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The University of Liverpool

Liverpool, L69 3BX


Kaplan Open Learning (Liverpool) Limited

Palace House, 3 Cathedral Street, London, SE1 9DE Contents

Page Paragraph Heading

1 Introduction

1 1 Definition

5 2 Programme Approval

6 3 Admissions

6 4 Registration, Enrolment and Withdrawal

7 5 Online Lecturer Recruitment and Development

9 6 Monitoring of Learning, Teaching and Assessment

10 7 Board of Studies

11 8 Board of Examiners

14 9 Transcripts, Award Certificates and Graduation Arrangements

15 10 Student Representation

15 11 Evaluation From Students

16 12 Reasonable Adjustments for Disabled Students

16 13 Student Support

17 14 Student Complaints

17 15 Professional Doctorates

18 16 Research Ethics Approvals 18 17 Internal Periodic Review

18 18 UoL Monitoring and Oversight of the Partnership

19 19 Information to Students

20 20 Changes to University of Liverpool Policies

20 21 Escalation

20 22 Amendment 24 Appendix A


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This document is The Quality Assurance Operational Framework and is an Annex to the Institutional Agreement. It sets out the principles by which the University of Liverpool (“UoL”) is assured of the quality and standards of the programmes that are delivered in partnership with Kaplan Open Learning (Liverpool) (“KOL”).

The Programmes covered by this Framework are UoL Programmes and therefore are subject to the requirements of the University Framework for Quality and Standards. Where, for good reasons, there need to be different arrangements in place, these arrangements shall be approved by the UoL Academic Quality and Standards Committee. This Framework applies to taught postgraduate programmes, except in the specific areas where professional doctorates are referred to. 1. DEFINITION

AQSC UoL Academic Quality and Standards Committee

Board of Examiners UoL Board(s) of Examiners as set out in this Framework and includes their operation as Module Review Boards, Progression Boards and Final Boards of Examiners as set out in the CoPA.

BoS UoL Board of Studies

Collaborative Provision Committee (CPC) The UoL Collaborative Provision Committee, responsible to the UoL Senate for maintaining oversight of the quality assurance, monitoring and review of collaborative arrangements.

CoPA UoL Code of Practice on Assessment

Director of Studies This is a member of UoL academic staff who is responsible for a Programme, according to the requirements of the UoL Framework for Quality and Standards and the terms of this Framework.

Honorary Recognised Lecturer This is an Online Lecturer status in UoL given to any individual who engages in teaching but who does not have a formal contract of employment with UoL.

KOL The name used throughout this document to refer to Kaplan Open Learning (Liverpool).


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Lead Representative The representative(s) appointed by the University and KOL respectively through whom the relationship, activity and operational decision making will be managed.

Liverpool Online Joint Strategic Board A review of the business and commercial aspects of the UoL/ KOL partnership. This Board will have responsibility for developing, setting and overseeing the strategy and overarching objectives for Liverpool Online to include, but not limited to, products, markets, brand development and recruitment strategy; ensuring due alignment to the University’s 2026 Global Vision and strategic priorities.

Module This refers to a discrete component within a Programme, with a credit value, learning outcomes, learning and teaching opportunities to achieve those outcomes and assessment tasks to demonstrate achievement of the outcomes, as set out in and in accordance with relevant UoL ordinances, regulations, policies and the UoL Framework for Quality and Standards.

Module Author These are staff appointed and contracted by KOL with appropriate relevant expertise to develop the learning materials in accordance with the Module Specification and Programme Specifications for a Programme. Module Authors are approved as Online Recognised Teachers

Module Specification This is a document, produced according to a template set by UoL, which describes a module.

Online Lecturer These are academic staff appointed and contracted by KOL who are approved by UoL as Honorary Recognised Lecturers.

OPOG Online Programme Operational Group, the operational group containing both UoL and KOL colleagues. This group will ensure the implementation of University policies and procedures in respect of online programmes and develop appropriate guidance and protocols to ensure the consistent application of policies and procedures across online programmes.


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PGR Postgraduate Research, used in reference to the Online Professional Doctorate Programmes.

PGR CoP The UoL Postgraduate Research Code of Practice

PGT Postgraduate Taught, used in reference to the Masters provision.

Programme A programme of study which, when successfully completed and assessed, leads to award of UoL as set out in and in accordance with relevant UoL ordinances, regulations, policies and the UoL Framework for Quality and Standards.

Programme Director This is a member of KOL academic staff who is appointed by KOL to oversee the delivery of a Programme or Programmes.

Programme Specification This is a document, produced according to a template set by the UoL, which describes a Programme.

Self Evaluation Document This is a document produced by KOL for the Annual Quality Monitoring Activity

SSLC Student Staff Liaison Committee

UoL University of Liverpool

UoL Framework for Quality and Standards This includes all UoL quality assurance processes, procedures, practices and requirements for UoL programmes and awards.


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2. PROGRAMME APPROVAL 2.1 Programmes that are to be delivered online in partnership with KOL shall be approved

by the normal UoL programme approval process specified in the UoL Framework for Quality and Standards. No Programme may commence until it has been fully approved by the UoL. Each Programme shall be assigned to a UoL level 2 School/Institute. The Dean of that School/Institute shall be responsible for appointing a UoL Director of Studies to lead the Programme through the approval process. The UoL Director of Studies and each Module Leader shall be a member of UoL academic staff.

