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satellite-retrieved effective radius (re) and the cloud-

top temperature (T) of convective clouds growing inmaritime, transition, and continental air masses. Theterms “continental” and “maritime” clouds are usedhereafter in their microphysical connotation; that is,continental clouds are composed of many small drops,while the maritime clouds have small concentrationsof larger droplets.

The observations show large variability in thecloud microstructure that is consistent with thesuggestion that airmass properties have a profoundimpact on precipitation formation processes in convec-tive clouds, including deep cumulonimbus convection.

The objectives of this paper are the following.

• Presentation of a methodology by which precipi-tation formation processes can be inferred from thesatellite data, using both a color visualizationscheme and a computerized algorithm for identi-fication of different microphysical processes atdifferent distances above cloud base.

• Validation of the methodology by in situ aircraftmeasurements.

• Presentation of preliminary results linking variousinferred microphysical processes to the airmassproperties (i.e., continental vs maritime).

The next section describes a qualitative cloud mi-crophysical classification. The effective radius is usedas an indicator of precipitation and a visualizationscheme is presented. Physical arguments are providedfor the analysis of the relationships between tempera-ture and effective radius for convective clouds as thebasis for a quantitative cloud microphysical classifi-cation. Case studies are presented in section 3 and adescription of the quantitative cloud microphysicalclassification scheme follows in section 4. This clas-sification is applied to additional, more complex casestudies in section 5. In situ aircraft validation is pro-vided in section 6. Finally, a discussion of the classi-fication scheme and the significance of the insightsgained by it is given in section 7.

2. Cloud-top multispectral classificationud-top multispectral classification

a. The effective radiusA new way to use standard operational satellite

data for deducing the structure of clouds and their pre-cipitation formation processes is presented. It is basedon display and analyses of the Advanced Very High

Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) data from the Na-tional Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration(NOAA) operational weather satellites, which providesubsatellite 1.1-km data at five channels centered at0.65, 0.9, 3.7, 10.8, and 12.0 µm. A key parameter inthe inferences is the retrieved, effective, cloud-topparticle radius, as defined by


r n r dr

r n r dre =

( )

( )






where n(r) is the number concentration of particleshaving radius r.

The effective radius of fully cloudy pixels is cal-culated using an inversion of a radiative transfer model(Nakajima and King 1990), with the mid-IR (3.7 µm)cloud reflectance (ρ

3.7) and the viewing geometry as

inputs. The quantitative analysis is done only onclouds thick enough to be potential precipitation pro-ducers. Cloudy pixels were identified as pixels with

• visible reflectance (0.65 µm) greater than 0.4, and• brightness temperature difference—BTD (chan-

nels 4 and 5) smaller than

BTDS(T) + 1°C,

where subscript s stands for saturation. The precipi-table water of a saturated atmosphere PW

S(T) above

the isotherm T was calculated, and Eq. (2) from Eckand Holben (1994) for Mali, West Africa, was usedto get BTD


PW = 0.837 BTD. (2)

The cloud reflectance in mid-IR was computedassuming that the emissivity of clouds in the IR (11 µm)is equal to 1.0, and that the transmission through acloud in the 3.7-µm channel is zero.

Following Kaufman and Nakajima (1993), the to-tal radiance at 3.7 µm (L

3.7) and 11 µm (L

11) is

L tF

t B T3 7 3 70 0 0

3 7 3 7 3 7 3 71. . . . . .=

+ ′ ( ) −( )µ

πρ ρ , (3)

L t B T11 11 11= ′ ( ), (4)

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where t 03.7

is the total downward and then upwardtransmission of sunlight above the cloud at the 3.7-µmchannel; t′

3.7 and t′

11 are the upward transmissions

above the cloud at the 3.7- and 11-µm channels, re-spectively; F

0 is the extraterrestrial solar flux in the

3.7-µm channel; µ0 is the cosine of the solar zenith

angle; and Bi(T) is the Plank function for temperature

T and wavelength i. The cloud reflectance can be de-rived from Eqs. (3) and (4):

ρµ π3 7

3 7 3 7 3 7

3 70

0 0 3 7 3 7.

. . .

. . ./,= − ′ ( )

( ) − ′ ( )[ ]L t B T

t F t B T

where T BL



1 11



The transmission functions t03.7

, t′3.7

, and t′11

depend onthe precipitable water above the cloud. The methodwas used on a wide range of atmospheric conditions,thus the following approximation was used for thecalculation of t0


t e S


3 70 0

. .=−


PW µµ (6)

Here, PW was calculated using (2); PWS and a

S =

0.4 are the precipitable water and the maximal absorp-tion in saturated atmosphere above a cloud top of20°C, respectively; and µ is the cosine of the satellitezenith angle. The transmissions t′

3.7, and t′

11 tend to

balance each other in (5), therefore, we assume t′3.7


11 = 1. The retrieval is not very sensitive to the val-

ues of t03.7

.The maximum value of the effective radius that can

be retrieved by this method is 30 µm, because the3.7-µm reflectance decreases to near the instrumentnoise level for clouds of larger particles. It has beenshown (Rosenfeld and Gutman 1994) that an effectiveradius of 14 µm is a threshold value above whichclouds contain precipitation size particles that can bedetected by weather radars.

b. Visual multispectral classification schemeAn important step in the understanding of the com-

plex interactions among cloud type, temperature,thickness, r

e, and the input aerosols is a clear visual-

ization of these multiparameter data. This is facilitated

by coding various combinations of visible reflectance,temperature and r

e as different colors, shown in the

case studies according to the following scheme. 1) Thevisible reflectance modulates the red (brighter is red-der); 2) the reflectance component at 3.7 µm, whichis a surrogate for r

e in clouds, modulates the green

(smaller re is greener); and 3) the 10.8-µm brightness

temperature modulates the blue (warmer is bluer). Ice ab-sorbs twice as much as water at 3.7 µm. Furthermore,ice particles are typically much larger than cloud drop-lets at the same temperature. Therefore, ice clouds orsnow on the ground appear as having very large effec-tive radius, or very low green in the color images. Forthe same reason, small effective radius indicates wa-ter clouds, even at temperatures below 0°C, where thecloud is said to be composed of supercooled water.Such clouds appear yellow in the color scheme.

