


(Our system shows you how to lay short priced favourites to lose for big profits).


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Any form of betting including that on the betting exchange is speculative and involves an element of risk and you should never bet with money that you couldn’t afford to


Author : Profit World Marketing



(Staking, Discipline, Records etc). ORIGINAL SYSTEM RESULTS FOR 2004 & Summary 2003/2003


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Thank you for purchasing this guide, which shows you how to make money from betting on Horses to Lose. Thanks to the recent advances in technology and the recent ‘Revolution’ in the betting industry you can back a Horse NOT to win. This concept is known as ‘Laying To Lose’, which some of you may already know about but equally some of you may not. For those in the know, who may be currently doing something similar my apologies for going over what may seem the obvious but I just want to go over the basics for those of you who may be completely new to this idea first. It is now possible through Betting Exchanges to bet on an outcome that something MAY NOT HAPPEN as oppose to betting that something will happen as with the traditional only option available through your bookmaker. Person to Person betting sites, the biggest of which is Betfair, (which we cover more on later), allows you to bet against another member of the public, as long as you both have sufficient funds in your account. The betting exchange simply matches bets and transfers the money from the losers account into the winners account and takes a small commission for doing so in the process, everyone’s happy except the bookie. The traditional way of betting is gradually becoming very old fashioned and it is almost certain that the bookmakers will soon have to start to change and adapt to this new revolution or end up on the scrap heap as relics of a bygone age. It’s not just Horses that you can bet that something will not happen, but you can do this with virtually any sport/market on the betting exchange. This really is a revolution and the opportunities are limitless. Never before has it been so easy for the ordinary punter to derive both an additional income and full time living from betting. Don’t get wrong, although betting on a horse to lose may seem simple, it is not as easy as it sounds and requires skill, discipline and a professional approach as well as a unique system such as the one you are going to learn about during this manual. For those of you who wish to either earn a second income or a full time living from your betting activities then this is a golden opportunity for you to do so. You now have in your hands, a thoroughly tested and researched system that can generate a part time or substantial full time income for you. In fact the sky is the limit with this system, you can earn as much or as little as you want, so without further ado lets move onto part 2 which goes into a little more detail about Betting on Horses to Lose and the Betting Exchange.

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BETTING ON HORSES TO LOSE & THE BETTING EXCHANGE Before we look a little more in detail about betting exchanges an in particular Betfair, let us first look at why we have developed a system around betting on Horses to Lose as oppose to any other type of Lay Betting. Firstly I think we would all agree that it is far easier to pick a horse to lose than it is a horse to win. Here are just a few of the reasons why:

a) Only 1 horse can win the race, all the other horses are running for you. b) The horse may fall. c) The Jockey rides the horse badly d) The horse gets blocked in by other horses e) The horse runs badly, has an off day, maybe he or she is feeling under the

weather f) The ground changes due to rain g) Etc, etc, etc

Is it any wonder that the majority of people, who bet on horse to win, lose money? There are a small number of pro-gamblers out there who can make a living form backing horses to win but these are literally a handful of people as oppose to the masses who lose time and time again when trying to pick a winner. There are an infinite number of reasons why it is better to back a horse to lose (known in the industry as LAY a horse to lose), as oppose to BACK a horse to win. These are essentially the two important components that you need to identify when you are logging on the Betfair for the first the first time BACK & LAY. To bet on a horse to win is to BACK the horse. To bet on the same horse to Lose (i.e. NOT to win) is to LAY the horse. If you log on to and look under horse racing and select any race you will see two main columns next to the horse, BACK & LAY. Each of these will have 3 boxes with numbers in them. These numbers relate to the amount of money available to trade at the odds available shown in decimal as oppose to fraction. E.g.: 5/4 is shown as 2.25. If you are unsure as to convert fractional to decimal odds you simply divide the second part of the fraction into the first and add 1. (i.e. 5 divided by 4 = 1.25 + 1 = 2.25). This will give you the equivalent decimal value of the odds. In this instance 5/4 is 2.25 in decimal. Now the maths lesson is over if you simply click in the lay column and place in the amount you wish to bet it will tell you your ‘Liability’. Now I may be losing you here a little so let me just explain further. Effectively every LAY bet you make (i.e. every horse you bet NOT to win) is an EVEN MONEY bet. If you are laying a horse that is shown in the lay column at 1.91 for £100 then one of the following will occur. A) If the Horse DOES NOT WIN, you make £100.00 profit. B) If the horse does WIN you will lose £91.00. This is known as your ‘liability’. If you lay a horse to lose at 2.25 for £100 you will again win £100 if the horse does not win but you will lose £125.00 if he does win.