2.2 New programmes and revalidation of existing programmes shall be approved by the

normal process specified in the UoL Framework for Quality and Standards. The relevant UoL Director of Studies shall be responsible for leading the Programme through the approval process.

2.3 Modifications to Programmes shall be approved by the normal process specified in the

UoL Framework for Quality and Standards. The relevant UoL Director of Studies shall be responsible for leading the Programme through the modification process. Definitions of what constitutes a revalidation and modification are specified in the UoL Approval Process and the UoL is responsible for the final decision when determining whether a proposal to change a Programme constitutes a revalidation or a programme modification.

2.4 New modules and modifications to existing modules shall be approved via the UoL

Approval Process, with the relevant UoL Director of Studies having responsibility for leading the module through the modification process.

2.5 When a new Programme or Module is proposed for delivery under this Agreement, the

UoL shall identify the School/Institute that will be responsible for the Programme/Module and a UoL Director of Studies shall be appointed. As part of the development process KOL shall liaise with the Director of Studies to deliver collaborative workshops known as “Design Workshops”. These collaborative workshops will be held under the jurisdiction of the UoL and shall bring together UoL academics, identified by the Director of Studies, with experts from KOL in marketing, online learning, Academic Quality and Standards and other relevant areas as identified in the UoL Framework for Quality and Standards. The aim of these collaborative workshops, which can be either a physical or virtual meeting, shall be to inform the production of documentation for approval and development of learning materials for the online classroom.

2.6 During programme development KOL will employ a Module Author to develop learning

and assessment materials in accordance with the Module Specification and the Programme Specification. The Module Author if not already a member of UoL staff shall be approved as an Honorary Recognised Lecturer of the UoL and approval shall be by the normal UoL procedure, further details regarding timeframes for approvals can be found in Section 5 of this document.

2.7 All learning materials produced by KOL shall be approved by UoL before they are

placed in the online classroom. To approve the learning materials, the Director of Studies (referring to the Chair of the relevant Board of Studies if necessary) must be satisfied that they meet the requirements of the relevant Module Specifications and Programme Specification that have been approved by UoL in accordance with the requirements of the UoL Framework for Quality and Standards. This may require consultation with the team in UoL responsible for the Programme. A Module must not commence until the learning materials for that Module have been approved. The


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timeframe for the submission of Learning Materials to be approved is 6 weeks prior to the launch of a module.

2.8 A summary of all programme and module changes shall be provided, on an annual

basis, to Online Programme Operational Group, detailing the programme, a brief overview of changes, approval date and name of the Curriculum Board and/or School Scrutiny Panel that approved the changes.

2.9 A proposal to withdraw or suspend an online programme that is delivered in

partnership with KOL shall follow the procedure specified by the Programme Withdrawal and Suspension Approval Process Guidance and Flowchart. An initial proposal to withdraw or suspend a Programme may come from UoL or from KOL and a decision to follow the withdrawal or suspension process will normally be taken at the Liverpool Online Joint Strategic Board after appropriate consultation with the relevant School/Institute.

2.10 For Programmes that are approved and delivered under the Institutional Agreement

and this Framework, KOL and the UoL shall mutually seek to develop appropriate relationships with relevant international bodies and Professional Statutory and Regulatory Bodies for recognition of UoL awards achieved upon successful completion of the Programmes covered by this Framework.

2.11 For Programme and Module Development both partners should adhere to the

principles outlined in the Key Principles for Programme / Module Development document. This document shall provide clarity with regards to Roles and Responsibilities, Programme Design Workshops, Module Kickstarter Meetings and Programme Positioning. The Key Principles document should be reviewed on an annual basis by OPOG.

3. ADMISSIONS 3.1 The UoL is responsible for defining the admissions criteria for each programme

including academic, work experience and other requirements including English language ability and the means of testing this ability.

3.2 KOL shall be responsible for the administration of all programme admissions in

accordance with the Postgraduate Taught Admissions Policy. 3.3 Such administrative responsibility shall also include the provision of a customer

relationship management system (e.g. Salesforce or alternative solution as agreed between KOL and the University) by KOL, with the functionality to be agreed between KOL and the University.

3.4 KOL shall review all applications against the Admissions Framework, accepting those

which meet or exceed the required standards and deferring all other applications to the University DoS for Academic Review within five working days unless there are exceptional circumstances. The University DoS or nominee is required to normally respond within five working days (excluding periods when the University is closed) to the KOL with a decision on the referred applications.

3.5 The University is responsible for monitoring a minimum sample of 5% of applications

accepted by KOL for every intake onto the programme. If the monitoring identifies persistent concerns regarding the quality of applications that have been accepted then the University reserves the right to review all applications for a period of one intake.


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3.6 During the first twelve months of the new partnership (January 2021 – December 2021) and the subsequent development of any new programmes, the monitoring of applications will be subject to an increased level of monitoring, to be identified by the Board of Studies in advance of the first intake. Newly developed programmes that KOL does not currently hold in its portfolio or have expertise in will normally be subject to an increased level of applications monitoring.

3.7 UoL shall be responsible for admissions complaints and appeals, which will be dealt

with in accordance with the University’s Admissions Appeals and Complaints Policy. KOL should make available all relevant documentation as requested within the identified period.

4. REGISTRATION, ENROLMENT AND WITHDRAWAL 4.1 KOL shall be responsible for enrolling students and ensuring that they receive:

i) appropriately detailed information about their programme of study;

ii) clear information about the registration period associated with the award registered for;

iii) information on the support available;

iv) access to information about the relevant policies and procedures.

