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Quiz: Test Your Berlin Wall Knowledge

Lothar Krause Nov. 9, 2014

For the 25th anniversary of the fall ofthe Berlin Wall, see how much youremember about it

The Berlin Wall began to come down 25years ago this weekend, on Nov. 9, 1989.Now that so many years have passed, howmuch do you remember about the walland the events surrounding it?

Test your knowledge with this quiz —extra points if you don’t use our BerlinWall history timeline to cheat.

Poland, Germany, USA and Soviet UnionPoland, Germany, USA and Soviet Union

East Germany, West Germany, Soviet Union, USAEast Germany, West Germany, Soviet Union, USA

France, Great Britain, Soviet Union, USAFrance, Great Britain, Soviet Union, USA

1. After the second World War, Berlin was subdivided into foursectors. Which four countries each controlled one sector?

West Germans celebrate atop the BerlinWall on Nov. 12, 1989.Stephen Jaffe—Getty Images

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Canada, Japan, Soviet Union, USACanada, Japan, Soviet Union, USA

`I am moving to the United States``I am moving to the United States`

`Nobody has the intention to build a wall``Nobody has the intention to build a wall`

`One day, I will be on a TIME cover``One day, I will be on a TIME cover`

`I will unify East and West Germany``I will unify East and West Germany`

2. Which lie did East German Party chief Walter Ulbricht tell to a pressconference less than two months before the construction of the BerlinWall?

Time Inc.

3. What day was the Berlin Wall erected?

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April 30, 1945April 30, 1945

June 17, 1953June 17, 1953

August 13, 1961August 13, 1961

November 9, 1989November 9, 1989

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4. Why was the Berlin Wall erected?

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To create wall space for graffitiTo create wall space for graffiti

To prevent East German people from fleeing to the WestTo prevent East German people from fleeing to the West

To prevent West German people from fleeing to the EastTo prevent West German people from fleeing to the East

To replicate the Great Wall of ChinaTo replicate the Great Wall of China

1 mile1 mile

11.3 miles11.3 miles

96.3 miles96.3 miles

1033 miles1033 miles

3 feet3 feet

6 feet6 feet

12 feet12 feet

100 yards100 yards

5. How long was the Berlin Wall?

6. How tall was the Berlin Wall?

7. What was the name of the border crossing which was designatedfor foreigners to cross from West Berlin to East Berlin?

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Checkpoint CharlieCheckpoint Charlie

Gateway to the Free WorldGateway to the Free World

The Black HoleThe Black Hole


John F. KennedyJohn F. Kennedy

Ronald ReaganRonald Reagan

Barack ObamaBarack Obama

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8. Which US president called himself a citizen of the city during a visitafter the wall was built?


9. How many people were killed trying to escape East Germany at theBerlin Wall?

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More than 2 millionMore than 2 million

During a televised speech of the East German party leaderDuring a televised speech of the East German party leader

Together with the results of an electionTogether with the results of an election

By accidentBy accident

Every citizen of East German received a letterEvery citizen of East German received a letter

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10. How was the opening of the Berlin Wall announced?


11. Which US television network was the first to report from the

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11. Which US television network was the first to report from therecently opened Berlin Wall?

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Read TIME’s 1989 cover story about the fall of the Berlin Wall here in thearchives: Freedom!

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