  • 8/13/2019 Pump Selection for the LNG Industry


    eprinted from July 2012 HYDROCARBON



  • 8/13/2019 Pump Selection for the LNG Industry


    With the evolving demands of the LNG market and the need for different

    types of pumps comes a strong emphasis on proper selection for a given

    application. From receiving terminals to peak shaving facilities and, more

    recently, floating applications, the changing demands of the global market

    have influenced the way pumps are selected (and therefore designed) to meet the specific

    needs of the customer. Several factors including application type, liquid, installation location,

    and the evolution of worldwide standards and codes have added complexity to the pump

    selection process. It is important to be aware of the history of how the industry has influenced

    LNG pump design and how those designs have been applied to meet ever more stringent

    codes and regulations, as well as the increasing demands of the industry.

    The present dayOver the past several years, LNG market growth has increased exponentially. With worldwide

    consumption and demand increasing, new markets within the industry have emerged to meet

    the needs of both the consumer and the producer. In the case of a custom pump

    manufacturer, it is the process requirements, specific application and varying specifications of

    the customer that provide the framework against which the selection of equipment is made.

    Several factors must be considered when optimising a process or system: from increased

    efficiencies and improved net positive suction head (NPSH) and pump down levels, to




    PUMP&valve REVIEW2012Introduction


    ENGINEERING Reprinted from July 2012

  • 8/13/2019 Pump Selection for the LNG Industry


    eprinted from July 2012 HYDROCARBON


    equipment size, and codes and standards. For these reasons, the

    process of selecting and/or designing a pump or expander is

    complex and multi faceted.

    The installation locations of cryogenic pumps and

    expanders range from import and export terminals to newer

    technology such as floating applications. Equipment needs vary

    with regard to selection and design. Likewise, international

    codes, standards and project specifications will vary depending

    on factors such as region, installation and contractor. One

    example would be a US based import facility with a send out

    capacity of approximately 28 metric tpy and a storage capacity

    of 800 000 m3. A send out facility is typically comprised of

    several high pressure send out pumps operating in series as well

    as in tank pumps to transfer the liquid from the tank. However,

    selecting the quantity of pumps based on flow and head

    requirements and space available at the site is just the first step

    to properly selecting a pump for a customers specific


    Data presentation and pumpselection fundamentalsWhen an inquiry is received, datasheets and a specification

    package including commercial terms and conditions are

    typically provided, thus allowing the pump manufacturer to

    produce an adequate proposal. The amount of detail varies

    depending on the stage of the request for proposal (FEED, EPC

    select or purchase phase). However, the technical parameters

    included in the datasheets represent only the minimum

    information needed to prepare an estimated pump

    performance in the form of datasheets and curves. Further

    requirements imperative to the design of the pump or

    expander are listed in the remainder of the specifications.Pump and motor performance curves and datasheets are

    generated to depict the overall performance parameters and to

    summarise the requirements of the pump or expander being

    selected for a customers application. The typical curve will

    show a head versus flow graph together with efficiency, a rated

    power curve and an NPSH curve (Figure 1). The datasheets will

    summarise all of the important design parameters, such as

    minimum and maximum continuous flow; shut off head; design

    pressures; power requirements; synchronous speed and motor

    rating(s) in terms of load; efficiency; and current. Providing a

    picture of a pump or expanders future performance helps the

    customer understand how the equipment will fit into their


    The creation of datasheets and curves begins with hydraulic

    combinations consisting of an impeller, diffuser vane and

    inducer. The specific hydraulic combination is derived from

    coefficients established from the basic requirements for flow

    and head. Several adjustments to existing hydraulics can be

    made to meet specific duty requirements that do not fall

    within an otherwise existing hydraulic. For example, a diffuser

    vane may need to be modified to adjust the best efficiency

    point (BEP). Likewise, an impeller may need to be modified forthe same hydraulic combination to meet a head (pressure)

    requirement. Adjustments are made to the estimated

    performance data based on the physical design and presented

    accordingly. Should the physical dimensions of the hydraulics

    change, the housing or casing design details and overall column

    diameter may also be affected.

