  • mh AllS sWU

    mwm - 1 Jun - Jul 2013 Ss - 3

  • ssi qWmUxlSU mUpUM mSM merq lq

  • mUq mUq xu a mSMpr merq lq

  • 1

    Table of Contents:

    # Topics Page

    1 Guru Mukham 2

    2 Introduction 3

    3 Devi AshtAngam 6

    4 traipura siddhAntham 9

    5 tAntrika sandhyAvandanam 16

    6 lalitA stuti 29

    7 shrInagara vimarshanam 32

    8 mahAkAlA AvaraNam 38

    9 vasantaRutu AvaraNam 48

    10 mahArudra japa kramam 58

    11 mahArudra AvaraNam 62

    12 Patishad rudra meditation 84

    13 Q & A - sadA vidyA anusaMhatiH 86

  • 2

    a qZq






    6 Jun 2013.

  • 3

    || zuS apr lq ||

    || xum lmh Wiu aUu lq ||


    With the anugrahA of the GurumaNDalam, we have received several positive reviews

    about this magazine. These feedback act as a catalyst for us to bring out the rare gems

    from the ocean called shrI vidyA and share it with the upAsakA community.

    This issue comes with four main topics

    - traipura siddhAntham

    - tAntrika sandhyAvandanam

    - shrI nagara vimarshanam and related AvaraNams

    - patishad rudra meditation

    I am delighted mention that we have been fortunate to receive the article written by Shri.

    G. Subramaniam (vRishabhAnandanAthA) (grandson of ShrI ChidAnandanAthA,

    son of Shri pUrNAnandanAthA, and disciple of Shri yOgAnandanAtha [Injikollai

    KunjithapAdam iyer] ). He has been kind enough to provide the article on the very

    important topic Traipura siddhAnthA. He has written it in a very simple language, easy

    enough for even a beginner to understand and contemplate.

    One of the nityanushtana krama of every shrividya upasaka is the tantrika

    sandhyavandana. I am sure most of us are aware of such a thing in existence and

    several senior upasakas would have had this krama as part of their routine. However, in

    the current generation, atleast based on my interactions with the upasakas, I feel that

    this procedure is either ignored or forgotten. When I asked around for the reason for not

    following the tantrika sandhya, the common response I get is that it is complicated or

    unclear. Hence, it was decided to include the tantrika sandhya procedure (as in SrividyA

    nithyAhnikam written by Sri ChidAnandanAtha.) in this issue by breaking it up into small

    steps with detailed instructions in English to help Upasakas to follow it. Once taken into

    a daily routine, this tantrika sandhya krama should not take more than 5 minutes. I hope

    this would help the upasakas to perform this nithya anushtana and bring this into their

    daily routine.

    One of the greatness of the shrIvidyA path is its universal acceptance - does not

    differentiate between the varnAs, caste, or gender. Everyone is eligible to enter into this

    path and merge with Lalitha MahAtripurasundari. Now, for those people who are part of

    a varnAsramA or gender that does not prescribe a sandhyAvandana kramA, they all are

    eligible to and should perform tantrika sandhyavandana and give arghyA to not only

    LalithAmbA but also the the pratyasha dEvatA - SUryA. Those who are part of those

  • 4

    varnAshrama that prescribes a sandhyavandana in their daily routine, should perform

    that vaidhika nithya anushtana but also include tantrika sandhyA vandanA as part of

    their routine.

    TAntrika sandhyA is performed four times during a 24 hour period - PrAtha sandhyA -

    Morning (Just before Sunrise), MAdhyAnika SandhyA - Noon (When the sun it on the

    top of the head), SAyam SandhyA - Evening (During Sunset), and Turiya SandhyA -


    Pratha SandhyA, Madhyanika SandhyA, and SAyam SandhyA use the panchadashi

    mantra for giving tarpana to MahAtripurasundari. In the text provided, the kAdi vidhya

    mantra has been used. If a person belongs to the hAdi vidhya or sAdi vidhya, those

    mantras should be used for giving tarpana to Mahatripurasundari.

    In the case of turiya SandhyA, the tarpana mantra will be the same for all upAsakas

    regardless of their paramparA. However, the kadi vidya kUtas in the gayathri mantras

    should be replaced by their relevant hAdi or sAdi vidya kUtas for the arghya mantrA.

    Those upAsakAs who have received the turiya vidhyA mantra from their Guru can

    perform the Turiya sandhyA. If in doubt, please check with your Guru prior to performing

    the Turiya SandhyAvandanA.

    Please note: The purvAnga krama and upastha krama are common for all the four

    sandhyA vandanAs. Hence they are just listed once. However, purvAnga kramA

    should be done BEFORE the sandhyAvandanA and the upasthAna kramA should

    be AFTER the sandhyavandana.

    It is very important for each of the shrividyA upAsakA to read lalitOpAkhyAnA atleast

    once to understand and contemplate on how and why lalitAmbA appeared and the tatva

    behind the battle with bhaNDAsura and his army. After the killing of bhanDAsurA, the

    dEvAs praise the empress with lalitA stuti (this is included in this issue) and build

    palaces for her to rule from. These palaces have multiple layers(forts) and each of them

    are guarded by dEvatAs and those dEvatAs have anga and upAnga dEvatAs and

    AvaraNAs as well. In this issue, a very high level description of the shrInagara is

    included and the AvaraNas for mahAkAlA, vasantaRutunAthA, and mahArudrA are


    Shri. Ramesh Kutticad (AtmAnandanAthA) has been kind enough to share an excellent

    article on patishad rudrA meditation and this gem of an article is a proof on how

    lalitAmbA is revealing Herself through the words of AtmAnandanAthA. He has also

    answered several questions received by us from the upAsakavRundhA.

    The photos included in the first page of this issue are the mUla vigrahAs of the lalitA

    shakti pITam in prayAg. SatIs fingers fell at this place. The primary temple is supposed

  • 5

    to be at MiyApur. However, there is another temple called KalyAni mandir which is also

    claiming that it is the true shakti pIth. Hence, it is suggested to visit both temples to

    avoid this confusion.The top photo is from the lalitA mandir in miyApur and the bottom

    photo is from the kalyAni mandir. The interesting thing about the lalitA mandir is that

    there are about 116 mErus in that temple and puJas and abhishEkas are done to all of

    them on parvA days (see picture below). It is a true treat to witness that.

    I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to my Gurupatni

    AnandAmbA (Smt Geetha Shivakumar), Shri AtmAnandanAthA (Ramesh

    Kutticad), and my father Shri. Elandai. S. Ramasami for taking the time and

    performing the tedious work of proof reading this magazine. It is because of them,

    several spell errors and procedural errors have been eliminated in this issue and this e-

    magazine has come out to be a worthwhile edition that can be used by the UpAsakA


    Lalithai vEdam sarvam.

    Surrendering to the holy pAdukAs of Shri Guru,

    mMzqo xqi mMzllSlj

  • 6

    Su ql Aq

    ASaU mUzuxr Ar muiql Suqll wQzi iiuiqM xMs mmlc x

    xij xWU iUkl AlaW MUhr mUz Fku pupq l bh iiu qWMsm S

    ciiu Msm j iuM iiu qWra Z xSzu iiu ra S c iiu mUui a DU iiu

    uw - ssimUxlSUmUpUM mxSxSkrj rj z (em q) xmrqq

    luirwr |

    JUN 09 JUN 10 JUN 11 JUN 12

    qx A AqiMs A AqiMs A AqiMs A AqiMs

    iiu Sux k e l bh m uM T mh

    Sl lirr H iuUi s MsxlSU V lir L lsmiM

    uxU uqzllS lj AllSllS lj lllS lj xirllS lj

    bOMSr c-MU i-MU r-MU A-MU

    JUN 13 JUN 14 JUN 15 JUN 16

    qx A AqiMs A AqiMs A AqiMs A AqiMs

    iiu Sux o mS p mr q Emxj r zoS

    Sl lirr L uer A xuqlas A eusqsl A c

    uxU mhllS lj xupupllS lj mipllS lj xpallS lj

    bOMSr L-MU c-MU i-MU r-MU

    JUN 17 JUN 18 JUN 19 JUN 20

    qx A AqiMs A AqiMs A AqiMs A AqiMs

    iiu Sux U xmw s m u Ux z alk

    Sl lirr A c A eusqsl A xuqlas L uer

    uxU mMzllS lj uqzllS lj AllSllS lj lllS lj

    bOMSr A-MU L-MU c-MU i-MU

  • 7

    JUN 21 JUN 22 JUN 23 JUN 24

    qx A AqiMs A AqiMs A AqiMs A AqiMs

    iiu Sux w AMz x ur W u V es

    Sl lirr L lsmiM V lir s MsxlSU H iuUi

    uxU xirllS lj mhllS lj xupupllS lj mipllS lj

    bOMSr r-MU A-MU L-MU c-MU

    JUN 25 JUN 26 JUN 27 JUN 28

    qx A AqiMs A qlSMs A qlSMs A qlSMs

    iiu Sux mju A zu M z Z xSzu

    Sl lirr G zuSi F ueU E uuxl D phQ

    uxU xpallS lj mMzllS lj uqzllS lj AllSllS lj

    bOMSr i-MU r - MU A - MU L - MU

    JUN 29 JUN 30 JUL 01 JUL 02

    qx A qlSMs A qlSMs A qlSMs A qlSMs

    iiu Sux a DU b xukr X qr c Ms

    Sl lirr C lirYs A oaqsh A MqU A MqU

    uxU lllS lj xirllS lj mhllS lj xupupllS lj

    bOMSr c - MU i - MU r - MU A - MU

    JUL 03 JUL 04 JUL 05 JUL 06

    qx A qlSMs A qlSMs A qlSMs A qlSMs

    iiu Sux N Au e Ua f Ms g lri

    Sl lirr A oaqsh C lirYs D phQ E uuxl

    uxU mipllS lj xpallS lj mMzllS lj uqzllS lj

    bOMSr L - MU c - MU i - MU r - MU

    JUL 07 JUL 08 JUL 09 JUL 10

    qx A qlSMs A qlSMs A qlSMs A qlSMs

    iiu Sux O mw P mMi Q AWMU R o

    Sl lirr F ueU G zuSi H iuUi s MsxlSU

    uxU AllSllS lj lllS lj xirllS lj mhllS lj

    bOMSr A - MU L - MU c - MU i - MU

  • 8

    mu Slpr

    America India

    Aquxr 8 Jun 2013 8 Jun 2013

    qx xUli 14 Jun 2013 15 Jun 2013

    mhq 22 Jun 2013 23 Jun 2013

    Mwh Aq 29 Jun 2013 30 Jun 2013

    Mwh ciSz 6 Jul 2013 6 Jul 2013

    Aquxr 7 Jul 2013 8 Jul 2013

    Alr me Slpr

    America India

    zYs cij 12 Jun 2013 12 Jun 2013

    Mwh cij 26 Jun 2013 26 Jun 2013

  • 9

    mU xliq

    - By Shri G.Subramanian (VrishabhAnandanAthA)

    ulS amSlqulxacUq |

    UzYsmpqqiYr mU qW ||







    , .



    . ,



    . ,




  • 10


    wOziul uq

    " "


    " "

    , ,

    , , ,

    , , , ,

    , ,

    . .

    . .


  • 11








    () -


    ( )





  • 12


    , ,,





    zUUMgcMi zu eu lwMgcM mUzu







    , .



    (, ,

    ) .

    . .


    xuuqz mwj


    . .

  • 13




    qlhqclir zi




    xmSr uxpr xux




    aqlSuiiql mullq LYrlwTsli AliUiqu


    . ,


    . .


  • 14



    . ,

    ! !

    " "


    , " " .




    Aahl Mxrm




    xS ulxWi

  • 15








    , , ,

    , .







    . .

    . .


    l aUUkM! l aUUkM!

