Page 1: QUEENS' COLLEGE 1954-1955 · 2016. 11. 30. · Henry Arthur Thomas Travel Exhibition: M. J. McEwan (1954) has been awarded a Henry Arthur Thomas Travel Exhibition for 1955-6. COLLEGE



MARCH 1956

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It will be of great service to the College if members of the Club will kindly inform the Keeper of the Records of any changes in their permanent addresses or in those of their friends.

The College will welcome any corrections of this Record,

and any material for next year. These should be addressed to the Keeper of the Records, who gratefully acknowledges the receipt of a number of items from members during the past year.

Except where otherwise stated, the dates given after the names of members of the College ref er to their dates of Matriculation.

QUEENS' COLLEGE, 1954-1955




President J O H N A R C H I B A LD V E N N' C.M.G., LITT.D., F.S.A.


REV. CHARLES TRAVERS WooD, B.D., formerly Dean and Director of Studies in Divinity.

ROBERT GEORGE DALRYMPLE LAFFAN, M.A., formerly Bursar and Director of Studies in History.

CYRIL MONTAGU SLEEMAN, M.A., formerly Tutor and Director of Studies in Natural Sciences.

ARCHIBALD DOUGLAS BROWNE, M.A., Vice-President, Director of Studies in Mechanical Sciences.

LEONARD JAMES POTTS, M.A., Librarian, Director of Studies in English.

EDWIN ARTHUR MAXWELL, PH.D., Praelector, Keeper of the College Records and Director of Studies in Mathematics.

JAMES ARTHUR RAMSAY, PH.D., F.R.S., Director of Studies in Natural Sciences.

REv. HENRY ST JOHN HART, B.D., Dean, Garden Steward, and Director of Studies in Oriental Languages.

HAROLD w ALTER BAILEY, M.A., F.B.A., Professor of Sanskrit.

GRAHAM PATTERSON MCCULLAGH, M.A., M.D. (Belfast), Senior Tutor and Director of Studies in Medicine.

HAROLD STEWART KIRKALDY, M.A., Montague Burton Professor of Industrial Relations.

ARTHUR LLEWELLYN ARMITAGE, M.A., LL.B., J.P., Tutor and Director of Studies in Law.

DouGLAS PARM.EE, M.A., Steward and Director of Studies in Modern Languages ..

REV. HENRY CHADWICK, B.D., MUS.B., Chaplain and Director of Studies in Divinity and Music.

JOHN REGINALD TREVASKIS, M.A., Assistant Tutor and Director of Studies in Classics.

CHARLES SYDNEY DEAKIN, M.A., Junior Bursar. WALTER HAGENBUCH, M.A., Assistant Tutor and Director of Studies in Economics.

GEOFFREY PHILIP WILSON, M.A., LL.B., Assistant Director of Studies in Law.

MARTIN WYATT HOLDGATE, PH.D., Research Fellow. ROBERT NEVILLE HASZELDINE, PH.D., D.SC. (Birmingham), Assistant Director of �

Studies in Natural Sciences. EDWARD DENNIS GOY, PH.D., Research Fellow.

JOHN HOLLOWAY, M.A., A,sistant Director of Studies in English.

PETER MATHIAS, M.A., Director of Studies in History.


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Honorary Fellows

SIDNEY SMITH, LITT.D., F.S.A., F.B.A., Professor of Ancient Semitic Languages and Civilisations in the University of London.



THE MosT REVEREND THOMAS HANNAY, M.A., Bishop of Argyll and the Isles, Primus of the Episcopal Church in Scotland.

SIR FREDERICK WILLIAM GENTLE, Q.C., M.A., Judge Advocate-General.

SIR THOMAS LESLIE Row AN, K.C.B., M.A., Second Secretary, H.M. Treasury.



The College offers its warmest congratulations to the President on being made a Companion of the Order of St Michael and St George in the New Year Honours List.

Mr Wood celebrated his eightieth birthday on 19 May 1955. The Governing Body gave a dinner in his honour that evening in the Combination Room.

Dr Ramsay has resigned from the office of Steward, and is succeeded by Mr Parmee; Mr Chadwick has resigned from the office of Dean, and is succeeded by Mr Hart; Mr Hagenbuch has become an Assistant Tutor.

Mr Wilson, formerly Research Fellow, now an official Fellow and Assistant Director of Studies in Law, has been appointed to a University Assistant Lectureship in the Faculty of Law. Two further elections to Fellowships have been made: Mr John Hol­loway, Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford, and University Lecturer in the Faculty of English, and Mr Peter Mathias, formerly Research Fellow of Jesus College, and University Assistant Lec­turer in the Faculty of History.

Mr Barker has resigned his Fellowship on returning to Eton as Senior History Master.

We congratulate our two Research Fellows, Dr Holdgate and Dr Goy, on the conferment of their degrees of Doctor of Philo­sophy. Dr Goy has been appointed a University Assistant Lecturer in the Faculty of Modern Languages (for Slavonic Studies), and Dr Holdgate is at present Zoologist to the Gough Island Scientific Expedition.


Interesting plans and specifications of Friars Building have been presented to the College by the successors to the Archite�t, W. M. Fawcett, who had an office at No. 1 Silver Street. Theyshow that there was an alternative scheme for two staircases only,having the same accommodation as was eventually built, but withfour sets of rooms on each floor of each staircase. It is possible


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that the arrangement of 'keeping rooms' on the north side made this plan unacceptable.

In the years since Dokett Building was built, the brickwork has tended to decay, and many bricks have had to be replaced. All the brickwork up to first-floor level has now been sprayed with a colourless waterproofing solution.

The sets of rooms in Old Court have been redecorated and fitted with old furniture of good quality suitable for the larger rooms, and the staircases have also been repainted. A bed-sitter looking on to Silver Street has been arranged on the top floor of Staircase K.



Mathematics. J. E. Carroll, A. Cross, F. J. Horsley, M. C. Irwin.

Classics. M. J. McEwan.

Natural Sciences. D. W. Anderson, H. G. Pugh, G. K. Rochester, J.M. Birchall, C. D. T. Minton, J. D. Parkes, M. L. V. Pitte­way, M. B. V. Roberts, M. F. Ashby, R. Fields, K. W. Heaton,M. J. Mitchinson.