4.2 KOL shall be responsible for the tracking and management of student progression including:

i) the enrolment of students onto appropriate modules;

ii) the provision of registration period reminders to students on a six-monthly basis

for the Masters programmes;

iii) management of suspension periods, with particular regard to the maximum registration periods available to students;

iv) tracking of students and presentation to the Board of Examiners (Progression

Board) of those who have reached the end of their registration period / those who have failed to make adequate progress.

4.3 KOL shall provide the University with regular (monthly) updates for the following:

i) Programme enrolments;

ii) Module enrolments;

iii) Suspensions of studies and returns from suspensions;

iv) Programme withdrawals – including, but not limited to, students who enrolled on a programme but pulled out in the initial withdrawal period;

4.4 KOL to be responsible for liaising with the University Student Finance team regarding

the Postgraduate Loan process with the Student Loans Company. Ensuring all information is provided to the University according to the timeframes identified by the Student Loans Company.


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4.5 KOL shall provide any other data required by the University in order to comply with the

requirements of the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) or other statutory body or accrediting organisation. Such requests shall be responded to within five working days unless there are exceptional circumstances or the volume of data/complexity of the request requires additional time.

4.6 Any requests for the provision of data that is not explicitly referred to elsewhere in the

Operational Framework shall be reasonable in terms of timescale versus scope and the associated workload shall be proportionate to the value of the data to the partnership. Any concerns arising from such requests should be raised with the appropriate Lead Representatives.

4.7 Ensure systems updates remain aligned to maintain electronic data interchange and



5.1 KOL are responsible for recruiting Online Lecturers. All Online Lecturers must be approved as honorary staff of the UoL. The UoL shall provide KOL with the confirmed details of the documentation and information requirements for the honorary approvals on an annual basis, incorporating requirements from the UoL Human Resources team. KOL should ensure that UoL Directors of Studies are consulted before making any decision regarding Online Lecturers renewal or termination.

5.2 KOL shall be responsible for providing to UoL all the application documentation,

required information and evidence for the UoL approval process for honorary status. UoL Directors of Study shall sign off the application to confirm that the applicant has the requisite skills, knowledge, experience and appropriate education, qualifications and employment history. Where a Programme is subject to professional or statutory body accreditation, there may be additional criteria applied to the appointment of an instructor for that Programme. Appendix A provides a breakdown of Professional Body Accreditation appointment and maintenance requirements, by programme, for honorary staff.

5.3 KOL are responsible for the induction of Online Lecturers, following successful

application a potential online lecturer will be provided with initial approval subject to successful completion of the Online Lecturer Induction. All Online Lecturers must complete the KOL induction programme before commencing teaching or supervision, and before any UoL Honorary status is requested. Following the completion of the Online Lecturer induction programme KOL shall ensure that the UoL are informed of the applicants successful completion alongside the required documentation for Honorary status approval, the UoL will then be responsible for processing the honorary status.

5.4 UoL will be responsible for removing the honorary status from its Honorary Records

System (Tulip). 5.5 A summary of all Online Lecturer staff to be provided to the University on an annual

basis, as part of the Annual Monitoring activity requirements. 5.6 The content and details of the induction programme for new Online Lecturers shall be

provided by KOL to the UoL for approval two weeks in advance of the first delivery of the training programme. The Lead Representative for the University and relevant Director of Studies will be responsible for the approval of the materials and content.


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KOL shall ensure that all changes to the generic training materials are approved by OPOG, whilst the subject specific element of staff training will be approved by the relevant Board of Studies in advance of their usage.

5.7 UoL shall be responsible for updating KOL on new or revised UoL policies, regulations

and requirements that are relevant to the Online Lecturers role, and approving the revisions made to the induction programme as a consequence.

5.8 Online Lecturers who are appointed as dissertation advisers on the PGT Programmes

shall be required to undertake specified additional training before they shall be allowed to supervise PGT dissertations.

5.9 KOL are responsible for reporting to the UoL the continuing professional development

of Online Lecturers. A report of policy and process development activities as well as any changes to the induction programme and training materials, for all programmes, shall be reported in the Self Evaluation Document that informs the Annual Monitoring activity. The quality of the online learning experience, adherence to UoL policies and procedures and the maintenance of standards in assessment shall be monitored by the UoL during this activity.

5.10 When there are changes to UoL policies and procedures UoL shall have responsibility,

via the Board of Studies, for overseeing the training of Online Lecturers and other relevant KOL staff, to ensure the smooth operation of these policies and procedures.

5.11 Where possible, there shall be CPD activity arranged jointly between the UoL and KOL

that is recognised by the UoL, and with the aim of enhancing the student experience. Engagement with the UoL School/Institute in areas such as research and staff development may be specified by a School/Institute where there are professional or statutory body accreditation requirements.

5.12 KOL are responsible for informing the UoL of changes in the appointment of the Online

Lecturers on a quarterly basis as required.

6. MONITORING OF LEARNING, TEACHING AND ASSESSMENT 6.1 Assessment of all Masters taught modules and Masters final research projects shall

be carried out by KOL in accordance with the University CoPA and other relevant


6.2 Assessment of all Masters taught modules shall be moderated by KOL in accordance

with the University CoPA.

