Page 1: R OMEO AND J ULIET English I – Spring 2009. B ELL R INGER #1: (A) 1/7 & (B) 1/10 You have only one semester left of this school year! List 3 – 5 goals


English I – Spring 2009

Page 2: R OMEO AND J ULIET English I – Spring 2009. B ELL R INGER #1: (A) 1/7 & (B) 1/10 You have only one semester left of this school year! List 3 – 5 goals

BELL RINGER #1: (A) 1/7 & (B) 1/10

You have only one semester left of this school year!

List 3 – 5 goals you would like to achieve before the school year ends. Your goals could relate to academics/grades, hobbies, sports, clubs, volunteering, etc.

After you list each goal, explain in one paragraph why you have set these goals.

Page 3: R OMEO AND J ULIET English I – Spring 2009. B ELL R INGER #1: (A) 1/7 & (B) 1/10 You have only one semester left of this school year! List 3 – 5 goals


See me if absent!

Page 4: R OMEO AND J ULIET English I – Spring 2009. B ELL R INGER #1: (A) 1/7 & (B) 1/10 You have only one semester left of this school year! List 3 – 5 goals


•Bell Ringer•Review Class Rules/Expectations•Shakespeare Expert Stations•Presentations•Homework: Perfect Mate Activity

Page 5: R OMEO AND J ULIET English I – Spring 2009. B ELL R INGER #1: (A) 1/7 & (B) 1/10 You have only one semester left of this school year! List 3 – 5 goals


B1 New Lunch Schedule Emergency Procedures Dismissal Procedures

B2 Cafeteria Procedures Defender Top 5

B3 Tardy Procedures Media Center Expectations

Page 6: R OMEO AND J ULIET English I – Spring 2009. B ELL R INGER #1: (A) 1/7 & (B) 1/10 You have only one semester left of this school year! List 3 – 5 goals


A1 Maps and Schedules New Lunch Schedule Arrival Procedures Tardy Procedures

A3 Media Center Expectations Defender Top 5

A4 New Lunch Schedule Emergency Procedures Dismissal Procedures

Page 7: R OMEO AND J ULIET English I – Spring 2009. B ELL R INGER #1: (A) 1/7 & (B) 1/10 You have only one semester left of this school year! List 3 – 5 goals


You may arrive and enter the building at 7:55 a.m.

To enter earlier, you need a note from a teacher. You are expected to enter the building upon

arriving on campus. Please remove all headwear, discard open food

and drinks, and put away personal technology upon entering the building.

When you enter the building, go to the media center, cafeteria, or upper or lower locker areas.

Interact in a safe and orderly manner using a respectful voice level.

Listen and respond respectfully to all adults. Remember the Defender Top 5!

Page 8: R OMEO AND J ULIET English I – Spring 2009. B ELL R INGER #1: (A) 1/7 & (B) 1/10 You have only one semester left of this school year! List 3 – 5 goals


You are expected to move quickly and quietly to class.

Be in your seat working on your Bell Ringer when the last chime of the bell sounds.

Bring all materials to class, prepared to work. If you are not in the appropriate classroom after

the last chime of the bell, you must report immediately to SAFE in room 289. You will work there until the block ends.

The SAFE teacher will contact your parents when you are tardy or skip class.

If you do not report to SAFE, you will be marked as skipping and receive additional consequences.

Page 9: R OMEO AND J ULIET English I – Spring 2009. B ELL R INGER #1: (A) 1/7 & (B) 1/10 You have only one semester left of this school year! List 3 – 5 goals


If you choose to eat breakfast, you must leave the cafeteria by 8:20 a.m. (unless there is a late bus arrival).

Please use a respectful voice level in conversations and respect the cafeteria workers.

Remain seated unless using the restroom, disposing of trash, moving to another table, or leaving the cafeteria to go to the media center or upper or lower locker areas.

Clean your area and push your chair under the table as you leave the cafeteria.

Consume all food and drinks only in the cafeteria.

Page 10: R OMEO AND J ULIET English I – Spring 2009. B ELL R INGER #1: (A) 1/7 & (B) 1/10 You have only one semester left of this school year! List 3 – 5 goals


Remain in the cafeteria during the entire lunch period (unless a teacher issues you a pass).

Use a respectful voice level in conversations. Line up in single file and in order of arrival. Talk respectfully to cafeteria staff and wait patiently in

line. Remain seated unless disposing of trash, going to the

restroom, or moving to another table. Clean your area and push your chair under the table when

the bell rings to dismiss you to class. Consume all food and drinks only in the cafeteria. Administrative permission is needed to leave the


Page 11: R OMEO AND J ULIET English I – Spring 2009. B ELL R INGER #1: (A) 1/7 & (B) 1/10 You have only one semester left of this school year! List 3 – 5 goals


In entry stairwells students will walk up on the right and down on the left. All other stairwells are two-way traffic.

Walk on the right side of all hallways and stairwells. You must have a pass to be in the hallways (sign out

and in when you leave and enter a classroom). Use a respectful voice level in conversations. Food and drinks are only allowed in the cafeteria. Listen and respond respectfully to all adults. Move quickly to your designated area. Do not leave the building. Remember the Defender Top 5!

Page 12: R OMEO AND J ULIET English I – Spring 2009. B ELL R INGER #1: (A) 1/7 & (B) 1/10 You have only one semester left of this school year! List 3 – 5 goals


You may use the media center’s computers for general interest or homework assignments.

Do not play video games on computers, download videos, or access any inappropriate web-sites such as MySpace or Facebook.

You must use only your own computer account—do not share accounts with others. (Fill out an AUP form!)

There will be a maximum of 130 students allowed in the media center before 8:20 a.m. All students must sign in before entering.

