan Amaal 28

and Your promise is always valid:

فضله من ٱلله ٱلواسٱو”“Ask Allah of His bounty.

“عليما شيء كلب كان ٱلله إنVerily Allah is ever Merciful to you.”

ديوليس من صفاتك يا سي It is not Your habit, O my Chief,

ةلعطيٱؤال وتمنع لسٱمر بان تاthat You instruct us to implore You and then You stop

giving us,

هل مملكتك العطيات على ٱلمنان بٱت نوا

while You are the All-benefactor Who confers upon the

people of Your Kingdom with (innumerable) donations

فتك ان رلعائد عليهم بتحنٱو

and You are the All-generous Who meets them with the

kindness of Your compassion.

غيرا صنكيتني في نعمك وإحساإلهي رب

Ramadhan Amaal 29

O my God, You brought me up amid Your bounties and

favors when I was little

سمي كبيراٱهت بونو

and You have mentioned me when I have grown up.

هاننيا بإحسلدٱن رباني في فيا م

So, O He Who brought me up in this world with His


له ونعمهوتفضfavors, and graces,

هكرموخرة إلى عفوه آلٱشار لي في واand, in the Hereafter, will have referred to me with His

amnesty and generosity!

ي دليلي عليك معرفتي يا موال

My acquaintance with You, O my Lord, is the path taking

me to You

ي لك شفيعي إليكوحب

and my love for You is the intermediary between You

and me.

Ramadhan Amaal 30

لتك ي بدالنا واثق من دليلوا

I am sure of the path to which You have lead me

وساكن من شفيعي إلى شفاعتك

and I rely upon my intermediary’s success before You.

خرسه ذنبه دي بلسان قد ادعوك يا سيا

I pray You, O my Chief, with a tongue muted by its sins.

مهوبقه جرناجيك بقلب قد اا رب

O Lord! I confidentially speak to You with a heart

degraded by its offenses.

راهبا راغبا رب دعوك ياا

I pray You, O Lord, with terror, desire,

راجيا خائفاhope, and fear.

ي ذنوبي فزعتيت موالإذا را

Whenever I think of my sins, O my Master, I panic,

يت كرمك طمعتوإذا را

Ramadhan Amaal 31

but when I think of Your generosity, I feel desirous (for

Your pardon).

فإن عفوت فخير راحم

Therefore, if You forgive me, You are already the best of

those who show mercy,

بت فغير ظالموإن عذand If You punish me, You are then not wronging me.

لتكساتي على متي يا الله في جراحج

Yet, it is Your munificence and Your generosity, O Allah,

that gave me the courage to pray You,

مك مع إتياني ما تكره جودك وكرdespite that I have committed things that You dislike.

فتك اري ة حيائتي مع قلتي في شدوعد


It is Your kindness and mercy that I use as my means

during misfortunes inflicting me despite my


تخيب بين ذين وذين منيتي الن وقد رجوت ا

Ramadhan Amaal 32

I thus hope that my expectation will not be disappointed

amid these two matters.

ق رجائيفحق

So, make my hopes become real

سمع دعائيٱو

and answer my prayers.

يا خير من دعاه داع

O Greatest Besought One that has been ever besought,

فضل من رجاه راج واand the Most Favorable Hoped One!

ملي وساء عمليدي اعظم يا سي

My expectation, O my Chief, has been great but my deed

has been bad.

مليعطني من عفوك بمقدار افا

So, grant me Your pardon as much as my expectation,

سوء عمليوال تؤاخذني با

and do not punish me for the worst of my deed.

Ramadhan Amaal 33

يننبمذلٱعن مجازاة ك يجلكرم فإن

Verily, Your generosity is too great to be compared to

the penalty of the guilty,

رينلمقصٱة اوحلمك يكبر عن مكاف

and Your tolerance is too immense to be compared to

the punishment of the negligent.

دي عائذ بفضلك نا يا سيواI, O my Chief, am seeking refuge with Your benevolence,

هارب منك إليك

fleeing from You towards You,

حسن بك ا نفح عملصٱز ما وعدت من متنج


hoping for the amnesty that You have promised to

confer upon one who keeps good idea about You.

وما خطري نا يا رب وما ا

What am I? O Lord! What importance do I have?

Ramadhan Amaal 34

هبني بفضلك

Do me a favor out of Your benevolence

بعفوك ق عليوتصد

and be charitable to me by means of pardoning me.

لني بستركجل ي رب ا

O my Lord! Cover me with Your protective covering

عف عن توبيخي بكرم وجهك ٱوand overlook reproaching me out of the generosity of

Your Face.

تها فعل مركبي غيليوم على ذنٱلع طٱفلو

In fact, if anyone other than You has watched me while

committing these sins, I may not commit them.

ته جتنبلعقوبة الٱولو خفت تعجيل

Had I anticipated immediateness of punishment, I might

have avoided doing them.

لناظرين إليٱهون ك انال ال

Yet, this does not mean that You are the least important

Ramadhan Amaal 35

of those who watch over me

لعين علي لمطٱ خفوا

or You are the least weighty of those who observe me.

اترين لسٱخير رب ك يانبل ال

Rather, this is because You, O my Lord, are the best of

those who cover up (one’s defects),

لحاكمينٱحكم وا

the wisest of those who judge,

كرمين الٱكرم واthe most generous of those who act generously,

لعيوبٱستار the concealer of defects,

نوب لذٱغفار the Forgiver of sins,

لغيوبٱم عالand the Knower of the unseen.

Ramadhan Amaal 36

نب بكرمك لذٱتستر

You conceal the defects out of Your liberality

لعقوبة بحلمكٱر وتؤخ

and put off punishment because of Your forbearance.

مكلحمد على حلمك بعد علٱفلك

Hence, all praise be to You, for You act tolerably

although You have full knowledge

وعلى عفوك بعد قدرتك

and for Your pardon even though You have the absolute


يعن لمكك حتئني على معصيويحملني ويجر

It is Your forbearance with me that gives me latitude and

makes me dare to break Your laws.

يعل ركلحياء ستٱة ويدعوني إلى قل

It is Your concealing my faults that makes me act

shamelessly before You.

ب على محارمك معرفتي وثلتٱويسرعني إلى

Ramadhan Amaal 37

بسعة رحمتك وعظيم عفوك

It is my acquaintance with the broadness of Your mercy

and the magnitude of Your pardon that make me hurry

to violate that which You have deemed forbidden.

يا حليم يا كريم

O Indulgent! O Compassionate!

وميا قي يا حي

O Ever-living! O Self-subsistent!

نبلذٱيا غافر

O Forgiver of sins!

وبلتٱيا قابل

O Accepter of repentance!

لمنٱيا عظيم

O Owner of matchless bounties!

حسانإلٱيا قديم

O He who has been doing favors since eternity!

Ramadhan Amaal 38

لجميلٱين سترك ا

Where is Your magnificent concealment (of one’s


لجليلٱين عفوك ا

Where is Your irreversible pardon?

لقريبٱرجك ين فا

Where is Your abrupt relief?

ريعلسٱين غياثك ا

Where is Your immediate aid?

لواسعة ٱين رحمتك ا

Where is Your boundless mercy?

لفاضلة ٱين عطاياك ا

Where is Your overflowing gifts?

يئةلهنٱين مواهبك ا

Where are Your pleasant endowments?

ةنيلسٱين صنائعك ا

Ramadhan Amaal 39

Where are Your beautiful benefits?

لعظيمٱين فضلك ا

Where is Your outstanding grace?

لجسيمٱك ين منا

Where are Your giant bounties?

لقديمٱين إحسانك ا

Where are Your eternal favors?

ين كرمك يا كريما

Where is Your generous liberality? O Generous Giver!

يذنقستنٱد فد وآل محمبه وبمحم

In Your name and in the name of Muhammad and the

Household of Muhammad, save me!

صنيتك فخلوبرحم

In the name of Your mercy, deliver me!

يا محسن

O All-benevolent!

Ramadhan Amaal 40

يا مجمل

O All-beneficent!

يا منعم يا مفضل

O All-gracious! O All-compassionate!

عمالنا اك علىجاة من عقابلنٱكل في تلست اIn my salvation from Your punishment, I do not rely

upon my deeds;

بل بفضلك عليناrather, I depend on Your liberal generosity to us,

رة لمغفٱهل قوى والتٱهل ك انالbecause You are verily the Lord of righteousness and the

Lord of forgiveness.

حسان نعماإلٱتبدئ ب

You take the initiative in doing good out of Your


نب كرمالذٱوتعفو عن

and overlook the sins out of Your generosity.

Ramadhan Amaal 41

فما ندري ما نشكر

We thus do not know which of Your graces we should


رم قبيح ما تستجميل ما تنشر اا

should it be the handsome elegance that you spread over

us, or our offensive deeds that you conceal?

وليتبليت وام عظيم ما اا

Or should it be the fabulous favor that You grant and


يت وعافيتم كثير ما منه نجاor the numerous misfortunes from which You have

saved and relieved?

ب إليكيا حبيب من تحب

O Beloved of those who endear themselves to Him!

ليك إعطنقٱذ بك وة عين من الويا قر

O delight of the eyes of those who resort to Him and

communicate Him incessantly!

لمسيئون ٱلمحسن ونحن ٱنت ا

Ramadhan Amaal 42

You are the All-benevolent and we are the malevolent.

ما جميلا بدنعن قبيح ما عن فتجاوز يا رب


So, overlook, O Lord, the offensive that we hold by

means of the good that You hold.

يسعه جودك ال رب جهل يا يوا

There is not definitely any foolishness that can be

uncovered by Your liberality.

تكناطول من ازمان ا يو اا

There is no period that may be longer than Your


عمالنا في جنب نعمكوما قدر ا

What value remains for our deeds if compared to Your


ها كرمكعماال نقابل بوكيف نستكثر اHow can we ever deem much any deeds if compared to

Your generosity?

لمذنبين ما وسعهم من ٱبل كيف يضيق على

Ramadhan Amaal 43


Moreover, how may Your broad mercy be narrow for the


لمغفرةٱيا واسع

O Extensive Forgiver!

مةحلرٱليدين بٱيا باسط

O He Who extends both hands with mercy!

ديتك يا سيفوعزBy Your Majesty I swear, O my Lord,

لو نهرتني ما برحت من بابك even if you chide me, I shall never leave Your Door

قك وال كففت عن تملand I shall never stop flattering You!

ك كرمو ك جودبلمعرفة ٱمن نتهى إليٱلما

This is because I have full acquaintance with Your

(indescribable) generosity and bounty.

Ramadhan Amaal 44

لفاعل لما تشاء ٱنت واVerily, You do whatever You will.

شاء ت شاء بما تشاء كيفب من تتعذ

You punish whomsoever You want however You want by

whatever means You want.

شاء ت وترحم من تشاء بما تشاء كيف

You have mercy upon whomsoever You want however

You want by whatever means You want.

ل عن فعلكاتس ال

None is supposed to interrogate You for whatever You


وال تنازع في ملكك

non can ever contend with You about Your authority,

مركوال تشارك في ا

none can ever have a share in that which You hold,

حكمك في وال تضاد

none can ever object to Your decisions,

Ramadhan Amaal 45

ركحد في تدبيوال يعترض عليك ا

and none can ever protest against that which You


مر الٱلخلق وٱلك

To You alone are creation and determination.

لعالمين ٱ لله ربٱتبارك

Blessed be Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

ذ بكهذا مقام من ال رب ياO my Lord, this is the manner of one who seeks Your


ستجار بكرمك ٱوresorts to Your liberality,

لف إحسانك ونعمك وا

and has been accustomed to be included with Your

benevolence and graciousness.

وكيضيق عف الذي لٱلجواد ٱنت وا

You are certainly the All-munificent Whose amnesty

Ramadhan Amaal 46

never shrinks,

وال ينقص فضلك

Whose favor never reduces,

رحمتك وال تقل

and Whose mercy never diminishes.

مديلقٱفح لصٱقنا منك بوقد توث

We have full confidence in You on account of Your

eternal habit of pardons,

عة لواسٱحمة لرٱلعظيم وٱلفضل ٱو

boundless kindness, and limitless mercy.

ب آمالناو تخيتخلف ظنوننا ا اك يا ربفترا

Is it ever expectable, O Lord, that You may disappoint us

or may act on the contrary of our expectations?

ك نا بيا كريم فليس هذا ظن كالNo, never. O Compassionate! This is neither our idea

about You

وال هذا فيك طمعنا

Ramadhan Amaal 47

nor our desire from You!

كثيرا مال طوياللنا فيك ا إن يا رب

O my Lord, verily we have hope, big and large, in You.

لنا فيك رجاء عظيما إن

Verily, we have great expectation in You.

لينان تستر ععصيناك ونحن نرجو ا

Albeit that we have disobeyed You, we still hope that

You will cover our faults.

ب لنان تستجيودعوناك ونحن نرجو ا

We have prayed You hoping that You will respond to us.

رجاءنا موالنا قفحق

So, give success to our hopes, O our Lord!

عمالنافقد علمنا ما نستوجب باWe now know for sure what we deserve in exchange of

our deeds.

تصرفنا عنك الك نولكن علمك فينا وعلمنا با

Yet, Your knowledge about us and our knowledge that

Ramadhan Amaal 48

You shall never let us down

غبة إليكلرٱنا على حثhave urged us to desire for You

كمتوإن كنا غير مستوجبين لرحeven if we do not deserve Your mercy.

فضل بين لمذنبٱى علينا وعلن تجود هل انت افا


However, You are the worthiest of conferring upon us

and upon the guilty with the grace of Your broad


هلهنت امنن علينا بما اٱف

So, confer upon us with that of which You are worthy

كيلنى وجد علينا فإنا محتاجون إل

and act generously towards us, for we are in need for

Your conferral.

هتديناٱيا غفار بنورك

O Oft-Forgiving, in Your light have we found the right

Ramadhan Amaal 49



due to Your favor have we dispensed with the others,

مسيناصبحنا واوبنعمتك اand Your grace have we experienced in morns and eves.

ذنوبنا بين يديك

Our sins are before You;

يك إل للهم منها ونتوبٱنستغفرك

we beseech You, O Allah, to forgive them and we repent

before You.

وبنلذٱ بضكعم ونعار لنٱب إلينا بتتحب

Whilst You show affection to us through Your graces, we

take ourselves away from You through our sins.

خيرك إلينا نازل

You good descend upon us

نا إليك صاعدوشر

while our evildoing ascends to You.

Ramadhan Amaal 50

تيك عنا بعمل ايولم يزل وال يزال ملك كريم


Albeit that a noble angel always carries to You our

offensive deeds,

بنعمك ن تحوطنا من افال يمنعك ذلكthis has never made you stop encompassing us with

Your graces

ئك ل علينا بآالوتتفضand conferring upon us your elegances.

عظمكحلمك وافسبحانك ما اGlory be to You! How Forbearing, Magnificent,

كرمك مبدئا ومعيداواand Generous You are at all times!

سماؤكست اتقد

Sacred be Your Names.

ثناؤك وجل

Ramadhan Amaal 51

Grand be Your praise.

وكرم صنائعك وفعالك

Munificent be Your deeds and acts.

ماعظم حلواوسع فضال نت إلهي اا

You, O my God, are too expansive in graciousness and

too great in forbearance

ين تقايسني بفعلي وخطيئتمن اto punish me for my evildoings and sins.

لعفوٱلعفو ٱلعفو ٱف

(Here I am asking for) Amnesty! Amnesty! Amnesty!

ديدي سيدي سيسي

O my Lord! O my Lord! O my Lord!

شغلنا بذكركاللهم ا

O Allah, cause us to be engaged with mentioning You,

عذنا من سخطكوا

save us from Your wrath,

Ramadhan Amaal 52

جرنا من عذابكوا

deliver us from Your torture,

رزقنا من مواهبك ٱو

grant us Your donations,

نعم علينا من فضلك وا

confer upon us with Your grace,

بيتك رزقنا حجٱوand provide us the opportunity to go on pilgrimage to

Your House

ك وزيارة قبر نبي

and to visit the tomb of Your Prophet,

صلواتك ورحمتك

may Your blessings, mercy,

هل بيتها ىومغفرتك ورضوانك عليه وعلforgiveness, and pleasure be upon him and his


Ramadhan Amaal 53

ك قريب مجيبإن

Verily, You are nigh and ready to answer.

رزقنا عمال بطاعتكٱو

Bless us with acting upon the obedience to You,

ك ية نبتك وسننا على ملوتوف

and receive us following the rule of You and Your


صلى ٱلله عليه وعلى آله

blessings of Allah be on him and on his Household.

غفر لي ولوالدي ٱاللهم

O Allah, forgive me and my parents,

ياني صغيرارحمهما كما ربٱوand have mercy on them as they cared for me when I

was little.

اناحسان إحس إلٱجزهما بإ

Reward them generously for their good deeds

Ramadhan Amaal 54

ئات غفرانايلسٱوبand forgive their sins.

نات ملمؤٱغفر للمؤمنين وٱاللهم O Allah, forgive the faithful men and women,

موات الٱحياء منهم والٱbe they alive or dead,

اتلخيرٱوتابع بيننا وبينهم ب

and join us together in bliss and happiness.

تنانا وميغفر لحيٱاللهم

O Allah, forgive our living and dead persons,

وشاهدنا وغائبنا

our present and absent ones,

ثاناناذكرنا وour male and female ones,

صغيرنا وكبيرناour infants and adults,

Ramadhan Amaal 55

نا ومملوكناحرand our free ones and slaves.

لعادلون بٱللهٱكذب

Liars are those who ascribe rivals to Allah;

ال بعيداضال ٱووضل

they have wandered far astray

خسرانا مبينا ٱوخسرو

and they will have suffered a manifest loss.

د مد وآل محعلى محم اللهم صل

O Allah, send blessings to Muhammad and the

Household of Muhammad,

ختم لي بخيرٱو

seal my life with decency,

ي وآخرتيمر دنياني من اهمكفني ما اٱو

help me overcome all that which aggrieves me in this

world as well as the Hereafter,

Ramadhan Amaal 56

يرحمني المن ط عليوال تسل

do not let him who does not have mercy upon me prevail

on me,

منك واقية باقية عل عليجٱو

always keep on me an everlasting, protective covering,

علي نعمت بهوال تسلبني صالح ما ا

do not divest me of the well-mannered graces that You

have conferred upon me,

با طيالالح زقا واسعارزقني من فضلك رٱو

and provide me, out of Your grace, with lawfully gotten,

delightful sustenance.

حرسني بحراستكٱاللهم

O Allah, keep me under Your alert surveillance,

حفظني بحفظكٱو

protect me with Your support,

ءتكني بكال اكلٱو

take care of me with Your comprehensive care,

Ramadhan Amaal 57

لحرامٱبيتك رزقني حجٱوgrant me opportunity to go on pilgrimage to Your Holy


عام في عامنا هذا وفي كلin this year as well as all coming years,

الم لس ٱليهم ة عئمالٱك وة قبر نبيوزيار

grant me to go on pilgrimage to the tombs of Your

Prophet and the Imams, peace be upon them,

ةريفلشٱد اهلمشٱمن تلك رب وال تخلني يا

and do not deprive me, O Lord, of such honorable scenes

لكريمة ٱلمواقف ٱوand noble situations.

عصيكا الحتى اللهم تب علي

O Allah, accept my repentance so that I will not disobey

you ever again,

لعمل بهٱلخير وٱلهمني وا

inspire me with goodness, good-doing,

Ramadhan Amaal 58

بقيتنيهار ما النٱيل وللٱوخشيتك ب

and fear of You all over day and night as long as You

keep me alive.

لعالمين ٱ يا رب

O Lord of the worlds!

تات وتعبايما قلت قد تهي كل اللهم إن

O Allah, each time I decide to prepare and ready myself

تك ية بين يديك وناجالوقمت للصfor offering prayers before You and conversing

confidentially with You,

تينا صلنعاسا إذا ا لقيت عليا

You throw on me slumber whenever I stand for prayer;

ت نا ناجيوسلبتني مناجاتك إذا ا

thus, You deprive me of conversing with You

confidentially whenever I try so.

يتما قلت قد صلحت سريرمالي كل

What is the wrong with me? Whenever I feel that my

Ramadhan Amaal 59

inner self has become decent

يلسوابين مجلتٱوقرب من مجالس and that my session has become similar to the sessions

of those who turn much to You,

ن بيالت بيني وزالت قدمي وحة اعرضت لي بلي


a misfortune would inflict me, causing my feet to be

shaken, and standing against my showing servitude to


ك عن بابك طردتنيدي لعلسي

O my Master, perhaps You have pushed me away from

Your door

يتنيوعن خدمتك نح

and You have dismissed me from Your service!

قصيتنيك فايتني مستخفا بحقك راو لعلا

Or, perhaps, You have noticed that I belittled the duties

that You have made incumbent upon me, and You thus

set me aside!

Ramadhan Amaal 60

قليتنييتني معرضا عنك فك راو لعلا

Or, perhaps, You have seen me turning away from You

and thus You have turned away from me!

تنيرفضفين ذبلكاٱك وجدتني في مقام و لعلا

Or, perhaps, You have found me in the manner of the

liars and thus You have rejected me!

تنيحرمعمائك ف يتني غير شاكر لنك راو لعلا

Or, perhaps, You have observed me showing no

gratitude for Your graces and thus You have deprived me

of them!

لتني فخذماءعللٱك فقدتني من مجالس و لعلا

Or, perhaps, You have not found me in the meetings of

the scholars and thus You have let me down!

ك من رحمتفلغافلين ٱيتني في ك راو لعلا


Or, perhaps, You have seen me among the inattentive

ones and thus You have made me despair of Your mercy!

لبطالين فبيني ٱيتني آلف مجالس ك راو لعلا

Ramadhan Amaal 61

يتنيوبينهم خل

Or, perhaps, You have found me fond of the sessions of

the wrongdoers and thus You have referred me to them!

يفباعدتن ائين تسمع دعا ك لم تحبو لعلا

Or, perhaps, You have not willed to hear my prayers and

thus You have kept me away from You!

يتنك بجرمي وجريرتي كافيو لعلا

Or, perhaps, You have punished me for my offenses and


يتنينك جازة حيائي مك بقلو لعلا

Or, perhaps, You have penalized me for my


بين لمذنٱن ت عفطالما عفو رب فإن عفوت يا

قبليIf You forgive me, O Lord, then You have occasionally

forgiven the sinners like me,

رينقصلمٱفاة عن مكا يجل بي ركرمك ا نال

Ramadhan Amaal 62

because Your compassion, O my Lord, is too great to be

compared to the punishment of the negligent.

ليك نا عائذ بفضلك هارب منك إوا

I am now seeking refuge with Your generosity and

fleeing for You to You,

حسن بك ا نفح عملصٱز ما وعدت من متنج


hoping for the promise that You have taken as regards

pardoning those who have good idea about You.

وسع فضالنت اإلهي ا

O my God, You are too expansive in favor

ملين تقايسني بععظم حلما من ااو

and too great in forbearance to punish me for my deed

ني بخطيئتين تستزل و اا

or to chastise me for my sin.

دي وما خطرينا يا سيوما ا

What am I? O Master! What is my weight?

Ramadhan Amaal 63

ديني بفضلك سيهب

Excuse me out of Your favor, O my Master,

بعفوك ق عليوتصد

act to me charitably our of Your pardon,

لني بستركوجل

cover me with Your covering,

عف عن توبيخي بكرم وجهك ٱو

and let off chiding me out of the liberality of Your Face.

يته ذي ربلٱغير لصٱنا دي اسي

O my Master! I am the little that You have brought up,

مته ذي عللٱلجاهل ٱنا وا

I am the ignorant that You have taught,

ذي هديتهل ٱ لضالٱنا وا

I am the straying that You have guided,

ذي رفعته لٱلوضيع ٱنا وا

I am the humble that You have given rise,

Ramadhan Amaal 64

ذي آمنتهلٱلخائف ٱنا وا

I am the afraid that You have given security,

شبعتهذي الٱلجائع ٱو

I am the hungry that You have satiated,

رويته ذي الٱلعطشان ٱو

I am the thirsty that You have watered,

ذي كسوتهلٱلعاري ٱو

I am the naked that You have dressed,

غنيتهذي الٱلفقير ٱو

I am the poor that You have given affluence,

يتهذي قولٱعيف لضٱو

I am the weak that You have strengthened,

عززتهذي الٱليل لذٱو

I am the lowly that You have given might,

ذي شفيتهلٱقيم لسٱو

I am the ill that You have cured,

Ramadhan Amaal 65

عطيتهذي الٱلسائل ٱو

I am the beggar that You have donated,

ذي سترتهلٱلمذنب ٱو

I am the sinner that You have covered,

قلتهذي ال ٱلخاطئ ٱو

I am the guilty that You have excused,

رتهذي كثلٱلقليل ٱنا وا

I am the valueless that You have evaluated,

ذي نصرتهلٱضعف لمستٱو

I am the helpless that You have backed,

ذي آويتهلٱريد لطٱنا وا

and I am the expelled that You have boarded.

ءلخال ٱ ستحيك فيذي لم الٱ رب نا ياا

I am, O my Lord, the one who has not felt ashamed of

You in secrets

ء لمالٱراقبك في اولم

Ramadhan Amaal 66

and the one who has not considered Your watching over

him in the public.

لعظمىٱواهي لدٱنا صاحب ا

I am the committer of the grave transgressions,

جتراٱده ذي على سيلٱنا ا

I am the one who challenged his Master,

ماءلسٱذي عصيت جبار لٱنا ا

I am the one who disobeyed the All-great of the heavens,

ىشلرٱليل لجٱعطيت على معاصي ذي الٱنا ا

I am the one who has given bribes violating the laws of

the All-lofty Lord,

سعىا ايهإل رت بها خرجتذي حين بشلٱنا ا

I am the one who has been delighted for committing

such sins,

رعويتٱمهلتني فما ذي الٱنا ا

I am the one who, although You have respited, has not


Ramadhan Amaal 67

ستحييتٱفما رت عليوست

I am the one whom, although You have covered him, has

not felt ashamed,

يتلمعاصي فتعدٱوعملت ب

who committed so many acts of disobedience that he has

violated (all terms),

باليت سقطتني من عينك فماواand who, although You have disregarded, has not


مهلتنيفبحلمك ا

So, out of Your forbearance have You given me respite.

غفلتنيك انوبسترك سترتني حتى كا

You have concealed (my faults) with Your untouchable

concealment as if You have been unaware of my acts.

ك ناكى تبتني حلمعاصي جنٱومن عقوبات


You have not applied to me the punishments of

Ramadhan Amaal 68

committing acts of disobedience (to You) as if You are

ashamed to face me.

تك نا بربوبيعصك حين عصيتك والهي لم اإ


O my God, as I disobeyed You, I have never denied Your


مرك مستخفوال با

have never belittled Your ordains,

ضوال لعقوبتك متعر

have never wished for exposing myself to Your


وال لوعيدك متهاون

and have never disparaged Your threat.

سيفلت لي نلكن خطيئة عرضت وسو

Nevertheless, sins showed themselves desirable before

me, my self commended to me,

وغلبني هواي

Ramadhan Amaal 69

my whim overwhelmed me,

عانني عليها شقوتيوا

my impudence helped me accordingly,

لمرخى عليٱني سترك وغرand I have been deceived by Your covering that You have

laid on me.

فقد عصيتك وخالفتك بجهدي

So, I have exerted efforts in violating Your orders and

disobeying You.

ن من عذابك من يستنقذنيآلٱف

Now, who can ever save me from Your chastisement?

صنيلخصماء غدا من يخلٱيدي ومن ا

Tomorrow, who can save me from the hands of my


ي حبلك عننت قطعتصل إن اتوبحبل من ا

Whose rope will I catch if You cut off the rope between

You and me?

Ramadhan Amaal 70

ن عمليمحصى كتابك تا على ما افواسوا

Shame on me for my evildoings that Your Book has


كسعة رحمترجو من كرمك وما ا ذي لواللٱ

Had it not been for Your generosity, the breadth of Your


ما عندطتقنلذي لقنوط لٱونهيك إياي عن

رهاتذكاand Your warning me against being desperate—the

matters that I hopefully depend on, I would have

despaired whenever I remember my sins.

يا خير من دعاه داع

O Greatest Besought Who has been ever besought!

فضل من رجاه راج وا

O Most Favorable Hoped!

إليك لتوس م اسال إلٱة اللهم بذم

O Allah! I beseech You in the name of the liability of

Ramadhan Amaal 71


عتمد عليك لقرآن اٱوبحرمة

I rely upon You in the name of the sanctity of the


يمالٱ بيلنٱي وبحب

in the name of my love for the Prophet; the Ummi

(inhabitant of Mecca),

لهاشميٱ لقرشيٱthe Qurayshite, the Hashemite,

هاميلتٱ لعربيٱthe Arab, the Tuhamite,

لمدنيٱ يلمكٱthe Meccan, and the Madanite,

لفة لديك لزٱرجو اI hope for proximity to You.

مانيـستيناس إيٱ وحشفال ت

So, do not disturb my familiarity with faith

Ramadhan Amaal 72

واكس وال تجعل ثوابي ثواب من عبد

and do not make my reward the same as reward given to

those who serve one other than You.

مءهبه دما ٱحقنو ليلسنتهمبا ٱقوما آمنو فإن

Certainly, some people outwardly declared the faith so

that they could prevent their blood from being shed.

ٱلومما ا ٱدركوفا

However, they attained their goals.

انتعفو عوبنا للسنتنا وقلوإنا آمنا بك با

We have believed in You by heart and tongue so that You

may excuse us.

لنامدركنا ما افا

Hence, make us attain our goals,

ت رجاءك في صدورناوثب

make firm our hope for You in our hearts,

انإذ هديت وال تزغ قلوبنا بعد

make not our hearts to deviate after You have guided us

Ramadhan Amaal 73


وهب لنا من لدنك رحمة

and grant us from You mercy.

لوهابٱنت ك اإن

Surely, You are the most liberal Giver.

ابك بن مت حنتهرتني ما برٱتك لو فوعز

By Your Majesty I swear, O my Lord, even if You chide

me, I shall never leave Your Door

قك وال كففت عن تملand I shall never stop flattering You.

عة سو كرمك لمعرفة بٱلهم قلبي من الما


This is because I have full acquaintance with Your

(indescribable) generosity and bounty.

هوال ملعبد إال إلىٱإلى من يذهب

To whom may a servant go save to his Lord?

Ramadhan Amaal 74

هخالق لى إلمخلوق إالٱوإلى من يلتجئ

To whom may a mortal resort save to his Creator?

صفادالٱإلهي لو قرنتني ب

O my God, even if You tie me with chains,

شهاد الٱومنعتني سيبك من بين

deprive me of the stream of Your bounties in the

presence of people,

ادلعبٱئحي عيون ودللت على فضا

divulge all my scandalous acts before the eyes of all Your


لنار ٱمرت بي إلى وا

order me to Hell,

برارالٱوحلت بيني وبين

and prevent me from communicating the Pious ones,

كما قطعت رجائي من

(in spite of all that) I will never stop hoping for You,

Ramadhan Amaal 75

ميلي للعفو عنكاوما صرفت ت

I will never stop expecting Your pardon,

ك من قلبيوال خرج حب

and Your love will never exit my heart.