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Your liability is calculated by multiplying the odds –1 with your stake. So for instance to calculate your liability for laying a horse at odds of 2.25 for £100 you take the odds shown 2.25 – 1 = 1.25 x your stake i.e. £100 = £125.00. This is your liability on that bet should the horse actually win. In these examples shown the horses are likely to be first or second favourites. This is reflected in the odds of 1.91 & 2.25. If you were to pick a rank outsider to lose, whilst this may be easier, your LIABILITY would be much greater should the horse actually belt home in first place. If for example you picked a 25-1 shot not to win, you would win the same £100 but your liability on the bet would be £2,500. Clearly not the way we want to go. I am using £100 as an example but you can stake as much or as little as you can afford. At the time of writing, Betfair currently accept a minimum bet of £2.00 online and £50.00 for telephone betting. The secret to successful LAYING is to LAY the horses at the lowest possible prices so your liabilities are kept to a minimum. Just in case any of you are starting to panic here our system is based on LAYING FAVOURITES at ODDS ON and SHORT PRICES. We generally LAY at average odds of around 6/4, which means that every system bet you place your liability will be no more than 1.5 times your stake should the horse win and in many cases your liability will be LOWER than your potential winnings. We cover this more in depth in the next section but I just wanted to mention this now in case any of you were having palpitations over the 25-1 shot. Before we move onto the next section I just want to clarify a couple of important points regarding betting exchanges. Firstly there are several betting exchange sites out there but we would recommend the largest and by far the market leader in exchange sites BETFAIR. In the same way that Ebay has transformed the way we buy and sell, BETFAIR has transformed the way we bet. If you still go to the bookies and hand cash over the counter then I am afraid to say you are living in the Jurassic period. Things have moved on big time, and Betfair and Exchange betting is the way of the future. They are a massive company and your money is totally safe with them or as safe as your money can be with anyone. They are big and they are here to stay, and unlike traditional bookmakers if you are showing a good profit they will not close your account. You never have to worry about being too successful. What a welcome relief that is to the old bookmakers who used to close your account as soon as you started to sniff out regular profits from them. Still I should not be too hard on them. They have provided us with a service for many years and I am sure they will still do so for many people, for many years to come, but just not for us anymore. Not for the astute clever punter who wants to make a part time or full time living from betting. Indeed fortunes can be made and your account will remain open forever. Betfair charge only a small commission on winning bets, they make a tiny amount on every bet placed and you only pay a tiny commission on the bets that you win. As we mentioned before, everyone’s a winner. It just gets better and better, but for now lets look at how we developed the system into its present form from our original theory.

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In this section we look at the original idea behind the system and indeed how we have developed, what in fact was a great system in it’s own right into a more refined and easy to use system. We also include details of the Results from the original system, which proved out our theory, with 3 years of results, with literally thousands of races analysed. The original system and theory was based on laying short priced favourites to lose and had one simple golden rule ‘LAY ALL HORSES at 1-2 & up to but BELOW 6-4’. That was it. Simplicity is beautiful, why make things complicated when the obvious is staring you right in the face. Well, there is a little bit more to it but I wanted to emphasise that this sentence is the basis of the whole original system. Lets firstly touch on the logic of the system. It is commonly known in the betting industry that backing odds on or short priced favourites is a mugs game and often said to be the fastest way to the poorhouse. If you try this approach there will always only be one winner, the bookie and that is very true. Try backing favourites blindly to win to make you an income and you will almost certainly fail. Thousands of people have tried and thousands more people will continue to try to back favourites and they will fail. This is one of the largest income sources for the bookies. Now logic tells me that if the person trying to back these for a living, will always end up losing, then the person laying the favourites to lose (in this case we are talking about the bookie who accepts the punters bets on the favourites), will always end up a winner. In placing a lay bet on Betfair against the favourite you are effectively being the bookie but without any of his overheads. If the favourite backer will always lose in the long run, the person accepting these bets (hence the person laying the favourite to lose on Betfair), must always win in the long term. Seems logical, I thought so. In fact I had such a strong belief in this that I set out to try and prove this to myself and what I found was nothing short of amazing. Firstly I had to find a results service that would show all the results at least for the last year, so I started looking on the Racing Post Website, being the Racing punters ‘Bible’ I thought this may have some past records. What I did not expect to find was that they actually list all the results for every race over the last 10 years. I am in heaven, if I needed proof; it was going to be here, so I painstakingly began the research. Day after day, night after night, month after month I checked and logged every result from every race regarding odds on and short priced favourites and began to build a picture, which confirmed my belief. Burning the midnight oil with endless cups of coffee night after night may not seem exciting and indeed I would not recommend it to anyone but it has certainly been fruitful. The end result of all my research was that after analysing nearly 8,000 races it became evident that laying these favourites to lose would be like printing your own money. Whilst there were odd blips in losing runs (i.e. the horses coming in 1st) and the highs in huge winning runs, there was a similar pattern emerging with consistent results. I almost new each month approx how many favourites would win and how many would

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lose and how many bets there would be in total. In fact after a while the research became boring, as what I expected came up time and time again. But being a bit of a perfectionist and wanting total proof before investing any cash I was determined to battle on and really prove this one out. It transpires after all my hard work that the optimum results were in laying horses that start SP at 1-2 on or BELOW an SP of 6-4. This keeps your liabilities below 1.5 times your Lay Stake with a huge number of the horses you are laying being odds on, tipping the balance of ‘VALUE’ into your favour. Not only do you have the fact that it is much easier to pick a loser than a winner in your favour (obvious, but most people are still trying to pick winners), but you also have the Value on your side. The maths add up, low liabilities, good strike rates = consistent profits. In fact there have only been 3 losing months in 40 (Including the first 4 months of 2005 at time of writing, which are all showing great profits), where more favourites have won and you have ended up with a slight loss for the month. To give you an idea, if we include the results so far for 2005 at time of writing, the original system will achieve results with a strike rate of around 53% - 60% in general, with the majority of horses being layed at odds on. The number of bets will ensure that this transforms into a healthy profit on a monthly basis. Both 2004 & 2005 (to April) made average profits of £2,000 per month to £100 Lay Stakes. Slightly lower than this for 2002 & 2003 but never the less still very healthy profits. If we look at another important statistic we can see that 2002, 2003 & 2004 ALL had 11 Winning months out of 12 with some months achieving more than £4,000 and in excess of £5,000 profit to £100 lay stakes. 2005 after 4 months has had NO LOSING MONTHS and showing profits of nearly £2,500 per month. It just keeps getting better and better. The odd losing month each year was hardly dramatic with the largest losing month being in 2002 of £1,466.00 to £100 lay stakes. In fact the last losing month this system had was back in January 2004 with a total monthly loss of under £300.00. Having said all this, I do not think there is any betting system that does not have the odd losing run and you need to safeguard against this, which is why you MUST have a BETTING BANK, and look on your betting activities as a business. We will cover this more in depth in our section on ‘The Pro-Gambler’.