  • 16

  • 17

    ilM xlkrulSlq

    xlkrulSl muq

    Acqlq -

    MLDs WxMWs xMs - Ci Acqr |

    mhrqq -

    MLDs WxMWs xMs - CQ mUr

    MLDs WxMWs xMs (4) - MqoMq

    MLDs WxMWs xMs (2) - ms Ucr

    MLDs WxMWs xMs - ms mUr

    MLDs WxMWs xMs (4) - MqoMq

    MLDs WxMWs xMs (2) - CQ Ucr

    MLDs WxMWs xMs - CQ mUr

    MLDs WxMWs xMs (4) - MqoMq

    MLDs WxMWs xMs (2) - ms Ucr

    xsmq -

    qqm xqxi SUi rU mUqU mirj UeUeUmirj (SuqlUir A

    ) u mi xlqmxwr |

    a qhQs krlq -

    ljS-ar ahmi mPr pUu

    xb uOMr mSra Siq qhQsq |

    uUl ciwM w luM uUuV mgcM

    qlqsl qlUexWi ulS aUqhQsq ||

  • 18

    amSM Er |

    xqZ, xui, ciUx, qU, rl - Ci mgcqS mSzr |

    Shqi Gwr lq - zUx |

    Aieai NlSx lq - qZ |

    ssi mUxlSU mUpUM Suir lq - S |

    Keep water in a pot in front of you and fill the panchapatram with that jalam.

    kl qSr es AqiMir |

    MLDs WxMWs xMs (8 uU) - Apqlr |

    qelq - Sprinkle water on thyself using the right ring finger

    A lq | A lq | C lq | D lq | E lq | F lq | G lq | H lq | s lq | s

    lq | L lq | L lq | A lq | A lq | A lq | A lq|

    Mgci es ShMxi ASr | Take some water on your right hand

    M lq | Z lq | a lq | b lq | X lq |

    c lq | N lq | e lq | f lq | g lq |

    O lq | P lq | Q lq | R lq | h lq |

    i lq | j lq | S lq | k lq | l lq |

    m lq | T lq | o lq | p lq | q lq |

    MLDs WxMWs xMs - Ci emiu es mor | - Drink the water.

    mhq - Sprinkle water on your head

    r lq | U lq | s lq | u lq | z lq |

    w lq | x lq | W lq | V lq | lq |

  • 19

    MLDs WxMWs xMs


    xr qhQs Su rj m krri |

    xMq-usml AsM-cqo-MxiUM

    x-qlS Wxih x-zU-cm-mz-Azq |

    Azw-el-qWl Ah-qsr-pwqoU

    emMxq-pxU emuk xqUSqoMq ||

    cipe clSMsuix Mci MqUazh |

    mhQ-mz-Az-mwmoh-Wxi lqxi eaiMqi ||

    mgcme Mri ||

    ShWxi esqSr | Take water in the right hand

    s u U r W (3 uU) - Ci Apqlr |

    MLDs WxMWs xMs (3 uU) - Ci Apqlr |

    mhq - Sprinkle water on your head 3 times using the left thumb and ring fingers

    iiesolSp uqlqMpr MLDs WxMWs xMs Ci xuzUx

    mr |

    lQ zklq -

    Auz es uqWxi lkr | Bring the remaining water to the left hand

    iem is CQr AMwr | Inhale the water using the left nostril

  • 20

    xuSW Ali xji xMs Msw mVi pur | Believe that all the dirt inside the body

    has been cleansed by this water

    is Mwh uh upur | Imagine that the water has become black after cleansing

    msr oWlai qiu | Imagine that the water is flushed out of the right nostril

    is ml ShWxi Miu | Bring the water from the left hand to right hand

    xuuqpa eusS uezs kriu | Meditate on the shining diamond seat/idol on your

    left side

    L zs mz W TO |

    Ci ixr zsr AxTsr | Strike the water from your right hand on that diamond idol

    Wxi msr | Clean the hands

    MLDs WxMWs xMs - Ci es ASr Take water in your right hand

    MLDs WxMWs xMs - Ci muW xWxSVMqsai mUqqil LMpi

    upur | Imagine that the water has merged with the greatest nectar that resides in the

    thousand petal lotus thorugh the nadis

    UeSliuuU qah laqrr | Imagine the water has come out through the Raja

    danta vivarana netra path (Nectar flow from crest through the eyes and the front teeth)

    is uqMU lkr | Bring the water from the right to the left hand

    Aqiqsl xuW - Ci il esl xusp xuzUx mr | Chant

    amrutamalini svaha and with that water, sprinkle on the head 3 times with all fingers

    iiucqlq -

    L MLDs Aiqiiu zkrq xuW |

    L WxMWs uiiu zkrq xuW |

    L xMs zuiiu zkrq xuW |

    L xMs zuiiu zkrq xuW |

    L WxMWs uiiu zkrq xuW |

    L MLDs Aiqiiu zkrq xuW |

    L MLDs WxMWs xMs xuiiu zkrq xuW |

  • 21

    - Lu luk es mor | Drink water as above 9 times

    Abrq - Pour water on the ground using both hands

    MLDs uapuU uW

    WxMWs MqU c kqW

    xMs i z mcSri |

    qWmUxlSU mSMr Lwbr xuW | - Ci (3) uUq

    x xr Lwbr xuW | - Ci (3) uUq

    imhq - Pour water through the right hand.

    MLDs WxMWs xMs qWmUxlSU mSM imrq lq | - Ci (3)

    ximr |

    x xr mSM imrq lq | - Ci (3) ximr |

    mi xlkr uk

    qskU qsu mjq MO iOiMOxqmp xlclir | Think of the first kutam

    (vaghbhava) in the muladhara which shines like a crore lightning bolt

    ie xwqluiql oUlk liu | take that power through the sushumna nadi to the

    crest (brahmarandram)

    oWxkul AMzxj uqhQs xqu iexi uapuU krri | Establish

    (Avahanam) this through the nostril into the agni mandlam in the ether. Medidate vagbhaveshvari in this shining ether

    uapuU krlq -

  • 22

    mi miqoU mixaupwlsmlq |

    iOiMOxqpx osqxaeeusq ||

    mxiprMUqoe umP lwSwq |

    uaql uapui h xxqi xqUi ||

    I meditate on VaghbhavEshvarI who is yellow in color, wears yellow dress, and yellow jewels; with the shine of crore lighning bolts; young girl; has pustaka in one hand and abhaya mudrA in the other; has three eyes and has a beautiful smile

    uapuU me -

    MLDs mUuaU mSM merq lq | - Ci mwmi xmer

    uapuU Abrq -

    L mUSu uW uapuU kqW i q mcSri | mUuaU mSMr

    Lw Abr xuW - Ci Abr Siu ,

    uapuU imhq -

    MLDs mUuaU mSM imrq lq | - Ci ximr |

    em q -

    amSM Er |

    mhrq - |

    qiMlr lrx |

    Shqi Gwr lq - zUx |

    m NlSx lq - qZ |

    ssi mUxlSU mUpUM Suir lq - S |

    MUwQ lrx Miu,

  • 23

    MLDs uapuU uW WxMWs MqU c kqW xMs i z

    mcSri | (11 uUq)

    L mUSu uW uapuU kqW i q mcSri | (11 uUq)

    MLDs WxMWs xMs | (11 uUq)

    MLDs | (11 uUq)

    qkrM xlkr uk

    AlWi qsu ir MO Uuh xlclir | Think of the powerful second kutam

    (kamaraja) in the anahata which is red in color

    ie xwqluiql oUlk liu | take that power through the sushumna nadi to the

    crest (brahmarandram)

    oWxkul AMzxj xrqhQs xqu iexi MqU krri | Establish

    (Avahanam) this through the nostril into the Surya mandlam in the ether. Medidate kameshvari in this shining ether

    MqU krlq -

    U xUqoUpwh mzzpiuUl Sklq |

    zcxqiqiMO rul MqU xxqUi hq ||

    I meditate on kameshvari, who is a overflowing with the young beauty; three eyes, pure, smiling; red in color, wears red dresses and red ornaments; has pasham and ankusham in her two hands.

    MqU me -

    WxMWs mUMqU mSM merq lq | - Ci mwmi xmer |

    MqU Abrq -

  • 24

    Ys mUSu uW MqU kqW i Ys mcSri | mUMq

    mSMr Lw Abr xuW - Ci Abr Siu ,

    MqU imhq -

    WxMWs mUMqU mSM imrq lq | - Ci ximr |

    em q -

    amSM Er |

    mhrq - |

    qiMlr lrx |

    Shqi Gwr lq - zUx |

    m NlSx lq - qZ |

    ssi mUxlSU mUpUM Suir lq - S |

    MUwQ lrx Miu,

    MLDs uapuU uW WxMWs MqU c kqW xMs i z

    mcSri | (11 uUq)

    Ys mUSu uW MqU kqW i Ys mcSri | (11 uUq)

    MLDs WxMWs xMs | (11 uUq)

    WxMWs | (11 uUq)

    xr xlkr uk

    Ac Woe qsu iir MO zxTOMuh xlclir | Think of the powerful

    third kutam (shakti) in the ajna (two petal lotus with ha and kSha letters) which is pure spatika in color

  • 25

    ie xwqluiql oUlk liu | take that power through the sushumna nadi to the

    crest (brahmarandram)

    oWxkul AMzxj xrqhQs xqu iexi AqiU u krri |

    Establish (Avahanam) this through the nostril into the soma mandlam in the ether. Medidate amruteshvari, an elderly woman, in this shining ether

    AqiU krlq -

    zYs zYsqoUsmxaupwupwiq |

    eOeOr lrxqZqoeq ||

    DwixTOiS c pUumqxjiq |

    eUmsixMh sqoqlmrkUq ||

    mzz mxiM c xTOMxe MU |

    Skl zoeij mhlSqhQs xjiq ||

    krrS mU z zqlwuiq |

    paqmS zliqlliqqiUq ||

    I meditate on amruteshvari who is pure white in color, wears white dress and ornaments; sports matted hair with three roots (pinnal), has three eyes in her lotus like face; has little fangs; bhairavi shape; elderly lady with grey hair and hanging breasts and stomach; has pasam, ankusam, pustakam, and aksha mala in her hands; stays in the full moon mandala; rooted with shakti bija (sakalahrIM); the first of all; parashakti; who grants both material benefits (bhoga) and salvation; who is calm (shanta) and endless (ananta)

    AqiU me -

    xMs mUAqiU mSM merq lq | - Ci mwmi xmer |

  • 26

    AqiU Abrq -

    x mUSu uW zU kqW i Aqi mcSri | mUAqiU

    mSMr Lw Abr xuW - Ci Abr Siu ,

    AqiU imhq -

    xMs mUAqiU D mSM imrq lq | - Ci ximr |

    em q -

    amSM Er |

    mhrq - |

    qiMlr lrx |

    Shqi Gwr lq - zUx |

    m NlSx lq - qZ |

    ssi mUxlSU mUpUM Suir lq - S |

    MUwQ lrx Miu,

    MLDs uapuU uW WxMWs MqU c kqW xMs i z

    mcSri | (11 uUq)

    x mUSu uW zU kqW i Aqi mcSri | (11 uUq)

    MLDs WxMWs xMs | (11 uUq)

    xMs | (11 uUq)