6.3 All classes shall be available for review at any time by the University.

6.4 KOL shall provide a Module Report containing:

(i) Student evaluation;

(ii) Student performance;

(iii) Online Lecturer performance;

(iv) Online Lecturer feedback;

(v) Moderation Report;

(vi) Placeholder for Monitoring Report (reference section 6.5).


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6.5 Each Module shall be subject to sample monitoring by the relevant School/Institute that is named on the Module Specification. Monitoring shall be conducted by a member of academic staff employed by the University. The sample will normally comprise a minimum of 20% of all activity that is submitted to each BoS and BoE. The purpose of monitoring is to ensure that:

(i) The Online Lecturers are delivering the learning aims and outcomes as defined in

the Module Specification and Programme Specification;

(ii) University policies and procedures are being applied consistently and


(iii) Moderation of assessment is being carried out according to the University Code

of Practice on Assessment and other relevant requirements;

(iv) Appropriate academic standards are being maintained.

6.6 The University Director of Studies shall be notified of any issues identified during the

monitoring that require follow up action. The Director of Studies shall alert the KOL

Programme Director who shall, in turn, confirm what action has been taken. The

monitor shall record any actions taken as a result of monitoring on the report.

6.7 If the issue is not resolved to the satisfaction of the University then details of the

concerns and KOL’s response shall be considered at the next BoS for that Programme.

In such cases KOL will be required to submit a development plan and the outcomes of

that plan will be reviewed at the next BoS. If there are still concerns about any issue

that has been identified through monitoring, the BoS may refer the issue to OPOG. If

there is an issue regarding students being able to graduate, the issue may need to be

dealt with external to the BoS with Chair’s Action being taken and it being reported to

the BoS at a later date.

6.8 A monitoring report shall be submitted by the University monitor to each BoS.

6.9 Each School/Institute shall be responsible for proposing the schedule of monitoring in

that School/Institute and this schedule shall be reviewed and approved annually by the


7. BOARD OF STUDIES 7.1 The Boards of Studies (BoS) shall be run by the UoL in accordance with the approved

BoS terms of reference, with the ordinances and regulations affecting the particular

programmes of study under consideration and in accordance with the CoPA. The BoS

conducted in partnership with KOL for the online programmes should operate three

times a year, as agreed by the Faculty and reported to the BoE.

7.2 The membership of the BoS shall include both UoL and KOL staff, with the

membership and Terms of Reference being agreed on an annual basis in line with UoL

BoS membership requirements.

7.3 The BoS shall receive reports from the external examiners for the programmes and

modules covered by the Board and shall recommend to the relevant FAQSC any action

to be taken as a consequence and each response to the external examiners’ reports.

7.4 The BoS shall ensure that effective monitoring and evaluation procedures are in place

for obtaining feedback from students on the provision covered by the Board and


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determining any action to be taken as a consequence and fed back to students, in

accordance with the University policy.

7.5 The BoS shall ensure that effective mechanisms are in place for staff/student

consultation for the provision covered by the Board, in accordance with University

policy. The BoS shall receive the minutes from the relevant Student Staff Liaison

Committees (SSLC). The Board shall agree any action to be taken as a result of issues

raised at the SSLC. The BoS will provide a summary report, suitable for a student

audience, which will highlight responses to student queries and feedback and detail

resolutions and actions put in place as a result of the feedback. This summary report

shall be shared with students via the SSLC and also via the student portal. The Board

shall also report any actions or any recommendations to any or all of the following as

appropriate: the relevant level 2 Dean of School/Institute, the relevant Faculty AQSC,

other Boards of Studies if applicable.

7.6 The BoS shall keep under review the continuing need for the provision covered by the

Board and, as appropriate, make recommendations and/or endorse to the Dean of the

School/Institute for the withdrawal or suspension of a programme covered by the Board

in accordance with the relevant University process.

7.7 The BoS shall ensure that there are appropriate moderation and monitoring

arrangements in place for assessments in the provision covered by the Board, in

accordance with the requirements of the CoPA.

7.8 The BoS shall ensure, through monitoring and review, that there are appropriate and

effective assessment strategies and practices in place, as set out in the CoPA, and

receive reports to support this from the appropriate Assessment Officer.

7.9 KOL shall be responsible for submitting the following information to each BoS:

• Summary Grade Distribution;

• Grade Distribution Data by Instructor;

• Grade Distribution Data by Module;

• Summary of the Non-Academic Fails;

• Student Survey Data by Online Lecturers;

• Student Survey Data by Module.

7.10 The BoS shall ensure the requirements of PSRBs or other external stakeholders are

both monitored and addressed.

7.11 The BoS shall advise on any resource issues which have a direct impact on the

programmes of study or other taught provision for which the Board of Studies is


7.12 The BoS shall monitor the number of applications and admissions to programmes of

study or other taught provision for which the Board of Studies is responsible. The data

provided should be an update on that provided to the previous Board of Studies.

7.13 The BoS shall receive reports from the Staff Student Liaison Committees (Reference

section 10).

8. BOARDS OF EXAMINERS Academic Integrity Sub Committee


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8.1 Each Board of Examiners shall receive recommendations about allegations of

plagiarism, copying, collusion or fabrication of data from an associated Academic

Integrity Committee (AIC).

8.2 The University shall be responsible for the academic conduct and management of each

AIC whilst KOL shall be responsible for all administrative elements including, but not

limited to, the communication of Board of Examiners decisions relating to allegations

of plagiarism, copying, collusion or fabrication of data.