Law. T. J. Blake.

Modern Languages. R. W. Burrows, A. 0. B. Chisholm.

Mechanical Sciences. J. J. Matthews, I. D. G. Mackie, A. D. G. Stewart.

English. H. L. Tranter.

Chemical Engineering. Ds A. Yates, D. C. Dyson, E.W. Owen.

Architecture. S. F. Bone.


Clerk Maxwell Scholarship: J. E. Baldwin (1949) was elected to the Clerk Maxwell Scholarship in October 1955.

Worts Travelling Scholars' Fund: F. R. Hodson (1950) was awarded a grant for Archaeological work in Southern France and North-Eastern Spain.

Smith Prize: G. Horrocks ( 1950) was awarded a Smith Prize for his essay 'On the Calculation of the Enumerative Characters of some Simple Systems of Algebraic Varieties in Projective Space· by the Methods of Representation Theory'.

Edward S. Prior Prize: S. F. Bone (1952) was awarded the Edward S. Prior Prize for Architecture in 1955.

John Stewart of Rannoch Scholarship: P. Dickinson (1953) was awarded the John Stewart ofRannoch Scholarship in Sacred Music. •

Worts Travelling Scholars' Fund: C. H. F. Rowell (1953) was awarded a grant for an expedition to Swedish Lapland for bio­logical work.


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Henry Arthur Thomas Travel Exhibition: M. J. McEwan (1954) has been awarded a Henry Arthur Thomas Travel Exhibition for 1955-6.



Entrance Scholarships of £100:

M. Santer, Marlborough College, for Classics (Frodsham).D. J. Aidley, Manchester Grammar School, for Natural

Sciences.K. G. Hambleton, Chesterfield Gram.mar School, for Natural

Sciences. R. C. Kennedy, Campbell College, for Natural Sciences

(Munro).R. L. Brown, Wyggeston Grammar School, Leicester, for


Entrance Scholarships of £60:

A. Fish, Chesterfield Grammar School, for Natural Sciences. R. G. Hook, West Bridgford Grammar School, for Natural

Sciences. M. D. Poole, Epsom College, for Natural Sciences.W. M. Dunlop, Eastbourne College, for History.P. B. Rippon, Manchester Grammar School, for Modern


Entrance Exhibitions of £40:

E. C. Davies, Manchester Grammar School, for Mathematics. J. M. Leonard, Bedford School, for Mathematics with Physics.R. N. Maddison, Oundle School, for Mathematics with

Physics. G. H. Mitchell, King Edward VII School, Coalville, for

Mathematics with Physics. D.R. Tilley, Thorne Grammar School, for Mathematics. D. W. H. Bett, Fettes College, for Classics (Gray). D. Parsons, Monkton Combe School, for Classics (Frod­



D. G. Campbell, Merchant Taylors' School, Crosby, forNatural Sciences.

M. Lane, West Leeds High School, for Natural Sciences. P. C. Robinson, Maltby Grammar School, for Natural

Sciences.B. E. Bennett, St Dunstan's College, Catford, for History. L. E.W. Cole, Eltham College, for History. A. Lee, Repton School, for History (Frodsham). C. M. F. Watkins, Bedford School, for Modern Languages.R. W. Wilson, Royal Masonic School, Bushey, for Modern

Languages. R. H. C. Lindley, Bedford School, for English. D. B. Rees, King's College School, Wimbledon, for English.

First Year

Exhibitions: J. E. Carroll, for Mathematics. F. J. Horsley, for Mathematics. M. C. Irwin, for Mathematics.M. F. Ashby, for Natural Sciences.R. Fields, for Natural Sciences.M. J. Mitchinson, for Natural Sciences.T. J. Blake, for Law.A. 0. B. Chisholm, for Modern Languages.I. D. G. Mackie, for Mechanical Sciences.A. D. G. Stewart, for Mechanical Sciences.

Second Year

Foundation Scholarships: J. M. Birchall, for Natural Sciences.J. D. Parkes, for Natural Sciences.M. L. V. Pitteway, for Natural Sciences.M. B. V. Roberts, for Natural Sciences.J. J. Matthews, for Mechanical Sciences.

Third and Higher Years

Foundation Scholarships: D. W. Anderson, for Natural Sciences.


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G. K. Rochester, for Natural Sciences. H. L. Tranter, for English.

Ds A. Yates, for Chemical Engineering. S. F. Bone, for Architecture.

Exhibition: E.W. Owen, for Chemical Engineering.

Milllro Studentship: H. G. Pugh.

Special Prizes

Ryle Reading Prizes: D. J. Wood, D. Raymond. Melsome Memorial Prize: J. D. Parkes.




Baylis, R. G. Son of S. G. Baylis (1928).

Bee, A. J. Son of L. R. Bee (1921).

Braithwaite, J. C. Son of G. Braithwaite (1923).

Brown, P. T. R. Brother of A. F. Brown (1942) and D. S. Brown (1945).

Chalstrey, F. Brother of L. J. Chalstrey (1951). Cousin of Rev. G. S. Lloyd (1934).

Coe, A. N. Nephew of Dr C.H. Whittle (1915).

Cohen, M. J. Son of J. M. Cohen ( 192 l). Nephew of the late P. D. Falk (1932).

Crosse, J. 0. Son of Lieut.-Col. J. H.J. Crosse (1927).

Cumming, R. A. Brother of J. D. Cumming (1954).

Doggett, T. S. Son of A. F. Doggett (1921).

Dilllcan,J. M. B. Son ofB. A. C. Dilllcan (1926). Nephew of the late H. D. Grundy (1928).

Hobba, L. D. P. Brother ofD. M. Hobba (1952).

Hubbard,]. W. P. Son of Rev.]. W. Hubbard (1913).

Jephcott, A. E. Son of Dr A. Jephcott (1909). Brother of C. J. A. Jephcott (1953).

Lawton, J. S. Cousin of J. R. Lloyd (1947).

Lee, P. W. Son of G. W. Lee (1922). Nephew of P. E. (1925), K. C. (1928), and P. A. Lee (1932). Cousin of D. S. W.Lee (1953).