    Pump selectionSeveral factors should be considered when selecting and

    designing a pump for a specific application. As with any

    application, the most crucial information required to begin the

    selection process is flow, head, liquid type and its specificgravity, voltage, frequency and suction pressure. This basic but

    very important information provides the framework from

    which selections are made. Using a library of proven hydraulics

    and the ability to modify proven hydraulics to meet specific

    needs, a pump can be selected to meet the basic requirements.

    In cases where the duty requirement falls within the

    parameters of an existing hydraulic without modification, pump

    and motor datasheets and curves are generated and the output

    data necessary complete system design is produced. The

    number of stages is modified to determine how to achieve the

    required head rise or pressure drop considering all other factors

    such as efficiency, best efficiency point (BEP), NPSH levels and

    shut off head. This is just the beginning of the selection process

    and since the overall goal is to optimise the proven hydraulic to

    provide customers with the best pump or expander possible,

    the technical selection is taken a few steps further.

    Consider a pump and its input requirements whose duty

    fits into a hydraulic with an 8 in. discharge and a 15 in. impeller

    with 13 stages. Looking first at the BEP, the goal is to fall within

    specific flow parameters. For example, API 610 requires that the

    rated flow fall within 80 110% of the best efficiency flow rate.

    Likewise, the BEP value should be within a specific range of the

    impeller trim parameters. Should the BEP fall outside the range

    of values for which the existing hydraulic combination is

    designed, a shift in the curve would need to be made.Once the desired performance characteristics have been

    achieved, further research must go into determining the physical

    changes that must be made to the hydraulics. In several cases,Figure 1.Performance curves.

  • 8/13/2019 Pump Selection for the LNG Industry



    ENGINEERING Reprinted from July 2012

    the diffuser vane machining alone can be revised to

    meet the requirements. However, in cases where

    diffuser vanes are new, the design work required to

    submit a curve to a customer suddenly becomes

    more complicated. At this stage, the entire pump

    design must be considered, encompassing each

    hydraulic component and its housing, and interface

    dimensions throughout the entire assembly.

    Specific considerations include how vanes and

    their housings match up to the impeller and/or

    inducer, pump casings, shaft length, and motor size

    and its casing; all while taking into account the

    additional factors such as efficiency and NPSH

    levels. Figure 2 depicts a high pressure pump and all

    of its components, with the cut away showing the

    importance of each part and its interfaces.

    In order to optimise the performance of each

    pump and the customers process requirements,

    factors such as high efficiency and low NPSH

    levels are key. In an application where a pump isrequired to unload a tank, the NPSH levels should

    be as low as possible. Again, the proper hydraulic

    combination must be selected and designed to

    meet this condition. Likewise, high efficiency is

    desired and the proper combination together

    with the number of stages is paramount to

    achieving the best possible efficiencies. Motor

    power is often limited by site parameters as well

    as shut off head, since these affect downstream

    piping and interface requirements. It is clear from

    these basic first steps that there are several

    important factors impressing on the pumpselection process.

    Developing a cost basisOnce a selection has been made based on basic

    information and an overview of customer

    specifications, the remainder of the specifications

    and standards for which the proposal is being built

    should be noted. Review is focused on key factors

    that affect the design of the pump: from shut off

    head requirements and NPSH levels to motor ratings

    and column sizing for retractable style pumps; all of

    which affect performance and design. At this point in the process,

    the technical requirements and ideal resultant design have been

    identified but the financial impact still needs to be addressed. If

    necessary, further changes may be made to reduce cost.

    Larger columns and higher shut off head, higher NPSH levels,

    and efficiency are essential to pump design, but these factors

    also effectively increase costs or decrease potential income to

    the purchaser or end user. Consider a case where all of the

    specification requirements have been met, but better efficiency

    can be achieved by increasing the amount of stages through a

    higher specific speed. The customer may wish to trade the

    increased length to gain efficiency. All designs must ultimately

    be considered to optimise for performance and reliability.

