Download - Question 2


1. How effective is the combination of you main product and ancillary texts? Evaluation Question 2 2. Assignment brief: Our main task was to create a five minute long original short film. We were also set the task to create the promotion for the film, the ancillary task, this was a film review and a poster for the short film. 3. Ancillary task objective: The whole point of the ancillary task is to create promotion for the film, the ancillary should create interest in the film from the target audience of the film. I believed that an all original idea would be good, something different to attract the audience, as it would stand out from what others offered. Although, I immediately ran into the issue that ingenius marketing staff of production companies had come up with whatever I could think of. I had to make sure that whatever I did do, it was appealing to my target audience first, as they are my priority. The ancillary task should be interesting and visually appealing enough to make the viewers want to see the film. 4. In what ways does my poster relate to my genre? I made my poster look like an old warning/wanted poster. Something that youd expect to find in a post-apocalyptic world, and film, warning you of the danger that caused the anarchy. The foundation that the poster is based upon is already something most people know of and is already in their memory, so then my poster becomes recognisable and easier to remember for the viewers, increasing the chances of reaching my target audience. The poster doesnt give to much information away, and in fact informs the audience of the potential back story, helping them understand the narrative. Due to how vague the poster is, it relates to the thriller genre were aiming for. It keeps the audience guessing, you could refer to Barthes theory, more specifically the hermeneutic code, in which we didnt reveal to much information, but only a bit to keep a sense of mystery to interest the audience. Also, the gas mask suggests there is something dangerous going on within the film, creating a dark horror atmosphere which is what were looking for. 5. In what ways does my poster refer to my genre? Death is their only salvation This is the implies thats there is more than one person that the film concentrates on due to the word their, and if interpreted right could give a clue to the romance side of the film. Also, death, is a dark word and connotes that there is something gloomy and fearful about the film, relating to the horror side of things. The center of the poster is a bright red, this too emphasis the sense of danger created by the gas mask. I didnt want to give to much information away in the poster, so instead I tried to indirectly leave clues, its an open text. It keeps the audience guessing, and thinking of what it could possiby mean and the effect, whats going to happen. Just as a 6. Choices of font on my poster I searched through all the standard fonts given to me on the photoshop software and found none of them were relevant, so I searched online for a better font. I came acroos one named 28 days later and decided to use it because it had the look of a worn and torn poster that I was after. It suited my poster and was effective. It created a sense of mystery, and adds to the already mysterious vague poster I had already created. I used the standard billing block font to create a normal billing block that audiences would recognise. I did experiment other fonts for it, but in the end found this does the job just fine. 7. In what ways did the film review explore the the finished product? For my film review, I made it one page long because I believe that a two-page spread would be too much, as its only a five minute short film and I want the review to be memorable so the audience remember to watch it, so two pages would just be excess. For my colour scheme I went for a grey an red combination, with black text. The black text stands out on the grey back ground. The grey background connotes that there is impurity, as white symbolises purity, but the grey is darker and implies that it isnt your typical romance. The red portreys the danger of the film, and adds some flair to the more dull grey, making it more visually appealing. The review refers back to key elements of the film, and highlights the skills shown by the makers of the film, through the comments made on the directing, editing and 8. Image used in: poster I only used one image on my poster as I did not want to give away too much information to the audience. The gas mask suggests that there is danger in the film, I wanted to create a mysterious atmosphere to make the audience guess what it means, this makes it more interesting for them, and therefore more likely to be remembered. I used photoshop to give the image a red tint to add emphasis on the danger factor. 9. Image used in: film review This image was good for the review, as it shows one of the main characters. It doesnt give much away about the movie, and therefore encourages the reader to look at the review. It shows a bit of the setting, and gives the audience a look at the main male character, it shows the signature mask, and a gun, all of high interest to our target audience. It doesnt give any soilers on the romance side of the film, it does leave the audience asking questions, such as why does he have a gun? therefore suggesting its doing its job as a thriller, and the pose and cobination of these factors creates a slightly 10. Conclusion: In the end, due to a mixture of my short film and the ancillary the task, the film was a success. The ancillary task provided the right promotion it was meant, leaving the audience asking enough and the right questions. Thanks to the the poster being vague, and the images being simple but sufficient, the mysterious atmosphere we strived for was created, without the ancillary the film wouldnt be as popular.

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