
Quiz 1

Which of the following belongs in the box as a reason for colonization?

A. Limited economic opportunities B. Deterioration of family relationships C. Lack of educational reforms D. Increased language barriers

Which of the following belongs in the box as a reason for colonization?

A. Limited economic opportunities B. Deterioration of family relationships C. Lack of educational reforms D. Increased language barriers

The statement that best describes mercantilism is A. an economic theory that called for self-

determination of colonial merchants. B. an economic theory that called for direct

trade between the colonies. C. an economic theory that encouraged

exporting and importing of colonial goods to all nations.

D. an economic theory that required the colonists to benefit the mother country by exporting and importing goods to England.

The statement that best describes mercantilism is A. an economic theory that called for self-

determination of colonial merchants. B. an economic theory that called for direct trade

between the colonies. C. an economic theory that encouraged exporting

and importing of colonial goods to all nations. D. an economic theory that required the colonists

to benefit the mother country by exporting and importing goods to England.

In comparing the way of life in the New England colonies with the Southern colonies in the 1600s and 1700s, a difference would include

A. more roads were built in the South than in New England.

B. farms were larger in New England than in the South.

C. cities were larger in the South than in New England.

D. fewer slaves lived in New England than in the South.

In comparing the way of life in the New England colonies with the Southern colonies in the 1600s and 1700s, a difference would include

A. more roads were built in the South than in New England.

B. farms were larger in New England than in the South.

C. cities were larger in the South than in New England.

D. fewer slaves lived in New England than in the South.

The climate and soil of the New England region was a cause for

A. most New Englanders not to become farmers.

B. the establishment of a large plantation system throughout the region.

C. farming to become the major economic activity of the region.

D. colonist to lead easy and productive lives in New England.

A. most New Englanders not to become farmers.

B. the establishment of a large plantation system throughout the region.

C. farming to become the major economic activity of the region.

D. colonist to lead easy and productive lives in New England.

Which region was associated with tobacco, plantations, and slaves?

A. New England Colonies B. Middle Colonies C. Southern Colonies D. New England and Southern Colonies

Which region was associated with tobacco, plantations, and slaves?

A. New England Colonies B. Middle Colonies C. Southern Colonies D. New England and Southern Colonies

The major industry from the New England colonies was

A. tool making. B. clothes making. C. food processing. D. shipbuilding.

The major industry from the New England colonies was

A. tool making. B. clothes making. C. food processing. D. shipbuilding

In which speaker’s region would the people have been more interested in developing an abundant supply of slave labor than building transportation routes?

A. Speaker 1 B. Speaker 2 C. Speaker 3 D. Speaker 1 and 3

In which speaker’s region would the people have been more interested in developing an abundant supply of slave labor than building transportation routes?

A. Speaker 1 B. Speaker 2 C. Speaker 3 D. Speaker 1 and 3

In which speaker’s region would an immigrant from Europe find a variety of ways to earn a living?

A. Speaker 1 B. Speaker 2 C. Speaker 3 D. Speaker 2 and 3

Quiz 2

What completes the sequence of events? A. England colonizes in North America B. Spain takes over the French colonies C. France claims land west of the

Mississippi River D. The Netherlands colonize in mid-


What completes the sequence of events? A. England colonizes in North America B. Spain takes over the French colonies C. France claims land west of the

Mississippi River D. The Netherlands colonize in mid-


In which year would this headline have appeared in newspapers?

A. 1587 B. 1607 C. 1621 D. 1776

In which year would this headline have appeared in newspapers?

A. 1587 B. 1607 C. 1621 D. 1776

One of the main reasons for the expansion of slavery in colonial America was the demand for

A. rice. B. lumber. C. tobacco. D. wheat.

One of the main reasons for the expansion of slavery in colonial America was the demand for

A. rice. B. lumber. C. tobacco. D. wheat.

The plantation system was dependent on slave labor because

A. colonial treaties were made with Africa. B. plantation systems throughout the world used

slave labor. C. British law made it possible to use slave labor

in the colonies. D. a large labor supply was needed to work vast

amounts of land.