A detailed color pallet relating the different colorcombinations to the numerical values of the three com-ponents is provided in appendix A. A correspondingcloud classification scheme is provided in appendixB.

c. The T versus re relations for convective clouds

The dependence of the effective radius on cloud-top temperature (T) for growing convective clouds canreveal the evolution of the particles composing theclouds and hence the various processes leading to theprecipitation formation in them. The tops of convec-tive cloud become colder with height in accordancewith the nearby atmospheric sounding. Therefore, Tcan be used instead of cloud-top height to assess thevertical development of a cloud. Because a satelliteimage is a snapshot at an instant in time, analysis ofclusters of convective clouds at different degrees ofvertical development is done to infer the time evolu-tion of the individual cloud elements. To do this, onemust assume that cloud-top properties observed simul-taneously for clouds at different stages of their verti-cal growth are similar to the properties of a singlecloud as it grows through the various heights (Arakawaand Schubert 1974). In other words, cloud effectiveradius is a conserved property for a given temperature,as long as precipitation has not developed. The valid-ity of this assumption is addressed in the section of thepaper presenting aircraft validation of the satellite in-ferences (section 6).

A convective cloud can be described as one thatingests air mainly through its base and detrains at leastsome of that air through the cloud top (Arakawa andSchubert 1974). On that basis, it can be assumed that,


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in a given convective cloud, the particle size increasesmonotonically from base to top, up to precipitationparticle sizes, which fall from cloud top. This relation-ship of increasing r

e with height is often obscured by

intervening nonconvective clouds. The particle sizesof thin layer clouds are typically much smaller thanthe particle sizes in the tops of convective clouds hav-ing much lower bases, which grow and penetrate theselayer clouds. Observations of particle sizes can, there-fore, be used to separate a mixture of layer and con-vective clouds (Lensky and Rosenfeld 1997). The Tversus r

e relations were calculated for selected cloud

clusters such that for each 1°C interval a distributionof r

e was obtained.

The actual composite is done in the followingsteps.

1) Define a window containing a convective cloud clus-ter with elements representing all growing stages,typically containing several thousands pixels.

2) Calculate the median and other percentiles of ther

e for each 1°C interval of cloud-top temperature

(T).3) Display graphically the T versus r

e curves of the

10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, and 90th percentiles.4) Analyze the shape of the median (50th percentile)

to find the microphysical zones, as defined in sec-tion 4.

The shape of the T versus re diagrams contains

much information on the microphysical processes inthe clouds. It is known that droplets grow mostly bydiffusion at small distances above the bases of con-vective clouds, while higher up in the cloud the growthrate often accelerates by coalescence and ice processes.Because nearly all cloud droplets are nucleated atcloud base and cloud water mass increases less thanlinearly with depth, the increase in r

e in clouds under

diffusional growth is proportional to Da, where D isdepth above cloud base, and the exponent a is at most1/3. The power a would be 1/3 when the cloud watercontent increases linearly with decreasing T. In real-ity, the cloud water increases at a smaller rate, so thata < 1/3. Depth D can be approximated by T

b − T, where

Tb is the cloud-base temperature (the warmest cloudy

pixel + 2°C), and then re α (T

b − T)a, where a < 1/3. A

deviation from such a curve indicates the existence ofmechanisms that amplify the particles’ growth rate,such as coalescence and ice formation processes.These amplification processes are crucial to the for-mation of precipitation.

3. Case studies of maritime and studies of maritime andcontinental cloudsental clouds

Four case studies are provided in which airmassand cloud microphysical properties are related to eachother in a systematic way. First, two “classic” casesof tropical clouds growing in pristine maritime clouds(central Indian Ocean) and in a highly polluted airmass (Sumatra engulfed by smoke from forest fires)are examined. The other two cases show clouds changetheir microstructure and precipitation-forming pro-cesses in air masses that move from sea inland, andfurther changes that occur in clouds forming over amajor urban area.

a. Highly maritime cloudsThe first case is of cumulus and cumulonimbus

clouds (Fig. 1) growing in pristine maritime air overthe central Indian Ocean, centered at 4°S and 80°E.The dominant red colors in Fig. 1 indicate large mid-IR absorption caused by the large cloud particles at allheights. The magenta color indicates large dropletsalready at warm temperatures or at small depth abovecloud bases. This is shown quantitatively in Fig. 2,where r

e quickly grows with height and exceeds the

precipitation threshold of 14 µm at the lowest observedlevels, suggesting warm rain (i.e., rain formed by wa-ter drop coalescence) formation processes starting ashort distance above cloud base. The r

e reaches a pla-

teau of about 23 µm near the 13°C isotherm level, sug-gesting full development of warm rain processes at thatlevel. Further increase of r

e at the supercooled levels

indicates the formation of the ice phase. The maximumvalue of r

e, reached at −7°C, implies full development

of the ice phase at that temperature. The warm glacia-tion temperature is consistent with the numerous air-craft observations of nearly complete glaciation oftropical maritime clouds at that temperature (Black andHallett 1986; Jorgensen and LeMone 1989). This im-plies a much shallower mixed-phase zone comparedto continental clouds, as described in the next section.