Mylechreest, P. H. W. Son of Dr W. H. Mylechreest (1925).

Payne, T. G. Brother of E. B. Payne (1952).

Pedley,]. Son of Rev. G. H.K. Pedley (1920).

Proctor, T. J. Nephew of J. D. Proctor (1933).

Syme, J. G. Brother of A. F. Syme (1953).

Tolson, D. H. Nephew of G. H. Tolson (1926).


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Tyrrell-Evans, N. J. T. Son of H. G. Tyrrell-Evans (1912) (formerly H. G. Evans).

Willats, D. J. Brother of J. H. Willats (1951).

Wills, C. S. Grand-nephew of the late B. E. Dreyfus (19u).

Youngman, J.P. B. Son of Dr H. R. Youngman (1919).


Summary of the numbers of students from the Colonies and other parts overseas:

Students from the Colonies: Barbados, 2; Gold Coast, 1; Hong Kong, 1; Kenya, 2; Nigeria, 2; Singapore, 1; Tanganyika, 1; Trinidad, I.

Students from other parts of the Commonwealth: Australia, 3 ; Canada, 3; Ceylon, 3; India, 3; New Zealand, 2; South Africa, I.

Students from other Countries: Argentine, 5; Netherlands, 1; Norway, 1; Persia, 1; Switzerland, 1; U.S.A., I.



President: DrG. P. Mccullagh.

Vice-President: J. I. P. Bull.

Treasurer: Mr J. R. Trevaskis.

Hon. Secretary: I. F. C. S. Clayre.

Junior Treasurer: M. J. Gardiner.


Captain: I. W. Welsh.

Secretary: C. A. Y. Shephard.

Vice-Captain: I. G. Menzies.

Hon. Secretary: J. C. L. Cox.

The Lent Bumps saw a continuation of the promise shown in the Fairbairn Cup, with the First Boat making three bumps on the first three nights of the racing, and being robbed of their fourth only by the presence of a slow boat two places ahead of them. The Club was well represented in the lower divisions, and the Rugger Boat gained their Oars. The Lent Crew then went on to Reading, and finished third in the Head of the River Race.

The May Boat repeated the performance of the Lents, making three bumps, rowing over on the last night and finishing fifth. They then went to Marlowe Regatta where they won the Marlowe Eights, and on to Henley, where they won the Ladies

Plate for the first time in the College's Boating history. Both the Clinker Fours were knocked out by the eventual

winners, and with four of the First Boat away in Trials-all in due course awarded their Trial Caps-it was not surprising that the crew went down a number of places. However, the status quo was re-established by the great success of the lower boats.


Captain: M. R. M. Evans. Secretary: P. J. Jarrold.

Committee Member: J. P. Sanders.

This season we have had two members of the Club in the Varsity •

side and no less than five playing on and off for the LX Club. While this augurs well for the Cuppers, it has made selection of teams for the League matches somewhat of a problem. However,


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after a bad start, we got well together, and had a very good period in the middle of the term, when we won our matches with Selwyn, Pembroke, Emmanuel and Trinity Hall. It was a pity that this standard could not be maintained, and we lost the re­maining League matches at the end of the term, finishing in the middle of the First Division of the League.

When the LX Club co-operated, we had a strongish scrum, with D. W. M. Irons and G. Davidson always in the forefront of thebattle; the backs were potentially good, but their apparent in­ability to catch and pass the ball proved something of a handicapto their performance.

The Second XV had a very good term under the captainship of M. J. Gardiner. Having lost only one League match, they gainedpromotion to the Second Division, an additional honour since�eens' have never had their second team there before. Anothernovelty this term was the innovation of a Fourth XV. Originallyfor the benefit of the 'Gentlemen', it soon proved itself, andplayed some really good Rugby.


Captain: I. Lewis. Secretary: J. A. Howard.

Committee Member: D. B. Allison.

The shocking weather that prevailed in the latter half of the Lent Term was in some degree responsible for our being beaten in the second round of the Cuppers, in the last minute of a game played in a quagmire against St Catharine's, after our showing against Clare on a hard ground had made us favourites.

The Michaelmas term was started well with a 12-1 win against Peterhouse, but the absence ofH. R. Fish to play for the University, and B. P. Smith to gain his Squash Blue somewhat weakened the side in the later stages of the term. But with the increased numbers of Freshmen keen on Soccer, the prospect for the future is far from dim.

F. J. Woodley again played for the University against Oxford in December 1954, and H. R. Fish was awarded his Blue this winter, while J. A. Howard has made several appearances for the Falcons.



Captain: J. I. Gartside. Secretary: P. A. H. Millac.

Committee Member: A. E. Checksfield

The long delayed Cuppers match resulted in a win for Selwyn, strengthened by their two Blues. The score 4-3 was by no means disgraceful. The team was: B. W. A. Tyrrell, R. E. Jarrold, D. D. C. Belchamber, P.A. H. Millac, B. S. Ellis, R. M. Kennedy,G. C. Pool, K. Billington, A. E. Checksfield, J. I. Gartside,M. E. Taylor.

1955 saw a greatly improved team, with a high average stan­dard, though still no Blues or Wanderers. The team finished the League season in third position, the best for some years.

The spearhead of the attack has been J. I. Gartside, Captain, and A. E. Checksfield, both very fit and able hockey players. There has been great competition for places in the defence, which has been solid throughout.

The Club's Dutch Tour at Easter was a great success both on and off the field; everyone appreciated the generous hospitality of our hosts.


Captain: B. C. Richards. Secretary: P. J. C. Dymoke-Marr.

Committee Member: P. L. Boardman.

The outstanding player for the College was the Captain, M. E. Taylor, whose unassailable confidence in the face of all types of bowling gained him the average for the season of 97. With such leadership, it is not surprising that as the term progressed, the side gradually became more and more powerful as it gained in con­fidence. G. Goonesena had a successful season for the Varsity, and was awarded his Blue. Mark Taylor also toured with the Crusaders in Holland.

There are several Freshmen of promise this year, so that we look like fielding a good side again this season.


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Captain: J. Lawrence. Secretary: S. W. Pakenham. Committee Member: J. W. Lethbridge.

