





Georgia Wilson


In this mid close up we can tell that the characters are at a party due to the mise en scene. The dim lighting combined with the red tint demonstrates that they are in a party atmosphere. Both characters are dressed up nicely and wearing Boutonnière’s as props to connote that they are at a big event – a wedding. In the background we can see a bartender serving drinks further supporting that they are at a wedding party.

In my mid close up shot I used similar conventions… You can tell the characters are in a college classroom due to the mise en scene. The ambient lighting supports that of natural light and is what we’d expect in a college environment. Both characters are wearing casual clothes and the props used (white board and text book) showing that they are in a lesson. In the background we can see displays of work showing a classroom environment rather than it being plain.


The difference between the Eastenders shot and my establishing shot is the mise en scene is made more obvious in the Eastenders shot as in out soap we used a college corridor rather than a

recognisable place like the East end.

Also, the Eastenders trailer uses places to show the mise en scene whereas our establising shot is showing where the soap is going to be taking place and is used more to tell us something about

characters. As it is set in a college the audience automatically knows the age range of the characters and by doing this we automatically have aimed it at students of the same age.

In my soap trailer I used a zoom whilst the characters were in the classroom making fun of Ruby, i demonstrated how i did this on the gif above.


This close up has been used to show the characters emotion clearly. As his girlfriend has just told him that she’s pregnant we wanted to show the true tension in the shot.

Similarly here, a close up has been used to show the characters emotionclearly. We can tell that she’s shocked and this is the most appropriate shot to use to demonstrate that.


I used a long shot in my trailer the same as in Eastenders. I edited it in black and white so that it appeared to be from a voyeuristicpoint of view, in both trailers the characters are being watched

from an unknown source.

In the Eastenders trailer on the left, title cards have been used to tell a story overall. “It’s all about to change” fits together in one sentence but the title cards have been split up to create dramatic effect, anchoring what is going on in the trailer.

The title cards below are from a Hollyoaks trailer. These do not tell a story yet are still used for dramatic effect as they break the storyline up more. I tested use of this convention and I after trying both ideas I decided one that tells the story is more effective for my soap.

Initially, I mimicked the ideas I got from the Hollyoaks trailer (above) and used single words to

help break up the storyline for dramatic effect. However, I felt that this was too dull and from my

audience feedback I learnt that it would be more effective to tell a story like in the Eastenders

trailer instead.

I put the title cards after an incident so that they anchored the shot. For example, when the slide

“secrets” comes up there is a shot of a girl taking a photo through a window looking shocked, we

know from this that she’s seen something she shouldn’t. I also decided to change the font and

the colour of the words to create brand identity. However, there was a slight problem here as we

had made the LEAVERS logo on the normal computers, when editing in the Mac suite the Mac’s

didn’t support the font we initially used. I had to use a font as similar as possible and a deep red

to try and accurately match the actual leavers logo.


Both Skins and my product use the E4 white and purple colour scheme for both the font and logo.

Skins uses a close up of Effy’s face edited behind a brick wall in black and white, this could connote how she is more distant from the rest of the

characters or rebellion.

Leavers uses an extreme close up but never explains why. The idea behind it is that some of the characters are ‘dead behind the eyes’ and it connotes

mystery and secrets.

Clear and bold

masthead in top right

of page, showing

which programme this


Social media platforms

and how you can get

in touch advertised,

Facebook, Twitter and


Clear links

leading to

other parts

of the

websites Sponsor and


Clear image

showing a major

story line this week.




Hashtags are another

way to get involved

and connect with

other fans

Advertisement that is advertising help for fans

that may be suffering domestic issues in the

programme. This may help people suffering to

come forward.

Clear and bold

masthead in top

right of page,

showing which

programme this


Social media platforms

and how you can get

in touch advertised,

Facebook, Twitter and


Clear links leading to

other parts of the


Sponsor and


Clear image

showing a major

story line this


Hashtags are another way to

get involved and connect with

other fans

Clear indication

of what channel

to watch it on

Direct address

Similar fonts

Casual clothing to support

that the melodrama is set in

a college

Ways to get in touch

via popular social

media platforms

Brand identity

Leavers logo

which is in the

same font o

matter where its


Direct address

Similar fonts

Over the top clothing

that show enhanced

reality of typical

American dramas.



attitudes and

beliefs of


Brand identity

90210 logo

which is in the

same font o

matter where its


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