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MCQs of radiology exam: Colonic polyps is hamartomas in which of the following :Answer : peutz jagher syndrome

Ascites can be diagnosed by the following except :Answer: Isotope sacn

The best imaging study for detecting Renal sacr is :Answer: Isotope sacn

renal cyst can be diagnosed by the following except:Answer: KUB

all of the following Cause nephrocalcinosis except :Answer:DM

Causes of small kidney except :Answer: lymphoma

The predisposing factors for urinary bladder cancer all of the following except :Smoking, vinl alanine , stones Answer : ( )

Vesico uretric reflux are demonstrated By :

Answer : MCUG

The best imaging modality of pancreatitis is :Answer : CT

Which of the following useful in diagnosis of Ranal artery stenosis except : Answer: ^__^ All of the following is complication of polycystic kidney except :Answer: hypernephroma

Focal lung nodule :Hamartoma , broncogenic carcinoma , tuberculoma , metastasisAnswer : all of the above

Air broncogram typically seen in :Emphysema , pneumonia ,interstitial lung diseaseAnswer : pneumonia

Diffuse lung disease best demonstrated by :X ray , CT ,MRIAnswer : CT

About pneumothorax : ( )

Unilateral elevation of diaphragm present in all of the following except Answer : obesity

Lower lobe fibrosis present in all of the following except :Bronchectasis , chronic allergic alveolitis , asbestosis , rheumatoid arthritisAnswer : chronic allergic alveolitis

Sclerotic bone deposite present in Thyroid Ca , kidney Ca , prostate CaAnswer : prostate Ca

Fracture of vertebra is best demonstrated by :CT , Xray Answer : CT

Radiologic features of multiple myloma except :Answer : hot spot in isotope scan

Osteoporosis present in all of the following except :Answer : paget disease

The following feature are found in cerebral atrophy except :Generalized ventricular atrophy, widened brain sulci, occur in old age , midline shiftAnswer : midline shift

Contrast media is nesseceryfor diagnosis:Subarachnoid hemorrhage , hydrocephalus, meningitis ,brain atrophyAnswer :

Imaging of choice in syringiomylia :Answer : MRI

Best imaging to hydrocephalus in young infant is :Answer : US

Best imaging to hirshsprung disease :Answer : bariam enema

Initial examination for diagnosis achalasia is :Answer : barium swallow

Volvulus occur in the following GI except :Small intestine , stomach , rectum , sigmoidAnswer : rectum

The following complication are true for ulcerative colitis except :Lung fibrosis, megacolon ,sacroilitis , sclerosing cholangitis , cancerAnswer : Lung fibrosis

the following modality using ionizing radiation except :X ray , CT , MRI , Isotope Answer : MRI

Blood vessels can be imaged by except :X ray , MRI ,CT , angiogramAnswer : X ray

Tc 99 HIDA scan used to investigate :Answer : biliary system

Thaliam 201 used in :Answer : parathyroid

Heart chamber in PA seen except :Answer : left atrium

Pericardial effusion diagnosed by except :Answer : isotope

The following seen in PE except :Answer : hyperinflated chest

Best radiologic study to diagnose aoric dissection is :Answer : CT

Prominent pulmonary artery dilation seen in except :Answer : Tricuspid stenosis

About heart failure all the following is true except Answer : upper lobe opacification

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