  • 27

    iUr xlkr uk

    xWxUMqs qsu iUr MO rSzUm mUaxqmp kriu | Think of the

    powerful fourth kutam (turiya) in the brahmarandra (crest) which has the form of thirteen letter mantra and shines like the padmaraga

    ie xwqluiql oUlk liu | take that power through the sushumna nadi to the

    crest (brahmarandram)

    oWxmOl iUMqhQsi oW mUqMz xqu iexi paui krri |

    Establish (Avahanam) this through the nostril into the omkara mandlam in the paramakasha (supreme ether). Medidate bhagavati turiya in this shining supreme ether

    iUr me -

    WxMs WxMWs xMs qWmUxlSU mSM merq lq | - Ci mwmi

    xmer |

    mUxlSU Abrq -

    MLDs uapuU uW WxMWs MqU c kqW xMs i z mcSri

    | qWmUxlSU mSMr Lw Abr xuW - Ci Abr Siu ,

    mUxlSU imhq -

    WxMs WxMWs xMs qWmUxlSU mSM imrq lq | - Ci

    ximr |

    em q -

    amSM Er |

    mhrq - |

    qiMlr lrx |

  • 28

    Shqi Gwr lq - zUx |

    m NlSx lq - qZ |

    ssi mUxlSU mUpUM Suir lq - S |

    MUwQ lrx Miu,

    MLDs uapuU uW WxMWs MqU c kqW xMs i z

    mcSri | (11 uUq)

    Ys mUSu uW MqU kqW i Ys mcSri | (11 uUq)

    ppuxu iixuiuUhr paSuxr kqW krrl mcSri mUUexxuS | (11


    MLDs WxMWs xMs | (11 uUq)

    WxMs WxMWs xMs | (11 uUq)

    Emxjl q

    mU xUmh cUh xjuUh c |

    xr mixi qkr xuS xmU xji ||

    Eq zZU ei pqr muiqkl |

    ohprprli acN Su rjxZq ||

    a apr lq |

    S Sar lq |

    a ahir lq |

    msr lq |

    x xUxuir lq |

    m mUqiql lq |

    zucrur zMUcrqkrqq |

    AxqScrmrli ulS amUqmUq ||

  • 29

    SurmSM kriu mUiwrqrW xS |

    a mUq ulS mi mU aq ||

    mUqa ulS mUmUa pe |

    AllSZra ulS icNwrxiiMmuz ||

    ljS xmer xmSrqSWq |

    ApuSlq |

  • 30

    oS Mi ssi xii - ssimZrl

    On the fourth day of the battle between lalitA and bhaNDAsurA, shrI lalitAmbA destroys

    bhaNDAsurA and returns back to her place with her army. With the killing of

    bhaNDAsurA, the devAs are relieved from their bondage and gather around shrI


    brahmA, vishNu, rudrA, indrA, digpAlakAs, AdityAs,vasUs, marudgaNAs, siddhAs,

    kiMpuruShAs, yakShAs, mahAshayAs, etc started praying lalitAmbA with utmost

    devotion and bhakti. This prayer is provided in the 27th chapter of lalitOpAkhyAnA and is

    listed below. The beauty of this stuti is that it addresses the entire navAvaraNa pUjA

    and can be chanted during the pUjA.

    lqlqxi eaSMlj lq lq mUpkl |

    lqlq phQqWxUbl lqxi MqUuqMz || - 1

    cliqh cliiSlSclir cSMUiUqs |

    cqoU ceaimxi cZrlirpai lqxi || - 2

    qmS qakzzcQ qabxqi qWupSS |

    qSUcciUeril qSmr Su lqlqxi || - 3

    UxUkuxl Mqs Mmw MsilqSkl |

    Qllmsixlrc QMizwSr lqxi || - 4

    wQSumUuUami wQriuYrqar |

    wOcxxj c wQqWl wQpum ssi lqxi || - 5

    MqUqZrxqxilir Mlixlli Mqsri |

    MqmS Mql Mqzqp Mqr Mslqkm lqxi || - 6

  • 31

    SurbxblUbm Sur SlkzxWxMli |

    SSmrql Srr xlj SuSSumqS lqxi || - 7

    xShqkrMxulr xSzuiqeeusqgcux |

    xqr xSMrlmSmer xusMxr lqlqxi || - 8

    oqZqiahlwur omr oh olkWl |

    oqixix UeWx oU ssi lqxi || - 9

    xphqZrxqxiqS xxui xxUhmWl |

    xxUssMU xUx xSlqxi ssiklj || - 10

    lirMswQzMl MqMwlrkmjql xur |

    lirlUiSrmmgc lssMh lqlqxi || - 11

    AlmwmSplqSpUlSupUexxur |

    ApurWxrUUzm WiUua ssi lqxi || - 12

    xph qZrciSzcqsuiSUqWmSmq |

    Aiqlqopi upq zpzr zmS lqxi || - 13

    xxuxSkrSMzulS xuuimSUulS |

    xukM xuai xqxixmS ssi lqxi || - 14

    xuirYmjqpUlr SupUmricpq |

    xuqUMimUr xuxr sMxr xu mW || - 15

  • 32

    ul uzlrSMuaupi ubwhciuWuW |

    osWMzrqMc ucok uUmS xlSU mW uq || -16

    ohSMUrkxupqphQxUlMulliSu |

    mirmieeeusiqoUz mmsrql mUi lqxi || - 17

    Mqz uez pazm Msr Ms MsusmS |

    MjuzwMiSirxlr MqzMli Mqs lqxi || - 18

    olSxji olSMsMm oiqM oWicimMz |

    oWxMcpaussWU oWimpu uUS lqxi || - 19

    MqUixxSlux MsiqM MlSsilMsm |

    MsmuxlijiMsm MqmS Msmsi lqxi || - 20

    xuh xlSxkxzi xUzu xUeuY |

    xUxr xUxr xSMpq xqxiuU xlixi || - 21

  • 33

    ShrInagara vimarshanaM

    LalitOpAkhyANa describes the enchanting beauty of the shrInagara through hayagrIvA.

    This is covered in Chapters 28 through 33. This article will cover a gist of these chapters

    and expand on the important AvaraNa pUjas specified in these chapters. Great

    stalwarts like ShrI SomadEva sharmA and Shri ChidAnandanAthA have written

    commentaries on this portion of the brahmAnDa purAnA. The focus of this article is to

    only highlight the various AvaraNa pUjAs that are specified in lalitOpAkhyAnA while

    describing the shrInagaram. Thus, a context can be established on how these devatAs

    are linked with lalitArAdhanA and why they are important to upAsakAs of lalitAmbA.

    Upon completion of the bhaNDAsura yuddhA, brahmA, vishNu, and rudrA approached

    the dEva shilpI vishvakarmA and the asura shipI mayA and asked them to construct a

    grand palace (shrinagarA) for lalitAmbikA at 16 different places. The shipIs agreed to

    this immediately and enquired about the location. The kAranEshvarAs responded that

    shrInagarA be constructed at nine mountains and seven seas viz - mEru, niShita,

    hEmakUTA, hEmagiri, gandhamAdanA, nIlamEshA, shrIngagiri, mAhEndragiri, and

    mahAgiri on mountains and salt sea, sugarcane juice sea, nectar (wine) sea, ghee sea,

    curd sea, milk sea, and crystal water sea in water. All these will be exactly the same in

    size and structure and will be named after the nithyAdEvis like kAmeshvarIpurI,

    bhagamAlinIpurI, nityaklinnApurI etc. Since there is no difference between the nityAs

    and lalitAmbA (mahAnityA) the various palaces are identical and made worthy for the

    empress. The mEru mountain was selected for mahAnityA and even though the

    description of the shrInagara is given for the mEru shrinagara, the blueprint is exactly

    the same for all the 16 kShEtrAs.

    The mEru mountain is the base foundation for shrinagarA and it has four peaks - in the

    east, southwest, northwest, and in the middle. The three corner peaks have an area of

    10,000 yojanas (90,000 sq.miles). The middle peak is four times taller and wider than

    the other three (360,000 sq.miles). It is in this middle peak, Srinagara was constructed.

    Multiple layers of outer walls/forts were constructed prior to reaching Chintamani Gruha,

    the house of lalitAmbikA. There are twenty five forts (Eight Metallic forts, nine gem forts,

    one gem mantapa, one thousand pillar mantapa, mano maya, budhimaya,

    ahankaramaya, suryabimba, candrabimba, and shringAra forts) with four gOpuras in

    each fort (thus totalling 100 gOpurAs) and each of these forts have different

    charactersitics. The areas between the forts are filled with gardens, lakes, and houses

    for the guardians of the corresponding fort and also other devatAs that dwell in those


  • 34

    The first layer is made up of Iron. This layer has a perimeter of 1,600 yojanas (14,400

    miles). Each side is 400 yojanas (3,600 miles) length. The height of the fort wall is 4

    yoganas (36 miles). The width of the wall is 1 yojana (9 miles). There are steps at each

    side to enter the fort and each step is 9 miles long. The doors to enter the fort are also

    made of Iron and there are two Iron doors at each of the four entrances. Each of these

    doors is 9 miles high and 1 mile long. The door lock is half a mile long.

    On each of these entrances, a tower (gOpuram) was constructed. As mentioned earlier,

    the fort wall has a width of 1 yojana (9 miles). However, wherever gOpurams are

    constructed, an additional 2 yojanAs (18 miles) on either side of the walls are used.

    Thus the base of the gOpuram is 5 yOjanas (45 miles) wide and the perimeter of the

    base of the gOpuram is 20 yojanAs (180 miles). The height of the gopuram is 25

    yOjanas (225 miles).

    The gOpuram is layered after each yOjanA and hence there are 25 layers for each

    gOpuram. The gOpuram narrows down as it gets higher and higher. The top most layer

    of the gOpuram is 36 miles in perimeter with the length of each side being 9 miles. At

    the top of the gOpuram, there are 3 kalashAs (makutam) and each of the kalashas is 2

    miles wide and 4 miles high. This is the blue print for all of the fort walls.

    Seven yOjanas (63 miles) inside the Iron fort, another fort made of bronze was

    constructed. The area between the two forts has a garden with all forms of trees and

    plants (nAnAvRukSha mahOdhyAnam). Seven jOjanAs (63 miles) inside the Bronze fort

    is the Copper fort. The area between the Bronze and Copper fort has kalpa vRukSha

    garden called kalpavATikA. These trees have gems as the seeds, fruits with golden

    skin, coral flowers and Amruta as the nectar. Seven jOjanAs (63 miles) inside the

    Copper fort is the sIsa (Eeyam - an alloy) fort. The area between the Copper and sIsa

    fort is called santhAna vATikA which is equivalent to the kalpavATikA.

    Seven yOjanAs (63 miles) inside the sIsa fort is the brass fort. The area between the

    sIsa fort and the brass fort is called harichandana vAtikA. In this garden, the beautiful

    haricandana trees flower and spread fragrance like the kalpavRukSha trees. Seven

    yOjanAs (63 miles) inside the brass fort is the panchalOha fort. The area between these

    two is called mandhAravATikA. The mandhAra flowers spread the fragrance in this

    garden. Seven yOjanAs (63 miles) inside the panchalOhA fort is the silver fort. The area

    between these forts is called the pArijAtadrumavAtikA where beautiful pArijAtha trees

    flower and spread the divine fragrance around. Seven yOjanAs (63 miles) inside the

    silver fort is the golden fort. The area between these forts is called kadambavana

    vATikA. Here beatiful kadambA trees that are 18 miles high are grown. The flowers from

    these kadambA trees are filled with nectar and out of these nectars came the yOginI

    called kAdambarI. MantrinI dEvi is very fond of this yOginI. In this kadambavanavAtikA,

    the nIpa trees gives good shadows and nectar filled flowers that are always surrounded

  • 35

    by the joyful bees that dance with glee. mantriNI (rAja shyAmalA) has a house in this

    garden. Four houses were constructed at each of the four corners of this garden. The

    area of each house is 25 yOjanAs (225 sq miles). MantriNi lives in the house with seven

    layers (saptAvaraNA). Since mantriNi has the key responsibility of being the prime

    minister in the court of lalitA, she has a house near the cintAmaNi gruhA and hence

    lives there as well.