The plantation system was dependent on slave labor because

A. colonial treaties were made with Africa. B. plantation systems throughout the world used

slave labor. C. British law made it possible to use slave labor

in the colonies. D. a large labor supply was needed to work vast

amounts of land.

One reason for the growth of representative government in colonial America was that the British government

A. allowed the colonists to make their own laws in colonial assemblies.

B. provided each colony with a member from Parliament to oversee the law-

making process. C. allowed the colonists to elect their own governors

and judges. D. provided for colonial representatives in the British


One reason for the growth of representative government in colonial America was that the British government

A. allowed the colonists to make their own laws in colonial assemblies.

B. provided each colony with a member from Parliament to oversee the law-

making process. C. allowed the colonists to elect their own governors and

judges. D. provided for colonial representatives in the British


The Mayflower Compact was important because it… A. became the first constitution in America. B. was an agreement to make laws for an

organized colony. C. was a pledge to observe and follow British

laws. D. became the foundation for the Bill of Rights.

The Mayflower Compact was important because it… A. became the first constitution in America. B. was an agreement to make laws for an

organized colony. C. was a pledge to observe and follow British

laws. D. became the foundation for the Bill of Rights.

The colonies in America were divided into three geographical regions. The Middle colonies were

A. Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Maryland.

B. New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Delaware.

C. New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia.

D. New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware.

The colonies in America were divided into three geographical regions. The Middle colonies were

A. Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Maryland.

B. New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Delaware.

C. New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia.

D. New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware.

The first representative government in the English colonies in which voters elected their lawmakers was the

A. Jamestown Charter. B. Mayflower Compact. C. House of Burgesses. D. Laws of the Indies.

The first representative government in the English colonies in which voters elected their lawmakers was the

A. Jamestown Charter. B. Mayflower Compact. C. House of Burgesses. D. Laws of the Indies.

One of the results of colonial America’s Triangular Trade with West Africa was

A. cash crops such as wheat and corn could be sold to foreign markets.

B. Southern colonies increased their profits by exporting tobacco.

C. Africans were captured to work as slaves on plantations.

D. New Englanders began to lose profits after a short period of time.

One of the results of colonial America’s Triangular Trade with West Africa was

A. cash crops such as wheat and corn could be sold to foreign markets.

B. Southern colonies increased their profits by exporting tobacco.

C. Africans were captured to work as slaves on plantations.

D. New Englanders began to lose profits after a short period of time.

The first constitution in colonial America was the

A. Magna Carta. B. Mayflower Compact. C. Fundamental Orders of Connecticut. D. Declaration of Independence.

The first constitution in colonial America was the

A. Magna Carta. B. Mayflower Compact. C. Fundamental Orders of Connecticut. D. Declaration of Independence.

The Middle Colonies were known as the Breadbasket Colonies because they

A. grew rice and corn. B. exported bread. C. imported large quantities of grain. D. exported large quantities of grain.

The Middle Colonies were known as the Breadbasket Colonies because they

A. grew rice and corn. B. exported bread. C. imported large quantities of grain. D. exported large quantities of grain.

The purpose of the early colonial documents was to A. unite the colonies under one government. B. establish representative government. C. protect the property of the people from the

king. D. give the colonist a voice in the British


The purpose of the early colonial documents was to A. unite the colonies under one government. B. establish representative government. C. protect the property of the people from the

king. D. give the colonist a voice in the British


In comparing the way of life in the New England colonies with the Southern colonies in the 1600s and 1700s, a difference would include

A. more roads were built in the South than in New England.

B. farms were larger in New England than in the South.

C. cities were larger in the South than in New England.

D. fewer slaves lived in New England than in the South.

The geography of the land influenced many aspects of the English colonies by determining

A. what language they spoke. B. how they became leaders. C. what type of products they produced. D. how they chose their wives.

The geography of the land influenced many aspects of the English colonies by determining

A. what language they spoke. B. how they became leaders. C. what type of products they produced. D. how they chose their wives

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