The original system in it’s own right was and still is a great system and we have the full list of results enclosed to prove this, but we have worked hard on developing the system to it’s maximum potential and there are some rules and guidelines in Chapter five, that will make this system both very profitable AND easy to use. You see the only problem we had with the original system was that it was very time consuming and you had to be around to wait for prices just before the off, to see if they fell into the category of ‘System Bet’. With the new system rules, originally known as our system maximum bets, get rid of this obstacle and allow you to earn a fantastic monthly income, but with having only to spend about 10 minutes per day on the system.

This has been working very well for us in 2005 and we have included a full list of results and examples of the bets for July 2005, to give you some idea of the profit potential that this system has.

Now lets look at the system Rules & Guidelines.

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You should have a good understanding and feel for how the original system works (and still works to this day, for those of you who have the time to put into it). The development of this system however into it’s current form is a huge leap forward, in increasing both profits and % strike rates whilst reducing dramatically the amount of work involved in implementing the system to it’s full potential on a daily basis. In English this simply means ‘A lot more money for a lot less work’. It follows the same principles of the original system, but has slightly varied rules and is far more ‘SELECTIVE’ in coming up with the lay bets. Obviously you know that the system in its original form works and works well, the evidence is enclosed which proves that. This will make you very good money on a consistent basis, but we have not stopped there. The development of the system enables us to get the most out of the system and makes it easier to ‘get all the bets on’ especially for those who initially are working full time and are fitting there betting business around a busy work and family schedule. We have taken the core principles of laying short priced favourites to lose (ie the odds on and low value favourites), and simply added some strict criteria following the same sort of logic that helped us develop the system in the first place, so here are the extra bits. Firstly to qualify as a SYSTEM bet the race must have at least 10 runners. The more runners you have in the race, the more chance you have of making sure that the lay selection does not cross that finish line first. Then our main criteria next is that each lay selection must have at least two opposition horses in the race that come close to the favourite in the betting, hence at least three horses, as far as the market is concerned, have a great chance of winning the race. This seems very logical, again we are just developing the system in such a way that we increase our chances of getting the loser twofold. Firstly, by making sure there are plenty of extra runners in the race which means some of the races will be won by the long shot outsiders and secondly, the lay horse will have at least two other horses who are ‘expected’ to give it a run for its money. Whilst the system is fantastic in its original form and sticking too it religiously can only ensure your long term success, which no doubt some of you will do, the new system rules mean that you can earn fantastic profits for very little work. That sounds good to me. Obviously the first factor, that we have at least ten runners per race does not need any explaining. The more runners in a race the greater the chance of just one of them beating our horse over the finish line. Far better to have at least nine horses running against our selection than say just three horses, as would be the case in a four horse race. The second factor is also very vital to the development of the maximum bet strategy. The more horses that have a greater market potential of beating our selection

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the better. Let me illustrate this in a quick example before briefly going over some of the examples enclosed. If we have our favourite at say even money, the second favourite at 5/4 and third at 11/8, clearly the market sees the race as being close for the first three in the betting. The further down the line in betting odds this goes the better, but for the system maximum bets we are concentrating on the first three in the betting. Lets now say we had another race and the 3rd favourite was 20/1, whilst the first and second were even money and 5/4 respectively. As far as the market is concerned there are only two horses in the race and clearly this does not match the more favourable market conditions as shown in the first race I outlined here. Of course that does not mean that there are only two horses in the race. The 20/1 shot could come in, or a 50/1 or 100/1 for that matter, but they do not come in that often, so in this example we only have one serious rival to our lay selection. Clearly the first race as a laying proposition for us is a better bet. Now say our first race had sixteen runners and the second race with the 20/1 3rd favourite only had five runners, this would make it even more favourable. I know which race I would rather have my money on the favourite to lose. Hopefully now you can see the logic behind these main factors in developing the system. In the long run it can only help to increase the strike rate and profitability of the system. What a wonderful position we find ourselves in though. We already have a system that works well and produces consistent profits almost every month, all be it requiring a bit of effort in order to place all the system bets. But we have now developed and fine-tuned the system to give us even greater profitability for far less work. In fact we even use the Racing Post, the racing punters bible, to help us determine the selections. You can of course use SP, but we have found using the Racing Post prices just as effective and a lot easier to place these bets. You can even look at the racing post on line the evening before, do a few quick sums and, in about ten to twenty minutes, place any maximum bets that are thrown up on the system for the day and sit back and let the money roll in. Now that’s my kind of system, the easier the better, and it does not come any easier than this. Lets look at some of these examples enclosed = six system bets that were thrown up by using the maximum bets method between 11th and 14th June 2005. All six duly obliged giving us £600 profit in four days to £100 level stakes. Lets look at the two bets on Saturday 11th first. The three o’clock at Hexham DEWASHENTAH was quoted in the racing post as being the 11/8 (2.38) favourite. The second and third favourites in the racing post were Miami Explorer 6/4 (2.5) and Miss Kilwell 4/1 (5.0). On the very last page (maximum bet guidelines), you will see where we have drawn up the criteria for the 3rd favourite, being no more than 6 decimal points away from the favourite. In this case our favourite was 11/8 (2.38). We subtract this figure from the price of the third favourite, which was 4/1 (5.0). The differential here is only 2.62 and clearly falls well within our SIX point differential guideline. These are all Racing Post prices (It must be the Racing Post prices that you use, and not any daily paper, as these are the most accurate of all the papers). The result of this race was that Miami Explorer came first at 2/1, with Miss Kilkell second