    Each of the above forts is guarded by great vIrAs. The Iron fort is guarded by

    mahAkAla. He lives in the nAnAvRukshamahOdhyAnA. He is of dark complexion, wears

    black armours, red eyes, and drinks nectar called vishwarasam in a vessel called

    brahmandam. His consort is mahAkAli. He sits on a throne called kalanA. Their cakram

    is called kAlacakram which has 4 layers (AvaraNam) trikOnam, pancakOnam, 16

    petalled lotus, and 8 petalled lotus. MahakAlA and mahAkAli sits in the bindu sthAnA of

    this kAlachakra.

    The kAlacakra and the mahAkAla avaranam are included in this issue.

    The kalpavAtikA, santAnavAtikA, haricandanavATikA, mandAravATikA,

    pArijAtadrumavATikA, kadamvanavATikA are guarded by vasanta Rutunatha,

    gRishmaRutunAtha, varShaRutunAtha, sharadRutunAtha, hEmantaRutunAtha, and

    shisiraRutunAtha respectively. These RutunAthas ride on vasanta cakra, gRishma

    cakra, varSha cakra, sharad cakra, hEmanta cakra, and shisira cakra respectively. They

    are seven layered (sapta avaranam) chakras. Each of these RutunAtha has avarana


    The AvaraNa pUjA for vasanta RutunAtha is covered in this issue and the rest will

    be covered in the future issues.

    Seven yOjanAs (63 miles) inside the gold fort is the pushparAga fort. The area between

    the gold and pushparAga fort is occupied by siddhas and siddha strIs. Seven yOjanAs

    (63 miles) inside the pushparAgA fort is the padamarAgA fort. The area between these

    is occupied by sAranAs and sAranA shtrI's. They stay under the kalpavRukSha and are

    joyfully immersed in the songs that praise the greatness of lalitAmbA. Seven yOjanAs

    (63 miles) inside the padmarAga fort is the gOmEdakA fort. The area between these

    forts is occupied by crores of yOginIs and bhairavAs. These yOginIs and bhairavAs

    were formed from lalitA herself and they stay here praying to kAlasankarShiNI dEvi.

    Seven yOjanAs (63 miles) from gOmEdakA fort is the vajrA (diamond) fort. The area

    between these forts is occupied by gandharvAs and apsaras. Seven yOjanAs (63 miles)

    from the vajrA fort is the vaidUryA fort. The area between these forts is occupied by

    nAgAs and nAgastrIs. The river that flows here is cold and is filled with great swans and

    sArasa birds. Seven yOjanAs (63 miles) from the vaidUryA fort is the indranIlA (blue

    sapphire) fort. Those srividhyA upAsakAs that had the fortune of getting the

  • 36

    mantrOpadEsha of lalitAmbA and performed the prescribed nithya kramas as per guru

    upadEsha but did not experience the oneness with lalitAmbA during their lifetime will

    occupy the area between these forts after death. They will have the opportunity to

    continue to their japa kramas here and if they can get relieved of the rAgadvEshAs, will

    be able to merge with lalitAmbA from here; else would be born back as humans and the

    cycle will continue.

    Seven yOjanAs (63 miles) from indranIla fort is the muktA fort. The area between these

    forts is filled with great rivers like tAmbraparnI, mahAparNI, sadAmuktA, sadOdakA. The

    residents of this are the dEvA's and dEvA strIs. The astadigpAlakAs reside here. In the

    eAst resides Indra with his consort. In the SouthEast resides Agni with SvAhA and


    In the south resides yamA along with citraguptA, who is involved in lalitArAdhanA

    constantly and engages in punishing those who are cursed by the Guru, those who

    moved away from the path after getting the mantrOpAsanA, fools, theives, thugs,

    sinners, murderers, and those who harm others (including other living things).

    In the southwest lives nirruti and in the west lives varunA along with his consort vAruNi

    dEvi. They are involved in lalitArcanA and punish those who move away from the path

    prescribed by the sastras. He ties these people with his pAshA and throws them into the

    deeper hell. Those upAsakAs that follow the path shown by their guru religiously are

    relieved of the pAsha bandhAs and are shown the way to salvation.

    In the northwest resides vAyu (mArutEshvarA) along with sapta rishIs, nAthAs like

    gOraknAth, siddhas, and ciranjIvIs.

    In the north lives kubErA (yakshEshvara) along with nine types of nidhIs (wealth) viz -

    sankanidhi, padumanidhi, mahApadmanidhi, makaranidhi, kaccapanidhi, mukundanidhi,

    kundanidhi, nIlanidhi and garvanidhi.He lives there with yakShas like manibadrA,

    pUrNabadrA, maNimAn, and maNikandara.

    In the NorthEast lives mahArudrA along with his rudra and rudrANI ganAs. MahA rudrA

    lives here on a sixteen avarana chakra. This mahArudra AvarNa pUja is included in

    this issue.

    Seven yOjanAs (63 miles) inside the muktA fort is the margatA (EmerAld) fort. The area

    between these forts is filled with golden palm trees that are 9 miles high and filled with

    fruits and nectars. In the four corners are four houses for vArAhi dEvi (dandanAthA) and

    her assistants unmatta bhairavi, svapnEshI, tiraskaraNI, and kiripadA. The houses are

    constructed similar to the kiri cakrA. Similar to mAtangI, dandanAthA also has a house

    in mahApadmATavI and resides closer to lalitAmbA.

  • 37

    Seven yOjanAs (63 miles) inside the maragatA fort is the coral fort. The area between

    these forts is occupied by brahmA, vEdAs, and all sAstrAs. They are ever lasting and

    hence even though they vanish from earth, when time comes, they are experienced and

    revived again.

    Seven yOjanAs (63 miles) insde the coral fort is the ruby hall. In this hall resides vishNu

    in his twelve different forms. In the East lives kEshavA, west occupied by nArAyaNA,

    top portion by mAdhavA, south by gOvindA, north by vishNu, southeast by

    madhusUdanA, southwest by trivikramA, northwest by vAmanA, northeast by shrIdharA,

    bottom portion by RushIkEshA. padmanAbhA revolves around the mandapA in the

    clockwise direction and dAmOdharA in the anti-clockwise direction. All of them are

    constantly involved in the lalitArAdhana kramA.

    Seven yOjanAs (63 miles) inside the ruby hall is the thousand pillared hall. In this hall

    resides shiva along with His 28 shaivAgamAs. Nandi, bhrungI, mahAkAlA, dEvAs,

    shivaganAs and ganEshagaNAs occupy this area and perform lalitA japa.

    Seven yOjanAs (63 miles) inside the thousand pillared hall is the manOmaya fort. A

    lake filled with amrutA runs between these. This lake, called amRutavApikA, is 4

    yOjanas (28 miles) deep. The fragrance of this lake is enough to make a person get

    relieved of the pasha bandhas and attain salvation. Getting to this lake is not an easy

    effort as the lake is full of swirls and requires the help of a skillful boat person. This lake

    is under the control of a dEvi called tArA (tAraNEshvarI). Crossing the lake requires

    permission from manthrini or DandinI and tArA dEvi will not let even Shiva get near the

    lake without their permissions.

    Seven yOjanAs (63 miles) inside the manOmaya fort is the buddhimayA fort. A lake

    filled with mahAmadhyaM (wine nectar) runs between these forts. This lake, called

    AnandavApikA, is guarded by vAruNI dEvi (sudhAmAlinI or amrutEshvarI). Permissions

    from mantrini and dandinI are required to cross the lake.

    Seven yOjanAs (63 miles) inside the buddhimayA fort is the ahankArA fort. A lake filled

    with sushumnAmRutA (the nectar that runs in the sushumnA nAdi when the kundaliNi

    shakti reaches the crest) runs between these fort. This lake, called vimarsha vApika, is

    guarded by kurukullA dEvi. Permissions from mantrini and dandinI are required to cross

    the lake.

    Seven yOjanAs (63 miles) inside the ahankArA fort is the sUryabimbA fort. The area

    between these forts is made of kuruvinda gems. This gem radiates like the rising sun

    and by the mere contact with those rays makes a human, deva, asura, or a siddha

    shine like a sun. This area is called bAlAtapOdgArA and here resides the AdidtyAs who

    are performing penance upon shri lalitA dEvi. All the suns, stars, constellations, eclipses

    etc get their radiances because of the power of lalitA japA. mArtAnDa bhairavA is the

  • 38

    primary resident of this area who resides along with his AvaraNa shaktIs. His main

    shakti is mahAprakAshA and he also has two other consorts cakShuShmati and chAyA.

    Along with these shaktIs he makes the inner and outer layers of the lalitOpAskAs shine

    and uproots the darkness called ignorance.

    Seven yOjanAs (63 miles) inside the sUryabimbA fort is the chandrabimbA fort. The

    area between these forts is called candrikOdgArA and it gives the coolness and warmth

    like the moon. Several rishiS perform their penances in this area. The primary resident

    of this area is sOmanAthA (moon) and he removes the darkness during the night and

    drinks the candrikAmRutA from the pAtrA called caShakam. He lives there with his 27

    wives (ashvini, bharani etc.). In addition thousands of his AvaraNa shakti's like tArA

    reside in this area.

    Seven yOjanAs (63 miles) inside the candrabimba fort is the shRingAra fort. The area

    between these forts is called mahAsRungAraparighA. This moat (agazhi) filled with

    shRunkAra rasA is home for thousands of sRunkAra shaktIs headed by manmathA.

    They make every person fall in love and lust and thus incapable of crossing the moat.

    Permission from manmathA is needed to cross this moat and when a person secures

    this permission, he is filled with lalitA bhakti, focussed concentration and meditation,

    experiences oneness with lalitA and shines like a pure crystal. Those who dwell in

    material world, with desires, with several sankalpAs, impure minded, greedy etc, cannot

    even get near the shRunkAra parigA.

    Seven yOjanAs (63 miles) inside this fort is the ChintAmani gRuhA. The area between

    these is called the mahApadmATavI.

  • 39

    s SWiqM llu qWl qkr qWMsrqo xqi qWMs ljr

    lq |

  • 40

    qWMs AuUh me q

    mP me -

    W uqr lq

    W err lq

    W USr lq

    W Mtr lq

    W MsuMUhr lq

    W osuMUhr lq

    W osmqjlr lq

    W xupiSqlr lq

    W qllqlr lq

    lq paui xMsahiqMzrr Allir ramPiql lq

    qWMs AuWlq -

    qWMs xusM pM zrquaW |

    zrqMgcMkU c qShuscl |

    ohQcwM mh moluUxxuq ||

    qWMs blzrqqlSqmrl |

    xWxl xqxl Msrh MsliqM ||

    s SWiqM llu qWl qkr qWMsrqo xqi qWMs ljr

    lq | - mwmges

  • 41

    W qWMsljr lq | - qWMsrqo xqi qWMslj

    AuWi pu | - AuWl qS mSzr

    W qWMsljr lq | - qWMsrqo xqi qWMslj

    xjmi pu | - xjmh qS mSzr

    W qWMsljr lq | - qWMsrqo xqi qWMslj

    xxji pu | - xxji qS mSzr

    W qWMsljr lq | - qWMsrqo xqi qWMslj

    xk pu | - xk qS mSzr

    W qWMsljr lq | - qWMsrqo xqi qWMslj

    xqqZ pu | - xqqZ qS mSzr

    W qWMsljr lq | - qWMsrqo xqi qWMslj

    AuMhPi pu | - AuMhQlqS mSzr

    W qWMsljr lq | - qWMsrqo xqi qWMslj

    mSM merq lq | - ulSl Sl rl qS mSzr

    rj z wQz EmcU me mgcmcU me u Mi |

    (Do Shodasa upacara puja or panchopacara depending on the time and convenience)

    wQ imhq -

    W Srr lq | Sr z mSM merq imrq lq |

    W zUx xuW | zU z mSM merq imrq lq |

    W zZr uwO | zZ z mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Mucr W | Muc z mSM merq imrq lq |