We have maintained rather than increased our prestige during the year. In the Cuppers we came second, holding Emmanuel, the winners, to the closest of margins. This Michaelmas Term, with a useful but by no means outstanding crop of Freshmen, we kept our position in the First Division of the relays, and the field events, but without troubling the winners of either. Our real need is for an outstanding sprinter and long jumper, but we have also lacked performers of great merit in the middle distances. Our standard of pole vaulting and javelin throwing might have been higher. David Marques is an invaluable aid when his Rugger lets him turn out; and we sadly miss Tony Booth, who went down this Christmas.

In long distance running, �eens' stands supreme. Having shared the League Cross-cotmtry with Selwyn last year, we are hoping for victory this season. We won the newly instituted Selwyn Road Race by over a minute, and in the cross-country Cuppers we recorded our third successive win, 7th, 8th, 14th, 15th and 16th in the field of 150, representing very good packing.

John Shearn and John Lawrence again won their Half-Blues. David Wilson ran against the Oxford second team, and we pro­vided three of the eight runners in the University third team. John Shearn also won his track Half-Blue for the three miles.


Captain: D. A. Degenhart. Secretary: A. C. C. Hedge. Committee Member: T. A. C. Coningsby.

The season as a whole was satisfactory in that both teams, pro­moted the previous year, held their places in the First and Fourth Divisions respectively. The First VI won three and lost three; the Second VI won four and lost four. There were no outstanding players in the Club, although the Captain, J. Howgego, and A. C. C. Hedge played for the grasshoppers. Even so, five of the


First VI were members of' Fem1ers' and, but for the team pairings remaining unsettled, and the misfortune of forfeiting one match for non-attendance, the League position might well have been improved.

Full Colours were awarded to: D. A. Degenhart, A. C. C. Hedge, G. W. S. Jackson and T. A. C. Coningsby. J. Howgego and D. H. Simmonds were old Colours.

Half Colours were awarded to E. G. Cantrell.


Captain: C. J. C. Baron. Secretary: G. S. Hathorn.

We were beaten in the first round of the Cuppers by Caius. In the League, the second pair were promoted to Division I. Colours were awarded to G. S. Hathorn and C. J. C. Baron.


Captain: D. S .. W. Lee. Secretary: J. A. Howard.

In the absence of any Cuppers, and with the University knock-out match being put off this term, the season has lacked in interest. However, D. S. W. Lee has been playing frequently for the University.


Captain: B. D. Emery. Secretary: R. W. G. Miles.

�eens' entered teams for both the relay and water-polo Cuppers held in the Easter Term. The polo team did well, and reached the semi-finals, while both the free-style and the medley relay teams ended fifth. B. D. Emery, now Captain of the Tadpole Swim­ming Club, gained his Half-Blue for water-polo.


Captain: A. E. Checksfield. Secretary: T. A. C. Coningshy.

In the Cuppers, the College did well to get through two rounds of the competition, beating Downing by three ties to two in t�e preliminary rom1d, and Pembroke in the first round by four ties



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to one. We were eventually beaten in a close match with Em­manuel by three ties to two. In the Lent Term, the First team beat all their opponents except Clare, and finished equal first in the League. The Michaelmas result was not quite as good, but distinctly above average.

The Second team won five of its six matches in the Lent Term, and gained promotion to the Fourth Division. The Third team won four of its six games in the Fifth Division, and in the Michaelmas Term both teams maintained their positions.

B. P. Smith, a Freshman, gained his Half-Blue, and won his game in the University match.


Captain: D. P. Miller.

Though dwarfed by the larger clubs of the College, the Rifle Club still manages to keep the name of QEeens' known outside, as well as within, Cambridge. Unfortunately in 1955 we had no full­bore shot until the Michaelmas term when R. A. Cumming came to the rescue. The small-bore section entered two teams for the MacDonald Cup for inter-college pairs and both were well placed, the first pair coming third. D. P. Miller shot in the Heslop Cup match against Oxford in February, and R. A. Cumming has been shooting well in the University first eight this last term. There seems to be a promising year ahead.


Captain: A. R. Syson. Secretary: J. C. Kelly.

Another unsuccessful season ended with relegation for the second successive year. As previously, however, an extension _of the League reprieved the Club. The Cuppers are best passed over in silence; but the welcome influx of competent freshmen this year gives rise to the hope that our fortunes may improve.



Captain: J. Lawrence. Secretary: N. M. Dor.

The Club ran five teams in the University League, a number only equalled by two other Colleges. Most of our teams are in higher divisions than corresponding ones of other Colleges. Despite this only the Third team was relegated, the First, Second, Fourth and Fifth remaining in the First, Second, Third and Sixth divisions. In the Cuppers tournament we beat Downing in the first rom1d but lost to Clare in the second round.


Captain: A. R. Syson. Secretary: I. L. Parker.

The Club had a successful season, reaching the finals of the Cuppers and finishing second in League I. Basil Richards again played against Oxford, and both P. G. Smith and G. Goonesena represented the Cockerels in the Inter-Varsity game.

In the Michaelmas Term, the College side showed greater strength than has been evident in the College for some time. But for defeat by St John's, the Club would have already assured itself of the League Championship. As it is, with Basil Richards captaining the Varsity, and both P. G. Smith and G. Goonesena in the running for their Half-Blues, we look forward confidently to the Cuppers.


Captain: D. S. W. Lee. Secretary: D. W. M. Irons.

Committee Member: R. M. Kennedy.

In the Carr Cup, Lee, Irons, Kennedy and Sanders were all knocked out in the second round. Irons played well, and only lost 2-1 to the University Secretary, while Lee lost to an Old Blue, and Sanders to another member of the Varsity team.

D. S. W. Lee has been appearing regularly for the Stymies, andIrons and Kennedy have also played for them.


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President: J.B. Geyer. Vice-President: C. Hughes-Stanton. Secretary: C. J. C. Baron.

The Society has begun a new life with zest. The President has infused enthusiasm so that debates now fill the Fitzpatrick Hall.

The debate on Young England proved to be most interesting; and there were also lively debates on 'This Merrie England' and 'Convention is the refuge of the weak'.