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drifting out to 6/1, whilst our favourite could only manage third at even money. This is a good example showing that out of all the eleven runners the three main contenders were all in the frame. Lets look at the second example on the same Saturday, 7:15 Leicester DREAM ROSE. The bet qualified as there were 13 runners at the price of the Racing Post favourite 2.25, subtracted by the price of the third favourite 8.0 = 5.75 and just qualified our bet under the maximum six point rule. In this race none of our two main opposition horses (ie the 2nd & 3rd favourites), got anywhere near our horse but our horse was beat by an 8/1 shot with a 7/1 coming third. There were plenty of horses in this race that according to the market had a fair chance of winning and that is good news. This shows the importance of the number of runners. If this had been a three horse race none of the two main contenders came close and our horse would have won, and we wouldn’t want that would we. Take a look at the rest of the examples: They really illustrate the strength of this new method that we have recently developed for the system. You will notice here that some prices drift out of range. In the maximum bet method we INCLUDE all of these as long as they are in the 1-2 to 6-4 (Inclusive) range in the Racing Post. Yes, you may have noticed that we include the 6-4 racing post prices rather than excluding them in the original system. We also lay at the best price we can get, even if this exceeds the 6-4 price, but remember that the price must NOT be OVER 6-4 in the Racing Post. That just about sums up the system. You should also note, that whilst we have drawn up these rules & guidelines for our system, they are by no means hard and fast rules, although you may implement them in this way. If for example you made the odds differential (The difference between the favourite lay price and the third favourite lay price in the Racing Post), much smaller, say for example three points instead of six, you would get even greater accuracy but you would also get far fewer maximum bets. We have found that this method works best for us and you will do very well by just copying our system and doing exactly as we do, but you may even exceed our achievements and fine tune the system even further, generating even greater long term profits. Lets look below at some examples of the system bets IN ACTION.

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SATURDAY 11th JUNE 2005 3:00 Hexham DEWASENTAH (RP 2.38/SP 2.0) – 3rd

11 RUNNERS: RP PRICE 11/8 (2.38) TWO MAIN OPPOSITION HORSES IN RACING POST: MIAMI EXPLORER: RP PRICE 6/4 (2.5) - 2nd Fav in RP MISS KILWELL: RP PRICE 4/1 (5.0) - 3rd Fav in RP. Result: 1st MIAMI EXPLORER 2/1 2nd MISS KILKELL 6/1 (opened 3/1) 3rd DEWASENTAH Eve/f (opened 6/4) 7:15 Leicester DREAM ROSE (RP 2.25/SP 3.0) – 2nd

13 RUNNERS: RP PRICE 5/4 (2.25) TWO MAIN OPPOSITION HORSES IN RACING POST: FARASHA: RP PRICE 4/1 (5.0) - 2nd Fav in RP PERFECT BEAT: RP PRICE 7/1 (8.0) - 3rd Fav in RP Result: 1st MUSICAL HIGH 8/1 2nd DREAM ROSE 2/1f 3rd IN DUBAI 7/1

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SUNDAY 12th JUNE 2005 2:35 Cork: AUGUSTUS JOHN (RP 2.1/SP 3.25) – U/P 12 RUNNERS: RP PRICE 11/10 (2.1) TWO MAIN OPPOSITION HORSES IN RACING POST: LEITIA: RP PRICE 4/1 (5.0) - 2nd Fav in RP I KEY: RP PRICE 5/1 (6.0) - 3rd Fav in RP. Result: 1st LEITIA 9/2 2nd SWEET AFTON 33/1 3rd IKEY 6/4f 8th AUGUSTUS JOHN 9/4 (opened 5/4) 3:35 Cork: MAGNOLIA LANE (RP 2.5/SP 4.0) – U/P 10 RUNNERS: RP PRICE 6/5 (2.5) TWO MAIN OPPOSITION HORSES IN RACING POST: RIGHT KEY: RP PRICE 7/2 (4.5) - 2nd Fav in RP UNIQUE POSE: RP PRICE 5/1 (6.0) - 3rd Fav in RP. Result: 1st RIGHT KEY 3/1jf 2nd UNIQUE POSE 7/1 3rd SAINTLY RACHEL 8/1 10th MAGNOLIA LANE 3/1jf (opened 7/4) 4:35 Cork: ALPHA ROYALE (RP 2.25/SP 2.75) – 2rd

12 RUNNERS: RP PRICE 5/4 (2.25) TWO MAIN OPPOSITION HORSES IN RACING POST: FAAYEJ: RP PRICE 5/1 (6.5) - 2nd Fav in RP ROBERT: RP PRICE 6/1 (7.0) - 3rd Fav in RP. Result: 1st ROBERT 9/2 2nd ALPHA ROYALE 7/4f (opened 5/4) 3rd INCIDENTAL 5/1

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TUESDAY 14th JUNE 2005 4:20Ascot RAKTI (RP 1.73/SP 1.83) – 2nd

13 RUNNERS: RP PRICE 8/11 (1.73) TWO MAIN OPPOSITION HORSES IN RACING POST: VALIXIR: RP PRICE 5/1 (6.0) - 2nd Fav in RP STARCRAFT: RP PRICE 11/2 (6.5) - 3rd Fav in RP Result: 1st VALIXIR 4/1 2nd RAKTI 5/6f 3rd STARCRAFT 7/1

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1. Minimum number of runners = 10 2. Lay horses between 1-2 & 6-4 (Inc)

Using the RACING POST ODDS. 3. Lay horses that are no more than SIX decimal points away from 3rd favourite.

