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Question 3 What have you learned from your audience


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The first question we asked people was after watching the first 5 minutes of our documentary, are you interested in watching

the whole documentary. Everyone who answered the questionnaire replied saying they were interested in the first 5 minutes which suggests we made the documentary interesting

enough to make people want to carry on watching.

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Question 2 asked what age group would you say the documentary is aimed at. This question had various responses but from the answers we got people predicted it to be aimed at teenagers which is the target audience we wanted to get the most information across too. The most popular age range people predicted was aged 16-21 which is understandable because this is the age where people either go to university or have a job.

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Question 3 asked people to rate the documentary on a scale or 1-5 stating the aspects listed (with 1 being the least and 5 being the most). From analysing all the questionnaire results people seemed to give us good feedback on this question as everyone scored from 3 and upwards. For editing most people scored this question 4. I feel like they did this because in the documentary we did have a few jump cuts which we tried to disguise by adding cut a ways in. The highest scoring number for voice over was number 5. The majority of people picked 5 and I believe this is because the voice over was clear and easy to understand. The most popular number for camera work was 4 and I think this is because for example when were are filming the job centre the camera is a little fuzzy due to the weather so this may of influenced people's decision. Mise-en-scene had the highest number being 5 and I think this is down to us making sure the background for the interviews and our cut a ways are in an appropriate area that link well to the theme of the documentary so it all links in. Lastly, the highest scoring number was 5. I believe this is due to picking appropriate music that fits in well with the theme of the documentary for example we use the song ‘working for a living’ by the beatles because our documentary is all about working.

Question 3

1 2 3 4 5

Editing 0 0 3 6 5Voice over

0 0 1 4 9

Camera work

0 0 1 8 5


0 0 1 5 7

Music 0 0 2 4 8

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Question 4 was asking whether the audience thought the title sequence connotated the topic of the documentary. Out of everyone who answered this question, everyone but one person agreed with the question. I agree with this because the whole title sequence was about shops therefore it connotes the topic of the documentary.  With this question people commented why they agreed, and the most popular answer was because it links well.

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Question 5 asked whether they thought the title links to the documentary. Everyone answered this question with yes and I feel it’s because they have a good link to them. Some comments people gave ranged from it links because it relates to having a job and because it gives the audience an idea of what’s going to be in the documentary.

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Question 6 asked after listening to the radio trailer, does this make you want to watch the documentary. Everyone who answered the questionnaire agreed with this but one never. I feel like the person who voted no may of done this because they are just not interested in jobs or working or because they already have a job and feel they don't need any more information about it. I feel the majority of people voted yes because they was interested in the radio trailer and they found the information included interesting.

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Question 7 asked people whether the radio trailer links well to the documentary. Everyone who answered this question agreed that it does and I agree also. Some comments people made about this was because it is informative and has the same narrative so people can link them both together and identify them as one theme.

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Question 8 asked whether the voiceover for the radio trailer was clear and understandable. One person replied by saying no but they made the comment that they didn’t like the music so I feel they may of not understood what the question was asking as it was talking about just the voice over. Everyone else agreed that the voice over was clear and understandable but someone made a small comment they thought it could just bit a little bit louder than the music to make it more clearer and more understandable.  

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Question 9 asked people to circle which aspects of the radio trailer they thought worked well out of the soundbed, voice over and clips from the interview. For each aspect we asked them to circle ,there was an equal amount for each. I feel people enjoyed our radio trailer for scoring for mostly all three.

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For question 10 we asked people on a scale of 1-5, how would you rate the radio trailer on the following aspects with 1 being the least and 5 being the most. For the soundbed someone scored us a one. I feel they may of done this because they wasn’t fond on the type of music being used, although the rest of the people voted 3,4 and 5 so it can’t of been that bad. We had to realise not everyone will like the documentary or the music being played. For editing this scored highly as people picked numbers 4 and 5 which is good as it doesn’t mean our editing was bad or was unclear. For the voice over people scored 3,4 and 5 here but only one vote was on number one, so the voice over can’t of been very bad. I feel the voice over was much clearer than what we originally used so I feel this was a strong part of the documentary. For the use of clips we again scored 3,4 and 5. One person voted 3 which meant they might of not been interested what the documentary was on or what clips were used. Number 5 was the highest number that got voted here so I feel the clips were used linked well to the documentary and the theme.