    Specification packagesAssuming the pump selection meets the requirements of the

    specification package, deviations and exceptions must be taken

    accordingly. All requisition package

    specifications must be reviewed whose contents

    range from pump and motor standards such as

    API, NEMA, or DEP to customer specifications

    such as electrical, instrumentation, welding,

    piping, and quality inspection. There will be

    cases where a specification may not apply to

    the pump design at all. For example, API 610 in

    general does not apply to cryogenic, submerged

    motor pumps; nor do NEMA standards. The key

    point is that specifications come in varying

    degrees of magnitude, but considering each and

    every one of them is important to both the

    design and overall cost to the customer and

    pump manufacturer.

    As the industry has evolved, there has been

    a dramatic increase in the amount and

    complexity of specifications. This is all due to

    the expansion of the market into regions where

    standards may be different, safety codes havebeen enforced and environmental factors come

    into play. Alternatively, this may simply be

    because the cryogenic pump market has

    steadfastly grown to the point that site design is

    better understood. Furthermore, new markets

    such as floating storage and regasification units

    (FSRUs) have complicated the overall design of

    the supplied equipment. This is due to new

    physical design requirements, environmental

    footprint and location. Moreover, factors such

    as limited site space have created the need for

    modularised construction, which must be takeninto account when designing each piece of

    equipment: pumps and expanders included.

    Behind the budgetAt this point, a pump or expander selection has

    been made based on all of the specifications

    and standards relevant to the inquiry and

    deviations; exceptions or clarifications have

    been compiled accordingly. Through these

    exercises, the entire scope for the main

    equipment has been determined, as well as

    optional items such as spare parts, instrumentation, service and

    quality requirements in order to produce a budget and price

    summary for a proposal. In order to build a budget cost, a

    baseline structure is built or an existing structure is utilised to

    include the full pump or expander layout and its components.

    For accuracy, a budget is built considering all major

    components individually, as well as how they interface with

    one another (not excluding weldments, motors, and electrical

    components such as junction boxes and feedthrust). Once all

    components have been determined and fit into the structure,

    the specific design and their manufacturability must be


    Manufacturability refers to whether or not a part can or

    will be machined or forged from billet, or whether it can becast, or the type of machining. Cost and precision are key

    factors in these types of decisions, as are lead times. Moreover,

    when it comes to longer lead items whose design requires

    Figure 2.High pressurepump cut away.

  • 8/13/2019 Pump Selection for the LNG Industry


    larger amounts of materials and whose standards are strict, the

    overall design must be determined in advance (for example,

    suction vessels, headplates and suction valves). In essence, the

    entire pump layout must be considered in order to create an

    accurate structure.Due to the customisable nature of bespoke pump design

    and the volatility of the materials for which the pump is

    comprised, a budget can only loosely be based on past costs

    (Figure 3). In effect, it is almost necessary to base a unit cost and

    price on real time data, which can mean receiving individual

    quotes for each component. These trends and index prices are

    utilised to estimate current and future costs based on time of

    manufacture. For instance, typical marine application orders

    have deliveries more than one or two years past the purchase

    order date. In essence, in order to develop an accurate estimate,

    the quotation date, purchase order date, and delivery dates

    must all be referenced. Several hours and resources must be

    spent to produce an accurate budget whereby cost and price are

    favourable to the manufacturer and the customer. Together with

    increasingly complex specification packages and the

    expectation to create an accurate and complete commercial

    and technical proposal, the time required to prepare it can be

    quite extensive.

    ConclusionIn summary, the evolution of market demands has driven the

    way equipment is supplied, and therefore quoted, to the

    customer. A technical proposal can no longer be supplied

    based on a standard set of assumptions or specifications.

    Likewise, a commercial proposal can no longer be supplied

    based on these same factors. In effect, a scope of supply is no

    longer standard. The increasing requirements from customers

    in worldwide regions within the LNG industry have added a

    great deal of complexity to the process. This evolution willcontinue as the market demands for LNG increase and more

    players are involved. As for the process of making a proper

    selection, this too will adapt in time.




    Figure 3.Aluminum and stainless steel indexpricing.

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