In the small discussion rn.eetings, it was never really decided when Renaissance Art began or ended. Indian Culture was ex­pounded, admired and gingerly prodded by a few interested spirits. The President talked about 'Religion'. It was decided that an organ is a musical instrument, while some thought that the English Faculty should be closed and become a kind of afternoon activity, the intellectual' s alternative to rugger.


Vice-President: P. Dickinson. Secretary: D. J. Wood.

During the Lent Term the programme of the St Margaret Society included concerts given in the College and a series of weekly Organ Recitals in the Chapel. At the end of the term, the Chorus gave a performance of Faure's Requiem and Handel's Sixth Chandos Anthem.

In the Easter Term a Violoncello and Piano Recital was given and the customary impromptu performance of Gilbert and Sulli­van was inflicted on the Mikado. The May Week Concert con-=

sisted of Bach's Fourth Brandenburg Concerto, Grieg's Violin and Piano Sonata, a group of Madrigals and Hiawatha's Wedding Feast by Coleridge-Taylor.

The programme for the Michaelmas Term opened with a talk on Modern Music by Philip Radcliffe. There was a concert by members of the College and a Recital ofltalian Songs and Harpsi­chord Music. The Choral Concert included Verdi's Stabat Mater and Vaughan Williams' Festival Te Deum, and the weekly Organ Recitals in the College Chapel were successfully continued.



The Boat Club Trial Caps: I. W. Welsh, I. G. Menzies, C. A. Y. Shephard,

I. F. C. S. Clayre.I. W. Welsh has been selected to row in the University Boat

Race, 1956.

Rugby Football Blue: R. W. D. Marques (Hon. Secretary), M. R. M. Evans. LX Club: D. W. F. Thallon. International: R. W. D. Marques.

Association Football Blue: H. R. Fish.

Cricket Blue: G. Goonesena. Crusaders: M. E. Taylor.

Athletics Blue: J. U. Shearn, J. Lawrence.

Lawn Tennis Freshmen's Competition: B. P. Smith.

Eton Fives University: D. S. W. Lee.

Swimming Tadpoles: B. D. Emery (Captain).

Badminton Half-Blue: B. C. Richards (Captain) . Cockerels: P. G. Smith, G. Goonesena.

Squash Racquets Half-Blue: B. P. Smith.


Stymies: D.S. W. Lee.

Rifle Club Heslop Cup: D. P. Miller.


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President: P. J. de W. Kitcat. Vice-President: B. R. Cleave. Secretary: A. C. J. Manley. Junior Treasurer: M. R. A. Wilson. Committee Members: D. W. Strahan, H. C. Burke,

P. P. D. Fearon. Musical Director: Dr J. W. L. Beament. Senior Treasurer: Dr E. A. Maxwell.

In the Michaelmas Term 'The Bats' presented the first public performance of Billy Budd, a dramatic morality adapted by Louis 0. Coxe and Robert Chapman from the novel by HermannMelville. The title-role was taken by M. E. Davies. B. R. Cleaveproduced the play on an arena stage, which created a powerfuleffect in the intimate atmosphere of the Fitzpatrick Hall. Amongthose who saw the play was Dr E. M. Forster, the novelist, whohad recently collaborated with Eric Crozier and Benjamin Brittenin writing the 1ibretto for the opera Billy Budd. As guest of honourat the Annual 'Bats' Dinner, he gave an illuminating talk on theproblems which have to be overcome in adapting the novel for thestage.

In the Lent Term, A. Bownas produced a Ballad-Opera, Change for a Sovereign, written by R. Glen, a past member of the 'Bats'. B. R. Graver was responsible for the music, which con­sisted of original compositions and arrangements of folk-songs. It was a light, satirical, whimsical show, and the audience received it with obvious enjoyment. In May Week it was Shakespeare in Cloister Court again; this time A Midsummer Night's Dream, in a gay and vigorous production by H. C. Burke. In the picturesque setting in front of the President's Lodge, the play delighted large audiences. The weather was good, the play was a great success, and the receipts were high, total profits being greater than in any previous May Week production.

The Society appears to be in a very healthy state as regards finances, reputation, talent and enthusiasm.



The fifth Annual Dinner for past members of the College resident in the North-West was held at the Grosvenor Hotel, Chester, on Thursday, 17 March 1955, when twenty-seven members of the College were present. The guest of honour was Mr L. J. Potts who responded to the Toast of the College proposed by the Rev. J. Kingdon. The Bishop of Warrington presided, and Mr R. Northam expressed the thanks of those present to Mr Potts for coming to the Dinner.

The next Dinner will be held at the Grand Hotel, Manchester, on 5 April 1956, at 7 p.m.


We apologize for two mistakes in the last issue of the Record.

T. A. C. Pakenham (1921), father oflast year's Freshman S. W. Pakenham, is living in Kenya Colony.

C. W. Phillips (1933) is alive, and is Assistant Director ofEducation for Derbyshire.


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We regret to record the following deaths, of which we have received notice during the year:

Rev. W. T. Fowke (1889) J. Williams (1889)H. Bryan (1890)Rev. Canon D. Bridge (1892)Rev. H. G. Honseman (1892)Rev. R. F. Moody (1892)W. H. Salmon (1892)L. Mac A. Westall (1892)Rev. H. E. Langhorne (1893)A. B. Stokes (1893)

L. E. Middleton (1905)T. H. Cleworth (1906)Preb. A. F. Ritchie (1908)Rev. Canon C. E. C. Stileman (1911)S. H. Hampson (1912)F. A. Pitt (1912)Rev. W. S. A. Robertson (1913)Major F. E. H. Bostock (1919)Rev. F. S. A. Etheridge (1927)J. Privett (1927)

A. R. Roche, M.C., M.R.C.S., N. C. Platt (1928)L.R.C.P. (1894)

Rev. E. C. Robinson (1896) C. D. E. Dewe (1898)Rev. J.E. T. Evitt (1899)C. A. Chase (1902)

C. H. A. Wilson (1929)J. G. F. Clews (1935)J. Crichton, M.B., B.Ch. (1940)Elie Carrive (French Lector, 1953-4)



0. J. Voelcker (1923), C.B.E.K. L. H. Wadley (1926), M.B.E.R. A. F. Wallis (1933), 0.B.E.


D. W. Money (1898) is now living at Bernina, Mount Pleasant,Norwich.

F. W. Dwelly (1903) has retired from the Office of Dean of Liverpool.

G. F. B. Morris (1907) was elected by the Annual Synod of the Church of England in South Africa to be Bishop of the Church of England in South Africa.

