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Pulsar HEALTHa Cello product

Pulsar Health supports your marketing decisions by giving you real-time, 360º views into what patients and health care professionals (HCP) think and feel.

Using unique data sources, intuitive analysis and world-leading data science, Pulsar Health helps you stay ahead of the competition by going far beyond the capabilities of traditional social listening tools.

Pulsar helped the DoH monitor changes in public concern around Ebola. An alert system informed their PR department of changes in discussion and sentiment through 24/7 analysis.

Weekly Pulsar reports were issued to provide learning on audience behaviour and information on influencers, allowing the DoH to ensure effective communications with the public.

Anthony Rowbottom of pharma focused digital agency Branding Science explains why Pulsar works well for them: “It’s the easiest platform to work with, and the most creative in its outputs.

Pulsar helped us advise a top pharma client very precisely on their communications strategy around the diabetes conversation, including a real-time approach for them to stay ahead of competition.”

Porter Novelli London started using Pulsar in 2015, when they needed to benchmark the social equity of their healthcare client against its competitors. Simon Sanett, Associate Director, Digital & Content

Strategy, says: “I would sum up Pulsar in three words: robust, flexible and innovative. What I really love is that they listen to our feedback and add client suggestions to their development cycle.”

The Food Standards Agency have been using Pulsar for the past 18 months after they discovered a correlation between mentions on Norovirus on Twitter, and lab report data. Sian Thomas,

Head of Information Management at FSA, says: “We now have an 80% accuracy rate in predicting outbreaks the following week - that’s so much higher than we expected.”

"Pulsar quickly helped us spot public concerns on Ebola."

"You get more than data: you get actionable insights."

"I have found Pulsar great to work with - they really listen."

"The scope for social data in research is huge."

Pulsar HEALTH enablesresearchers and planners to:

Pulsar’s unique audience builder enables you to identify HCP and specific patient groups worldwide, on both Twitter and Facebook. This helps you identify:

Result: By segmenting your audiences and understanding their behaviour online, your communications are much more targeted.

Understand your audience of HCPs and patients

which individuals influence the debate on key therapy areas and see content they are sharing

the size of their influencer network and its dynamics

the location, demographics and interests of your patient and HCP audience

Pulsar HEALTH enablesresearchers and planners to:

Pulsar Health gives you powerful text and visual analytics of all public social media, news, and forum content. This enables you to get close to any therapy area globally to identify:

Result: By zooming in on topics, channels and influencers and making informed decisions, you can be much more effective in getting your message across to the relevant audience.

Understand the landscape of a therapy area

which unmet needs are being expressed by patients, caregivers or HCPs

the size, location of the discussion by each stakeholder group

channels which are driving the debate

emotional responses expressed in the language and visual content

Use Pulsar Health’s integrated brand level metrics to measure the ROI of your digital activity. By combining the impact of all your channels together, you can:

Result: Understanding what drives success on your own channels in context of competition will help you prove your marketing efforts to your clients or your stakeholders and amplify marketing success.

Evaluate campaigns & benchmark brand healthPulsar HEALTH enablesresearchers and planners to:

visualise how each channel contributes to your overall brand footprint in social media and benchmark this against your competitor

understand what drives its viral appeal, to create more engaging content

track any social digital content and see how it is shared in realtime

see how your campaign posts are performing by engagement, reach and visibility as well as by media, topic or any custom category

Our specialist team of account managers and consultants will support you every step of the way to ensure you get the best out of Pulsar Health.



Training sessions with all your key

stakeholders on how to use the

platform, tailored to your

specific objectives

Tackling regulatory issues head on

to avoid costly errors e.g. Designing

Adverse Reporting Programmes

Setting up your audience panels to

maximum efficiency

Understanding what success looks like

for your team, and putting the right

support package in place


Ongoing consulting to help you set up

your research projects

In-app chat and support to give you

real-time support

Helpdesk to support your team 24/7


Whether you have a one-off deadline or need a regular report, our team of healthcare researchers can help. We will set up your projects and deliver insight and recommendations via a range of customised reports, including:

Managing Adverse Event Reporting

Weekly or monthly social media insights

Product launch or campaign reviews

Real-time crisis reporting

Insight report responding to specific business questions or therapy area

Early asset therapy landscape reviews and strategic positioning analysis

Mapping audiences, their social networks and interests

Influencer mapping for strategic social media PR

Identifying need states for innovation projects

Get in touch: [email protected]

+44(0) 20 7874 6599

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