يياديك عند نسى اا النا ا

I never forget Your graces that I enjoy

نيالدٱفي دار وسترك علي

and Your having concealed my defects in the worldly


بينيا من قللدٱ خرج حبدي اسي

O my Master, (please) expel love for the world out of my


آله لمصطفى وٱجمع بيني وبين ٱو

join me with the Divinely-chosen Prophet and his


ين بيلنٱخيرتك من خلقك وخاتم

the choicest of Your creatures and the seal of the

Ramadhan Amaal 76


له آلى صلى ٱلله عليه وع د محمMuhammad, blessings of Allah be on him and on his


كيوبة إللتٱنقلني إلى درجة ٱو

Move me to the rank of repentance with You,

فنيت عمري البكاء على نفسي فقدٱي بعنوا

help me weep for myself after I have come upon the last

of my age,

يير خيسين من آلٱوقد نزلت منزلة being in the manner of those who despair of any self-


يحاال من سوافمن يكون ا

Who is then worse than I am

الينا نقلت على مثل حإن ا

when I, such being my case, will be taken to a grave

ده لرقدتيمهاإلى قبر لم

Ramadhan Amaal 77

that I have neither paved for my long stay

جعتيلصالح لضٱلعمل ٱفرشه بولم ا

nor furnished with righteous deed for my extended


بكيا الما لي و

Why should I not weep

دري إلى ما يكون مصيريوال اwhile I do not know what my destiny will be?

رى نفسي تخادعنيوا

And while I notice that my self is cheating me,

يامي تخاتلنيوا

my days are deceiving me,

وتلمٱجنحة سي ااوقد خفقت عند ر

and the wings of death are fluttering over my head.

بكيا الفما لي

So, why should I not weep?

Ramadhan Amaal 78

بكي لخروج نفسيا

I weep for my soul’s departing my body.

بكي لظلمة قبريا

I weep for the darkness of my grave.

بكي لضيق لحديا

I weep for the narrowness of my vault.

بكي لسؤال منكر ونكير إيايا

I weep for Munkar and Nakir (the two angels

interrogating in graves) being interrogating me.

ليالقبري عريانا ذبكي لخروجي من ا

I weep for my coming out of my grave (on the

Resurrection Day) naked, humiliated,

حامال ثقلي على ظهريcarrying my burdens on my back,

شمالي خرى عناة عن يميني ونظر مرا

distributing my sights to my right and my left.

Ramadhan Amaal 79

نيان غير شالخالئق في شٱإذ

Behold! The creatures will each be engaged with matters

other than mine.

“ن يغنيهلكل ٱمرئ منهم يومئذ شا”Every man that day will have concern enough to make

him heedless of others.

رةبشستوجوه يومئذ مسفرة ضاحكة م”Many faces on that day shall be bright, laughing, joyous.

ة وذل“ ةا قترقههووجوه يومئذ عليها غبرة تر

And many faces on that day, on them shall be dust.

Darkness, and humiliation shall cover them.

لي ومعتمديدي عليك معوسي

O my Master, on You I depend and rely.

ليورجائي وتوك

In You I put my hope and faith.

قيوبرحمتك تعلTo Your mercy I hang.

Ramadhan Amaal 80

تصيب برحمتك من تشاء

You direct Your mercy towards whomsoever You like

وتهدي بكرامتك من تحب

and You guide, out of Your honoring, whomsoever You


يقلب ركلشٱيت من لحمد على ما نقٱفلك

So, all praise be to You for You have purified my heart

from polytheism.

لحمد على بسط لسانيٱولك

All praise be to You for You have made my tongue

express utterly.

شكركا لكالٱفبلساني هذا ا

How can I praise You properly while my tongue is too

short to do so?

رضيكاجهدي في عملي م بغايةا

How can I please You while the extent of my efforts is

too short to do so?

في جنب شكرك وما قدر لساني يا رب

Ramadhan Amaal 81

What extent can my tongue reach if compared to the

limitless extent of thanking You?

ك سانإحعملي في جنب نعمك ووما قدر

What amount can my efforts reach if compared to the

limitless amount of Your graces and favors?

مليجودك بسط ا إلهي إن

O my God! It is certainly Your benevolence that has

given me hope.

ل عمليوشكرك قب

It is my thanks to You that have granted approval for my


دي إليك رغبتيسي

O my Master, for You do I desire,

وإليك رهبتي

You do I fear,

ميلياوإليك ت

and to You do I look forward.

Ramadhan Amaal 82

يملوقد ساقني إليك ا

It is my hope that has driven me towards You.

تيوعليك يا واحدي عكفت هم

To You, O my One and Only God, do I direct my


نبسطت رغبتيٱوفيما عندك

Towards what You have in possession are my desires


ك خالص رجائي وخوفيول

For You is the ultimate of my hope and fear.

تينست محبوبك ا

With You have I become familiar.

لقيت بيديوإليك ا

To You have I submitted my hand.

وبحبل طاعتك مددت رهبتي

To the rope of obedience to You have I extended my


Ramadhan Amaal 83

يا موالي بذكرك عاش قلبي

O my Master, only through mentioning You have my

heart lived.

ينلخوف عٱلم دت اوبمناجاتك برOnly through my confidential conversations with You

have I cooled the pains of my fear.

ؤليى سهلي ويا منتفيا موالي ويا مؤم

So, O my Master! O my Trusty Patron! O Ultimate Hope!

وم ن لزي مل لمانعٱق بيني وبين ذنبي فر


Separate me from my transgressions which prevent me

from adhering to the obedience to You.

كجاء فيلرٱلك لقديم ساما افإن

I only pray You on account of my eternal faith in You

مع منكلطٱوعظيم

and my desire for Your mercy and kindness

Ramadhan Amaal 84

حمةلرٱفة والرٱوجبته على نفسك من ذي الٱthat You have made incumbent upon Yourself.

شريك لك المر لك وحدك الٱف

So, the whole affair is Yours alone. There is no partner

with You at all.

كتهم عيالك وفي قبضلخلق كلٱو

All the creatures are dependent upon You and are in

Your grip.

شيء خاضع لك وكل

All things are submissive to You.

لعالمين ٱ تباركت يا رب

Blessed be You, O Lord of the worlds.

يتنقطعت حجٱرحمني إذا ٱإلهي

O my God, have mercy on me when my argument is

proven nil,

عن جوابك لساني وكل

when my tongue can no longer find any answer,

Ramadhan Amaal 85

يوطاش عند سؤالك إياي لبand when my mind scatters as soon as You start

interrogating me.

اقتيت فشتدٱ ابني إذتخي الفيا عظيم رجائي

So, O my great hope, do not forsake me when my need

terribly increases,

ني لجهليوال ترد

do not reject me on account of my ignorance,

ة صبريوال تمنعني لقل

and do not stop conferring upon me on account of my

lack of patience.

عطني لفقريا

Grant me for I am poor.

رحمني لضعفيٱو

Have mercy upon me for I am weak.

ليدي عليك معتمدي ومعوسي

O my Master, on You do I rely and lean.

Ramadhan Amaal 86

ليورجائي وتوك

You are my hope, and in You do I have faith.

قيوبرحمتك تعل

To Your mercy do I attach myself.

رحلي حطوبفنائك ا

In Your courtyard do I dwell.

قصد طلبتيوبجودك ا

On account of Your benevolence do I declare my request.

دعائيستفتح ا ي ربوبكرمك ا

With Your generosity, O my Lord, do I begin my prayers.

رجو فاقتيولديك ا

With You do I desire for meeting my needs.

جبر عيلتيوبغناك ا

Through Your wealth do I settle my poverty.

عفوك قيامي وتحت ظل

Under the shade of Your pardon do I stand.

Ramadhan Amaal 87

رفع بصريوإلى جودك وكرمك ا

Towards Your benevolence and generosity do I raise my


ديم نظرياوإلى معروفك

I persistently look for Your favors;

ملي انت موضعلنار واٱفال تحرقني ب

so, do not let the flames of the Fire consume me while

You are my ultimate hope,

نيعي ةك قرلهاوية فإنٱي وال تسكن

and do not embed me in the deep black abyss while You

are the delight of my eyes.

روفكمعوك ي بإحسانظنب تكذ الدي يا سي

O my Master, do not thwart my idea about Your grace

and favors,

ك ثقتيفإنfor in You I trust.

وال تحرمني ثوابك

Ramadhan Amaal 88

Do not deprive me of Your rewards,

لعارف بفقريٱك فإنfor You best know my poverty.

بني منكيقر جلي ولمإلهي إن كان قد دنا ا


O my God, if my death is drawing near while my deeds

have not yet drawn me near You,

عللي سائلي و نبعتراف إليك بذإلٱفقد جعلت then let my confession of having committed sins be my

means of justification.

لعفوٱب ولى منكإلهي إن عفوت فمن ا

O my God, if You forgive, then who is worthier than You

in forgiveness?

لحكمٱعدل منك في بت فمن اوإن عذ

And if You punish, then who is fairer than You in


نيا غربتيلدٱرحم في هذه ٱ

Ramadhan Amaal 89

Have mercy on my misery in this world,

لموت كربتيٱوعند

on my grief at the time of death,

لقبر وحدتيٱوفي

on my loneliness in the grave,

حشتيحد وللٱوفي

on my lonesomeness in the underground hole,

فيموق ل ذوإذا نشرت للحساب بين يديك

and on my humiliating situation when I shall be

resurrected for account before You.

مليعن ميندمي آلٱغفر لي ما خفي على ٱو

Forgive my deeds that have been concealed from the

other human beings,

دم لي ما به سترتنيوا

make permanent for me that on account of which You

have covered my faults,

يدي بني الفراش تقلٱرحمني صريعا على ٱو

Ramadhan Amaal 90


have mercy on me when I am thrown on the death bed

turned over at the hands of my dear ones,

بني يقل سل تلمغٱممدودا على ل عليوتفض

صالح جيرتي

do a favor to me when I am laid on the table of the dead

bathroom turned over at the hands of my righteous


طراف قرباء االٱل محموال قد تناو ن عليوتحن


act kindly towards me when I am carried while my

relatives hold the edges of my coffin,

فيدا حي ومنقوال قد نزلت بك وجد علي


be generous with me when I am carried, alone, to my


Ramadhan Amaal 91

التى حتي ربلجديد غٱلبيت ٱرحم في ذلك ٱو

نس بغيركاستا

have mercy on my loneliness in that (new) dwelling so

that I will not feel at ease with anyone other than You.

تلكي هدي إن وكلتني إلى نفسيا سي

O my Master, if You leave me for myself, I will certainly


تيلني عثرستغيث إن لم تقدي فبمن اسي

O my Master, to whom will I resort if You do not

overlook my slips?

يعتتك في ضجفزع إن فقدت عنايفإلى من ا

To whom will I run for help if I miss Your care for me in

my stay (in grave)?

ربتيكس لتجئ إن لم تنفوإلى من ا

To whom will I refer if You do not relieve my grief?

دي من ليسي

O my Master! Who will be with me?

Ramadhan Amaal 92

ومن يرحمني إن لم ترحمني

Who will have mercy on me if You do not?

تياقك يوم فل إن عدمت فضلؤماوفضل من

Whose favor will I expect if I miss Your favors on the day

of my neediness?

جليى انقض ٱا نوب إذلذٱلفرار من ٱوإلى من

To whom will I flee from my sins when my deadline


رجوكنا ابني وادي ال تعذسي

O my Master, do not punish me while I please You


ق رجائيإلهي حق

O my God, (please do) give success to my expectations

وآمن خوفي

and dispel my fear.

ال عفوكإرجو فيها كثرة ذنوبي ال ا فإن

As for my numerous sins, I hope for nothing other than

Ramadhan Amaal 93

Your pardon.

ستحقا الما لك سانا ادي اسي

O my Master, I am asking You for things that I do not


رةلمغفٱهل قوى والتٱهل نت اواand You are verily the worthiest of being feared and the

worthiest of forgiving.

يعل يبا يغطثولبسني من نظرك غفر لي واٱف


So, forgive me and dress me, out of Your relief, a

garment covering all my defects,

طالب بهاا الوتغفرها لي و

and forgive them for me so that I will not be responsible

for them.

قديم ك ذو منإن

Verily, You are the Lord of eternal favoring,

وصفح عظيم

Ramadhan Amaal 94

great pardon,

وتجاوز كريم

and liberal exoneration.

ى من الذي تفيض سيبك علل ٱنت إلهي ا


O my God, You make Your flowing graces reach those

who never pray You

تكلجاحدين بربوبيٱوعلى and those who deny Your Lordship.

لخلق لك ٱ نيقن الك وادي بمن سافكيف سي

مر إليك الٱو

So, O my Master, what should You do to those who pray

You and believe undoubtedly that You manage all

creation and all affairs!

نميلعالٱ تباركت وتعاليت يا رب

Blessed by You and Exalted be You, O Lord of the


Ramadhan Amaal 95

صاصة بين لخٱقامته دي عبدك ببابك اسي


O my Master, I, Your servant, am standing at Your door

owing to neediness,

يقرع باب إحسانك بدعائهam knocking at it suppliantly.

يلكريم عنٱتعرض بوجهك الف

So, do not turn Your generous Face away from me.

اء علدٱذا به قول فقد دعوتي ما اقبل منٱو

Accept that which I utter, for I have prayed using this


فتك اي بر منني معرفةترد الن رجو انا اوا


hoping that You will not reject me since I have full

awareness of Your kindness and mercifulness.

يحفيك سائل الذي ل ٱنت ا إلهي

Ramadhan Amaal 96

O my God, it is You Whom is never disturbed by any


ينقصك نائل الو

and Whose kingdom is never decreased owing to


نت كما تقول وفوق ما نقولا

You are as exactly as You describe Yourself and is above

all that which we say.

لك صبرا جميال ساي االلهم إن

O Allah, I beseech You for comely patience,

وفرجا قريبا

immediate relief,

وقوال صادقا

truthful wording,

جرا عظيماوا

and splendid reward.

هلخير كلٱمن لك يا رباسا

Ramadhan Amaal 97

I pray You, O Lord, for all goodness,

علمما علمت منه وما لم اbe it known by me or unknown.

لك منه عبادك للهم من خير ما ساٱلك ساا


I pray You, O Allah, for the goodness that Your righteous

servants have besought from You.

يا خير من سئل

O All-excellent One that is asked!

عطىجود من اوا

O most benevolent of those who may give!

هليعطني سؤلي في نفسي واا

(Please do) respond to my request as regards myself, my


وولدي ووالدي

my parents, my children,

Ramadhan Amaal 98

هل حزانتي وإخواني فيكوا

my comrades, and my brothers-in-faith.

رغد عيشيوا

Bless my living,

تيظهر مرووا

manifest my integrity,

حواليع اصلح جميوا

set aright all my affairs,

طلت عمرهن اجعلني ممٱو

and include me with those whom You decide to live long,

نت عملهوحس

whose deeds are righteous,

نه تممت عليه نعمتك ورضيت عوا

those for whom You have perfected Your favors, those

with whom You are pleased,

رور لسٱدوم بة في احييته حياة طيوا

Ramadhan Amaal 99

and those whom You have granted comfortable life with

permanent pleasure,

لعيشٱ تملكرامة واٱسبغ وا

reputable honor, and perfect contentment.

ك تفعل ما تشاءإن

Verily, You do whatever You will,

يفعل ما يشاء غيرك الو

while none else can ever do what one wills.

ك ة ذكرني منك بخاصاللهم خص

O Allah, give me exclusively the grace of private mention

of You,

ب بهتقرتجعل شيئا مما ا الو

do not let any of the things by which I seek Your


هارلنٱطراف يل واللٱفي آناء in the hours of the night and the ends of the days

رياء وال سمعة

Ramadhan Amaal 100

take the form of ostentation, showing off,

شرا وال بطراوال ا

pretension, or insolence.

لخاشعين ٱجعلني لك من ٱو

Include me with the humble ones.

زق لرٱعة في لسٱعطني اللهم ا

O Allah, grant me affluent means of livelihood,

لوطن ٱن في م الٱو

security in my homeland,

لولدٱلمال وٱهل والٱلعين في ٱة وقر

delight in my family, property, and children,

لمقام في نعمك عنديٱو

permanence of Your graces,

لجسم ٱة في حلصٱو

healthy body,

لبدنٱة في لقوٱو

Ramadhan Amaal 101

strong physique,

ينلدٱمة في اللسٱو

and sound faith.

كولستعملني بطاعتك وطاعة رسٱو

Dedicate my affairs to the obedience to You and to Your


ا بدا ما هآل صلى ٱلله عليه وعلىد محم

ستعمرتنيٱMuhammad—Allah’s blessings be upon him and his

Household—as long as You give me life.

نصيباوفر عبادك عندكجعلني من اٱوMake me one of the most rewarded servants of You

ضانشهر رمي نزلته وتنزله فخير ا في كل in each and every item of goodness that You have

descended and You will descend during the month of


لقدرٱفي ليلة

Ramadhan Amaal 102

and at the Destiny Night

انشرهتة رحم سنة من نت منزله في كلوما ا

as well as all that which You decide to descend

throughout the year, including mercy that You spread,

وعافية تلبسها

good health with which You adorn,

ة تدفعهاوبلي

misfortune that You repel,

لهاوحسنات تتقب

good deeds that You admit,

ئات تتجاوز عنهاوسي

and evildoings that You excuse.

في ذا وهنا امع لحرام في ٱبيتك رزقني حجٱو

عام كل

Bestow upon me with pilgrimage to Your Holy House in

this year plus all years,

Ramadhan Amaal 103

عواسلٱ رزقني رزقا واسعا من فضلكٱو

grant me prosperous sustenance out of Your limitless


سواء الٱدي ي يا سيصرف عنٱوdismiss, O my Master, all evils from me,

ذى تاا ال ىمات حتاللظ ٱين ولدٱي قض عنٱو

بشيء منه

help me settle my debts as well as my evildoings so that I

will be saved from their liabilities,

عدائي وحسادي بصار اسماع واي باوخذ عن

لباغين عليٱو

save me from the hearings and sights of my enemies,

those who envy me, and those who intend to oppress me,

نصرني عليهمٱو

back me against them,

ح قلبيعيني وفر قروا

Ramadhan Amaal 104

give delight to my eye and joy to my heart,

رجامخ و ي وكربي فرجاجعل لي من همٱو

grant me relief and exit against my grief and misery,

حتتع خلقك رادني بسوء من جميل من اجعٱو


make all those who intend evil to me, among all Your

creatures, be under my feet,

يطانلشٱ كفني شرٱو

protect me against the evil of Satan,

لطانلسٱ وشر

the evil of the ruling authority,

ئات عمليوسي

and the consequences of my evildoings,

هانوب كللذٱرني من وطه

purify me from all my sins,

لنار بعفوك ٱجرني من وا

Ramadhan Amaal 105

save me from Hellfire on account of Your pardon,

حمتكة برلجنٱدخلني وا

allow me to enter Paradise on account of Your mercy,

ك لعين بفضلٱلحور ٱجني من وزو

marry me off the Paradisiacal women on account of Your


ه د وآلحملصالحين مٱوليائك لحقني باواand join me to Your righteous intimate servants—

Muhammad and his Household,

خيارالٱلطاهرين ٱبين يلطٱبرار الٱthe purified, the immaculate, and the pious.

رواحهم وا جسادهمصلواتك عليهم وعلى ا

وبركاته ٱللهورحمة

May Your peace, mercy, and blessings be upon their

bodies and souls.

تك وجاللكدي وعزإلهي وسي

O my God and my Master, I swear by Your Mighty and

Ramadhan Amaal 106

Your Glory,

ك بعفوكطالبنالئن طالبتني بذنوبي لif You will interrogate me for my sins, I will demand

with Your pardon.

ك بكرمكطالبنالولئن طالبتني بلؤمي

If You interrogate me for my meanness, I will demand

with Your kindness.

لك يلنار بحبٱهل ا خبرناللنار ٱدخلتني ولئن ا

If You order me to Hellfire, I will tell all the inhabitants

therein that I love You.

هل وليائك وا الالإتغفر الدي إن كنت إلهي وسي


O my God and Master, if you forgive only Your intimate

servants and those who obey You,

لمذنبونٱى من يفزع فإلto whom then will the sinful resort?

فاء بك لوٱهل تكرم إال ا الوإن كنت

Ramadhan Amaal 107

If You honor none but those who act loyally to You,

لمسيئونٱفبمن يستغيث then whose shelter will the evildoers seek?

كوعد لك سرورلنار ففي ذٱدخلتني إلهي إن ا

O my God, if You decide to put me in Hellfire, this will

definitely please Your enemies!

ك بينسرور ة ففي ذلكلجنٱدخلتني وإن ا

But if You decide Paradise for me, then this will

certainly please Your Prophet!

من إليك حبك ايسرور نب نعلم اا ٱللهنا ووا

كسرور عدو

And I—by Allah I swear it—know for sure that the

pleasure of Your Prophet is more favorable for You than

the pleasure of Your enemies.

قلبي حبا لك ن تماللك اساي االلهم إن

O Allah, I pray You for filling my heart with love for You,

وخشية منك

Ramadhan Amaal 108

with fear of You,

وتصديقا بكتابك

with belief in Your Book,

مانا بك ـوإي

with faith in You,

وفرقا منك

with dread from You,

وشوقا إليك

and with eagerness to You.

قاءكل يب إلكرام حب إلٱلجالل وٱ يا ذا

O Lord of Glory and Honor, (please do) make me love

meeting You,

حبب لقائيوا

(please do) love my meeting,

امة لكرٱوج فرلٱلراحة وٱجعل لي في لقائك ٱو

and make my meeting You entail comfort, relief, and


Ramadhan Amaal 109

لحقني بصالح من مضىاللهم ا

O Allah, join me with the righteous ones among the past


بيل ي س بلني من صالح من بقي وخذجعٱو


include me with the righteous ones of this generation,

guide me to the path of the righteous ones,

لى ين عالحلصٱ ي على نفسي بما تعين بهعنوا

نفسهم ا

help me against myself in just as You help the righteous

ones control themselves,

حسنه ختم عملي باٱو

seal my deed with the best of it,

كتة برحملجن ٱجعل ثوابي منه ٱو

decide Paradise as the reward of my deeds on account of

Your mercy,

Ramadhan Amaal 110

عطيتنيي على صالح ما انعوا

help me manage the good things that You have endowed

upon me,

ذتني ستنقٱء وسني في ترد الو تني يا ربوثب


make me firm, O Lord, and do not make me return to

evildoing after You have saved me from it.

لعالمين ٱ يا ربO Lord of the worlds!

قائكجل له دون لا المانا ـلك إيساي االلهم إن

O Allah, I beseech You for faith that does not stop until I

meet You.

حييتني عليه حيني ما اا

As long as You grant me lifetime, (please do) connect me

to that faith,

يتني عليهني إذا توفوتوف

and when You decide to grasp my soul, make me carry

Ramadhan Amaal 111

that faith with me.

بعثني إذا بعثتني عليهٱو

When You resurrect me, make me carry it with me.

ي عة ف مسلٱو كلشٱياء ولرٱبرئ قلبي من وا


Release my heart from showing off, suspicion, and

pretension in the affairs of Your religion

حتى يكون عملي خالصا لك

so that my deed will be purely intended for Your sake.

عطني بصيرة في دينك اللهم ا

O Allah, grant me discerning awareness in Your religion,

وفهما في حكمك

understanding of Your laws,

وفقها في علمك

insight in Your knowledge,

وكفلين من رحمتك

Ramadhan Amaal 112

two folds of Your mercy,

وورعا يحجزني عن معاصيك

and piety that impedes me from disobeying You.

ض وجهي بنوركوبي

Make my face glitter on account of Your light,

جعل رغبتي فيما عندكٱو

make me desire for nothing but that which You hold,

كولسرة ني في سبيلك وعلى ملوفوت

and when I die, make me die following Your Path and

carrying the principles of Your Prophet—

صلى ٱلله عليه وعلى آله Allah’s blessings be upon him and his Household.

لفشلٱ ولكسلٱوذ بك من عي االلهم إنO Allah, I seek Your protection against laziness, failure,

لبخلٱلجبن وٱو لهمٱوgrief, cowardice, stinginess,

Ramadhan Amaal 113

لمسكنةٱلقسوة وٱلغفلة وٱوinattentiveness, brutality, poverty,

لفاقةٱلفقر وٱوneediness, destitution,

بطن ا ومانهم لفواحش ما ظهرٱة وبلي وكل

and against all misfortunes and all shameful deeds,

whether open or secret.

تقنع العوذ بك من نفس وا

I seek Your protection against having unsatisfied self,

يشبع الوبطن

insatiate stomach,

يخشع الوقلب

fearless heart,

يسمع الودعاء

unanswered prayers,

ينفع الوعمل

Ramadhan Amaal 114

and futile deed.

ليماويني على نفسي ود عوذ بك يا ربوا

I ask You, O Lord, to guard myself, my religion, my


مجيلرٱان طيلشٱوعلى جميع ما رزقتني من and all that which You have granted me against Satan

the accursed.

لعليم ٱميع لس ٱنت ك اإن

Verily, You are the All-hearing, the All-knowing.

حديجيرني منك ا اله اللهم إن

O Allah, none can ever save me against You

جد من دونك ملتحداوال ا

and I can never find any shelter against You.

كاب فال تجعل نفسي في شيء من عذ

So, (please) do not make anything that brings about

Your punishment control over me,

ني بهلكةوال ترد

Ramadhan Amaal 115

do not let me lead myself to perdition,

ليمني بعذاب اوال ترد

and do not make me deserve the painful chastisement.

يل مناللهم تقب

O Allah, accept from me,

عل ذكريوا

grant me reputation,

رفع درجتيٱو

elevate my rank,

وزري وحط

exonerate my offenses,

وال تذكرني بخطيئتي

do not refer to me with my faults,

جعل ثواب مجلسيٱو

let the reward of my sessions,

ب منطقيوثوا

Ramadhan Amaal 116

my utterance,

ةلجنٱوثواب دعائي رضاك و

and my prayer be Your pleasure and Paradise.

لتك وزدني من جميع ما سا عطني يا ربوا


Give me, O Lord, all that which I have asked for from

You and grant me more favor,

ينلعالمٱ ي إليك راغب يا رب إنfor I seek none but You, O Lord of the worlds!

ن ظلمنامن نعفو عا نزلت في كتابكك االلهم إن

O Allah, You have ordered us in Your book that we

should overlook those who wrong us.

ولى بذلك ك اإنفعف عنا ٱنفسنا فوقد ظلمنا ا


We have thus wronged ourselves; so, forgive us, for You

are worthier of forgiveness than we are.

Ramadhan Amaal 117

بوابنااسائال عن نرد الن مرتنا اواYou have ordered us not to reject any beggar being on

our doors.

حاجتيقضاء بالني إوقد جئتك سائال فال ترد

Here I am begging You; so, do not reject me; rather,

respond to my need.

يماننات احسان إلى ما ملكإلٱمرتنا بواYou have ordered us to act nicely to those under our


لنارٱن عتق رقابنا مرقاؤك فاونحن ا

We are surely under Your authority; so, release us from


يا مفزعي عند كربتي

O my Shelter whenever I am aggrieved!

تيويا غوثي عند شد

O my Aid whenever hardships hit me!

إليك فزعت

Ramadhan Amaal 118

To You have I resorted.

ستغثت ولذتٱوبك

With You have I sought refuge and haven.

لوذ بسواكا ال

To none save You shall I ever resort.

فرج إال منك لٱطلب وال اFrom none save You shall I ever seek for relief.

يعن جغثني وفرفا

So, (please do) aid me and relieve my hardship.

ركثيلٱ ليسير ويعفو عنٱيا من يقبل O He Who accepts the little (deed) and overlooks the

much (wrong)!

ثيرلكٱ يعف عنٱليسير وٱ يقبل منٱ

Accept my little (deed) and overlook my much (wrong).

لغفور ٱحيم لرٱنت ك اإن

You are certainly the All-merciful, the All-forgiving.

Ramadhan Amaal 119

يشر به قلب بامانا تـلك إيساي االلهم إن

O Allah, I pray You for faith that covers my heart

ا م يصيبني إال ه لننعلم اويقينا صادقا حتى ا

كتبت لي

and for honest conviction so that I will believe that

nothing will inflict me save that about which You have

already known.

يلعيش بما قسمت لٱني من ورض

Make me be satisfied with my livelihood that You have

decided for me.

لراحمينٱرحم يا ا

O most Merciful of all those who show mercy!

Ramadhan Amaal 120

Dua Ya Uddati

Shaykh al-Tusiy has also mentioned the following

supplication to be said at the last hours of Ramadhan


تي في كربتي،يا عد O my means in troubles:

تي،ويا صاحبي في شد O my Companion in hardships:

ي في نعمتي،ويا ولي O the Provider of my amenities;

ويا غايتي في رغبتي،O the utmost of my desires.

أنت الساتر عورتي،It is You Who conceals my defects,

والمؤمن روعتي،

Ramadhan Amaal 121

Who relieves my apprehensions,

والمقيل عثرتي،and Who overlooks my slips;

ي.فاغفر لي خطيئت so, (please do) forgive my sin.

ي أسألك خشوع اإليمانإن اللهم

O Allah: I pray You for the submission of faith

في النار، قبل خشوع الذل before I encounter the submission of humiliation in


مديا واحد يا أحد يا ص

O the One: O the Absolute: O the Besought of all:

يا من لم يلد ولم يولدO He Who neither begets nor is He begotten,

ولم يكن له كفوا أحد،and there is none like to Him.

Ramadhan Amaal 122

يا من يعطي من سأله O He Who confers upon him who beseeches Him

نا منه ورحمة،تحن on account of His sympathy and mercy;

هويبتدئ بالخير من لم يسأل

and He Who initially grants welfare to those who have

not asked for it,

ال منه وكرما،تفض on account of His liberality and generosity.

بكرمك الدائمI beseech You in the name of Your endless generosity

دد وآل محمعلى محم صل

that You bless Muhammad and the Household of


وهب لي رحمة واسعة جامعة

and bestow upon me with mercy—vast and


Ramadhan Amaal 123

.نيا واآلخرةأبلغ بها خير الد by which I can win the welfare of this world as well as

the Next World.

عدت ي أستغفرك لما تبت إليك منه ثمإن اللهم

فيه،O Allah: I do pray for Your forgiveness for the sins from

which I had repented to You but I committed them


ه وجهكخير أردت ب وأستغفرك لكل

And I pray for Your forgiveness for my righteous acts

that although I intended them purely for Your sake,

ي فيه ما ليس لك.فخالطن some purposes that are not intended for You intruded

upon them.