8.3 Such administrative responsibility shall also include the provision of an online system

for the management of cases by KOL, with the functionality to be agreed between KOL

and the University.

8.4 The recommendations of the AIC and decisions of the Board of Examiners relating to

allegations of plagiarism, copying, collusion, dishonest use of data, unfair and / or

dishonest academic practice or research misconduct shall be in accordance with

Appendix L to the Code of Practice on Assessment: Academic Integrity Policy.

Extenuating Circumstances Committee

8.5 Each Board of Examiners shall receive recommendations and / or decisions as to the

action to be taken in relation to extenuating circumstances reported by students from

an associated Extenuating Circumstances Committee (ECC).

8.6 The University shall be responsible for the academic conduct and management of each

ECC whilst KOL shall be responsible for all administrative elements as described in

the Extenuating Circumstances Claims Handling Process.

8.7 Such administrative responsibility shall also include the provision of an online system

for the management of claims and supporting documentation by KOL, with the

functionality to be agreed between KOL and the University.

8.8 The recommendations and decisions of the ECC and the Board of Examiners relating

to extenuating circumstances reported by students shall be in accordance with

Appendix M to the CoPA: Policy on Extenuating Circumstances in Relation to

Performance in Assessments and Examinations.

Boards of Examiners: Operating Principles and External Examiners

8.9 KOL shall be responsible for all administrative elements of the Boards of Examiners

whilst the University shall be responsible for the academic conduct and management

in accordance with sections 13 to 17 of Appendix D to the CoPA: Regulations for the

Conduct of Examinations:

13 - Constitution, Responsibilities and Operation of Boards of Examiners;

14 - Module Review Boards;

15 - Progression Boards;

16 - Final Board of Examiners;

17 - Roles and Responsibilities.

8.10 The University shall be responsible for the appointment of External Examiners in

accordance with Appendix H to the CoPA: External Examiner System for Taught



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8.11 The University shall be responsible for the induction of External Examiners, with KOL

supporting and / or delivering part of the induction process relating to the operation of

the online systems if requested to do so by the University.

8.12 External Examiners shall have access to all online classrooms and all pieces of

assessed work so that they are able to carry out their role in accordance with Appendix

H of the CoPA.

Boards of Examiners: Operations - Pre Board Activities

8.13 KOL shall maintain accurate records of the registration and progression of students

which shall be used to inform which students are presented to the Board of Examiners

as follows:

Student has Student presented to

Completed a taught module or pre-thesis module within the assessment period for the particular Board of Examiners

Module Review Board for consideration of the provisional mark

Submitted the final research project within the assessment period for the particular Board of Examiners

Module Review Board for consideration of the provisional mark and determination of the re-assessment option (where applicable)

Failed to submit the final research project by the deadline within the assessment period for the particular Board of Examiners

Module Review Board for confirmation of the fail (zero) grade and ratification of the re-assessment option (where applicable)

Potentially completed all required elements for the academic award on which they were registered within the maximum period of registration

Final Board of Examiners for consideration of award

Failed to successfully complete all required elements for the academic award on which they were registered AND exhausted all applicable re-assessment opportunities

Final Board of Examiners for consideration of exit award

Exceeded the maximum period of registration AND failed to complete all required elements for the academic award on which they were registered

Progression Board for confirmation that student is required to terminate studies Final Board of Examiners for consideration of exit award (where applicable)

Failed to have made satisfactory progress in their studies

Progression Board for consideration whether student should be required to terminate studies Final Board of Examiners for consideration of exit award (where applicable)

Reported extenuating circumstances, with the Extenuating Circumstances Committee having made a recommendation of what action to take

Progression Board for consideration of the ECC recommendation

Been accused of breaching the Academic Integrity policy, with the Academic Integrity Committee having made a recommendation of a Category C, D or E incident

Module Review Board to confirm / determine the appropriate penalty following the AISC recommendation

If the student is deemed to have failed the final dissertation project at the first sitting then, subject to sufficient time remaining within the registration period, the student will be allowed to choose between being considered for an exit award or presenting themselves for re-assessment in the final research project.


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8.14 KOL shall make available the ‘Admin Grades’ spreadsheet four weeks prior to the

Board of Examiners, with this containing all of the taught module marks for students

who are due to be presented to the Final Board of Examiners for consideration of an


8.15 KOL shall make available the following lists to the KOL SharePoint site three weeks

prior to the Board of Examiners:

● Spreadsheet of students for consideration by the Progression Board due to having either exceeded the maximum period of registration or failed to have made satisfactory progress in their studies (‘Deemed Withdrawn List’);

● Spreadsheet(s) of students for consideration of an award by the Final Board of Examiners (Grade List’), with the first tab containing student data, taught module marks, dissertation marks, ‘dissertation status’ field (pre-populated with ‘NS’ for any dissertations having a zero mark for non-submission) and calculated averages (taught and overall). This spreadsheet shall enable the University to determine the award and, where applicable, the level (e.g. Pass, Merit, Distinction), with the grouping of students clearly identifying those being considered for an exit award.

