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Qbule Prosperity Program


Qbule International

QBULE TECHNOLOGY AND MARKETING PRIVATE LIMITEDQBULE E-LEARNING SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED#2201A, 22nd Floor, WTC Bangalore, Bridge Gateway Campus, 26/1, Dr. Rajkumar Road, Malleswaram West, Bangalore-560055

Qbule India

Qbule & Legalities for India

QBULE work with International Financial Organisation affiliated to the four largest International banks in the world

QBULE has committed to abide by the rules and regulations of the indian government before selling its products and services in india.

QBULE E-LEARNING SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMITEDQBULE TECHNOLOGY AND MARKETING PRIVATE LIMITEDB82527037 - Dt. 26/08/2013 - Registered with ROC-Tamilnadu VIRAL MEDIAS PRIVATE LIMITEDB83696856 - Dt. 06/09/2013 - Registered with ROC-Tamilnadu B83474643 - Dt. 19/09/2013 - Registered with ROC-Karnataka

Singhania & company


Our PartnersPartnering is a great way of creating successful business model. Qbule is as much a community as it is a network. We provide stand-up, standout Advertisers, Publishers and agency the access, infrastructure and expertise they need to engage consumers with compelling and relevant performance-based offers.

AdvertisersPublisher Ad Agency Business Associate Pro - Customer

ViralAds Qbule


Projects Launching Shortly

Individual or Company can associate with us as an Advertiser, Publisher, Business Partner and Pro-customer

Publisher Advantage

Become an Affiliate by paying one time annual registration fee of $ 30 followed by the product package of your choice.



Product PackagesSr. No.Product PackagesCost PVINR1Assisted Silver$1255062502Silver $250100125003Gold $495200247504Platinum $99040049500

Work From Home ProgramTwo Types Of Prosperity Programs

Work From Home ProgramAffiliate Referral ProgramA home based earning opportunity where a participant can earn weekly incentives by rendering various services offered by the company. These incentives are directly proportional to the type and value of services offered. Participation in this program is purely optional. You can earn two types of weekly incentive:Passive IncentiveActive Incentive

Work From Home



WFH ACTIVE INCENTIVEPaid to you when the team of your referred associates also render and submit offered services on time. It is A unlimited width and seven level deep program. Publishers personally referred by you are placed at level -1 in your enrollment tree. Publishers referred by your level -1 publishers will be placed at level-2 and so on. You will earn fixed incentive at each level as followsAssisted Silver BoxSilver BoxGold BoxPlatinum Box


$32 - $40 $80 - $100$180 - $225$400 - $500


Publisher RankService offeredWeekly IncentiveMonthly Incentive (4 5 weeks)Yearly Incentive (52 weeks)Assisted SilverSilverGoldPlatinum

Paid to all active affiliates for rendering and submitting services on time. Active incentive will depends on the types of services rendered and rank of affiliates


NOTE: - The above table is just an example; your passive incentive will vary depending on the total no. of personally referred Publishers by you and your team, within seven levels

Consider that every Publisher in your team personally refers only five Publishers. Passive Incentive

Affiliate Referral ProgramPublisher Referral ProgramAffix-Publishership ProgramLeadership Club ProgramThree Types Of

Affiliate Referral Program

Publisher Referral Program

Publisher referral incentives are earned, when you refer our work from home program to your colleague, friends, acquaintance and assist them in making money.

Publisher referral program is a multiple income dual binary system, which allows you to earn four types of Publisher Referral Incentives.

Direct Referral IncentiveLeveraged Team IncentiveOIL rewards & awardsOvershoot Incentive Limit (OIL)

Direct Referral Incentive

Direct Referral Incentive

20% Of The Personally Referred Product PV ValueYou


Leveraged Team Incentive

Get eligible by referring a minimum of one Publisher each to your Left Team and Right Team respectively.100 GPV (Group Point Value) of your Left Team will match with 100 GPV (Group Point Value) of your Right Team to make one Pair.You will be paid $20 per pair as a Leveraged Incentive subject to daily Maxout.Each day stronger team PV is carried forward for the next day incentive calculation

Leveraged Team IncentiveExample :-



A/SILVERSILVERGOLDPLATINUM50 PV100 PV200 PV400 PV$ 125$ 250$ 495$ 9906250125002275049500PLATINUMGOLDSILVERA/SILVER400 PV200 PV100 PV50 PVTotal Left PV 400 Total Right 350 PVLeft PV 100 Right PV 100 4 IN LEFT3.5 IN RIGHT= 1 PAIR= 3 PAIR50 PV C/F

Daily Maxout For Leveraged Incentive

MAXOUT OVERSHOOT INCENTIVE (MOI) Achieve 50 Pairs or more in a single day and earn 2% MOI for that particular day. Initial 50 pairs will get you one MOI point and thereafter every addition of 50 pairs will get one extra point. The following formulae is applied for Maxout Overshoot Incentive calculation

---------------------------------------------------------------------- = Total Daily PV generated in the Company X 2% Value of one MOI PointTotal Daily MOI points collected by all PublishersExample: - Let us assume that total 100000 PV is generated in the Company in a particular day and total MOI points collected on that day by all Publishers are 10. The value of one MOI will be $200 as per the above formulae.

100000 X 2%= $20010

Daily MOI Point Limit

Note: - $200 as a value of one MOI point shown above is just an example; it will vary everyday as per the MOI formulae

Affix-Publishership Program

Affix - Publishership Incentives are earned when a Publisher in your team purchases additional Publisher Accounts also known as Affix-publisher accounts.

Affix-Publisher Accounts are extra websites maintained and published by a Publisher on our Ad Server.

