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How my media represents a particular social group

By Spencer Waller

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My Target Audience

My target audience is people aged from 16-30 who are representative of the emergent service workers and are knowledgeable about rap, deep house, jump up drum ‘n’ bass and grime music. They frequently attend concerts like innovation in the ‘dam and the sun, raves and go on holidays to places like Ibiza to go clubbing and frequent night-clubs like “The Ministry of Sound”.

My main competitors are “Beatzmag”, “XXL” and “TheSource”.

The artists featured in my magazine are people Devilman, Eksman, Oliver Heldens, Phillip George and Jay-Z.

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Front Cover

The fact that the subject of my feature article is wearing a plain white t-shirt which is casual and connotes a cheap lifestyle makes him seem like someone who is straight forward and approachable. My target audience would look up to such an artist

The Facial expression of my artist connotes a sense of power and aggressiveness. This type of person I someone that my target audience would look up to.

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Front Cover

The layout is relatively simple however it still gives the feel of knowledge on the subject which the target audience will appreciate. However it also is simplistic enough that it entices people who aren’t overly knowledgeable in the subject to read it and become knowledgeable so it that way I believe it strikes a good middle ground.

Also, the colours and font I have used are high impact and powerful, they contrast well with the dark background. This appeals strongly to the target demographic who respect a powerful person.

The masthead is high impact and connotes strength and power.

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Photos:Each one of these photos represents my audience as they represent their interests and they are all of roughly the same age(with the exception of the bottom left photo). As everybody is wearing casual clothing and looks to be from the “emergent service worker” class which is the same as my target audience.

Colours and Font:The font and colours I have used are high impact and connote strength and power which my target audience would respect.

The Layout:The layout is quite busy but uniformed making the articles easy to find. The red connotes danger which is reflective of they lifestyle my demographic leads.

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Double Page Spread

Mode of Address:The mode of address is very casual and chatty however it is also very informative and the interview style balanced with the article style gives the reader an insight into the artist’s background and also into his plans both of which provide an informative look at the artist.

Photo:The subject of the photo is wearing casual clothes which connotes a down to earth personality which the audience would respect and relate to.

Colours and Layout:The colours are high impact colours and connote power and strength.

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