د د وآل محمعلى محم صل اللهم

O Allah: (please do) send blessings upon Muhammad

and the Household of Muhammad

واعف عن ظلمي وجرمي

Ramadhan Amaal 124

and pardon my transgression and my offenses

بحلمك وجودك يا كريم،in the name of Your forbearance and magnanimity;

يامن ال يخيب سائله،O the All-generous. O He- one who prays Him will never

be disappointed;

وال ينفد نائله،one who seeks His rewards will never be devoid of


يا من عال فال شيء فوقه،O He Who is so Elevated that nothing can ever be higher

than He is;

ودنا فال شيء دونه،and Who is so Nigh that nothing can ever be closer that

He is:

دد وآل محمى محمعل صل

(please do) send blessings upon Muhammad and the

Household of Muhammad

Ramadhan Amaal 125


and have mercy upon me—

يا فالق البحر لموسى،O He Who split asunder the sea for (Prophet) Moses—

يلة،يلة الليلة اللالل this very night, this very night, this very night,

الساعة الساعة الساعة.this very hour, this very hour, this very hour.

فاق،ر قلبي من النطه اللهم O Allah: (please do) purify my heart from hypocrisy;

ياء،وعملي من الر and purify my acts from showing off;

ولساني من الكذب،and purity my tongue from telling untruths;

وعيني من الخيانة،and purify my eye from treason,

Ramadhan Amaal 126

دور،ا تخفي الصك تعلم خائنة األعين ومفإن for You know the stealYour looks and that which the

breasts conceal.

النار، هذا مقام العائذ بك من يا رب O my Lord: this is the manner of him who seeks Your

protection from Hellfire.

ار،هذا مقام المستجير بك من الن This is the manner of him who seeks Your shelter

against Hellfire.

ار،هذا مقام المستغيث بك من الن This is the manner of him who seeks Your aid against


ر،هذا مقام الهارب إليك من النا This is the manner of him who flees to You from


،ا مقام من يبوء لك بخطيئتههذ This is the manner of him who returns to You carrying

his offenses,

Ramadhan Amaal 127

ويعترف بذنبه،confessing of his sins,

ه،ويتوب إلى رب and repenting to You—his Lord.

هذا مقام البائس الفقير،This is the manner of the miserable, the poor.

هذا مقام الخائف المستجير،This is the manner of the fearful, the seeker of Your


هذا مقام المحزون المكروب،This is the manner of the aggrieved, the distressed.

غموم المهموم،هذا مقام الم This is the manner of the depressing, the gloomy.

هذا مقام الغريب الغريق،This is the manner of the stranger, the drowned.

هذا مقام المستوحش الفرق،

Ramadhan Amaal 128

This is the manner of the alienated, the frightened.

را غيرك،قام من ال يجد لذنبه غافهذا م This is the manner of him who cannot find anyone save

You to forgive his sins;

يا إال أنت،وال لضعفه مقو who cannot find anyone save You to give him power;

،جا سواكه مفروال لهم and who cannot find anyone save You to relieve his grief.

يا الله يا كريمO Allah, O All-generous:

دي لك وتعفيريال تحرق وجهي بالنار بعد سجو

(please) do not burn my face with Hellfire after I have

prostrated myself before You and I have soiled my face

for You.

ي عليكمن بغير من

Of course, this is not a personal favor that I have done to


Ramadhan Amaal 129

، عليلفضوالت بل لك الحمد والمن rather it is on account of Your Praiseworthy favor and

guidance to me.

...أي رب أي رب ارحم أي رب So, have mercy, O Lord, O Lord, O Lord…

(keep saying as much as one breath takes)

then continue:

ضعفي،upon my weakness,

ة حيلتي،وقل upon my confusedness,

ة جلدي،ورق upon the softness of my skin,

د أوصالي،وتبد

Ramadhan Amaal 130

upon the separation of my organs,

وتناثر لحمي وجسمي وجسدي،upon the dispersal of my flesh, body, and corpse,

ووحدتي ووحشتي في قبري

upon my loneliness and lonesomeness in my grave,

ن صغير البالء،وجزعي م and upon my anxiety at the least misfortune that inflicts


غتباطة العين واإلقر رب أسألك يا

I beseech You, O Lord, for delight and happiness

دامة،يوم الحسرة والن on the Day of regret and remorse.

لوجوه،ا يوم تسود ض وجهي يا رببي (Please do) whiten my face, O Lord, when some faces

will be blackened.

ي من الفزع األكبر،آمن (Please do) secure me against the Supreme Horror.

Ramadhan Amaal 131

لوب واألبصار،ب القأسألك البشرى يوم تقل I beseech You for good tidings when hearts and sights

shall be turned about

نيا.والبشرى عند فراق الد and for good tidings when I depart this life.

ي في حياتي،لذي أرجوه عونا الحمد لله ال All praise be to Allah Whom I hope for aiding me in my


ه ذخرا ليوم فاقتي.وأعد and Whom I want to act as my Provision on the day of

my neediness.

عو غيره،ذي أدعوه وال أدالحمد لله ال All praise be to Allah Whom alone do I beseech and I

never beseech anyone rather than Him;

ب دعائي.ولو دعوت غيره لخي and even if I beseech anyone else, he will definitely let

me down.

ذي أرجوه وال أرجو غيره،الحمد لله ال

Ramadhan Amaal 132

All praise be to Allah for Whom I hope and I never hope

for anyone rather than Him;

.ولو رجوت غيره ألخلف رجائي and even if I hope for anyone else, he will definitely

disappoint me.

الحمد لله المنعم المحسنAll praise be to Allah, the All-benefactor, the All-donor,

المجمل المفضلthe All-favorer, the All-liberal,

ذي الجالل واإلكرام،the Lord of Majesty and Honor,

نعمة، كل ولي the Source of all bounties,

حسنة، وصاحب كل And the Cause of all good deeds,

ة،رغب ومنتهى كل the Ultimate Goal of all desires,

Ramadhan Amaal 133

حاجة. وقاضي كل and the Answerer of all needs.

د د وآل محمعلى محم صل اللهم

O Allah: (please do) send blessings upon Muhammad

and the Household of Muhammad

ك،ب نظوارزقني اليقين وحسن ال and grant me conviction and having good idea about


وأثبت رجاءك في قلبي،and fix my hope for You in my heart;

ن سواكواقطع رجائي عم

and deprive me of putting my hope in anyone other than


بك،يرك وال أثق إالحتى ال أرجو غso that I shall hope for none but You and I shall trust

none but You.

يا لطيفا لما تشاء

Ramadhan Amaal 134

O He Who is Benignant to whom He pleases:

وترضى، حب لطف لي في جميع أحوالي بما تأ (please do) have benignity towards me in all my

manners in the very way that You like and please.

بني بالنار،تعذ ي ضعيف على النار فالإن يا رب O my Lord: verily, I am too weak to encounter Your Fire;

therefore, (please) do not punish me with Your Fire.

عيارحم دعائي وتضر ربيا

O my Lord: (please do) have mercy upon my prayers, my

earnest imploring,

ي ومسكنتيوخوفي وذل

my fear, my humiliation, my neediness,

وتعويذي وتلويذي،my seeking Your protection, and my seeking Your


انيي ضعيف عن طلب الدإن يا رب

O my Lord: I am too weak to seek earnings in this world

Ramadhan Amaal 135

وأنت واسع كريم،and You are Ample-giving and All-generous.

،تك على ذلكبقو أسألك يا رب I beseech You, O my Lord, in the name of Your power

over that,

وقدرتك عليه،and Your supremacy over it,

وغناك عنه،and Your dispensing with it,

وحاجتي إليه،and my urgent need for it

أن ترزقني في عامي هذا،that You grant me sustenance in this year,

شهري هذا،و in this month,

ويومي هذا،

Ramadhan Amaal 136

on this day,

وساعتي هذه

at this hour—

ي أيدي الناس ف ما فرزقا تغنيني به عن تكل

sustenance by which You may make me dispense with

what the others possess,

ب،يمن رزقك الحالل الط from Your sustenance, legal and nice.

منك أطلب، أي رب O my Lord: from You do I ask;

وإليك أرغب،and for You do I desire;

وإياك أرجو،and for You do I hope;

وأنت أهل ذلك

and You are the worthiest of hope.

Ramadhan Amaal 137

و غيركال أرج

I hope for none but You

وال أثق إال بك

and I trust in none but You.

يا أرحم الراحمين،O the most Merciful of all those who show mercy:

ظلمت نفسي أي رب

O my Lord: I have wronged myself;

عافني،فاغفر لي وارحمني و so, (please do) forgive me, have mercy upon me, and

grant me good health.

صوت، يا سامع كل O the Hearer of all sounds;

فوت، ويا جامع كل O He Who takes precedence over everything that passes


Ramadhan Amaal 138

الموت،فوس بعدويا بارئ النO the Reviver of all souls after death;

لمات،يا من ال تغشاه الظ O He Whom is not screened by murk;

وال تشتبه عليه األصوات،O He Whom is not made confused by sounds;

وال يشغله شيء عن شيء،O He Whom is not engaged by something against

another thing;

دا صلى الله عليه وآله أفضل ما أعط محم

سألك،(please do) grant Muhammad—peace be upon him and

his Family—the best of all that for which he has

besought You

وأفضل ما سئلت له،and the best of all that which has been asked from You

for him

Ramadhan Amaal 139

وم القيامة،وأفضل ما أنت مسؤول له إلى ي and the best all that which You shall be asked for him up

to the Resurrection Day;

لمعيشة،ا ئنيوهب لي العافية حتى تهن and grant me good health so that I may enjoy my life;

نوب.لذاني واختم لي بخير حتى ال تضر and end my life with a happy end so that my sins may

not injure me.

ني بما قسمت لي حتى ال أسأل أحدا رض اللهم

شيئا.O Allah: (please do) make me satisfied with that which

You have decided for me so that I will not ask anyone

else for anything.

د د وآل محمعلى محم صل اللهم

O Allah: (please do) send blessings upon Muhammad

and the Household of Muhammad

وافتح لي خزائن رحمتك،

Ramadhan Amaal 140

And open to me the stores of Your mercy

نيا بني بعدها أبدا في الدوارحمني رحمة ال تعذ

واآلخرة،and cover me with a mercy from You owing to which You

will not punish me neither in this world nor in the


باا حالال طيوارزقني من فضلك الواسع رزق

and grant me from Your limitless favor sustenance, legal

and nice,

،ال تفقرني إلى أحد بعده سواك owing to which You will make me dispense with anyone

other than You;

تزيدني بذلك شكرا،increasing my gratitude to You,

وإليك فاقة وفقرا،and my neediness and submission before You,

فا،ن سواك غنى وتعفوبك عم

Ramadhan Amaal 141

and increasing my dispensing with and doing without

everyone save You.

يا محسن يا مجملO the All-benefactor; O the All-donor;

يا منعم يا مفضلO the All-favorer; O the All-liberal,

يا مليك يا مقتدرO the All-omnipotent; O the All-sovereign;

دد وآل محمعلى محم صل

(please do) send blessings upon Muhammad and the

Household of Muhammad

ه،كل واكفني المهم and relieve me from all grievances;

واقض لي بالحسنى،and decide the most excellent for me;

وبارك لي في جميع أموريand bless all my affairs;

Ramadhan Amaal 142

اقض لي جميع حوائجي.و and settle all my needs.

هر لي ما أخاف تعسيريس اللهم

O Allah: (please do) make easy for me all that which I

anticipate to be difficult,

ليك سهل يسير،تيسير ما أخاف تعسيره ع فإن for it is quite easy for You to make easy for me that

which I anticipate to be difficult;

ل لي ما أخاف حزونته،وسه and (please do) facilitate for me that I anticipate to be


ي ما أخاف ضيقه،س عنونف and give vent to that which I anticipate to be narrow;

ه،ي ما أخاف همعن وكف and save me from that which I anticipate to cause me


ته ي ما أخاف بليواصرف عن

Ramadhan Amaal 143

and guard me from that which I anticipate to cause me


حمين.يا أرحم الرا O the most Merciful of all those who show mercy.

امأل قلبي حبا لك، اللهم O Allah: (please do) fill in my heart with love for You,

وخشية منك،with fear from You,

وتصديقا لك،with belief in You,

وإيمانا بك،with faith in You,

وفرقا منك،with terror from You,

وشوقا إليك،and with eagerness to You;

Ramadhan Amaal 144

كرام.يا ذا الجالل واإل O the Lord of Majesty and Honor.

،ا علي ق بهلك حقوقا فتصد إن اللهم O Allah: I owe You some rights; so, (please do) consider

them alms and excuse me from their liabilities.

ي،عن لهاوللناس قبلي تبعات فتحم I also owe people some responsibilities; so, (please do)

release me from their charges.

ضيف قرى وقد أوجبت لكل

You have instructed us to honor our guests;

ة،ة الجنيلوأنا ضيفك فاجعل قراي الل and I am Your guest at this night; so, (please do) decide

Paradise for me as Your honoring me at this night.

ة،يا وهاب الجن O the Grantor of Paradise;

يا وهاب المغفرة،O the Grantor of forgiveness;

Ramadhan Amaal 145

إالبك. ةوال حول وال قو and there is no power nor might save with You.

Ramadhan Amaal 146

Dua Idris

It is recommended to recite the Du`a' Idris (the

Supplication of Idris), which has been mentioned by

Shaykh al-Tusiy and Sayyid Ibn Tawus in the books

of Misbah al-Mutahajjid or Iqbal al-A`mal. This

supplication is as follows:

أنت إال هال إل كحانبس

Glory be to You. There is no god save You.

هثوارو يءش لك بيا ر O the Lord and the Inheritor of all things.

،هالل ج فيعالر ةهلاآل هيا إل O the God of gods; whose majesty is elevated.

،هعالف لفي ك مودح الم هلليا ا O Allah, the Praised for all of His acts.

،هم راحو يءش ل ك منحيا ر O the All-beneficent and the All-merciful of all things.

Ramadhan Amaal 147

،هقائبو هلكم ةموميفي د يال ح حين ييا ح O the Ever-living, when there was nothing existent, in

the perpetuity of His kingdom and eternity.

،هدوؤال يو هملع نم يءش فوتال يف ومييا ق O the Self-Subsisting; nothing can be missed by Your

knowledge and nothing can ever tire Him.

.هرآخو يءش لك لي أواق الب ديا واح O the One, the Everlasting, the First and the Last of all


،هكلمل والال زو ناءف ريغب ميا دائ O the Perpetual without extinction, and His kingdom is

never exposed to extermination.

،هلثمك يءال شو بيهش ريفي غ دميا ص O the Besought of all; without being any match to Him

and there is nothing like Him.

،هف صول يدانال مو هوفك يءال شف يا بار O the Upright; nothing can be His equal and nothing can

even approach Him in attributes.

Ramadhan Amaal 148

،هتمظعل لوبدي القتهذي ال تال تأن بيريا ك O the All-big; it is You Whose greatness cannot be hit by


،هريغ نال مخ الثال مشيء بنمال ئيا بار O the Originator, the Maker, without having any


،هسدقب ةآف لك نم راهيا زاكي الط O the Pure, the Safe from any defect due to His Holiness.

.هلضطايا ف ع نم ق لما خل عوسميا كافي ال O the Self-Sufficient, the Bestower upon His creatures

with the gifts of His favors.

،ه عالف هطخالي ملو هضري مل روج لك نم يقيا ن O the Pufiried against any injustice that He does not

accept and that is not found in His deeds.

،هتمحر ء يش لك تعسذي وال ت نأ اننيا ح O the All-tender; it is You Whose mercy covers all


،هنم قالئالخ مع دق سانحذا اإل اننيا م

Ramadhan Amaal 149

O the All-favorer, the Lord of benevolence that He

spreads over all the created beings.

.هتبهرل عاخاض قومي لكف بادعال انييا د O the Master of the servants; everything stands in

submission to the fear of Him.

هيإل لكف ضيناألرو مواتفي الس نم قيا خال

،هعادم O the Creator of all those in the heavens and the layers

of the earth; everything shall be returned to Him.

هياثغو روب كمو ريخص ل ك مراحو نامحيا ر

،هعاذمو O the All-beneficent and the All-merciful to and the Aide

and the Shelter of all seekers of aid and all aggrieved


،هزعو هكلم اللج هنك نسلاأل فصال تف يا بار O the Upright; no language can ever describe the reality

of the majesty of His kingdom and might.

نم واناها أعشائفي إن غبي مرايا لالب ئدبيا مو

Ramadhan Amaal 150

،هلقخ O the Originator of all the creation; in Your creation,

You did not need assistants from among Your creatures.

.هظفح ءيش نم هدوؤفال ي يوبالغ ماليا ع O the Knower of all the unseen; the preservation of all

things does not tire You.

نم هتوعدل قالئالخ زرإذا ب ناهما أف عيداا مي

،هتخافم O He Who shall restore to life all that which He

terminates when the creatures will be resurrected on

account of His call out of fear of Him.

،هقلخ نم هلدعي يءال شف ناةذا األ ليميا ح O the Forbearing, the Lord of leniency; nothing of Your

creatures can ever match You.

هقلخ ميع لى جع نمذا ال عالالف مودحيا م

،هفطلب O He Whose deeds are praiseworthy, the Lord of

favoring on all Your creatures out of Your kindness.

Ramadhan Amaal 151

،هلدعال شيء يف هرأملى ع بغالال يعنمال زيزيا ع O the Almighty, the Invulnerable, the Dominant over all

affairs; nothing can ever be equivalent to You.

طاقذي ال يال تأن ديدالش شطبذا ال ريا قاه

.هقامتان O the Overcomer, the owner of strong grip; it is You

Whose punishment is intolerable.

،هوند فاعتار ول في ع ريبعالي الق تيا م O the All-exalted, the Nigh in the elevation of Your


،هطانلس زيزع رهقب شيء لك لل ذمال اربيا ج O the All-powerful, the humiliating all things by the

prevalence of His almighty authority;

،هنور ماتلالظ قلذي فال تأن شيء لك يا نور O the Light of all things; it is You Whose light split the


،هلدعيء يش ال و شيء لك نم راهالط وسديا ق

Ramadhan Amaal 152

O the Holy, the Wholesome against all things and

nothing can ever be His counterpart.

،هبرق يءش لك داني دونتمال جيبم ال ريبيا ق O the Nigh; the Responding; and the Approaching very

close that He has becomes the nearest of all things.

ولع شيء ل ك وقف ماءفي الس خاميا عالي الش

،هفاعتار O the Elevated; the Exalted in the heavens; whose

highness has overtopped all things.

.هتردق ها بنائف دعها بعيدمو عدائالب ديعيا ب O the Wonderful Maker of all wonderful things; and the

Restorer of them by His power after they vanish;

،شيء للى كع ربكت مال ليليا ج O the Lofty; the All-great over all things.

،هدعو قدالصو ه رأم لدعالف Just are Your affairs, and truthful are Your promises.

،هدجمو هئناث لك هام األو غلبال يف جيديا م

Ramadhan Amaal 153

O the Glorious; even delusions cannot attain all Your

praise and glory.

،لدعالو وف عال ريميا ك O the Noble in pardon and justice;

،هلدع شيء لك ألذي م ال تأن It is You Whose justice has filled in everywhere.

لذال يف ياءربكالو زعالو رالفاخ ناءذا الث يمظيا ع

،هزع O the Great; the Lord of excellent praise, might, and

magnitude; hence, Your might is never humbled.

.هئناثو هئآال لكب نس األل قطنال ت يبجيا ع O the All-excellent; languages cannot express all Your

bounties and praise.

،ةبرك لك دندي عمتعيا م كألأس I beseech You; O my Reliance at all griefs;

،ةدش لك دنياثي عغو And my Aide at all hardships,

Ramadhan Amaal 154

،ةرخاآلويا نالد قوباتع نم أمانا ماءاألس ههذب (I beseech You) by these names to grant me security

against the punishments in this worldly life as well as

the Next Life.

خوفمو سوء لك نهي بنع فرصت أن كألأسو

،ذورحمو And I beseech You to rebuff from me by these Names all

things that are evil, feared, and jeopardized,

وءالس يب ريدينمال ةمل الظ صاري أبن ع فرصتو

هنع تيهذي نال

And to rebuff from me the sights of the wrongdoers who

intend evil to me—evil against which You have warned;

ريلى خإ رونمضما ي رش نم مهلوبق فرصت أنو

،كونلمما ال ي And to rebuff from me their hearts and change the evil

that they conceal in themselves into the good that they

do not have,

Ramadhan Amaal 155

.ريميا ك كريغ هكلمال يو And none else has it save You, O the All-generous.

ها،ن ع زجأع سي ففلى نإني لكال ت مهللا O Allah: (please) do not refer me to myself, because I

will fail to manage it,

ضوني،فريف اسال إلى النو Or to the people, because they will reject me.

جوكأنا أرني وبيخال تو

And do not disappoint me while I am pleasing You,

،وكعأنا أدني وبذعال تو And do not torture me while I am praying You.

ني،ترما أم ك وكعي أد إن مهالل O Allah: I am praying You as You ordered me to do,

ني،تدعما وي كنبأجف So, (please) answer me as You promised me to do.

لي.أج يلري ما ومع ريخ لعاج مهالل

Ramadhan Amaal 156

O Allah: (please) make the best of my lifetime be that

which is near to my death.

دي،سج ري غال ت مهالل O Allah: (please) do not change my body,

ي،ظح لسر ال تو And do not stop adding to my shares (from Your favors)

ديقي،ص ؤسال تو And do not cause harm to my friend.

،عرصم مقس ن م كب أعوذ I seek Your protection against deadly diseases,

،عرقم رقفو And against harsh poverty,

،لخال سئب و لالذ نمو And against humiliation and bad company.

،كيإل هدو زتأال شيء لك نبي عل ق لس مهالل O Allah: (please) entertain my heart against all things

that cannot act as my provision to You,

Ramadhan Amaal 157

،قاكأل موي هب عفتال أنو And that cannot avail me on the day when I will meet


،رامح أو اللح نم Be it legal or illegal,

هل تاقمو ةناعقو ازعو هيلع ةوني ق طأع مث

،يهف ضاكرو And then (please) grant me power over it as well as

mighty, contentment, revulsion of it, and Your

satisfaction with it.

.ميناحالر محيا أر O the most Merciful of all those who show mercy;

،ةيلزجال طاياكلى ع ع دمحال لك مهالل O Allah: all praise be to You for Your abundant gifts.

ةرواتتمال كننلى مع دمحال كلو

And all praise be to you for Your uninterrupted favors,

Ramadhan Amaal 158

،موراأل هكاري منع تع ها دافتي بال By which You have saved me from adverse matters,

،رورالس بواهني متيها آتبو And through which You have bestowed upon me with

the donations of pleasure,

،ةلففي الغ ماديت عم Although I persisted in carelessness,

،ةوسقال نم يف يقما بو And I kept some hardheartedness;

ي،نع ت وفع لي أنعف نم كذل كعنمي ملف Nevertheless, all such deeds of mine did not stop You

from pardoning me,

يلع كذل ترتسو

And covering that,

،كمعن ندي مني ما في يتغوسو And allowing me to dispose with Your bounties that are

at my hand,

Ramadhan Amaal 159

،كسانإح نم ي لع تعتابو And continuing in doing good to me,

،كيلإ هب تيضما أف بيحق نلي ع تحفصو And overlooking the ill deeds of which I confessed to


.عاصيكم نم هتكهتانو And my violations of doing acts of disobedience to You.

كل وه ماس لكب كألي أس إن مهالل

O Allah: I beseech You by every Name that is Yours,

،هب عيتدإذا عاءالد ةإجاب فيه كيلع قحي And due to which it becomes incumbent upon You to

respond to those who pray You by it,

،كيلع قح ذي لك ب كألأسو And I beseech You in the name of all those who enjoy a

right with You

،كوند وه ن م يعملى جع كقحبو And in the name of Your duties that are incumbent upon

Ramadhan Amaal 160

all those who are less than You are,

لى عو كول سرو كدب ع دمحلى مع يلصت أن

،هآل (I beseech You) to send blessings upon Muhammad,

Your servant and Your Messenger, and upon his


هرصبو هعمسب ذخف سوءني بأراد نمو

And as for anyone who intends evil to me, (please) have

control on his hearing and sight

هفلخ نمو هيد ي ني ب نمو

And before him and behind him

همالش نعو هميني نعو

And from his right side and from his left side,

.كت وقو كلوحي بنم هعنامو And (please) prevent him from harming me through

Your might and Your power.

عى،دي بر هعم سيل نيا م

Ramadhan Amaal 161

O He with Whom there is no other lord to be prayed;

شى،خي قخال هقوف س يل نيا مو O He above Whom there is no other creator to be feared;

قىتي هإل هدون س يل نيا مو

O He other than Whom there is no god to be feared;

تى،ؤي زيرو هل س يل نيا مو O He Who has no assistant that may be seen first;

شى،ري بحاج هل س يل نيا مو O He Who has no janitor that may be bribed;

نادى،ي ابوب هل س يل نيا مو O He Who has no doorkeeper that may be called;

مارك إال طاءالع ةرث لى كع دادز ال ي نيا مو

،وداجو O He Whose abundant gifting increases him nothing but

more generosity and more magnanimity;

،وافعو ةرفغم إال نوبالذ عتابلى تعو

Ramadhan Amaal 162

And the flow of sinning (of His servants) increases him

nothing but forgiveness and pardon.

دمح م آلو دمح لى م ع لص (please) send blessings upon Muhammad and the

Household of Muhammad,

،هلأه تبي ما أن لعافو And do to me that which befits You,

،هلبي ما أنا أه لعفال تو And do not do to me that which I deserve,

.ةرفغمال لأهوى وقالت لك أهنإف For You are the worthiest of being feared and the

worthiest of forgiving.

Ramadhan Amaal 163

Dua Ya Mafzai

It is recommended to say the following supplication,

which is considered the shortest supplications of the

last hours of Ramadhan nights. It is also mentioned

in the book of Iqbal al-A`mal:

يا مفزعي عند كربتي،O my Safe haven at grievances!

ويا غوثي عند شدتي،O my Aide at hardships!

إليك فزعت،To You do I turn,

وبك استغثت،And Your help do I seek,

وبك لذت،And with You do I take refuge,

ال ألوذ بسواك،

Ramadhan Amaal 164

I seek refuge with none save You;

وال أطلب الفرج إال منك،And I beseech none for relief save You,

فأغثني وفرج عني،So, (please) come to my help and free me from cares.

يا من يقبل اليسير،O He Who accept even the least efforts

ويعفو عن الكثير،And excuses the much wrongdoing:

يسير،اقبل مني ال(please do) accept my little effort

واعف عني الكثير،And excuse my much wrongdoing,

إنك أنت الغفور الرحيم.Verily, You are the Oft-forgiving, Merciful (Lord).

لبي،ه قب اللهم إني أسألك إيمانا تباشر

Ramadhan Amaal 165

O Allah: I ask for the faith with which You may fill in my


ا كتبت ال مإني يبويقينا حتى أعلم أنه لن يص

لي،And for certitude so that I shall always know that

nothing will afflict me save what You have ordained for


،العيش بما قسمت ليورضني من And (please) make me feel satisfied with the living that

You decide for me;

يا أرحم الراحمين،O the most Merciful of all those who show mercy.

يا عدتي في كربتي،O my means at times of agonies,

في شدتي، ويا صاحبيO my companion at times of hardships,

ويا وليي في نعمتي،

Ramadhan Amaal 166

O the Source of my all bounties,

ويا غايتي في رغبتي،O my ultimate goal whenever I desire for something,

أنت الساتر عورتي،It is You Who is the concealer of my defects,

واآلمن روعتي،And it is You Who secures me at times of horror,

والمقيل عثرتي،And it is You Who overlooks my slips,

فاغفر لي خطيئتي،So, (please do) forgive my sin,

يا أرحم الراحمين.O the most Merciful of all those who show mercy.

Ramadhan Amaal 167

Tasbih at the Time of Suhoor

As mentioned in the book of Iqbal al-A`mal, it is

recommended to recite the following invocation of

glorifying Almighty Allah (tasbihat):

!سبحان من يعلم جوارح القلوبGlory be to Him Who is aware of what the hearts and

minds strive to obtain!

سبحان من يحصي عدد الذنوب!Glory be to Him Who knows the exact count of the sins!

ات لسماوي ا فسبحان من ال يخفى عليه خافية

واألرضين!Glory be to Him from whose view nothing in the heavens

and the earths is concealed!

سبحان الرب الودود!Glory be to the Loving Lord!

Ramadhan Amaal 168

سبحان الفرد الوتر!Glory be to the Unique Single!

سبحان العظيم األعظم!Glory be to the Greatest Great!

ه!كتمل ال يعتدي على أهل مسبحان منGlory be to Him Who does not transgress against the

inhabitants of his Kingdom!

لعذاب!وان األب سبحان من ال يؤاخذ أهل األرضGlory be to Him Who does not bring down any kind of

punishment upon the inhabitants of the earth!

سبحان الحنان المنان!Glory be to the Kind Compassionate!

سبحان الرؤوف الرحيم!Glory be to the Oft-Forgiving Merciful!

سبحان الجبار الجواد!Glory be to the Omnipotent, the All-magnanimous!

Ramadhan Amaal 169

حان الكريم الحليم!سبGlory be to the Indulgent, the Liberal!

سبحان البصير العليم!Glory be to the Discerning, the Wise!

سبحان البصير الواسع!Glory be to the Comprehending, the All-Wise!

سبحان الله على إقبال النهار!Glory be to Allah at the time of Daybreak!

سبحان الله على إدبار النهار،Glory be to Allah at the time of sunset!

ار النهبالإقسبحان الله على إدبار الليل و

Glory be to Allah in the zero hours of the departing night

and in the twilight of the dawning day!

ياءبرلكوله الحمد والمجد والعظمة وا

For Him alone is the praise, might, greatness and


Ramadhan Amaal 170

مع كل نفس وكل طرفة عين

with every breath and every twinkle of an eye,

ق في علمه،وكل لمحة سبand every moment is already registered in His all

embracing awareness.

سبحانك ملء ما أحصى كتابك،Glory be to You for the infinite range that covers Your


سبحانك زنة عرشك،Glory be to You—Glory that is equal to the measure of

Your Throne!

.سبحانك سبحانك سبحانكGlory be to You! Glory be to You! Glory be to You!

Ramadhan Amaal 171

Amaal at the time of Iftaar

in the Holy Month of Ramadhan

It is recommended to begin breaking the fast with

utterly legally gotten food, especially dates. This act

doubles the reward of the prayer to four hundred

folds. It is also advisable to break the fast with dates,

ripe dates, candy, sugar-candy, and cool water.

A hadith reads, “Almighty Allah releases from

Hellfire one million persons at the last hour of every

day in Ramadhan; therefore, pray Almighty Allah to

include you with these released ones.”

It is recommended to recite the Surah of al-Qadr at

breaking the fast.

It is recommended to say the familiar supplications

of breaking the fast, such as the following:

Ramadhan Amaal 172

لك صمت، وعلى رزقك أفطرت، وعليك اللهم


O Allah: For the sake of You have I fasted; and with Your

sustenance have I broken my fast; and in You have I


One who says this supplication will be awarded, by

Almighty Allah, the rewards of all those who

observe fasting on that day.

It has been narrated that Imam `Ali (a.s) used to say

the following invocation when he would break his


بسم الله،In the Name of Allah.

لك صمنا، اللهمO Allah: For You have we fasted;

وعلى رزقك أفطرنا،

Ramadhan Amaal 173

and with Your sustenance have we broken our fasting;

ل منافتقب

so, (please) accept form us.

