Page 1: Q1. The characteristic and deep- seated beliefs of a particular people

Unit IConstitutional UnderpinningsOf United States Government

VocabularyChapters 1-3

Page 2: Q1. The characteristic and deep- seated beliefs of a particular people

Q1. The characteristic and deep-seated beliefs of a particular people

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A1. Political culture

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Q2. What is liberty?

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A2. The principle that individuals should be free to act and think as they choose, provided they do not infringe unreasonably on the rights and freedoms of others

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Q3. The notion that all individuals are equal in their moral worth, in their treatment under the law, and in their political voice

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A3. Equality

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Q4. The principle that the people are the ultimate source and proper beneficiary of governing authority; in practice, a government based on majority rule

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A4. Self-government

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Q5. What is Individualism?

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A5. The idea that people should take the initiative, be self-sufficient, and accumulate the material advantages necessary for their well-being

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Q6. The principle that Americans are one people and form an indivisible union

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A6. Unity

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Q7. The principle that individual and group differences should be respected and are a source of national strength

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A7. Diversity

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Q8. The process through which a society makes its governing decisions

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A8. Politics

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Q9. A voluntary agreement by individuals to form government, which is then obliged to act within the confines of the agreement

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A9. Social contract

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Q10. A form of government in which the people govern, either directly or through elected representatives.

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A10. Democracy

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Q11.A form of government in which control rests with a few persons

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A11. Oligarchy

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Q12. A form of government in which absolute control rests with a single person

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A12. Autocracy

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Q13. Constitutionalism

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A13. The idea that there are definable limits on the rightful power of a government over its citizens

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Q14. Socialism

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A14. An economic system in which government owns and controls many of the major industries

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Q15. An economic system in which government owns most or all major industries and also takes responsibility for overall management of the economy

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A15. Communism

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Q16. An economic system based on the idea that government should interfere with economic transactions as little as possible. Free enterprise and self-reliance are the collective and individual principles

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A16. Capitalism

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Q17. Power

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A17. The ability of persons or institutions to control policy

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Q18. A decision of government to pursue a course of action designed to produce an intended outcome

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A18. Public policy

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Q19. A form of government in which the leaders claim complete dominance of all individuals and institutions

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A19. Totalitarian government

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Q20. A form of government in which leaders, though they admit to no limits on their powers, are effectively limited by other centers of power in the society

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A20. Authoritarian government

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Q21. Authority

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A21. The recognized right of an individual or institution to exercise power

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Q22. The idea the majority prevails not only in elections but also in policy determination

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A22. Majoritarianism

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Q23. A theory of American politics that holds that society’s interests are substantially represented through the activities of groups

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A23. Pluralism

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Q24. The view that the United States essentially is run by a few individuals (composed of wealthy or well-connected individuals) who control public policy through both direct and indirect means

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A24. Elitism

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Q25. The tendency of large-scale organizations to develop into the bureaucratic form, with the effect that administrators make key policy decisions

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A25. Bureaucratic rule

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Q26. Political system

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A26. The various components of American government. The parts are separate, but they connect with one another, affecting how each performs

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Q27. A government that is subject to strict limits on its lawful uses of power, and hence on its ability to deprive people of their liberty

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A27. Limited government

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Q28. The principle that the people are the ultimate source and proper beneficiary of governing authority; in practice, a government based on majority rule

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A28. Self-government

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Q29. Those rights that persons theoretically possessed in the state of nature, prior to the formation of governments. These rights, including life, liberty, and property, are considered inherent. Since government is established by people, government has the responsibility to preserve these rights.

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Q29. Inalienable (natural) rights

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Q30. Virginia (large-state) Plan

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A30. A constitutional proposal for a strong Congress with two chambers, both of which would be based on numerical (population) representation, thus granting more power to the larger states

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Q31. New Jersey (small-state) Plan

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A31. A constitutional proposal for a strengthen Congress but one in which each state would have a single vote, this granting a small state the same legislative power as a large state

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Q32. The agreement at the constitutional convention to create a two-chamber Congress with the House of Representatives apportioned by population and the Senate apportioned equally by state (2 Senators per state)

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A32. Great (Connecticut) Compromise

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Q33. A term used to describe opponents of the Constitution during the debate over ratification

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A33. Anti-Federalists

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Q34. A term used to describe proponents of the Constitution during the debate over ratification

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A34. Federalists

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Q35. The fundamental law that defines how a government will legitimately operate

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A35. constitution

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Q36. The method of limiting the U.S. government by confining its scope of authority to those powers expressly granted in the Constitution

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A36. Grants of power

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Q37. A constitutional means of limiting government by listing those powers that government is expressly prohibited from using

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A37. Denials of power

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Q38. Requires each of the three branches of government – executive, legislative, and judicial – to be relatively independent of the others so that one cannot control the others

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A38. Separation of powers

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Q39. The elaborate system of divided spheres of authority provided by the U.S. Constitution as a means of controlling the power of government. The separation of powers among the branches of the national government, federalism, and the different methods of selecting national officers are all part of this system

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A39. Checks and balances

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Q40. Bill of Rights

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A40. The first ten amendments to the Constitution. They include such basic liberties as freedom of religion, speech, and press and offer protections against arbitrary searches by the police and being held without talking to a lawyer

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Q41. The power of courts to decide whether a governmental institution has acted within its constitutional powers and, if not, to declare its action null and void

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A41. Judicial review

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Q42. The potential of a majority to monopolize power for its own gain to the detriment of minority rights and interests

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A42. tyranny of the majority

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Q43. Historically, the form of government in which representative officials met to decide on policy issues. These representatives were expected to serve the public interest but were not subject to the people’s immediate control

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A43. Republic

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Q44. Representative Democracy