A. C. Champion (1908) is now living at South Perrott Rectory,Beaminster, Dorset.

J. B. Brandram ( 19II) is Rector of Dallinghoo with Pettistree, Woodbridge.

C. W. Good (19u) is Vicar at Totland Bay, Isle of Wight.


A. H. Cullen ( 1912), Bishop of Grahams town, has been elected by the Bishops of the Church of the Province of South Africa to be Dean of the Province.

N. S. Kidson (1913) is Vicar of the united benefices ofEtwall­with-Egginton, Derbyshire.

W. E. M. Williams ( 1915) is Rector of St Margaret's, Buxted, Sussex.

D. P. Low (1921) is an Honorary Canon of Chester Cathedral.B. M. Dale (1922) is Assistant Bishop of Guildford and Rector

of Haslemere, Surrey. R. R. Bailey (1925) is General Secretary of the National Society

and Secretary of the School's Council of the Church of England Council for Education.

F. A. Casson (1925) is Vicar of All Saints, Eastbourne. A. Scott (1926) is Priest- in-Charge, Sheffield, Tasmania.R. C. Tootell (1926) is Rector of St Catherine's, Collyhurst,

Manchester. J. E. Blanchett (1928) is Rector ofWickhambreaux with Stod­

marsh, Kent. E. H. Sibson (1928) is Rural Dean of Barton, Cambs. H. R. Carter (1932) is Vicar of St Catherine's, Mile Cross,

Norwich. B. M. Oman (1933) is at St Mary the Virgin, Cardiff.A. G. Pouncey (1934) is Rector ofBebington, after eight years

as Editorial Secretary of the Bible Churchmen's Missionary Society.

P. M. Duplock (1935) is Vicar of St Andrew's, Kettering,Northants.

G. J. Paul (1939) is on the Staff of Kerala United Theological Seminary in Kannamoola, South India, which covers the three Malayan speaking dioceses of the Church of South India.

E. J. Hudson (1940) is Vicar of St Hilda's, York. R. F. Thomas (1942) is Chaplain of Haileybury College. W. A. H. Todd (1942) has recently been ordained. R. G. Robinson (1943) is Vicar of St Aidan's, Soutl1coates, Hull. D. G. Thomas (1945) is Vicar of St Stephen's, Cinderford.G. F. Grobecker (1946) is C.F. Warden of Church House,

Ostenwalde, B.A.O.R. IO.


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D. G. Hawker (1946) is Vicar of St Mark's, South Norwood.J. McK. Nicholl (1947) is Curate of St Matthew's, Bayswater.E. F. Osborn (1952) is in charge ofa MethodistCircuit, covering

a large area in Victoria, Australia.


Appointments at Cambridge

J. G. Gill (1943), University Demonstrator in Anatomy. K. W. Wedderburn (1945), University Lecturer in the Faculty

of Law. D. E. C. Yale (1946), University Lecturer in the Faculty of Law.

Other appointments

A. W. Sandford (1922) is a Housemaster at Liverpool College. P. J. Darr (1924) is Headmaster of Llansamlett County Secon­

dary School, Swansea. G. E. H. Poxon ( 1927): The University of London has conferred

on him the title of Professor of Biology in the University in respect of the post he holds in the Department of Biology, Guy's Hospital Medical School, London.

H. Butler (1936) has been appointed Professor of Anatomy atthe University College of Khartoum.

J. F. Neil (1936) is F.R.C.S. (Edin. ). J. de C. Guillaume (1939) is Head of a Coaching Establishment

at Upland Hall, Bungay, Suffolk. J. W. Powell (1941L) is an H.M.L in the North-West Division

of the Ministry of Education. F. G. Smith (1943) has been appointed to a Junior Lectureship

at Saint Luke's College, Exeter. P. C. Turner (1945) is an Assistant Master at Bristol Grammar

School. P.H. Withington (1945) is Senior Master in History at the City

Grammar School, Sheffield. A. E. King (1947) is an Assistant Master at Bristol Grammar

School. G. M. Thornton (1947) is a Schoolmaster in the Lower School

of John Lyon, Harrow.


D. W. Evans (1948) is Assistant History Master, Trinity SchoolofJohn Whitgift, Croydon.

D. T. O'Neill (1948) is a Schoolmaster at de la Salle College,Sheffield.

J. C. Ormerod (1948) is Assistant English Master at NormantonGrammar School, Yorks.

D. New (1951) is teaching at Barnard Castle School, ComityDurham.

M. Yusuf (1953) has been appointed Senior Lecturer in Mathe­matics in the University of Peshawar.


J. T. Scott (1909) has retired, and is living at Greenyfields Cottage, Rowton, Chester. He was for many years Chief Chemist and Metallurgist at John Summers and Sons Ltd., Steel­works, Chester.

N. A. Carr (1919) is County Court Judge for Hereford and Worcestershire.

M. M. Thein (1920) is Acting Chief Justice of the Union ofBurma.

A. C. Crooke (1924) is President of the Endocrine Section ofthe Royal Society of Medicine for 1956.

T. M. Shankland (1924) is Chief Secretary, West RegionalGovernment, The Secretariat, Ibadan, Nigeria.

K. G. Bergin (1929) is a Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society.

H. B. Parry (1930) is working on 'Toxoemia of pregnancy' under a grant from the Nuffield Foundation.

L. A. G. Bury (1931) is an Executive Director of the Inter­national Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and of the International Monetary Fund.

G. R. C. Peatfield (1931) was appointed consultant Surgeo� at Bedford General Hospital in 1953.

A. W. G. Kean (1932) is Assistant Treasury Solicitor and also a United Kingdom Member of the Legal Committee of the International Civil Aviation Organization.


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F. Stephen Carter (1937) is in Sierra Leone serving in theColonial Medical Service as a Specialist (Physician).

