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Tse Qigong Centre

Tse Qigong Centre

Tse Qigong Centre

The Grandfather in the title alludes to the terms “Sigong” used widely in Chinese Martial Arts to mean one’s teacher teacher. Ip Chun was making his annual sojourn to these shores to promote the art of Wing Chun and had been invited to conduct a seminar as a guest of his student, Michael Tse. Michael who is more renowned for his ability as a Qigong Master is also a very highly skilful exponent of the art of Wing Chun and has built up quite a following in this country (UK), many of whom where there to meet their Sigong.Whilst waiting for the seminar to start and contemplating this familiar theme I looked around ar the gathering “grand children”, some of whom were practising Chi Sau and it occurred to me during the course of these observations that there was a characteristic trait common to this part of the Wing Chun family. This trait could best be

Tse Qigong Centre

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