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A44. A system in which the people participate in the decision-making process of government not directly but indirectly, through the election of officials to represent their interests

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Q45. Elected representatives whose obligation is to act in accordance with their own consciences as to what policies are in the best interests of the public

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A45. trustees

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Q46. An unofficial term that refers to the electors who cast the states’ electoral votes

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A46. Electoral College

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Q47. Electoral votes

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A47. The method of voting that is used to choose the U.S. president. Each state has the same number of electoral votes as it has members in Congress (House and Senate combined). By tradition, electoral voting is tied to a state’s popular voting. The candidate with the most popular votes in a state receives its electoral votes (in a few states, they use the most votes in a congressional district)

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Q48. Elected representatives whose obligation is to act in accordance with the expressed wishes of the people they represent

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A48. delegates

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Q49. A form of election in which voters choose a party’s nominees for public office. In most states, eligibility to vote in a party’s primary election is limited to voters who are registered members of the party

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A49. Primary election

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Q50. A governmental system in which authority is divided between two sovereign levels of government: national and state/local

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A50. federalism

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Q51. Sovereignty

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A51. The ultimate authority to govern within a certain geographical area

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Q52. A governmental system in which sovereignty is vested entirely in subnational (state) governments

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A52. confederacy

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Q53. A governmental system in which the national government alone has sovereign (ultimate) authority

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A53. unitary system

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Q54. The seventeen powers granted to the national government under Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution. These powers include taxation and the regulation of commerce as well as the authority to provide for the national defense

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A54. enumerated (expressed) powers

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Q55. Article VI of the Constitution, which makes national law supreme over state law when the national government is acting within its constitutional limits

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A55. Supremacy clause

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Q56. The authority granted Congress in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution “to make all laws which shall be necessary and proper” for the implementation of its enumerated powers

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A56. “necessary and proper” (elastic) clause

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Q57. The federal government’s constitutional authority (through the “necessary and proper” clause) to take action that is not expressly authorized by the Constitution but that supports actions that are so authorized

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A57. implied powers

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Q58. Reserved powers

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A58. The powers granted to the states under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution

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Q59. A doctrine based on the idea that a precise separation of national power and state power is both possible and desirable (layer cake)

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A59. dual federalism

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Q60. Commerce clause

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A60. The clause of the Constitution (

Article I, Section 8) that empowers the federal government to regulate commerce among the states and with other nations

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Q61. The situation in which the national, state, and local levels work together to solve problems (marble cake)

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A61. Cooperative federalism

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Q62. A term that refers to the expenditure of federal funds on programs run in part through states and localities

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A62. fiscal federalism

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Q63. Federal cash payments to states and localities for programs they administer

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A63. grants-in-aid

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Q64. Federal grants to states and localities that can be used only for specific purposes. They come with strings attached, such as nondiscrimination provisions

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A64. categorical grants

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Q65. Federal grants that permit state and local officials to decide how the money will be spent within a general area, such as education or health

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A65. block grants

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Q66. The passing down of authority from the national government to the state and local governments

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A66. devolution

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Q67. Linkage institutions

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A67. The channels or access points through which issues and people’s policy preferences get on the government policy agenda

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Q68. The issues that attract the serious attention of public officials and other people actually involved in politics at any given point of time

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A68. policy agenda

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Q69. political issue

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A69. An issue that arises when people disagree about a problem and a public policy choice

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Q70. A fundamental principle of traditional democratic theory. In a democracy, choosing among alternatives requires that the majority’s desire be respected

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A70. majority rule

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Q71. A principle of traditional democratic theory that guarantees rights to those who do not belong to majorities and allows that they might join majorities through persuasion and reasoned argument

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A71. minority rights

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Q72. hyperpluralism

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A72. A theory of government and politics contending that groups are so strong that government is weakened. Hyperpluralism is an extreme, exaggerated, or perverted form of pluralism

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Q73. The document approved by representatives of the American colonies in 1776 that stated their grievances against the British monarch and declared their independence

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A73. Declaration of Independence

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Q74. consent of the governed

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A74. According to John Locke, the required basis for government. The Declaration of Independence reflects Locke’s view that governments derive their authority from the consent of the governed (people are the source of government power)

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Q75. The first constitution of the United States, adopted by Congress in 1777 and enacted in 1781. It established a national legislature, the Continental Congress, but most authority rested with the state legislatures

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A75. Articles of Confederation

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Q76. A series of attacks on courthouses by a small band of farmers to block foreclosure proceedings

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A76. Shays’ Rebellion

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Q77. A collection of 85 articles written by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison under the name “Publius” to defend the Constitution in detail. Collectively, these papers are second only to the U.S. Constitution in characterizing the framers’ intents

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A77. Federalist Papers

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Q78. A clause in Article IV, Section I, of the Constitutional requiring each state to recognize the official documents and civil judgments rendered by the courts of other states

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A78. full faith and credit clause

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Q79. A clause in Article IV, Section 2, of the Constitution according citizens of each state most of the privileges of citizens of other states

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A79. privileges and immunities clause

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Q80. Extradition

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A80. A legal process whereby an alleged criminal offender is surrendered by the officials of one state to officials of the state in which the crime is alleged to have been committed

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Q81. Powers shared by the national and state governments

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A81. concurrent powers

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Q82. An order to produce an arrested person before a judge. Constitutional guarantee that cannot be suspended except during invasion or rebellion

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A82. habeas corpus

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Q83. A law that declares a person, without a trial, to be guilty of a crime

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A83. bill of attainder

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Q84. A law that makes an act criminal although the act was legal when it was committed

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A84. ex post facto law

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Q85. Federal programs that require action by states or localities but provide no or insufficient funds to pay for it

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A85. unfunded mandates

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