b. Highly continental cloudsAt the other end of the cloud spectrum are observed

tropical clouds growing in an air mass that is highlypolluted by smoke emitted from the rain forest firesthat occurred in Indonesia during October 1997. Thesmoke is visible in Fig. 3. Smoke from burning rainforests over the Amazon was documented by Kaufmanand Farser (1997) as having particles with typical ra-dius of 0.14 ± 0.02 µm, thus serving as source for nu-

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merous small cloud condensa-tion nuclei (CCN). Clouds form-ing in an air mass with such aCCN population are typicallycomposed of many small drop-lets, and are thus consideredmicrophysically highly conti-nental. The coloration of theimage of the clouds growing inthe smoke-plagued air mass overSumatra (Fig. 4, areas 1 and 2)suggests small water droplets atlow levels (indicated in white),supercooled small drops higherup (indicated in yellow and lightorange), and glaciated anvils,indicated in red. The T versus r


curve in Figs. 5a and 5b showsmall r

e, well below the precipi-

tation threshold of 14 µm to atemperature of about −10°C, in-dicating cloud droplet growthmainly by diffusional processes,without much coalescence. There reaches a maximum near −22°

to −25°C, implying full develop-ment of the ice phase at that tem-perature. Therefore, the cloudscontain a deep mixed-phasezone and form the precipitationmainly in the ice phase as hail,graupel, and snow particles. TheT versus r

e curves of the two

cases (Fig. 2 and Figs. 5a,b) areconsistent with the classic de-scription of microphysicallycontinental and maritime clouds,respectively (Squires 1958).

A transition is observed from the smoke-laden airmass over Sumatra (areas 1 and 2 of Figs. 3 and 4) toless dense smoke at the west coast of Malaysia (area3), and farther upwind to a smoke-free area on the eastcoast of Malaysia (area 4). Qualitatively, the transitionin the cloud microstructure is evident in the changingof the coloration of the low-level clouds. The transi-tion is more clearly seen in the T–r

e diagrams, where

re increases gradually and the temperature of inferred

glaciation decreases from the most polluted to thecleanest area, represented by Figs. 5a–d, respectively.According to Fig. 5d, the clouds over land near theupwind coast are more similar to the pristine maritime

clouds (Fig. 2) than to the clouds growing in thesmoke-plagued area (Figs. 5a,b). These results areconsistent with the findings of Kaufman and Farser(1997), who retrieved r

e of clouds with tops warmer

than 270 K over the Amazon basin to assess the im-pact of forest fire smoke on r

e. They showed that

smoke typically reduced re from 15 to 9 µm.

4. Microphysical zones4. Microphysical zones

Before examining more complex case studies, inwhich clouds undergo transition from maritime to

FIG. 1. A NOAA/AVHRR image from 9 December 1997 0900 UTC, of equatorial mari-time clouds over the central Indian Ocean, in an area of 350 × 450 km, centered at 3°S,80°E. North is at the top of the image. The color is composed of red for visible reflectance,green for 3.7-µm reflectance (approximating r

e), and blue for the inverse of 10.8-µm bright-

ness temperature. The dominant magenta and red colors of the clouds indicate that they arecomposed of very large particles, thus highly maritime. A detailed color pallet is providedin appendix A. A cloud classification pertaining to the colors is provided in appendix B.

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continental microstructure, it is helpful to developsome terminology. Based on the first two cases shownhere, as well as on hundreds of other analyzed caseswell distributed over the globe, the evolution of con-vective cloud-top microstructure as a function of T canbe classified into the following five distinct verticalzones, not all necessarily appearing in a given cloudsystem.

1) Diffusional droplet growth zone. Very slow growthof cloud droplets with depth above cloud base, in-dicated by shallow slope of dr


2) Droplet coalescence growth zone. Large increaseof the droplet growth rate dr

e/dT at T warmer than

freezing temperatures, indicating rapid cloud-drop-let growth with depth above cloud base. Such rapidgrowth can occur there only through drop coales-cence.

3) Rainout zone. A zone where re remains stable be-

tween 20 and 25 µm, probably determined by themaximum drop size that can be sustained by ris-ing air near cloud top, where the larger drops areprecipitated to lower elevations and may eventu-ally fall as rain from the cloud base. This zone isso named because droplet growth by coalescenceis balanced by precipitation of the largest dropsfrom cloud top. Therefore, the clouds seem to beraining out much of their water while growing. The

radius of the drops that actually rain out from cloudtops is much larger than the indicated r

e of 20–

25 µm, being at the upper end of the drop size dis-tribution there.

4) Mixed phase zone. A zone of large indicated drop-let growth rate, occurring at T < 0°C, due to coa-lescence as well as to mixed-phase precipitationformation processes. Therefore, the mixed-phaseand the coalescence zones are ambiguous at thefreezing temperatures. Because the first ice phasein growing continental clouds appears typically at5° < −10°C, the zones are arbitrarily separated at−10°C, except for the cases determined in the fol-lowing discussion.

5) Glaciated zone. A nearly stable zone of re having

a value greater than that of the rainout zone at be-low freezing temperatures, probably determined bythe maximum ice particle size that can be sustainednear cloud top, while the larger particles have beenprecipitated to lower elevations while aggregatingand forming snowflakes.