(eg Fav = Eve (2.0), the maximum odds in Racing post for 3rd Fav must be 7/1 (8.0). To calculate this take the lay horse RP favourite odds away from the 3rd priced favourite, (ie 8.0 – 2.0 = 6.0).

4. Try to obtain the lowest possible lay price for each horse on Betfair. 5. Any Non Runners taking the number of runners down to below 10 will mean


ABOUT 10 Minutes per day to calculate and place the DAILY SYSTEM MAXIMUMS.

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£1,510.00 PROFIT


HORSE Position SP / BF Profit/Loss


01-Jul 15:40 Wolves Court Of Appeal 2nd 1.67 /

1.88 £100.00 £100.00

20:05 Limerick Briolette 2nd 4.00 / 4.22

£100.00 £200.00

20:15 Beverley Tabaret 1st 1.57 / 1.57

-£57.00 £143.00

02-Jul 17:45 Beverley Gimasha 1st 2.5 / 2.50

-£150.00 -£7.00

03-Jul 14:45 Mkt Rasen

Enhancer 1st 1.91 / 1.91

-£91.00 -£98.00

04-Jul 20:45 Rosscomon

Balkan 2nd 3.50 / 2.42

£100.00 £2.00

05-Jul 20:20 Wolves Spear 2nd 1.67 / 1.71

£100.00 £102.00

20:30 Roscommon

Tomorrows Dream 4th 3.00 / 2.04

£100.00 £202.00

06-Jul 18:40 Worcester

Openide 2nd 2.63 / 2.88

£100.00 £302.00

18:50 Naas Namaya 1st 1.44 / 1.44

-£44.00 £252.00

07-Jul 17:25 Gowran Undercover Glamour

2nd 4.50 / 3.30

£100.00 £352.00

08-Jul 19:00 Wexford Star Horse 1st 2.50 / 2.50

-£150.00 £202.00

10-Jul 14:20 Perth Lahib The Fitth 1st 1.67 / 1.67

-£67.00 £135.00

17:55 Sligo Maith An Cailin 2nd 1.73 / 1.73

£100.00 £235.00

12-Jul 18:20 Killarney Dalian Dawn 1st 2.25 / 2.25

-£125.00 £110.00

19:20 Killarney All Flash 2nd 2.63 / 2.70

£100.00 £210.00

13-Jul 15:00 Catterick Court Of Appeal 1st 2.20 / 2.20

-£120.00 £90.00

19:20 Killarney Colour Coordinated U/P 4.00 / 4.00

£100.00 £190.00

14-Jul 16:40 Cartmel Spuradich 2nd 1.80 / 1.82

£100.00 £290.00

15-Jul 15:25 Southwell

Nazimabad 3rd 1.83 / 1.88

£100.00 £390.00

17:45 Kilbeggan

Balasari U/P 2.50 / 2.50

£100.00 £490.00

19:15 Hamilton Cryfield 3rd 4.00 / £100.00 £590.00

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3.85 20:20 Kilbegga

n April Allegro U/P 2.50 /

2.52 £100.00 £690.00

16-Jul 17:30 Curragh Avalon 1st 2.00 / 2.04

-£104.00 £586.00

17-Jul 14:50 Redcar Ahmedy 1st 2.10 / 2.10

-£110.00 £476.00

15:00 Curragh Hitchcock

U/P 3.25 / 3.00

£100.00 £576.00

15:10 Stratford Keltic Lord 1st 2.25 / 2.25

-£125.00 £450.00

16:00 Newton Ab

Latin Queen 2nd 1.57 / 1.55

£100.00 £550.00

18-Jul 20:25 Windsor Pont Neuf

U/P 2.25 / 2.32

£100.00 £650.00

19-Jul 18:15 Ballinrobe

Who'd Of Guest 1st 2.00 / 2.00

-£100.00 £550.00

19:45 Ballinrobe

Southern Style 3rd 2.00 / 2.70

£100.00 £650.00

20:45 Ballinrobe

Top Guest

U/P 4.00 / 4.00

£100.00 £750.00

20-Jul 14:50 Catterick Snake Skin 2nd 2.10 / 2.00

£100.00 £850.00

15:50 Catterick Rudis Pet 1st 2.38 / 2.40

-£140.00 £710.00

21:00 Leicester Star Duster 1st 1.91 / 1.95

-£95.00 £615.00

21-Jul 16:15 Uttoxeter Meneur De Jeu U/P 2.63 / 2.72

£100.00 £715.00

16:50 Uttoxeter Acushnet U/P 2.38 / 2.50

£100.00 £815.00

22-Jul 17:10 Wolves Benny The Bun 3rd 1.66 / 1.65

£100.00 £915.00

17:40 Limerick Alliceinwonderland 3rd 1.25 / 1.25

£100.00 £1,015.00

23-Jul 18:45 Lingfield Sparkwell

2nd 3.00 / 3.22

£100.00 £1,115.00

24-Jul 17:45 Wexford Shannons Cross U/P 2.50 / 2.65

£100.00 £1,215.00

25-Jul 14:15 Southwell

Categorical 1st 1.80 / 1.83

-£83.00 £1,132.00

16:00 Sedgefield

Maidstone Moment 3rd 3.00 / 3.12

£100.00 £1,232.00

16:15 Southwell

Flor Y Nata 1st 1.40 / 1.50

-£50.00 £1,182.00

19:00 Yarmouth

Don’t Dili Dali 2nd 1.62 / 1.61

£100.00 £1,282.00

26-Jul 20:35 Galway Happy To Chat 2nd 2.38 / 2.42

£100.00 £1,382.00

27-Jul 15:25 Goodwoo Soviet Song 2nd 3.00 / £100.00 £1,482.0

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d 3.22 029-Jul 14:05 Bangor Strathtay U/P 3.00 /