ميع العليمك أنت الس إن

You are surely the All-hearing, the All-knower.

It is recommended to say the following at the first

bite of the food with which the fasting is broken:

In the Name of Allah; the All-beneficent, the All-


حيم،حمن الربسم الله الرO the Liberal in forgiving: (please do) forgive me.

.يا واسع المغفرة اغفر لي

Forgiveness of Almighty Allah is the reward of

saying this supplication.

It is recommended to give alms at the time of

Ramadhan Amaal 174

breaking the fast and to offer food to the other

fasters even if with a single date and a drink of

water. Concerning this, the Holy Prophet (a.s) is

reported to have said, “Verily, anyone who offers

food for a faster in Ramadhan will have the same

reward that is decided for the faster without having

any amount of his reward reduced and will have the

same reward of acting good deeds according to the

power of that food.”

`Allamah al-Hilli, in ‘al-Risalah al-Sa`diyyah’, has

narrated that Imam Ja`far al-Sadiq (a.s) said, “As for

any believer who feeds another believer with a

single bite of food in Ramadhan, Almighty Allah

will decide for him the reward of manumitting thirty

believing slaves and will decide for him response of

his prayer.”

Ramadhan Amaal 175

Dua Nur

(to be recited before iftaar)

This supplication brings about great merit. The Holy

Prophet (saws) recommended this dua to Imam Ali

(as) and said that Jibreel (as) came to me and said,"

Whoever in the holy month of Ramadhan before

iftaar recites this dua, Allah (swt) answers his

prayer, accepts his prayer and fasting, grants his ten

requirements, forgives his sins, removes his grief's,

makes his heart at ease, grants his wishes, makes his

deeds to ascend upward with the deeds of prophets

and righteous saints and on the Day of Judgment

brings him to His presence with his face illuminated

like a bright moon."

Sayyid ibn Tawus and al-Kaf`amiy have narrated the

following supplication to be said at this time:

ب الكرسي الرفيع للهم رب النور العظيم و را O Lord of the magnificent light, Lord of the highest


Ramadhan Amaal 176

الكبير لشفع و رب البحر المسجور و رب ا Lord of the flowing seas, Lord of the great intercessor

و النور العزيز و رب التوراة و الإنجيل و الزبور

م والفرقان العظي Lord of the flowing seas, Lord of the great intercessor

and brilliant light, Lord of the Tawrat and Injil, and the

grand Furqan (criterion).

-ضي الأر فه منإله من في السماوات و إل أنتYou are the only God of the heavens and the earth.

ماوات ي السفن مك ال إله فيهما غيرك و أنت مل

ما غيركو ملك من في الأرض ال ملكفيه There is no other god save you. You are powerful over

everything in the heavens and earth. There is no

powerful save You. You are the owner of the heavens and

earth. There is no owner save you.

أسألك باسمك الكبير و نور وجهك المنير و

Ramadhan Amaal 177

بملكك القديمI beseech you through your great name, your brilliant

superior being, your ever existing kingdom

وم يا حي يا قيوميا حي يا قيوم يا حي يا قي O Ever living, O Self –Subsisting, O Ever living, O self


ء ل شيكأسألك باسمك الذي أشرق به I beseech you in thy name that illuminates everything

ماوات و الأرضو باسمك الذي أشرقت به الس and by thy name that radiates in the heavens and earth,

يصلح و باسمك الذي صلح به الأولون و به

الآخرون thy name which sets the people of all times on the right

path from the foremost to the last.

عد كل حي يا حي قبل كل حي و يا حي ب O Ever Living who was there before anything else. O

Ever Living who is ever existing when no life shall exist.

Ramadhan Amaal 178

و يا حي ال إله إال أنت صل على محمد و آل

محمدO Ever Living there is no god save You. Peace be upon

Mohammed and his progeny.

و اغفر لي ذنوبي و اجعل لي من أمري يسرا و

فرجا قريباForgive me my sins, make my affairs easy, and the

reappearance near

و ثبتني على دين محمد و آل محمد و على

سنة محمد و آل محمد عليه و عليهم السالم

and keep us firm in the religion of Mohammed and

family of Mohammed, on the guidance of Mohammed

and family of Mohammed, on the sunnah of Mohammed

and his family, peace be upon him and his family.

تقبلفوع المو اجعل عملي في المر Make my deeds lofty and accepted.

Ramadhan Amaal 179

أهل طاعتكوو هب لي كما وهبت لأوليائك

Bestow upon me like you have granted your pious and

obedient servants.

يكفإني مؤمن بك و متوكل عل For surely I am a believer in you, trusting in you,

تجمع لي ومنيب إليك مع مصيري إليك turning repentantly to you, to you is my journeys end.

هلخير كلاو لأهلي و ولدي لئ تجمع و

Gather for me and for my family and my parents all good

لي الشر كلهو تصرف عني و عن ولدي و أه and remove for me , my family and parents all evil.

ماوات و الأرضأنت الحنان المنان بديع الس You are the compassionate, the supporter and the

originator of the heavens and the earth.

تعطي الخير من تشاء و تصرفه عمن تشاء

فامنن علي برحمتك

Ramadhan Amaal 180

Give me the best that you wish and protect me from

Your Grace

يا أرحم الراحمين.

O Kind and compassionate.

Ramadhan Amaal 181

Duas to be recited after every Obligatory


in the Holy Month of Ramadhan

Dua اللهم ارزقني حج بيتك الحرام

Dua يا علي يا عظيم

Dua للهم أدخل على أهل القبور السرور

Dua Hajj (to be recited after Maghrib Prayer)

Ramadhan Amaal 182

اللهم ارزقني حج بيتك الحرام

Sayyid Ibn Tawus has narrated that Imam al-Sadiq

and Imam al-Ka¨im (a.s) instructed that the

following supplication is advisably said after each

and every obligatory prayer all over the month of


ام بيتك الحر ارزقني حج اللهم

O Allah: (please) confer upon me with the grace of

pilgrimage to Your Holy House,

عام في عامي هذا وفي كل

in this year and every year

،زقرسعة ويةما أبقيتني في يسر منك وعافas long as You keep me alive, with easiness, good health,

and expansive sustenance from You.

ة،يمكروال تخلني من تلك المواقف الand do not deprive me of these noble situations,

Ramadhan Amaal 183

ريفة،والمشاهد الشand holy places,

آله،ه وليك صلواتك عقبر نبيوزيارة and visiting the tomb of Your Prophet—may Your

blessings be upon him and his Household;

ن ليفك ةنيا واألخروفي جميع حوائج الد

and (please) stand for me in all of my needs for this

worldly life and the Next World.

ردتقوما تقضي ي أسألك فيإن اللهم

O Allah: I beseech You regarding that which You decide

and determine

ر دمن األمر المحتوم في ليلة الق

from the inevitable decisions that You make on the

Grand Night—

ل دوال يب ذي ال يردمن القضاء ال

decisions that are neither retreated nor altered—

امحرأن تكتبني من حجاج بيتك ال

Ramadhan Amaal 184

that You may include me with the pilgrims to Your Holy


هم،المبرور حج whose pilgrimage is admitted by You

المشكور سعيهم،and whose efforts are thankfully accepted by You,

المغفور ذنوبهم،and whose sins are forgiven by You,

ئاتهم،ر عنهم سيالمكفand whose offenses are pardoned by You,

رقضي وتقدما ت واجعل في

and that You, also within Your determined decisions,

أن تطيل عمري

that You decide for me a long life,

رزقي، ع عليوتوسand expansive sustenance,

Ramadhan Amaal 185

ي أمانتي وديني،ي عنوتؤدand that You help me fulfill my trusts and settle my


العالمين. آمين ربRespond to me; O the Lord of the worlds.

Ramadhan Amaal 186

يا علي يا عظيم

You may also say the following supplication after all

obligatory prayers in Ramadhan:

يا عظيم يا علي

O Most High! O All-great!

يا غفور يا رحيم

O All-forgiving! O All-merciful!

لعظيم ٱ بلرٱنت اYou are the All-great Lord

ذي ليس كمثله شيءلٱ

like Whom there is nothing,

لبصير ٱميع لسٱوهو

and He is the All-hearing, the All-aware.

متهمته وكرهر عظوهذا ش

This is a month that You have glorified, ennobled,

Ramadhan Amaal 187

هورلشٱلته على فته وفضوشر

honored, and preferred to the other months.

ي عل ذي فرضت صيامهلٱهر لشٱوهو

It is the month that You imposed upon me to observe

fasting in it.

يه القرآننزلت فذي الٱوهو شهر رمضان It is the month of Ramadhan during which You revealed

the Quran

رقان لفٱو لهدىٱنات من للناس وبي هدى

as guidance for people, clear proofs on true guidance,

and distinction (between the right and the wrong).

لقدرٱوجعلت فيه ليلة You decided the Grand Night to be in it

ف شهر من الوجعلتها خيرا

and You have decided it to be more favorable that one

thousand months.

عليك وال يمن لمنٱ يا ذاف

Ramadhan Amaal 188

So, O Lord of graces! None can ever do favor to You!

منمن ت في ارلنٱبفكاك رقبتي من علي من


please, do me a favor by releasing me from the Fire and

by including me with those to whom You do this favor,

ةلجنٱدخلني وا

and allow me to enter Paradise,

لراحمين ٱرحم ا برحمتك يا

on account of Your mercy. O most Merciful of all those

who show mercy!

Ramadhan Amaal 189

اللهم أدخل على أهل القبور السرور

In ‘al-Misbah’ and in ‘al-Balad al-Amin’, Shaykh

al-Kaf`amiy, as well as Shaykh al-Shahid in ‘al-

Majmu`ah’, have narrated that the Holy Prophet (a.s)

said that one who says the following supplication

after each obligatory prayer in Ramadhan will have

all his sins forgiven up to the Resurrection Day:

ر،رولساأدخل على أهل القبور اللهمO Allah: (please do) bring in pleasure to the inhabitants

of graves (i.e. the dead).

فقير، أغن كل اللهمO Allah: (please do) enhance all poor ones.

جائع، أشبع كل اللهمO Allah: (please do) satisfy all hungry ones.

عريان، اكس كل اللهمO Allah: (please do) provide all the naked with clothes.

Ramadhan Amaal 190

مدين، اقض دين كل اللهمO Allah: (please do) help all the debtors settle their


مكروب، ج عن كلفر اللهمO Allah: (please do) relieve all the aggrieved ones.

غريب، كل رد اللهمO Allah: (please do) help all the strangers to return


أسير، كل فك اللهمO Allah: (please do) release all prisoners.

ن،سلميلمار فاسد من أمو أصلح كل اللهمO Allah: (please do) rectify all the Muslims’ affairs that

are wrong.

مريض، اشف كل اللهمO Allah: (please do) heal all the ailed ones.

فقرنا بغناك، سد اللهمO Allah: (please do) fill in our poverty with Your

Ramadhan Amaal 191


ك،الر سوء حالنا بحسن حغي اللهمO Allah: (please do) change our ill manners through

Your excellent manners.

،لفقران ا مين وأغنناقض عنا الد اللهمO Allah: (please do) help us settle our debts and save us

from poverty.

شيء قدير. ك على كلإنverily, You have power over all things.

Ramadhan Amaal 192

Dua Hajj

It has been narrated by Sayyid Ibn Tawus in ‘al-

Iqbal’ that Imam al-Sadiq (a.s) used to say this

supplication after the Maghrib (sunset) Prayers in

Ramadhan. In ‘al-Kafi’, al-Kulayniy has narrated on

the authority of Abu-Basir that Imam al-Sadiq (a.s)

used to say the following supplication in Ramadhan:

تي،ي بك ومنك أطلب حاجإن اللهم

O Allah: From You and by You, I beseech for settling my


ومن طلب حاجة إلى الناس

If others beg people for settling their needs,

ي ال أطلب حاجتي إال منك فإن

I ask none except You for settling my need;

وحدك ال شريك لك،From You alone, since You have no partner with You

Ramadhan Amaal 193

وأسألك بفضلك ورضوانك

and I thus implore You in the name of Your favor and

Your pleasure,

هتد وأهل بيي على محمأن تصل

to send blessings upon Muhammad and his Household,

م لحرااك ت ى بيوأن تجعل لي في عامي هذا إل


And to choose for me a way to Your Holy House this


لكصةالخلة زاكية ة مبرورة متقبحج

A pilgrimage that is admitted, accepted, pure, and

sincerely for You

بها عيني، تقرBy which You delight me,

وترفع بها درجتي،And raise my rank with You

Ramadhan Amaal 194

بصري، وترزقني أن أغضAnd to confer upon me with the grace of making me cast

my sight down (against what is illegal for me to look at)

وأن أحفظ فرجي،And making me act chastely

كبها عن جميع محارم وأن أكف

And making me stop committing any deed that You have

deemed unlawful

ك اعتط حتى ال يكون شيء آثر عندي من


So that nothing will be more preferred in my sight than

the obedience to You and the fear of You

والعمل بما أحببت،And doing all that which You love,

،رك لما كرهت ونهيت عنهوالتAnd avoiding all that which You have detested and

warned against.

Ramadhan Amaal 195

عمت ما أنوة يواجعل ذلك في يسر ويسار وعاف

،به عليAnd (please) make all that take place with easiness,

lenience, and good health as well as the grave that You

have bestowed upon me.

بيلك ي سف وأسألك أن تجعل وفاتي قتال

And I beseech You to cause me to die as martyr for Your


،ك مع أوليائكتحت راية نبيUnder the pennon of Your Prophet and in the line of

Your intimate servants.

ولك،اء رسعدأووأسألك أن تقتل بي أعداءك And I ask You to make me the means of killing Your

enemies and the enemies of Your Messenger.

لقكمن خ ئت شتكرمني بهوان من وأسألك أن

And I ask You to honor me through humiliating any one

of Your created beings that You choose,

يائك.أول ي بكرامة أحد منوال تهن

Ramadhan Amaal 196

And not to humiliate me through honoring any of Your

intimate servants.

،سول سبيالاجعل لي مع الر اللهمO Allah: find me a way with the Messenger.

شاء الله. حسبي الله، ماAllah is Sufficient unto me! Only that which Allah wants

shall take place.

Ramadhan Amaal 197

Daily Amaal in the

Holy Month of Ramadhan

Short Duas to be recited daily in the Month

of Ramdhan

Dua of Imam Muhammad Taqi ( يا ذا الذي

To be recited as many – ( كان قبل كل شيء

times as possible.

Another Short Dua to be recited daily – (

( اللهم رب شهر رمضان

Long Duas to be recited daily in the Month

of Ramadhan

Dua اللهم هذا شهر رمضان

Dua اللهم إني أسألك من فضلك

Ramadhan Amaal 198

Dua اللهم إني أدعوك كما أمرتني

Daily Salwaat

Daily Tasbeeh

In his book of ‘al-Muqni`ah’, Shaykh al-Mufid

has mentioned that one of the most advisable

acts of Ramadhan is to pray for sending

blessings upon the Holy Prophet at least one

hundred times a day; and the more the better.

It is recommended to repeat the following

invocation 100 times every day in Ramadhan.

This invocation has been mentioned by al-Faydh

al-Kashaniy in his book of ‘Khulasat al-


Ramadhan Amaal 199

سبحان الضار النافع،Glory be to Him Who can expose anyone to loss or to


سبحان القاضي بالحق،Glory be to the Judge with truth.

سبحان العلي األعلى،Glory be to the Most High, the All-high.

سبحانه وبحمده،Glory be to Him and to glorify Him is one of His graces.

سبحانه وتعالى.Glory be to Him and most Exalted be He.

Ramadhan Amaal 200

Short Daily Dua in the Month of Ramdhan-

يا ذا الذي كان قبل كل شيء

In his book of ‘al-Muqni`ah’, Shaykh al-Mufid has

narrated on the authority of the trustworthy master

scholar, `Ali ibn Mahziyar, that Imam Muhammad

al-Taqiy (a.s) said that it is recommended to say

the following supplication as many times as

possible during the month of Ramadhan on days

and nights from the beginning of the month up to

its end:

ذا الذي كان قبل كل شيء،O He Who has been always there before all things,

ثم خلق كل شيء،And He then created all things,

ثم يبقى ويفنى كل شيء،And He then stays while all things vanish.

شيء،يا ذا الذي ليس كمثله O He Whose like in not found at all

Ramadhan Amaal 201

ى،علويا ذا الذي ليس في السماوات الO He; neither in the highest heavens,

وال في األرضين السفلى،Nor in the lowest layers of the earth

بد غيره،عه ي إلهنوال فوقهن وال تحتهن وال بينNor above them, nor beneath them, nor there is between

them any god that is worshipped save Him.

نت،ال أإه ائ لك الحمد حمدا ال يقوى على إحصTo You be the praise that none can count save You,

لى وى عيق ال محمد صالةفصل على محمد وآل

إحصائها إال أنت.So, please bless Muhammad and the Household of

Muhammad with the blessings that none can count save


Ramadhan Amaal 202

Another Daily Dua in the Month of

Ramdhan - اللهم رب شهر رمضان

Al-Kaf`amiy, in ‘al-Balad al-Amin’ and ‘al-

Misbah’, has quoted the Kitab al-Ikhtiyar of

Sayyid Ibn Baqi that if one recites the following

supplication everyday in Ramadhan, Almighty

Allah will forgive the sins of forty years of his age:

اللهم رب شهر رمضان

O Allah: the Lord of the month of Ramadhan,

الذي أنزلت فيه القرآن،In which You revealed the Qur'an,

م،وافترضت على عبادك فيه الصياAnd You imposed fasting on Your servants:

ارزقني حج بيتك الحرام

(Please) confer upon me with the pilgrimage to Your

Holy House,

في هذا العام وفي كل عام،

Ramadhan Amaal 203

In this year and every year,

واغفر لي الذنوب العظام

And forgive my serious sins,

فإنه ال يغفرها غيرك

For none can forgive them save You,

ل واإلكرام.يا ذا الجالO the Lord of majesty and honor.

Ramadhan Amaal 204

Long Daily Dua in the Month of Ramadhan -

اللهم هذا شهر رمضان

It is recommended to say the following supplication

that is mentioned by Shaykh al-Tusiy and Sayyid

Ibn Tawus:

هر رمضانهذا ش اللهم

O Allah: this is the month of Ramadhan

ذي أنزلت فيه القرآن ال

in which You revealed the Qur'an,

الفرقان،ونات من الهدى هدى للناس وبي a guidance for humankind and clear proofs of true

guidance and distinction (between the right and the


يام،وهذا شهر الص This is the month of observing fasting,

Ramadhan Amaal 205

وهذا شهر القيام،this is the month of acts of worship,

وهذا شهر اإلنابة،This the month of turning to You (in penitence),

وبة،وهذا شهر الت This is the month of repentance,

حمة،وهذا شهر المغفرة والر This is the month of forgiveness and mercy,

ة،وز بالجنوهذا شهر العتق من النار والف This is the moth of release from Hellfire and winning


هذا شهر فيه ليلة القدرو

This is the month in which there is the Grand Night

تي هي خير من ألف شهر.ال Which is better than one thousand months.

دمد وآل محعلى محم فصل اللهم

Ramadhan Amaal 206

O Allah: (please do) bless Muhammad and the

Household of Muhammad

ي على صيامه وقيامه،وأعن And help me observe fasting and do acts of worship

during it,

مني فيه،مه لي وسلوسل And keep it upright for me, and keep me safe during it,

عونك،ي عليه بأ فضل وأعن And help me observe it with the best of Your help

قني فيه لطاعتك وطاعة رسولك وأوليائك ووف

صلى الله عليهم،And make me succeed in doing acts of obedience to You

and to Your Prophet and Your intimate servants upon

whom be Your blessings,

وتالوة كتابك،غني فيه لعبادتك ودعائكوفرAnd make me devote myself to acts of worship to You, to

praying You, and to reciting Your Book,

وأعظم لي فيه البركة،

Ramadhan Amaal 207

And increase its blessings for me

وأحسن لي فيه العافية،And confer upon me with good health during it,

فيه بدني، وأصح And make my body healthy during it,

وأوسع فيه رزقي،And expand my sustenance during it,

ني،واكفني فيه ما أهم And save me from whatever aggrieves me during it,

واستجب فيه دعائي،And respond to my prayers during it,

غني فيه رجائي.وبل And make me attain my hope during it.

د د وآل محمعلى محم صل اللهم

O Allah: (please do) bless Muhammad and the

Household of Muhammad,

Ramadhan Amaal 208

أمةل والسعاس والكسي فيه الن وأذهب عن

And remove from me during it drowsiness, and lethargy,

and laziness,

ة،غروالفترة والقسوة والغفلة وال And weariness, and hardheartedness, and

inattentiveness, and carelessness.

بني فيه العلل واألسقاموجن

And put aside from me during it illnesses and sicknesses

والهموم واألحزان

And grievances and sorrows

واألعراض واألمراض

And ailments and diseases

نوب،والخطايا والذ And wrongdoings and sins.

ء وء والفحشاي فيه السواصرف عن

And send away from me during it evil and indecency

Ramadhan Amaal 209

والجهد والبالء

And fatigue and ordeals

عب والعناءوالت

And tiredness and suffering.

عاء.ك سميع الدإن Verily, You are the Hearer of prayers.

د د وآل محمعلى محم صل اللهم

O Allah: (please do) bless Muhammad and the

Household of Muhammad

م جييطان الروأعذني فيه من الش

And protect me during it from Satan the cursed

زه ونفثه ونفخهوهمزه ولم

And from his sting and from his slander and from his


يدهووسوسته وتثبيطه وبطشه وك

And from his evil inspirations and from his frustration

and from his obstinacy and from his trickeries

Ramadhan Amaal 210

ه نيحبائله وخدعه وأماومكره و

And from his deceptions and from his traps and from his

scams and from his false hopes,

ابهوغروره وفتنته وشركه وأحز

And from his vanities, and from his seductions, and

from his ruses, and from his allies,

وشركائه وأتباعه وأشياعه وأوليائه

And from his followers and from his fans and from his

supporters and from his partners,

وجميع مكائده.And from all his snares.

د د وآل محمعلى محم صل اللهم

O Allah: (please do) bless Muhammad and the

Household of Muhammad

وارزقنا قيامه وصيامه

And bestow upon us with the observance of fasting and

acts of worship

وبلوغ األمل فيه وفي قيامه

Ramadhan Amaal 211

And attainment of our hopes during it and by means of

doing acts of worship in it,

يواستكمال ما يرضيك عن

And accomplishment of that which brings about Your


،صبرا واحتسابا وإيمانا ويقينا By means of steadfastness and acting for Your sake and

faith and certitude,

لكثيرة،اي باألضعاف ل ذلك منتقب ثم And then admit all that from me with manifold rewards,

واألجر العظيم،And great gifts,

العالمين. يا رب O the Lord of the worlds.

د د وآل محمعلى محم صل اللهم

O Allah: (please do) bless Muhammad and the

Household of Muhammad

Ramadhan Amaal 212

والعمرة وارزقني الحج

And grant me (the opportunity to undergo) hajj and


جتهادواإل والجد

And hard work and painstaking

شاطة والنوالقو

And power and activity

وبةابة والتواإلن

And turning to You and repentance

وفيق والقربةوالت

And success and seeking Your nearness

هبةغبة والروالخير المقبول والر

And admitted good-doing and desire (for You) and fear

(from You)

خشوعع والضروالت

And submission (to You) and meekness

Ramadhan Amaal 213

ة الصادقة،ية والنقوالر And tenderness and sincere intention,

سان،وصدق الل And truthfulness

والوجل منك،And dread from You

جاء لك،والر And hoping for You

يك،ل علوكوالت And reliance upon You

قة بك،والث And having trust in You

والورع عن محارمك

And abstention from committing that which You have

deemed unlawful

مع صالح القول،

Ramadhan Amaal 214

Along with decent speaking,

عي،ومقبول الس And admitted efforts

ومرفوع العمل،And elevated deeds

عوة،ومستجاب الد And responded prayers.

كوال تحل بيني وبين شيء من ذل

And do not let anything to intervene between me and

any of these matters,

بعرض وال مرض Such as an accidental event or disease

وال غم وال هم

Or grief or unhappiness

وال سقم وال غفلة وال نسيان،Or ailment or advertence or oblivion;

Ramadhan Amaal 215

يك ظ لك وفحفعاهد والتبل بالت

Rather (help me do all that) with observance and

carefulness to You and for Your sake

دك ووعدكك والوفاء بعهعاية لحق والر

And adherence to that which is incumbent upon me

toward You and fulfillment of my covenant and promise

to You

برحمتك يا أرحم الراحمين.(let all that be) out of Your mercy, O the most Merciful

of all those who show mercy.

د د وآل محمعلى محم صل اللهم

O Allah: (please do) bless Muhammad and the

Household of Muhammad,

واقسم لي فيه أفضل ما تقسمه لعبادك

الصالحين،And decide for me during this month the best of that

which You decide for Your righteous servants,

بينوأعطني فيه أفضل ما تعطي أولياءك المقر

Ramadhan Amaal 216

And give me during it the most favorable of that which

You give to Your intimate, favorite servants;

ن واإلجابةحنحمة والمغفرة والت من الر

Such as mercy, forgiveness, kindness, responding (of


عافية والمعافاة والعفو والمغفرة الدائمة وال

Pardon, perpetual forgiveness, good health, continuous


ةوالعتق من النار والفوز بالجن

Release from Hellfire, winning Paradise,

نيا واآلخرة.وخير الد And the goodness of this worldly life and the Next


د د وآل محمعلى محم صل اللهم

O Allah: (please do) bless Muhammad and the

Household of Muhammad,

واجعل دعائي فيه إليك واصال،And cause my prayers during this month to reach You,

Ramadhan Amaal 217

،فيه نازال ورحمتك وخيرك إلي And cause Your mercy and goodness during it to reach


فيه مقبوال، وعملي And cause my deed to be accepted (by You)

وسعيي فيه مشكورا،And cause my efforts during it to be praiseworthy

وذنبي فيه مغفورا،And cause my sins during it to be forgiven

حتى يكون نصيبي فيه األكثر،So that my share (of Your awards) shall be the most


ي فيه األوفر.وحظ And my portion to be the most copious.

د د وآل محمعلى محم صل اللهم

O Allah: (please do) bless Muhammad and the

Household of Muhammad,

Ramadhan Amaal 218

لليلة القدرقني فيهووف

And guide me to observe the Grand Night adequately,

أن يكون عليها أحد من على أفضل حال تحب

أوليائك وأرضاها لك،Being on the most favorable and most pleased state that

You would like to notice from any of Your intimate


هر،اجعلها لي خيرا من ألف ش ثم And then decide it to be better for me that one thousand


غته ن بلوارزقني فيها أفضل ما رزقت أحدا مم

إياها وأكرمته بها،And confer upon me during this night the best conferrals

that You ever confer upon anyone whom You guide to

attain it and whom You honor during it,

م،هنواجعلني فيها من عتقائك من ج And include me in it with those whom You release from


Ramadhan Amaal 219

لقائك من النار،وط And whom You manumit from Hellfire

انكوسعداء خلقك بمغفرتك ورضو

And with those of Your creatures who are happy due to

Your forgiveness and satisfaction (that reach them),

يا أرحم الراحمين.O the most Merciful of all those who show mercy.

د د وآل محمعلى محم صل اللهم

O Allah: (please do) bless Muhammad and the

Household of Muhammad,

جتهادواإل وارزقنا في شهرنا هذا الجد

And grant us during this month with hard working and


شاطة والنوالقو

And power and activeness

وترضى. وما تحب And whatever You like and please.

Ramadhan Amaal 220

فع والوتر،الشالفجر وليال عشر و رب اللهم O Allah; the Lord of the Dawn, the Ten Nights, the Even

and the Odd;

يه من القرآن،شهر رمضان وما أنزلت ف ورب And the Lord of the month of Ramadhan and the Qur'an

that You have revealed during it,

فيل وعزرائيلجبرائيل وميكائيل وإسرا ورب

And the Lord of (Archangels) Gabriel, Michael, Israfil,

and `Izra’il,

بين،وجميع المالئكة المقر As well as all the Favorite Angels,

إبراهيم وإسمعيل ورب

And the Lord of (Prophets) Abraham and Ishmael

وإسحق ويعقوب،And Isaac and Jacob,

موسى وعيسى ورب

And the Lord of Moses and Jesus,

Ramadhan Amaal 221

ين والمرسلين،بيوجميع الن As well as all the Prophets and the Messengers,

ينبيد خاتم النمحم ورب

And the Lord of Muhammad, the seal of the Prophets,

ن،صلواتك عليه وعليهم أجمعي May Your blessings be upon him and upon them all,

م عليكهك عليهم وبحقوأسألك بحق

And I beseech You in the name of their duty toward You

Your duty toward them,

يت عليه وآله وعليهمك العظيم لما صلوبحق

أجمعين،And in the name of the great duty toward You that You

may bless him and his Household and all of them,

نظرة رحيمة ونظرت إلي

And that You may take a merciful look at me,

بدا،بعده أ ي رضى ال سخط عليترضى بها عن

Ramadhan Amaal 222

Due to which You be pleased to me so perfectly that You

never be irate with me after that,

وأعطيتني جميع سؤلي ورغبتي وأمنيتي

وإرادتي،And You may grant me all my requests, desires, hopes,

and needs,

أكره وأحذر ي ماوصرفت عن

And You may ward off me all that which I despise and

try to avoid,

وأخاف على نفسي وما ال أخاف

And all that which I fear for myself and all that which I

do not fear,

تي.يوعن أهلي ومالي وإخواني وذر And do the same to my family members, my property,

my brethren and my offspring.

آونا تائبين،فاللهم إليك فررنا من ذنوبنا O Allah: to You are we running from our sins; so (please

do) shelter us as we are repentant,

Ramadhan Amaal 223

غفرين،وتب علينا مست And accept our repentance as we are seeking Your


واغفر لنا متعوذين،And forgive us as we are seeking Your protection,

وأعذنا مستجيرين،And protect us as we are seeking Your aid,

وأجرنا مستسلمين،And aid us as we are surrendering to You,

وال تخذلنا راهبين،And never disappoint us as we are fearful of You,

وآمنا راغبين،And secure us as we are desiring for You,

وشفعنا سائلين،And accept our intercession as we are begging You,

جيب.موأعطنا إنك سميع الدعاء قريب

Ramadhan Amaal 224

And grant us (what we hope) as You are verily the

Hearer of prayers, the Nigh, and the Responding.

اللهم أنت ربي وأنا عبدكO Allah: You are my Lord and I am Your servant,

أل العبد ربه وأحق من س

And it is conventional that a servant begs from his Lord,

جودا،وولم يسأل العباد مثلك كرما And all Your servants have never begged anyone who is

as generous and magnanimous as You are.

