Page 1: QUIZ: Introduction to Public Speaking€¦DO NOW: (5 min) •Today, we will be taking your Pop Quiz. You will: - Stay in your seat and review your guided notes quietly. - Write at

Maria Angala,


Anacostia SHS,

Washington DC



Page 2: QUIZ: Introduction to Public Speaking€¦DO NOW: (5 min) •Today, we will be taking your Pop Quiz. You will: - Stay in your seat and review your guided notes quietly. - Write at

1. Come in quietly and take your seat

2. Place materials on desk

3. Take out HW assignment

4. Write down HW assignment in

agenda book

5. Begin “DO NOW!”


Page 3: QUIZ: Introduction to Public Speaking€¦DO NOW: (5 min) •Today, we will be taking your Pop Quiz. You will: - Stay in your seat and review your guided notes quietly. - Write at

DO NOW: (5 min)

• Today, we will be taking your Pop Quiz. You will:

- Stay in your seat and review your guided notes quietly.

- Write at least two expectations when taking a quiz.

1. _____________________________________________________________ 2. _____________________________________________________________

Page 4: QUIZ: Introduction to Public Speaking€¦DO NOW: (5 min) •Today, we will be taking your Pop Quiz. You will: - Stay in your seat and review your guided notes quietly. - Write at




Take the Friday Quiz

Watch a video about How to Make Better Grades

Reflect on the Video Clip





Page 5: QUIZ: Introduction to Public Speaking€¦DO NOW: (5 min) •Today, we will be taking your Pop Quiz. You will: - Stay in your seat and review your guided notes quietly. - Write at

RI 11-12.1

I can use evidence from the

text to support my ideas

about what the text says and

what I infer.


Page 6: QUIZ: Introduction to Public Speaking€¦DO NOW: (5 min) •Today, we will be taking your Pop Quiz. You will: - Stay in your seat and review your guided notes quietly. - Write at

By the end of the lesson, WE WILL

- Take the Pop Quiz.

- Watch a video about Obama’s

Best Public Speaking Tips.

- Reflect on the video clip.

What skills do we need to meet this goal?


Page 7: QUIZ: Introduction to Public Speaking€¦DO NOW: (5 min) •Today, we will be taking your Pop Quiz. You will: - Stay in your seat and review your guided notes quietly. - Write at

QUIZ: Origins of Public Speaking

All answers should be in the bubble sheet.

Page 8: QUIZ: Introduction to Public Speaking€¦DO NOW: (5 min) •Today, we will be taking your Pop Quiz. You will: - Stay in your seat and review your guided notes quietly. - Write at

# 1.

As defined by Aristotle, it is the “faculty of

discovering in the particular case all the

available means of persuasion”.

a. Philosophical Relativism

b. Pericles

c. Draco

d. Rhetoric

Page 9: QUIZ: Introduction to Public Speaking€¦DO NOW: (5 min) •Today, we will be taking your Pop Quiz. You will: - Stay in your seat and review your guided notes quietly. - Write at

# 2.

In 621 B.C., the citizens of Athens commissioned him, an elder citizen considered to be the wisest of the Greeks, to codify the laws, which had remained an oral form of custom and tradition.

a. Aristotle

b. Plato

c. Draco

d. Cicero

Page 10: QUIZ: Introduction to Public Speaking€¦DO NOW: (5 min) •Today, we will be taking your Pop Quiz. You will: - Stay in your seat and review your guided notes quietly. - Write at

# 3.

He was a celebrated orator, rhetorician, Latin teacher and writer who promoted rhetorical theory from ancient Greece and from the height of Roman rhetoric.

a. Quintilian

b. Cicero

c. St. Augustine

d. Plato

Page 11: QUIZ: Introduction to Public Speaking€¦DO NOW: (5 min) •Today, we will be taking your Pop Quiz. You will: - Stay in your seat and review your guided notes quietly. - Write at

# 4.

It is a movement that focused primarily on delivery. It not only involved the voice, but also incorporated the entire person with facial expressions, gesture, posture and movement.

a. Epistemology

b. Elocutionary Movement

c. Rhetoric

d. Dialectic

Page 12: QUIZ: Introduction to Public Speaking€¦DO NOW: (5 min) •Today, we will be taking your Pop Quiz. You will: - Stay in your seat and review your guided notes quietly. - Write at

# 5.

It is the name of the great intellectual and cultural movement of the revival of interest in classical culture that occurred in the 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries.