There are two alternative ways to perceive thephysical meaning of these zones. The first involves adescription of the time evolution of a growing convec-tive cloud top. The second involves a description ofthe vertical composition of a convective cloud at agiven time throughout its depth. While the first alter-native is always valid (under the assumption in sec-tion 2c), the second alternative can be valid only aslong as no precipitation is falling through the cloudfrom higher levels. The presence of precipitationchanges the microstructure of the cloud substancesbelow the precipitation generating zone.

The diffusional droplet growth zone is well devel-oped in continental clouds (Figs. 5a,b), but it is reducedin more maritime clouds (Fig. 5c) and vanishes inhighly maritime clouds (Figs. 2 and 5d). In fact, clouddroplets start their growth diffusionally at the bases ofall convective clouds; however, coalescence of highlymaritime clouds starts within the depth required forclouds to pass the selection criterion for this method(i.e., visible reflectance of 40%).

The droplet coalescence growth zone is well de-veloped a small distance above the bases of maritimeclouds (Figs. 2 and 5d), but it appears higher in thecloud in less maritime clouds (Figs. 5b,c) and vanishesor overlaps with the mixed-phase zone in highly con-tinental clouds (Fig. 5a).

The rainout zone can exist only in clouds with well-developed coalescence that have progressed to the

FIG. 2. Analysis of the temperature (T)–effective radius (re)

relationship, for the clouds in the enclosed area plotted in Fig. 1.Plotted are the 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, and 90th percentiles of ther

e for each 1°C interval. The median is indicated by the thick line.

The vertical bars denote the vertical extent of the microphysicalzones, as defined and numbered in section 4.

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extent that a further increase ofdrop size is compensated for bythe large drops falling from thecloud tops. Therefore the rainoutzone exists just above the drop-let coalescence growth zone.The rainout zone is well devel-oped in maritime clouds (Fig. 2),but its extent is reduced in lessmaritime clouds (Fig. 5d) andcompletely vanishes in conti-nental clouds (Figs. 5a–c).

The mixed-phase zone existsbelow the glaciated zone. Oftenthe coalescence and mixed-phase zones overlap to one con-tinuous area of rapid growth ofr

e through the 0°C isotherm. In

such cases the separation be-tween the zones is set to −6°C(Fig. 5c), in accordance with air-craft observations in clouds withample supercooled rain. Thetransition from the rainout zoneto the glaciated zone. (Figs. 2and 5d) is also defined as amixed-phase zone. That transi-tion is observed in the satelliteanalyses typically between −4°and −7°C.

A glaciated cloud is one forwhich practically all of its waterhas turned into ice particles.Cloud-top glaciation occurs attemperatures of about −5° to−10°C for clouds with well-developed rainout zones, typicalof highly maritime clouds(Fig. 2), and in agreement withthe laboratory experiments ofHallett and Mossop (1974). Glaciation occurs typicallyat about −15°C for less maritime clouds with coales-cence (Fig. 5d), or colder for more continental clouds(Figs. 5a–c). Glaciation can occur at temperatures ascold as −30°C for extremely continental high-baseclouds (not shown here).

All these classification criteria were translated intoa computerized algorithm that is applied to user-specified windows in the satellite images on the workstation screen. The examples shown here are the re-sult of this algorithm.

5. Case studies of transition from5. Case studies of transition frommaritime to continental cloudsmaritime to continental clouds

a. Transition from the eastern MediterraneaninlandAfter describing the extreme cases, and having

developed the terminology, it is instructive to observethe other two situations where a maritime air massmoves from sea inland, while the clouds growing init undergo transition from maritime to continental.These two cases were selected out of many possibili-

FIG. 3. A NOAA/AVHRR image from 14 October 1997 0732 UTC, of smoke and cloudsin an area of about 600 × 1000 km over southern Malaysia and central Sumatra. The coloris composed of red for visible reflectance, green for 0.9-µm reflectance, and blue for theinverse of the temperature. Ground is green, sea surface is dark, and the smoke appears asthe fuzzy brown features over the sea background, or yellow fuzzy features over land, mostlyover areas 1 and 2 over Sumatra. Smoke is less intense over western Malaysia (area 3). Nosmoke is seen over eastern Malaysia (area 4). Clouds are white and light blue for the coldtops and cirrus.

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ties as representing the “normal” situations that canbe observed in most analyzed AVHRR images takenat random.

Figure 6 shows the changes of clouds in an air massmoving slowly from the eastern Mediterranean Sea(area 1) to Israel (area 2) and Jordan (area 3), whileacquiring continental aerosols. The convection wastriggered by surface heating. Therefore the convectiveclouds ingested the low-level aerosols, which affectedtheir microphysical properties. The vertical extent ofthe clouds, as inferred from their temperature range,is similar for the three areas. The most developed cloud

tops reached the −10°C level.There is a systematic colorchange of the convective cloudtops, ranging from red over sea,to orange over the coastal area,to yellow inland. The colorchange is produced by the in-creasing green component, inter-preted as decreasing cloud-topparticle size from sea inland.Quantitative estimation of thistrend is provided in Fig. 7, whichshows the T versus r

e relation-

ships over the three framed ar-eas. The cloud top (−10°C)median r

e is 19 µm over sea,

14 µm over the coast, and only9 µm inland. Because convec-tive clouds with r

e > 14 µm have

been shown to produce precipi-tation (Rosenfeld and Gutman1994), the clouds over sea areprecipitating, while the cloudsinland are not precipitating. Theclouds over Israel were observedat that time to produce only atrace of precipitation.