ين،يا موضع شكوى السائل O the center of the complaints of the beseechers;

ويا منتهى حاجة الراغبين،O the ultimate goal of the needs of the desirers,

ويا غياث المستغيثين،O the Aide of the seekers of aid,

ويا مجيب دعوة المضطرين،O the Responding to the prayers of the distressed ones,

Ramadhan Amaal 225

ويا ملجأ الهاربين،O the Shelter of the fugitives,

ويا صريخ المستصرخين،O the Helper of the seekers of help,

ويا رب المستضعفين،O the Lord of the enfeebled ones,

كرب المكروبين،ويا كاشفO the Reliever of the grievances of the aggrieved ones,

ويا فارج هم المهمومين،O the Releaser of the agonies of the sad ones,

ويا كاشف الكرب العظيم،O the Reliever of the enormous calamities;

حمن يا رحيميا الله يا ر

O Allah; O the All-beneficent; O the All-merciful;

يا أرحم الراحمينO the most Merciful of all those who show mercy:

Ramadhan Amaal 226

صل على محمد وآل محمد

(please) bless Muhammad and the Household of


ي وعيوبيواغفر لي ذنوب

And forgive my sins and my defects,

وإساءتي وظلمي وجرمي

And my offenses and my wrongdoing and my felonies

وإسرافي على نفسي،And my extravagance in my affairs,

وارزقني من فضلك ورحمتك

And (please) grant me out of Your favors and mercy,

فإنه ال يملكها غيرك،For none possess these save You,

واعف عني،And (please) pardon me

،واغفر لي كل ما سلف من ذنوبي

Ramadhan Amaal 227

And forgive all my past sins

واعصمني فيما بقي من عمري،And save me from sinning in the rest of my lifetime,

واستر علي وعلى والدي

And cover me as well as my parents,

وولدي وقرابتي وأهل حزانتي

And my children and my relatives and my friends,

والمؤمنات ومن كان مني بسبيل من المؤمنين

في الدنيا واآلخرة،And all those who relate to me from the believing men

and women in this worldly life and the life to come,

فإن ذلك كله بيدكFor all that is managed by You alone

وأنت واسع المغفرة

And You are verily the Liberal in forgiving,

فال تخيبني يا سيدي،

Ramadhan Amaal 228

So, please my Master: do not disappoint me,

يوال ترد دعائي وال يدي إلى نحر

And do not reject my prayer and do not let me down,

ما حتى تفعل ذلك بي وتستجيب لي جميع


But please do all that to me and respond to my in all that

which I have asked from You,

وتزيدني من فضلك،And increase Your favoring upon me,

فإنك على كل شيء قدير،Because You verily have power over all things,

ن إليك راغبون.ونح And for You do we desire.

اللهم لك األسماء الحسنى،O Allah: Yours are the Most Excellent Names

واألمثال العليا،

Ramadhan Amaal 229

And the Most Elevated Examples,

والكبرياء واآلالء،And every greatness and all bounties.

:ألك باسمكأس I thus beseech You by Your Name:

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيمIn the Name of Allah, the All-beneficent, the All-


إن كنت قضيت في هذه الليلةIf you have decided at this night,

يهاتنزل المالئكة والروح ف

During which the angels and the Holy Spirit are allowed

to descend,

،أن تصلي على محمد وآل محمد That You may bless Muhammad and the Household of


وأن تجعل اسمي في السعداء،

Ramadhan Amaal 230

And You may add my name to the (list of the) happy


وروحي مع الشهداء،And add my soul to the martyrs,

وإحساني في عليين،And elevate my good doings exaltedly

وإساءتي مغفورة،And decide my ill deeds to be forgiven,

لبي،وأن تهب لي يقينا تباشر به ق And that You grant me conviction with which You fill in

my heart,

وإيمانا ال يشوبه شك،And grant me faith free of doubt,

ورضى بما قسمت لي،And grant me satisfaction with that which You decide for


ة حسنةي اآلخروآتني في الدنيا حسنة وف

Ramadhan Amaal 231

And grant me good in this worldly life and good in the

Next World

وقني عذاب النار،And save me from the Fire of Hell.

لةوإن لم تكن قضيت في هذه اللي

And if You have not decided at this night,

كة والروح فيهاتنزل المالئ During which the angels and the Holy Spirit are allowed

to descend,

فأخرني إلى ذلك،Then (please) postpone Your decisions about me to that


وارزقني فيها ذكرك وشكرك

And confer upon me during it with reference to You and

showing gratitude to You,

وطاعتك وحسن عبادتك،And doing acts of obedience to You and worshipping

You in the best manner;

Ramadhan Amaal 232

وصل على محمد وآل محمد

And (please) bless Muhammad and the Household of


مين،ل صلواتك يا أرحم الراحبأفض With Your most favorable blessings, O the most Merciful

of all those who show mercy.

يا أحد يا صمدO the Unique, O the Besought of all;

يا رب محمد O the Lord of Muhammad

رته،برار عتوألاغضب اليوم لمحمد (please) revenge on this day for Muhammad and for the

pious ones from his offspring,

واقتل أعداءهم بددا،And eradicate all of their enemies,

وأحصهم عددا،And put them all under Your reprimand

Ramadhan Amaal 233

حدا،أظهر األرض منهم وال تدع على And do not leave anyone of them to live on this earth,

وال تغفر لهم أبدا،And never forgive them.

يا حسن الصحبة،O the most excellent Companion;

يا خليفة النبيين O the Heir of the Prophets

ت أرحم الراحمين،أن You are verily the most Merciful of all those who show


البديء البديعThe Commencer, the brilliant Maker,

الذي ليس كمثلك شيء،There is none like You

والدائم غير الغافل،

Ramadhan Amaal 234

And You are the Eternal Who never omits anything,

والحي الذي ال يموت،And You are the Ever-living Who never dies,

أنت كل يوم في شأن،On each day, You have a certain state;

أنت خليفة محمد،You are the Heir of Muhammad,

وناصر محمد،And the Supporter of Muhammad,

ومفضل محمد،And the Selector of Muhammad

خليفة محمدأسألك أن تنصر وصي محمد و

I beseech You to give victory to the successor and

representative of Muhammad,

دموالقائم بالقسط من أوصياء مح

The Imam who shall appear with justice among the

successors of Muhammad,

Ramadhan Amaal 235

صلواتك عليه وعليهم،May Your blessings be upon him and upon them,

اعطف عليهم نصرك،(please) turn Your victory toward them,

يا ال إله إال أنتO He but Whom there is no god

بحق ال إله إال أنتI beseech You in the name of that there is no god but


صل على محمد وآل محمد

(please do) bless Muhammad and the Household of


رة،واجعلني معهم في الدنيا واآلخ And allow me to join them in this worldly life as well as

the Next World

ورحمتك واجعل عاقبة أمري إلى غفرانك

And allow all my affairs to end up with Your forgiveness

Ramadhan Amaal 236

and mercy,

يا أرحم الراحمين،O the most Merciful of all those who show mercy.

لطف،سيدي بال وكذلك نسبت نفسك يا O my Master: You have ascribed the feature of kindness

to Yourself,

بلى إنك لطيفAnd You are truly kind,

فصل على محمد وآل محمدSo, (please) bless Muhammad and the Household of


والطف بي لما تشاء.And treat me kindly as You like,

اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمد O Allah: (please) bless Muhammad and the Household

of Muhammad,

ا هذا،وارزقني الحج والعمرة في عامن

Ramadhan Amaal 237

And grant me (the opportunity to undertake) hajj and

`Umrah in this year,

خرة والدنيا.وتطول علي بجميع حوائجي لآل And confer upon me with the favor of settling all my

needs for the Next World and this worldly life

You may then repeat the following statements three


أستغفر الله ربي و أتوب إليهI seek the forgiveness of Allah, my Lord, and I repent

before Him,

إن ربي قريب مجيب،Surely, my Lord is Nigh and Responding.

أستغفر الله ربي وأتوب إليهI seek the forgiveness of Allah, my Lord, and I repent

before Him,

إن ربي رحيم ودود،Surely, my Lord is Merciful, Loving.

Ramadhan Amaal 238

أستغفر الله ربي وأتوب إليهI seek the forgiveness of Allah, my Lord, and I repent

before Him,

.إنه كان غفارا He is surely All-forgiving.

اللهم اغفر ليO Allah: (please do) forgive me,

إنك أرحم الراحمين،You are verily the most Merciful of all those who show


يرب إني عملت سوءا وظلمت نفس

O my Lord: I have committed ill deeds and wronged


ال أنت،فاغفر لي إنه ال يغفر الذنوب إ So (please) forgive me, because none can forgive sins

save You.

و أستغفر الله الذي ال إله إال ه

Ramadhan Amaal 239

I seek the forgiveness of Allah save Whom there is no


القيوم الحليم العظيمالحي

The Ever-living, the Self-Subsistent, the Indulgent, the


الكريم الغفار للذنب العظيم The Noble, the forgiver of fatal sins,

وأتوب إليه،And I repent before Him.

أستغفر اللهI seek the forgiveness of Allah,

إن الله كان غفورا رحيما.Allah is verily Forgiver, Merciful.

You may then keep on, saying:

اللهم إني أسألك أن تصلي على محمد وآل

Ramadhan Amaal 240

محمدO Allah: I beseech You to send blessings upon

Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad,

وأن تجعل فيما تقضي وتقدر

And to decide within the decisions that You make,

لة القدرمن األمر العظيم المحتوم في لي

From the great, inevitable affair at the Grand Night,

ل وال يبدمن القضاء الذي ال يرد

Within the decision that is neither rejected nor altered,

رامأن تكتبني من حجاج بيتك الح

That You write my name with the pilgrims of Your Holy


المبرور حجهم،Whose hajj is admitted,

المشكور سعيهم،Whose efforts are praiseworthy,

Ramadhan Amaal 241

المغفور ذنوبهم،Whose sins are forgiven,

المكفر عنهم سيئاتهم،And whose offenses are pardoned.

ن تطيل عمري،وأن تجعل فيما تقضي وتقدر أ And that You may decide among the decisions that You

make that You grant me long lifetime,

وتوسع رزقي،And expand my sustenance,

وتؤدي عني أمانتي وديني،And help me fulfill my trusts and settle my debts,

آمين رب العالمين.Respond to me; O the Lord of the worlds.

مخرجا،وم اجعل لي من أمري فرجا الله O Allah: (please do) make for me relief and an outlet,

وارزقني من حيث أحتسب ومن حيث ال

Ramadhan Amaal 242

أحتسب،And provide for me from whence I expect and from

whence I do not expect,

من حيث أحترس ومن حيث ال واحرسني

أحترس،And guard me from when I take precautions and from

whence I do not take precautions,

م كثيرا.وصل على محمد وآل محمد وسل And send plentiful blessings and benedictions upon

Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad.

Ramadhan Amaal 243

Tasbeeh for Everyday in the month of


It is recommended to say the following invocation

everyday in Ramadhan. It consists of ten parts each

part comprises ten phrases of glorification of

Almighty Allah:

ن الله بارئ النسم،سبحا (1)

Glory be to Allah; the Shaper of breathes.

سبحان الله المصور،Glory be to Allah, the Fashioner.

ا،سبحان الله خالق األزواج كله Glory be to Allah, the Creator of all pairs.

ور،مات والنسبحان الله جاعل الظل Glory be to Allah, the Maker of darkness and light.

سبحان الله فالق الحب والنوى،Glory be to Allah the Causer the grain and the stone to


Ramadhan Amaal 244

سبحان الله خالق كل شيء،Glory be to Allah, the Creator of all things.

يرى، سبحان الله خالق ما يرى وما ال Glory be to Allah, the Creator of the seen and the


سبحان الله مداد كلماته،Glory be to Allah as much as the ink of His Words.

سبحان الله رب العالمين،Glory be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

سبحان الله السميع الذي ليس شيء أسمع

منه،Glory be to Allah, the All-hearing; there is nothing is

more hearing than He is.

بع أرضين،يسمع من فوق عرشه ما تحت س He hears from above His Throne that which is under

seven layers of the earth.

Ramadhan Amaal 245

ر،ويسمع ما في ظلمات البر والبح And He hears that which is in the murk of lands and


ويسمع األنين والشكوى،And He hears the moaning and the complaints.

سر وأخفى،ويسمع ال And He hears the secret and what is more veiled than


ويسمع وساوس الصدور،And He hears the inspirations of hearts.

وال يصم سمعه صوت.And no sound can ever deafen His hearing.

م،سبحان الله بارئ النس (2)

Glory be to Allah; the Shaper of breathes.

سبحان الله المصور،Glory be to Allah, the Fashioner.

Ramadhan Amaal 246

ا،سبحان الله خالق األزواج كله Glory be to Allah, the Creator of all pairs.

ور،سبحان الله جاعل الظلمات والن Glory be to Allah, the Maker of darkness and light.

سبحان الله فالق الحب والنوى،Glory be to Allah the Causer the grain and the stone to


سبحان الله خالق كل شيء،Glory be to Allah, the Creator of all things.

يرى، خالق ما يرى وما ال سبحان الله Glory be to Allah, the Creator of the seen and the


سبحان الله مداد كلماته،Glory be to Allah as much as the ink of His Words.

سبحان الله رب العالمين،Glory be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

Ramadhan Amaal 247

يء أبصر منه،سبحان الله البصير الذي ليس ش Glory be to Allah, the All-seeing; there is nothing more

seeing than He is.

بع أرضين،يبصر من فوق عرشه ما تحت س He sees from above His Throne that which is under

seven layers of the earth.

ر،ويبصر ما في ظلمات البر والبح And He sees that which is in the murks of lands and


ال تدركه األبصار،Visions cannot comprehend Him.

وهو يدرك األبصار،And He comprehends all visions.

هو اللطيف الخبير،و And He is the Knower of subtleties, the Aware.

وال تغشي بصره الظلمة،Darkness cannot screen His sight.

Ramadhan Amaal 248

وال يستتر منه بستر،And none can hide from Him behind any screen.

وال يواري منه جدار،And no wall can ever prevent Him from seeing.

وال يغيب عنه بر وال بحر،And no land and no ocean can ever be absent from Him.

ال قلب ما فيه،ووال يكن منه جبل ما في أصله And no mountain can ever conceal its root from Him or

conceals its center from Him.

وال جنب ما في قلبه،And no side of it can conceal its center from Him.

،وال يستتر منه صغير وال كبير And neither big nor small thing can ever hide from Him.

وال يستخفي منه صغير لصغره،And no tiny thing can ever be unseen by Him due to its


Ramadhan Amaal 249

ال في السماء،وال يخفى عليه شيء في األرض و And surely nothing is hidden from Him in the earth or in

the heavens.

يف يشاءهو الذي يصوركم في األرحام ك

He it is Who fashions you in the wombs as pleases Him.

ال إله إال هو العزيز الحكيم.There is no god save Him, the Almighty, the Wise.

سبحان الله بارئ النسم، (3)

Glory be to Allah; the Shaper of breathes.

سبحان الله المصور،Glory be to Allah, the Fashioner.

ا،سبحان الله خالق األزواج كله Glory be to Allah, the Creator of all pairs.

ور،سبحان الله جاعل الظلمات والن Glory be to Allah, the Maker of darkness and light.

وى،سبحان الله فالق الحب والن

Ramadhan Amaal 250

Glory be to Allah the Causer the grain and the stone to


سبحان الله خالق كل شيء،Glory be to Allah, the Creator of all things.

يرى، سبحان الله خالق ما يرى وما ال Glory be to Allah, the Creator of the seen and the


سبحان الله مداد كلماته،Glory be to Allah as much as the ink of His Words.

سبحان الله رب العالمين،Glory be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

لثقالاسبحان الله الذي ينشئ السحاب

Glory be to Allah Who raises the heavy clouds.

ة من خيفته،ويسبح الرعد بحمده والمالئك And the thunder declares His glory with His praise, and

the angels too for awe of Him;

يشاء، ويرسل الصواعق فيصيب بها من

Ramadhan Amaal 251

and He sends the thunderbolts and smites with them

whom He pleases,

حمته،رويرسل الرياح بشرا بين يدي And He sends forth the winds bearing good news before

His mercy.

ه،وينزل الماء من السماء بكلمت And He causes water to descend from the heavens

through His Word.

وينبت النبات بقدرته،And He causes plants to grow out of His power.

ويسقط الورق بعلمه،And leaves fall down by His knowledge.

ثقال ذرةمسبحان الله الذي ال يعزب عنه

Glory be to Allah: not the weight of an atom becomes

absent from Him,

في األرض وال في السماءin the heavens or in the earth,

Ramadhan Amaal 252

وال أصغر من ذلك وال أكبر

and neither less than that nor greater,

إال في كتاب مبين.but (all) is in a clear book.

الله باري النسم،سبحان (4)

Glory be to Allah; the Shaper of breathes.

سبحان الله المصور،Glory be to Allah, the Fashioner.

ا،سبحان الله خالق األزواج كله Glory be to Allah, the Creator of all pairs.

ر،ت والنوسبحان الله جاعل الظلما Glory be to Allah, the Maker of darkness and light.

سبحان الله فالق الحب والنوى،Glory be to Allah the Causer the grain and the stone to


سبحان الله خالق كل شيء،

Ramadhan Amaal 253

Glory be to Allah, the Creator of all things.

يرى، سبحان الله خالق ما يرى وما ال Glory be to Allah, the Creator of the seen and the


سبحان الله مداد كلماته،Glory be to Allah as much as the ink of His Words.

سبحان الله رب العالمين،Glory be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

ل كل أنثىسبحان الله الذي يعلم ما تحم

Glory be to Allah Who knows what every female bears,

وما تغيض األرحام وما تزداد

and that of which the wombs fall short of completion

and that in which they increase;

وكل شيء عنده بمقدار

and there is a measure with Him of everything.

متعالعالم الغيب والشهادة الكبير ال

The knower of the unseen and the seen, the Great, the

Ramadhan Amaal 254

Most High.

جهر به سواء منكم من أسر القول ومن

Alike to Him among you is he who conceals his words

and he who speaks them openly,

بالنهار ومن هو مستخف بالليل وسارب

and he who hides himself by night and who goes forth by


خلفه له معقبات من بين يديه ومن

For his sake, there are angels following one another,

before him and behind him,

يحفظونه من أمر الله،who guard him by Allah's commandment.

ويحيي الموتى سبحان الله الذي يميت األحياء

Glory be to Allah Who causes the alive to die and

restores the dead to life

ويعلم ما تنقص األرض منهم

And He knows indeed what the earth diminishes of


Ramadhan Amaal 255

جل مسمى.ويقر في األرحام ما يشاء إلى أ And He causes what We please to stay in the wombs till

an appointed time.

سبحان الله باري النسم، (5)

Glory be to Allah; the Shaper of breathes.

سبحان الله المصور،Glory be to Allah, the Fashioner.

ا،سبحان الله خالق األزواج كله Glory be to Allah, the Creator of all pairs.

ور،سبحان الله جاعل الظلمات والن Glory be to Allah, the Maker of darkness and light.

سبحان الله فالق الحب والنوى،Glory be to Allah the Causer the grain and the stone to


سبحان الله خالق كل شيء،Glory be to Allah, the Creator of all things.

Ramadhan Amaal 256

يرى، سبحان الله خالق ما يرى وما ال Glory be to Allah, the Creator of the seen and the


سبحان الله مداد كلماته،Glory be to Allah as much as the ink of His Words.

رب العالمين،سبحان الله Glory be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

سبحان الله مالك الملك،Glory be to Allah, Master of the Kingdom!

تؤتي الملك من تشاء،You give the kingdom to whomsoever You please

وتنزع الملك ممن تشاء،and take away the kingdom from whomsoever You


وتعز من تشاء،and You exalt whom You please

Ramadhan Amaal 257

وتذل من تشاء،and abase whom You please

بيدك الخير،in You hand is the good;

إنك على كل شيء قدير،Surely, You have power over all things.

تولج الليل في النهار،You make the night to pass into the day

وتولج النهار في الليل،and You make the day to pass into the night,

وتخرج الحي من الميت،and You bring forth the living from the dead

يت من الحي،وتخرج الم and You bring forth the dead from the living,

وترزق من تشاء بغير حساب.and You give sustenance to whom You please without

Ramadhan Amaal 258


سبحان الله باري النسم، (6)

Glory be to Allah; the Shaper of breathes.

ن الله المصور،سبحا Glory be to Allah, the Fashioner.

ا،سبحان الله خالق األزواج كله Glory be to Allah, the Creator of all pairs.

ور،سبحان الله جاعل الظلمات والن Glory be to Allah, the Maker of darkness and light.

الله فالق الحب والنوى، سبحان Glory be to Allah the Causer the grain and the stone to


سبحان الله خالق كل شيء،Glory be to Allah, the Creator of all things.

يرى، سبحان الله خالق ما يرى وما ال Glory be to Allah, the Creator of the seen and the


Ramadhan Amaal 259

سبحان الله مداد كلماته،Glory be to Allah as much as the ink of His Words.

سبحان الله رب العالمين،Glory be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

ب لغي اسبحان الله الذي عنده مفاتح

Glory be to Allah with Who are the keys of the unseen


ال يعلمها إال هو

none knows them but He;

ويعلم ما في البر والبحر

and He knows what is in the land and the sea,

هاوما تسقط من ورقة إال يعلم

and there falls not a leaf but He knows it,

وال حبة في ظلمات األرض

nor a grain in the darkness of the earth,

بين.موال رطب وال يابس إال في كتاب

Ramadhan Amaal 260

nor anything green nor dry but it is all in a clear book.

سم،سبحان الله باري الن (7)

Glory be to Allah; the Shaper of breathes.

سبحان الله المصور،Glory be to Allah, the Fashioner.

ا،سبحان الله خالق األزواج كله Glory be to Allah, the Creator of all pairs.

ور،سبحان الله جاعل الظلمات والن Glory be to Allah, the Maker of darkness and light.

سبحان الله فالق الحب والنوى،Glory be to Allah the Causer the grain and the stone to


سبحان الله خالق كل شيء،Glory be to Allah, the Creator of all things.

يرى، خالق ما يرى وما السبحان الله Glory be to Allah, the Creator of the seen and the


Ramadhan Amaal 261

سبحان الله مداد كلماته،Glory be to Allah as much as the ink of His Words.

سبحان الله رب العالمين،Glory be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

ه القائلون،سبحان الله الذي ال يحصي مدحت Glory be to Allah; no speaker can ever declare His actual


دون،وال يجزي بآالئه الشاكرون العاب And all the thankful ones and the worshippers cannot

thank Him adequately for His (innumerable) bounties.

وهو كما قال وفوق ما نقول،And He is as same as He has described Himself and

above whatever we say about Him.

فسه،والله سبحانه كما أثنى على ن And Allah, the Glorified, is as same as He has praised

Himself, by saying:

بما شاءوال يحيطون بشيء من علمه إال

Ramadhan Amaal 262

and they cannot comprehend anything out of His

knowledge except what He pleases,

وسع كرسيه السماوات واألرض

His knowledge extends over the heavens and the earth,

لعظيم.اوال يؤوده حفظهما وهو العلي and the preservation of them both tires Him not, and He

is the Most High, the Great.

( سبحان الله باري النسم،8) Glory be to Allah; the Shaper of breathes.

صور،سبحانالله الم Glory be to Allah, the Fashioner.

ا،سبحان الله خالق األزواج كله Glory be to Allah, the Creator of all pairs.

ور،سبحان الله جاعل الظلمات والن Glory be to Allah, the Maker of darkness and light.

ق الحب والنوى،سبحان الله فال Glory be to Allah the Causer the grain and the stone to

Ramadhan Amaal 263


سبحان الله خالق كل شيء،Glory be to Allah, the Creator of all things.

يرى، سبحان الله خالق ما يرى وما ال Glory be to Allah, the Creator of the seen and the


سبحان الله مداد كلماته،Glory be to Allah as much as the ink of His Words.

سبحان الله رب العالمين،Glory be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

سبحان الله الذي يعلم ما يلج في األرض وما

يخرج منها،Glory be to Allah knows that which goes down into the

earth and that which comes out of it,

فيها،وما ينزل من السماء وما يعرجAnd knows that which comes down from the heaven and

that which goes up to it;

Ramadhan Amaal 264

ا يخرج منها ما يلج في األرض وموال يشغله

And that which goes down into the earth does not

occupy Him

ج فيها،عما ينزل من السماء وما يعر from that which comes down from the heavens and that

which goes up to it,

وما يعرج فيها ينزل من السماء وال يشغله ما

And that which comes down from the heavens and that

which goes up to it does not occupy Him

نها،عما يلج في األرض وما يخرج م From that which goes down into the earth and that

which comes out of it,

يء،وال يشغله علم شيء عن علم ش And the knowledge of anything does not occupy Him

from the knowledge of something else,

يء،وال يشغله خلق شيء عن خلق ش And the creation of anything does not occupy Him from

the creation of something else,

Ramadhan Amaal 265

وال حفظ شيء عن حفظ شيء،And the preservation of anything does not occupy Him

from the preservation of something else,

وال يساويه شيء،And nothing is equal to Him,

وال يعدله شيء،And nothing is His match,

ليس كمثله شيء،And nothing is like Him,

وهو السميع البصير.And He is the All-hearing, the All-seeing.

سبحان الله باري النسم، (9)

Glory be to Allah; the Shaper of breathes.

سبحان الله المصور،Glory be to Allah, the Fashioner.

ا،سبحان الله خالق األزواج كله

Ramadhan Amaal 266

Glory be to Allah, the Creator of all pairs.

ور،سبحان الله جاعل الظلمات والن Glory be to Allah, the Maker of darkness and light.

سبحان الله فالق الحب والنوى،Glory be to Allah the Causer the grain and the stone to


سبحان الله خالق كل شيء،Glory be to Allah, the Creator of all things.

يرى، سبحان الله خالق ما يرى وما ال Glory be to Allah, the Creator of the seen and the


بحان الله مداد كلماته،س Glory be to Allah as much as the ink of His Words.

سبحان الله رب العالمين،Glory be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

رضسبحان الله فاطر السماوات واأل

Glory be to Allah; the Originator of the heavens and the

Ramadhan Amaal 267


ة جاعل المالئكة رسال أولي أجنح

the Maker of the angels, messengers flying on wings,

مثنى وثالث ورباعtwo, and three, and four;

يزيد في الخلق ما يشاءHe increases in creation what He pleases;

الله على كل شيء قدير،إن Surely, Allah has power over all things.

فال ممسك لها ما يفتح الله للناس من رحمة

Whatever Allah grants to men of His mercy, there is

none to withhold it,

هدوما يمسك فال مرسل له من بع

and what He withholds there is none to send it forth

after that,

وهو العزيز الحكيم.and He is the Mighty, the Wise.

Ramadhan Amaal 268

سبحان الله باري النسم، (10)

Glory be to Allah; the Shaper of breathes.

سبحان الله المصور،Glory be to Allah, the Fashioner.

ا،سبحان الله خالق األزواج كله Glory be to Allah, the Creator of all pairs.

ور،سبحان الله جاعل الظلمات والن Glory be to Allah, the Maker of darkness and light.

سبحان الله فالق الحب والنوى،Glory be to Allah the Causer the grain and the stone to


سبحان الله خالق كل شيء،Glory be to Allah, the Creator of all things.

يرى، سبحان الله خالق ما يرى وما ال Glory be to Allah, the Creator of the seen and the


Ramadhan Amaal 269

سبحان الله مداد كلماته،Glory be to Allah as much as the ink of His Words.

سبحان الله رب العالمين،Glory be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

سبحان الله الذي يعلم ما في السماوات وما في

األرضGlory be to Allah Who knows whatever is in the heavens

and whatever is in the earth.

رابعهمما يكون من نجوى ثالثة إال هو

Nowhere is there a secret counsel between three persons

but He is the fourth of them,

وال خمسة إال هو سادسهم

nor (between) five but He is the sixth of them,

وال أدنى من ذلك وال أكثر إال هو معهم أينما


nor less than that nor more but He is with them

Ramadhan Amaal 270

wherever they are;

قيامةثم ينبئهم بما عملوا يوم ال

then He will inform them of what they did on the Day of


إن الله بكل شيء عليم.surely Allah is Cognizant of all things.

Ramadhan Amaal 271

Daily Salwaat in the Month of Ramadhan

Shaykh al-Tusiy and Sayyid ibn Tawus have also

said: You are advised to say the following prayer

for sending blessings upon the Holy Prophet

everyday in Ramadhan:

لنبي إن الله ومالئكته يصلون على ا

Verily, Allah and His angels send blessings upon the


يما،ه وسلموا تسليا أيها الذين آمنوا صلوا علي O you who believe: Call for Divine blessings on him and

salute him with a becoming salutation

.لبيك يارب وسعديك وسبحانك Here I am at Your service, my Lord! Doing that which

pleases You, and glory be to You.

مد وآل محمد اللهم صل على مح

O Allah: (please do) bless Muhammad and the

Household of Muhammad

وبارك على محمد وآل محمد

Ramadhan Amaal 272

And send blessings upon Muhammad and the

Household of Muhammad,

وآل إبراهيمكما صليت وباركت على إبراهيم

In the same way as You have blessed and conferred

benedictions upon (Prophet) Abraham and the

Household of Abraham,

إنك حميد مجيد.You are verily worthy of all praise and full of all glory.

اللهم ارحم محمدا وآل محمدO Allah: (please do) have mercy upon Muhammad and

the Household of Muhammad,

كما رحمت إبراهيم وآل إبراهيم

As You had mercy upon (Prophet) Abraham and the

Household of Abraham,

إنك حميد مجيد.You are verily worthy of all praise and full of all glory.

د اللهم سلم على محمد وآل محم

O Allah: (please do) send peace upon Muhammad and

the Household of Muhammad,

Ramadhan Amaal 273

.كما سلمت على نوح في العالمين As You sent peace upon Noah among all the creatures.

دل محماللهم امنن على محمد وآ

O Allah: (please do) confer favors on Muhammad and

the Household of Muhammad

كما مننت على موسى وهارون.As You conferred a favor upon (Prophets) Moses and


اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمد كما شرفتنا

به.O Allah: (please do) bless Muhammad and the

Household of Muhammad as You have honored us by


كما هديتنا به. اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمد O Allah: (please do) bless Muhammad and the

Household of Muhammad as You have guided us

through him.

اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمد

Ramadhan Amaal 274

O Allah: (please do) bless Muhammad and the

Household of Muhammad

وابعثه مقاما محمودا يغبطه به األولون

واآلخرون،And send his a praiseworthy standing due to which all

the past and the coming generations shall covet him.

على محمد وآله السالم كلما طلعت شمس أو

غربت،Upon Muhammad and his Household be peace whenever

the sun rises and sets.

على محمد وآله السالم كلما طرفت عين أو

ت،برق Upon Muhammad and his Household be peace whenever

an eye twinkles or glitters.

ر السالم،على محمد وآله السالم كلما ذك Upon Muhammad and his Household be peace whenever

peace is mentioned.

Ramadhan Amaal 275

الله ملك أو على محمد وآله السالم كلما سبح

قدسه،Upon Muhammad and his Household be peace whenever

an angel glorifies or exalts Allah.

ين،السالم على محمد وآله في األول Peace be upon Muhammad and his Household among

the past generations.

رين،د وآله في اآلخوالسالم على محم Peace be upon Muhammad and his Household among

the last generations.

يا واآلخرة.والسالم على محمد وآله في الدن Peace be upon Muhammad and his Household in this

world and in the Hereafter.