Boards of Examiners: Operations - Post Board

8.16 The University shall publish final versions of the following lists to the KOL SharePoint

site within seven working days of the Board of Examiners

● Spreadsheet of decisions regarding Academic Integrity cases ● Spreadsheet of decisions regarding Extenuating Circumstances claims ● Spreadsheet(s) of decisions regarding final awards (‘Pass List(s)’), with this

consisting of an extract from the ‘Grade List’ including the following fields: Name / School ID / Spider ID / Specialisation / Intake Date / Dissertation Grade / Dissertation Status / Award / Notes

8.17 KOL shall record the taught module, pre-thesis module and final research project

marks once approved by the Board of Examiners, with any adjustments having been

made in light of related decisions by the Board (e.g. academic integrity cases). The

approved marks shall be provided to the University by electronic transfer directly into

the University Student Record System.

8.18 KOL shall communicate all decisions of the Board of Examiners including, but not

limited to, module results, awards, academic integrity cases and extenuating

circumstances claims, using a series of communication templates developed and

approved collaboratively.

8.19 KOL shall communicate individual feedback on the final research projects to all


Academic Appeals

8.20 Students of online taught postgraduate programmes may submit an assessment appeal against individual module marks or against a decision of the Board of Examiners in accordance with Appendix F to the CoPA: Assessment Appeals Procedure for Undergraduate and Taught Postgraduate Programmes.

8.21 The University shall have academic responsibility for the assessment appeals process

whilst KOL shall be responsible for all administrative elements.


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8.22 Students may submit a faculty progress appeal against a decision of the Board of

Examiners acting as a Progression Board in accordance with Appendix E to the CoPA:

Guide on the Progress of Students on Taught Programmes of Study.

8.23 The University shall have academic and administrative responsibility for the faculty

progress appeals process, KOL shall complete a summary form for each student

presented to the Faculty Progress Committee as per the Faculty Progress Committee

Summary Form.


9.1 The UoL shall be responsible for transcripts, certificates of qualification and graduation arrangements. All qualifications are awarded by the UoL, the UoL has responsibility for convening, leading and concluding the necessary Board of Examiners to make this possible.

9.2 The UoL shall be responsible for producing the Higher Education Achievement Record

(HEAR). The HEAR shall be a comprehensive record of all university achievements, including academic results and co- and extra-curricular activities that a student took part in during their academic studies at Liverpool.

9.3 The HEAR shall be a digitally signed document that contains detailed information about

learning outcomes and achievements and, along with the award certificate, supports any applications for employment and further study. UoL is responsible for providing the access for each graduate to the HEAR approximately one week after their graduation ceremony date.

9.4 Graduates from the Online Professional Doctorate programmes do not receive a copy

of the HEAR, in this instance the University will provide the Graduate with a Diploma Supplement either at the Graduation ceremony or by post following the ceremony.

9.5 KOL shall have responsibility for sending a confirmation of studies letter to a student

if they request this prior to completing their programme of study, the student may request that this is with or without the grades. The student should receive the letter (a PDF version) approximately one week from the time of their request.

9.6 The UoL shall have responsibility for the organisation and delivery of all graduation

ceremonies. The development of the graduation schedule and timetable, and its

communication to potential graduands is the responsibility of the UoL. KOL shall

ensure that all required information regarding potential graduands is supplied in line

with the timeframes identified by the UoL Graduation Team.

9.7 The UoL shall produce a document, on an annual basis, identifying key dates when

information should be shared between the organisations to facilitate the organisation

of the graduation.

9.8 KOL shall provide a confirmation to the University on whether any graduands have

outstanding fees owed to KOL. The University will ensure that these graduands are

not included in the graduation ceremonies and are informed that they are not

financially eligible to graduate.

9.9 The content of communications regarding graduation, whether sent by the University

or KOL, will be agreed between the partners. The UoL shall have responsibility for

contacting potential and actual graduands however KOL may send reminders to help


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prompt graduands to register for a ceremony or to remind them to pay outstanding


9.10 The UoL graduation website shall be the primary reference point for potential

graduands for information about the graduations, all communications to potential

graduands will reference this webpage.


10.1 Students shall have formal representation in accordance with the UoL Code of Practice on Student Representation.

10.2 Students shall be governed by the UoL protocols for student representation and shall

be entitled to Associate Membership of UoL’s Guild of Students. 10.3 KOL shall be responsible for holding Staff Student Liaison Committees that report to

the BoS. 10.4 KOL shall have responsibility for facilitating the course representative nomination and

election process. KOL shall provide the required course representative training, working with the Liverpool Guild of Students, in accordance with the UoL Code of Practice on Student Representation and provide the necessary tools for the Course Representatives to gather feedback from the student population.

10.5 KOL shall provide a copy of the course representative training documentation to UoL

and the Liverpool Guild of Students on an annual basis. 10.6 The Student Staff Liaison Committee shall provide a forum for evaluative comment or

to raise any issues of concern and enable staff to consult with students on changes to the curriculum, methods of assessment, policies and procedures, as appropriate.

10.7 All students on the Masters programmes who have engaged with at least seven hours

of Course Representation activities are entitled to have this noted on the HEAR. The KOL shall provide verification two months prior to the Graduation Ceremony detailing the hours and the activities the Course Representative has undertaken during their tenure. The University will then ensure the Course Representative activity is recorded on the Student HEAR.


11.1 KOL shall ensure that students have the opportunity to provide evaluation on their Programme of study via module evaluations in accordance with the UoL policy on Module Evaluation as set out in the UoL Framework for Quality and Standards.

11.2 The UoL have responsibility for approving any changes to the module evaluation

questions. 11.3 KOL shall provide to the UoL full, unedited copies of all students’ evaluations of their

Modules and/or Programme via the BoS. 11.4 The UoL shall inform KOL of its response to matters raised in the students’ evaluations

that relate to the content of the Modules or the Programmes and KOL shall be responsible for communicating this to the students.