3.05 £100.00 £1,582.0

0 15:10 Bangor Newmarket 2nd 1.50 /

1.45 £100.00 £1,682.0

030-Jul 14:15 Galway My Native Lad 1st 2.00 /

2.10 -£110.00 £1,572.0

0 15:10 Goodwoo

d Alexander Goldrun 1st 2.62 /

2.62 -£162.00 £1,410.0

031-Jul 14:15 Galway Carlesim

o U/P 1.67 /

1.65 £100.00 £1,510.0


PROFIT = £1,510.0



£720.00 PROFIT


HORSE Position SP / BF Profit/Loss


01-Aug 16:55 Naas Queen

Titi 1st 1.67 /

1.84 -£84.00 -£84.00

19:20 Carlisle Viva Volta

1st 3.00 / 2.72

-£172.00 -£256.00

20:05 Windsor Echo Of Light U/P 2.00 / 2.02

£100.00 -£156.00

02-Aug 17:45 Rosscomon

Jubliant Note 1st 3.25 / 3.15

-£215.00 -£371.00

18:45 Rosscom Striking Force U/P 1.73 / £100.00 -£271.00

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on 2.14 03-Aug 17:35 Sligo Misskinta 2nd 2.75 /

3.20 £100.00 -£171.00

04-Aug 14:10 Heydock Mr Sandcliffe 2nd 1.67 / 1.71

£100.00 -£71.00

14:30 Yarmouth

Maraagel U/P 1.36 / 1.50

£100.00 £29.00

15:20 Chepstow


2nd 1.91 / 1.73

£100.00 £129.00

15:40 Haydock Haydock U/P 3.00 / 2.64

£100.00 £229.00

20:15 Sligo Martinstown 2nd 2.00 / 2.36

£100.00 £329.00

20:35 Tipperary Professor Hegarty 3rd 1.57 / 1.90

£100.00 £429.00

05-Aug 17:30 Wexford Kalabar 3rd 4.50 / 4.00

£100.00 £529.00

06-Aug 16:30 Newmarket

Balance of Power 1st 1.67 / 1.70

-£70.00 £459.00

10-Aug 16:50 Gowran Altius 1st 4.00 / 3.58

-£258.00 £201.00

18:00 Hamilton Mystic Man U/P 2.10 / 2.18

£100.00 £301.00

11-Aug 14:30 Salisbury Abstract Art U/P 1.73 / 1.96

£100.00 £401.00

12-Aug 15:50 Newbury Mostaqeleh 1st 2.63 / 2.82

-£82.00 £319.00

19:30 Catterick Rudis Pet U/P 4.33 / 3.85

£100.00 £419.00

13-Aug 17:10 Bangor Incursion 2nd 2.38 / 2.50

£100.00 £519.00

14-Aug 14:10 Pontefract

Kings heir

3rd 2.52 / 2.38

£100.00 £619.00

15:20 Stratford Romany Prince 1st 3.00 / 2.86

-£186.00 £433.00

16:20 Stratford Darrias 3rd 2.00 / 1.93

£100.00 £533.00

15-Aug 17:20 Rosscomon

Redstone Dancer U/P 3.00 / 3.15

£100.00 £633.00

19:40 Windsor Macabre U/P 2.00 / 1.95

£100.00 £733.00

17-Aug 13:40 Worcester

Western Rock 3rd 2.38 / 2.58

£100.00 £833.00

16:40 Bellewstwn

Lightning Hit 1st 2.10 / 2.18

-£118.00 £715.00

18-Aug 17:20 Tipperary Noelani 1st 1.40 / 1.85

-£85.00 £630.00

19-Aug 14:10 Ayr Souvenance 1st 2.25 / 1.87

-£87.00 £543.00

20-Aug 14:15 Curragh Born For glory 4th 4.33 / £100.00 £643.00

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3.00 21-Aug 16:50 Folkeston

e Borouj U/P 3.00 /

3.00 £100.00 £743.00

22-Aug 19:40 Wolves Sun Bian U/P 2.00 / 3.00

£100.00 £843.00

23-Aug 14:50 Tralee Taqseem 2nd 1.53 / 1.62

£100.00 £943.00

24-Aug 14:30 Catterick Rainbow Bay U/P 2.00 / 2.00

£100.00 £1,043.00

15:00 Catterick Tanzani 3rd 3.25 / 3.00

£100.00 £1,143.00

25-Aug 16:30 Tralee Red Damson 1st 2.25 / 2.15

-£115.00 £1,028.00

26-Aug 13:55 Thirsk Precautionary U/P 1.57 / 1.50

£100.00 £1,128.00

15:00 Tralee Bawaader 1st 1.80 / 1.80

-£80.00 £1,048.00

17:30 Tralee Carthalawn 1st 2.50 / 2.46

-£146.00 £902.00

18:00 Newcastle

Crocodile Bay 3rd 3.25 / 3.00

£100.00 £1,002.00

27-Aug 14:10 Cartmel Goldstar Dancer 1st 2.00 / 2.02

-£102.00 £900.00

15:45 Newmarket

Flag Of Truce 3rd 5.00 / 4.00

£100.00 £1,000.00

16:35 York Heureux 1st 3.75 / 3.80

-£280.00 £720.00

28-Aug 17:00 Beverley Bolero Again 1st 2.00 / 2.00

-£100.00 £620.00

29-Aug 15:45 Warwick Secret Assassin 2nd 1.83 / 1.90

£100.00 £720.00


PROFIT = £720.00

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JANUARY PROFIT = £3,029.00


MARCH PROFIT = £1,917.00 APRIL PROFIT = £2,948.00


(£2,578.25 per Month)