Publishers who are willing to earn extra Work from Home incentives can purchase Affix-Publisher accounts. Affix-Publisher accounts are added to the publisher account itself.

A Publisher can purchase a maximum of 11 Affix-Publisher accounts. Publisher account loaded with 11 Affix-publisher accounts is known as a Premium Publisher account

Three Types Of Affix- Publisher Referral Incentive

1. Premium Publisher Incentive2. Residual Direct Referral Incentive 3. Residual Team Incentive

The above illustrated incentive calculation is based on 01 Platinum Publisher Account and 11 Platinum Affix-Publisher Accounts. Incentive will vary depending on the type of Publisher Account and no. of Affix-Publisher Accounts. An Affiliate can purchase upto 03 Publisher Accounts and 33 Affix-Publisher Accounts. Therefore the total yearly income of a Premium Publisher could be $62400 X 3 = $187200

Earning Potential from all 12 Accounts (01 Publisher Account+ 11 Affix-Publisher Accounts)Weekly Incentive as a Premium Publisher - 12 x $ 100 = $ 1200Yearly Incentive as a Premium Publisher - $ 1200 x 52= $ 62400

YOU1234567891011Publisher Account Optional Affix-Publisher Accounts


Premium Publishers earn extra Work From Home incentives by rendering extra services offered on each Affix-Publisher account. Premium Publisher Incentive



A1 B1

Residual Direct Referral Incentive20% of the Affix-Publisher product PV value purchased by your personally referred Publishers


RESIDUAL TEAM INCENTIVEAdditional Points Value (APV) for Residual Team Incentive is generated by your Left Team and Right team Publishers by purchasing Affix-publisher accounts on their Publisher accounts. Publisher and Affix-Publisher PVs are accounted separately for optimum benefits, such as double team incentive, double Rewards & Awards and higher MaxoutResidual Team Incentive is paid as per the following table.Example: - Let us assume that there are 1400 AGPV to your Left team and 900 AGPV to your Right Team on a particular day, your Residual Team Incentive for that day will be $160 and you will qualify to the Silver Director Level. The balance 600 AGPV of your stronger team (Left Team in this case) will be carried forward whereas 100 AGPV of weaker team (Right Team in above case) will be nullified. Daily Residual Team Incentive Maxout is $20480




A crown star director who creates minimum two personally referred Crown Star Director is know as Chairman

1% of the entire monthly global PV turnover will be shared among all chairmen

REWARDS AND RECOGNITION These Reward and Recognition are based on the Residual Incentive Program. Each day when you earn Residual Team Incentive you also qualify for Rewards and Recognition

Hit 10 times BronzeHit 9 times Silver DirectorHit 8 times Gold DirectorHit 7 times Platinum DirectorHit 6 times Diamond DirectorHit 5 times Star DirectorHit 4 times Super Star DirectorHit 3 times Mega Star DirectorHit 2 times Crown Star DirectorHit Chairman Exotic Trip with TrainingMacau trip$1500 Reward Asia Tour$ 6000 for small CarEurope Tour$ 20000 for medium Car$ 60000 for Luxury Car$ 200000 Luxury Villa$1000000 cash Reward or Private Jet or Yacht


Platinum and above Publishers who personally refer ten or more Platinum Publishers within 30 days of their sign-up become Ambassador and will be shared 5% of the total Company PV turnover for one year or $ 50000 among Ambassadors, whichever is higher. Publishers who are not Platinum and are willing to become Ambassador can also personally refer ten or more Platinum within 30 days and upgrade themselves to platinum Publisher within stipulated time. Ambassador

On completion of 12 month you will get an extra bonus of $2500 and thereafter $500 extra Bonus every month. For details please refer the magical formulae table

Magical Wealth Formulae

Convert your $1770 to $70010 in 24 month and thereafter $4310 every month with our extraordinary Magical Wealth Formulae. Once the Magical Wealth Formula is implemented it will continue forever untill it is discontinued.

Important Note: - 1. With magical formula in application passive incentive will increase twelve times. 2. The above Magical Wealth Formula is based on Platinum Account. Magical Formula can also we applied on silver and gold accounts.

Our Services

Our Expertise

Why Choose Us?AdvertisersSignificant Global ReachHigh ROI For AdvertisersBrand ProtectionTop-Tier PublisherCustom SolutionsPublishersInternational NetworkBrand-Name AdvertisersCompetitive RatesYield OptimizationOn-Time Payment

Choose Us

Register with us.Choose your Package.Create your own website.Publish your website on our Ad-Server to become Publisher.Render offered Services and submit timely.Be a part of our Affiliate Program.Refer Advertisers and Agencies to earn Agency BonusRefer new Punlishers to earn Direct Referral IncentiveTeach,Motivate and Help your Referred Publishers to earn Passive Incentive, Indirect Referral Incentive and RewardsApply Magical Wealth Formula to your Publisher Account and create magical wealth.Understand Magical Wealth Formula and teach the same to all your referred Affiliater. When your team Affiliates also apply Magical Wealth Formula Your Passive Incentive,Residual Team Incentive and Rewards will increase twelve times with the same size of network affiliates.

At Qbule we are interested in strengthening your potential over the entire length of your career with us. This is why we have designed very simple steps for your success. Forget and leave all the worries to our team of experts and anjoy the opportunity with our unparalleled Affiliate Program. Just follow these simple steps and achieve unprecedented successWe support you in expanding your Knowledge, Expertise and Personal growth, always keeping in mind that life outside the workplace is just as stimulating as work itself.

Success with us

Contact-9868476771SiddharthEmail :- [email protected]

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