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11.5 KOL shall agree with the UoL the response to students on matters raised in the students’ evaluations that relate to the delivery of the Modules or the Programmes. KOL shall be responsible for communicating this to the students.

11.6 KOL shall determine its response to students on matters raised in the students’

evaluations that relate to support or other, non-academic services provided by KOL . KOL shall be responsible for communicating this to students and shall report its response to the UoL.

11.7 The normal mechanism for receiving student feedback and the response to it is through

the End of Module Reports that are submitted to each BoS. The BoS will provide a summary report, suitable for a student audience, which will highlight responses to student queries and feedback and detail resolutions and actions put in place as a result of the feedback. This summary report shall be shared with students via the Student Staff Liaison Committees.


12.1 KOL shall be responsible for ensuring that appropriate support and/or reasonable adjustment for students with a disability are put in place as described in the Disability Disclosure and Reasonable Adjustments Procedures, which shall outline the scope of the policy, all permitted reasonable adjustments, and the application process. Responsibility for the Disability Disclosure and Reasonable Adjustments Procedures resides with KOL, any amendments to the procedures or the reasonable adjustments permitted for students should be approved via Online Programmes Operational Group (OPOG). An annual report containing a summary of the applications should be submitted to OPOG for information.


13.1 KOL shall allocate appropriate levels of online support, this includes staff and any online or physical resources used to support the students. Any systems or technological components used either to assist students with their online programmes or used by staff to facilitate support will be determined by KOL, following discussion with UoL to ensure limited impact to students and to ensure it is in accordance with UoL requirements.

13.2 KOL shall have responsibility for determining the roles and responsibilities of KOL

support staff. For those staff who liaise with the University, including advice given around formal University processes will be discussed and agreed through formal partnership operational meetings.

13.3 Where appropriate, the level of support that KOL provides for online students should

at the minimum, reflect the level of services that students studying on campus receive. The support provided to students will be reviewed on an annual basis during the annual monitoring activity.

13.4 The UoL shall be responsible for providing the support for the online library and

associated resources. 13.5 KOL shall have responsibility for dealing with student enquiries regarding student

finance and fees.


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13.6 KOL shall provide online students with access to careers and employability support. KOL should work closely with the UoL Careers and Employability Service to ensure best practice is applied and that consistent levels of service delivery are maintained.


14.1 KOL shall provide a student complaints procedure that has been approved by OPOG, with the student having the opportunity to escalate a complaint to the University where applicable. The procedure outlined in this document will be in accordance to the UoL Students Complaints Policy and Procedures document, and include the provision for students to receive a Completion of Procedures letter, irrelevant of whether the escalation route is through the UoL or KOL.

14.2 KOL shall provide a summary report of the data collected in the Equality Monitoring

Forms in the form of an appendix to the Annual Monitoring Self Evaluation Document.


15.1 The Online Professional Doctorate Framework, and any accompanying appendices,

set out the operational detail for Online Professional Doctorate programmes.

15.2 Responsibility for all teaching and supervision, and student support of an academic

nature for the Students on the Online Professional Doctorate programmes resides

with the University of Liverpool.

15.3 Responsibility for Student Support of a non-academic nature resides with KOL.

16. RESEARCH ETHICS APPROVALS 16.1 For each Online Professional Doctorate Programme, there shall be a process for UoL

to approve research proposals and to ensure that projects have appropriate research

ethics approval and which operates within the University’s policy on Research Ethics

and will be overseen by the Committee for Research Ethics within the University.

16.2 For each Masters Programme, there shall be a process for UoL to approve research activity to ensure that the activity has the appropriate research ethics approval and which operates within the University’s policy on Research Ethics and will be overseen by the Committee for Research Ethics within the University.

17. INTERNAL PERIODIC REVIEWS 17.1 Each UoL Department will undertake an Internal Periodic Review (IPR) on a six year

cycle for all taught programmes and every five years for PGR provision in accordance

with the requirements of UoL policy. Where the School/Institute has online provision

provided by KOL, KOL will be asked to be involved in: the preparation of data and

evidence, and the production of a Self Evaluation Document. In addition to the

preparation of the IPR documentation the School/Institute may ask for key KOL

colleagues to attend some of the IPR meetings to represent the partnership. The KOL

will also be asked to coordinate groups of students for inclusion in the student feedback



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18. UoL MONITORING AND OVERSIGHT OF THE PARTNERSHIP 18.1 There shall be a written and legally binding agreement, the Institutional Agreement,

between UoL and KOL that sets out the rights and obligations of each of the parties to the partnership. It shall be signed by the Vice Chancellor of UoL and a senior representative of KOL with appropriate authority to sign a legally binding agreement.

18.2 The UoL will conduct an annual monitoring activity each year to ensure that the terms

of the Quality Assurance Operational Framework are being met and to discuss the implication of any changes to UoL policies or procedures. Initially, this is likely to be in the form of a visit.

18.3 In advance of the annual monitoring activity, KOL shall submit a Self Evaluation

Document showing how the terms of the Quality Assurance Operational Framework are being met. The UoL may specify additional areas to be covered by the document.

18.4 The UoL will conduct an institutional review activity on a 5 yearly basis, this activity will

look to ensure the partnership is operating in line with the UoL Framework for Quality and Standards and the Quality Assurance Operational Framework. In advance of the institutional review activity KOL shall submit a Self Evaluation Document in line with the guidance provided by UoL.

