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Question 7

Looking back at the preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

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It is clear that I have made great progress when looking back at my front cover of my preliminary task and comparing it to my final product. It’s quite obvious that I have understood how to use Photoshop much better as it is shown through simple conventions such as the masthead, placement of cover lines, colour schemes etc.

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For my preliminary task I used my iPhone 5 to take my cover image which was simplistic. However, I developed this for my final product as I used a professional Nikon D7000 dslr camera. This included a trinity flash kit against a white backdrop in a photography studio. This increased the quality of my photos and made the photography highly professional compared to my preliminary task. In addition for my preliminary task I used a medium-close up shot for my cover star whereas I used a medium shot for my final product as it shows the audience more of the cover star and allows the model to pose better, giving me a better photo.

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Cover lines

I have used more cover lines in my final product compared to my preliminary task. This makes my magazine looks more professional it looks as it looks like there is a lot of topics to read about in the magazine. Moreover, the placement of coverlines has improved as I feel that for my preliminary task it looks as though my cover lines have been scattered around whereas for my final product it has been placed in an organised order in order to make the magazine look more professional.

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To conclude, my contents page has had further development as it includes more information to show that there is a lot going on in the magazine just as my cover lines on the front cover. In addition, the images also emphasise the fact that my magazines unique selling point, which is that the magazine focuses on new artists so I have included images of new artists. Finally I have added the label of my magazine under the contents for my final product to make the audience aware of the brand of my final product.

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