الحرام،اللهم رب البلدO Allah; Lord of the Holy Town,

ورب الركن والمقام،And Lord of the Rukn and the Maqam,

Ramadhan Amaal 276

ورب الحل والحرام And the Lord of legality and sanctuary,

.أبلغ محمدا نبيك عنا السالم (Please do) convey our greetings to Muhammad, Your


النضرةاللهم أعط محمدا من البهاء و

O Allah: (please do) grant Muhammad brilliance and


وسيلةوالسرور والكرامة والغبطة وال

And delight and honor and happiness and right of


فعة نزلة والمقام والشرف والروالم

And (exalted) rank and (exalted) position and nobility

and elevation

والشفاعة عندك يوم القيامة

And right of intercession before You at the Resurrection


قك،أفضل ما تعطي أحدا من خل

Ramadhan Amaal 277

The best that You grant any of Your creations.

ئقوأعط محمدا فوق ما تعطي الخال

And (please) grant Muhammad good that is more than

what You grant Your creatures

يها غيرك.من الخير أضعافا كثيرة ال يحص With many folds that none can count save You.

اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمد O Allah: (please do) bless Muhammad and the

Household of Muhammad

أطيب وأطهر وأزكى وأنمىWith the most excellent, the purest, the most increasing,

the most growing

وأفضل ما صليت على أحد من األولين


And the best blessings that You have ever conferred on

anyone from the past and the coming generations

لراحمين.وعلى أحد من خلقك يا أرحم ا

Ramadhan Amaal 278

And on anyone of Your created beings; O the most

Merciful of all those who show mercy.

نين،اللهم صل على علي أمير المؤم O Allah: (please do) send blessings upon `Ali, the

Commander of the Believers,

ووال من وااله،And be the supporter of anyone who supports him,

وعاد من عاداه،And be the enemy of anyone who provoke his enmity,

مه.وضاعف العذاب على من شرك في د And inflict double chastisement on anyone who had a

hand in the shedding of his blood.

ك محمد عليه اللهم صل على فاطمة بنت نبي

وآله السالم،O Allah: (please do) send blessings upon Fa§imah, the

daughter of Your Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon

him and his Household,

ووال من واالها،

Ramadhan Amaal 279

And be the supporter of those who support her,

ا،وعاد من عاداه And be the enemy of him who provoke her enmity,

وضاعف العذاب على من ظلمها،And inflict double chastisement on those who wronged


والعن من آذى نبيك فيها.And curse those who injured Your Prophet as they

injured her.

م صل على الحسن والحسين إمامي الله

المسلمين،O Allah: (please do) send blessings upon al-hasan and

al-husayn, the two leaders of the Muslims,

ووال من واالهما،And be the supporter of anyone who supports them,

،وعاد من عاداهما And be the enemy of anyone who provoke their enmity,

Ramadhan Amaal 280

مائهما.وضاعف العذاب على من شرك في د And inflict double chastisement on anyone who had a

hand in the shedding of their blood.

اللهم صل على علي بن الحسين إمام

لمين،المس O Allah: (please do) send blessings upon `Ali ibn al-

husayn, the leader of the Muslims,

ووال من وااله،And be the supporter of anyone who supports him,

وعاد من عاداه،And be the enemy of anyone who invokes his enmity,

ذاب على من ظلمه.وضاعف الع And inflict double chastisement upon anyone who

wronged him.

ام المسلمين،اللهم صل على محمد بن علي إم O Allah: (please do) send blessings upon Muhammad

ibn `Ali, the leader of the Muslims,

Ramadhan Amaal 281

ه،ووال من واال And be the supporter of anyone who supports him,

وعاد من عاداه،And be the enemy of anyone who invokes his enmity,

وضاعف العذاب على من ظلمه.And inflict double chastisement upon anyone who

wronged him.

مام المسلمين،إ بن محمد اللهم صل على جعفر O Allah: (please do) send blessings upon Ja`far ibn

Muhammad, the leader of the Muslims,

ووال من وااله،And be the supporter of anyone who supports him,

وعاد من عاداه،And be the enemy of anyone who invokes his enmity,

وضاعف العذاب على من ظلمه.And inflict double chastisement upon anyone who

wronged him.

Ramadhan Amaal 282

ام المسلمين،اللهم صل على موسى بن جعفر إم O Allah: (please do) send blessings upon Musa ibn

Ja`far, the leader of the Muslims,

ووال من وااله،And be the supporter of anyone who supports him,

وعاد من عاداه،And be the enemy of anyone who invokes his enmity,

مه.وضاعف العذاب على من شرك في د And inflict double chastisement upon anyone who had

hand in the shedding of his blood.

م المسلمين،اللهم صل على علي بن موسى إما O Allah: (please do) send blessings upon `Ali ibn Musa,

the leader of the Muslims,

ووال من وااله،And be the supporter of anyone who supports him,

د من عاداه،وعا And be the enemy of anyone who invokes his enmity,

Ramadhan Amaal 283

مه.وضاعف العذاب على من شرك في د And inflict double chastisement upon anyone who had a

hand in the shedding of his blood.

المسلمين،ام اللهم صل على محمد بن علي إم O Allah: (please do) send blessings upon Muhammad

ibn `Ali, the leader of the Muslims,

ووال من وااله،And be the supporter of anyone who supports him,

وعاد من عاداه،And be the enemy of anyone who invokes his enmity,

العذاب على من ظلمه. وضاعف And inflict double chastisement upon anyone who

wronged him.

ام المسلمين،اللهم صل على علي بن محمد إم O Allah: (please do) send blessings upon `Ali ibn

Muhammad, the leader of the Muslims,

وااله،ووال من

Ramadhan Amaal 284

And be the supporter of anyone who supports him,

وعاد من عاداه،And be the enemy of anyone who invokes his enmity,

وضاعف العذاب على من ظلمه.And inflict double chastisement upon anyone who

wronged him.

ام المسلمين،حسن بن علي إماللهم صل على ال O Allah: (please do) send blessings upon al-hasan ibn

`Ali, the leader of the Muslims,

ووال من وااله،And be the supporter of anyone who supports him,

وعاد من عاداه،And be the enemy of anyone who invokes his enmity,

وضاعف العذاب على من ظلمه.And inflict double chastisement upon anyone who

wronged him.

مام المسلمين،إاللهم صل على الخلف من بعده

Ramadhan Amaal 285

O Allah: (please do) send blessings upon the Successor

after him, the leader of the Muslims,

ووال من وااله،And be the supporter of anyone who supports him,

وعاد من عاداه،And be the enemy of anyone who invokes his enmity,

وعجل فرجه.And expedite his Relief.

ني نبيك.بااللهم صل على القاسم والطاهر O Allah: (please do) send blessings upon al-Qasim and

al-Tahir, the two sons of Your Prophet.

،اللهم صل على رقية بنت نبيك O Allah: (please do) send blessings upon Ruqayyah, the

daughter of Your Prophet.

بيك فيها.والعن من آذى ن And curse those who injured Your Prophet through

wronging her.

Ramadhan Amaal 286

بيك،اللهم صل على أم كلثوم بنت ن O Allah: (please do) send blessings upon Ummi-

Kulthum, the daughter of Your Prophet.

والعن من آذى نبيك فيها.And curse those who injured Your Prophet through

wronging her.

.اللهم صل على ذرية نبيك O Allah: (please do) send blessings upon the offspring of

Your Prophet.

ه.اللهم اخلف نبيك في أهل بيت O Allah: (please) be the representative of Your Prophet

among his Household.

اللهم مكن لهم في األرض.O Allah: (please do) grant them power in the land.

اللهم اجعلنا من عددهم ومددهم وأنصارهم

على الحق في السر والعالنية.O Allah: (please do) include us with their troop, their

Ramadhan Amaal 287

aides, and their supporters on confirming the truth

secretly and openly.

دمائهم،واللهم اطلب بذحلهم ووترهم O Allah: (please do) retaliate upon those who wronged

and slew them, and those who shed their blood.

ن ومؤمنةوكف عنا وعنهم وعن كل مؤم

And (please) save us, them, and every believing man and


بأس كل باغ وطاغThe evil of all tyrants and transgressors,

وكل دابة أنت آخذ بناصيتها

And every living creature that You hold it by its forelock.

إنك أشد بأسا وأشد تنكيال.Verily, You are the strongest in prowess and the

strongest to give an exemplary punishment.

Sayyid Ibn Tawus adds: You may also say the


Ramadhan Amaal 288

تي،يا عدتي في كرب O my means in troubles:

ويا صاحبي في شدتي،O my Companion in hardships:

ويا وليي في نعمتي،O the Provider of my amenities;

ويا غايتي في رغبتي،O the utmost of my desires.

أنت الساتر عورتي،It is You Who conceals my defects,

والمؤمن روعتي،Who relieves my apprehensions,

والمقيل عثرتي،and Who overlooks my slips;

.يفاغفر لي خطيئت so, (please do) forgive my sin.

Ramadhan Amaal 289

يا أرحم الراحمين.O the most Merciful of all those who show mercy.

You may also say the following:

يا عدتي في كربتي،O my means in troubles:

ويا صاحبي في شدتي،O my Companion in hardships:

ويا وليي في نعمتي،O the Provider of my amenities;

ويا غايتي في رغبتي،O the utmost of my desires.

أنت الساتر عورتي،It is You Who conceals my defects,

والمؤمن روعتي،Who relieves my apprehensions,

Ramadhan Amaal 290

والمقيل عثرتي،and Who overlooks my slips;

.يفاغفر لي خطيئتso, (please do) forgive my sin.

مين.يا أرحم الراح

O the most Merciful of all those who show mercy.

Ramadhan Amaal 291

Another Daily Dua for the Month of

Ramadhan - اللهم إني أسألك من فضلك

Both Shaykh al-Tusiy and Sayyid ibn Tawus have

recommended saying the following supplication

throughout the days of Ramadhan:

اللهم إني أسألك من فضلك بأفضلهO Allah: I beseech You to grant me from the best of Your


وكل فضلك فاضل،and all Your favors are excellent.

اللهم إني أسألك بفضلك كله.O Allah: I beseech You in the name of Your whole favor.

عمهاللهم إني أسألك من رزقك بأ

O Allah: I beseech You to grant me from the most

widespread of Your sustenance;

وكل رزقك عام،

Ramadhan Amaal 292

and all Your sustenance is widespread.

رزقك كله.اللهم إني أسألك ب O Allah: I beseech You in the name of Your whole


هنئه اللهم إني أسألك من عطائك بأ

O Allah: I beseech You to grant me from the most

wholesome of Your bestowal;

وكل عطائك هنيء،and Your entire bestowal is wholesome.

.اللهم إني أسألك بعطائك كله O Allah: I beseech You in the name of Your entire


عجله اللهم إني أسألك من خيرك بأ

O Allah: I beseech You to grant me from Your most

instant welfare;

عاجل، وكل خيرك and Your entire welfare is instant.

Ramadhan Amaal 293

اللهم إني أسألك بخيرك كله.O Allah: I beseech You in the name of Your entire


أحسنهاللهم إني أسألك من إحسانك ب

O Allah: I beseech You to grant me from You most

excellent benevolence;

وكل إحسانك حسن،and Your entire benevolence is excellent.

.اللهم إني أسألك بإحسانك كله O Allah: I beseech You in the name of Your entire


ك،ه حين أسألاللهم إني أسألك بما تجيبني ب O Allah: I beseech You in the name of all that through

which You may respond to me if I beseech You;

فأجبني يا الله،therefore, (please do) respond to me, O Allah.

وصل على محمد عبدك المرتضى،

Ramadhan Amaal 294

And (please do) send blessings upon Muhammad, Your

pleased servant,

ورسولك المصطفى،Your chosen Messenger,

وأمينك ونجيك دون خلقك،Your trustee, Your confidant one among all Your beings,

ونجيبك من عبادك،Your selected one among all Your servants,

بالصدق وحبيبك،ونبيكYour true Prophet, and Your much-loved one.

عالمين وصل على رسولك وخيرتك من ال

And (please do) send blessings upon (him) Your

messenger, Your choicest among all people,

البشير النذير،the conveyor of good tidings (for the believers), the

warner ,

السراج المنير،

Ramadhan Amaal 295

and the luminous lantern;

رين،وعلى أهل بيته األبرار الطاه and (please do send blessings) upon his Household, the

pious and the immaculate;

خلصتهم لنفسك وعلى مالئكتك الذين است

وحجبتهم عن خلقك،and upon Your angels whom You have attached to Your

Person and concealed against Your beings;

نك بالصدق،عوعلى أنبيائك الذين ينبئون and upon Your Prophets who convey Your instructions


حيكوعلى رسلك الذين خصصتهم بو

and upon Your Messengers whom You have given

exclusively Your Revelations

تك،وفضلتهم على العالمين برساال and You have made excel the others by means of Your


عبادك الصالحينوعلى

Ramadhan Amaal 296

and upon Your righteous servants

الذين أدخلتهم في رحمتك whom You have included with Your mercy,

وليائك المطهرين،األئمة المهتدين الراشدين وأ the guides, the well-guided, the orthodox, and Your pure


وعلى جبرائيل وميكائيل وإسرافيل وملك

الموت،and upon (Archangels) Gabriel, Michael, Israfil, and the

Angel of Death;

وعلى رضوان خازن الجنان،and upon Ridhwan the Keeper of Paradise;

النار،وعلى مالك خازنand upon Malik the Keeper of Hell,

وروح القدس،and the Holy Spirit,

Ramadhan Amaal 297

والروح األمين،the Spirit of Faith,

وحملة عرشك المقربين،and the Favorite Bearers of Your Throne;

وعلى الملكين الحافظين علي

and upon the two angels who watch over me—

بالصالة التي تحب أن يصلي بها عليهم أهل

السماوات وأهل األرضين،blessings that You desire that the inhabitants of the

heavens and the inhabitants of the earth pray You to

send upon them;

الة طيبة كثيرة ص

blessings that are pure, abundant,

مباركة زاكية نامية ظاهرةholy, genuine, growing, evident,

باطنة شريفة فاضلة

Ramadhan Amaal 298

deep, honorable, and virtuous

واآلخرين. تبين بها فضلهم على األولين through which You obviously demonstrate their

precedence over the past and the coming generations.

رف والفضيلةاللهم أعط محمدا الوسيلة والش

O Allah: (please do) give Muhammad subtle way, honor,

and precedence

أمته. نبيا عن واجزه خير ما جزيت and reward him with the best reward that You ever give

to a Prophet on behalf of his nation.

اللهم وأعط محمدا صلى الله عليه وآله مع كل

زلفة زلفة،O Allah: (please do) give Muhammad—peace of Allah be

upon him and his Family—an additional proximity with

each proximity that You decide for him;

ومع كل وسيلة وسيلة،and an additional subtle means with each means that

You decide for him;

Ramadhan Amaal 299

ومع كل فضيلة فضيلة،and an additional merit with each merit that You decide

for him;

ومع كل شرف شرفا

and an additional honor with each honor that You

decide for him;

تعطي محمدا وآله يوم القيامة أفضل ما أعطيت

أحدا من األولين واآلخرين.and (please do) give Muhammad and his Household, on

the Resurrection Day, the best of all that which You have

given to any of Your creatures from the past and the

coming generations.

اللهم واجعل محمدا صلى الله عليه وآله أدنى

ك مجلسا،المرسلين من O Allah: (please do) choose for Muhammad—peace of

Allah be upon him and his Family—the nearest position

to You;

وأفسحهم في الجنة عندك منزال،

Ramadhan Amaal 300

and the most expansive abode in Paradise in Your


وسيلة،وأقربهم إليك and the most effective means to You.

واجعله أول شافع،And (please do) make him the chief interceder,

وأول مشفع،the chief mediator,

وأول قائل،the first speaker,

وأنجح سائل،the most successful petitioner.

عثه المقام المحمود الذي يغبطه به األولون واب


And (please do) send him the Praiseworthy Standing due

to which all the past and coming generations will envy


Ramadhan Amaal 301

يا أرحم الراحمين،O the most Merciful of all those who show mercy.

آل محمدوأسألك أن تصلي على محمد و

And I do beseech You to bless Muhammad and the

Household of Muhammad,

وأن تسمع صوتي،to hear my voice;

وتجيب دعوتي،to respond to my plea,

،وتتجاوز عن خطيئتي to overlook my sins,

وتصفح عن ظلمي،to excuse my wrongdoings,

وتنجح طلبتي،to give success to my prayer,

وتقضي حاجتي،

Ramadhan Amaal 302

to settle my needs,

وتنجز لي ما وعدتني،to fulfill Your promise to me,

وتقيل عثرتي،to let off my offense,

وتغفر ذنوبي،to forgive my sins,

وتعفو عن جرمي،to pardon my evildoings,

وتقبل علي وال تعرض عني،to accept me and not to reject me,

وترحمني وال تعذبني،to have mercy upon me and not to punish me,

وتعافيني وال تبتليني،to grant me good health and not to afflict me,

وسعه وال تحرمني،وترزقني من الرزق أطيبه وأ

Ramadhan Amaal 303

to grant me from the nicest and most extensive

sustenance and not to deprive me (of Your sustenance).

يارب واقض عني ديني،O my Lord: (please do) help me settle my debts;

وضع عني وزري،and relieve me of my burdens;

وال تحملني ما ال طاقة لي به،and do not impose on me that which I have not the

strength to bear.

أدخلني في كل خير أدخلت فيه يا موالي و

محمدا وآل محمد،O my Master: and (please do) include me with every

good item that You have chosen from Muhammad and

the Household of Muhammad

وآل وأخرجني من كل سوء أخرجت منه محمدا

محمد صلواتك عليه وعليهم،and take me out of any evil from which You have saved

Ramadhan Amaal 304

Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad—Your

blessings be upon him and them.

الله وبركاته. والسالم عليه وعليهم ورحمة Peace, Allah’s mercy, and blessings be upon him and them.

You may then repeat the following three times:

اللهم إني أدعوك كما أمرتني فاستجب لي كما


O Allah: I am praying You as You have ordered me to do;

so, please respond to me as You have promised.

You may then continue as follows:

ير اللهم إني أسألك قليال من كث

O Allah, I ask You for a little from the very much,

Ramadhan Amaal 305

مع حاجة بي إليه عظيمة،in the midst of my many needs for which I entirely

depend on You,

وغناك عنه قديم،and You, since eternity, are able to do without them,

وهو عندي كثير،but for me it is titanic

وهو عليك سهل يسير،and for You it is very easy and simple.

ر،ديقء فامنن علي به إنك على كل شيSo, (please do) bestow upon me with them, for You have

power over all things.

آمين رب العالمين.Respond to me, O the Lord of the worlds.

Ramadhan Amaal 306

Another Daily Dua in the Month of

Ramadhan- اللهم إني أدعوك كما أمرتني

It is recommended to say the following


كما ب ليتجاساللهم إني أدعوك كما أمرتني ف

وعدتني.O Allah: I am praying You as You have ordered me to do;

so, please respond to me as You have promised.

كما ب ليتجاسي فاللهم إني أدعوك كما أمرتن

وعدتني.O Allah: I am praying You as You have ordered me to do;

so, please respond to me as You have promised.

كما ب ليتجاساللهم إني أدعوك كما أمرتني ف

وعدتني.O Allah: I am praying You as You have ordered me to do;

Ramadhan Amaal 307

so, please respond to me as You have promised.

هاهباللهم إني أسألك من بهائك بأ

O Allah I ask You to give me from Your brilliance that


وكل بهائك بهي،and all Your glories are radiantly brilliant,

.للهم إني أسألك ببهائك كلهاO Allah I beseech You in the name of all Your glories.

هجلاللهم إني أسألك من جاللك بأ

O Allah I ask You to give me from Your majesty that

gives grandeur,

وكل جاللك جليل،and all Your majestic powers are strongly sublime;

اللهم إني أسألك بجاللك كله.O Allah I beseech You in the name of all Your powers.

هملجاللهم إني أسألك من جمالك بأ

Ramadhan Amaal 308

O Allah I ask You to give me from Your refined good that

makes more handsome,

وكل جمالك جميل،and all Your refinements are gracefully beautiful;

.اللهم إني أسألك بجمالك كلهO Allah I beseech You in the name of all Your beauties.

كما ب ليتجاساللهم إني أدعوك كما أمرتني ف

دتني.وعO Allah: I am praying You as You have ordered me to do;

so, please respond to me as You have promised.

كما ب ليتجاساللهم إني أدعوك كما أمرتني ف

وعدتني.O Allah: I am praying You as You have ordered me to do;

so, please respond to me as You have promised.

اللهم إني أدعوك كما أمرتني فاستجب لي كما

Ramadhan Amaal 309

وعدتني.O Allah: I am praying You as You have ordered me to do;

so, please respond to me as You have promised.

هاظم عبأ اللهم إني أسألك من عظمتك

O Allah I ask You to give me from Your greatness that

makes great,

وكل عظمتك عظيمة،and all Your powers are extensively important;

ا.اللهم إني أسألك بعظمتك كلهO Allah I beseech You in the name of all Your influences.

رهواللهم إني أسألك من نورك بأن

O Allah I beseech You to give me from Your light that


وكل نورك نير،and all Your enlightenments are luminously bright;

اللهم إني أسألك بنورك كله.

Ramadhan Amaal 310

O Allah I beseech You in the name of all Your lights.

هاسعأو اللهم إني أسألك من رحمتك ب

O Allah I ask You to give me from Your mercy that gives


وكل رحمتك واسعة،and all Your kind leniencies are plenteously many,

ا.لك برحمتك كلهاللهم إني أسأO Allah I beseech You in the name of all Your


كما ب ليتجاساللهم إني أدعوك كما أمرتني ف

وعدتني.O Allah: I am praying You as You have ordered me to do;

so, please respond to me as You have promised.

كما ب ليتجاساللهم إني أدعوك كما أمرتني ف

وعدتني.O Allah: I am praying You as You have ordered me to do;

Ramadhan Amaal 311

so, please respond to me as You have promised.

كما ب ليتجاساللهم إني أدعوك كما أمرتني ف

عدتني.وO Allah: I am praying You as You have ordered me to do;

so, please respond to me as You have promised.

هملكاللهم إني أسألك من كمالك بأ

O Allah I ask You to give me from Your perfection that

brings to fullness,

ك كامل،وكل كمالand all Your perfections are total and whole,

.اللهم إني أسألك بكمالك كلهO Allah I beseech You in the name of all Your


هاتمأاللهم إني أسألك من كلماتك ب

O Allah I ask You to give me from Your Words that

elaborate and conclude;

وكل كلماتك تامة،

Ramadhan Amaal 312

and all Your words are complete and perfect;

.هااللهم إني أسألك بكلماتك كلO Allah I beseech You in the name of all Your Words.

رهابكأاللهم إني أسألك من أسمائك ب

O Allah I ask You to give me from Your Names that

make great,

وكل أسمائك كبيرة،and all Your Names are important;

.هااللهم إني أسألك بأسمائك كلO Allah I beseech You in the name of all Your Names:

كما ب ليتجاسك كما أمرتني فاللهم إني أدعو

وعدتني.O Allah: I am praying You as You have ordered me to do;

so, please respond to me as You have promised.

اللهم إني أدعوك كما أمرتني فاستجب لي كما


Ramadhan Amaal 313

O Allah: I am praying You as You have ordered me to do;

so, please respond to me as You have promised.

كما ب ليتجاساللهم إني أدعوك كما أمرتني ف

وعدتني.O Allah: I am praying You as You have ordered me to do;

so, please respond to me as You have promised.

هاعزاللهم إني أسألك من عزتك بأ

O Allah I beseech You to give me from Your authority

that surpasses in honor and power,

وكل عزتك عزيزة،and all Your authorities are rare and supreme,

كلها.اللهم إني أسألك بعزتك O Allah I beseech You in the name of all Your


اهامضأاللهم إني أسألك من مشيئتك ب

O Allah I ask You to give me from Your Will that

(simultaneously) takes effect,

Ramadhan Amaal 314

وكل مشيئتك ماضية،and all Your wills are (at once) executed;

.هااللهم إني أسألك بمشيئتك كلO Allah I beseech You in the name of all Your wills.

تي رة القدالاللهم إني أسألك من قدرتك ب

استطلت بها على كل شيء

O Allah I ask You to give me from Your that

omnipotence which controls everything,

وكل قدرتك مستطيلة،and at all events Your omnipotence dominates.

ا.اللهم إني أسألك بقدرتك كلهO Allah I beseech You in the name of Your all-embracing


كما ب ليتجاسدعوك كما أمرتني فاللهم إني أ


Ramadhan Amaal 315

O Allah: I am praying You as You have ordered me to do;

so, please respond to me as You have promised.

كما ب ليتجاساللهم إني أدعوك كما أمرتني ف

وعدتني.O Allah: I am praying You as You have ordered me to do;

so, please respond to me as You have promised.

كما ب ليتجاساللهم إني أدعوك كما أمرتني ف

وعدتني.O Allah: I am praying You as You have ordered me to do;

so, please respond to me as You have promised.

ذه نفاللهم إني أسألك من علمك بأ

O Allah I ask You to give me from Your Wisdom that

pierces through and enforces,

وكل علمك نافذ،and Your Wisdom is altogether effective,

اللهم إني أسألك بعلمك كله.

Ramadhan Amaal 316

O Allah I beseech You in the name of Your Wisdom.

اهرضاللهم إني أسألك من قولك بأ

O Allah I ask You to give me from Your promise which

always is fulfilled,

وكل قولك رضي،and all Your promises are kept and fulfilled,

ي أسألك بقولك كله.اللهم إنO Allah I beseech You in the name of all Your promises.

يكها إلحبأاللهم إني أسألك من مسائلك ب

O Allah I ask You to give me from Your Channels which

are most dear to You,

بيبة،وكل مسائلك إليك حand all that which is dear to You is most desirable,

،هااللهم إني أسألك بمسائلك كلO Allah I beseech You in the name of all Your Channels.

اللهم إني أدعوك كما أمرتني فاستجب لي كما

Ramadhan Amaal 317

وعدتني.O Allah: I am praying You as You have ordered me to do;

so, please respond to me as You have promised.

كما ب ليتجاساللهم إني أدعوك كما أمرتني ف

وعدتني.O Allah: I am praying You as You have ordered me to do;

so, please respond to me as You have promised.

كما ب ليتجاساللهم إني أدعوك كما أمرتني ف

وعدتني.O Allah: I am praying You as You have ordered me to do;

so, please respond to me as You have promised.

فهشراللهم إني أسألك من شرفك بأ

O Allah I ask You to give me from Your distinctions that

vie in glory,

وكل شرفك شريف،and all Your distinctions are noble;

Ramadhan Amaal 318

اللهم إني أسألك بشرفك كله.O Allah I beseech You in the name of all Your


مهدوأسلطانك ب اللهم إني أسألك من

O Allah I ask You to give me from Your sovereignty

which lasts and continues forever,

وكل سلطانك دائم،and for all times Your sovereignty is everlasting;

ه.اللهم إني أسألك بسلطانك كلO Allah I beseech You in the name of Your absolute


رهفخاللهم إني أسألك من ملكك بأ

O Allah I ask You to give me from Your kingdom that

surpasses in glory and nobility,

وكل ملكك فاخر،and in reality Your kingdom alone is the most celebrated

and magnificent;

Ramadhan Amaal 319

اللهم إني أسألك بملكك كله.O Allah I beseech You in the name of Your unlimited


كما ب ليتجاساللهم إني أدعوك كما أمرتني ف

وعدتني.O Allah: I am praying You as You have ordered me to do;

so, please respond to me as You have promised.

كما ب ليتجاساللهم إني أدعوك كما أمرتني ف

وعدتني.O Allah: I am praying You as You have ordered me to do;

so, please respond to me as You have promised.

كما ب ليتجاسك كما أمرتني فاللهم إني أدعو

وعدتني.O Allah: I am praying You as You have ordered me to do;

so, please respond to me as You have promised.

Ramadhan Amaal 320

ه البأع عالءكاللهم إني أسألك من

O Allah I ask You to give me from Your highest height

that exalts,

عال، عالءكوكل and Your eminence is altogether sublime;

كله. عالءكاللهم إني أسألك بO Allah I beseech You in the name of Your highest


هدماللهم إني أسألك من منك بأق

O Allah I ask You to give me from Your bounties which

always move ahead, come in advance,

وكل منك قديم،and all Your bounties are eternal,

اللهم إني أسألك بمنك كله.O Allah I beseech You in the name of all Your bounties.

هاجببأعمن آياتك اللهم إني أسألك

O Allah I ask You to give me from Your signs; the most

Ramadhan Amaal 321

wonderful of them,

،عجيبةوكل آياتك and all Your signs are wonderful;

اللهم إني أسألك بآياتك كلها.O Allah I beseech You in the name of all Your signs,

كما ب ليتجاساللهم إني أدعوك كما أمرتني ف

وعدتني.O Allah: I am praying You as You have ordered me to do;

so, please respond to me as You have promised.

كما ب ليتجاساللهم إني أدعوك كما أمرتني ف

ي.وعدتنO Allah: I am praying You as You have ordered me to do;

so, please respond to me as You have promised.

كما ب ليتجاساللهم إني أدعوك كما أمرتني ف

وعدتني.O Allah: I am praying You as You have ordered me to do;

Ramadhan Amaal 322

so, please respond to me as You have promised.

لهفضاللهم إني أسألك من فضلك بأ

O Allah: I beseech You to grant me from the best of Your


وكل فضلك فاضل،and all Your favors are excellent.

اللهم إني أسألك بفضلك كله.O Allah: I beseech You in the name of Your whole favor.

هعماللهم إني أسألك من رزقك بأ

O Allah: I beseech You to grant me from the most

widespread of Your sustenance;

وكل رزقك عام،and all Your sustenance is widespread.

ي أسألك برزقك كله.اللهم إنO Allah: I beseech You in the name of Your whole


ه نئهاللهم إني أسألك من عطائك بأ

Ramadhan Amaal 323

O Allah: I beseech You to grant me from the most

wholesome of Your bestowal;

وكل عطائك هنيء،and Your entire bestowal is wholesome.

.اللهم إني أسألك بعطائك كلهO Allah: I beseech You in the name of Your entire


له عجاللهم إني أسألك من خيرك بأ

O Allah: I beseech You to grant me from Your most

instant welfare;

وكل خيرك عاجل،and Your entire welfare is instant.

اللهم إني أسألك بخيرك كله.O Allah: I beseech You in the name of Your entire


هسنأحاللهم إني أسألك من إحسانك ب

O Allah: I beseech You to grant me from You most

excellent benevolence;

Ramadhan Amaal 324

وكل إحسانك حسن،and Your entire benevolence is excellent.

.اللهم إني أسألك بإحسانك كلهO Allah: I beseech You in the name of Your entire


ألك،ن أسحي هاللهم إني أسألك بما تجيبني بO Allah: I beseech You in the name of all that through

which You may respond to me if I beseech You;

فأجبني يا الله،therefore, (please do) respond to me, O Allah.

ألك،ن أسحي هاللهم إني أسألك بما تجيبني بO Allah: I beseech You in the name of all that through

which You may respond to me if I beseech You;

،هلليا ا كوتعد معنYes, I have besought You, O Allah.

