Page 1: RACHEL & LEAH DEBORAH - Daughters of Eve · RACHEL & LEAH SA P STDY IDE SA P STDY IDE PAG ... biblical theme: As women we are often defined by our roles and what culture expects of
Page 2: RACHEL & LEAH DEBORAH - Daughters of Eve · RACHEL & LEAH SA P STDY IDE SA P STDY IDE PAG ... biblical theme: As women we are often defined by our roles and what culture expects of



Growing in the Midst of Disappointment


The journey you are about to begin will take you on an in-depth look at some of the most fascinating women of the Bible. Provided are study guide resources for you to use that provide background and thoughtful questions for small group setting. The discussion questions are for people of all ages and stages of their spiritual journey.


Thank you for facilitating a group discussion! As a small group leader, your main focus is to create a welcoming, environment where those attending feel comfortable and ready to participate in the group discussion. After viewing the selected Daughters of Eve episode, you will then move the discussion along at a smooth, unhurried pace. It is recommended that you encourage your participants to bring a Bible and notepad, as many of the discussion questions involve Scripture references. You do not need to be an expert on the Bible; you only need to be open to discussing its truth and willing to help others along their journey.



deborahEmbracing your Significance



The journey you are about to begin will take you on an in-depth look at some of the most fascinating women of the Bible. Provided are study guide re-sources for you to use that provide background and thoughtful questions for small group setting. The discussion questions are for people of all ages and stages of their spiritual journey.

Thank you for facilitating a group discussion! As a small group leader, your main focus is to create a welcoming, environment where those attending feel comfortable and ready to participate in the group discussion. After viewing the selected Daughters of Eve episode, you will then move the discussion along at a smooth, unhurried pace. It is recommended that you encourage your participants to bring a Bible and notepad, as many of the discussion questions involve Scripture references. You do not need to be an expert on the Bible; you only need to be open to discussing its truth and willing to help others along their journey.

We have all done it. Whether it was at a women’s ministries conference listening to the keynote speaker, or reading a social media post about that ‘supermom’ down the block. Very few have resisted getting caught in the comparison trap. It’s difficult to sometimes embrace the significance of who God has called us to be. We’re not all superheroes, but each of us has an important role to play in God’s kingdom. In scripture we are reminded that throughout history God has called and empowered godly women to lead and influence. The story of Deborah is one of those epic stories that can’t help but inspire us. Deborah had unique and remarkable attributes as a charismatic leader called by God. There is a boldness that can be ours if we are true to who God had called us to be. Deborah, along with her quieter co-victor Jael, teach us that anyone can be empowered by God’s Spirit for His destined purposes if we choose to embrace our significance.

1. IntroductIon


Page 3: RACHEL & LEAH DEBORAH - Daughters of Eve · RACHEL & LEAH SA P STDY IDE SA P STDY IDE PAG ... biblical theme: As women we are often defined by our roles and what culture expects of



Growing in the Midst of Disappointment


The journey you are about to begin will take you on an in-depth look at some of the most fascinating women of the Bible. Provided are study guide resources for you to use that provide background and thoughtful questions for small group setting. The discussion questions are for people of all ages and stages of their spiritual journey.


Thank you for facilitating a group discussion! As a small group leader, your main focus is to create a welcoming, environment where those attending feel comfortable and ready to participate in the group discussion. After viewing the selected Daughters of Eve episode, you will then move the discussion along at a smooth, unhurried pace. It is recommended that you encourage your participants to bring a Bible and notepad, as many of the discussion questions involve Scripture references. You do not need to be an expert on the Bible; you only need to be open to discussing its truth and willing to help others along their journey.


biblical character background

bible reference: Judges 4 & 5

Deborah is a strong and heroic Old Testament figure for women. Judges chapter 4 and 5 reveal her skills as a judge and a leader. Her leadership strength was matched with her prophetic giftedness (Judges 4:4-5). She made the perfect “super hero” of female matriarchs. One can only imagine the charisma and confident wisdom she must have had in order to gain such prominent respect and authority. In a culture where women were not viewed as equals, she was revered as one who heard from God and had spiritual authority to move armies and bring victory to her people. Her obedience to God’s leading in her life ultimately gave her and her people a song of victory (Judges 5). The bible says it was because of her significant impact; the land of Israel had peace for forty years (Judges 5:31b).