Question 10

1 2 3 4 5


1 0 2 5 6

Editing 0 0 0 6 8Voice over

0 0 1 5 8

Use of clips

0 0 1 4 9

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Question 11 was asking what could've been improved on the print advertisement. The majority of people answered this question by saying nothing and some gave us comments. Others said, the channel 4 logo could of stood out more but I feel this would of been hard to do due to the background as I did already try to make it stand out more. Another comment that was popular was to include a shot of someone working. The image of a shop window was our main idea but we feel like we included a lot of people working in the documentary so we feel just to give the advertisement more of a basic look.

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Question 12 asked what are the strengths and weaknesses to our print advertisement. The strengths people commented on was the text, image, it relating to the documentary etc. For the strengths I feel people picked up on good things about our print advertisement. Some of the weaknesses we got were the text, the title, the logo and the text font. I feel like people picked these out to be the weaknesses of the print advertisement were because there isn’t really documentaries on jobs therefore people don’t know really to expect when they see a print advertisement on one.

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Question 13 was asking whether the print advertisement makes you want to watch the documentary. Everyone who answered this question agreed yes it does which suggests it gives a good understanding of what the documentary will be like. People made comments that the image makes them want to watch the documentary. Others made the comment that the print advertisement catches their attention, intrigues them and is interesting.  

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Question 14 was asking what aspects of the print advertisement could be improved on. This question is similar to question 11 but we received different answers. Again most people suggested nothing but some people did comment saying it needs to be brighter and they think the tag line could be improved.

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Question 15 was asking does the image on the print advertisement connote the narrative of the documentary. Everyone replied to this answer by saying yes. People commented the narrative of the documentary was connotated by the use of the front of the shop image and because they can clearly see it’s about work and jobs.

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Question 16 was asking overall , how well would you say all 3 products work together and whether they link. Everyone voted for this question saying yes. People agreed all three products worked together because they all show the narrative, they all ink well and they are all to do with the same topic. I agree because I feel we made sure all products linked together to show they are all part of the same documentary.

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Question 17 asked people whether they learnt anything from the documentary. Everyone said they had learnt something from the documentary and they gave some examples of what. The most popular answer was that people learnt facts and figures. I feel this is down to us displaying these on the documentary in text because it’s a different form in the documentary rather than just watching as they have to read therefore I feel like this was why they learnt facts and figures. Another popular answer was the history of jobs. This was down to us adding in archive footage of the history of jobs because it refreshes some people's mind and for some others it’s new information.

Overall, the questionnaire has really help us see what people really thought of our documentary. It gives us the chance to see what we did well and what we could improve on in all three products. I am happy with all the products and all the feedback for the products.

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Audience FeedbackWe put our project on Facebook and YouTube to see what people on social media think of our project. On Facebook, we got some positive feedback as one person mentioned how they felt the information given in the documentary is really helpful and intriguing and they further commented they would defiantly watch it all.

Another person commented lots of facts and information were given which teaches people about work and jobs amongst young people.

The last person commented they thought the cutaways used were really good.

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Audience Feedback

We put of documentary on YouTube to get some feedback. The feedback we received on YouTube commented how they liked the time lapse on the introduction. This informs us how people are noticing key things from our documentary and pointing them out. The feedback we received on YouTube was positive which means people seem to like it.

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Audience FeedbackThe last audience feedback I got was through message. I messaged a friend with the link, asking them to watch my documentary and comment on it. The response I got back was they liked how different people got interviewed and the fact we included what jobs they had. This meant it’s clear to the audience what jobs the interviewees have which means the Mise-en-scene and the graphics for this specific part of the documentary were very good and effective. They also commented to make it clearer what we are asking them. I am not going to take any further action to this comment because they didn’t understand part of the codes and convention of documentary interviews is to not include the question we are asking them.

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