    W lrr uwO | l z mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Axr TO | Ax z mSM merq imrq lq |

    sr imhq -

  • 42

    W qWMsljr lq | - qWMsrqo xqi qWMslj

    mSM merq imrq lq | (10 uUq)

    Ms c

    mjquUhq - Mh

    W qWMsm mSM merq imrq lq |

    W qWxlkr mSM merq imrq lq |

  • 43

    W qWlz mSM merq imrq lq |

    Li mjquUh Sui x xrk xzM xumcU xqmei

    xlimi xli xli lq |

    W qWMsljr lq | - qWMsrqo xqi qWMslj

    mSM merq imrq lq | (3 uUq)

    Apx q SW zUhai uixs |

    pYir xqmr ipr mjquUhclq ||

    All mjquUhcll qWMs mrjq |

    iruUhq - mgcMh

    W Mi mSM merq imrq lq |

    W i mSM merq imrq lq |

    W mU mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Ms mSM merq imrq lq |

    W qluliU mSM merq imrq lq |

    mgcMhxr Aa -

    W mirw mSM merq imrq lq |

    W mimx mSM merq imrq lq |

    W m mSM merq imrq lq |

    W mU mSM merq imrq lq |

    W qkr mSM merq imrq lq |

  • 44

    Li iruUh Sui x xrk xzM xumcU xqmei

    xlimi xli xli lq |

    W qWMsljr lq | - qWMsrqo xqi qWMslj

    mSM merq imrq lq | (3 uUq)

    Apx q SW zUhai uixs |

    pYir xqmr ipr iruUhclq ||

    All iruUhcll qWMs mrjq |

    iiruUhq - wQzSs

    W Sl mSM merq imrq lq |

    W lz mSM merq imrq lq |

    W iqx mSM merq imrq lq |

    W erixl mSM merq imrq lq |

    W mh mSM merq imrq lq |

    W mSw mSM merq imrq lq |

    W lzj mSM merq imrq lq |

    W mWU mSM merq imrq lq |

    W mhq mSM merq imrq lq |

    W UM mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Alqi mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Aqux mSM merq imrq lq |

    W xlus mSM merq imrq lq |

    W MW mSM merq imrq lq |

  • 45

    W pS mSM merq imrq lq |

    W EmUa mSM merq imrq lq |

    wQzSs Aa -

    W Ms mSM merq imrq lq |

    W M mSM merq imrq lq |

    W lqw mSM merq imrq lq |

    W h mSM merq imrq lq |

    W su mSM merq imrq lq |

    W O mSM merq imrq lq |

    W qWi mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Mim mSM merq imrq lq |

    W WU mSM merq imrq lq |

    W zYsm mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Mwhm mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Arl mSM merq imrq lq |

    W uwu mSM merq imrq lq |

    W xuixU mSM merq imrq lq |

    W mUuixU mSM merq imrq lq |

    W CS|uixU mSM merq imrq lq |

    Li iiruUh Sui x xrk xzM xumcU xqmei

    xlimi xli xli lq |

    W qWMsljr lq | - qWMsrqo xqi qWMslj

    mSM merq imrq lq | (3 uUq)

  • 46

    Apx q SW zUhai uixs |

    pYir xqmr ipr iiruUhclq ||

    All iiruUhcll qWMs mrjq |

    iUruUhq - ASs

    W CixU mSM merq imrq lq |

    W ClSuixU mSM merq imrq lq |

    W uixU mSM merq imrq lq |

    W ij mSM merq imrq lq |

    W uU mSM merq imrq lq |

    W l mSM merq imrq lq |

    W ra mSM merq imrq lq |

    W MUh mSM merq imrq lq |

    Msc U zYir -

    W Ms mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Msr mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Msl mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Ms mSM merq imrq lq |

    Li iUruUh Sui x xrk xzM xumcU xqmei

    xlimi xli xli lq |

  • 47

    W qWMsljr lq | - qWMsrqo xqi qWMslj

    mSM merq imrq lq | (3 uUq)

    Apx q SW zUhai uixs |

    pYir xqmr ipr iUruUhclq ||

    All iUruUhcll qWMs mrjq |


    s mjuriql alk Msmrq |

    W AMxiql mwmh Msmrq |

    r uruiql km Msmrq

    U Aalriql Sm Msmrq |

    u Aqiql Aqi qWlu Msmrq |

    x xuiql iqosS xumcUl Msmrq |

  • 48

    xsmuMsm m iexiqM MsmuOM qkr qk qku xqi qkU

    Uxiql uxli Giljr lq |

  • 49

    uxliGilj AuUh me q

    mP me -

    qhQMS mUiiur lq |

    uxliGilj AuWlq -

    uxliGiqWie ssimrMUM |

    mwmxWxlxl mwmqkuqSh |

    mwmrk mwmpw mwmcNh pwi ||

    qkqku Sur ixr Suri |

    mxlqSUq mxlzUssx ||

    Eppr leWxipr Epr xilqMMq |

    lmQrlrWxirasl xxUpq |

    xumwmqSUmhcwM mzi qWi ||

    xsmuMsm m iexiqM MsmuOM qkr qk qku Aqo xqi

    qkU Uxiql uxli Giljr lq | - mwmges

    qk qku xqi uxliGi lj AuWi pu | - AuWl qS


    qk qku xqi uxliGi lj xjmi pu | - xjmh qS mSzr

    qk qku xqi uxliGi lj xxji pu | - xxji qS


    qk qku xqi uxliGi lj xk pu | - xk qS


    qk qku xqi uxliGi lj xqqZ pu | - xqqZ qS mSzr

  • 50

    qk qku xqi uxliGi lj AuMhPi pu | - AuMhQlqS


    qk qku xqi uxliGi lj mSM merq lq | - ulSl

    Sl rl qS mSzr

    wQ imhq -

    Srr lq | Sr z mSM merq imrq lq |

    zUx xuW | zU z mSM merq imrq lq |

    zZr uwO | zZ z mSM merq imrq lq |

    Mucr W | Muc z mSM merq imrq lq |

    lrr uwO | l z mSM merq imrq lq |

    Axr TO | Ax z mSM merq imrq lq |

    sr imhq -

    u uxliGiljr lq | - qk qku xqi uxliGi lj mSM

    merq imrq lq | (10 uUq)

    qk mSM merq imrq lq |

    qku mSM merq imrq lq |

  • 51

    uxli c

    mjquUhq - Mh

    qkzYs mjq mSM merq imrq lq |

    qkzYs ir mSM merq imrq lq |

    qkzYs iir mSM merq imrq lq |

  • 52

    Li mjquUh Sui x xrk xzM xumcU xqmei

    xlimi xli xli lq |

    u uxliGiljr lq | - qk qku xqi uxliGi lj mSM

    merq imrq lq | (3 uUq)

    Apx q SW zUhai uixs |

    pYir xqmr ipr mjquUhclq ||

    All mjquUhcll uxliGilj mrjq |

    iruUhq - mgcMh

    qkzYs cij mSM merq imrq lq |

    qkzYs mgcq mSM merq imrq lq |

    qkzYs w mSM merq imrq lq |

    qkzYs xmiq mSM merq imrq lq |

    qkzYsq mSM merq imrq lq |

    Li iruUh Sui x xrk xzM xumcU xqmei

    xlimi xli xli lq |

    u uxliGiljr lq | - qk qku xqi uxliGi lj mSM

    merq imrq lq | (3 uUq)

    Apx q SW zUhai uixs |

    pYir xqmr ipr iruUhclq ||

  • 53

    All iruUhcll uxliGilj mrjq |

    iiruUhq - ASs

    qkzYs luq mSM merq imrq lq |

    qkzYs Szq mSM merq imrq lq |

    qkzYs LMSz mSM merq imrq lq |

    qkzYs Sz mSM merq imrq lq |

    qkzYs rSz mSM merq imrq lq |

    qkzYs ciSz mSM merq imrq lq |

    qk mhq mSM merq imrq lq |

    qkMwh mjq mSM merq imrq lq |

    Li iiruUh Sui x xrk xzM xumcU xqmei

    xlimi xli xli lq |

    u uxliGiljr lq | - qk qku xqi uxliGi lj mSM

    merq imrq lq | (3 uUq)

    Apx q SW zUhai uixs |

    pYir xqmr ipr iiruUhclq ||

    All iiruUhcll uxliGilj mrjq |

    iUruUhq - wQzSs

    qkMwh ir mSM merq imrq lq |

    qkMwh iir mSM merq imrq lq |

  • 54

    qkMwh cij mSM merq imrq lq |

    qkMwh mgcq mSM merq imrq lq |

    qkMwh w mSM merq imrq lq |

    qkMwh xmiq mSM merq imrq lq |

    qkMwh Aq mSM merq imrq lq |

    qkMwh luq mSM merq imrq lq |

    qkMwh Szq mSM merq imrq lq |

    qkMwh LMSz mSM merq imrq lq |

    qkMwh Sz mSM merq imrq lq |

    qkMwh rSz mSM merq imrq lq |

    qkMwh ciSz mSM merq imrq lq |

    qk Aquxr mSM merq imrq lq |

    qkuzYs mjq mSM merq imrq lq |

    qkuzYs ir mSM merq imrq lq |

    Li iUruUh Sui x xrk xzM xumcU xqmei

    xlimi xli xli lq |

    u uxliGiljr lq | - qk qku xqi uxliGi lj mSM

    merq imrq lq | (3 uUq)

    Apx q SW zUhai uixs |

    pYir xqmr ipr iUruUhclq ||

    All iUruUhcll uxliGilj mrjq |

  • 55

    mgcquUhq - SzSs m

    qkuzYs iir mSM merq imrq lq |

    qkuzYs cij mSM merq imrq lq |

    qkuzYs mgcq mSM merq imrq lq |

    qkuzYs w mSM merq imrq lq |

    qkuzYs xmiq mSM merq imrq lq |

    qkuzYs Aq mSM merq imrq lq |

    qkuzYs luq mSM merq imrq lq |

    qkuzYs Szq mSM merq imrq lq |

    qkuzYs LMSz mSM merq imrq lq |

    qkuzYs Sz mSM merq imrq lq |

    Li mgcquUh Sui x xrk xzM xumcU xqmei

    xlimi xli xli lq |

    u uxliGiljr lq | - qk qku xqi uxliGi lj mSM

    merq imrq lq | (3 uUq)

    Apx q SW zUhai uixs |

    pYir xqmr ipr mgcquUhclq ||

    All mgcquUhcll uxliGilj mrjq |

    wwuUhq - SzSs m

    qkuzYs rSz mSM merq imrq lq |

    qkuzYs ciSz mSM merq imrq lq |

  • 56

    qku mhq mSM merq imrq lq |

    qkuMwh mjq mSM merq imrq lq |

    qkuMwh ir mSM merq imrq lq |

    qkuMwh iir mSM merq imrq lq |

    qkuMwh cij mSM merq imrq lq |

    qkuMwh mgcq mSM merq imrq lq |

    qkuMwh w mSM merq imrq lq |

    qkuMwh xmiq mSM merq imrq lq |

    Li wwuUh Sui x xrk xzM xumcU xqmei

    xlimi xli xli lq |

    u uxliGiljr lq | - qk qku xqi uxliGi lj mSM

    merq imrq lq | (3 uUq)

    Apx q SW zUhai uixs |

    pYir xqmr ipr wwuUhclq ||

    All wwuUhcll uxliGilj mrjq |

    xmiquUhq - ciUx

    qkuMwh Aq mSM merq imrq lq |

    qkuMwh luq mSM merq imrq lq |

    qkuMwh Szq mSM merq imrq lq |

    qkuMwh LMSz mSM merq imrq lq |

    qkuMwh Sz mSM merq imrq lq |

    qkuMwh rSz mSM merq imrq lq |

  • 57

    qkuMwh ciSz mSM merq imrq lq |

    qku Aquxr mSM merq imrq lq |

    Li xmiquUh Sui x xrk xzM xumcU xqmei

    xlimi xli xli lq |

    u uxliGiljr lq | - qk qku xqi uxliGi lj mSM

    merq imrq lq | (3 uUq)