K. Kandiah (1937) is at Harwell.D. J. McLaren (1938) is with Geological Survey of Canada in

Ottawa. B.J. W. Winterbotham (1940) is a Solicitor in the legal depart­

ment of LC.I. M. G. Spicer (1941) has an appointment with the Mid-Essex

Divisional Executive (Education). P. G. I. Green (1948) is a solicitor. R. C. Peagram (1948) is District Officer, Colonial Administra­

tive Service, Uganda. P.R. Simons (1948) is Aerodynamicist with Vickers-Armstrong

Ltd., Weybridge, Surrey. L. H. Street (1948) is Assistant Solicitor with the East Midlands

Division of the National Coal Board. M. H. Aung (1951E) received the Honorary degree of Doctor

of Laws from the Johns Hopkins University inJune 1955. F. H. Newth (1951) is Research Chemist at Agria Research

Centre, 'Shell' Research Ltd., Sittingbourne, Kent.

THE YEARS 1949-52

In reply to a questionnaire, we have received the information summarized here about the men who matriculated in 1949 and who have just become eligible for the degree of Master of Arts.


E.W. C. Exell is Curate at St Paul's, East Ham. M. B. Geach is Assistant Curate of Kenwyn, Truro.B. A. Gerrish is a Licentiate of the Presbyterian Church of

England and is at present engaged in theological study at Union Theological Seminary, New York.

H. A. Hatchman is Assistant Curate at St Stephen's Church, East Twickenham.

J. A. Skues is Curate at St Botolph' s with St James, the Parish Church of Boston, Lincolnshire.



D. H. Bullock is a Schoolmaster at Monmouth School.H. A. K. Charlesworth is a Lecturer in Geology at the Univer­

sity of Saskatchewan, Canada. S. E. H. Duggan is a Schoolmaster at Holmwood House School,

Lexden, Colchester. J. S. Fowlie, is Assistant Master at Edinburgh Academy. D.R. Francis is Second English Master at Wellington Grammar

School. A. J. Q. Frith is a Schoolmaster. A. W. Gibb is Assistant Master (Modern Languages) at Monk-

ton Combe School. G. Glendinning is a Schoolmaster at Hunslet Carr C.P. School.G. W. Hall is a Schoolmaster.J. M. Hancock is Assistant Lecturer in Geology, King's College,

London. R. D. Harris is a Schoolmaster at Cargilfield School, Barnton,

Midlothian. J. A. C. Harryman is a Schoolmaster at Emanuel School,

London. J. Hope Simpson is a Schoolmaster at Bedford School.P. Kenyon is Assistant History Master at Wirral Grammar

School, Bebington, Cheshire. R. St J. Lambert is Assistant Lecturer in Geology at Leeds

University. A. J. Marshall is music master at Creighton School, Carlisle. M. Roston is a Housemaster at Carmel College, Wallingford,

Berks. C. Sherwood is a Schoolmaster at Busoga College, Mwiri,

Uganda. C. Stockford is Assistant Classics Master at Collyer' s School,

Horsham. S. Summersbee is a Lecturer in Mathematics at the College of

Technology, West Ham, London, E. 15. D. M. Turnbull is a Schoolmaster at Solihull School.J. F. West is a Schoolmaster.P. S. Wharton is Assistant in the Department of Chemistry,

Yale University, U.S.A.


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J. E. Baldwin is a Research Student at the Cavendish Labora­tory, Cambridge.

G. C. Band is a Geologist, writer and lecturer. The Council ofthe Royal Scottish Geographical Society has awarded him a Mungo Park Medal for Himalayan achievements in the Everest and Kangchenjunga expedition, 1953-55.

B. C. Brazier is Assistant Engineer with Sir William Halcrowand Partners, Chartered Civil Engineers.

J. G. Clarke is a Departmental Manager for Marks and Spencer Ltd.

J. D. Clayton is a Banker.A. M. Coomaraswamy is a Barrister at Law and Advocate of

the Supreme Court of Ceylon. M. J. Dawes is a Research Engineer with the National Coal

Board. P. A. Down is an Architectural Assistant in Bournemouth. R. W. Dutton is a Biochemist at the Post Graduate Medical

School, Hammersmith. He was admitted to the degree of Ph.D. of London University in July 1955.

D. B. Emley is a Major in the Royal Signals serving inB.A.O.R.

G. Fairfield is an Industrial Chemist at Imperial ChemicalIndustries, Blackley, Manchester.

C. B. Farr is an Accountancy Assistant with HertfordshireCounty Council.

W. A. J. Forrest is District Officer, H.M. Overseas Civil Service, Northern Rhodesia.

C. M. Guilford is Assistant Resident Engineer employed on theconstruction of the new extension to Kai Tak Airport-the largest engineering project that has ever been undertaken in the Colony of Hong Kong.

J. M. Hall is an Actor.M. C. Harries is Assistant Resident Engineer on a stormwater

tunnel being dug for the Bristol Corporation for a total length of 3½ miles under the City.

R. T. Haverkamp is a Foreign Service Officer, U.S. Depart­ment of State.


A. Haworth is Obstetric House Surgeon at Stepping HillHospital, Stockport.

D. C. Heap is House Surgeon, StThomas's Hospital, Godalming.P. J. Holmes is Research Physicist at Associated Electrical

Industries Research Laboratory, Aldermaston, Berks. J. B. Hope is studying Architecture at Manchester University. J. E. Kitcatt is a Solicitor. C. Leach is a Colonial Legal Service Probationer.G. A. J. McFadden is articled to a Chartered Accountant.R. Monroe is working for the family shipping firm.R. Moulton is House Physician to Medical Unit, University

College Hospital, London. J. B. Mudd is a Graduate Student at the Department of Bio­

chemistry, University of Wisconsin, U.S.A. T. M. O'Rorke is a Chartered Accountant.W. S. Parkinson is Contracts Manager for Sir Lindsay Parkinson

and Co., Ltd. W. E. Pool is an Inspector of Taxes. K. R. Read is in Advertising with J. Walter Thompson Co.,

London. D. H. Rees is a B.B.C. Engineer, 'on loan' for three years

to Broadcasting Department, Gold Coast Civil Service, as a Technical Superintendent.