a. Renaissance

b. Philosophical Relativism

c. Elocutionary Movement

d. Dialectic

Page 13: QUIZ: Introduction to Public Speaking€¦DO NOW: (5 min) •Today, we will be taking your Pop Quiz. You will: - Stay in your seat and review your guided notes quietly. - Write at

# 6.

It is the faculty of discovering in the particular case all the available means of persuasion.

a. Sophists

b. Renaissance

c. Rhetoric

d. Syllogism

Page 14: QUIZ: Introduction to Public Speaking€¦DO NOW: (5 min) •Today, we will be taking your Pop Quiz. You will: - Stay in your seat and review your guided notes quietly. - Write at

# 7.

It is the ability to speak with rhetorical skill and eloquence.

a. Dialectic

b. Renaissance

c. Epistemology

d. Oratory

Page 15: QUIZ: Introduction to Public Speaking€¦DO NOW: (5 min) •Today, we will be taking your Pop Quiz. You will: - Stay in your seat and review your guided notes quietly. - Write at

# 8.

It is a deductive form of argument, proceeding from a generalization to a specific application. It is a systematic arrangement of arguments consisting of a major premise, a minor premise, and a conclusion.

a. Sophists

b. Syllogism

c. Oratory

d. Renaissance

Page 16: QUIZ: Introduction to Public Speaking€¦DO NOW: (5 min) •Today, we will be taking your Pop Quiz. You will: - Stay in your seat and review your guided notes quietly. - Write at

# 9.

He had been a teacher of rhetoric before converting to Christianity in 386, and is considered to be the only major thinker on rhetoric associated with the Middle Ages.

a. St. Augustine

b. Marcus Fabius Quintilianus

c. Marcus Tullius Cicero

d. Pericles

Page 17: QUIZ: Introduction to Public Speaking€¦DO NOW: (5 min) •Today, we will be taking your Pop Quiz. You will: - Stay in your seat and review your guided notes quietly. - Write at

# 10.

Can be defined as a debate intended to resolve a conflict between two contradictory (or polar opposites), or apparently contradictory ideas or elements logically, establishing truths on both sides rather than disproving one argument.

a. Atticism

b. Syllogism

c. Dialectic

d. Rhetoric

Page 18: QUIZ: Introduction to Public Speaking€¦DO NOW: (5 min) •Today, we will be taking your Pop Quiz. You will: - Stay in your seat and review your guided notes quietly. - Write at

Obama’s Best Public Speaking Tips


Page 19: QUIZ: Introduction to Public Speaking€¦DO NOW: (5 min) •Today, we will be taking your Pop Quiz. You will: - Stay in your seat and review your guided notes quietly. - Write at

Let’s think about it!

• Why is it important to make better grades?

• How would it help you in the long run?

• Make a list of your academic goals. How are you going to achieve them?

Page 20: QUIZ: Introduction to Public Speaking€¦DO NOW: (5 min) •Today, we will be taking your Pop Quiz. You will: - Stay in your seat and review your guided notes quietly. - Write at

By the end of the lesson, WE WILL

- Take the Pop Quiz.

- Watch a video about Obama’s Best

Public Speaking Tips.

- Reflect on the video clip.

Did we meet this goal?


Page 21: QUIZ: Introduction to Public Speaking€¦DO NOW: (5 min) •Today, we will be taking your Pop Quiz. You will: - Stay in your seat and review your guided notes quietly. - Write at





Take the Friday Quiz

Watch a video about How to Make Better Grades

Reflect on the Video Clip





Page 22: QUIZ: Introduction to Public Speaking€¦DO NOW: (5 min) •Today, we will be taking your Pop Quiz. You will: - Stay in your seat and review your guided notes quietly. - Write at

Evaluation Tree After today’s lesson, I feel…

On top of everything! I am very confident with the material

Lost in the clouds

In the middle. I know many things and I have more to learn

At the bottom. I need to know more information.

Page 23: QUIZ: Introduction to Public Speaking€¦DO NOW: (5 min) •Today, we will be taking your Pop Quiz. You will: - Stay in your seat and review your guided notes quietly. - Write at

You deserve a Chimpan-CHEER!!!


Page 24: QUIZ: Introduction to Public Speaking€¦DO NOW: (5 min) •Today, we will be taking your Pop Quiz. You will: - Stay in your seat and review your guided notes quietly. - Write at

1. Homework in homework folder

2. Notes in folders

3. Materials put away

4. Clean desk and area

5. Line up when instructed


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