b. Transition of trade windclouds from the westernPacific inlandA similar case in a vastly dif-

ferent climatic regime is pre-sented in Fig. 8. The viewed areashows the northern islands ofthe Philippines and the adjacentPacific Ocean to the east. Thearea is under the influence of thenortheast trade winds, which

flow from the east coast inland, picking up continen-tal aerosols on the way. Trade wind stratocumulus andcumulus clouds are scattered throughout the area.Orographic enhancement of the clouds is evidentalong the mountain ranges parallel to the east and westcoasts of the northern island. A few isolated cumu-lonimbus clouds are evident by the saturated red colorof their glaciated tops. Qualitative impression from theimage (Fig. 8) shows that the coloration of the low-level clouds over the Pacific Ocean and the eastcoast is dominated by red shades, indicating the mari-time nature of the clouds there. The red shades of the

FIG. 4. A NOAA/AVHRR image from 14 October 1997 0732 UTC, of the same areashown in Fig. 3, but with color composed of red for visible reflectance, green for 3.7-µmreflectance (approximating r

e), and blue for the inverse of 10.8-µm brightness temperature.

Cumulonimbus anvils appear as saturated red areas. Note the small less-developed clouds,changing their color from magenta and pink in the cleanest area (4) to more pink and whitein the smoke-plagued areas (1 and 2). (See color palette in appendix A.)

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clouds fade when they move inland to-ward the west coast of the islands, indi-cating the reduced cloud-top particle sizeas they incorporate more continentalaerosols.

The quantitative analysis, given inFig. 9, shows that clouds growing overthe Pacific Ocean and the southwesternpart of the island (area 1) are very mari-time. This is evident by the deep rainoutzone, shallow mixed-phase zone, and thewarm glaciation temperature of −11°C.

Comparison of clouds over the eastcoast (area 2) to those inland and over thewest coast (area 3) shows how the cloudslose their highly maritime nature inland.According to Figs. 9b and 9c, the medianre is larger in area 2 than that of area 3 for

any given T, reaching a plateau (re of

23 µm) at 12°C, suggesting that fully de-veloped warm rain processes are reachedat that temperature. This is depicted bythe classification algorithm as the rainout

FIG. 5. Same as Fig. 2, but for the T vs re relations of clouds over Sumatra and

Malaysia, for the four framed areas plotted in Figs. 3 and 4, where (a)–(d) are forareas 1–4, respectively.

FIG. 6. As in Fig. 1, but for convective clouds developing in weak westerly flow from the Mediterranean Sea (area 1) to Israel (area2) and Jordan (area 3) for an area of 400 × 240 km centered at 32.4°N, 31.5°E on 12 November 1992.

2466 Vol. 79, No. 11, November 1998

zone. The smaller re and lack of rainout zone in area 3

suggest that warm rain processes are slowed down inthe inland clouds. The observation that r

e > 14 µm

threshold in the inland clouds suggests that, althoughslowed down, warm rain is not completely suppressedthere.

c. The impact of air pollution from a large cityManila is a major metropolitan area with about 8

million people, producing urban air pollution at a suf-ficiently large scale (several tens of kilometers) so thatits potential impact on clouds can be distinguishableby both the qualitative and quantitative schemes thatare introduced here. We will now focus our attention,therefore, on the area of Manila and its vicinity.Fortunately, two small cumulonimbus clouds areformed, one in the ambient air to the north (area 4 ofFig. 8), and the other over the bay of Manila (area 5)downwind of the city. The T–r

e diagrams are quite

noisy, due to the small sample size of cloudy pixels.However, a large difference between the two areas isstill evident in Figs. 9d and 9e for the ambient air andthe affected city areas, respectively.

The indicated microstructure of the warm portion(T > 0°C) of the clouds in area 4 (Fig. 9d) is closest tothat of the clouds developing in area 3 (Fig. 9c), sug-gesting that the clouds there are similar to the cloudsthat have been modified by the continental aerosolsinland, assuming continental tropical nature, with coa-lescence and some warm rain. In contrast, the coales-cence in the clouds over Manila (Fig. 9e) is inferredto be strongly suppressed, as indicated by the exten-sion of the diffusional growth zone up to the 0°C iso-therm level. The microstructure of the clouds overManila is more similar to that of the extremely conti-nental clouds developing in the heavy forest firesmoke (Figs. 5a,b) than to the clouds developing inthe ambient air near Manila.

6. Aircraft validation of the satellite6. Aircraft validation of the satelliteretrievals and inferencesretrievals and inferences

The previous sections showed the potential of mul-tispectral, satellite-based remote sensing for the infer-

FIG. 7. Same as Fig. 2, but for the T vs re relations of clouds

over the east Mediterranean for the three framed areas of Fig. 6,(a) for area 1, (b) for area 2, and (c) for area 3.




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ence of the microstructure ofconvective clouds and their pre-cipitation forming processes.Without validation, however,such inferences are merely an in-teresting curiosity. Accordingly,a major effort has been made tocompare the satellite inferencesof cloud properties with corre-sponding observations by air-craft and radar. The results ofthis data-validation effort to dateare presented here; the valida-tion effort is continuing.

a. Data sourcesCloud physics data for in situ

validation were obtained fromthe following three projects:

1) the Israeli Rain Enhance-ment Project;

2) the Thai cloud physics air-craft, as part of the Thai rainenhancement project;

3) the Brief Assessment of theAffects of Smoke on Indone-sian Clouds (BASIC) projectin Indonesia during Decem-ber 1997 (the same aircraftwas used for Thailand andBASIC).

The instruments used are thefollowing:

1) Forward Scattering Cloud-Droplet Spectrum Prober(FSSP) -100, measuring clouddrop size distribution withinthe range of 2–23 µm in dropradius;

2) hot-wire cloud liquid water,KING for Israel, dropletmeasuring technology forThailand and Indonesia;

3) two-dimensional array imaging probe (2D-C) in-strument, with nominal range size of 25–800 µm.