18.5 The Joint Strategic Board will review the business and commercial aspects of the

UoL/KOL partnership, meetings shall be held four times a year. It shall be attended by appropriate senior staff from each organisation.

18.6 The UoL shall run the committees and groups listed below in 18.8. The UoL will ensure

that sufficient and appropriate members, are appointed to the committees and groups to satisfy the quoracy requirements and to conduct the business of the boards or group. The chair and secretary to the committees and groups will normally be staff from the UoL, the University will be responsible for scheduling and hosting the committees and groups on the UoL campus.

18.7 KOL shall provide to UoL such information, data and reports as required to conduct

the business of these committees and groups. 18.8 KOL shall ensure there are sufficient and appropriate KOL staff able to attend and

contribute to the business of these committees and groups. 18.9 The partnership committees and groups are:

(i) Liverpool Online Joint Strategic Board; (ii) The Online Programmes Operational Group; (iii) Boards of Studies; (iv) Boards of Examiners.

18.10 KOL shall provide to the UoL information and data about the Programmes, modules

and students on the Programmes as required by the UoL for its annual subject review process as set out in the UoL Framework for Quality and Standards.

18.11 KOL shall provide to the UoL information and data about the Programmes, modules

and students on the Programmes as required by external Professional Accreditation bodies. KOL may also be required to attend accreditation events to discuss the programmes and the partnership arrangements.


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18.12 KOL shall provide to the UoL information and data about the Programmes, modules and students on the Programmes as required by the UoL for its internal periodic review process as set out in the UoL Framework for Quality and Standards.

18.13 KOL shall provide to the UoL information and data about the Programmes, the students

on the Programmes and the relationship between the UoL and KOL, and shall provide all other reasonable requests for support for the UoL to meet its obligations in respect of any review of the UoL conducted by the external bodies.


19.1 The UoL is ultimately responsible for all information that is given to students or is

available to students on the KOL or UoL website, but KOL shall undertake to make every effort to ensure that the information that it provides or made available to students is fit for purpose, accessible and accurate.

19.2 The UoL is responsible for all information about the UoL, its Programmes, Modules

and all relevant policies, regulations and requirements that are given to KOL employees or is available to them on the KOL or UoL website, but KOL shall undertake to make every effort to ensure that the information that it provides or makes available to students is fit for purpose, accessible and accurate.

19.3 The following documentation and communications that are provided to online students

shall be approved by the UoL:

● Admissions letters ● BoE related communications including;

- Academic Integrity Sub Committee Letters - Extenuating Circumstances Committee letters and communications - Appeal Outcome Letters

19.4 The UoL shall regularly monitor information that is available to students on the KOL

websites and advise if there are any areas where information does not accurately represent UoL policy or procedure.

20. CHANGES TO UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL POLICIES 20.1 The UoL is responsible for notifying KOL of any changes to its policies relating to the

delivery of the online programmes. The standard implementation date for policy

changes is the 1st of September of the following academic year, unless indicated

otherwise. Where policy amendments have been made late in the academic year and

there would be operational difficulties in a September implementation date, it may be

possible to delay the date of implementation to the 1st January, subject to the approval

of the Chair of OPOG.

21. ESCALATION 21.1 The normal reporting line for issues via the Board structure is from OPOG to the

Collaborative Provision Committee (CPC).

21.2 If any issue, surrounding the operation of the online programmes and its processes

and procedures, that is deemed to be of great significance or urgency and is unable to

be dealt with through the normal escalation routes, can be escalated from the


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appropriate UoL or KOL colleague to the PVC Education for resolution and action as


22. AMENDMENT 22.1 This Framework shall be reviewed on an annual basis by the OPOG, any amendments

shall be with the agreement of both UoL and KOL. Any such amendment shall be

certified by the signatures of the Chair of OPOG and a senior representative of KOL

with appropriate authority to sign an operational framework. Final approval will rest

with CPC.


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Appendix A – Online Lecturer Appointment and Maintenance Requirements Computer Science The Department of Computer Science’s British Computer Society (BCS) accreditation provides an indication that Online Lecturers should be research active, with the submission of a 2 page mini-bio as part of the accreditation process that details activities such as publications, PhD supervision, research grants, programme committees of conferences and editorial boards for journals, consultancies, etc. Management The UoL Management School’s (ULMS) Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) accreditation requires that a certain proportion of Online Lecturers (current 80%) fulfil and maintain the criteria to be categorised by ULMS as Scholarly Academic (SA), with the remainder being categorised by ULMS as Practice Academics (PA), Scholarly Practitioners (SP) or Instructional Practitioners (IP). KOL shall establish a reporting mechanism if the proportion of Online Lecturers categorised as SA falls below the given threshold and confirmation of the corrective actions to be taken shall be provided by KOL. The above requirement also applies to programmes in which 50% or more of the teaching relates to traditional business subjects. Psychology The British Psychological Society (BCS) programme level accreditation indicates a maximum Online Lecturer : Student ratio of 1:20. Public Health The Agency for Public Health Education Accreditation (APHEA) require the profile and number of teaching and support staff to be appropriate to the provision of the stated programme aim and final qualifications of the programme and its continuous development. In order to achieve this, a maximum Online Lecturer : Student ratio of 1:20 is desirable, and the expectation is that Lecturer will be research active.

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