Unfortunately I have had to remove the full results in order to convert the file to a pdf of downloadable size. Darren

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This section is very important and you should read over and over again until everything you have read about here becomes second nature to you. You see contrary to popular belief there are many systems and also many good pro-gamblers who make a very good living from their betting activities (the bookies do not ALWAYS win). There could also be a hell of a lot more professional gamblers if they could master the arts of discipline, self -control, sensible staking and keeping records, effectively running there betting activities as a BUSINESS. This is where a huge number of people who have the potential to go PRO fall down. So what exactly is the definition of a Pro-Gambler? gambler. As far as I understand you become a professional gambler when your sole income is derived from your betting activities. Likewise, you are a semi-pro if a substantial part of your income is derived from your betting activities (such example would be a tipster service who earns part of his income from betting but also part from charging clients for providing a betting service). There are many people who whilst aspiring to be a pro or semi-pro gambler never reach there goal, not because they are not good enough at picking winners or especially as you can now do, picking losers, but simply they do not have the discipline or self control to run their betting activities as a business. Likewise I am sure there are many people who have developed successful systems (I don’t think for one minute that this system is the only system that you could make regular money from), but again lack the discipline to use their potential to the full. Basically they do not treat there betting as a business. This is the single most important factor in determining your success or failure as a semi-pro or pro gambler. You MUST treat your betting activities as a BUSINESS and run it like a BUSINESS. Could you imagine any successful business working without virtually any record keeping or without any carefully thought out financial planning. This is exactly what many would be pro-gambles do. They may be very good at selecting or they may have the best system in the world, but without a professional business-like approach they are doomed to failure. How can you possibly know how well or how badly you are doing if you do not log down every single bet that you ever make down, so that at the end of the month you have a profit and loss balance sheet, just like any business would, yet many people bet on a whim without making any notes at all. They can only begin to guess how well or badly they have done by the end of the month depending on how heavy or light their pocket feels. Yet keeping DAILY RECORDS of all your selections is NOT difficult or time consuming but it IS essential in order to help you on the way to becoming a semi pro or pro gambler. What about financial planning for your business? Again this is something simple to do but what most potential pro-gamblers fail to do. Many people bet with the amount of money they have available at that time. If they have been to the pub to often and it is the end of the month they may only have £2 on what may be a potentially great bet.

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At the same time if it is just after payday they may have £100 on another potentially great bet. In truth both bets may be as good as each other and how do you know which one is going to win. Say for example the bet you had £2.00 on comes romping home at 3-1. You are kicking yourself that you only had £2.00 on it because you have spent the last week in a semi-coma after spending all your hard earned cash on bitter or lager. Not that spending lots of money on bitter or lager is a bad thing (As I can vouch for by the size of my stomach, although at my age I am actively working this off, but I am rather straying from the point here). The mistake you have made is only having £2.00 on a 3-1 winner and then after payday having £100 on a sure thing that gets beat by a short head. Unlucky? DEFINITELY NO. In fact over the course of the two bets you have selected you should have done very well. In fact these were very skilful selections, one winner at 3-1, and one loser that got beat by a short head. I am using backing horses here for illustration purposes as oppose to laying them to lose. Now lets see what exactly the same selection process would have produced if you had been running your betting activities as a business. Without a fancy staking plan lets say you are staking the same amount of money on every selection, you value both bets equally (ie you expect to win money otherwise you would not place the bet in the first place). If you had placed £2.00 on each bet the end result would have been a £4.00 PROFIT. (£2.00 x 3-1 (4.0) = £8.00 less £2.00 stake =£6.00 Less £2.00 on the losing bet = £4.00 profit.) If you had placed £50 on each bet the end result would have been £100 PROFIT. If you had placed £100 on each bet the end result would have been a £200 PROFIT. However you placed £2.00 on the bet that won and £100 on the bet that lost, the end result being a -£96.00 LOSS. Instead of being £4.00 in profit, £100 in profit or £200 in profit you lost £96.00 that you probably could ill afford to lose. This is the important thing. You lost this not by bad selections, bad luck or any other excuse but purely from bad planning and bad management. You lost money because you were led by circumstance, (the amount of money that you had in your pocket at the time), rather than taking control and running your betting activities as a business. A £4.00 Win is better than a £96 Loss if that is your affordable budget. You see the important thing here is not how much money you have on each bet (although obviously it is desirable to have as much as possible), but that your bets are placed within the limits of your available BETTING BANK. A betting bank is the amount of money that you should set aside for your betting activities BEFORE a single bet has been placed. This should be money that you can afford to lose, with betting as well as with any business there are no guarantees however wonderful a system is or how good your selection process is and I have yet to come across any form of betting that does not involve a losing run at some stage or another. Even this system has had three losing months out of forty. Not many I grant you and this is one of the factors that makes

