Page 1: Quadrophonia Character Analysis

Quadrophonia – 1979 Discuss the representation and ideological values of Jimmy, Steph, and Kevin. Use textual examples to back up your point made.

Jimmy Cooper

Representation / Ideological Values Textual proof

Mod – Suits, moped scooter, parka, drugs etc.

Throughout the film, Jimmy refers to himself as a mod numerous times. He also rides on his scooter until almost the end of the film when it is broken up. He also wears a parka and buys drugs with his severance money.

Teenage Angst Frequently throughout the film, more specifically after being put out by his parents, Jimmy is shown to go through a lot of teen angst. This can be proved with shots showing him sitting in the rain, with his bag on the back of his scooter.

‘Not normal’ This is said multiple times by Jimmy’s parents, when he comes in late at night or early in the morning. His dad also makes a comment about his ‘mod’ lifestyle aswell.

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Representation / Ideological Values Textual Proof

Easily influenced Before Steph started hanging around with Jimmy and his friends. Her original boyfriend in the film is one of the mods, except that he doesn’t do drugs.

Sexual Freedom The movie is set in 1965, which further proves this point. The introduction of the female contraception pill meant that girls could be more free with their sexualities, as opposed to if there was just the condom.

Unloyal Steph is shown throughout the film to have three different ‘boyfriends’. These are:




Page 3: Quadrophonia Character Analysis


Representation / Ideological Values Textual Proof Rocker Kevin is first seen in the film in the

bath next to Jimmy’s, as they have a contest to see who can sing the loudest. Later, when they meet up at a local café, he is shown to wear leather, have a quiff hairstyle, and ride a motorbike. All of these are Rocker things to have / do, Later, he is beaten up (and possibly killed) by Jimmy’s other friends for being a Rocker.

Indifferent He is quoted to say that ‘we’re [Mods and Rockers] all the same underneath. Wanting to belong. Be the same as everyone else.’ This shows that he doesn’t care about people’s style or preferences.

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