    Apx q SW zUhai uixs |

    pYir xqmr ipr xmiquUhclq ||

    All xmiquUhcll uxliGilj mrjq |


    s mjuriql alk Msmrq |

    W AMxiql mwmh Msmrq |

    r uruiql km Msmrq

    U Aalriql Sm Msmrq |

    u Aqiql Aqi qWlu Msmrq |

    x xuiql iqosS xumcUl Msmrq |

  • 58

    lq paui Sr - zYs kiuiqM qUmMUxr Dzlpa

    ukrkmi GwpuWl kloh zs pi ziMO Sh xqi Sahui

    aUer qWSljr lq

  • 59

    qWS ql em q

    Axr Skrr mzl qWqlxr |

    AbU Gw | Alm NlS |

    xwhqixum rxuSir mUqmw x Lw S Sui |

    lq zuri oeq | zuiUri z | qWSuri MsMq |

    xqoxSzu mxSxSkrj em ulra |

    MUlrx Alrx

    AalWiqlApr lq |

    Szmhqxiql ielpr lq |

    ciqxriql qkrqpr lq |

    lRmzolkiql AlqMpr lq |

    eriqiql MlMpr lq |

    xuiuiql MUis MUmpr lq |

    AalWiql Srr lq |

    Szmhqxiql zUx xuW |

    ciqxriql zZr uwO |

    lRmzolkiql Mucr W |

    eriqiql lrr uwO |

    xuiuiql Axr TO |

    ppuxuU Ci Saolk |


    AmiV-lp xjsli-pul-ohQquxTU-

    eeri xTOM-s-qV-usximhlS-uliqi |

    AxiMmsi-qM-qz-qlz SluMgeml

    krr-Smxi-xr kumS umpwgccNuq ||

    ohQurmiSW pxiWqc pxql pe

    MhP Ms MmSMsi-zzMshQ-MShQ-Wxi |

    r Sqs mMOiupu zqpu qipS

    S Sx-mMOi-upu l mrcNli xZrq ||

  • 60


    s mjuriql alk Msmrq |

    W AMxiql mwmh Msmrq |

    r uruiql km Msmrq

    U Aalriql Sm Msmrq |

    u Aqiql Aqi qWlu Msmrq |

    x xuiql iqosS xumcUl Msmrq |

    qWS ql

    S mzl em LMSz uU u LM uU emi |


    AalWiql Srr lq |

    Szmhqxiql zUx xuW |

    ciqxriql zZr uwO |

    lRmzolkiql Mucr W |

    eriqiql lrr uwO |

    xuiuiql Axr TO |

    ppuxuU Ci Sauqa |

  • 61


    AmiV-lp xjsli-pul-ohQquxTU-

    eeri xTOM-s-qV-usximhlS-uliqi |

    AxiMmsi-qM-qz-qlz SluMgeml

    krr-Smxi-xr kumS umpwgccNuq ||

    ohQurmiSW pxiWqc pxql pe

    MhP Ms MmSMsi-zzMshQ-MShQ-Wxi |

    r Sqs mMOiupu zqpu qipS

    S Sx-mMOi-upu l mrcNli xZrq ||


    s mjuriql alk Msmrq |

    W AMxiql mwmh Msmrq |

    pur Sur lq |

    zur Sur lq |

    Dzlr Sur lq |

    mzmi Sur lq |

    Sr Sur lq |

    Ear Sur lq |

    pqr Sur lq |

    qWi Sur lq |

    puxr Suxr mr lq |

    zuxr Suxr mr lq |

    Dzlxr Suxr mr lq |

    mzmi Suxr mr lq |

    Sxr Suxr mr lq |

  • 62

    Eaxr Suxr mr lq |

    pqxr Suxr mr lq |

    qWi Suxr mr lq |

    r uruiql km Msmrq

    U Aalriql Sm Msmrq |

    u Aqiql Aqi qWlu Msmrq |

    x xuiql iqosS xumcUl Msmrq |

  • 63

    qWS AuUh me q

    mP me -

    W uqr lq

    W err lq

    W USr lq

    W Mtr lq

    W MsuMUhr lq

    W osuMUhr lq

    W osmqjlr lq

    W xupiSqlr lq

    W qllqlr lq

    lq paui xMsahiqMzrr Allir ramPiql lq

    qWS AuWlq -

    AmiV-lp xjsli-pul-ohQquxTU-

    eeri xTOM-s-qV-usximhlS-uliqi |

    AxiMmsi-qM-qz-qlz SluMgeml

    krr-Smxi-xr kumS umpwgccNuq ||

    ohQurmiSW pxiWqc pxql pe

    MhP Ms MmSMsi-zzMshQ-MShQ-Wxi |

    r Sqs mMOiupu zqpu qipS

    S Sx-mMOi-upu l mrcNli xZrq ||

  • 64

    zYs kiuiqM qUmMUxr Dzlpa ukrkmi GwpuWl kloh

    zs pi ziMO Sh xqi Sahui aUer qWSljr lq

    lq paui Sr | W lq zur - qWS qi

    AuWi pu | - AuWl qS mSzr

    lq paui Sr | W lq zur - qWS qi

    xjmi pu | - xjmh qS mSzr

    lq paui Sr | W lq zur - qWS qi

    xxji pu | - xxji qS mSzr

    lq paui Sr | W lq zur - qWS qi

    xk pu | - xk qS mSzr

    lq paui Sr | W lq zur - qWS qi

    xqqZ pu | - xqqZ qS mSzr

    lq paui Sr | W lq zur - qWS qi

    AuMhPi pu | - AuMhQlqS mSzr

    lq paui Sr | W lq zur - qWS qi

    mSM merq lq | - ulSl Sl rl qS mSzr

    rj z wQz EmcU me mgcmcU me u Mi |

    (Do Shodasa upacara puja or panchopacara depending on the time and convenience)

    wQ imhq

    AalWiql Srr lq | Sr z mSM merq imrq lq |

    Szmhqxiql zUx xuW | zU z mSM merq imrq lq |

    ciqxriql zZr uwO | zZ z mSM merq imrq lq |

    lRmzolkiql Mucr W | Muc z mSM merq imrq lq |

    eriqiql lrr uwO | l z mSM merq imrq lq |

    xuiuiql Axr TO | Ax z mSM merq imrq lq |

  • 65

    sr me

    lq paui Sr | W lq zur - qWS qi

    mSM merq imrq lq | (10 uUq)

    qW S rl

  • 66

    mjquUhq - Mh

    W WUhroWu lq | WUhroW mSM merq imrq lq |

    W xllr lq | xll mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Sz mir lq | Sz mi mSM merq imrq lq |

    Li mjquUh Sui x xrk xzM xumcU xqmei

    xlimi xli xli lq |

    lq paui Sr | W lq zur - qWS qi

    mSM merq imrq lq | (3 uUq)

    Apx q SW zUhai uixs |

    pYir xqmr ipr mjquUhclq ||

    All mjquUhcll qWS mrjq |

    iruUhq - wOMh

    W upr lq | u mSM merq imrq lq |

    W WUMzpr lq | WUMz mSM merq imrq lq |

    W mzmir lq | mz mi mSM merq imrq lq |

    W xxmgcUr lq | xxmgcU mSM merq imrq lq |

    W iuwqi lq | iuwqi mSM merq imrq lq |

    W mjl mir lq | mjl mi mSM merq imrq lq |

    Li iruUh Sui x xrk xzM xumcU xqmei

    xlimi xli xli lq |

  • 67

    lq paui Sr | W lq zur - qWS qi

    mSM merq imrq lq | (3 uUq)

    Apx q SW zUhai uixs |

    pYir xqmr ipr iruUhclq ||

    All iruUhcll qWS mrjq |

    iiruUhq - AMh

    W opszr lq | opsz mSM merq imrq lq |

    W uurkl lq | uurk mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Al mir lq | Ami mSM merq imrq lq |

    W WUMzr lq | WUMz mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Emuil lq | Emui mSM merq imrq lq |

    W ml mir lq | mmi mSM merq imrq lq |

    W pur lq | pu mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Wir lq | Wi mSM merq imrq lq |

    Li iiruUh Sui x xrk xzM xumcU xqmei

    xlimi xli xli lq |

    lq paui Sr | W lq zur - qWS qi

    mSM merq imrq lq | (3 uUq)

    Apx q SW zUhai uixs |

    pYir xqmr ipr iiruUhclq ||

  • 68

    All iiruUhcll qWS mrjq |

    iUruUhq - SzSs

    W eai mir lq | eaimi mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Sr lq | S mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Aiiul lq | Aiiu mSM merq imrq lq |

    W h mir lq | mi mSM merq imrq lq |

    W xir lq | xi mSM merq imrq lq |

    W AWlirr lq | AWli mSM merq imrq lq |

    W ull mir lq | ulmi mSM merq imrq lq |

    W UWir lq | UWi mSM merq imrq lq |

    W xjmir lq | xjmi mSM merq imrq lq |

    W uh mir lq | u mi mSM merq imrq lq |

    Li iUruUh Sui x xrk xzM xumcU xqmei

    xlimi xli xli lq |

    lq paui Sr | W lq zur - qWS qi

    mSM merq imrq lq | (3 uUq)

    Apx q SW zUhai uixs |

    pYir xqmr ipr iUruUhclq ||

    All iUruUhcll qWS mrjq |

  • 69

    mgcquUhq - SzSs

    W qlh lq | ql mSM merq imrq lq |

    W uher lq | uhe mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Mh mir lq | M mi mSM merq imrq lq |

    W pulir lq | puli mSM merq imrq lq |

    W uUuxMir lq | uUuxMi mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Awkl mir lq | Awk mi mSM merq imrq lq |

    W EcNbwr lq | EcNbw mSM merq imrq lq |

    W AlSri lq | Aliri mSM merq imrq lq |

    W mlmir lq | mlmi mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Mixluir lq | Mixlui mSM merq imrq lq |

    W kui lq | kui mSM merq imrq lq |

    W xiul mir lq | xiumi mSM merq imrq lq |

    Li mgcquUh Sui x xrk xzM xumcU xqmei

    xlimi xli xli lq |

    lq paui Sr | W lq zur - qWS qi

    mSM merq imrq lq | (3 uUq)

    Apx q SW zUhai uixs |

    pYir xqmr ipr mgcquUhclq ||

    All mgcquUhcll qWS mrjq |

  • 70

    wuUhq -- rSzSs

    W xWqlr lq | xWql mSM merq imrq lq |

    W lurkl lq | lurk mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Aurkll mir lq | Aurkl mi mSM merq

    imrq lq |

    W MMpr lq | MMp mSM merq imrq lq |

    W lwh lq | lw mSM merq imrq lq |

    W xill mir lq | xilmi mSM merq imrq lq |

    W lwh lq | lw mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Cwkqi lq | Cwkqi mSM merq imrq lq |

    W ixMUh mir lq | ixMUmi mSM merq imrq lq |

    W ugci lq | ugci mSM merq imrq lq |

    W mUugci lq | mUugci mSM merq imrq lq |

    W xirl mir lq | xirl mi mSM merq imrq lq |

    W lcUu lq | lc mSM merq imrq lq |

    Li wuUh Sui x xrk xzM xumcU xqmei xlimi

    xli xli lq |

    lq paui Sr | W lq zur - qWS qi

    mSM merq imrq lq | (3 uUq)