In the background of Deborah’s story is another woman of significance. Her name is Jael (4:17-22). Her life was hidden and likely would’ve gone unnoticed if it weren’t for the divine moment in history when she killed the leader of the enemy’s army. Her courage when prompted to act was a moment in time that ultimately brought Israel and their God glory. She would be known forever as a woman who was most blessed (5:24). Read Judges 4:6-9 for the account of her pre-destined success

biblical theme:

As women we are often defined by our roles and what culture expects of us. However, the account of Deborah is an example of how deeply committed God is to having the final say about His role for us. God’s desire to equip and empower us far outweighs the expectations and pressures put on us by others to conform or perform. Deborah’s boldness to stand up to Barak, Israel’s army general, is a reminder to be unwavering in our commitment to follow God’s leading and obey Him.

Obedience to God’s voice by individuals throughout scripture has always resulted in victory and the advance of God’s kingdom (including spiritual icons such as Abraham, Esther, King David, Jesus’s mother Mary and the apostle Paul). Each of those people, like Deborah, embraced their significant role as God’s chosen people. In light of their relationship with God, they were able to follow His leading for their lives with confidence. They trusted that God would equip them and that their destinies were in God’s hands.

Fully embracing our significance in Christ is an ongoing learning process. With the changing of seasons and life stages we may find ourselves challenged again to revisit who God says we are in Him. Ultimately, we find the most fulfillment when we realign ourselves with who He created us to be for His greater purposes.

The Israelites had once again gone astray and been sold into the hands of the Canaanites. They needed a godly leader to place them on the right path again. It was a time before kings would reign and God had put judges in place to speak His truth and bring peace. With the gift of prophecy and the wisdom of a godly judge, Deborah would find opportunity to strategize with valiant warriors and give courage to Israel’s army. Yet, who was the woman who would also share in Israel’s victory? How were both women’s roles significant in God’s purposes for His people being accomplished? Watch as the story unfolds.

DiscussSmall group QueStionS

1. Prior to watching this video, what was your impression of the character Deborah? What kind of woman did you picture her to be, and how did it compare to how she was depicted in the documentary? Discuss your thoughts together.

2. eXPLorAtIon


Page 4: RACHEL & LEAH DEBORAH - Daughters of Eve · RACHEL & LEAH SA P STDY IDE SA P STDY IDE PAG ... biblical theme: As women we are often defined by our roles and what culture expects of



Growing in the Midst of Disappointment


The journey you are about to begin will take you on an in-depth look at some of the most fascinating women of the Bible. Provided are study guide resources for you to use that provide background and thoughtful questions for small group setting. The discussion questions are for people of all ages and stages of their spiritual journey.


Thank you for facilitating a group discussion! As a small group leader, your main focus is to create a welcoming, environment where those attending feel comfortable and ready to participate in the group discussion. After viewing the selected Daughters of Eve episode, you will then move the discussion along at a smooth, unhurried pace. It is recommended that you encourage your participants to bring a Bible and notepad, as many of the discussion questions involve Scripture references. You do not need to be an expert on the Bible; you only need to be open to discussing its truth and willing to help others along their journey.


2. Who are the characters in this story and what significant roles do each play in God’s purpose and plans for Israel? Are there any more roles you’ve missed? (i.e. Barak, Jael, Deborah’s husband, the army, etc.)

3. Discuss a time when you’ve felt you were playing a significant role in God’s purposes and how it affected others. How did it feel when you ‘embraced’ that job or role He called you to? Was it easy, difficult, fulfilling, challenging?

4. Discuss a time or season when you may have felt insignificant or others made you feel less important? How did you find encouragement during those times? What did you or could you have learned about your worth in Christ through that season?

Being empowered as women can be a ‘hot topic’ for women and men in the church. However, God sent the Holy Spirit at Pentecost to empower both men and women to be His witnesses and to represent the fullness of Christ to the world around us. Together as a group make a chart that is divided in half. On one half of the chart list all the ways the world has tried “empowering” women (e.g. sexual revolution, equal rights, Hollywood, workplace), then on the other half list ways that God empowers us as women (e.g. freedom in Christ, identity in Him).

Discuss the shortcomings and/or misconceptions that may result from either list. What areas can you be strengthened in as godly women based on your discussion over the topic of embracing your significance?

Jesus, thank you that our identity is found in You regardless of our role or season in life. Help us as women to look past the mirror and into your Word for examples of how to live a life that honours Your name. Teach us how to be empowered by Your Holy Spirit to live a life that is bold and obedient to the call of God for us. May we be unwavering in our confidence that You have equipped us and will empower us to live a life of holy significance. Amen.




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