Page 13: R OMEO AND J ULIET English I – Spring 2009. B ELL R INGER #1: (A) 1/7 & (B) 1/10 You have only one semester left of this school year! List 3 – 5 goals


You should speak with a quiet voice level that is appropriate for a library.

Please push your chair back under the table when you leave.

You should leave to go to your 1st block class when the bell rings at 8:20 a.m.

You need a pass to enter during lunch hours. Please remember:

No food or drinks No headwear Defender Top 5

Page 14: R OMEO AND J ULIET English I – Spring 2009. B ELL R INGER #1: (A) 1/7 & (B) 1/10 You have only one semester left of this school year! List 3 – 5 goals


Turn off and store personal technology from 8:20 a.m. - 3:15 p.m. (remember the new district-wide policy!)

Arrive to class on time and follow the 15/15 rule. Keep hands, feet, and inappropriate language

and comments to yourself. Respect and take care of property. Follow all school behavioral expectation and

Board policies.

Page 15: R OMEO AND J ULIET English I – Spring 2009. B ELL R INGER #1: (A) 1/7 & (B) 1/10 You have only one semester left of this school year! List 3 – 5 goals


Remain with your designated teacher at all times. Move quickly and quietly to the designated area. School rules, including those for personal

technology, remain in effect. If an evacuation occurs when you’re not in the

classroom, leave the building and report to your assigned teacher.

During a lockdown, be sure to report to the first available classroom until the lockdown ends.

Page 16: R OMEO AND J ULIET English I – Spring 2009. B ELL R INGER #1: (A) 1/7 & (B) 1/10 You have only one semester left of this school year! List 3 – 5 goals


You are expected to remain in the classroom until your teacher dismisses you.

Bus riders, walkers, and drivers must exit by the side doors into the back parking lot.

Car riders must exit through the front doors. You are expected to exit the building and campus

or go to your designated supervised area immediately after school.

Please interact in an orderly manner and use a respectful voice level.

Respond respectfully to all adults when addressed.

Remember the Defender Top 5!

Page 17: R OMEO AND J ULIET English I – Spring 2009. B ELL R INGER #1: (A) 1/7 & (B) 1/10 You have only one semester left of this school year! List 3 – 5 goals


1st Block 8:25 – 10:00 a.m. 2nd Block 10:05 – 11:35 a.m. 3rd Block 11:40 a.m. – 1:40 p.m.

1st lunch 11:40 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. 2nd lunch 12:05 – 12:25 p.m. 3rd lunch 12:30 – 12:50 p.m. 4th lunch 12:55 – 1:15 p.m. 5th lunch 1:20 – 1:40 p.m.

4th Block 1:45 – 3:15 p.m.

Page 18: R OMEO AND J ULIET English I – Spring 2009. B ELL R INGER #1: (A) 1/7 & (B) 1/10 You have only one semester left of this school year! List 3 – 5 goals


How can I reach Ms. Stokes? - [email protected]

What do I need each class period? How will I be graded? What do I do if I’m absent or I turn my work in

late? What happens if I’m late to class? What happens if I cheat?

Page 19: R OMEO AND J ULIET English I – Spring 2009. B ELL R INGER #1: (A) 1/7 & (B) 1/10 You have only one semester left of this school year! List 3 – 5 goals


Remember the Defender Top 5! How should I enter the classroom? Where should I be in the classroom? When can I leave the classroom? How should I leave the classroom? What do the class rules mean?

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Page 21: R OMEO AND J ULIET English I – Spring 2009. B ELL R INGER #1: (A) 1/7 & (B) 1/10 You have only one semester left of this school year! List 3 – 5 goals


Expert Station Activity: Each group will be assigned one area of expertise

about Shakespeare’s life or descriptions of the time in which Shakespeare lived (5 groups). Shakespeare and his Theatre How to read Shakespeare Bloody Painful: Crime and Punishment Shakespeare’s Life Elizabethan Life (sports, entertainment, and fashion)

Use the guide to work together as a group and create a poster of notes containing significant facts from the given information.

You will present your poster and the information you have learned to the rest of your peers at the end of class.

Page 22: R OMEO AND J ULIET English I – Spring 2009. B ELL R INGER #1: (A) 1/7 & (B) 1/10 You have only one semester left of this school year! List 3 – 5 goals


Each group should have: Leader (keeps everyone on task) Writer (copies notes on poster) Reader (from packets of information) Presenter(s) (to the class)

Regardless of job, all group members should work on gathering information.

Rubric:Participation – 20 pointsPoster – 20 pointsWritten Reflection– 10 points What did you do

to contribute to group—on your own paper!

Page 23: R OMEO AND J ULIET English I – Spring 2009. B ELL R INGER #1: (A) 1/7 & (B) 1/10 You have only one semester left of this school year! List 3 – 5 goals

BEGINNING ROMEO AND JULIET Shakespeare play first published somewhere between

1591 – 1597 A TRAGEDY

Dramatic work Often written in verse (poetry) Protagonists have flaws that lead to their eventual

downfall Divided into five ACTS Each act divided into SCENES We write acts and scenes using Roman numerals

Example: Act One, Scene Three = I, iii Example: Act Five, Scene Four = V, iv

To set the stage, most Shakespeare plays begin with a PROLOGUE (an introduction) which hints at the THEME and PLOT of the drama

Page 24: R OMEO AND J ULIET English I – Spring 2009. B ELL R INGER #1: (A) 1/7 & (B) 1/10 You have only one semester left of this school year! List 3 – 5 goals


Think about your perfect mate 1. What would he/she look like? 2. What characteristics of his/her personality draw

you to him/her (athletic, intelligent, funny, etc.)?

Assignment: 1. Complete worksheet with your parent/guardian.2. Extra Credit: Bring in a visual representation of your perfect mate for next class (magazine photo, picture, drawing).

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