P. Seed is a Caseworker at Birmingham Family Service Unit.G. F. C. Selby Lowndes is doing research at Kodaks.S. Shaldon is House Physician at Middlesex Hospital.A. J. Sharpe is an Instrument Engineer, Imperial Chemical

Industries, Nylon Works. A. G. T. Shave is an Army Major serving in Kuala Lumpur. L. Shires is a ]mu.or Executive with Barlow and Jones Ltd.,

Spinners and Manufacturers, Bolton, Lanes. M. R. Smith is Technical Assistant (Metallurgical) with

Imperial Smelting Corporation Ltd. at A vonmouth, in charge of operating a new zinc production process on shift work.

A. C. South is Chief Chemist, International Farvefabrik A/S, inBergen, Norway.

A. J. M. Spencer is a Research Associate in Applied Mathematics at Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, U.S.A.


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D. A. Strong is House Physician at Memorial Hospital, Darling­ton.

R. Thomas is an Auctioneer and Surveyor.D. J. P. Wade is Assistant in the Personnel Department of

Dexion Ltd. J. R. Williams is a student at the William Temple College,

Rugby. S. R. Wiltshire is a Logging Engineer in North Borneo. R. Wisbey is a Research Fellow in German at Bedford College,

University of London. A. C. L. Wood is an Industrial Chemist.H. G. Woodhouse is an Industrial Chemist in the China Clay

Industry. M. D. Wright is an Insurance Official with Liverpool and

London and Globe Insurance Co., Ltd. N. C. Wright is a Solicitor.


F. A. Colenutt (1906) has presented a beautiful copy of the first (1501) Aldine edition of Horace, in a half morocco book case by C. Lewis: the most notable benefaction to the Library for manyyears.

Mrs E.W. Malins has presented a number of French and Ger­man books to the reading-room library in memory of her son, S. A. Malins (1931), whose property they were.

Other gifts have been received from Mr Hart, Mr Armitage, Mr Hagenbuch, Rev. J. F. Williams (1897), Rev. R. L. Gardner (1904), G. H. Crump (1909), H. G. Tyrrell-Evans (1912), Professor Max Black (1927), W. C. Stokes (1931), C. F. Becking­ham (1932), P. Skelton Robinson (1940), J. Jackson (1942), J.M. Leech (1953), Professor Winthrop S. Hudson, Dr L.J. M. Coleby, Mr N. Long-Brown, Miss Alice Edleston, and the Librarian.





President: Dr]. A. Venn, c.M.G. 1902

Vice-Presidents: Rev. C. T. Wood 1894 Rev. J. F. Williams 1897 A. D. Browne 1908

Secretary: E. A. Maxwell 1929

Treasurer: W. Hagenbuch 1949

Committee Members

Till 1956

C. H. ThompsonN. A. Carr, LL.B.

1919 1919

W. R. M. Morton R. C. Aitken

Till 1957

Sir W.W. Gibson, LL.M. 1892 Sir J. F. Moylan, C.B., c.B.E. 1901

Till 1958

H. G. Lemmon, LL.M. 1897 J. S. Wane 1912

Till 1959

A.H. Noble 1905 L. Patrick 1919

Rev. G. H.K. Pedley M. D. B. Bowen

Rev. R. Broxton G. S. Waller

J. E. Pater, C.B. G. T. Wright

1937 1939

1920 1942

1919 1929

1929 1939

The Annual Meeting was held on Saturday, 18 June. The Treasurer reported that 128 new members had joined the Club during the year. There had been a surplus for the year of £92. 7s. 5d., leaving a credit balance of £102. 3s. rnd.

About 150 members were present at the Dinner. Dr J. R. Rose proposed 'The Club' and Mr Wood replied; Sir Shenton Thomas proposed 'The College', and the President replied.


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March 1956

THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Queens' College Club will be held on Saturday, June 16th. The programme will be as follows:

SATURDAY, June 16th 4.30 p.m. TEA in Hall. 6,45 p.m. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE CLUB. 7.30 p.m. CLUB DINNER in Marquee.

SUNDAY, June 17th 8.30 a.m. CELEBRATION in the Chapel.

g.o a.m. BREAKFAST in Hall.10.30 a.m. SER VICE in the Chapel, Commemoration of

Benefactors: Preacher, the President. 1.0 p.m. LUNCH in Hall.

4.30 p.m. TEA in Hall. 7.30 p.m. DINNER in Hall.

MONDAY, June 18th 8.30 a.m. BREAKFAST in Hall.

Old Members of the College will not require gowns or surplices for any part of the week-end. At the Dinner on Saturday, Dinner jackets or Lounge suits may be worn.

Members of the Club who accept this invitation are re­quested to reply to Mr W. Hagenbuch as soon as possible, and in any case not later than June 1st. The accommodation in College is limited, so that it may be impossible to provide rooms in College for members who do not write in good time. It will much facilitate the making ef arrangements at the College if members will use the attached form for their reply.

With their acceptance members should send a cheque or postal order, made payable to 'Queens' College Dinner A/c', to Mr Hagenbuch to cover the expenses of their visit, according to the scale of charges on the attached form.

E. A. MAXWELL Secretary



.Name ........... ·····- ·--··· ·------------ _ _ _ ...... . . . . . . . . . .

( including title or style)

Address--------------·---·· · · ·-·--

Year of Matriculation _____________________________ _

Cheque Postal Order

enclosed for

Scale of Charges

£ s. d.

(Please strike out items which do not apply)

£ s. d. June 16th Dinner (inclusive of table wine) I 5 0 June 17th Bed and Breakfast IO 0

Lunch 2 6 £2 14 O

Tea 6 Dinner 5 0

June 18th Bed and Breakfast IO 0



Page 19: QUEENS' COLLEGE 1954-1955 · 2016. 11. 30. · Henry Arthur Thomas Travel Exhibition: M. J. McEwan (1954) has been awarded a Henry Arthur Thomas Travel Exhibition for 1955-6. COLLEGE

Printed in Great Britain at the University Press, Cambridge (Brooke Crutchley, University Printer)

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