بروت لجاو ؤوناللهم بما أنت فيه من الشO Allah: (I beseech You) in the name of all authorities

Ramadhan Amaal 325

and powers that You enjoy.

هالك كت روبجو كأنشب كألي أس إن مهللاO Allah: I beseech You in the name of all of Your

authorities and powers.

به ألكن أسحي هاللهم إني أسألك بما تجيبني ب

O Allah: I ask You to give me whereby You gives answer

to my supplication whenever I turn to You,

فأجبني يا اللهSo, (please) respond to me, O Allah.

صل على محمد وآل محمد

Send blessings on Muhammad and the Family of


You may then mention your needs.

اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمد O Allah: send blessings on Muhammad and the Family

of Muhammad

على االيمان بك،ابعثني و

Ramadhan Amaal 326

and resurrect me abiding by the believing in You,

والتصديق برسولك،giving credence to Your Messenger,

،يهما السالمعلوالوالية لعلي بن أبي طالب being faithful to `Ali ibn Abu-Talib—peace be upon both

of them;

دواإلئتمام باألئمة من آل محم being following the (Divinely commissioned) leadership

of the Imams from the Household of Muhammad

والبراءة من عدوهم،And disavowing their enemy.

فإني قد رضيت يا ربي بذلك،My Lord, I have accepted such.

اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمد O Allah: send blessings on Muhammad and the Family

of Muhammad

،ةنالجو كوانض ر :ريالخ ري خ كألأسو

Ramadhan Amaal 327

And I beseech You for the best of the goodness: Your

pleasure and Paradise;

.ارالنو كطخس :رالش رش نم كب وذأعو And I seek Your protection against the most evil of the

evil: Your wrath and Hellfire.

اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمد،O Allah: (please do) send blessings upon Muhammad

and the Household of Muhammad;

،ةيلب لكو ةيبصم لك ني منظفاحو And safeguard me against all misfortunes and all ordeals

،ةقوبع لك نمو And all punishments

،ةنتف لك نمو And all seditious matters

،الءب لك نمو And all trials

،ر ش لك نمو

Ramadhan Amaal 328

And all evils

،روهك م لك نمو And all tribulations

،ةيبصم لك نمو And all misfortunes

،ة آف لك نمو And all catastrophes

هفي هذ ضإلى األر ماءالس نم لز نأو ت تلزن

،ةاعالس That have already or will ascend from the heavens to the

earth at this very hour,

،ةليالل هفي هذو And at this night

،موفي هذا الي و And on this day

،رهفي هذا الش و

Ramadhan Amaal 329

And in this month

.ةنالس هفي هذو And in this year.

اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمد،O Allah: (please do) send blessings upon Muhammad

and the Household of Muhammad;

،رور س لك نلي م مساقو And decide for me a portion from all pleasant things,

،ةجهب لك نمو And all joys

،ةقامتاس لك نمو And all straightness

،جرف لك نمو And all relief

،ةيعاف لك نمو And all well-being

Ramadhan Amaal 330

،ةالمس لك نمو And all safety

،ةرامك لك نمو And all honor

،بيط اللح عواس قزر لك نمو And all items of sustenance that is expansive, legally

gotten, and pleasant

،ةمعن لك نمو And all graces

،ةنسح لك نمو And all advantageous things

هفي هذ ضإلى األر ماءالس نم لز نأو ت تلزن

ة اعالس That have already or will ascend from the heavens to the

earth at this very hour,

،ةليالل هفي هذو

Ramadhan Amaal 331

And at this night

،موفي هذا الي و And on this day

،رهفي هذا الش و And in this month

.ةنلسا هفي هذو And in this year.

،كدنع يهج و تقلأخ دنوبي قذ تكان إن مهللا O Allah: If my sins have deformed my face in Your view

،كنيبيني وب تحالو And have thus cut the path taking me to You

،كدنحالي ع تريغ أو And have changed my status with You,

أ،فطي مذي لال ريمالك ك هجو نورب كألي أسنإف Then, I beseech You in the name of the Light of Your

Magnanimous Face that is never extinguished,

Ramadhan Amaal 332

فى،طصم ال دمحم كيب بح هجوبو And in the name of the face of Your Chosen Prophet,


ضى،ترمال يلع ك يلو هجوبو And in the name of the face of Your well-pleased

servant, `Ali,

،مهتبجتان ذينال كيائ لأو قحبو And in the name of Your intimate servants that You have


،دمحم آلو دمحلى مع يلصت أن (I beseech You) that You send blessings upon

Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad,

دا،لما وو يدوالللي و رفغت أنو And forgive for me, for my parents, and for all their


،ناتؤمالمو نينمؤلملو And forgive for the believing men and women

دوا،والما تو

Ramadhan Amaal 333

And for all their offspring

ا،هلنا كنوبذ All our sins,

ها،بيركها وغيرص Including the insignificant and the major,

،حات الالصنا بل متخت أنو And that You seal our lives with righteous deeds,

،اتمهالمو اجاتنا الحل يضقت أنو And that You settle our needs and important desires,

،ةلأسالمو عاءالد حصالو And that You respond to us our well-intended prayers

and requests;

نا،ل بجتاسف So, (please), respond to us,

.هآلو دمحم قحب In the name of Muhammad and his Household.

Ramadhan Amaal 334

اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمد،O Allah: (please) send blessings upon Muhammad and

the Household of Muhammad,

،آمين آمين آمين (please) respond; (please) respond; (please) respond;

،كان اهلل ما شاء Only that which Allah wills shall come to pass.

،باهلل إال ةوال قو ولال ح There is no power and no might except with Allah.

صفون،سبحان ربك رب العزة عما ي Glory be to your Lord, the Lord of Honor, above what

they describe.

.وسالم على المرسلينAnd peace be on the messengers.

والحمد لله رب العالمين.And all praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

Ramadhan Amaal 335

You may then extend both your hands, incline your

neck to your left shoulder, and weep or try to weep,


يا ال إله إال أنتO He but Whom there is no god

،ظيمع كيل ع هقح نم ق حب كألأس I beseech You in the name of those whose names enjoy a

great regard with You

،تأن إال ال إلهب And in the name of there is no god save You

،تأن إال لهيا ال إ تأن إال ال إله هاء بب كألأس I beseech You in the name of the luminosity of there is

no god save You, O He save Whom there is no god

،تأن إال لهيا ال إ تأن إال ال إله اللجب كألأس I beseech You in the name of the majesty of there is no

god save You, O He save Whom there is no god

Ramadhan Amaal 336

.تأن إال لهيا ال إ تأن إال ال إله مالجب كألأس I beseech You in the name of the splendor of there is no

god save You, O He save Whom there is no god

،تأن إال يا ال إله تأن إال ال إله نورب كألأس I beseech You in the name of the light of there is no god

save You, O He save Whom there is no god

،تأن إال لهيا ال إ تأن إال ال إله مالكب كألأس I beseech You in the name of the excellency of there is

no god save You, O He save Whom there is no god

تأن إال لهإيا ال تأن إال ال إله ةزعب كألأس I beseech You in the name of the honor of there is no

god save You, O He save Whom there is no god

تأن إال لهيا ال إ تأن إال ال إله م ظعب كألسأ I beseech You in the name of the grandeur of there is no

god save You, O He save Whom there is no god

تأن إال هيا ال إل تأن إال ال إله ول قب كألأس I beseech You in the name of the saying of there is no

god save You, O He save Whom there is no god

Ramadhan Amaal 337

تأن إال لهيا ال إ تأن إال ال إله فر شب كألأس I beseech You in the name of the dignity of there is no

god save You, O He save Whom there is no god

تأن إال لهيا ال إ تأن إال ال إله الءعب كألأس I beseech You in the name of the elevation of there is no

god save You, O He save Whom there is no god

تأن إال يا ال إله تأن إال ال إلهب كألأس I beseech You in the name of there is no god save You, O

He save Whom there is no god

…اهبيا ر اهبيا ر اهبيا ر O my Lord; O my Lord; O my Lord

You may keep on repeating this word as much as

one breath can take.

As you extend your hand and incline your neck to

your left shoulder, you may say the following:

أسألك يا سيدي

Ramadhan Amaal 338

I beseech You; O my Master:

You may repeat the following statement as much as

one breath can take:

اه بيا ر هللا اي O Allah; O my Lord:

You may then continue:

،آهجليا م ياثاهيا غ والهيا م داهييا س O my Master; O my Lord: O my Aide; O my Shelter;

،تاهبغر ةهى غاينتيا م O the Ultimate goal of my all desires;

،ميناحالر محأر يا O the Most Merciful of all those who show mercy;

،يءش كلثمك سي لف كألأس I beseech You, for nothing is like You

يبها نب عاك د ةجابتسم ةوعد لك ب كألأسو

Ramadhan Amaal 339

،برقم كل م أو لسرم And I beseech You with every responded prayer that has

been addressed to You by a missioned Prophet or a

favorite angel

،يمانإلل هبلق تنحتام نؤم م دبع أو Or a faithful servant (of You) whose heart has been tried

by You to carry faith

،هنم هتوعد تبجتاسو And then You responded to his prayer.

،ةمحالر يبن كيبن دمحمب كي إل هجوأتو I turn my face towards You asking You in the name of

Your Prophet, Muhammad, the Prophet of mercy

جي.وائح يدي نيب همدقأو And I seek his intercession before You for the sake of

Your settlement of my need

،اهلل سوليا ر دمحيا م O Muhammad: O the Messenger of Allah;

ي،برو كبإلى ر كب هجوتي أماو تأبي أنب

Ramadhan Amaal 340

May Allah accept my father and mother as ransoms for

you! In your name do I turn my and your Lord;

جي،وائح يدي ني ب كمدقأو And I seek your intercession for the sake of the Lord’s

settling my needs.

،اهبا ري اهبا ري اهبا ري O my Lord; O my Lord; O my Lord;

،كب كألأس I beseech You by Your sake,

،يءش كلثمك سيلف For there is nothing like You.

،كبيبح دمحمب كي إل هجوتأو And I turn my face towards You, asking You in the name

of Muhammad, Your most beloved one,

،ةيالهاد هترتعبو And in the name of his offspring—the guide ones,

جي.وائح يدي ني م بهمدقأو

Ramadhan Amaal 341

And I seek their intercession for the sake of Your settling

my needs.

،موتي ال تتال كياتحب مه الل كألأسو And I beseech You in the name of Your everl-ivingness,

since You never dies,

،أفطذي ال يال كه جو نوربو And in the name of the Light of Your Face that is never


،نامتي ال تال كنيعبو And in the name of Your Eye that never sleeps

،يمظع كيلع هقح نم قح ب كألأسو I beseech You in the name of those whose names enjoy a

great regard with You

،دمحم آلو دمحلى مع يلصت أن That You may send blessings upon Muhammad and the

Household of Muhammad

يءش لك لبق Before everything,

Ramadhan Amaal 342

شيء لك دعبو And after everything,

شيء لك ددعو And as many as all things,

شيء لك ةنزو And as weighty as all things,

يء ش لك ءلمو And as full as all things

لىع يلصت أن كألس ي أإن مهللا كدبع دم حم

فى،طصالم O Allah: I beseech You to send blessings upon

Muhammad—Your chosen servant

ضى،ترالم كسولرو And Your well-pleased Messenger

،كقل خ وند كجيبنطفى وصالم كمين أو And Your Chosen Trustee and Your selected one among

Ramadhan Amaal 343

all Your creatures,

،ينعمأج كقلخ نم كتريخو كبيبحو And Your most beloved one, and Your elect among all

Your beings.

،نيرالم راجالس شيرالب ذيرالن The Warner, the Bearer of good tidings, and the

luminous lantern.

رينهطالم ريناهالط بين يالط هيتب للى أهعو

رار،األب ياراألخ And upon his Household—the pure, the immaculate, the

purified, the virtuous, and the pious,

وعلى مالئكتك الذين استخلصتهم لنفسك

هم عن خلقكوحجبت And upon Your angels whom You have chosen for

Yourself and screened from Your creatures,

عنك، الصدقبوعلى أنبيائك الذين ينبئون And upon Your Prophets who convey truly from You

Ramadhan Amaal 344

وعلى عبادك الصالحينAnd upon Your righteous servants,

،كتم حفي ر مهت لخأد ذينلا Whom You have included with Your mercy;

،رينهطالم ديناشالر دينتهالم ةمألئا The leaders, the well-guided, the orthodox, the purified,

،يلرافإسو يل ميكائو يئلربلى جعو And upon (Archangels) Gabriel, and Michael, and Israfil,

،ةنالج نخاز وانضرو تو مال كلمو And the Angel of Death, and Ridhwan the doorkeeper of


،ارالن نازخ كمالو And Malik the doorkeeper of Hell,

،سدالق وحالرو And the Holy Spirit

،كيرن و ركنمو شر عال ةلمحو

Ramadhan Amaal 345

And the Bearers of the (Divine) Throne, and Munkar and


،وعلى الملكين الحافظين علي

And the two angels whom are in charge of supervising


،مهيلعها ب يلصت بالصالة التي تحب أن

(please bless them all) with the blessing that You like to

bless them with;

،ةي نام ةيزاك ةكبارم ةبيط ةثيرك الةص (Let it be) a blessing that is abundant, pure, holy,

genuine, growing,

،ةلفاض ةريف ش ةرطاه deep, honorable, and virtuous

.واآلخرين تبين بها فضلهم على األولين

through which You obviously demonstrate their

precedence over the past and the coming generations.

،يأن تسمع صوت اللهم إني أسألك

O Allah: I beseech You to hear my voice,

Ramadhan Amaal 346

،وتجيب دعوتي

And to respond to my prayer,

،وتغفر ذنوبي

And to forgive my sins,

،وتنجح طلبتي

And to give success to my prayer,

،تياوتقضي حاج

And to settle my needs,

ي،تصق لبقتو And to accept my excuses

لي زجنتو ي،نتدعما و And to fulfill Your promise to me,

تي،رث ني عقيلتو And to let off my offense,

،وتتجاوز عن خطيئتي

And to overlook my sins,

Ramadhan Amaal 347

،وتصفح عن ظلمي

And to excuse my wrongdoings,

،وتعفو عن جرمي

And to pardon my evildoings,

،ليوتقبل ع

And to be always present for me

،وال تعرض عني

And never reject me

،وترحمني وال تعذبني

And to have mercy upon me and not to punish me,

،وتعافيني وال تبتليني

And to grant me good health and not to afflict me,

،وسعهوترزقني من الرزق أطيبه وأ

And to grant me from the nicest and most extensive


،هأ رم أو هأنأهو

Ramadhan Amaal 348

And most pleasant and most wholesome

.هرث أكو هغبسأو And most plentiful and most abundant

تي،أمانيني ود بني يا رمرحال تو And not to deprive me, O my Lord, of my faith and belief

trusted with me

ري،زي و نع عضو And (please) relieve me of my burdens;

لي به،طاقة ني ما ال لمحال تو and do not impose on me that which I have not the

strength to bear.

،والييا م O my Master;

آلو دامحم فيه تلخأد ريخ لني في كلخأدو

،دمحم And (please do) include me with every good item that

You have chosen from Muhammad and the Household of

Ramadhan Amaal 349


،هنم مهتجرأخ سوء لك نني مجرأخو and take me out of any evil from which You have saved


يا نفي الد داأب نيع ةفرط مهنيبني ويب قرفال تو

.ةرخاآلو And never separate me from them for even a twinkling

of an eye neither in this worldly life nor in the Hereafter.

اللهم إني أدعوك كما أمرتني فاستجب لي

كما وعدتني.

O Allah: I am praying You as You have ordered me to do;

so, please respond to me as You have promised.

أمرتني فاستجب لي اللهم إني أدعوك كما

كما وعدتني.O Allah: I am praying You as You have ordered me to do;

so, please respond to me as You have promised.

Ramadhan Amaal 350

اللهم إني أدعوك كما أمرتني فاستجب لي

كما وعدتني.O Allah: I am praying You as You have ordered me to do;

so, please respond to me as You have promised.

ير اللهم إني أسألك قليال من كث

O Allah, I ask You for a little from the very much,

مع حاجة بي إليه عظيمة،in the midst of my many needs for which I entirely

depend on You,

وغناك عنه قديم،and You, since eternity, are able to do without them,

وهو عندي كثير،but for me it is titanic

.ء قديرفامنن به علي إنك على كل شي So, (please do) bestow upon me with them, for You have

power over all things.

Ramadhan Amaal 351

دخلنا،اللهم برحمتك في الصالحين فأ O Allah: (please do) include us with the righteous ones,

out of Your mercy.

وفي عليين فارفعنا،And uplift us to the rank of `illiyyin (most elevated rank).

يل فاسقنا،س من معين من عين سلسبوبكأ And serve us with water running out of spring of


جنا،ومن الحور العين برحمتك فزو And, out of Your mercy, give us as wives the women of


ين كأنهم لؤلؤ مكنون ومن الولدان المخلد

فأخدمنا،And make the Paradisiacal youths who never alter in age

and who are like hidden pearls serve us.

فأطعمنا، ومن ثمار الجنة ولحوم الطير And give us food from the fruits of Paradise and from

Ramadhan Amaal 352

the meat of birds there.

ومن ثياب السندس والحرير واإلستبرق

فألبسنا،And dress us from the clothes of fine and thick silk and

rich brodace.

وليلة القدر،And give us success to catch the Grand Night

حرام،وحج بيتك ال The pilgrimage to Your Holy House,

ق لنا،فوفمع وليك في سبيلك وقتال And the martyrdom in Your way under the pennon of

Your Representative.

جب لنا،وصالح الدعاء والمسألة فاست And respond to our goodly prayer and invocation.

نا،ل بجتاسو عما اس نقالا خي O our Creator: (please) listen to (our prayer) and

respond to us.

Ramadhan Amaal 353

وإذا جمعت األولين واآلخرين يوم القيامة

فارحمنا،And when You shall gather the past and the coming

generations on the Resurrection Day, (please) have

mercy upon us.

فاكتب لنا، بذاالع نم أماناووبراءة من النار

And (please) release us from Hellfire and secure us

against the chastisement.

وفي جهنم فال تغلنا،And do not fetter us in Hell.

،قرناومع الشياطين فال ت And do not add us to the devils.

بنا،وفي النار على وجوهنا فال تكب And do not throw us down on our faces in Hellfire.

نا،بلقال تف كذابعو كوانفي هو And do not make us turn over in Your humiliation and

in Your chastisement.

Ramadhan Amaal 354

ا،ومن الزقوم والضريع فال تطعمن And do not feed us from zaqqum and thorns.

بنا،وفي النار على وجوهنا فال تكب And do not throw us down on our faces in Hellfire.

ران فال تلبسنا،سرابيل القطومن ثياب النار و

And do not dress us from the clothes of fire and the

shirts of pitchl

أنت أنت بحق ال إله إال ومن كل سوء يا ال إله إال

فنجنا.And save us from all evils; O there is no god save You, I

beseech You in the name of there is no god save You.

،كلثم ألسي ملو كألإني أس مهللا O Allah: I am beseeching You, and there is none like You

to be besought.

كل ثإلى م بغري ملو كيإل بغأروand to You do I desire, and there is none like You to be


Ramadhan Amaal 355

،نليائالس ة ألسم عضوم تأن با ري O my Lord: It is You Who is the object of the requests of

the beseechers,

،ينباغالر ةبغهى رتنمو and it is You Who is the ultimate goal of the desire of

those who have desires.

ها،حجأنها ولك كمائأس لضأفب مهالل كألأس I beseech You, O Allah, in the name of the best and the

most effective of all Your (Excellent) Names

،نامحيا ر هلليا ا O Allah; O the All-beneficent,

مظاألع لجاأل زاألع ونص الم زونخالم كماسبو

،واههتو هبحذي تال and I beseech You by Your Name—the sealed, the

reserved, the mightiest, the loftiest, the greatest,; that

You love and like,

،هب عاكد نمضى عرتو

Ramadhan Amaal 356

and that You are pleased with him who prays You by it,

،هعاءد هل جيبتستو and thus You answer his prayers.

.كل ئسا مرحال ت أن بيا ر كيلع قحو It is incumbent upon You, O Lord, that You never

disappoint him who beseeches You.

،كل وه ماس لكب كألي أس إن مهللا O Allah: I do beseech You by every name that belongs to


،كل وه دب ع هب عاكد and by which a servant of You has prayed You

،رح ب أو رفي ب in a land or in a sea

،لبج أو لهس أو or in a plain or on a mountain

،رامالح كت يب دنع أو or at Your Sacred House,

Ramadhan Amaal 357

.كل بس نم يءفي ش أو or in any of Your ways.

،هتاقف تدتاش دق نم عاءد بيا ر وكعدأف So, I beseech You, O my Lord, the beseeching of him

whose neediness is great

،هحدك فعضو همرج مظعو and whose offense is grave, and whose efforts are


،هسف ن ةكللى الهع تفرأشو and who is about to perish

،هم لع نم يءشب قثي ملو and who has no trust in any of his deeds

ال و راغاف هبنذال لو اساد فيه وما هل دجي ملو

،كريغ قيالم هترثعل and who has not found anyone who can make up for him

or can forgive his sin or can overlook his slips save You,

Ramadhan Amaal 358

،كيإل باهار He is thus resorting to You,

،كب ذاوعتم seeking Your refuge,

،كل دابعتم worshipping You,

،ربكت سال مو فك نتسم ريغ showing no disdain, no pride,

،ر بجتال مو رس حتسال مو no arrogance, no condescension,

،مظعتال مو and no aloofness;

،قيرف سبائ لب rather, he is miserable, needy,

.يرجتسم فائخ fearful, and seeking shelter.

Ramadhan Amaal 359

،ن امحيا ر هلليا ا كألأس I beseech You, O Allah, O the All-beneficent,

،اننيا م اننا حي O the All-tender, O the All-bestower of boons,

،ضاألرو واتامالس ديعيا ب O the magnificent Maker of the heavens and the earth,

،راماإلكو اللا ذا الجي O the Lord of majesty and honor;

،دمحم آلو دمحلى مع يلصت أن (I beseech You) to send blessings upon Muhammad and

the Household of Muhammad,

،ةبيط ةثيرك الةص blessings that are abundant, superb,

،ةينام ةكبارم sanctified, ever-increasing,

.ةريفش ةيزاك

Ramadhan Amaal 360

pure, and honorable.

ري هذاهلي في ش رفغت أن مهالل كألأس

ني،محرتو I beseech You, O Allah, to forgive me in this month and

to have mercy upon me

،ارالن ني متبقر قتعتو and to release me from Hellfire

نم داأح هب تيطع ما أ ريخ يهني فيطعتو

،كقلخ and to grant me the best of that which You have ever

given any of Your creatures

،يهطعم تما أن ريخو and the best of that which You will ever give,

ذنم كل هتمص ضانمر رهش رآخ هلعجال تو

،كضي أرنت نكأس and (please) do not decide this month of Ramadhan to

Ramadhan Amaal 361

be the last one in which I observe fasting for Your sake

since You allowed me to live on Your lands

ذا،ي ه موإلى ي up to this day;

،ةي عاف همعأو ة معن همأت يل ع ه لعاج لب rather (please) make it the month of the most perfect

bounty that You have ever conferred upon me and of the

most excellent well-being that You have ever covered me


،قازر هعسأوو and of the most expansive sustenance that You have ever

decided for me,

.هأن أهو هلزأجو and of the most profuse reward that You grant me and of

the most pleasant times that have ever come upon me.

،ريمكال كهجوب و كب وذي أع إن مهللا O Allah: I do seek Your protection and the protection of

Your Magnanimous Face,

،يمظ الع ككلمو

Ramadhan Amaal 362

and Your Majestic Kingdom,

ذا،ومي هي نم سمالش برغت أن against that sun sets at the end of this day,

،موهذا الي يضقني أو or this day comes to its end,

،هتي هذيلل نم رجالف علطي أو or this night dawns,

،رههذا الش جرخي أو or this month elapses,

،بنذ أو ةعبلي تبق كلو but there is still an offense of a sin due to which You

shall punish me,

ها،ني بسقايت أن ريدت ةطيئخ أو or a wrongdoing for which You may want to interrogate


ها،ني بذؤاخت أو or punish me,

Ramadhan Amaal 363

،ةرخاآليا ونفي الد يزخ فقوها مي بنفوقت أو or put me in a disgraceful situation in this world or the

next world,

،قاكأل موني يبذعت أو or chastise me on the day when I will meet You.

.ميناحالر محيا أر O the most Merciful of all those who show mercy.

غيرك،اللهم إني أدعوك لهم ال يفرجهO Allah: I beseech You about a grief that none can

relieve save You,

ولرحمة ال تنال إال بك،And for mercy that cannot be attained except through


ولكرب ال يكشفه إال أنت،And about hardship from which none can rescue except


لرغبة ال تبلغ إال بك،و

Ramadhan Amaal 364

And for desire that cannot be obtained except by You

.كضى دونق ال ت ةحاجلو And for a need that cannot be settled without Your


من هي بنتدأر اللهم فكما كان من شأنك ما


O Allah: As You have decided to allow me to pray You,

ورحمتني به من ذكركAnd as You have had mercy upon me through allowing

me to refer to You,

ما دعوتك،فليكن من شأنك اإلجابة لي في So, please decide that my prayers are responded by You,

والنجاة مما فزعت إليك فيه،And grant me redemption from that against which I

have resorted to You.

لسالم،ايا ملين الحديد لداود عليه أ O He Who made the iron pliant for (Prophet) David,

Ramadhan Amaal 365

peace be upon him;

أيوب،يا كاشف الضر والكرب العظام عنO He Who took off the harm and calamity that afflict

(Prophet) Job;

مفرج هم يعقوب،و O He Who relieved the sorrow of (Prophet) Jacob;

منفس غم يوسف،و O He Who removed the grief of (Prophet) Joseph:

صل على محمد وآل محمد(Please do) send blessings upon Muhammad and the

Household of Muhammad,

وافعل بي ما أنت أهله،And (please) do to me that which befits You,

.رةإنك أهل التقوى وأهل المغفف

You are surely worthy of being feared and worthy of


اللهم أنت ثقتي في كل كرب،

Ramadhan Amaal 366

O Allah: I trust in You in hard times

ورجائي في كل شدةand confide in you hopefully in tribulations,

ة وعدة.ثقوأنت لي في كل أمر نزل بي and in You lie my faith and hope in every misfortune

that inflicts me.

كم من كرب يضعف فيه الفؤاد،Many were the griefs that crinkled my heart,

وتقل فيه الحيلة،were hardly curable,

ويخذل فيه الصديق،caused my friends to disappoint me,

ويشمت فيه العدو،and made my enemies rejoice (over my helplessness);

أنزلته بك وشكوته إليكbut when I relegated them –i.e. the griefs- to You and

complained about them to You,

Ramadhan Amaal 367

اك،يه إليك عمن سورغبة مني ف because I heartily intended You, no one else,

،ه تيفكو ففرجته وكشفته

You relieved and alleviated them and saved me from

their consequences.

،فأنت ولي كل نعمة

You are certainly the source of all graces,

،وصاحب كل حسنة

the cause of all favors,

،كل رغبة ومنتهى

and the only intention of aspirations.

اتامالت اهلل ماتلكب أعوذ I seek the protection of all of the Perfect Words of Allah

.يءش نم خلق ما شر من against the evil of whatever thing He has created.

،يس مى أتومي هذا حني في يعاف مهللا

Ramadhan Amaal 368

O Allah: (please) convey upon me with good health on

this day up to the evening.

ذا،مي هو ي ةكرب كألي أس إن مهللا O Allah: I beseech You to grant me the blessing of this


،وانضرو ة محرو ةرفغمو ةيافع نم يهف لزما نو as well as whatever has been descended on this day,

including well-being, forgiveness, mercy, pleasure,

يداللى وعو يلع هط سبت اللح عاسو قزرو

ي،تزانح لأهي ويالعلي وأهي ودلوو and sustenance that is expansive and legally gotten that

You may extend it for me, for my parents, for my sons,

for my wife, for my dependants, for my friends,

ي،نبحأو ت ببأح نمو for all those whom I love, for all thos who love me,

ني،د لوو تدلوو for my descendants and for my ascendants.

،كرالشو كالش نم كب وذي أع إن مهللا

Ramadhan Amaal 369

O Allah: I seek Your protection against doubt and


،يغالبو دسالحو and envy and oppression

.بضالغ و ةيمالحو and fanaticism and rage.

،عبالس واتامالس بر مهللا O Allah; the Lord of the Seven Skies

،عبالس ضيناألر برو and the Lord of the seven layers of the earth

،ظيمالع شرالع بر و نهنيما بو نيهما فو and whatever thing exists in and between them; and the

Lord of the Great Throne:

،هآلو دمح لى م ع لص (Please do) bless Muhammad and his Household,

،تئما شري بأم نم مه ني المفاكو and relieve me from my aggrieving matters by the means

Ramadhan Amaal 370

that You will

.ت ئش فيكو and the method that You will.

You may then recite the Surah of al-Fatihah and the

Ayat al-Kursiy (2:255) and then say the following:

:هآلو ه يلع هللاى لص كيبنل تل ق كإن مهللا

(،فترضى ربك يعطيك ولسوف)O Allah: You have said to Your Prophet—Peace of Allah

be upon him and his Household: “And soon shall your

Lord give you so that you shall be well pleased.”

نم كتريخو كبيبحو ك ولسرو كيبن إن مهللا

،كقلخO Allah: Verily, Your Prophet, Messenger, Most Beloved,

and Elite from among Your creatures

،هتمأ نم داأح بذعت ضى بأنرال ي

Ramadhan Amaal 371

is not pleased if You torment one of his nation

،هتيب لأه نم ةمئاأل واالةمو هواالت مب كاندwho worships You through acting loyally to the Prophet

and to the Imams from his Household

،ئااطخ بانذم كان إنوeven if that one is guilty and sinful,

،منهج ارفي ن(and to torture him) in Hellfire.

،هاذابعو منهج نم با ر ني يرجأفSo, (please) rescue me from Hell and its torture,

،دمح م آلو دمحمي لنبهوand pardon me for the sake of Muhammad and the

Household of Muhammad;

.ينماحالر محا أريO the most Merciful of all those who show mercy.

لوبالق نم فلألى تع ةنالج لأه نيب عااما جي

Ramadhan Amaal 372

،ةبحمال ةدشوO He Who shall gather the inhabitants of Paradise on

terms of cordiality and affability;

،مهدورص نم لالغ عنازوand He Who shall remove rancor that may be in their


،ينلقابتم ررلى سع واناإخ مهلاعجوand He shall thus make them brothers; face to face on


،هتاعط لأه نيب عااما جيO He Who Shall gather between those who are obedient

to Him

،هها لقلخ نم نيبوand him for whom it was created.

،ونز حم لك نزح جرفا ميوO He Who relieves the sad of every aggried one;

.ريبغ لك لهنيا مو

Ramadhan Amaal 373

O He Who is the resource of every stranger;

نسحب يوال أح لي كف ي وتبغي ري ف ماحيا ر

ي،ل ةالءالك و ظفالحO He Who covers me with His mercy when I desire for

something as well as in all my circumstances by means

of well safeguarding and protection.