With respect to the 2D-C, it should be noted thatthe actual instrument minimum detectable size is

larger than the maximum detectable size of the FSSP.It is manifested by the many observations of FSSPspectra with particles in the largest measurable bin butwith no 2D-C measured particles, in spite of the muchlarger measurement volume of the 2D-C.

FIG. 8. As Fig. 1, but for a 400 × 650 km area over the northern half of the Philippines,on 14 December 1997 0623 UTC. The area is dominated by the NE trade winds, with mari-time clouds, indicated by the pink and magenta colors (areas 1 and 2), moving inland andbecoming more continental, as indicated by the fading of the red colors of the clouds (areas3–5). The clouds in area 5, over the bay of Manila, are conspicuous by their white color,indicating that they are composed of very small particles.

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FIG. 9. Same as Fig. 2, but for the T vs re relations of the trade

wind clouds over the Philippines. Panels (a)–(e) are for areas 1–5of Fig. 8, respectively.

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b. Validation of theassumption that r

e is a

conservative cloud propertyTwo critical assumptions

in the construction of the satel-lite retrieved T versus r

e are the


1) The cloud top re, observed by

the satellite at a given timefor a cloud ensemble, is simi-lar to the evolution of r

e with

height of a given cloud.2) The r

e near cloud top is simi-

lar to that well within thecloud at the same height aslong as precipitation doesnot fall through that cloudvolume.

These assumptions weretested by conducting multipleaircraft penetrations at 3.5 kmnear and well below the tops ofclouds at various stages of theirdevelopment. The relationshipsbetween the cloud water content(g m−3) and r

e and between cloud

droplet concentration and re are

provided in Figs. 10a and 10b,respectively, for measurementsmade on 18 December 1997,1214–1304 local time (LT), overcentral Java, Indonesia. Eachpoint represents the cloud prop-erties integrated along 1 s offlight path. The bold points arefrom the most vigorous cloud,penetrated at 1254 LT about 1 km below its top. Thecircles are from a dissipating cloud penetrated at1225 LT, grazing its top, with the sky partly visibleduring much of the penetration. The x’s make up thebalance of the sample.

The amount of cloud liquid water content (CLWC)and the cloud droplet concentrations varied with cloudage, being maximal well inside the young vigorousclouds and minimal at the tops of decaying clouds.However, the cloud droplet r

e remained remarkably

stable for both young and dissipating clouds within anarrow range of 2 µm for clouds having > 0.1 g m−3 ofCLWC. This stability of

re for a given cloud depth has

been generally observed in all our research flights incloud volumes that do not contain precipitation.Therefore, the cloud droplet r

e can be viewed as a con-

servative cloud property, being mainly a function ofcloud depth for a given cloud condition, as long as pre-cipitation has not developed in the cloud.

c. Validation case studiesThe data for all case studies were analyzed simi-

larly as follows.The evolution with height of CLWC and droplet

concentrations for convective cloud elements weredocumented and are shown in panel a of each case



FIG. 10. (a) The relation between cloud-droplet water content (g m−3) and re, for convec-

tive clouds at different stages of development at height of 3.5 km on 18 Dec 1997, 1214–1304 LT, over central Java, Indonesia. Each point represents the cloud properties integratedalong 1 s of flight path. The bold points are from the most vigorous cloud, penetrated at1254 LT about 1 km below its top. The circles are from a dissipating cloud penetrated at1225 LT grazing its top, with the sky partly visible during much of the penetration. The x’smake up the balance of the data. (b) The same as Fig. 3a, but for the relation between clouddroplet concentration (cm−3) and r


2470 Vol. 79, No. 11, November 1998

study. To bring all cases to a common scale, the heightscale was converted to temperature. Because all casesinvolved convective clouds, the relation betweenheight and cloud temperature is close to the moist-adiabatic lapse rate. Cloud water content should in-crease or remain near constant with height, and dropletconcentrations should decrease slowly, as long as theclouds do not precipitate. The conversion of clouddroplets to precipitation at a given height is markedby a sharp decrease in the cloud droplet concentrationsand water contents.

Upon applying these criteria to the first and sec-ond (Israeli) validation case studies (Figs. 11a and12a), there is no indication for precipitation formingat T > −10°C and only weak evidence for it formingat T < −10°C in the first case (Fig. 11a). Indeed, the2D-C instrument detected only a few dendritic icecrystals at T = −12°C, developing into graupel at thecolder temperatures. The aircraft data of the secondcase did not exceed the −12°C level, because theclouds were visibly glaciating above that level, and theobjective of that flight was to measure only cloudswith supercooled water.

The evolution of satellite-retrieved effective radius(Sr

e) with height and the satellite-inferred microphysi-

cal zones are provided in panel b of each case study.The plots from the satellite data were generated as de-scribe earlier for Figs. 2, 5, 7, and 9. The aircraft FSSPmeasurements of the effective droplet radius (Fr

e) are

superimposed on the satellite diagrams as the smallcircles for direct comparison with the satellite mea-surements. The effective radii (r

e), calculated from the

combined FSSP and 2D-C measurements (Cre) are

denoted by triangles. Separation of the triangles fromthe circles is evidence for the existence of precipita-tion in the cloud. Note that Cr

e is not available for the

Israeli case studies (Figs. 11b and 12b).The aircraft data suggest that no warm rain formed

in cases 1 and 2. According to the droplet concentra-tions, coalescence started to be active in case 1 abovethe −5°C level. No indication of coalescence is evi-dent anywhere in case 2, as indicated by the relativelysmall decrease of cloud droplet concentrations withheight. This is in agreement with the satellite-inferreddiffusion zones for cases 1 and 2. The aircraft measure-ments (Fr

e) fell mostly between the median and lower

(a) (b)

FIG. 11. First retrieval validation case, from Israel, 25 March 1995. (a) The aircraft-measured cloud liquid water contents (CLWC)and droplet number concentrations as a function of T; (b) the 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, and 90th percentiles of the r

e for each 1°C interval.