    Apx q SW zUhai uixs |

    pYir xqmr ipr wuUhclq ||

    All wuUhcll qWS mrjq |

  • 71

    xmiquUhq - wQzSs

    W mUcUr lq | mUcU mSM merq imrq lq |

    W AUhrl mir lq | AUhr mi mSM merq imrq lq |

    W xMupr lq | xMui mSM merq imrq lq |

    W eb xSpr lq | ebxi mSM merq imrq lq |

    W qwhi mir lq | qwhmi mSM merq imrq lq |

    W AxqSpr lq | Axqi mSM merq imrq lq |

    W lcUSpr lq | lcU mSM merq imrq lq |

    W mMlil mir lq | mMlimi mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Ewhwl lq | Ewhz mSM merq imrq lq |

    W aUcUr lq | aUcU mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Msgcl mir lq | Msgc mi mSM merq imrq

    lq |

    W CwqSpr lq | Cwqi mSM merq imrq lq |

    W kluupr lq | kluu mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Ailulpr lq | Ailul mSM merq imrq lq |

    W miSklpr lq | miSkl mSM merq imrq lq |

    W ArcNSpr lq | ArcNi mSM merq imrq lq |

    Li xmiquUh Sui x xrk xzM xumcU xqmei

    xlimi xli xli lq |

    lq paui Sr | W lq zur - qWS qi

    mSM merq imrq lq | (3 uUq)

    Apx q SW zUhai uixs |

    pYir xqmr ipr xmiquUhclq ||

  • 72

    All xmiquUhcll qWS mrjq |

    AquUhq - A|SzSs

    W uxeSpr lq | uxei mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Axr lq | Axri mSM merq imrq lq |

    W ukrSpr lq | ukri mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Axlpr lq | Axl mSM merq imrq lq |

    W zrlpr lq | zrl mSM merq imrq lq |

    W xumSpr lq | xumli mSM merq imrq lq |

    W eaSpr lq | eai mSM merq imrq lq |

    W iSpr lq | ii mSM merq imrq lq |

    W kuSpr lq | kui mSM merq imrq lq |

    W xppr lq | xp mSM merq imrq lq |

    W xpmipr lq | xpmi mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Apr lq | A mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Amipr lq | Ami mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Aurklpr lq | Aurk mSM merq imrq lq |

    W uukrlipr lq | uukri mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Eahpr lq | Eah mSM merq imrq lq |

    W iWipr lq | iWli mSM merq imrq lq |

    W aixpr lq | aix mSM merq imrq lq |

    Li AquUh Sui x xrk xzM xu mcU xqmei

    xlimi xli xli lq |

    lq paui Sr | W lq zur - qWS qi

    mSM merq imrq lq | (3 uUq)

  • 73

    Apx q SW zUhai uixs |

    pYir xqmr ipr AquUhclq ||

    All AquUhcll qWS mrjq |

    luquUhq - uzi Ss

    W aixmipr lq | aixmi mSM merq imrq lq |

    W uipr lq | ui mSM merq imrq lq |

    W uimipr lq | uimi mSM merq imrq lq |

    W ahpr lq | ah mSM merq imrq lq |

    W ahmipr lq | ahmi mSM merq imrq lq |

    W umpr lq | um mSM merq imrq lq |

    W umpr lq | um mSM merq imrq lq |

    W qWSpr lq | qWi mSM merq imrq lq |

    W ssMpr lq | ssM mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Ujpr lq | Uj mSM merq imrq lq |

    W AUjpr lq | AUj mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Ujpr lq | Uj mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Uimipr lq | Ujmi mSM merq imrq lq |

    W xlpr lq | xl mSM merq imrq lq |

    W xllpr lq | xll mSM merq imrq lq |

    W ipr lq | U mSM merq imrq lq |

    W xWipr lq | xWi mSM merq imrq lq |

    W ipr lq | i mSM merq imrq lq |

    W UjMUpr lq | UjMU mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Msspr lq | Mss mSM merq imrq lq |

  • 74

    Li luquUh Sui x xrk xzM xumcU xqmei

    xlimi xli xli lq |

    lq paui Sr | W lq zur - qWS qi

    mSM merq imrq lq | (3 uUq)

    Apx q SW zUhai uixs |

    pYir xqmr ipr luquUhclq ||

    All luquUhcll qWS mrjq |

    SzquUhq - uzi Ss

    W MqUpr lq | MqU mSM merq imrq lq |

    W mgcpr lq | mgc mSM merq imrq lq |

    W lwSpr lq | lwS mSM merq imrq lq |

    W CwMSpr lq | CwMh mSM merq imrq lq |

    W kluMSpr lq | kluMU mSM merq imrq lq |

    W qarpr lq | qaru mSM merq imrq lq |

    W lpr lq | lr mSM merq imrq lq |

    W pr lq | l mSM merq imrq lq |

    W mipr lq | mir mSM merq imrq lq |

    W pur lq | pu mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Sr lq | S mSM merq imrq lq |

    W zur lq | zu mSM merq imrq lq |

    W mzmir lq | mzmi mSM merq imrq lq |

    W lsaur lq | lsau mSM merq imrq lq |

    W ziMhPr lq | ziMhPM mSM merq imrq lq |

    W MmSl lq | MmS mSM merq imrq lq |

  • 75

    W urmiMzr lq | urmiMz mSM merq imrq lq |

    W xWxr lq | xWx mSM merq imrq lq |

    W ziklul lq | ziklul mSM merq imrq lq |

    W aUzr lq | aUz mSM merq imrq lq |

    W zmur lq | zmu mSM merq imrq lq |

    W qRqr lq | qRq mSM merq imrq lq |

    Li SzquUh Sui x xrk xzM xumcU xqmei

    xlimi xli xli lq |

    lq paui Sr | W lq zur - qWS qi

    mSM merq imrq lq | (3 uUq)

    Apx q SW zUhai uixs |

    pYir xqmr ipr SzquUhclq ||

    All SzquUhcll qWS mrjq |

    LMSzuUhq - ciuqzs

    W Cwqi lq | Cwqi mSM merq imrq lq |

    W xur lq | xu mSM merq imrq lq |

    W uqlr lq | uql mSM merq imrq lq |

    W oWi lq | oWS mSM merq imrq lq |

    W uwrx lq | uwrl mSM merq imrq lq |

    W ur lq | u mSM merq imrq lq |

    W xuSkul lq | xuSkul mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Aarr lq | Aar mSM merq imrq lq |

    W mjqr lq | mjq mSM merq imrq lq |

  • 76

    W Azu lq | Az mSM merq imrq lq |

    W AeUr lq | AeU mSM merq imrq lq |

    W zbrr lq | zb mSM merq imrq lq |

    W zprr lq | zpr mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Fqrr lq | Fqr mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Auxulrr lq | Auxulr mSM merq imrq lq |

    W xixrr lq | xixr mSM merq imrq lq |

    W mrr lq | mr mSM merq imrq lq |

    W err lq | er mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Mlr lq | Ml mSM merq imrq lq |

    W muer lq | mue mSM merq imrq lq |

    W AmUer lq | AmUe mSM merq imrq lq |

    W qkrqr lq | qkrq mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Amaspr lq | Amasp mSM merq imrq lq |

    W eblrr lq | eblr mSM merq imrq lq |

    Li LMSzuUh Sui x xrk xzM xumcU xqmei

    xlimi xli xli lq |

    lq paui Sr | W lq zur - qWS qi

    mSM merq imrq lq | (3 uUq)

    Apx q SW zUhai uixs |

    pYir xqmr ipr LMSzuUhclq ||

    All LMSzuUhcll qWS mrjq |

  • 77

    SzuUhq - wQuzi Ss

    W oklrr lq | oklr mSM merq imrq lq |

    W xprr lq | xpr mSM merq imrq lq |

    W mixrr lq | mixr mSM merq imrq lq |

    W rqrr lq | rqr mSM merq imrq lq |

    W qrr lq | qr mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Eurr lq | Eur mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Zsrr lq | Zsr mSM merq imrq lq |

    W zsYrr lq | zsYr mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Auxlrr lq | Auxlr mSM merq imrq lq |

    W ulrr lq | ulr mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Mrr lq | Mr mSM merq imrq lq |

    W ur lq | u mSM merq imrq lq |

    W miur lq | miu mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Azwhr lq | Azwh mSM merq imrq lq |

    W AxUjr lq | AxUj mSM merq imrq lq |

    W zUr lq | zU mSM merq imrq lq |

    W AuplSi lq | AuplSi mSM merq imrq lq |

    W uqh lq | uq mSM merq imrq lq |

    W ujl lq | uj mSM merq imrq lq |

    W osql lq | osq mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Mucl lq | Muc mSM merq imrq lq |

    W ir lq | i mSM merq imrq lq |

    W ixlr lq | ixl mSM merq imrq lq |

    W SlSprr lq | SlSpr mSM merq imrq lq |

    W AWllrr lq | AWllr mSM merq imrq lq |

    W kwhu lq | kwh mSM merq imrq lq |

  • 78

    Li SzuUh Sui x xrk xzM xumcU xqmei

    xlimi xli xli lq |

    lq paui Sr | W lq zur - qWS qi

    mSM merq imrq lq | (3 uUq)

    Apx q SW zUhai uixs |

    pYir xqmr ipr SzuUhclq ||

    All SzuUhcll qWS mrjq |

    rSzuUhq - zi Ss

    W mqzr lq | mqz mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Sir lq | Si mSM merq imrq lq |

    W mWir lq | mWi mSM merq imrq lq |

    W lwh lq | lw mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Cwkqi lq | Cwkqi mSM merq imrq lq |

    W ihwu lq | ihw mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Arkl lq | Ark mSM merq imrq lq |

    W xurkr lq | xurk mSM merq imrq lq |

    W xklul lq | xklul mSM merq imrq lq |

    W xirr lq | xir mSM merq imrq lq |

    W mjrr lq | mjr mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Mr lq | M mSM merq imrq lq |

    W lmrr lq | lmr mSM merq imrq lq |

    W xkrr lq | xkr mSM merq imrq lq |

    W xUxrr lq | xUxr mSM merq imrq lq |

  • 79

    W lr lq | lkr mSM merq imrq lq |

    W uzlir lq | uzli mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Mmrr lq | Mmr mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Aur lq | Au mSM merq imrq lq |

    W uwrr lq | uwr mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Auwrr lq | Auwr mSM merq imrq lq |

    W qbrr lq | qbr mSM merq imrq lq |

    W ukrirr lq | ukrir mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Dkrr lq | Dkr mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Aimrr lq | Aimr mSM merq imrq lq |

    W uirr lq | uir mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Uzqrr lq | Uzq mSM merq imrq lq |

    W uxiurr lq | uxiur mSM merq imrq lq |

    W uximr lq | uxim mSM merq imrq lq |

    W xqr lq | xq mSM merq imrq lq |

    Li rSzuUh Sui x xrk xzM xumcU xqmei

    xlimi xli xli lq |

    lq paui Sr | W lq zur - qWS qi

    mSM merq imrq lq | (3 uUq)

    Apx q SW zUhai uixs |

    pYir xqmr ipr rSzuUhclq ||

    All rSzuUhcll qWS mrjq |

  • 80

    ciSzuUhq - zi Ss

    W Sr lq | S mSM merq imrq lq |

    W iqr lq | iq mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Ahr lq | Ah mSM merq imrq lq |

    W zr lq | z mSM merq imrq lq |

    W mzmir lq | mzmi mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Ear lq | Ea mSM merq imrq lq |

    W pqr lq | pq mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Aaukr lq | Aauk mSM merq imrq lq |

    W SUukr lq | SUuk mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Wlir lq | Wli mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Wlrx lq | Wlrx mSM merq imrq lq |

    W ur lq | u mSM merq imrq lq |

    W WUMzr lq | WUMz mSM merq imrq lq |

    W iUr lq | iU mSM merq imrq lq |

    W zpu lq | zp mSM merq imrq lq |

    W qrpu lq | qrp mSM merq imrq lq |

    W zUr lq | zU mSM merq imrq lq |

    W qrxMUr lq | qrxMU mSM merq imrq lq |

    W zur lq | zu mSM merq imrq lq |

    W zuiUr lq | zuiU mSM merq imrq lq |

    W ijrr lq | ijr mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Msrr lq | Msr mSM merq imrq lq |

