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QATARAli al kuwari (Q T R Gentleman)Mr Sweeney8c

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QATAR is located at :

• Qatar is a small country in the middle east in Asia. Asia is the biggest continent in the world. Qatar is neighbored by four countries, to the north Bahrain , to the west Saudi Arabia, to the south the U.A.E ( the United Arab Emirates ), to the east the closest country to it is Iran.

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Geographic Features of Qatar

• Qatar has a limited space and is a small country, it does not have any rivers, lakes or ponds in it and it does not have any huge mountains, the highest point in Qatar is jebel Dukhan( the mountain of Dukhan ), it is about 90 meters tall. The area of this so called mountain also contains Qatar's largest onshore oil fields.

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Climate of (your country)

• Qatar does not have a big range of weathers and climates. Qatar has a desert climate and it rarely changes it’s pattern of temperature and wind.

• In the winters of Qatar which are mostly December, January, and until the middle of February; this time for Qatar is very peaceful and it will usually rain a bit during this period of time, the sun does not come up a lot but Qatar is a desert which means it won’t snow in Qatar.

• The summers in Qatar are extremely humid and hot. The summer time is usually June, July and August. There is usually very little wind in the summer time.

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Environment of Qatar

• Qatar is very preservative of their heratige and the heritage and past comes different kinds of animal which can still be found today all around Qatar. An example of some of these animals are the Arabian Oryx, camels and eagles.

• Since Qatar is a desert there isn’t a big range of plants you can find in it. Some examples of pants are the cactus plant, and the halophytes are of the common plants in Qatar.

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History of Qatar

Thani bin Mohammed elected ruler in Al Bida

Al Khalifa familly kicked out

Turks get control

The ottaman turks leave

British control

Oil discovered

U.A.E, Qatar and Bahrain want to form one nation

Qatar gains independence

1st Date 1868 1872 1915 1920 1940Beginning of 1971

September 3 1971

Thani bin Mohammed al Thani was elected ruler of Al Bida which is now Doha and the al Thani,

The Al khalifa familly of Bahrain which had control of the north were kicked out thanks to the british.

The Ottaman Turks took control of Qatar

The ottaman turks leave Qatar at the beginning of world war 1.

The British take control of Qatar after the Turks have left and recognize sheikh Abdullah bin Jassim Al Thani to be ruler.

High quality oil was discovered in Qatar

The three countries want to form one big arab emirates.

Qatar becomes an independent nation.

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Customs and Traditions

• Qatar is a country that is governed by Muslims and is influenced by Islam, most of the celebrations and big occasions that happen in Qatar are linked to Islam one way or another. A famous celebration that happens in Qatar and all over the middle east is eid. Eid is a national holiday is a very important thing that symbols either the end of Ramadan a holy month where you fast and pray and get closer to god or symbolizes something that happened to one of Islam's prophet and we have to do the same. Most of the celebrations and big occasions that happen in Qatar and how we react to them are always one way or another linked to Islam.

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Government of (your country)

• Qatar is a constitutional monarchy. A monarchy is a tupe of government that one person has control of.

• In Qatar our president ( emir ) is sheikh Hamad bin khalifa Al Thani.

• The law in Qatar is based on Islamic and civil law codes.

• A advisory council ( majlis Al Shura ) is appointed by the emir to help the emir in his job.

• The prime minister of the country is Hamad bin Jassin Bin Jabor Al Thani.

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Economy of (your country)

• Before the discovery of oil Qatar’s economy depended on fishing and pearl diving recourses. Now it depends on oil and natural gas. Most of the people in Qatar work in oil companies, trading or in a companies or projects that is improving Qatar and getting it ready for the future. If you are in a any of these companies you can work in different sectors of work whether it being designing or even building.

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Tourism in (your country)

• In Qatar there are many interesting things you can participate in, or watch. Some of the most well known places known all over the world are in Qatar, for instance the academy for sports excellence where there are a lot of shows of sports there and you can also go watch amazing shows of boxing, gymnastics, football, and many more different kinds of sports.

• The circus in qatar is very funny and will lighten and make your day better for you.

• Qatar is best visited during the summer if you want to go to the beach or participate in the wonderful summer festival.

• Sports is a big thing in qatar so if you come to visit a must is you go watch a sports match of any kind of sport.

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Social characteristics of Qatar

Religion and culture in Qatar is a huge aspect of it’s society. Religion and culture is put into every thing the Qatari people and government do and they do it for the good of the nation. Qatari people still wear thobes and there isn’t a person that is Qatari that does not know how to wear one, that symbolises unity and sharing of beliefs and culture because wearing a thoab is also part of Islam. Qatar also puts it’s past and links it to Islam, building and festivity. Souq wagif represents that and how it bonds people of all religions and kind in one place although it is part of Qatari culture.

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Economy of qatar

• Qatar’s economy mostly depends on oil and natural gas it has helped Qatar in evolving into what it is now, a peaceful, caring, rich nation. Qatar did not know about oil and now Qatar is about the third richest country in the world. Oil has helped change and fix Qatar from its weak economy in the past.

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Political characteristics of Qatar

• Qatar is a constitutional monarchy that is really good with it’s people and has a lot of goals for its country to evolve and becoming a democratic country. Qatar is slowly becoming better and making elections for things to see what the people want and that is very good.

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• "QATAR." Map. arab net. 2002. 11 Dec. 2007 <>.

• jebel Dukhan. Photograph. 5 Jan. 2008 <     294411501_746700b195.jpg>.

• "Qatar." wikipedia. 5 Jan. 2008. media wiki. 7 Jan. 2008 <>.

• "Qatar." cia world factbook. 6 Dec. 2007. 7 Jan. 2008 <     the-world-factbook/geos/qa.html#Intro>.

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