The median is indicated by the thick line. The vertical bars denote the different microphysical zones as numbered in the text. Theaircraft FSSP r

e measurements are denoted as empty circles, and the CLWC (g m−3) are in plotted black circles.

2471Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society

quartile of the satellite measurements (Sre) for the clouds

in the diffusion and coalescence zones of cases 1 and 2.In contrast to the highly microphysically continental

clouds in Israel in cases 1 and 2, cases 3 and 4 (Figs. 13and 14) are from the southeast Asian monsoon innorthwest Thailand. The monsoon clouds had warmbases at about 20°C, with active coalescence starting ashort distance above their bases and the production ofraindrops detectable by the 2D-C at about the 12°C level.

In these two case studies the agreement betweenSr

e and Fr

e is confined only to the warmest tempera-

tures, below the level where much of the drop size dis-tribution (DSD) is truncated by the limited range ofthe FSSP. The inclusion of the 2D-C in the calcula-tion of the effective radius is very crude, and it stillmisses an important portion of the DSD, resulting inCr

e < Sr

e before larger drops have formed. Therefore,

the Cre can be viewed only qualitatively, where Cr

e −

Fre serves as an indicator for the amount of precipita-

tion. The Cre starts to deviate significantly from Fr

e at

around an Sre of 15 µm, in agreement with the inter-

pretation of that effective radius as the threshold forradar-detected precipitation (Rosenfeld and Gutman1994). The steep decrease of the cloud droplet num-ber concentration with height (Figs. 13a and 14a) is

another means of validating the existence of coales-cence and precipitation. Note that once there is coa-lescence and precipitation, Cr

e is > Sr


Well-developed precipitation is indicated by Cre >

30 µm, which is shown as a triangle on the right edgeof the r

e scale of Figs. 13b and 14b. The satellite-

inferred rainout zone (zone 3) coincides with theselarge Cr

e values. The large disparity between Sr

e and

Cre values once precipitation has formed is explained

by the fact that the satellite saturates at re > 30 µm

whereas the 2D-C observes the larger drops.The satellite-inferred mixed-phase zone (zone 4)

starts near the level of −6°C, in agreement with theheight at which supercooled rain was observed to startfreezing in maturing convective elements. Note thatin this zone there is continued decrease in the cloudwater content and in the droplet number concentration.

In the glaciation zone the coldest temperature withaircraft measured CLWC > 0.3 was −23°C for case 3.An increase in the value of Sr

e is indicated at this tem-

perature for this case. It seems that the zone definitionalgorithm defined as glaciated the cloud regions thatcontained large amount of ice precipitation eventhough some CLWC still existed in vigorous convec-tive elements. This comparison suggests that the gla-

(a) (b)

FIG. 12. As in Fig. 11, but for the second retrieval validation case, from Israel, 3 April 1995.

2472 Vol. 79, No. 11, November 1998

(a) (b)

FIG. 13. As in Fig. 11, but for the third retrieval validation case, from Thailand, 29 June 1997. In addition, the re calculated from the

combined FSSP and 2D-C aircraft measurements are plotted in the right panel as black triangles.

(a) (b)

FIG. 14. As in Fig. 13, but for the fourth retrieval validation case, from Thailand, 16 July 1997.

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ciation of the cloud droplets is indicated by yet anotherstep in the T versus Sr

e function.

Several case studies had been obtained in Indone-sia at the end of a period of extensive fires in the re-gion. For purposes of illustration here the case on 18December 1997 is selected for satellite retrieval andaircraft measurements in a region that appeared to beaffected by some smoke advected from the dying fires(Fig. 15). Figures 10 and 11 are also based on this casestudy. Unlike the two Thai case studies, this Indone-sian case has a rather deep diffusional growth zone toa temperature of about 8°C. The aircraft validation datashow good agreement between Sr

e and Fr

e, which ap-

pears to be the rule rather than the exception in regionsof diffusional droplet growth. Only scarce raindropswere observed, mainly in maturing clouds, by the2D-C instrument down to 6°C. Further, the plot of theSr

e suggests that no significant rain had formed in the

cloud until the temperature was < 0°C.

7. Discussion and Summary7. Discussion and summary

Multispectral analyses of satellite images have beenused to infer the evolution of convective cloud particles

and precipitation and these inferences have been com-pared favorably to aircraft validation data. Differentmicrophysical processes from cloud base to top havebeen found to dominate, including zones of diffusionaldroplet growth, coalescence droplet growth, rainout,mixed-phase precipitation, and glaciation.

Large differences between convective clouds de-veloping in maritime and continental clouds have beenobserved by this method. The droplet sizes of mari-time clouds increases rapidly above cloud bases at arate that implies the dominance of coalescence, whilethe droplet sizes of continental clouds increase muchmore slowly in agreement with theoretical calculationsfor diffusional growth. The coalescence zone is oftenobserved in continental clouds, but at variable distanceabove their bases, just above the zone of diffusionalgrowth. The depth of the diffusional growth zone issuggested as a measure of the “continentality” of theclouds, in line with Squires’s (1958) classification.