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this system such a great system, but it still has them none the less and you need to be prepared for these. A betting bank planned correctly eliminates the heartache of the losing runs and keeps your business afloat, whatever the size of the betting bank you start with. The size of the betting bank is not the important thing. You can always increase your stakes in line with the growth of your bank, but what you must do is start with a betting bank and stick to it. Never again place a bet on the strength of the money you have available in your pocket at the time. Now that we have established that you need a betting bank to start with, what should this be? Without stating the obvious, it should be what you can afford. Never bet with money that you can’t afford to lose. If it is a choice between a loaf of bread and starving or £2.00 on the 3:50 at Kempton, go out to the bakers and buy that loaf of bread otherwise you will probably be starving hungry by the end of the evening. Say for example you can put aside £1,000 to run your betting as a business. What you do is simply divide this amount of money by the number of bets that you will think you will need to cover a worst- case scenario, losing run. This is your bank, your working capital for your business, not money to be frittered away in the hope that it will bring you instant riches. You should safeguard your bank and always air on the side of caution. Without it always there you will not have a business, this is the first and single most important thing in becoming a semi-pro or pro gambler. I personally would advise working out your stake on each bet using a betting bank between 1/20th and 1/50th of your bank. This is just my personal opinion and I would always favour the 1/50th of your bank over anything else. For example you have a £1,000 bank, if you are betting 1/20th of this bank you should be placing £50 Level Stakes on each bet (We will talk more about staking in a moment). Your bank would only be wiped out if you have 20 losers in a row or several small losing runs together, ie: 5 losers, then 1 winner then another 5 losers etc. As I mentioned previously, personally I would go for the 1/50th option, meaning your bank would only be wiped out in a real catastrophe and if it did get wiped out you should really then be questioning the system you are using or selection process, weather it be your own or from a tipping service. Whatever system or selection process you follow, you should nearly always be safe here. This really does almost virtually eliminate any BAD LUCK factor unless you suffer from outrageously bad luck, and I am afraid I do not have an answer to that one. This would mean that £1,000 bank, will allow you to place £20.00 stakes on each selection. Whilst this may not seem very exciting or adventurous it is safe, and running a business and making money should be steady and safe, well planed and thought out with MINIMAL RISK. Leave the risk taking to the gamblers. Whilst they may get more excitement there bank balance will probably never be very healthy, whereas run you’re your betting business properly and you will be nicely surprised how quickly your bank balance could be increasing. What we are talking about here is running your betting activities as a business. Plan & think in a business way. This is VERY, VERY important and I hope that this section has demonstrated to you why it is that only ever a few people reach the elite top group of professional gamblers. If you can master discipline, self control, staking & financial planning, keeping records of all your bets and running your betting as a business then you really are more than half way there to joining the elite: The Professional Gambler. With this, great rewards await you in the fact that, not only can it be the road to real wealth, but also to real freedom. Freedom, from working for someone else. Freedom, to spend more time

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with your friends and family and those that you love. Freedom, to enjoy life to the full. A combination of a great betting system such as this one or even a good selection process together with the discipline and business like approach required, to implement it and run it successfully can really lead to great things. You have in your hands a truly great system, you have in your hands real power to take control and determine your own destiny. But with great power comes great responsibility. The only thing in the way of your success is you. Run your betting as a BUSINESS and as I said previously it does not matter what level you start at, as long as you make that start


In this section we have listed EVERY SYSTEM RESULT for 2004. This shows the profit that would have been made if you had layed all the favourites between 1-2 & below 6-4 at SP prices. As you can see from the Totals Summary for 2004 a handsome profit of nearly £24,000 would have been made (An average of approximately £2,000 per month). The first four months of 2005 are also showing fantastic profits, nearly £10,000 already this year (An average of approximately £2,500 per month). You would obviously need to deduct the Betfair Commission payments from these totals, ranging from 5% and working towards just 2% the more you use Betfair. You would also need to adjust the SP figures with the ‘actual’ lay prices that you achieve in each race. If you get good at this however, it may be possible to offset the commission payments against the ‘actual’ prices achieved should they average just below the SP prices. As you can see from the summary there was just one losing month in 2004, which was way back in January 2004, with 15 winning months now in a row taking us up to April 2005. Whilst the overall picture is very rosy, you will still need your betting bank, as you can see from the results in January 2004, which at one stage went up to nearly a £900 deficit before getting back into profit in February. This was also at SP prices, and if you are some way from these, the deficit could have been even greater. Although there has never been more than one losing month in a row, with every year averaging just one losing month, this does not mean that it will not happen, so please refer to the section on pro-gambler when deciding what size your betting bank is going to be. Whilst much of the year averaged £2,000 year where January showed a loss of just under £300.00 whilst December showed a profit of over £4,600.00. Perhaps there is a Santa Claus after all. Having said that, the heaviest losing month of all three losing months to date from the last forty months in total is December 2002, maybe Santa was not feeling very jolly that year.

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We have not shown the full results for 2002 and 2003 as we felt this would have been overkill on the results side of this publication, These results can be checked out by doing the monthly calculations from the Racing Post Website. You have to look at all results from every race for each month to calculate the profit / loss for the month.

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ORIGINAL SYSTEM RESULTS FOR 2004 Unfortunately I have had to remove these results in order to convert the file to PDF. Darren


I hope you have enjoyed reading and absorbing all the information contained in this book and that our ‘RACING PROFITS’ System Guide, will see you making profits for the months and years ahead. It really is quiet a straightforward system to follow and as you can see the profit potential can be enormous. You need to be disciplined and run your betting as a business, and be able to afford to absorb any losing runs as well as enjoying the profits from the winning runs. The key to maximising your profit comes in achieving as near as possible the SP price, or even lower, where you can and when you have mastered this the sky really is the limit. There are some variations on the system that can be tailored to your individual requirements that could potentially earn you even more than this system in its current format, but if you stick to guidelines outlined in this book, the world really is your oyster. How much you want to earn really is up to you, depending on the size of the betting bank that you have available. Don’t forget, start small and grow if you have to, rather than trying to cut corners by reducing the number of bets available in your betting bank. That’s pretty much about it except to mention some obvious addresses that you need or may find useful: BETTING EXCHANGES: www.betfair,com (The largest of all exchanges) (The 2nd leader in the market) RESEARCH & LIVE RESULTS: Our system bets cover English & Irish Racing only. BOOKIES: That’s about it. Get to it, organise your bank and start almost as soon as you like. I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all the best in your betting activities, and I hope that this system guide will prove an invaluable tool to helping you achieve regular profits from your betting.

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