    W mrr lq | mr mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Aurr lq | Aur mSM merq imrq lq |

    W miUhr lq | miUh mSM merq imrq lq |

    W EUhr lq | EUh mSM merq imrq lq |

  • 81

    W Airr lq | Air mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Askrr lq | Askr mSM merq imrq lq |

    W zwmrr lq | zwmr mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Tlrr lq | Tlr mSM merq imrq lq |

    Li ciSzuUh Sui x xrk xzM xumcU xqmei

    xlimi xli xli lq |

    lq paui Sr | W lq zur - qWS qi

    mSM merq imrq lq | (3 uUq)

    Apx q SW zUhai uixs |

    pYir xqmr ipr ciSzuUhclq ||

    All ciSzuUhcll qWS mrjq |

    mgcSzuUhq - zi Ss

    W xMirr lq | xMir mSM merq imrq lq |

    W mur lq | mu mSM merq imrq lq |

    W CUhrr lq | CUhr mSM merq imrq lq |

    W mmjrr lq | mmjr mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Mzsr lq | Mzs mSM merq imrq lq |

    W rhr lq | rh mSM merq imrq lq |

    W MmSl lq | MmS mSM merq imrq lq |

    W msxir lq | msxi mSM merq imrq lq |

    W awr lq | aw mSM merq imrq lq |

    W ar lq | a mSM merq imrq lq |

    W ismrr lq | ismr mSM merq imrq lq |

  • 82

    W ar lq | a mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Mr lq | M mSM merq imrq lq |

    W aUr lq | aU mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Srrr lq | Srr mSM merq imrq lq |

    W luwmrr lq | luwmr mSM merq imrq lq |

    W mxurr lq | mxur mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Uexrr lq | Uexr mSM merq imrq lq |

    W zzYrr lq | zzYr mSM merq imrq lq |

    W WUirr lq | WUir mSM merq imrq lq |

    W smrr lq | smr mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Esmrr lq | Esmr mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Eurr lq | Eur mSM merq imrq lq |

    W xqrr lq | xqr mSM merq imrq lq |

    W mhr lq | mh mSM merq imrq lq |

    W mhzkrr lq | mhzkr mSM merq imrq lq |

    W AmaUqhr lq | AmaUqh mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Apbli lq | Apbli mSM merq imrq lq |

    W AZZSi lq | AZZSli mSM merq imrq lq |

    W mZZSi lq | mZZSli mSM merq imrq lq |

    W MUMpr lq | MUM mSM merq imrq lq |

    W Sul Srpr lq | SuSr mSM merq imrq lq |

    Li mgcSzuUh Sui x xrk xzM xumcU xqmei

    xlimi xli xli lq |

    lq paui Sr | W lq zur - qWS qi

    mSM merq imrq lq | (3 uUq)

  • 83

    Apx q SW zUhai uixs |

    pYir xqmr ipr mgcSzuUhclq ||

    All mgcSzuUhcll qWS mrjq |

    wQzuUhq - pmU

    W uhMpr lq | uhM mSM merq imrq lq |

    W ucluiMpr lq | ucluiM mSM merq imrq lq |

    W AlWipr lq | AlWi mSM merq imrq lq |

    W AquiMpr lq | AquiM mSM merq imrq lq |

    Li wQzuUh Sui x xrk xzM xumcU xqmei

    xlimi xli xli lq |

    lq paui Sr | W lq zur - qWS qi

    mSM merq imrq lq | (3 uUq)

    Apx q SW zUhai uixs |

    pYir xqmr ipr wQzuUhclq ||

    All wQzuUhcll qWS mrjq |


    s mjuriql alk Msmrq |

    W AMxiql mwmh Msmrq |

  • 84

    S zi Acl Mri |

    r uruiql km Msmrq

    U Aalriql Sm Msmrq |

    u Aqiql Aqi qWlu Msmrq |

    x xuiql iqosS xumcUl Msmrq |

  • 85

    Pathishad rudra meditation

    - By AtmAnandanAthA (Shri Ramesh Kutticad)

    One of the main morning bedside rituals of a Srividyopasaka is chanting the rasmimala of 37

    mantras. The eighth mantra is pathishad rudra mantra which is found in the second set, to be

    meditated at the forehead center. The fruit of recitation of this mantra is marga sankata hari-

    removal of dangers / discomforts in way- i.e. journey. The root word is path the way or route

    taken for travel. The suffix shad will mean protection. The deity indicated is rudra- a fierce,

    terrible form, hence the alertness is stressed. The forehead is a symbol of fate and thus the

    journey of life is also hinted.

    The dhyana sloka is


    Aatta sajja dhanurbaaNa TankaiNaM vRUshabhasthitam

    AnnapoorNaa samaaslishtam pathishadrudramaasraye

    The mantra as per nityotsava / parasuramakalpa sutra is

    om namo rudraaya pathishade svasti maam sampaaraya

    The free translation of the meditative verse is Having a strung bow and arrow, also holding a

    chisel and deer, seated on the bull, and hugged by Devi Annapoorna, I seek refuge in the


    The translation of the mantra would be- I bow to the lord pathishadrudraa, let him protect me on

    the way and lead me to my destination successfully and peacefully.

    The idea of travel was difficult in the earlier days; the dangers in travel were innumerable like-

    thick forest without any defined way, wild animals (lion, tiger elephant etc), dacoits, and foreign

    people; to cross oceans the only mode was a ship which had more factors of danger in it and

    finally unknown diseases. Hence less people travelled by foot, cart or in a ship. They also

    prayed for a happy and successful travel to the Lord. Even now the situation has not changed

    much, with terrorist attacks and risk in sky travel, chanting of this mantra still holds good.

    The bow and arrows are said to represent the senses and the mind, thus the image of a strung

    bow and arrow reminds us of alertness to any situation. The chisel represents the finer shaping

  • 86

    of ideas like the beautiful shape idol creation and holding the deer to restrain of the ever restless

    mind. The bull is said to be the personification dharma devata, hence to adhere to ones dharma

    is indicated. The Devi who hugs the Lord is Annapoorneshvari. She represents the annamaya

    kosha, the gross body. Thus the deity to protect on the way is held closely by the gross body.

    Summarizing, we find the alter mind, with plan on fine details, restraining the flickering mind,

    adherence to ones own dharma and the safety of the gross body are granted by the Lord

    Pathishdrudraa for a safe travel to reach the destination successfully.

    aatta sajja dhaNurbaaNa TankaiNam = Having a strung bow and arrow, with a chisel and

    deer. These are allegories of an alert mind with no wandering and finer planning. These will lead

    to a peaceful journey and reach the destination safely. The same idea is svasti peaceful

    mind and sampaaraya reaching the destination safely in the mantra

    vRUshabha sthitam= the Bull is the Lord of dharma and hence the Pranava mantra is

    elucidated Om

    AnnapoorNaa samaslishtam= Hugged by Devi Annapoorna, - will signify the annamaya

    kosham , explicitly will point to maam

    pathishdrudram= Lord Pathishadrudra, the mantra says rudraaya pathishade

    aashraye= I take refuge in him. The mantra will say namo I bow to the supreme Lord.

    Thinking on a higher plane of consciousness, In the journey of an aspirant to the final

    destination of the realization of the Divine, the protection of the body sareeram aadyam khalu

    dharma saadanam- verily the gross body is the base of all sadhana, the alertness of the mind in

    all situations- Bhaskararaya says- avivecana abhava meva gyana sarvasvam- to be aware at all

    times is the knowledge in action , the fine points to be enjoyed like the chiseling of a idol, and

    restraining the mind not wander in unknown areas are the pointers revealed, This will ensure a

    safe and successful journey to reach the divine, Thus this mantra is to be chanted daily for the

    srividyopasaka to attain a state of ever immersed in Shiva hood- satatam shivatamaavesha.

    Looking further the arrows are the panca tanmantras and they in turn during the ritual poojas-

    are represented as the five M. The alertness in using the five M in the sadhana thus not

    misleading us by their undisciplined use and real comfort in this sadhana is also revealed in this


  • 87

    xS ulxWi

    - Answers by AtmAnandanAtha

    1. In the last issue, you had indicated that special offerings are needed for Naimittika pUjA. What are those? If the nithya and naimitikka pUjA are both the same from the usage of vishEshArghyA and paddhathi perspective, then what is the difference between the two?

    Answer: Nitya puja as told earlier is to be done in the morning and the naimittika in the evening/ night. The Kalpasutra says ma-pacaklbhe 'pi nitya-krama-pratyavami || Parks_1.24 || which means even we could not procure the five m as said in their original forms, the nitya karma should be done without fail. We can see other tantras for their substitute, by the sutra anuktam anyato graahyam- what is not specifically said here look into other places (tantras). The Substitue foir the first m is jaggery mixed buttermilk, tender coconut water, Rice gruel, Cows milk kept in a copper vessel etc; for the second is the root, esp. seen is ginger; for the third is banana the mountain variety; fourth has no substitute since it is essentinal in all types worship, for the fifth is Saffron with sandal paste. Now the phrase paca-parvasu vierc || Parks_10.67 || will be clear. As to the use of the original five m as far as possible as ordered by the Sri Guru, with more variety, tasty and rich food offerings, which is the fourth m.

    2. Does every form of ambA , like say the dashamahAvidya have nakshatra

    corresponding of each form in which that particular form was incarnated or manifested? eg, im told Bhuvaneshwari aavirbhava day is on akshaya trithiya, does this form of Devi also have a corresponding nakshatra on when She was manifest?


  • 88

    Vidhya Bhairava Ganesha vaTuka Avirbhava dina

    kAlI mahAkAla ekAkShara hEtuka Ashvina krishna ashThami

    tArA akShObhya Vallabha gaNEshA tripurAntakA Caitra shukla navami

    shODashI kAmEshvara dvayakShara ApaddhuddhArana mArgashIrsha pournamI

    bhuvanEshvarI mahAdEvA mahA gaNapati agnijihvA bhadrapAda shukla dvAdashI

    tripurA bhairavI Vatuka Kshipra prasAda gaNapati

    ekapAdA mAgha pournamI

    chinnamastA krOdha bhairavA caturakShara Vahni vEtAla vaishAka shukla caturdashi

    dhUmavati kAla bhairavA vEra gaNEshA shrE kAlA jyEshTha shukla ashThami

    bagalAmukhi mRutyunjaya Simha gaNEshA trailOkya vaishAka shukla ashThami

    mAtangI mataNga haridrA gaNapati shrE bhImA vaishAka shukla trUtIyA

    kamalAtmikA nArAyaNA Vashya gaNEshA karALa mArgashIrsha amAvAshyA

    3. It is nice that you are providing puja and avarana karmas for various devatas. However, my Guru has not given me any of these mantras and puja kramas. Isnt it enough to just follow what the Guru has taught? Why do we need these ancillary puja and japa kramas?

    Answer Yes, from an initial sadhaka s perspective we need to do only what Sri Guru has taught us. If we adamantly stick on to just mere repetitions without bhava , then sadhana will become stagnant water like and in course of time will be septic. On the other hand if we do a sincere intense sadhana we will find our intellect will be inspired by the great Devi and , she will lead us to many new wonders in this Sri Vidya universe. Thus whatever we have shared here are some of the wonders of this universe, which we have come across, and suitably documented. May be at a later point when someone wants to know about these, they may be guided without astray. Another traditional view is that during Purnabhisheka the Guru gives a sarva mantra adhikaara- a total free blank cheque, thus those who have had this good fortune also need not search many books, these kramaras are given out here. These poojas are to be done with the strong conviction that these deites are also Sri Devi herself. It will be like our mother (Lalithambika) in the form of a teacher (Sarasvati), a soldier (Durga), a ruler ( Rama). Etc.

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