Drops of maritime clouds continue growing bycoalescence up to a maximum value, above which itappears that further growth is compensated for by pre-cipitation of the larger drops from cloud top. Thisrainout mechanism is typical of maritime clouds withintense coalescence, but it is not observed in continen-

(a) (b)

FIG. 15. As in Fig. 6, but for the fifth retrieval validation case, from Indonesia, 18 December 1997.

2474 Vol. 79, No. 11, November 1998

tal clouds with a deep diffusional growth zone abovetheir bases. The inference of rainout in tropical mari-time clouds is in agreement with the observations ofZipser and LeMone (1980), who showed that the Glo-bal Atmospheric Research Program (GARP) AtlanticTropical Experiment convective clouds over the equa-torial east Atlantic Ocean had low vertical velocities,too weak to lift raindrops through the freezing level.

Glaciation occurs in maritime clouds at much warmertemperatures (> −10°C) than continental clouds (−15°to −20°C, −30°C in extreme cases). Consequently, theindicated mixed-phase zone in maritime clouds ismuch shallower than in continental clouds. Thisinference is in agreement with the observations thatmaritime clouds have low supercooled liquid watercontents that glaciate at temperatures > −10°C (Blackand Hallett 1986), and weak updrafts and low radarreflectivities above the 0°C level (Zipser and Lutz1994). The shallow mixed-phase zone and the depletedsupercooled water due to the rainout process are alsoconsistent with the observations that lightning fre-quency in maritime clouds is smaller by more than anorder of magnitude than over the continents (Zipser1994; Orville and Henderson 1986).

In all the observed cases of maritime air mass flow-ing inland, a gradual transition of the precipitationproperties is observed from maritime to continental ina distance varying from few tens to several hundredsof kilometers. However, continental air that flows oversea does not seem to lose its continental properties soquickly (not shown here). This asymmetry suggeststhat pollution of a clean maritime air mass is muchfaster than its return to pristine conditions.

According to the 14-µm precipitation thresholdcriterion (Rosenfeld and Gutman 1994), the cloud sys-tems over Malaysia and Indonesia (Figs. 3, 4, and 5),the Mediterranean (Figs. 6 and 7), and the Philippines(Figs. 8 and 9) were undergoing a transition from pre-cipitating maritime clouds to less efficient ornonprecipitating continental clouds. This is consistentwith the traditional microphysical classification ofclouds forming in air masses with maritime or conti-nental CCN aerosols (Squires 1958). Although thistype of transition is quite common, this may be the firsttime that it has been observed on the synoptic scale.

It is important to note that cloud microstructure andprecipitation-forming processes were found to be sen-sitive to pollution added to the background of an al-ready continental air mass. This situation is in contrastto the diminished susceptibility of cloud albedo toadded aerosols in continental air mass and thick clouds

(Platnick and Twomey 1994). It follows that naturaland anthropogenic aerosols can substantially modifyclouds not only in pristine environments, as has al-ready been demonstrated by the ship tracks, but theycan also have a profound impact on cloud microstruc-ture and precipitation in continental environments,leading to substantial weather modification in popu-lated areas. The case study over Manila, presented herein Figs. 9c and 9d, is a case in point.

The interactions between aerosols and cloudsaffect precipitation and play a major role in the energybudget of the earth (Hobbs 1993). These processes arerecognized as the least-known component of the cli-mate system and can potentially determine the mag-nitude of global climate change (Houghton et al.1994). The results presented here may be the first timethat the interactions between the aerosols and cloudsand the effect of these interactions on precipitationhave been viewed on a large scale from space. Thesenew capabilities have produced findings that are criti-cal to the understanding of the role that aerosols play indetermining the composition of clouds, their precipita-tion, and even their electrical activity. They have pavedthe way for more extensive climatological researchthat will make use of satellite data and new analysistechniques along with radar and aircraft observationsof precipitation, cloud properties, and aerosols.

Acknowledgments. This research was funded partially by theU.S.–Israel Binational Science Foundation. The authors thankDr. W. Woodley for his helpful suggestions in the writing of themanuscript. The authors are grateful to Dr. Garik Gutman fromNOAA/NESDIS and Dr. Surat from the Asian Institute of Tech-nology for providing the satellite data for this study. The authorsthank Drs. T. Nakajima and M. King for the use of their radia-tive transfer model in this study. Special thanks are due to theIsraeli Rain Enhancement Branch of Electrical Mechanical Ser-vices for providing the research aircraft for measurements inclouds over Israel, and to the Thailand Bureau of Royal Rain-making and Agricultural Aviation, Ministry of Agriculture andCooperatives, for providing the research aircraft and cloud phys-ics data over Thailand and Indonesia. Thanks are due toDr. Roelof Bruintjes from NCAR, who led the field campaignof Brief Assessment of the Affects of Smoke on IndonesianClouds (BASIC).

Appendix A: Color pallets for the compositeAppendix A: Color pallets for the compos-images in Figs. 1, 4, 6, and 8ite images in Figs. 1, 4, 6, and 8

The four pallets at the top of the following pagepertain to four discrete values of temperature (blue)specified at the top of each pallet, and for all possiblecombinations of visible reflectance (red) specified on

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the ordinate (%), and 3.7-µm reflectance (green) speci-fied on the abscissa (%). The colors intensity variesfrom 0% to 100% for the colors as follows.

Red: 0%–100% of visible reflectance.Green:0%–25% of 3.7-µm reflectance.Blue: 248–298 K of cloud-top or surface temperature.

Appendix B: The red-green-blue colorAppendix B: The red–green–blue colorcompositions and their interpretationcompositions and their interpretation


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