،فوالخو يقالض ني مما ب جرفا ميO He Who relieves all my depression and fears;

،دمح م آلو دمح لى م ع لص(please do) bless Muhammad and the Household of


يتسادي وتقادي وت بحأ نيبي ونيب عماجو

.يوالمي وداتهو and join me with my beloved ones: my leaders, my

masters, my guides, and my lords.

ةبحاأل نيب فالؤا مي O He Who joins the dear ones with each other;

Ramadhan Amaal 374

،دمح م آلو دمح لى م ع لص (please do) bless Muhammad and the Household of


دمحم آلو دمحم ةؤي ر طاعقاني بنعجفال تو

ي،نع and never distress me by preventing me from seeing

Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad

،مهني عتؤير طاعقانال بو or ceasing them from seeing me.

ي،هإل وكعأد با ري كلسائم لكبف I thus beseech You, O my God, in the name of all that by

which You are prayed;

،اكي إيعائد بجتاسف So, please respond to my beseeching You,

،ميناحالر محا أري O the most Merciful of all those who show mercy.

Ramadhan Amaal 375

وبج وي وتجح طاعقانب كلأي أس إن مهللا

ي.ل رفغت أن كتجح O Allah: I beseech You in the name of that I have no

claim against You but You have all claims against me,

that You may forgive me.

،رشحمال موي يزخ نم كب وذي أع إن مهللا O Allah: I seek Your protection against the disgrace of

the Day of Resurrecting,

،ره الد نم يقما ب رش نمو and against the evil of the coming days of my life,

،داءاألع رش نمو and against the evil of the enemies,

،ناءالف فيرصو and against the approaching of termination

،اء الد ضالعو and against cureless maladies,

Ramadhan Amaal 376

،جاءالر ةبيخو and against disappointment,

،ةم عالن والزو and against fading away of boons,

،ةم قالن ةأجفو and against unexpected chastisements.

موى يإل راكي هنأك شاكخي بالي قل لعاج مهللا

.قاكلي O Allah: (please) decide for me a heart that fears You as

if it can see You directly up to the day on which it shall

meet You.

Ramadhan Amaal 377

Amaal for Every Night in

the Holy Month of Ramadhan

2 Raka’ Salaah for every night

Duas to be recited every night in the Holy

Month of Ramadhan

Dua اللهم رب شهر رمضان

Dua Iftittah

Dua اللهم برحمتك في الصالحين

Ramadhan Amaal 378

Imam Sadiqs Dua - اللهم إني أسألك أن تجعل

Dua أعوذ بجالل وجهك

Dua إلهي وقف السائلون

Narrations have confirmed that it is advisable to

recite Surah of al-Qadr 1000 times a night.

When possible, it is recommended to recite

Surah of al-Dukhan (No. 44) 100 times a night.

According to a hadith, if one recites Surah of

al-Fath (No. 48) in a considerable prayer, he

will be saved all over that year

Ramadhan Amaal 379

Sayyid ibn Tawus has mentioned that if one says the

following supplication each night in Ramadhan, his

sins of forty years will be forgiven for him:

شهر رمضان اللهم رب

O Allah, the Lord of the month of Ramadhn

آن لقرٱنزلت فيه ذي الٱin which You have revealed the Qur'an

اميلصٱفترضت على عبادك فيه ٱوand made obligatory fasting in this month upon Your


دد وآل محمعلى محم صل

Please, send blessings to Muhammad and the Household

of Muhammad

لحرامٱبيتك رزقني حجوٱ

and provide me with the opportunity to go to Your

‘Sacred House’ for pilgrimage

عام لعام وفي كلٱفي هذا

Ramadhan Amaal 380

in this year and in all years.

لعظامٱنوب لذٱغفر لي ٱوForgive my overbearing sins,

يغفرها غيرك اله نفإ

for verily no one other than You can forgive them.

ميا رحمن يا عال

O All-beneficent! O All-knowing!

Ramadhan Amaal 381

Dua Iftitah

It is recommended to recite the following Du`a' al-

Iftifah every night in Ramadhan:

مدكناء بح لثٱفتتح ي اناللهم إO Allah, I begin the glorification of You with praising


كواب بمند للصنت مسدوا

and You always guide us to the right out of Your favors

upon us.

ينلراحمٱرحم نت اك انيقنت اوا

I am certain that You are the most Merciful of all those

who show mercy

حمةلرٱلعفو وٱفي موضع in situations of pardon and mercy,

لمعاقبين ٱ شدوا

the harshest in punishments

Ramadhan Amaal 382

قمةلنٱكال ولنٱفي موضع in situations of giving exemplary punishment and

chastisement (to the wrongdoers),

رين لمتجبٱعظم وا

and the greatest Omnipotent

لعظمةٱلكبرياء وٱفي موضع in the domain of absolute power and might.

لتكاذنت لي في دعائك ومساللهم اO Allah, You have permitted me to pray and beseech


سمع يا سميع مدحتيٱف

So, listen, O All-hearer, to my words of praise,

جب يا رحيم دعوتيوا

reply my prayer, O All-merciful,

قل يا غفور عثرتيواand overlook my slips, O Oft-Forgiving.

Ramadhan Amaal 383

هاتجفكم يا إلهي من كربة قد فر

You, O my God, have relieved so many of my grievances,

وهموم قد كشفتها

dispelled so many of my sorrows,

قلتهاوعثرة قد ا

overlooked so many of my slips,

د نشرتهاورحمة ق

spread over me many of Your mercies,

وحلقة بالء قد فككتها

and unlocked so many rings of misfortunes (in which I

was detained).

لداو الوة حبخذ صاذي لم يتل ٱالحمد لله All praise be to Allah Who has not betaken wife or son,

لملك ٱولم يكن له شريك في Who has no partner in the sovereignty

للذٱمن ولم يكن له ولي

Ramadhan Amaal 384

nor does He have any protecting friend through


ره تكبيراوكبAnd Magnify Him with all magnificence.

اهالحمد لله بجميع محامده كل

All praise be to Allah with full gratitude

هاعلى جميع نعمه كلfor all His bounties.

هلكي مف له مضاد الذي ل ٱالحمد لله

All praise be to Allah Who has no opposition in His rule

مره منازع له في ا الو

nor there is any challenge to His commands.

هلقي خفشريك له الذي ل ٱالحمد لله

All praise be to Allah Who has no counsel to meddle

with His operation of creation

مته وال شبيه له في عظnor there is anything similar to Him in His greatness.

Ramadhan Amaal 385

مره وحمدهلخلق اٱلفاشي في ٱه الحمد لل

All praise be to Allah Whose commandments and praise

are active in the creation,

لكرم مجدهٱلظاهر بٱ

His glory is evident through His kindness,

لجود يده ٱلباسط بٱ

His distinct overflowing generosity is freely available,

تنقص خزائنه الذي لٱ

His unlimited bestowals do not exhaust,

كرما ووداجلعطاء إال ٱوال تزيده كثرة

and Whose opulent bestowals increase Him nothing but

magnanimity and generosity.

لوهابٱلعزيز ٱه هو إن

Verily He is Mighty, Abundantly Giver.

ثير من ك لك قليالساي االلهم إنO Allah, I beseech You for little from the much,

Ramadhan Amaal 386

بي إليه عظيمة مع حاجة

along with my great need for it

وغناك عنه قديم

and Your needlessness for it is since eternity.

وهو عندي كثير For me, it is so big

وهو عليك سهل يسير

but for You, it is effortless and easy.

عفوك عن ذنبي إناللهم

O Allah, as You pardon my sins,

وتجاوزك عن خطيئتي

overlook my mistakes,

وصفحك عن ظلمي

take a lenient view of my disorderly conduct,

وسترك على قبيح عملي

cover up my hideous actions,

Ramadhan Amaal 387

عن كثير جرميوحلمك

and treat my numerous offenses with forbearance,

عند ما كان من خطإي وعمديwhich I have committed mistakenly and willfully—

ستوجبه منك ا لك ما السان اطمعني في اا

all that tempted me to ask for that which I do not

deserve from You,

ذي رزقتني من رحمتكلٱthat is You may grant me part of Your mercy,

ريتني من قدرتكوا

show me part of Your all-powerfulness,

فتني من إجابتك وعر

and show me signals of Your response to me.

دعوك آمنافصرت ا

So, I am now supplicating You with security

نساالك مستساوا

Ramadhan Amaal 388

and beseeching You with entertainment

خائفا وال وجال الneither afraid nor fearful,

كيعليك فيما قصدت فيه إل مدال

insisting on You in that which I face to You.

يكي عتبت بجهلي علعن بطافإن ا

But when Your response delayed, I, out of my ignorance,

would blame You

لي ي هو خيرعن بطاذي الٱ ولعلalthough perhaps slowing down may be a blessing in


مور الٱلعلمك بعاقبة because You alone know the consequences of all matters.

كريما ر مولىفلم اSo, I have never seen such a noble Master

صبر على عبد لئيم منك علياmore accommodating to such a dissatisfied servant than

Ramadhan Amaal 389

You are to me.

ي عنكول اك تدعوني فإن رب يا

O Lord! You give an invitation but I turn down,

ض إليك تبغاف ب إليوتتحب

You become familiar with me but I do not care for You,

قبل منكفال ا د إليوتتود

and You show affection to me but I do not correspond to


ل عليكطولتٱلي نكا

as if You are overreaching me!

يحمة للر ٱفلم يمنعك ذلك من

Yet, all that have not stopped You from having mercy

upon me,

حسان إليإلٱوdoing favors to me,

بجودك وكرمك ل عليفضلتٱو

and blessing me out of Your magnanimity and

Ramadhan Amaal 390


لجاهل ٱرحم عبدك ٱف

So, (please) have mercy on Your ignorant servant

وجد عليه بفضل إحسانكand bestow upon him with the favors of Your


ك جواد كريمإن

Verily, You are All-magnanimous and All-generous.

لملكٱالحمد لله مالك All praise be to Allah: the Lord of the sovereignty,

لفلكٱمجري Who allows arks to flow [on seas],

ياحلرٱر مسخWho controls the winds,

إلصباحٱفالق Who causes the day to break,

Ramadhan Amaal 391

ين لدٱديان

Who administers the authority,

لعالمين ٱ رب

and Who is the Lord of the worlds.

هملالحمد لله على حلمه بعد ع

All praise be to Allah for His indulgence although He has

full acquaintance with all things.

هرتدقلحمد لله على عفوه بعد ٱو

All praise be to Allah for His amnesty although He has

full power over all things.

ي غضبهناته فلى طول الحمد لله عٱو

All praise be to Allah for the respite that He allows in

spite of provocation.

وهو قادر على ما يريد

He is able to do whatever He wills.

لخلق ٱالحمد لله خالق

All praise be to Allah, the Creator of all created beings,

Ramadhan Amaal 392


Who makes sustenance freely available,

إلصباحٱفالق Who starts the day,

إلكرام ٱلجالل وٱذي

Who is the Owner of glory, might,

إلنعامٱلفضل وٱوfavors and bounties;

ذي بعد فال يرىلٱ

and Who is so far away that none can ever see Him

جوى وقرب فشهد النand, in the same time, He is so nigh that He is fully

aware of even the whispering secrets.

تبارك وتعالى

Blessed and Exalted be He.

ادلهيع عه منازذي ليس لل ٱالحمد لله

Ramadhan Amaal 393

All praise be to Allah Who has no equal to challenge


وال شبيه يشاكله

nor is there an image comparable to Him,

وال ظهير يعاضده

nor is there a helper to assist Him.

عزاءالٱته قهر بعز

He tames the powerful by His force,

لعظماء ٱوتواضع لعظمته

and disgraced are the great ones before His Greatness.

فبلغ بقدرته ما يشاء

So, He, through His power, fulfills that which He wills.

اديه ناذي يجيبني حين ل ٱالحمد لله

All praise be to Allah Who gives answer to me whenever

I call Him,

عصيهنا اعورة وا كل ويستر علي

covers up my shortcomings, yet I disobey Him,

Ramadhan Amaal 394

جازيها فال عمة عليلنٱم ويعظand gives me the largest part of bounties, yet I do not

show him gratitude.

عطانيفكم من موهبة هنيئة قد ا

Many an auspicious favor had He given me,

وعظيمة مخوفة قد كفاني

many a terrible danger had He turned off,

رانيوبهجة مونقة قد ا

and many a blossoming joy had He made available for


ثني عليه حامدااف

Therefore, I praise Him with thankfulness

حاذكره مسب وا

and mention Him with exaltation.

ابهيهتك حج الذي ل ٱالحمد لله

All praise be to Allah Whose screen cannot be


Ramadhan Amaal 395

وال يغلق بابه

Whose door is not blocked,

سائله وال يرد

Whose beseecher is not rejected,

ب آملهوال يخيand one who hopes Him is not disappointed.

ينلخائفٱذي يؤمن ل ٱالحمد لله

All praise be to Allah Who secures the frightened ones,

لصالحينٱي وينجcomes to the help of the upright ones,


promotes the cause of the weak ones,

لمستكبرين ٱويضع

annihilates the autocrats,

ستخلف آخرينويهلك ملوكا ويdestroys rulers, and appoints others instead.

Ramadhan Amaal 396

لجبارين ٱلحمد لله قاصم ٱوAll praise be to Allah; the Eradicator of the tyrants,

لظالمينٱمبير the Terminator of the unjust ones,

لهاربين ٱمدرك the Catcher of the fugitives,

لظالمينٱنكال the Punisher of the unjust ones,

لمستصرخين ٱصريخ the Aide of the aid-seekers,

لطالبين ٱموضع حاجات the Settler of the needs of the beseechers,

لمؤمنين ٱمعتمد

and the support of the faithful believers.

ماء لسٱذي من خشيته ترعد ل ٱالحمد لله

Ramadhan Amaal 397


All praise be to Allah! In His awe-inspiring fear the

heavens and its dwellers tremble and shiver,

رض وعمارهاالٱوترجف

the earth and its inhabitants shake and quiver,

ااتهمرلبحار ومن يسبح في غٱوتموج

and the oceans and all that which float and swim in their

waters flow together in excitement and tumult.

ذاذي هدانا له ل ٱالحمد لله

All praise be to Allah Who has guided us to this.

للهٱا ن هدانا الوما كنا لنهتدي لوWe could not truly have been led aright if Allah had not

guided us.

قخلذي يخلق ولم يل ٱالحمد لله

All praise be to Allah Who creates but He is not created,

ق وال يرزقويرز

gives subsistence but He needs no provisions,

Ramadhan Amaal 398

يطعم الويطعم و

feeds but He takes no nourishment,


causes the living to die,


and brings the dead to life,

يموت ال وهو حي

but He is the Ever-living Who never dies.


In His hands is all the good

شيء قدير وهو على كل

and He is able to do all things.

لكسورود عبدك على محم اللهم صل

O Allah, (please do) send blessings to Muhammad; Your

servant, Messenger,

ك وحبيبكمينك وصفيوا

Ramadhan Amaal 399

confidant, friend, beloved intimate,

وخيرتك من خلقك

the choicest of Your created beings,

كوحافظ سر

the bearer of Your sacraments,

تك غ رساال ومبل

and the conveyor of Your messages,

جملحسن وافضل واا

with the most superior, the most exquisite, the most


نمىزكى واكمل واوا

the most perfect, the most upright, the most prospering,

سنىطهر واطيب واوا

the most pleasant, the most thoroughly purified, the

most sublime,

يت وباركت كثر ما صلوا

the most and the best blessings, advantages,

Ramadhan Amaal 400

نتمت وتحنوترح

mercies, affections,

نبيائك حد من عبادك وامت على اوسل

and salutations that You have ever bestowed upon

anyone of Your servants, Prophets,

ورسلك وصفوتك

Messengers, choicest people,

لكرامة عليك من خلقكٱهل واand those honored by You from among Your created


لمؤمنين ٱر ميا على علي اللهم وصل

O Allah, (please do) send blessings to `Ali; the

Commander of the Believers,

لعالمين ٱ رسول رب ووصيthe successor of the Messenger of the Lord of the worlds,

خي رسولك ك واعبدك وولي

Your servant, Your beloved representative, the brother

Ramadhan Amaal 401

of Your Messenger,

تك على خلقكوحج

Your decisive argument over the mankind,


Your most important sign,

لعظيمٱ إبلنٱو

and the great news (from You).

رةلطاهٱيقة دلصٱعلى وصل

(Please do) send blessings to the truthful and pure Lady,

لعالمين ٱدة نساء فاطمة سي

Fa§imah; the Doyenne of the women of the world.

حمةلرٱعلى سبطي وصل

(Please do) send blessings to the sons of ‘the mercy to

the worlds’


and the two leaders of true guidance;

Ramadhan Amaal 402

لحسين ٱلحسن وٱ

al-Hasan and al-Husayn,

ةلجنٱهل دي شباب اسي

the two Chiefs of the dwellers of Paradise.

لمسلمينٱة ئمعلى ا وصل(Please do) send blessings to the leaders of the Muslims;

لحسين ٱبن علي

`Ali bin al-Husayn,

د بن عليومحم

Muhammad bin `Ali,

دوجعفر بن محم

Ja`far bin Muhammad,

وموسى بن جعفر

Musa bin Ja`far,

بن موسى وعلي

`Ali bin Musa,

Ramadhan Amaal 403

بن عليدومحم

Muhammad bin `Ali,

دبن محم وعلي

`Ali bin Muhammad,

لحسن بن عليٱو

al-Hasan bin `Ali,

لمهدي ٱلهادي ٱلخلف ٱو

and the successor, the guide, and the rightly guided:

حججك على عبادك

(Those Imams are) Your decisive arguments over Your


منائك في بالدك او

and Your trustworthy confidants in Your lands

صالة كثيرة دائمة

with blessings that are numerous and non-stop.

مركا على ولي اللهم وصل

Ramadhan Amaal 404

O Allah, (please do) send blessings to the custodian of

Your commandments,

للمؤمٱلقائم ٱ

the vigilant guardian, the reliable patron,

لمنتظر ٱلعدل ٱو

and the awaited establisher of justice.

بينلمقرٱه بمالئكتك وحف

And (please) surround him with Your favorite angels

لقدسٱده بروح يوا

and assist him with the Holy Spirit.

لعالمين ٱ رب يا

O Lord of the worlds!

ابك لداعي إلى كتٱجعله ٱاللهم

O Allah, (please) choose him to be the caller to Your


بدينك لقائمٱوand the establisher of Your religion;

Ramadhan Amaal 405

رضالٱستخلفه في ٱ

make him succeed in the earth

ذين من قبلهلٱستخلفت ٱكما as You caused those who were before him to succeed,

هلرتضيته ٱذي لٱن له دينه مك

establish for him his faith which You have approved for


منابدله من بعد خوفه اا

and give him in exchange safety after the fear.

يشرك بك شيئا اليعبدك

He serves You. He ascribes nothing as partner to You.

عزز به واه عزاللهم ا

O Allah, (please) grant him power, make him the source

of power,

نتصر بهٱنصره وٱو

grant him support, make him the means of Your victory,

Ramadhan Amaal 406

نصره نصرا عزيزاٱو

help him with a mighty help,

فتح له فتحا يسيراٱو

make him prevail over all with easiness,

ايرجعل له من لدنك سلطانا نصٱو

and delegate him Your controlling authority.

ك بية نظهر به دينك وسناللهم ا

O Allah, (please) make prevalent Your religion and the

norms of Your Prophet through him

قلحٱيستخفي بشيء من الحتى

so that he will not have to hide any item of truth

لخلقٱحد من مخافة اfor fear of any of the creatures.

ريمةكة ولاللهم إنا نرغب إليك في د

O Allah, we ardently desire that You confer upon us a

respectful government

Ramadhan Amaal 407

هله م واإلسالٱبها تعز

through which You may give might to Islam and its


هلهفاق والن ٱبها وتذل

humiliate hypocrisy and its people,

كعتطا عاة إلىلدٱا من وتجعلنا فيه

and include us among those who invite people to the

obedience to You and

لقادة إلى سبيلك ٱوand lead them to Your approved path.

رة آلخٱنيا ولدٱوترزقنا بها كرامة

Give us the good of this world and the world to come.

ناه لمحف لحقٱفتنا من اللهم ما عر

O Allah, let us bear out that which You make known to

us as the truth

غناهوما قصرنا عنه فبل

and let us attain that which we fall short to do.

Ramadhan Amaal 408

لمم به شعثناٱاللهم

O Allah, through him, set in order our disorder,

شعب به صدعناٱو

gather and unite our flock,

رتق به فتقناٱو

stitch together our ripped open separation,

تنار به قلوكث

increase our few numbers,

تناه ذلعزز بوا

lift us up from our degradation,

غن به عائلناوا

grant wealth to the needy among us,

قض به عن مغرمناٱو

pull us out from our debts,

جبر به فقرناٱو

set up our poverty,

Ramadhan Amaal 409

تنابه خل وسد

fill the gap of confusion among us,

ر به عسرناويس

make easy all difficulties we may face,

ض به وجوهناوبي

refine our substance and style,

سرنابه ا وفك

release us from captivity,

نجح به طلبتناوا

make successful our applications,

جز به مواعيدنانوا

fulfill Your promises to us,

ستجب به دعوتناٱو

give answer to our prayers,

عطنا به سؤلناوا

respond to our requests,

Ramadhan Amaal 410

نامال آآلخرةٱنيا ولدٱغنا به من وبل

make us attain our hopes in this world as well as the

world to come,

عطنا به فوق رغبتناوا

and grant us beyond our wishes.

لمسؤولين ٱيا خير

O Most Favorable of all those whom may be besought

لمعطين ٱوسع واand Most magnanimous of all those who may grant


شف به صدورناٱ

Through him, heal our breasts,

ذهب به غيظ قلوبناوا

remove the rage of our hearts,

ك إذنب قلحٱختلف فيه من ٱهدنا به لما ٱو

and in the event of dispute in the matter of truth, show

us the right path.

Ramadhan Amaal 411

قيمستم ك تهدي من تشاء إلى صراطإن

Verily, You guide whosoever You will to the Right Path.

انك وعدونصرنا به على عدوٱو

Grant us victory over Your and our enemy.

آمين لحقٱإله

O God of Truth, respond to us!

اللهم إنا نشكو إليك

O Allah, we complain to You

هنا صلواتك عليه وآلفقد نبي

about the departure of our Prophet, Your blessings be on

him and on his Household,

ناوغيبة ولي

the absence of our leader,

ناة عدووكثر

the big numbers of our enemies,

ة عددناوقل

Ramadhan Amaal 412

the few number of us,

لفتن بناٱة وشد

widespread disorder,

مان علينالزٱوتظاهر

and vicissitudes of time against us.

د وآله على محم فصل

So, (please do) send blessings to Muhammad and his


هلجعنا على ذلك بفتح منك تعوا

and help us overcome all that through victory from You

that You expedite,

تكشفه وبضر

through relieving us from our injuries,

ه ونصر تعز

through Your help that You confirm,

تظهره وسلطان حق

through bringing in the rule of justice and fair-play,

Ramadhan Amaal 413

لناهاورحمة منك تجل

through mercy that You expand over us,

وعافية منك تلبسناها

and through good health that You cover us with,

لراحمين ٱرحم برحمتك يا ا

in the name of Your mercy, O most Merciful of all those

who show mercy!

Ramadhan Amaal 414

Short Dua for Ramdhan Nights

It is recommended to say the following supplication

every night in Ramadhan:

دخلناافلصالحين ٱتك في اللهم برحم

O Allah, (please do) include us with the righteous ones,

out of Your mercy,

رفعناٱين فيوفي عل

uplift us to the rank of `illiyyin (most elevated rank),

س من معيناوبك

serve us with water

سقناٱسلسبيل ف من عينrunning out of spring of Salsabil,

اجنلعين برحمتك فزوٱلحور ٱومن

out of Your mercy, give us as wives the Paradisiacal


دينلمخلٱلولدان ٱومن

Ramadhan Amaal 415

make the Paradisiacal youths who never alter in age

خدمناهم لؤلؤ مكنون فانكاand who are like hidden pearls serve us,

طعمناا فيرلطٱة ولحوم لجنٱومن ثمار

give us food from the fruits of Paradise and from the

meat of birds there,

رق تبس إل ٱرير ولحٱندس ولسٱومن ثياب


dress us from the clothes of fine and thick silk and rich



give us success to catch the Grand Night,

لحرامٱبيتك وحج

lead us to pilgrimage to Your Holy House

ق لنالك فوففي سبي وقتال

and martyrdom in Your way,

Ramadhan Amaal 416

ب لناستجٱلة ف لمساٱعاء ولدٱوصالح

and respond to our goodly prayer and supplication.

مة لقياٱوم آلخرين يٱلين ووالٱوإذا جمعت


When You shall gather the past and the coming

generations on the Resurrection Day, (please) have

mercy upon us.

كتب لناٱلنار فٱوبراءة من

(Please) release us from Hellfire.

ناتغل م فالوفي جهن

Do not fetter us in Hell,

اتبتلن وفي عذابك وهوانك فال

do not try us through Your chastisement and


امنتطع ريع فاللضٱوم وقلزٱومن

do not feed us from zaqqum and thorns,

Ramadhan Amaal 417

ياطين فال تجعلنالشٱومع

do not add us to the devils,

ناببنا فال تكلنار على وجوهٱوفي

do not throw us down on our faces in Hellfire,

بسناال تل فرانلقطٱلنار وسرابيل ٱومن ثياب

do not dress us from the clothes of fire and the shirts of


نتإله إال ا السوء يا ومن كل

and save us from all evils; O He save Whom there is no


نانت فنجإله إال ا ال بحقI beseech You in the name of there is no god save You.

Ramadhan Amaal 418

Imam Sadiq’s Dua for Ramadhan Nights

Imam al-Sadiq (a.s) is reported to have instructed to

say the following supplication every night in


ريما تقضي وتقدن تجعل فلك اساي االلهم إنO Allah, I beseech You to decide for me

يم لحكٱمر الٱلمحتوم في ٱمر الٱمن while taking decisions and rendering possible things and

events decisively—

ل بدوال ي يرد الذي ل ٱلقضاء ٱمن decisions which can not be changed or bypassed—

راملحٱن تكتبني من حجاج بيتك ا

to write my name in the list of those pilgrims of Your

Holy House

همور حجلمبرٱ

whose pilgrimage receives Your approval,

Ramadhan Amaal 419

لمشكور سعيهمٱ

whose efforts are appreciated,

لمغفور ذنوبهمٱ

whose sins are forgiven,

ئاتهم ر عن سيلمكفٱ

whose wrongdoings are overlooked,

ري وتقدن تجعل فيما تقضواand, while making decisions and rendering possible

things and events,

ن تطيل عمري في خير وعافيةا

make possible for me long life, goodness, welfare,

ع في رزقيوتوس

and enough means of livelihood,

نك تنتصر به لدين وتجعلني مم

include me with those whom You use for backing Your


Ramadhan Amaal 420

وال تستبدل بي غيري

and do not substitute another in my place.

Ramadhan Amaal 421

Another Short Dua for Ramadhan Nights

According to the book of ‘Anis al-Salihin’, it is

recommended to say the following supplication

every night in Ramadhan:

لكريمٱعوذ بجالل وجهك اI seek refuge with the majesty of Your Honorable Face

ي شهر رمضانن ينقضي عناagainst that the month of Ramadhan elapses

لفجر من ليلتي هذهٱلع و يطاor dawn breaks this night,

ني عليهبو ذنب تعذولك قبلي تبعة ا

and there is still a sin or an offense in my record for

which You may chastise me.

Ramadhan Amaal 422

Another Short Dua for Ramadhan Nights

ببابك، السائلون وقف إلهيO my God: The beseechers have stood at Your Door

بجنابك، الفقراء والذAnd the poor have resorted to Your refuge

ربح لساح على المساكين سفينة ووقفت

وكرمك جودك

And the ship of the needy have cast anchor near the

coast of the sea of Your Magnanimity and Generosity

.تكنعمو رحمتك ساحة إلى الجواز يرجونHoping for permission to enter the yard of Your Mercy

and Favor

ريفالش هرالش هذا في ترحم ال كنت إن إلهي

،وقيامه صيامه في لك أخلص من إال

Ramadhan Amaal 423

O my God : If You, in this holy month, will have mercy

upon none but those who sincerely observe fasting and

do acts of worship to You,

نوبهذ ربح يف غرق إذا رصالمق للمذنب فمن


Who will then stand for the sinful and the negligent who

sinks in the ocean of his sins and offenses?

فمن المطيعين إال ترحم ال كنت إن إلهي


O my God : If you have mercy upon non but the obedient

to You, who will then stand for the disobedient?

فمن نالعاملي من إال تقبل ال كنت وإن


And if You accept none but those who do acts of worship

to You, who will then stand for the negligent?

الصائمون، ربح إلهيO my God : The observers of fasting have won

Ramadhan Amaal 424

القائمون، وفازThe doers of acts of worship to You have prospered

المخلصون، ونجاAdn those who act sincerely have been saved

تك،حمبر افارحمن المذنبون عبيدك ونحنBut we, Your sinful servants, beseech Your mercy; so,

(please do) have mercy upon us

بعفوك، ارالن من وأعتقناAnd release us from the chastisement of Hellfire, out of

Your pardon

ذنوبنا لنا واغفر

And forgive our sins

الراحمين أرحم يا برحمتك

Out of Your mercy; O the most Merciful of all those who

show mercy!

Ramadhan Amaal 425

2 Raka’ Salaah for Every Night in


In the margin of his book of ‘al-Balad al-Amin’, al-

Kaf`amiy has reported on the authority of Sayyid Ibn

Baqi that it is recommended to offer a two Rak`ah

prayer every night in Ramadhan, reciting in the first

Rak`ah, Surah of al-Fatihah once and repeating

Surah of al-Tawhid three times. (Almighty Allah

will forgive 70,000 sins of those who offer this


After accomplishment, it is recommended to say the

following supplication:

Glory be to Him Who watches over, never leaves

anything undone, or is neglectful.

سبحان من هو حفيظ ال يغفل!Glory be to Him Who is Merciful, never does a thing in


سبحان من هو رحيم ال يعجل!

Ramadhan Amaal 426

Glory be to Him Who is vigilant, never forgets one thing

over another.

سبحان من هو قائم ال يسهو!Glory be to Him Who is alert and steady, never is

engrossed with a thing so as to overlook another.

سبحان من هو دائم ال يلهو!

After that, it is recommended to say the al-Tasbihat

al-Arba`ah (the Four Statements of Glorification):

ه، والله الل إال لهإسبحان الله، والحمد لله، وال

أكبر.All glory be to Allah; and All praise be to Allah; and

there is no god save Allah; and Allah is the Greatest.

Then, it is recommended to say the following


Glory be to You, Glory be to You, Glory be to You,

Ramadhan Amaal 427

سبحانك سبحانك سبحانك!

O the Mighty, forgive my sins, one and all, altogether.

م.نب العظيذيا عظيم اغفر لي ال

Then recite salwaat 10 times:

.آلهعلى د وعلى محم صل اللهم

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